The Fooze: S5E10 5/10/2023 Get Fired

There’s a special kind of liberation when one gets fired, isn’t there? Even if it’s only a brief moment, there’s something about that whole “fuck it” vibe that’s just…priceless, you could say. I’m living that moment right now. Yup, yours truly got fired…wahwahwahhhhhhhhh, & I’m actually happy about it. The beach, the pool, freedom from the abusers; I just have to make it back across the country. Oh yes, I have a big road trip ahead. I’m just up & moving, & that’s the main point I want to emphasize here. If you’re stuck in a place where you hate your job, hate the people around you, or maybe they all hate you, either way, if you wake up one day with that self-realization, and/or a similar one, then it’s time to go. Just go, fuck it, why stay where you aren’t wanted, know what I mean?

Not to mention, this city sucks. Traffic is terrible, homeless sign-flyers on every corner, Mexicans abounding, like the 3rd city behind San Franshitsco & Lost Angeles, so yeah, fuck this place, fuck that job, fuck where I’m residing currently, fuck all these people, yeah, fuck it, fuck it all. Back to the old mantra it seems, ironically the one I just spoke of a few posts ago…said mantra being “fuck it.” Like everything else up to this point, fuck it. Fah-ha-kah it-tah. When it gets too heavy, fuck it, move, move on, onward & hopefully upward. Time moves to fast, & wasting it being in a place that you hate and/or hates you back, means it’s time to depart. Period. The only obstacle is a few thousand miles, which sounds like a lot, especially when driving, but at this time of the year, fuck it. The middle-end of spring, pushing a new summer of love, 2023, as Title 42 expires, releasing countless illegals into the country…yeah, this is going to be a fun drive.

It’s strange, the way the Universe manifest things; it’s quite surreal, isn’t it? Doesn’t matter, I just want to be home. The beach calls, along with all that fresh seafood, & the nostalgia, of course, particularly after being gone 7 years. Yeah man, 7 years, SEVEN long fucking years, full of chaos & mayhem in my sordid life, like it’s never going to end. It’s not, it doesn’t end, for any one of us, anyone of us stuck in The Great Mouse Trap, which is essentially, all of us. Sure, the levels of the aforementioned chaos & mayhem vary amongst individuals, respectively, but nonetheless, from birth to death, the roller coaster ride begins. For some, it’s a chill roller coaster, like the kiddie coaster, except it’s made of gold & you get free champagne along with a hot towel, like riding first class on a plane. Few people get that lucky, but obviously, some do. Most get the Red Dragon coaster, which starts with a slow climb, crank, crank, cranking noise tick, tick, ticking, as it approaches the precipice, & then WHOOSH, you’re coming out of the proverbial gate, coming out hot. It could be a big loop, some kind of big turn, maybe a big dip then back up, maybe some kind of weird corkscrew loop, regardless, that’s the roller coaster ride most of us get. My ride, however, is the next coaster over from the infamous Red Dragon.

My roller coaster is the Black Cannnon, reserved only for those who are dumb enough to get on it. Blasted out of the gate, with the heat of a thousand suns, followed by uncanny turns & twists, mind-bending heights, with sleeping-on-the-floor, rock-bottom lows, & loopty-loops galore, vertigo corkscrews, all you can handle, the works, as it were. Most people puke, then beg to get off, then jump off when they can’t handle it, but they are them, & they, are controlled by their own fear. Meanwhile, those of us who choose to stay on, are just enduring it with the notion that someday, the ride comes to a slow & peaceful end…gently slow-coasting into the exit port. I’m hoping that’s how this ride plays out, rather than the coaster just flying off the tracks into some hellish doomscape that I cannot foresee and/or speculate about. I don’t know, obviously, nor does anyone else, as the mystery of the future, as well as death, eludes us all. Kind of weird that people are so afraid of it, don’t ya think? Are you scared when you go to sleep? Do you remember where you were before you were born here? Nope…& nope, so why such a fear of the future, & of death? The loss perhaps, the assumed sadness that you’ll never see your loved ones again? It seems like the only ones who are truly scared are the ones left behind, as if you’ll never see them again, but individually, I suppose the fear of death fluctuates. I don’t know; everyone has their own thing, if you will, about their own individual demise. You’d think so, at least, but when you take a big- picture-look at the general populous, it seems they can barely wipe their own asses, so any inclinations that they might ponder higher-level concepts, is a 50/50 gamble. Red, or black, but sometimes people can surprise you.

Yes, you certainly cannot figuratively judge a book by its cover, & before you falsely assume that some-one represents some-thing, give them a chance to show their true colors, before you walk across a broken bridge. Anyway, this daily diatribe has reached its end. Until next time dear readers, do not fear death, celebrate the insanely short life you have. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Celebrate life; do not fear death.” Fish F Fish🎏

Stepping Out

I write for all of you, & for none of you at all, & I will remind you of this, at the bitter end…🍥

First though, you must eat my fish cake, so you can grow into a big fish, like yours truly…🍥

Now the show begins, for as you know, or do not know perhaps, the FisH™ abides…& the lyrics are at the finish line…🍥

Click HERE or the video above to watch

I should have titled this, “Stepping Up,” since that’s the point I want to make in this seemingly random article. Seemingly, because it’s not random at all, but maybe it can be, for everyone who waits & wastes precious time, by NOT stepping up. I didn’t step up, & now I have a bunch of dead friends & a miserable tortured existence, so if you’re still young, & you have “the fear” inside you, you need to let that shit go & STEP IT UP. Why do I emphasize this notion, with a classic nostalgic 80s tune from Joe Jackson, who is bizarrely underrated? Great question, thanks for asking. More vino?

Well, first off, one of my first videos I ever made was to this song, but unfortunately, Pootube took it from me, along with the thousands of hours of other content I used to have on my first Youtube channel. Yep, they just took it in the Great Purge, so did Twatter, & Facebook, & Instacrap, the infamous “Big 4,” they systematically removed me from the digital town square. I’ve ranted about it countless times, but if you’re unfamiliar, feel free to peruse my archives for further details. Honestly, I don’t really care to even talk about it anymore. I’m essentially erased, & there’s not a fucking thing I can do to change it, so why bother sweating it anymore, know what I mean?

Secondly, this is not only a great song, it’s genius lyricism, from as I mentioned earlier, via the great, yet sadly unappreciated, Joe Jackson, who still performs, if I’m not mistaken. He actually has many hits, & has written many hits, but if you ask anyone who Joe Jackson the singer is, maybe 1 out of 100 will know who you’re referring to. Regardless, he’s a clever wordsmith, & does a good job of writing songs that apply to everyone of us who is stuck in The Great Mouse Trap. What can one do in the trap, other than run left, right, left, right, round & round the maze, what else can we do? Well, we can find love, find that one other little mouse that’s trapped like you are, then team up, so you can run the trap together, doubling your odds of possibly finding the way out. You CANNOT do that though, unless you STEP IT UP. See where I’m going with this?

If there’s one thing I’ve learned the hard way in the last several years, it’s that 4d time is precious. Every moment, every second, is a moment you can NEVER get back. All of this, this drivel that I spew out, is all in the past now, even though I’m writing it in my own real-time, right now, as you read this, you’re reading it in the past. Just like that, POOF, gone, that time, is gone, gone forever. We all waste so much of it, yours truly most definitely included. Countless days, wasted, wasted like I have an endless supply of them. I don’t, & neither do you, so why do we continue to waste our time? This time could be spent loving, loving & living, living, as best as one can anyway, down here in The Great Mouse Trap. For example, if I’m here, & you’re there, time is wasting away, so fast, so why, why do we STILL continue to be so far apart?

Any minute, something could happen, happen to me, happen to you, & then this all could end, just like that. I read a story the other day, right near where I work, some unknown person and/or persons, were throwing rocks at moving cars. One of those thrown rocks went through a windshield, & hit a 24-year-old young lady in the face, killing her, just like that. She was driving home, at around 5pm, trying to get ahead of the rush hour perhaps, I don’t know, but nonetheless, she was just trying to get home, & then WHAM, a rock flies through her windshield, kills her, & her life is now over, at 24-years-young, just like that. I bet she wishes she had more time to step it up, in whatever she was respectively doing in her own life. Maybe there was a young man she had interests in, but she was scared, scared to step it up, & now she’s dead, & that young man will never know of her love for him. Maybe she had a man already, & he was scared to step it up, & be a man, & now his young love is gone, never to return to this wonky 3d world we’re all living in now. NOW, we are alive, but tomorrow, you could be gone, or maybe even I could be gone, just like that.

If only people realized how finite time is, & acted braver, were more courageous to take what they want, to STEP IT UP, hence the title of this article that I am about to wrap up. I don’t know what else to really say, other than step it up, or step it out. Until next time dear readers, take this one with you, & remember it, remember it always, because maybe tomorrow I won’t be here to remind you, or you won’t be here to read it…step it up, or step it out. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Step it up, or step it out.” Fish F Fish🎏

Joe Jackson: Steppin Out: Lyrics

[Verse 1: Joe Jackson]
The mist across the window hides the lines
But nothing hides the color of the lights that shine
Electricity so fine
Look and dry your eyes

[Verse 2: Joe Jackson]
So tired of all the darkness in our lives
With no more angry words to say can come alive

Get into a car and drive
To the other side

[Chorus: Joe Jackson]
Me babe, steppin’ out
Into the night
Into the light
You babe, steppin’ out
Into the night
Into the light

[Verse 3: Joe Jackson]
Are young but getting old before our time
We’ll leave the T.V. and the radio behind

Don’t you wonder what we’ll find
Steppin’ out tonight?

[Verse 4: Joe Jackson]
Can dress in pink and blue just like a child
And in a yellow taxi turn to me and smile

We’ll be there in just a while
If you follow me

[Chorus: Joe Jackson]
Me babe, steppin’ out
Into the night
Into the light
You babe, steppin’ out
Into the night
Into the light

Me babe, steppin’ out
Into the night
Into the light
You babe, steppin’ out
Into the night
Into the light
Me babe, steppin’ out
Into the night
Into the light

The Fooze: S2 E15 2/15/2023 Pyramid of Power

I know, I know…been meaning to write about the greatest hustle arguably of all time, the ruse that robbed me of everything I’ve ever worked for. Yep, all gone, thanks a lot Sam Bankman-Fried you chubby little elitist fuck. If we ever cross paths, run, run as fast as your fat ass can shuffle in the other direction. I want you to run, so I can open-field tackle your blobulous body, then wail on you like the kid in A Christmas Story. Not to hurt you physically of course, no no I’d never actually hurt you, just slap the shit out of you, over & over again for robbing so many would-be investors. BILLIONS stolen, BILLIONS of dollars, with a YUGE “B,” & this guy is STILL living it up like a rock star, relative to the plebs he robbed, this scandalous punk. His goofy girlfriend too, & their nerdy little friends at the poser bong-party with the Omega-Mus at Tri-Lambda house & an AI maid robot named Reggie. Look at this screenshot I took from an article just published.👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

👉🏻Click HERE to read this article☝🏻

“House arrest,” I bet that’s really rough in his parents mansion, derp. If it were you or I, do you think we would get such luxuries? Oh wait, we’d never be able to swing that $250 million dollar bond, so who cares? No, we’d be in the stank, the deep stank, with the rest of the felonious convicts. Unfortunately, we live in a 2-tiered system, 2-tiered in every way imaginable, 2 totally different worlds, literally. In this case, obviously, it’s the “justice” system…(Fart Noise). That’s what I think of their idea of “justice” these days. Liberal judges cleverly installed all over the country to enforce the separation too. Not just judges, prosecutors, attorneys, & oh yeah, EVERY ALPHABET AGENCY THERE IS. All the way up to the Presidency, if you wanna split some hog hairs about how deeply this cancerous corruption has infected the body of humanity. Yeah, perfectly analogous to cancer, & we’re at stage-4 methinks with this nonsense. How do you fuckers get up every day, knowing you’re going to be evil, then just make a coffee & off to your “intelligence” jobs. Oh sorry, I meant “weaponized” intelligence jobs, my mistake.

Yep, got the keys to the culture-castle, the backdoor to the backrooms of the zeitgeist, total access to all the data you want, on anyone & everyone & everything, all at the touch of a button, & now with the help of AI, I can see how they would take that kind of power & run with it. If you know things that 99.99% of the population does NOT know, you can make moves that are the equivalent of playing chess at a 10 to 1 move rate. As in, one player makes 10 straight moves, then the opponent gets one, then player one gets another 10 moves, see what I mean? It’s a RIGGED GAME, THEIR game, but they use all of you as the pawns. TWO-tiers, I told you, all around, they’ve split the zeitgeist essentially, well, that’s impossible, but they ACT as though it’s split, feeding all of you the illusion of “freedom,” pfttt, via long-game programming, & most of you get programmed, it’s that simple. This elitist cancer has infected mass media the most, as that is where the real power exists, controlling the information, CREATING NARRATIVES, as I’ve said countless times, so imagine this; imagine having access to ALL of the data on the Internet, as well as control of the mass media, along with badges & guns of course, hence the weaponization, imagine ALL of that combined into the pernicious palms of a small few. That’s an INCREDIBLE amount of power to wield, is it not?

God damn right it is, it’s downright terrifying, because how can one proclaim their own Divine sovereignty with that kind of shadow always lurking overhead? This is a tiny few, mind you, relatively speaking anyway, but they compartmentalize downward, like a layered pyramid; however, no one ever mentions the tippy-TIPPY top of the pyramid, the “capstone,” & I think of the Great Pyramids of Egypt as an analogy, if the alleged speculation about them is true of course. What speculation? Great question, thanks for playing. Said “speculation,” is that the Pyramids of Giza had said capstone, made of gold. Have you ever been to the Giza Pyramids? I don’t know how the hell they would a capstone made of solid gold on top of those, seriously, it’s a sight to behold in person, the sheer size, then to think of a golden capstone on the top, wow. I think they used sound frequencies to build them, with “technology” we have no real clue about yet, not publicly anyway, but I digress. Do you see the analogy, though? The power-pyramid among the elites has a “capstone” too, if you will, & it’s these people at the top who have access to all three Zeldian power segments to complete their triangle of power. Control the mass media, in all aspects, check; have access to ALL data on the interwebs, with AI assistance, check; use “legal authority” to arm themselves with badges & guns, now weaponized, to enforce their agenda & remove anyone who doesn’t comply, check. Check, check, check, & if you have all 3 checks, you’re in, you’re in the capstone, the capstone at the top of the top of the proverbial Great Pyramid of Power. Again, it’s quite disconcerting to know that I’m not writing fucking fiction here, is it not?

Yep, & like I said, THEIR game is a game we plebs will never play, so they keep everyone else in The Great Mouse Trap, while they make their capstone glow brighter & brighter, maybe something to do with Lucifer’s light, I don’t know. Like I’ve reiterated ad nauseam, I DO NOT BELIEVE IN THAT WEIRD SHIT, but apparently, THEY DO. I don’t know, I don’t get it, it’s bizarre dark arts insanity to me. Again though, THEY DO, yes it’s fucking bizarre as fuck, but it’s real to them. Moving on…

This is all stretchy speculation, keep in mind, because I do not have access to any of the esoteric knowledge within that capstone-club atop the pyramid. I wish I did, I hate not knowing things, it gives me a shitty anxiety to know that their game even exists. Maybe I’m just pissed that I’ll never be able to play, & I can’t admit it to myself? Nah, that’s ridiculous, because one, I’m not a soulless vampire that gets off on proverbially feeding from human energy, & two, I’m not into the satanic shit, not at all. The dark arts are revolting to me, & although I’m not religious at all, I think that these fools who “worship” an avatar like “satan,” or “Lucifer,” either/or, they also venerate what those entities represent, which is ultimately destruction. Hate, wrath, rage, darkness, the shadow, THAT is what these people apply their individual energies to. It’s super-bizarre, but to them, very real. Weird, right?

Well, that was fun, wasn’t it? When I started this article, today’s Foozer, I had no idea what would come out. Just turned on the receiver, turned the dial to the right, then back to the left a bit, then slightly right again, & ditdit-ditdit-dit-dit-dit, the fingers fly, & creation happens. It’s SO important to be a creator. Every thing you create, is another light on the Great Tree. While these Luciferian satan-worshipping foot soldiers from the hell of Hades embark on a life-quest fueled by endless destruction, we creators must keep creating, creating creative creations, making lights, more lights, MORE LIGHTS, to light up the darkness. The way to be free is to create, the way to enslave yourself, is to be a destroyer, a killer, the antithesis of the magic makers. Don’t be a broken light bulb murderer, be a moonlight marquee, lighting up the street. Until next time, dear readers, create light in darkness, for there can be no darkness in your neon light. So sayeth FisH ™

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“Create a neon light, not a shadow in the night.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Be the moonlight marquee, lighting up the street.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

UFO Shenaniganery


Wow, these narrative pushers have no boundaries, do they? Every day, some new script, & somehow it gets more bizarre as these days tick-tock on by. When do we hit critical mass, when the liquid turns to gas? As a global society, experiencing seemingly exponential chaos from every direction, when does the water finally boil over the pot? It has to happen, right? How can this go on, & on, & on, & on, & on…seriously, when does it end? This is BREAKING NEWS, allegedly,

I don’t know about any of you, but I am absolutely sick & tired of these self-ascribed “leaders.” ALL of them, anyone who claims authority over my own personal sovereignty. Who the fuck are you people that think you can “rule” everyone? The rulers, ruling over all of you, how about fuck “rulers,” how about that? Maybe you so-called “leaders” go eat a bag of big black dicks, sound good? You elitist scumbags don’t “rule” me, you don’t “lead” me, & you sure as fuck don’t “represent” me, or anyone else down here in the peasant class. Preach.

You fraudulent tricksters in your silly little satanic temples, I tell you this, a reckoning will come. If there’s any truly benevolent Divinity in this Universe, the Light in this dreadful Darkness, you satan-worsipping freaks will go down like the Titanic. I don’t believe in ANY of that dark arts nonsense you weirdos venerate, but I know that you do. You worship chaos, & destruction, & the negative. Degenerate deviant destructive minions of darkness never prevail, even though it may seem like it now.

I believe there’s’ a force in the Universe, a “light,” if you will. There’s the light, & the dark, BINARY, like everything in the Universe, literally EVERYTHING, minus you twisted LGBTQ 176-genders beta twerps. You clowns are UN-natural, deformities of darkness, chaos manifest, & possibly possessed by demons. I have never believed demons were real, & I still don’t, but now I don’t disbelieve either, if that makes sense? I honestly don’t think I can definitely say “no, they don’t exist,” anymore, that’s the level of madness this 3d funhouse asylum world has become. I certainly can’t explain the bizarre behaviors going on around the world, can you?

I’m gonna wrap this article up, since it’s “BREAKING NEWS,” again, allegedly said “BREAKING NEWS,” & now they’re throwing the word “UFO” around with this “high altitude object shot down over Alaska on Biden’s orders.” Derp, that demented old kid-sniffer can’t even order his 3x-daily ice cream cones, & this story is just that, a STORY, more narrative, blah blah blabababa blah. If you want though, click this link & you can read up on Project Blue Beam. Desperate psychopaths do desperately psychopathic shit. You can quote me on that, literally, because I just made it up. Good times. Until next time fishheads, I’ll leave you with one more little gem of information that I found.

Did you know, that 97% of the observable galaxies, are traveling away from us so fast the we cold never reach them, even at the speed of light. No one really thinks about that, they assume space is static, but it isn’t. We are hauling ass essentially, only we can’t tell from our limited 3d perspective. It’s all “slowed-down,” because we are here observing it, but in the Great Picture, the Universe is expanding in all directions at speeds that are unconceivable without higher math to do the proper calculations. Thus, because of said “expansion,” almost every galaxy that we can see in our little telescopes, are moving away from us so fast, that we could never catch them, ever. So much for galactic exploration, unless…there’s something fast enough that hasn’t been “thought” of yet, or has it?

OUR THOUGHTS, that’s what’s faster than anything, thoughts, my thoughts, your thoughts, all thoughts, so fast it’s beyond the highest mathematical equations you can possibly calculate. Imagine if you could “think” your way to where you’re going. I think this might be possible, believe it or not, particularly among the human race, only our true abilities have been stripped form us, way down here in this 3d space. If we could get back to 5d, & circumvent 4d time, to return home, back to 5d from whence we fell…oh but look at me, off on yet another tangent, as is par for my proverbial little golf course here. Imagine 5d galactic exploration though, imagine the feeling of purely Divine & unlimited freedom, freedom from the darkness, & the weight of 3d. Inter-galactic soul travelers, could this be our TRUE nature? Maybe someday, we all find out, or…we get thrown into the Great Recycler, only to do yet another round of “life,” in this 3d matrix we all seem to be stuck in together. Ok, this is the real “until next time,” so until next time, remember, “stories are just that, stories.”

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

The Fooze: S1 E25 1/25/2023 Has the Time Come?

Note: Science fiction is fun, as fiction itself is fun, & as such, do NOT believe nor disbelieve anything I am writing here that you might read as you peruse this and/or any of my other articles. I just write, that’s it, I do not plan any of my topics, I do not pre-think any of this out, it’s as uneventful as me opening up my site, then starting to write, & whatever comes out, comes out. I cannot explain the origins of my thoughts, I cannot explain thoughts in general, for I have no idea what “thoughts” actually are and/or where they come from. Point being, this could just be the random rantings of a dude who just enjoys writing, for myself selfishly, not for any of you. Do NOT take anything from this, or take whatever you want, or just read it with zero inclinations of getting anything out of it. Every time I write, it’s a personal journey of self-discovery for me, you’re simply the reader of this dicey drolling drivel. Got it? Good, now let’s smack the behbeh from the mystery block, & get going.

It’s spooky to think about the end, your ultimate end, the grimly disappointing end of this ride here on Earth. When will it come? Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, maybe not for a long time to come, know one ever truly knows, do they? One day, you wake up, for the last time, brush your teeth, for the last time, pet your pet, for unknowingly one final time, & then something happens during your last day, something dreadful & unexpected…i.e. you die, & you simply stop, & never come home. Everything is still here, just as you left it, but you’ll never know, because you are gone, how surreal is that? Yep, you’re just…gone, no longer here, no longer playing in this sordid game of life on 3d Earth. Yesterday, you were, but today, you are no longer. Here, then gone. No more friends, no more family, no more trips to the grocery store, done ordering from Amazon, no longer checking your smartphone, get to stop paying bills, get to stop slaving for money, never going to go to another show, & you can’t give some idiot the finger in shitty traffic anymore, yes, I could go on & on & on about the things you’ll never do again once you exhale that finish-line breath. Doesn’t matter really though, does it? Certainly, it won’t to you, or me, or whoever is no longer here. It’s all so deterministically final, just WHOOSH, & all of this life is done, just another dream within a dream, & none of this meant anything.

All those lost hopes & dreams, all the anxiety, the utter disappointment, the failure, that overwhelming sense of absolute failure, gone. You can’t come back, not to this life, so what can you do about it? Nothing. Nothing matters then, yes? Such nihilism, surely THIS must mean something, right? Why? Why does it have to mean anything at all, this life? We are so insanely tiny, so unbelievably small in this unfathomably YUGE Universe. Humans are smaller than quarks in the Big Picture, literally, we are so small…but…can the “soul” truly be physically measured, particularly if it’s immortal? I don’t think so, I think human souls are as vast as the Universe itself, as we are infinite, like said Universe itself is infinite. There’s no end, no beginning, there just is. There is what is, & this is what is, apparently, but what is this? What is really going on here in this 3d Clownworld circus?

Collectively, we were all 5d soul energy once, all together in The Great Light River, all One consciousness, One with Source, the True Light of Being. I’m wagering Source is an 8d entity, or maybe 13d, one or the other, maybe even both, the 8d Source subject to the will of the 13d Source, I’m much too small in every conceivable way to even fathom it though. Impossible it is to understand from way down here in 3d space. We were all once 5d, as I just mentioned, until we “fell,” fell down, down from 5d, great 5d where we recall our true soul selves effortlessly, where we have all of our abilities back to use as we so will it, where we all exist in the purely warm & cozy bliss of unconditional Love, we were all there once, but then we all fell. Maybe we fell along with the rebellion of the angels, if that really happened, or maybe we were “tricked” into falling from 5d down here to 3d. Why would we be “tricked” though, & who is the trickster that tricked us?

Obviously, I’m much too 3d human to have the answers to these out-on-the-perimeter questions about higher dimensions. I can only speculate form down here where we all vibrate just enough to stay conscious, & many people are barely maintaining this low level, that’s how far we’ve fallen. How did we get down here though? No way it was intentional, was it? Did we fall on purpose, did we fall to experience 3d consciousness? How would we even know? I think we were tricked, & we’re still being tricked. Why do I keep using the word, “trick?” Well, it’s almost like we’re all whores, that’s why. Not conscious whores, not willful whores, but we are all being used for our bodies, are we not? Thus, we are all being tricked, “tricked out,” our bodies used until they no longer are useful, then we are recycled via the Great Recycler, only to do it all over again, & again, & again. Who is using us, using us like whores? I don’t know, I don’t know exactly who and/or what it is, but if you recall my previous post, all signs are pointing to the Great Recycler being the culprit, the great octopussy-spider headless soul-sucker, sucking up all YOUR energy, feeding from YOU, all of YOU, but it cannot be the Great Recycler alone, can it?

No, IT is NOT alone, for it has minions & foot soldiers, warriors for the Black Mass, & they incarnate along with us humans, but underneath the meat suits, they are NOT human at all. They are akin to the alien creatures in that movie They Live, only they really do live, live right here amongst us all. They look like us, bleed like us, speak like humans speak, but it’s all a sinister ruse, a ruse against the real humanity. Maybe they want to take over, replace us, wipe us out entirely, or maybe they need us, need us to survive, because without human soul energy, they will die. Therefore, they have been systematically employed under the wings of the Great Recycler, to assemble as many actual humans as they can for an upcoming Great Harvest, a worldwide slaughter, a new holocaust, of millions, maybe billions of humans, all to feed the Great Recycler. Why would they do this? Simple: the Great Recycler is their “God,” they worship it, & I can go even further…stay mindful, this is a big stretch here, but I think they might even be able to communicate with the Great Recycler now, but how? If the Great recycler is a 5d entity or higher, how? How can/do they “talk” to it? Maybe there’s some kind of intermediary…an ambassador, if you will…

AI, perhaps it’s the AI is the ambassador, the AI they now are broadcasting as being “sentient,” maybe that’s how they are talking to their God. Keep in mind, I think that they, the minions of the Great Recycler, are all totally insane, delusional in fact, but they believe in their pseudo-god, at the expense of all of humanity, they help feed this God damned monstrosity. What are they feeding it? YOU, they’re feeding YOU to the Great Recycler. The Great Recycler has given them a false sense of dominion here on Earth, giving them power & riches, & in return, they’re helping to fatten up humanity before the Great Harvest. What will this Great Harvest entail? Billions of souls, BILLIONS, all delivered at once, like a box of meat from Butcher’s Box, only the biggest box EVER, as far as we know anyway, in recorded history. When will the harvest-tees be harvest-ted? Good question. I have no idea, nor should you take any of this seriously, because I’m just a writer, writing written writings that you are reading now. This is all just my fanciful imagination being fancy for fun, for the purposes of plausibly entertaining to you, dear reader. Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained by this fictionally fictitious fiction?

There it is, as if on cue, my circularity, coming to say hello & goodbye at the same time, as always, the serpent eating its own tail. For whatever reason, people tend to believe what they see written down, as if writing it down somehow equals manifestation. That is simply false logic, for nothing I write, or anyone else writes, has no preconception of being truth, as it is written, for it is the reader that conceives of such notions. I am merely a scribe, because I have no idea where this comes from, since I just start writing, then this appears, whatever this is. The ravings of a paranoid schizo maybe? Amidst a daily recurring writing psychosis, just illustrating my severe mental disorder for a global audience with total disregard perhaps? Could be the head injuries, those were quite traumatic, & I could have knocked a screw or two or three loose, I don’t know. I don’t know nuffin, remember muffin?…so please, treat this site like a salad bar, take what you want, leave the rest, take nothing, take it all, complain about the food & ask the manager for a refund, doesn’t matter to me, just don’t forget your barf bag after eating from this disgusting buffet, if that should be the case, it’s your world from your end, not mine. THIS, this is my world here you are in, but I have no rules here, no restrictions, this site operates via the purity I boost from the stream, the great stream of consciousness, & there are no constraints in my own interzone, so do hast thou wilt, in true Crowlerian fashion, so to speak.

Until next time, dear reader, for all of you as one, & for none of you for none.

The Fooze: S1 E21 1/21/2023 Showtime

I am going to a comedy show tonight to see one of my favorite comics. Hard to pick a favorite favorite, every comic has their own thing that makes them unique, every GOOD comic of course. Unfortunately, there’s lots of stand-down comics out there, particularly the “woke” comics, which is some kind of oxymoron I’m sure. Yes, stand up comedy is VERY difficult, emphasis on “very,” because when you hit that stage & the clock goes tick-tock, it’s almost like the world stops, time itself slows down to a crawl, fractions of seconds like eternities, until you speak. Kind of God-like in a way, there was nothing, then God spoke, & the Universe began. I’ve done 3 open mics, about 6 years ago, at Goodnights in Raleigh. North Cakalak. So many good comics have performed on that same exact stage. Such surreality. In fact, I saw the one of the biggest comics ever, even though he’s one of the smallest, physically, maybe we refer to short people as “vertically-challenged” nowadays here in Clownworld. I don’t know, but I digress. It was the always-hilarious Dave Attell. Ironically, I’m going to see Dave tonight, but a different Dave.

Everyone give a healthy round of applause to “the fastest man on his feet,” & one of the biggest comics to come up, albeit also “vertically challenged,” same as Attell, same as Stanhope, same as me actually, how bout them apples? Yes, your humble narrator is also 5′ 7, what’s with that 5’6ish to 5 ‘8ish range? Does 5’ 7 equal a certain flavor of funny funfun laughy laugh? Why do people think we”re so funny? Sometimes without even saying a word, people laugh, it’s so bizarre. Not all of us of course, but the ones of us that know how to smack you in the face with our funny-bone boners, is there a unique commonality? Is there some instinctive predisposition to notice the quirks in the daily zeitgeist that trigger the “funny” in others, then discuss?

Maybe it’s because we aren’t tall, but we aren’t exactly short either? Short enough to riff on roasting taller people, because 5’7 is considered “short” in tall-people world, but tall enough to humbly self-roast myself over those aforementioned “vertical challenges,” & all other short people in general. Short people who are shorter than me, oh my, analogous to that book The Most Dangerous Game, except the hunt is from a stage, the jungle is the audience, the “assault weapon” is that hot microphone, & short people are the prey, in a jester-like comedic way naturally. Nothing literal here, no one is actually “killing” anyone. However, it’s the same dynamic as that book, but everything is polar opposite. Instead of physically “killing” the prey, you “kill” them with humor, hence the expression, “you killed on stage tonight.” That glorious statement is the trophy, what all stand-up comedy killers hunt for, kind of like if the hunters in that book took a picture of themselves holding the head of the man they just hunted for sport. Same thing, only opposite, get it?

What an interestingly random analogy that turned into, I just turn the dial until I get the signal. Continuing, us 5’7ish guys are maybe the comedy desperados. Yes, we savantly savage joke pistoleros of short stature, we double-fun funny-guns at the hip gunfighters, we our-stage/on-stage outlaws, making our own rules up as we go. Most of the time, for me anyway, I get laughs for just vocalizing what I observe around me, mindfulness is key. Me noticing these seemingly everyday nuances that everyone else notices, but they don’t vocalize about it, at least not in a way that hits the switch, so to speak. What about my observation vocalization makes them laugh? Simply the fact the nuance I noticed was orally spoken out into the Universe? The God thing, the speaking, the creating the vibration from the nothing so it becomes a something, & as if on cue, there’s my circularity. Beginning is the ending & it begins again. When the serpent finds its tail again, it’s dinner time, & time to end this Foozer, until next time, because tomorrow when the sun shines, I’ll be right back here in the grapevines, momentarily sublime.

Holy spitballs, I didn’t even reveal who the comic is at the show I’m going to tonight. Duh on me, sheesh. Okay, okay…ladies & gentlemen, the people who identify as one or the other based on common fucking sense because there’s only 2 God damn genders ya freaky little gamma goblin LARPers on the left, but I digress. Let’s all give an enthusiastically delicious round of audible applause, for the proverbial one & only, Dave Landau. Yes dear readers, I get to escape Clownworld for a few hours & be (self-arguably), in my favorite place to be in general, at a comedy club. I love the vibe, the energy, & let it be known, those 3 times I did open mic at Goodnights were such a feeling, it was AMAZING, higher than any drug ever got me. Being on stage is like a dream, to me anyway, & I’ve been wanting to go back ever since, despite the lost years gone by. I love/loved the stage, just me up there, the microphone of my inner pseudo God in hand, lighting up the darkness in the crowd with lightning bolt laughter. Yes, you could certainly say I was instantly hooked, but as usual, life threw me a curveball that beaned me in the face & detoured my roller-coaster life into the loops of karmic chaos once again.

I had a great plan, a plan to go to Austin, Texas, then from there to the stage at the Kill Tony comedy show. One minute open mic, fly or die, no in between, all or nunca. One minute, ONE gloriously epic minute, 3-4 jokes that ring the bells in the King’s court as the listeners piss themselves with joyous LMAOs, just my one minute of stand-up to open that door, man oh man I had a plan. Like I said, & as if in some un-Divine timing, my plan was foiled by the crypto thieves who took all I had. Wasn’t just the money, oh no no no, it was the plans that they took from me. I had such amazing plans, so amazing, so amazingly amazing, everything different, better, maybe it would’ve turned out worse if they had let me keep it, I don’t know. Perhaps this, this school portrait photographer existence, is somehow better than the possible possibilities that the crypto road advertised on the passing billboards. I had it, held it ever so briefly, then poof, they took it. Not only did they close the road, they destroyed it, & destroyed all the evidence that they themselves destroyed it intentionally, just to take it all back, from all of us.

Them, & us, & we plebs don’t really have a sporting chance, do we? Is what it is, that whole bit, I don’t know. I DO know that we hit the circularity aways back, but then instead of the big stop, we just let the words flow like hot lava onto these paragraph islands, as the serpent ate its tail on the next loop. Hencehitherforthwitheth, it’s time to go, gotta catch a siesta nap before the big show, then the real go, let’s go go go go go(Joey Ramone voice). The brief relief, the oasis from the heat, the escape if you will, from the Clownworld queef. (Honk Noise) Looking forward to the show…ahoy.

Until next time, be, for you, for all of you, & for none of you.

Humanity Space

Today I’m gonna talk about everyone’s favorite subject…societal degeneration. Now I know there’s that famous saying, “People are generally good.” Well that’s bullshit. Total bullshit. Get that notion out of your mind, most people fucking suck…period. Zero contributions to society, fat & lazy, they just breed and consume, then their ratty kids follow them and the cycle repeats, over & over. Just like the movie Idiocracy…yes we are living Idiocracy in its nascent state as you read this and I type. It’s ridiculous. Don’t believe me? Go for a drive. Go to the grocery store. Even better go to Wal-mart and just observe as you shop for Chinese-made crap that you don’t need. Just observe. Most people are utterly disgusting. Filthy animals, barely one step up from the chimps they evolved from. Now obviously this isn’t applicable to everyone. Yes there are good people…so I came up with an analogy. Wanna hear it? Here it comes…

Humanity is space. Think of yourself as the Earth, the Sun is your father, & the moon is your mother. Now the closest planets are Mars, Venus, & Mercury. Those would be your siblings. Then the outer planets would be your friends. So you the Earth have your solar system which is YOUR system…your system of people who are relatively close to you. Now what is between all those planets? Dark matter. THAT is society. The NPC degenerate beast-like breeders are the dark matter. Nothing more than programmed minions of darkness here to take your light energy. I honestly am not even sure if they have souls and/or are in fact human. They cannot conversate in a sophisticated manner. They cannot comprehend anything beyond their next trip to Starbucks, the feed and feed, consuming everything around them, hence most of them are obese and lazy. In front of their televisions, being programmed and reprogrammed to be as docile as possible so they never even reach the capacity to evolve themselves. They have no identity, just a number. If they were to read this, they would not understand. Then probably call me a racist. Yes that’s the state of the world right now. Two sides have clearly defined themselves…there is little gray area. At this point, you’re either awake, not “woke,” but awakened to the real reality of this dimension, or you’re not. This is Earth school, and most of you have already failed.

Yes Earth is you, but Earth is also a school. You come here to balance out your karma so you can evolve spiritually. However, 90% of the global populous has zero idea of this and therefore, does NOT exist accordingly and so they’ll keep coming back over & over & over & over again until they do. Honestly, it’s this sad fact that makes part of me side with the globalists…AKA your shepherds. Yes, YOU are the sheep, and they are the sheep herders in their world. They look down from their ivory towers and see the peasant class exponentially becoming more degenerate by the day. Now what would you think if you were in that position? Think about it, their power provides the means for the sheep to flourish in their little sheeple world, but instead of taking advantage of their advantages, they abuse what they have and just consume, constantly feeding on something the elites give them, rather than creating a world where YOU provide for YOU. Free handouts is the name of the game these days. You add the chaos of a fake plandemic and a fake media and fake celebritards on top of that and you have what we have now…Clownworld. A bunch of self-entitled clowns who watch tv all day & think it’s normal to take and take and take and never give…just getting fat…proverbially fat…fat & lazy in their minds, as well as in their physical being, except their souls are starved and barely truly alive. Don’t blame me and/or get mad at me for illustrating the current timeline we are all stuck in, I didn’t do this.

I had my own issues before I snapped out of the coma and left the farm. I used to be an addict. Still am in a way, it kinda never goes away, but I fought my demons and ascended to a place of self-realization of my own identity and learned to develop myself toward my higher being. Addicts who are still active tho are just as bad, if not worse than the sheeple. No one is more selfish than an addict, and in turn, the addicts selfish behavior only digs the hole deeper so that eventually it seems too deep to ever get out of. I’ll spend the rest of this life trying my best to balance out the shit karma I created when I was on drugs. That’s my struggle, but I have forgiven myself and accept what I’ve done so I can make up for it. This is the issue, most people don’t. Whatever they’re doing, whatever they are, most people just get to a point then stop. Seems that “point” is right after high school and/or college for some. They know what they know and continuous growth doesn’t even come into their thought process. Maybe they have the same job which they’ve become adequate at because they do it every single day on a timeclock, but they never excel or attempt to excel beyond the minimal requirements to get by. Then they pop out kids in whacked relationships and teach them their ways, which are obviously the wrong ways, & the kids grow up to be the exact same wrong way as their shitty parents. Sheep breeding more sheep for the herd, and getting progressively dumber every generation. Again, don’t blame me. I don’t think I’m an elitist at all. In fact, I am more critical of myself than most. I have to wonder if I am in the same herd, just another sheep, only with black wool. What makes me so different? Well I have an answer for that…

Yes, yes this is all over the place…deal with it. What do you do to be critical of what I do? Anyway my answer is simple…I can see it. I know I’m not alone, but my real eyes realize the real lies of this social engineering experiment we’re all in. Most don’t. Just a fact. Is what it is. I can see. I have found the courage within myself to leave the cave and see the true world outside. Shadows and echoes spewed out by your s-elected elites who herd you don’t matter to me anymore. It’s an illusion, and 90% of you buy the illusion as if it were real when in fact, it isn’t. Anyone/everyone can lave the cave anytime they want but they’re so consumed by the darkness that they hate you when you get out. They absolutely hate you. Now many enlightened individuals have taken on the ideology of loving all people. I don’t. In fact, I hate them. I hate the dark matter. They are minions of darkness and as a beacon of light, I absolutely despise them. Who said you had to love everyone? Do you love the Africans who eat cats and get high on their own shit in bottles? Look it up. Do you love Asians who eat dogs? Look it up. Do you like grown men who rape children? Don’t have to look far to find that. If someone murdered your whole family, would you love them? Absolutely not so this notion of “loving everyone” is total bullshit. Fuck them. I resonate with positivity and benevolence, these dark ones can’t even define and/or spell those 2 words. They exist to consume and destroy and empower the sheep herders, and that’s it. Earth school has been corrupted by dark forces, and now there is so much anxiety amongst the herd, they have become angry. And that anger that they project out into the world into various scenarios myself and others like me end up dealing with is destruction, hence I hate them. All of them. If you’re on the other side, I fucking hate you. Again, do not blame me and if you’re reading this, you are NOT one of them so rest assured, but they have become the majority, the vast majority, and their rage is destroying our beautiful planet…which brings me back full circle to my original point…humanity is space.

Some people have an extended solar system beyond their own individual solar system. Some people have many stars they connect with, obviously it varies per person. Some have many suns, many planets. Even the sheep have a system, but it’s within the dark matter…so it’s only the illusion of a genuine solar system, it’s not the real Sun, not the real Moon, not the real planets, they only see them through a veil of darkness and assume they exist there, but they don’t. It’s only the shadows of a system, the sad echoes of existing in a pseudo-reality and all the while they’re still in chains in the cave. They don’t understand they’re in a school, that earth is a school, so if you don’t even know you’re in school, you’ll never graduate. Step one is to know where the fuck you are, and they don’t. I don’t even think they’re capable of comprehending anything I’m saying and you’re reading right now. Watch them. Go to a busy park and sit on a bench and just watch. Listen to what people say to one another. Listen to the redundancy. Go for a drive and watch how long it takes for someone to road rage on someone. Or as mentioned earlier, go to the grocery store. If they’re wearing a mask, it’s fairly safe to assume they’re the ilk of the herd. If you think I’m being harsh and/or exaggerating, look what the Covaids scamdemic has revealed. Every one of you dipshits that wears a mask everywhere and got injected with a science experiment…sheep. One, it’s NOT a vaccine, which brings about point two, which is the fact that you accept it as a “vaccine” only strengthens my point. None of you know basic biology apparently. Went your entire lives without wearing a fucking mask, suddenly the government/sheep herders tell you to and you do it. Then they go a step further and try to make you get injected with various concoctions created by pharmaceutical companies that SPECIALIZE in drugging the herd so you are all easier to control. This is where I separate myself from you. I will not comply. I will not be part of the herd. Ever. Period. If you don’t have basic biological knowledge to understand this Covaids nonsense is all total bs, then we’ve reached an impasse societally. The world has split in two, the vast majority is awash with total compliance to their masters, and then there’s the minority who actually exist in the real world outside the cave. And we have been yelling down into the cave to tell them to come out, but they not only refuse, they hate us for it. I’ve been putting in work to help others out for almost 10 fucking years now…10 years…look at when I started this site. The unfortunate reality is that at this point, I am no longer extending my hand…

This entire site was created to help people get out. Some listened, some are still looking at the cave entrance and trying to figure it out, those who are already out hopefully resonate with what I illustrate, and then there’s people who think I’m an asshole and go back to creeping around in a circle of chains while they get bombarded more and more with bullshit from their masters. Liberals are fucked. Anyone who is in that mindset is totally fucked, completely missed the point, and have many, many more incarnations before they wake up, if they ever even do. Everything is backwards here. There’s absolutely nothing truly “liberal” and/or “progressive” about these fools. They’re the polar opposite but here in the upside-down Clownworld, they have utterly deluded themselves into thinking they get it. They get nothing, nothing at all, and they make me wanna fucking puke. Then there’s the savages…look to Africa, South America, parts of Asia, where killers and rapists and generally primal scum consume, breed, destroy, shit, eat, repeat. Oh don’t get me wrong, there’s savage scummery in the first world too. Much, much worse and much darker at a higher level in fact. The first world is subject to the direct will of the sheep herders. The 3rd world is like the 3rd herd, and the first world are the fat sheep. Fat and ready for harvest. The 3rd world are like the test sheep. The elite run tests on them and use them to develop more sinister social engineering agendas for the fat 1st world sheep. It’s a sick game, and most of you re in it and don’t even know it. Personally, I want out. I will have a nice beachfront villa someday away from all of you. All I need is Nature, a beach, and some mango trees and my own personal methods of self-soul growth. I will find my own sanctuary on this Earth school plane before I move on to my 5th-dimensional sanctuary. The expansion and growth doesn’t stop for me, every day I get better. I respect and appreciate Earth school. I’m making up for lost time, lots of school skipped, but now I’m in class every day, all day, catching up to my life plan. I’ll probably have to come back and do it again, but I’ll be even better, simply because I have freed myself from the cave and given myself pure self-awareness and an identity. That’s my trip. So if this upsets you in anyway, maybe look unto yourself and redirect that anger and think about what YOU have done that gives you the right to be critical of me? Yes, I can be critical of all of you, first, because I’m the fucking writer here and I have the balls to be, & second, because I have left the cave. If you were outside the cave, and you watched those still chained up in the cave following shadows and echoes from puppets and acting as tho it were real, would you be critical? Step outside to look inside.

Now I feel very refreshed getting this out and creating something for others to resonate with, regardless of whether you do or not. Creating is important, very important, the most important thing is creating babies for a better future, but uncontrolled breeding amongst an ignorant populous of barnyard animals is not creating babies for a better future, it’s only creating future problems that will eventually inhibit the potential of society to grow and develop. Look at the past…amazing beautiful artistic pieces created by people who had none of the technology we have, yet their beauty escapes our current potential. Where are the Beethovens? Where are the Michaelangelos? Where are the truly great creators of the past? We’ve killed them. Rather, the herders killed them and replaced them with plastic “celebrity” role models that are spoon-fed to you dummies via your televisions and what do you do, you eat it all up. Now before I end this, please understand that this is somewhat generalized. If 90% of you are stuck in the herd, that leaves a billion of you who are not. A billion of us, out of the cave and leveling up spiritually to move onward and upward in the greater picture. Yes that leaves over 6 billion sheep. 6 BILLION of you…BILLION with a BIG B. Don’t blame us, blame yourselves, I’ve been trying to help you for nearly a decade, mostly in vain but at least I try. If this makes you mad, what do you do? This is why I understand the globalist depopulation agenda. I don’t want to be a part of it on either side, just leave me out of it, but I get why they are using Covaids as a test run before they really come to wipe you all out. Not my plan, it’s theirs. The ultimate goal of the masters you drool at the feet of is this: DEPOPULATION. Between now and 2030, ironically 90% of you will be terminated. Hmmmmm…90% programmed sheep, 90% depopulation…what are the odds? Bottom line, you’re a herd, and herds eventually get slaughtered for harvest. Don’t blame me, don’t even blame them, blame yourself for letting them control you the way they do. YOU choose to comply and submit, YOU, no one else to blame but yourself. I take total blame on myself for being stuck in the field with the rest of the cattle, but I woke up, I got out. I saw the damn gate was wide open the whole time and I jsut walked the fuck out and figured it out. Most of you just see an electrified fence keeping you in, you never even look to the right and see the gate was always open, you only had to walk through. Up to YOU, not me. I’m just an illustrator…

…and with that, I’m done. I write pure stream of consciousness more often than not, so that’s why I jump around but I always bring it back full circle. You are the Earth, and YOU are the Earth school, and only YOU can snap out of the programming and get your dozy ass to class. Realize that you are connected and central in your own solar system and that most entities you encounter throughout your day that are not in your solar system and usually just dark matter. Yes of course random planets will orbit into your solar system then orbit out, yes new suns will come through and affect your gravity, but do not dismiss the dark matter. It’s always pulling and trying to take your energy. Don’t let them, they don’t even know what they do, but do not let them take your light. This is my word…and now my word is done. I have always ended these rants with a “love to all,” but now it it will be “love to none & all,” …so…

Love to none & all. Cheers.

The Reckoning Cometh…

In case you haven’t noticed, we are stuck in Clownworld. Up is down, girls are boys, 2 + 2 is 5, everything is backwards. Very surreal. It’s only gonna get worse before it gets better. The masses of asses are petrified over a fake “virus” that’s nothing more than the common cold, but the powers-that-be will continue to use this pandemic as a means to take more power and total control over all your lives. You like being locked down? You like having to wear a useless mask if you wanna go anywhere in public? I don’t. This is fucking bullshit.

So what will the future bring? Well, the next month is going to be very eventful. On December 14th, our great & noble President Trump will be elected again and this massive and historic voter fraud scheme will fail, just like everything else the globalist/communist/marxist scum on the left have attempted. watch & see if you don’t believe me, and remember who told you. However, on top of that, we have several space events beginning on December 14th. There will be a visible daytime comet, Comet Erasmus. Also, the GrandConjunction begins which will be a periodic alignment of Saturn & Jupiter that peaks on the Winter Solstice on December 21st. Could this be the real December 21st, 2012 event? We will see…but 2020 isn’t over yet, so do not be totally shocked when something happens. Not sure what is coming, but another Black Swan event is imminent.

The globalists and the lunatic left are in full panic mode. They are exposed, the fraud, the corruption, is all out in the open now as the boldly & arrogantly proclaim their intentions to commence upon a “Great Reset.” Let me assure you, this supposed “Great Reset” does NOT, I repeat, DOES NOT include you. They want all of us in the peasantry class gone…exterminated…which will either unfold via war, or a mutated form of a bioweapon virus, or via a vaccine that ends up killing most of you who take it. I personally will NOT be taking any vaccine whatsoever. I don’t care if Trump fast-tracked it, I’m not taking that crap. Sadly, most of the populous will roll up their sleeves and gladly accept whatever the globalists inject into them. Fools. Not me though, not gonna happen. The level of fear is thru the roof and most people believe everything they see via their televisions. How many times must I tell you all this? TURN OFF YOUR TELEVISIONS. It’s called “programming” for a reason. Think about it.

The best move for you is to get out in the sunshine. Exercise, eat good foods, take zinc and magnesium, and stop thinking for them and START thinking for yourself. It’s never too late to take the red pill. Most of you are doomed, I realize that, but I have red-pilled countless folks via this website as well as in the real world for many years now. No LARPing here, I give it to you raw & uncut. I jumped down the proverbial rabbit hole in 2012 and never looked back. All of that accumulated knowledge has led me to this: NOTHING is what it seems. You are all being played. The end game for the globalists is to exterminate all of you and implement their 2030 agenda to depopulate and “build back better.”(their words, not mine) We are at the precipice my friends…will you follow the lemmings off the cliff, or save yourselves? The choice is YOURS, it always has been, you just have to have the courage to be your own rock in this ocean of idiocracy. No time like the present, live in it. Do not exist in a plausible future or stay stuck in a past when things were different. The time is NOW, right now, and based on what you do, you will either prevail victoriously in the oncoming era or submit to a globalist agenda of total control. Choice is YOURS, & yours alone.

If you’ve made it this far, there is hope. As long as you breathe, there’s hope for you, but you must be brave enough to unlearn what you’ve “learned” in order to ascend to a higher realm of consciousness. Most people are sheep, this is true…just a bunch of programmed NPC robot drones who follow in line. Is that you? Is that what you are content to be in this 3rd dimensional paradigm? If so, you’re fucked. Period. You are living to die, not living to truly live. Do you hate your job? Your life? Then change it. Nothing moves for you until you walk the path. Staying afraid in your cubicle-esque dwellings, wearing masks when you’re alone, or outside, or in your car, or anywhere for that matter is just fucking stupid. Do some research, masks are useless…USELESS. Wake the fuck up people. Sheesh. Do you wear a mask during flu season? Have you worn a mask during any of the past plandemics? No. So why are you just accepting it as the “new normal” now? There is no “new normal,” nor will there ever be a sense of normalcy again. The war is HERE…NOW. It’s gonna be either them or us. Fuck them. Fuck power-hungry globalist scum. Fuck them in the earhole. They have NO power…NONE…without you they are snails, yet you continue to obey without question. Why? Why are you all so fucking scared? Cowards. Don’t be a pussy…time to stand up and fight. The time is NOW, the war is HERE.

As we proceed through December…they will try anything and everything to stop President Trump from rightfully achieving his victory in the 2020 Presidential election. ANYTHING. They are desperate, and scared. Your fear feeds into their fear, so you need to stop being afraid and start standing up for your own bloody humanity. Let them panic…watch them fail…they are and they will. Has Trump lost to them yet? No. So why would he lose now? He won’t, unless WeThePeople fail to stand up for our freedoms and human rights. WE control the government, but so many of you have accepted it to be the other way around. Snap out fo the coma already and realize what’s happening. First, masks and lockdowns, next comes forced vaccines, if you accept it. Will you accept that pseudo-reality? I’m not and I never will. This world is becoming an episode of Black Mirror…for real…and it will not end well for all of you if you give in to this bullshit. Do your own research, stock up on guns, ammo, food, water, gold, silver…crypto too…money in your bank account does nothing but sit there…make moves to better your situation when this all comes to critical mass…and we are virtually there. The pot is boiling…and it will boil over any moment now…what will you do when it does? Beg for help, or help yourselves?

Self-enlightenment will set you free. Truth will set you free. Courage in the face of tyranny will set you free. When you are old and in your final moments, will you look back and say you stood up the this globalist depopulation agenda? Or will you look back in grief that you chose to be a coward and hide in your house instead? There are two roads, we are at the crossroads before these two roads. One road goes to darkness, the other to light. Follow the light, be benevolent, be a force of positive energy in the Universe. This is all a battle of good vs/ evil, dark vs. light, positive vs. negative. This is a realm of polarity. Good is light, evil is darkness. Submitting to the darkness makes you a minion of darkness and all that darkness encompasses. Is that what you want? Are you that afraid? If so, I wish you luck on your journey into the depths of your own personal hell. Maybe you’ll figure out next time you incarnate back here, if you even do. If you follow the light however, the journey is YOU, and all about YOU remembering your higher & noble true being. A beacon of love and compassion. Plato’s Cave has never been more appropriate as a reference to the current situation on Planet Earth.

Watch Plato’s Cave here:

Time to ascend, or stay in the cave pretending that shadows and echoes are your reality. There is no middle ground, there is only the boundless light of the sunshine or the abysmal endlessness of descending into darkness. I know where I’m going, where will you go? Up to YOU, not me, I am only a lighthouse.

That is all for now.

Be good.

Choose wisely.

So sayeth FisH™🎣.

Love to all.

Astrotheology …Word of the Day

DruidGIF-2 copy


…to begin…

…when I typed the title above,


auto-spell says it’s a misspell,

and should be spelled like this,


So naturally I looked into this, 

and found absolutely nothing,

nor any reason why this auto-spell error occurs…




…that’s your word of the day,

and here’s your link:

CLICK HERE>>> Jordan Maxwell Astro-Theology

You will find that it all goes back to Saturn,


all of it,

the Planet Saturn,

and it’s rings…

Why do you think there are ear-rings?

From ancient times,

so women and/or men could hear their God Saturn better…

…look into it…

….and that’s nothing…

Do You know what Saturn was referred to in ancient days?


So when your masters get el-ected, in el-ections,

they are el-evated above YOU.

YOU are el-ecting officials,

via an el-ectoral college,

into an el-ite status,

and YOU don’t know,

because YOU have been programmed,

since el-ementary school,

by your el-ders,

who will one day be el-derly,

part of an el-der-ship,

just like YOU,

unless YOU smarten up,

and find YOUR inner el-ixir,

YOUR divine spark of el-ectricty,

and take the el-evator,

back up,

instead of continuing to let them el-iminate YOU,

by keeping YOU down in the dark,

and el-uding YOU from the truth.


…very important…

…much more for YOU to read…

… then Share and Inform.

By the way,

anyone ever see this?…


Not my GIF, 

but I might make one so you can see better.

This event happened not-so-long ago,

and still no definitive explanation as to what this was.

You do realize the scope of this mysterious auroric light pulse, right?

Much bigger than this little rock we are all flying through space on.


there is also a hexagram on Saturn’s “north” pole…



Hence this symbol…


Has nothing to do with a star,

or a David,

or Judaism,

all has to do with Saturn,


Look into it, for YOU.

More to come.


Love to all.


Law of the Sea and Law of the Land



Jordan Maxwell speaks for himself,

and I’d wager that more than the 85 to 90%,

who are still asleep,

have no clue about this knowledge. 


When EVERYONE should know…

…all in the logos,

the words,

right in front of everyone’s faces…

…yet they don’t see.

Take 15 minutes out of your time,



For YOU, not for anyone else. 

What are YOU waiting for?

Or YOU can,

as always,

YOU can change the channel.

More to come…


Love to all.