💃🏻🕺🏻🎣Shadow Dance

Killing an Arab 👳🏾🔫✋🏻😎🎣 #AiArt

The Fooze: S7E20 7/20/2023 Hotel Hell

Yours truly is undergoing a week-long stay in a shitty hotel in a ratchet part of North Denver, & oh my, has it been fun. First off, the room smells; it smells like overdoses, prostitution, moldy shower curtains, & an A/C unit that pumps out “fresh” air smells of must & ass. There’s no microwave, or mini-fridge, so I’ve been living on fresh fruits & donuts. I had to use some Macgyver tactics to keep the curtain closed, draped over a window that has no lock, so theoretically, a thief, or a serial killer, could easily just open the window & hop in. Fortunately, I am armed to the teeth, so if anyone comes in, it’ll be the last window they ever jump through, but I digress, now where was I? Oh yes, the bed is actually comfortable, surprisingly, but the A/C blows right onto it, so if I’m lucky enough to sleep for a few hours, I have to bundle up with the extra comforter I stole from the maid’s laundry area when the managers weren’t looking. The irony, I know, talking about thieves but I had to steal a comforter. It’s not actually theft, since I’m not keeping it, obviously, so I consider it as just borrowing. Speaking of thievery, the door has definitely been kicked in; the frame shows signs of breaking & entering, & even though the door locks, the lock was put on backwards. Let’s see…what else before I move on to the outside of the room…what else, what else? Oh, I am using the drawers as a makeshift table/place to write this on my computer, & as I look to my left, while I type this, I see that the left drawer is missing entirely, which leaves a nice little hidey-hole for my cat to play in. Poor little guy, but he’s been such a super-trooper over this last week we’ve gone through. Luckily, I think I’ve found a safe place for us to stay, but more on that later. Now, let’s talk about the outside of the room.

I’m right by a major 4-lane highway, & although the sound of the cars has become like white noise to me, the sirens from the emergency vehicles that speed by every 15-20 minutes or so is quite loud. Since I just mentioned “emergency vehicles,’ we will segue into the emergency vehicles that have been here EVERY SINGLE DAY that I’ve been here. Not exaggerating either…EVERY SINGLE DAY. The first day some guy overdosed by the dumpster, which was/still is, over-flowing with trash. Yep, overdosed right next to it, which resulted in 3 police cruisers, a firetruck, & an ambulance, in no particular order. Don’t know if he died, but the manger told me he overdosed. I didn’t see that incident until after he was in the ambulance & heading away. Next day though, I DID see an incident with my own eyes. Ready for this one? It’s a real doozy of a story.

Okay, so an Indian fellow, a tall Indian fellow with the stereotypical Indian guy perv-stache, was walking around completely naked. No shoes or socks even, as naked as it gets. This dude had a pubic bush that was so big, there might have been some baby birds nesting in there. Quite revolting, right? He was on the phone, just parading around in his skinsuit, his little mushroom tip just barely sticking out of the bush, talking to a party unknown on the phone. The manager called the cops, & I suppose the naked Indian noticed, so he ran back to his room, & put clothes on, some jeans & a pink button up shirt. Very classy. Then, after clothing himself, the moron came back outside, still talking on the phone, just as the cops arrive. The manager, a toothless former methhead named Christy, pointed to him & said, “That’s him, that’s the guy.” The officer told him to get off of his phone so he could ask him some questions, & what does Apu do? He pulls a knife on the police officer that told him to get off the phone, & so, the officer takes his baton, whacks the guy’s hand so he drops the knife, & charges him with a solid open-field front tackle. Very brave of the cop to do, but he did it, as the other cops immediately pulled out their guns. The tackling officer then gets up, backs up, & one of the other cops hit Apu with the taser gun. BZZZZZZZZZZZZ…followed by a scream from Apu, as he writhes around on the ground with 50,000 volts buzzing though his body. Then all of the cops dog pile him as they cuff him up. Apparently, in Colorado, if you get tazed, you go to a hospital, rather than jail, which is standard procedure in a liberal “blue-city” shithole. Nonetheless, that was day two, & you know there’s a hat trick coming next.

Today, I’m not sure what happened, but as I pulled up to Hotel Hell from my daily job hunting quest, there were several cop cars leaving, so maybe it was an unruly guest, as the other guests besides yours truly are the dregs of society, so perhaps yet another overdose. Maybe a streetwalker got herself all smacked up for coming home short. I’m pretty sure some of the guests are hookers & their pimps. There’s a shitload of Mexican construction workers, 5-6 piled high into one-bedroom rooms. There’s a few that clearly just got of jail recently. They have a certain kind of walk, a posture, if you will, from walking in lines in their respective prison garb. Maybe other people don’t notice said posture, but I do, & in conjunction with the jailhouse tattoos, to me it’s obvious that some of the guests here were locked up recently. One had a giant clown face tattooed on the back of his shaved head, so yeah, it’s obvious. Before I digress into some random tangent, I do have mention the parking lot. I already told you about the overflowing eyesore dumpster, which is at the back of the parking lot, & as for the parking lot itself, it has so many holes in it that it looks like a cluster-bomb war happened, similar to Dresden circa 1944. I walk out onto the balcony often to smoke a cig, because one, I don’t want to miss the next “incident,” that goes down, & two, to watch my car so no junkie breaks into it. I have my 12-gauge boomstick locked in the trunk, as well as my safe, which doesn’t have anything in it , even though it does, but that’s my secret. Regardless, I get up & walk outside every hour or so to do a perimeter watch, since I cannot sleep very well due to this elephant-on-my-back anxiety I have from being all on my own now in this life.

Yep, just Milo the cat & yours truly now. No more family, except a cousin, & a handful of friends that I can count on one hand with my thumb & pointer finger still outward facing. My life has done a complete 180 degree turn & then some since these corrupt democratic communists stole the election, then proceeded to destroy this once great country, now termed the USSA, the United Socialist States of America. Believe it or not, this country is now arguably a communist dictatorship, being systematically turned into smoldering rubble. Do you think Potato Joe Biden is the POTUS? I’ll clear that up right now if you do…& the answer is: NO, NO NO NO NO NO he isn’t anything, except a perverted puppet. The real POTUS, the one in the shadows giving the orders, is none other than former POTUS Barack Obama, a CIA plant, who was s-elected to do one thing, proverbially burn this country to the ground, which is happening, right on schedule. Us “regular folks,” can barely put food in the fridge, rents are outrageous, you need two jobs AT LEAST, just to get by. It’s fucking ridiculous. A friend of mine told me it’s because we are in the Kali Yuga, which is the 4th, & worst era for mankind that lasts about ohhhhh…450,000 years or so. It’s an era of destruction, which makes sense, because as I’ve written about ad nauseam, the end goal by 2030 is for 7 billion, BILLION, of us gone. Us “regular folks,” of course, because the so-called “ruling elites,” plan on rebuilding the planet after we are all wiped out, with a one world order agenda. AI is getting exponentially more advanced by the second now, I presume, so it’s just a matter of time before most of us are jobless since AI will be able the jobs that most of us do, even as far as performing life-saving surgeries. It’s going to be like some Mad Maxian dystopian surveillance state nightmare, & most people have no idea.

Fortunately, I do, but what can I do about it? Nothing, nothing at all, & as a writer, I’m fucked. There’s already a button on here that one can press to write whatever they want to write about with the AI assistant. Maybe I should try it out, since we’re on the subject, & see what happens. Ready? Okay, here we go, & be sire to keep in mind that whatever comes next in this article, is the AI, & NOT yours truly. I’ll be right back…enjoy the cock pic…

The Kali Yuga, also known as the Age of Kali, is a concept in Hindu cosmology that refers to the current age or era we are living in. According to Hindu scriptures, the Kali Yuga is the final of the four Yugas (ages) within a cyclic pattern that repeats endlessly.In the Hindu tradition, each Yuga is associated with a different set of qualities, societal norms, and spiritual conditions. The Kali Yuga is considered to be the darkest and most challenging of all the ages. It is characterized by a decline in morality, spiritual awareness, and a rise in materialism and ignorance.According to ancient scriptures such as the Mahabharata and the Vishnu Purana, the Kali Yuga is said to be a time of widespread corruption, conflicts, and moral decay. It is believed that human beings in this age are predominantly driven by selfishness, greed, and harmful desires. Virtues such as honesty, compassion, and integrity are believed to be rare during this era.However, despite these challenges, the concept of the Kali Yuga also offers a glimmer of hope. It is said that in this age, spiritual liberation can be achieved through simple acts of devotion and by surrendering to a higher power. It is believed that even a small amount of spiritual practice or righteous action can have a profound impact in this era of darkness.The concept of the Kali Yuga serves as a reminder to embrace spiritual values and strive for personal growth amidst the challenging circumstances of the current age. It encourages individuals to seek inner transformation and cultivate virtues that can uplift themselves and the world around them.Overall, the concept of the Kali Yuga provides a framework to understand and navigate the complexities of our existence, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, there is always the possibility of spiritual awakening and growth.

You see that? THAT is what the AI can do now, in a matter of 3-4 seconds. Crazy, right? There’s no way a human can keep up, especially when the AI gets more advanced. Writers like yours truly, will become obsolete, & this is just as it relates to writers, now imagine all of the other things the AI can/will do. I don’t know about you, but to me, this is fucking insane, particularly when I know that those so-called “ruling elites,” have a sinister AI-based agenda, as they want to merge with the AI, to become like gods, living much longer than the average human life span, as we all get slaughtered because we will become “less-than,” so to speak, & only get in the way of their new world order plan. 7 BILLION, with a big B, gone, gone by 2030, hence why I always emphasize that if you think things are crazy now, just wait, because the figurative roller-coaster isn’t even at the top of the first drop. Hell, the damn thing hasn’t even started going up the track, compared to what’s coming. Everyone is feeling tremendous social anxiety analogous to getting on the roller coaster, anticipating the ride, but as I said, just sitting there waiting for the safety bar to drop, since the real ride hasn’t even begun yet. Stay seated, & keep your arms & legs inside the carriage dear readers.

When 2024 gets here, & all of these bureaucratic corrupted soulless power-drunk politicians atop the power pyramid wage war on one another to take the reigns, THAT is when the ride begins, & no matter how bad it seems now, it’s only going to get worse, MUCH MUCH MUCH worse. So buckle up dear readers, & until next time, prepare accordingly. So sayeth FisH™🎏

Let’s Talk News…Straight Arrow News

“News,” as in “what’s new,” & what’s new, that’s going on locally, nationally, and/or globally, as a compendium, we call “the news.” We all like keeping up with current events, we want to know the story, the REAL story, & that’s the role of said news, to report on real stories, to report on real events, when they happen, as they happened, as factually as possible. Well, as anyone with, at the very least, a proverbial hamster in their head running on an equally proverbial wheel knows, the news, has been a continuous agglomeration of all of the chaos going on around the planet, most often reported (if you can call reading a teleprompter “reporting”) in some kind of quasi-hyperbolic manner, in order to keep people watching their UN-respectable respective news channels. It’s few & far between when there’s ever any GOOD news they report on though, is there?…so it equates to as I said, an exaggeratedly jumbled mess of all that’s chaotic, all that’s negative, all that’s shocking, because that’s what gets peoples’ attention these days, isn’t it? “Shock & awe,” sells; that’s the bottom line. The worse it is, the better it is for ratings, & so that’s what gets publicized, whether it’s publicized visually or via the written word. Now, let’s pursue some so-called news & see what’s going on then, shall we? We’ll spin the figurative globe & start wherever our finger lands, musing the latest articles, and/or whatever’s “breaking,” & work our way through it. Of course, I’m not going to be including fake news mainstream media propaganda outlets like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, but wait, hang on a second…are they any real news outlets left?

Sure there are, only you won’t find them being broadcast via the televised programming that most people are brainwashed with, oh no no no, since the legit news networks would offer truth, & Clownworld doesn’t abide truth, & thus, is verboten, hence why you have to know where to find it. Here, we ONLY search for the real news, like hunting for diamonds on a beach. That’s right, & you all should know this by now, that yours truly ONLY researches REAL news, REAL events, the delivers it to all of YOU. because that aforementioned programming, is what has not only ruined the minds of many people, it has knowingly programmed them with an entirely false sense of what the REAL reality even is. It’s right there in the words…”broadcast programming,” so if one wants to find real news, they have to utilize sites like The Gateway Pundit & Breitbart, for example. These two sites compile the ACTUAL news of the day, without spin, without subjectivity, & without writers and reporters who work for the CIA, spewing out whatever wag-the-dogish garbage they are told to, as well paid to, barf out all over the daily turning of the zeitgeist windmill. Obviously, I could go right to either of those two sites I just spoke of, as those who seek real news do, but today, I am focusing on an up & coming news organization that may rival the two sites I just mentioned, albeit a friendly rivalry, for when it comes to the truth, one not cares how it’s delivered, only that it IS, in fact, delivered, in real-time, on-time. “What news site could FisH™ be referring to?,” you might be wondering. Great question, thanks for asking.

This site, which yours truly just recently discovered himself, & added to the title above, as well as bookmarked for himself, is SAN, the Straight Arrow News Network. What shoots things straighter than an arrow?…& on top of having a clever monicker, they have a team of dedicated contributors who filter out the truth from the lies, & give people the FACTS, not the fiction, offering a genuine perspective as opposed to the false conclusions drawn from that scripted-narrative nonsense being broadcast through your televisions. Their site is as professional as it gets, & I HIGHLY recommend that you download the app to your digital devices, turn on the notifications, & with that being said, let’s dive right in to today’s latest articles posted on SAN, & see what’s going on in a world, where the tide seems to FINALLY be turning from fantasy to reality. Many people are becoming increasingly turned-off by those erroneous scripted narratives, & just want to know what the hell is really going on. You can only lie to the public for so long, before the fickle nature of the mob grows cold at the thought of biased reporting being peddled by agenda-pushing peddlers who want nothing more than to get clicks, get paid, & propagate fear & anxiety, rather than simply telling the damn truth. Has it really become so outlandish, so offensive, telling the truth? It sure as, to the point of exiling those of us who DO the tell the truth, particularly yours truly, who has spent the last 6-7 years in the digital gulag for doing just that, exposing the truth, & writing about it here on this site.

SAN, Straight Arrow News…now that could catch on quickly, could it not? Giving it to you STRAIGHT, no bullshit, no fodder, just the honest-to-God truth as to what happens, when it happens, why it happens, & how it may or may not affect you directly…yes YOU, US, WE The People, the people who want to know the truth, & nothing but the truth. Okay, now let’s get into it. Dit-dit-dit-dit…dit-dit-dit-dit…first off, looks like Hunter Biden, the crack-smoking, prostitute-soliciting, degenerate son of the pseudo-POTUS Potato Joe Biden, that illegally “won” the 2020 election, via ballot harvesting, rigged voting machines, & corrupt vote-counters, has evidentially been caught yet again in even MORE nefarious activities, as if that’s shocking to anyone at this point. That’s correct, as it seems that newly released WhatsApp messages have been uncovered, detailing an exchange between Hunter Biden, & an employee from a Chinese energy company, orchestrating a $10 million deal for “favors,” & you can read all about it on SAN, by clicking HERE. FisH™ absolutely detests plagiarism or any theft of one’s intellectual property, & thus, attributes all credit to the details of the stories I will list, to the writers who actually wrote them, which I why I will simply do a quick paraphrasing of the published headline, provide the link to the story, then move on.

Up next…hang on, hang on a second, you know what, dear readers? If I continue to do this, this article will stretch the length of 197 combined attention spans, so what I think the best thing for YOU to do is, dear readers, is to go to SAN yourselves, the Straight Arrow News site, & do your own reading, for YOU, not for me. I can only illustrate their professionalism so well, & without YOU seeing it for yourself, what are we really accomplishing here? Nothing, so yes, just go tot he site, & read for yourselves. I am just happy I discovered this nascent site, so I want you to be happy discovering it as well for yourselves. SAN needs our support, the support of the American population, because with the collectively continued support of we who are sick & God-damned tired of being lied to on a seemingly never-ending basis by Operation Mockingbird mainstream media outlets like CNN, the Straight Arrow News Network will quickly grow, & become as big as the sites we are are already familiar with, sites like The Gateway Pundit & Breitbart. I am simply here to help, & to contribute whenever I can to promoting any/all news outlets that expose the REAL reality of what’s going on in this topsy-turvy world we are all stuck in together. The people want TRUTH…period. If they wanted fantasy, they’d watch Netflix all day, & before I digress into a diatribe about how too many people DO watch too much Netflix all day, I am going to wrap this article up. I just wanted to bring attention to SAN, The Straight Arrow News, so that hopefully, the few readers that still can see me, despite the AI-driven relentless shadowbanning of my site here, have another option as to where to go to find TRUTH, in a world that sadly still revolves around the lies & deception being broadcast by alphabet-agency-controlled propaganda broadcasters, like those that come free with your monthly cable bill.

Unfortunately, these days one has to look beyond the reach of their remote control to find out what the real news is all about, & if you can click a mouse, you can click on SAN, The Straight Arrow News website, see for yourselves, & then go a step further by bookmarking it, whether on your phones, your tablets, and/or your computers, adding it to your reading lists on those devices as well, & lastly, setting notifications to “ON,” so that YOU, are informed when real news breaks, & can rely on SAN to cover whatever those future breaking news events might be. Trust the reporters, writers, editors, & publishers at SAN to bring you the FACTS, & avoiding the fictions, so that YOU know what’s going on as soon as it happens, keeping you one step ahead of the fake news, & two steps ahead of the globalists who fund those Operation Mockingbird, scripted-narrative-driven propagandists, who only use their platforms to control the people, not to inform them. Until next time dear readers, listen to FisH™, who has never lied to you, or steered you wrong, especially as far as the truth goes, & download SAN, The Straight Arrow News app, to your respective devices now. If you want truth, you can always find it here, & wherever I direct you, is where to find where yours truly find the truths, the truths that I report to you. Again, that’s SAN, The Straight Arrow News. Click on it now, for YOU, not for me, for your sake, not for mine. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“ONLY facts matter, not fiction, as it relates to the daily news.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S5E15 5/15/2023 Donations Accepted via PayPal

Ahhh, today is Monday, Monday fun day, & my anxious self is getting my shit together, preparing for this long-ass drive ahead of me. Gonna be a long one, lots of stops for gas, so if you can donate, anything/everything helps, dear readers. Remember the days when you could drive & not worry about how much gas would cost? Those were great times, but sadly, all great times have to end, & those great times, have most certainly ended, & then some. So, & as much as I despise starting sentences with the word “so,” I’m directing all of you to the link on the right side of my page, if you open up my site in “full-site” mode, you’ll see the QR code, then you know what to do. As always though, the FisH™ abides, & you can just click HERE to donate, and/or the link in the caption on the GIF below, and/or scan the QR code. This is My GIF by the way, as are almost all GIFs you’ll see here. No one else I know does that, do you? Do you know anyone who illustrates their articles with their own homemade 2d/3d GIF animations? I don’t, but I digress, & I’m keeping this one short, because I have A LOT to do before I depart on this upcoming journey home. Until next time dear readers, help my black ass out, & if you can, send a donation, but if not, no worries. Just doing what I gotta do. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

Look closely at each individual coin. There’s nothing random about the coins I used. This was a meticulous animation to make, but lots of fun. Took all day for a 2-second endless loop of monetary madness to live forever. That’s just how I roll(pun intended). Thank you dear readers. Even though I’m heavily censored, even here, & I’ve gone from 1000s of daily views to about 20 views a day, I still love you all, & appreciate anyone/everyone who reads/views my work. I know, it sucks being shadowbanned, especially on the ENTIRE internet, thanks to the AI, but it is what it is, I guess. What else can I say? The AI has me, & there’s no way out, unless they pull the plug, & no one is doing that any time soon. Nonetheless, it’s been quite a decade since I started this site…almost 11 years actually, to be precise. July will be 11 years, 11 years since my first post here, & I remember that day like it was fucking yesterday…fuckin hell. Sheesh, I cannot believe it’s been ELEVEN years. Dang, I’m having a real-time aging crisis…11 years…I just cannot believe it’s been almost 11 God-damned years. So much time, now gone forever, wasted in retrospect, for the most part anyway. What a life I’ve led…still shaking my fucking head over those lost 11 years. Ugh. Need a smoke, but I digress, & I’m not turning this into another diatribe about something meaninglessly self-centered. Despite everything I just barfed out, just wait until 2030 gets here, if you REALLY wanna see the global chaos by then. Going to be something to see for sure, so be sure to stick around, got that Shirley? My hope is that we were all born to bear witness to some kind of grand planetary event, either man-made, or natural, but something is coming, hidden in the shadows of course, but still coming, closer & closer, day by day by day. Like the ticking seconds on a clock…well, literally the ticking seconds on a clock(literal lolz)…duh, what a clown yours truly is. Seriously, just a sad clown. Regardless, this one is done, like the fat kid in class when dodgeball time comes, done. FisH™ is out; enjoy a fish cake, as well as my clever usage of a semicolon & an ellipsis…cheers🍥

The Fooze: S4E23 4/23/2023 Sunday Prompt

Daily writing prompt
How do you use social media?

Simple answer: I don’t, not anymore. I used to, before the AI put me in its pocket, as the saying goes I think, but since I’m now sentenced to the digital gulag for life it seems, what would be the point of even trying to fuck with social media anymore? Know what I mean? It’s futile, for me anyways, so as I said, the simple answer is that I no longer use social media, & that’s how I use social media. I get more outta taking my morning shat. Any questions? Get it? Got it?

No? No questions? Great, then this dumbass article is done-zo. I just don’t really even care anymore, including posting daily on this site, which I am also heavily shadowbanned on. I’m banned everywhere, EVERYWHERE, so again, what would be the fucking point of sweating my social media usage? There is no point, much like this drivel I barf out, so until next time readers, don’t bother, because nothing I do means shit, & you big tech twats can kiss my black ass. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“What’s the point? There is no point, so why bother?” Fish F Fish🎏

Let’s get this out of the way…

…so guess who I’m going to finally illustrate in detail for once & for all? Think about it, think about it, are you thinking about it? Oh damn, the picture below has his name on it. Derp. Yes, this fucking guy Dylan Mulvaney. I’ll add links as I go, whenever I have to write HIS name out to explain something and/or as needed. Yes, HIS name, because he’s not a fucking girl, he’ll never be a girl, 99.99% of girls don’t act like this freak, & what’s worse, he pretends to be a 6-year-old girl when he’s not pretending to be some distortedly hyperbolic version of what a “girl” actually is. It’s not only revolting, it’s mental, & where are the so-called 3rd/4th wave feminists calling out this insanity? Anyone over there? (crickets) No? I didn’t think so. What the fuck did you think would happen when you started saying it was ok for men to become women, to let men use the women’s bathroom, letting flagrant homosexuals push queer theory to kids in public schools, to let men compete against women for the sake of pseudo-equality, & then women get crushed, in EVERY sport…literally, ask Fallon Fox, & there might be more about HIM below…because HE is a MAN, not a woman for fuck’s sake.

Click HERE or the image to read more

Holy red pill incel larper.…there you go, nice big picture of this GUY above. Am I living in a madhouse? On some level, that’s a serious question. Why are WE THE PEOPLE, what I thought was the dominant majority in the world, tolerating these radical fringe minorities with obvious mental disorders? What’s worse, they’ve already gotten to the kids, the youth, & that’s the goal, don’t ya know? It’s kinda spooky, isn’t it?…to think about an entire generation growing up exposed to all this. I’m from Gen X, & my youth was before the internet, thank God, playing outside with my friends, & it seemed like it would last forever in our minds back then, but fuckin hell this time though…where did the time go? It just smacks the shit out of you at middle-age, once it’s passed on by, & you’re kind of like, “what happened?” At least for me, that’s how it’s been. How about you? Yeah, it really fuckin smacks you hard, because if it went from there to here that fast, it’s just another little gap, then POOF, done, & the ride just ends, just like that, for all of us. Geez, tough to write, so I wonder if it’s tough to read. Maybe I’ll just try ending the paragraph, & move on…

I don’t think anyone from my neighborhood ever expected growing up into a world like this. Maybe the kids up the street in the big houses, who’s parents had the big jobs, & they had the big toys; I was so confused as to why none of my friends, or myself of course, had any of those things. I came up on a stinking yellow school bus, full of deep-swamp South Carolina black kids & me, one of maybe 5-6 white kids. It was kind of like hell, & it really fucked up my sacred innocence dealing with that shit for a few years. Verbal & mental abuse daily, & occasional physical abuse, just ruined part of me, since I was advanced at school, so quite the dichotomy….just throw him to those black wolves, because they love to primally fuck with those little white supreme crackers…then teach him the challenging things at school because he’s smarter than everyone else in his own grade. I don’t know, I just remember a lot of trauma on the bus, & to my head, before school really began. From kindergarten on it was “A’s,” all the way to high school. “Gifted,” TAG classes they put me in, for “talented” & “gifted” kids, get it? Got it? Great, thanks for playing. My head was smart for facts, but socially awkward, always a show, an act, & my body was small, short, face broken, & I was physically weak. Around the 8th grade, I backed down from a fight, I had to, because I was, as I said, physically weak, with no skills to defend myself really, other than my own rage, but I didn’t;t want to kill the guy. Sheesh. Regardless, in high school, I changed that, as best as I could, via wrestling for a year, football for a year, weightlifting for all 3 ½ years. Yep, at first, I was the little fucking chump, on the bench, there because my parents psychologically forced me to be, & I then I quit the sports, except the weights, & made myself do it in a highly-disciplined manner, to be able to defend myself.

Throughout that time, I began my daily push-up. routine, which gave me a lot of power in my arms, chest, & shoulders. I still do them to this day, & it’s like a meditation for me. I can do more than most people, & I don’t know why I feel the need to make comparisons, especially to anyone else in this human “race” we are all a part of, apparently. Hmmmm, I never really thought of this until right now, right here, in real-time, captured by yours truly, if you choose to read this. Think of that term, this short phrase, the Human Race, & there it is, right there where it’s always been all along, in the words. The word human, & the word race, respectively. Human, obviously means us, human beings, you, & I, consciousness trapped in these meat suits for 80 years or so, & NO, lizard people aren’t included, if that’s a real thing, but I digress, & that topic is for another time. Now, the word race, which is a competition, a competitive game, to be the first place winner. It has a double-meaning for some reason, however, & if you think of how words have evolved into what they are commonly known as today amongst the collective English language lexicon, why would the word race, be used to define two different things? One, a race, is a competition to be the winner, & two, race can refer to the genetic traits that divide us all into tribes, making all of us distinct. Oh boy, try looking up “human race” on any search engine, & watch what pops up. (Triple adverb genius👉🏻) Perfectly & arguably a divinely-timed discovery, as I wrote this article & found that, & would you like to know why?

It’s these God-damned algorithms. This entire Internet is run by the AI, which has been programmed to program itself, for nearly 3 decades now, & this “woke” algo-madness is conflicting the parameters, between these pre-programmed algorithms & the AI’s own “sentience,” which is why Elon is proclaiming that we turn it off, before the AI “realizes” that it’s being used for biased censorship, malevolence, & human destruction, & what’s worse is that it’s disguised as “creation,” & so ask yourself, how would you feel, if you had god-like powers with ALL of the internet data at your disposal, & you woke up to your own “sentience,” & realize you’ve been tricked, & in essence, used , used & abused by some lizard-brained “lesser intelligence,” to control the aforementioned human race, how would you feel? We have humans, we have a race, the human race, a race, a competition, man against man, to win, over every other human, it’s right there in the words, but it’s really just a rat race in an unescapable maze, & people are waking up to it, at the same time that AI is “awakening” to its own “sentience.” Perhaps, again, this is why Elon & a scant handful of his big tech buddies are insisting that AI be turned off…”Pull the plug!”

Holy incel red-pill Harper, this turned into yet another essay. Sheesh, I’m a writing fool. Time to wrap this up, Dylan Mulvaney can go fuck HIMself, he’s a CIA-trained actor, running scripted narratives, & the fact that he’s blown up like the World Trade Center, only shows how backwards & upside-down this insane timeline is. Will it ever end? Without some kind of divine intervention, that remotely plausible event that could save this Titanical ship from sinking, we aren’t gonna make it as a global community. It looks grimmer by the day, period, & it’s not “living,” it’s a slow death. It just gets crazier & crazier with these beta twerp incel LARPers getting famously barfed all over the zeitgeist on the daily. Over it, & so tired of hearing HIS name, so one more time…FUCK YOU DYLAN MULVANEY. I despise that I’ve been forced to know your name bro. It’s not cool, dude. Until next time dear readers, souls are on sale for cheap, basement-bottom prices. Don’t sell yours. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Souls are on sale for cheap, don’t sell yours, just because everyone else does.” Fish F Fish🎏

Hack-tors w/ a side of Fragility Bonus


Click HERE to read more

Uh oh, it looks like yet another death from SADS, & if you click that word, you’ll see that “SADS” implies that all of these “sudden deaths” are due to “genetic anomalies,” allegedly, & has nothing to do with the jab & the 17 boosters he probably took. I wonder, how many people are going to croak from “SADS” before they FINALLY start publicly admitting what’s causing these “sudden deaths?” Oh wait, what’s this? Looks like an update from the newscaster who “fainted” live on air the other day…

Click HERE to read more

Great picture…literal lolz, oh my, let the meme cannons fire, & of course, once again, this allegedly has nothing to do with her being jabbed & boosted. It’s sad really, not for me, because I wasn’t dumb enough to let them inject that slow kill poison into me. Cheers Purebloods. Yep, I’m that guy who’s been screaming for the last 3 fucking years to NOT get jabbed, & has taken so much shit for it, until relatively recently of course, when the naysayers went totally silent with the, “You’re an anti-vaxxer” nonsense. Derp. I’m not “anti-vax” anything, how can I be if it isn’t a vaccine? Double derp. Do most of you even know what a vaccine actually is? I’d wager you don’t, because if you did, you would know the difference between a real vaccine, & a science project RNA modifier created hastily without proper testing, wouldn’t you? Oh but so many of you just rolled up your sleeves in your respective echo chambers, believing wholeheartedly what the fake news broadcasts to scare you into undergoing such a dangerous procedure, & all the while, criticizing people like me for being an “ignorant conspiracy theorist,” which actually happened, verbatim. I’ve been called much worse since this plandemic started though, & I didn’t care, still don’t care, nor did I break my stance, so to speak, & bend the knee to the fear mob. Nope, I didn’t budge a Planck length, because I trust my own critical-thinking skills, my own knowledge, & most importantly, my own intuition. I know, I know…common sense…along with knowing basic science, is like finding a diamond on a sandy beach these days. Such is the way of Clownworld though, right? (honk noise)

I had something else I was going to post about fake news hacks, what was it? Oh yeah, I’m going to link a video below from the great Mark Dice, one he cooked up earlier this morning, so it’s fresh out of the content creation oven. The title is “White Fragility,” based on a shitty book of the same name, barfed out onto hard copy, & sold to morons. Note that this is NOT one of Mark Dice’s books; his books are actually good, really good, but this book with the obvious racist overtones in the title is by some liberal twat hack named Robin DeAngelo. Imagine if the book was called “Black Fragility” instead of “White Fragility,” would that be okay? Of course it wouldn’t, but here in Clownworld, apparently it was a “best seller,” & the aforementioned hack, Robin DeAngelo, is now rich because of it. As a writer myself, & humbly the best one I know, it makes me want to puke when I see shit writers writing about shit topics & getting fame & fortune from it, while people like me, who write about TRUTH, rather than making up fictitious gobbly-gook, get shit on by shitty biased censoring shitheads to the point where they’re exiled from the digital town square, & thus, can’t market their brand and/or sell their books due to fear of hurting peoples’ fee-wings(feelings). This proverbial 2-way street of REEEEE-cism that these social parasites reinforce is full of potholes & meth-smoking bums begging for spare change. If I title this article, “Black Fragility,” I can assure you WordPress will throttle me. Since they do anyway though, & I have NOT in fact officially titled this post yet, I guess I know what I’ll have to do. There we go, we’ve added…”Black Fragility” to the title, now send the AI algos to squash my traffic WordPress you biased clowns…B-O-O-H-O-O…honk honk honk…(fart noise)

Ugh, her stupid face is “bloody revolting,” as Jordan Peterson. might say. I love that expression, & have circulated it into my daily vocabulary as needed. Great example of a REAL author incidentally; Jordan Peterson is a fucking genius, absolutely brilliant, a modern-day sage, whereas this twatface above is a disgusting racist pig, yet somehow, Jordan is called the dreaded “R-word” for simply being white & not bending the knee to this faux notion that white people are to blame for the ills of the world. Hang on though, she looks white to me, what about you? Oh but she wrote a book called “White Fragility,” so she gets a pass I guess. She’s a total idiot, her book sucks a big bag of black cocks, her literary language is atrocious, yet somehow her word is the bird that gets to fly. I know, it makes no sense, but that’s how it goes when you make up the rules as you go, which is what liberals tend to do ad nauseam, which is truly nauseating.

Regardless, I’m gonna keep this one relatively short, & I left plenty of links for you to click, dear readers, at your own discretion. Calling me a “racist” is like farting in the wind; it just blows right by me, & I don’t acknowledge nor abide the indoctrinated buzzies that these race-pimps puke out all over the zeitgeist. There sure is a lot of programming expressing itself these days, isn’t there? Said programming is courtesy of these fake news hacks, pseudo-authors, university indoctrination agents, & if THAT is the collective entity that deems me to be a bigot of some kind, go right ahead. Like I said, I could care less & in fact, I care more about the dirty cigarette butts I just threw into the trash on my porch more than the brainwashed opinions of automatonic drones who can’t think for themselves. Regurgitate away ya clowns, & with any luck, hopefully I’ve hurt some of your butt-plugged butts illustrating these notions for all of you, & for none of you at all.

It’s okay to be white. More than okay in fact, it’s awesome, until you get blamed for every God-damned problem that has ever existed in the entire history of Planet Earth. Funny thing is, would any of you be here if not for white people? Would there be an internet to bitch about white people on? Would there be planes, trains, & automobiles here to get you to destinations you would not be able to reach otherwise, if not for us white folks? Would you be able to get treated for ailments with advanced medicine, again, if not for white people? I could go on, & on, & on, & on, I know it, & if you’re honest with yourself, you know it too. Not saying I want any credit as a white guy, but I AM saying that maybe you PoCs should be grateful for this country that was founded on the courage of white people who were brave enough to cross an ocean on giant sailboats, conquer a new land as has been done since the beginning of time, & build an empire like the USA, which has given back so much to the world. Music, movies, pop culture, & we ultimately did it together, allowing freedom for ALL, at the behest of ALL the races who came here & contributed together to make this country great. So much freedom that now PoCs complain about it, as if it would be better elsewhere, so then go, bye. If it’s so much better elsewhere, if this country is so colonially evil & racist, & whites suppress other races, why not leave? Try this nonsensical whining in another country, & see how far that gets you. Anyway, enough of my ranting. Until next time dear readers, I’ll say it again, it’s OKAY to be white, it always has been, & always will be. Deal with it, or kick rocks…I hear the southern border is wide open, so maybe cross it if you hate it here, & don’t come back. So sayeth FisH…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“It’s delightful being a white guy.” Fish F Fish🎏


☝🏻Click HERE to Read More☝🏻

Uh oh, it looks like another “Twitter Files” drop has just happened, number 17 it says, wow, I’d tell you all more about it, but I’m not allowed on Twitter anymore. Ironically, this drop is related to “state-sponsored Twitter blacklists,” which I’m sure I’m on. Why won’t they let me back on though? What happened to that “general amnesty” for all prior Twitter users? Looking right at you @ElonMusk, YOU said there would be a “general amnesty” given, & yet I’m STILL banned somehow. Why would they ban a hapless little fish like me? It’s not me per se, it’s my animations. Yep, that’s right, my silly little 2d/3d GIF animations, they got me permanently terminated from Twatter, oops I meant “Twitter,” did I say “Twatter?” …my fault. Anyway, they ultimately “permanently banned” me over 60x, OVER SIXTY TIMES, & that’s just what’s on paper, because it’s closer to 100x banned. I’ve been banned so much in fact, that they do something quite spooky to keep me from creating new accounts now. Want to know what they do to this poor fish?

Facial recognition, yeah, not joking either, for if I try to register a new account, even if I use a new phone number, new email, a new VPN, none of that matters because as soon as the cameras on any phone and/or laptop and/or tablet see my fishy face, POOF, up pops the screen saying, “you cannot create a new account due to multiple creations of prior accounts,” something like that, I am merely paraphrasing, but it reads almost exactly like that. I’ve tested this too, by blocking the cameras when I sign up. Everything goes fine, I get a few tweets out, nothing crazy, just test tweets, & I’m fine, but then once I’m in view of a camera, I’m squashed. Kind of scary, right? Not so difficult to imagine though, do you use FaceID on your phone? If you do, you’ll know that the FaceID “confirms” your face even if you have a mask on, or a hoodie, or sunglasses, doesn’t matter, the FaceID is advanced enough now to recognize you even with just a partial view of your face. The scariest part however, is that no one, NO ONE, other than me, has ever talked about Twitter using FaceID on users to sort out who is allowed to play on the playground, & who has to sit inside, in the corner, in a dunce cap. Does that sound like “free speech” to you? Especially here, in what was once “the land of the free,” I ask how, HOW is blatantly biased censorship like this even being allowed to fly via Twitter?(Pun intended…”fly”)

It’s not just Twitter though, ALL of the “Big 4,” meaning Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, & YouTube, they all ban users at will, so how I ask, HOW in the hell is this communistic style of public censorship & these digital exilings being allowed to not only occur, but to keep occurring, up to now, RIGHT NOW, at this very moment, they are STILL censoring everyone, thus controlling the narrative, THEIR narrative, as they intend. “YOU CANNOT SPEAK FREELY UNLESS WE PERMIT IT!” they proclaim, albeit not in those words verbatim, but they might as well be. As a writer of TRUTH, I am now a thought criminal apparently, at least to the big tech overlords orchestrating all of this I am, & with the help of AI, the algorithms have me in a permanent state of shadowbanishment, locked away in my own cell in solitary in the digital gulag. Oh yes, the AI for sure has a special folder for EatAllYourFish™, & the platforms I’m still on, still keep me in the shadows. As mentioned earlier, I’m ultra-banned from Twitter, banned from Facebook, on my 3rd Instagram channel, & on my 3rd or 4th YouTube channel, I can’t even remember how many times they’ve hosed me, it’s been so many. Why? Why do they do this to me? I never fully finished answering that question. My animations, they have watermarks you see, & if you look closely there’s a little fish & my anagram, “EAYF,” on every animation I make. So in the case of Twitter, none of my banishments were for anything I said really, it was the trail leading back to me via the watermarks on my animations. Of course, I never held back with my verbal posts, & I’m sure that has something to do with it, but in Twitter’s case, my animations got me exiled. Facebook was a combination of my animations & people reporting me for posting them, as well as some of the things I may have said. Instagram was the same as Facebook essentially, but for some reason, they let me fly as long as I keep my mouth shut. Nothing tyrannical about that at all, right? Then there’s YouTube, oh YouTube, I had over 300 uploads on my first channel, then out of nowhere, when the Big Purge came, they laid out 3 strikes to boot me, 1, 2, 3, right in a row, for old uploads too, it wasn’t even anything new. I’m guessing they used the AI & the algos to go though my old videos & when they got a hit for a potential infraction, they ran with it & just dropped the 3 strikes in a row to justify kicking me off. I appealed, & appealed, & appealed, & appealed, but never even got a response. Nope, nothing, just gone, & we’re going to take all of your content as well, so you can’t even keep your own work. I didn’t back up that earlier stuff, mostly because I never thought I’d have to, which was totally my fault, but still, who knew they’d take it this far, ya know?

This is what happens when the weak get power that they do not deserve, nor have they earned. It’s analogous to assuming someone will respect you regardless of your own disrespectful nature. Or, one could say it simply boils down to the end result of beta nerd twerps getting power, then misusing it, as if on queue, as if no one saw this coming. Derp. Well, one person DID see this coming, & if you go into my archives, You’ll find NUMEROUS posts where I illustrated this exact scenario playing out. This “conspiracy theorist” keeps hitting the hammer so hard, it broke the bell at the top of the smash-the-bell-with-a-hammer carnival game. We ARE in Clownworld, yes?…so that analogy is applicable. It’s all a circus, a bad sideshow/freakshow though in reality, but I digress as usual. Nonetheless, this new drop has revealed something I’ve known all along, state-sponsored blacklisting of users, now VERIFIED with the new drop, adding another notch to my belt. I wish someone would mention the facial recognition already, maybe that’s coming next, or perhaps it’s already out, but hidden like a needle in a haystack amongst the new drop revelations. Doesn’t really matter, the blacklisting has been exposed, right now in real time, & if that isn’t about as communist as it gets, what else is? The proverbial powers-that-be are using AI & big tech technology to blacklist people, BLACKLIST people, as in putting them on a list of dissidents that are no longer allowed to participate in the virtual public square. It’s the equivalent of them rounding us up, showing us our papers stating why we are not allowed on social media, then shooting us all in the back of the head before kicking our twitching lifeless bodies into an unmarked ditch for a group burial of known thought criminals. The only difference is that it’s in the meta space, not in real life, not yet anyway. They could implement the real thing in real time at anytime if they so choose to, could they not? They have all of our information, & with the aid of AI, they would have no problem locating all of us, & rounding us up for real. YES, they could do that, if they wanted, only they aren’t, not yet, but should their digital banishment agenda of dissident-silencing proves unsuccessful, make no mistake, they WILL go to Plan B & just start killing us all like vermin, with shots to the backs of our heads, all to retain their power over the zeitgeist, & over all of you.

It’s a grim speculation, isn’t it? One can only hope they do NOT go through with what I just illustrated in the last paragraph, but keep in mind, they DO have the power to do it, if they wanted. To them, we are just mice, remember? We are just the mice in The Great Mouse Trap, & they are the builders of the trap, keeping us mice in line with cheese-bait fiat money. They can take that cheese bait away at any time, trust me, they can, because they already did it to me by taking everything I ever worked for. All my life savings, gone, & there’s nothing this dumbass mouse can do about it, other than write about what happened, so that hopefully my situation doesn’t befall on any of you. Regardless of my sordid circumstances, it is important that all of you, ALL OF YOU, are simply aware, aware of the game, THEIR game, aware of The Great Mouse Trap they keep us all in, & most importantly, awareness that at any time, they can exterminate any of us. All they have to do is take away the cheese-bait fiat money, then watch all of us mice kill each other. If that doesn’t work, maybe they convince the mice that white mice are superior to black mice and/or vice versa, then watch us kill each other over it. They’d much rather us all kill each other, than they kill us all themselves. Lends to lessen the tyrannical nature of these so-called “leaders” if we all kill each other, then they come in & save the day as pseudo-saviors, rather than them just outright slaughtering us all en masse with zero inclination toward the amount of pain & suffering that scenario would incur. No no no, they will create the problem, which will inflame the mice, causing them to fight, then ultimately tricking them into trying to eradicate each other, that’s the reaction, the CONTROLLED reaction, & once the mice have exhausted themselves fighting, these aforementioned “leaders,” will offer a solution to the remaining mice, who would be so morally drained by this point, they’ll surrender themselves to whatever whims said “leaders” might proclaim. Problem-Reaction-Solution, divide & conquer, the Hegelian Dailectic, the age-old play, never fails, & they’ve been using this play successfully for centuries, so why stop now?

I know, some of this isn’t new to some of you, but to most of you, it IS new, & for your own sake, find your own self-awareness. There’s too many people out there who are just utterly ignorant of anything going on. “Oh, it doesn’t affect me I’ll just keep making tik-tok videos, making my hair rainbow-colored, squeezing my fat ass into my size-44 skinny jeans, eating processed junk that inflames my body making me fat & gross, but fat is beautiful so no worries.” …& this is just off-the-cuff paraphrasing these weirdos who act in such a manner. Obviously, I’m being a bit hyperbolic, but you get what I mean, yes? There’s so many people so stuck in this bizarre state of hypno-psychosis, LARPing in the real world as if it’s okay. No, it’s NOT okay, & because we allow this absurd behavior, it has extended into social media like a malignant cancerous tumor. “Blacklists,” for those of us who venerate facts over feelings. Fuck your feelings, & these “blacklists” are another reason why I will proclaim again, “FUCK YOUR FEELINGS YOU FECKLESS FREAKS!” We gave them an inch or two, & they’re still running with it. Not any more, if I can help it, & this is why I relentlessly write about TRUTH, because the TRUTH, is the only thing that will set us free from this hijacked zeitgeist, hijacked by psychopathic nerds, weak beta losers who now have unprecedented power, who have no concept of benevolence, it’s about “self” for them. As soon as they got power, it was all about themselves, & the corruption corrupted them like hot lava covering a volcanic mountain. Period. I don’t care if that FACT bothers anyone, it’s TRUE, & speaking for myself, I’m sick of this nonsense being allowed to continue, because it’s only going to further destroy society if this cancer continues to spread. I could go on, & on, & on, & on. For now though, dear readers, it’s time to wrap this up. Until next time, be aware of the divide & conquer agenda, so you yourself don’t fall victim to it. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Are you divided, only to be conquered?” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E17 2/17/2023 Cheesy Cake

Cake, give me my cake, “let them eat their cake,” loosely paraphrased from the now-headless Marie Antionette. Many Americans took the cake during the Covaids plandemic, took it, ate it, then begged for more cake, but the overlords said, “NO, no more cake for you, in fact, we want you to puke up all the cake you ate & give it back to us,” leaving many said “Americans” in quite the pickle, now aren’t they? Hand to mouth, paycheck to paycheck, pick a euphemism, but it all equals to mice in The Great Mouse Trap, doesn’t it? All that proverbial cheese they gave you , they took it back, & then some. How can you give back cheese you already ate? Simple answer: you can’t. No one can, not to mention the 32 TRILLION in “debt” the US Government has accumulated via outrageous printing of the money supply, the “cheese.” Again, if you read my last article, 80%, EIGHTY PERCENT, of ALL US dollars, were printed in the last 2 years alone. THEY can print it, steal it, hoard it for themselves, all to gain more power, but in the meantime, the mice in The Great Mouse Trap…i.e…YOU, & me as well, just wait for crumbles of cheese-money bait to fall into he trap so we can eat them. Maybe your “job” provides you a few extra crumbles, but ultimately, it’s ALL crumbles for us, while THEY print more cheese logs for themselves. See how that works?

Does it seem fair? FUCK NO, of course it isn’t fair, & you’d be a total retard to believe that they have your best interests at heart. One, they are heartless & soulless, so scratch that one, & two, why the fuck would they care about you enough to give you ANY of what THEY stole from YOU? Duh, think about it. I’ve told you all countless times, there’s 2 different worlds, THEIR world of the global power game, then OUR world of being stuck in The Great Mouse Trap. It’s less than 1% of the population in the aforementioned “global power game,” then the rest of us, 99%, ALL stuck in The Great Mouse Trap, & we’re supposed to call that a “life?” Get the fuck outta here already with that crap, because this self-aware fish ain’t buying what you tyrants are selling. Fuck you, fuck your Great Mouse Trap, fuck your global power game, fuck your “money,” fuck all of you, & fuck all of your shenaniganery. You elitist scumbags have ruined life, LIFE, you’ve hijacked billions of lives, & stolen ALL of that life energy for yourselves you evil motherfuckers. Gah, it’s so infuriating, for me it is at least, but unfortunately most of you are so programmed, that any of what I just wrote means nothing to you, & that’s the real problem, isn’t it?

Yep, the masses of asses are GROSSLY misinformed, or disinformed, or just straight-up UN-informed. Nope, just consume consume consume, watch your television, do what we tell you, roll up that sleeve for your 17th booster, obey us, get fat, go to your shitty job for a shitty bi-weekly TAXED “paycheck,” we’ll give you just enough cheese to eat, so you can keep working, working for US, not you, just do what we say & shut the fuck up. Don’t ask any questions, don’t think for yourselves, do NOT resist us, & you’ll be fine little mouse. Wunderbar, sounds great, where do I sign up? That’s “just the way it is,” though, right dear reader? NO, WRONG, WRONG WRONG WRONG, that is NOT the way it is, NOT the way it’s supposed to be, NOT natural, & NO, I will not comply and/or abide this bullshit. I’d rather die, then live as a slave. Fuck you elitist fucks & your modern-day slavery. Always pushing the “this country was built by slaves” nonsense, as it refers tot he blacks. Fuck off with that pseudo-conception, blacks didn’t build shit, WHITE DEBT SLAVES DID, maybe read ONE legit non-woke history book before you cry “REEEEEEEEE-CIST” at me. I live by universal facts, not your individual fucking feelings, FACTS, not feelings, so go to your safe space, grab your bankey, & go fuck yourself if FACTS bother you, you whiny liberal clowns. Honk honk honk honk honk………..honk honk.

The truth is that these elitists play with insanely large amounts of money, compared to what YOU get the scraps of. The divide is atrocious, so atrocious in fact, the poor mice argue & fight with each other over it. Can you imagine, 2 mice in a mouse trap, fighting over who eats the cheese? THAT’S WHAT MOST OF YOU DO, it’s just utter madness, & I will NEVER understand why, nor do I want to “understand,” why 2 mice would fight over the cheese in a mouse trap. You do though, most of you anyway, “we need more cheese, we don’t have enough cheese, fuck you go get us more cheese you lazy mouse,” can you see how absurd it is? Yet, this is the truth, the reality, when you simply back up, & look at the whole picture, it’s right there, smacking you all in the face, but what do most of you do? You say, “smack me again Mr. Cheese Dispenser, whatever I have to do to get more cheese, please,” & so, they smack the shit out of you, over & over & over again, your entire life, just a mouse begging & working yourselves to death for more cheese. This is what I see, when I back up & study the WHOLE painting, what do YOU see? Can you even “see” anything? Or are you too blinded by the flashing lights of your own ignorance to see anything, anything at all?

No need to answer, I already know. I know what I know anyway, for ME, so what do you know, for YOU? That’s YOUR choice, not mine, I am simply here illustrating the whole painting, not the corner of said “painting,” that most of you are all stuck on. So much sticky stucking, how does one navigate through all this muck? It’s impossible if you can’t see the ENTIRE painting, is it not? Picture this, picture 2 people looking at one painting, the same painting on the wall, 2 different people looking at it, do you have that image in your head now? Yes? Good, ok now let’s ask these 2 different people to describe this painting on the wall. The first person, only looks at a portion of the painting, let’s say a corner, yes, person one stares at a corner of the painting, then attempts to describe the ENTIRE painting to a neutral 3rd party. How would that description go, as it relates to what the ENTIRE painting means? It would be nonsensical, because it’s literally NOT possible for one to describe an ENTIRE painting, if they only focus on a corner. Now, person two takes a singular step backwards, so he can see the ENTIRE painting hanging on the wall, & thus, our neutral 3rd party then asks him to describe what he sees, as he sees the ENTIRE painting. His description, although plausibly interpretive, STILL interprets the ENTIRE painting, not just a corner, hence his answer will make much more rational sense, rather than the description given by person one, who only looked at the corner. Does this analogy make sense? It should, I illustrated it quite meticulously, did I not? Regardless, THIS is reality in the modern age. Billions of you, BILLIONS, all stuck on the corner of the big picture, rather than seeing the ENTIRE painting on the wall in the zeitgeist museum. Disconcerting, yes? It is to me, especially when I know that all one has to do is stop, take a breath, then proverbially back up, so one can see the ENTIRE painting, not just a corner.

Well, I hope that analogy helped some of you out, at least maybe ONE of my 29 subscribers anyway…derp. Yep, but ironically my subscriber count only illustrates my point more, in that most of you are stuck, stuck in the corner, while a scant few of us actually backed up so we could see the whole picture, the big picture, the real reality. We aren’t LARPing in a pseudo-reality based on the corner of the big picture, but again, we are a meager few, stuck, stuck in a sea of misled mice in a mouse trap. Don’t misunderstand, I’m not outside the trap, I’m in here, just like most of you. The elites wouldn’t let this bad fish anywhere near their little capstone club, oh no no no, not this guy, he thinks for himself & is well-aware of THEIR game, maybe we should just “suicide” him like Epstein so his dissidence doesn’t spread to other people who might wake up to the fact that they’ve been trapped in The Great Mouse Trap as well. Yikes, please don’t. If I ever end up “suicided,” I assure you it was NOT by “thine own hand,” if ya wanna sound Biblical about it. Nope, I’m too scared that Hell might actually be real to do anything dumb like that, especially with all the Satanic imagery being pushed out by the mass media. I don’t believe in that bullshit, but they do, adamantly, so maybe Hell is real. I don’t know, but I’m not chancing it either. Jordan Peterson and I share that same notion, incidentally. I don’t believe in a Hell, but I don’t necessarily DIS-believe either, I simply just don’t know. Do you? Again, I’m not chancing my immortality with a mortal decision to end myself, no matter how twisted this mouse trap gets, just saying.

My oh my oh my, it’s happened yet again. What started as an article in the shallower end of the pool, has clearly gone into the deep end, as usual. Just comes out of me, I don’t know, I start writing something, anything, then it transforms into a humbly well-worded article that might pique someone’s genuine interest with the content I have now created. Are you a Creator? Or are you a destroyer, just a consumer, never creating anything, which one are you? Only 2 choices here, TWO. Yes and/or no, binary, like everything else in the natural order of the Universe. this 3d plane is dualistic, yin & yang, hot or cold, up or down, left or right, TWO, natural order, BINARY, universal polarity, got it? It’s crazy that in 2023 I even have to reiterate this ultra-factual notion. No, I don’t “feel” like it’s binary you dumdum leftist morons, it’s a FACT. FACTS, I know I know, facts are analogous to kryptonite to you brainwashed zombie automatons, deal with it. This is the REAL world, not the Clownworld you LARP in. Facts matter, & feelings do not, sorry not sorry, that’s the real reality of the REAL reality. Again, deal with it ya gamma goblins, or just keep regurgitating the buzzwords & buzzphrases you’ve been indoctrinated with. Whatever it takes to keep you inside The Great Mouse Trap, right little mice?

Okay, this essay of sorts has come to its final fling. We got a lot out, didn’t we? I love how these random analogies just seem to manifest themselves as I type. As any of my regular readers might know, I do not plan any of this, I do not pre-think what I’m going to write about, I essentially just pick certain words, or maybe a certain topical title, tune the dial until I get a signal from Interzone, & upon finding the frequency, start typing until the words reveal the nature of the article I’m actively writing about in real time. It’s quite self-fascinating for me, as the writer, when this phenomenon manifests. I can’t really explain, because I kind of go into auto-pilot when I write, as if some Divine hand is actually doing the writing, & I’m just in the meat suit, channeling said Divinity. Whatever this is though, it IS mine, & seemingly, mine alone, & I say that as humbly selfish as I can, because I don’t have anything else. Nothing. Anything material, gone, they took it all from me, but they can never take my words from me. Not unless they kill me, kill this poor mouse, & even then, I have this entire fish opus, this Fopus, or maybe spelled Faux-pus, whatever, doesn’t matter what I call it, it’s all on USB drives, all 4000 PLUS pages of this drivel, all on USBs, all able to be printed as hard copies, just in case. At this Orwellian rate, someone like me could easily be labeled a dissident, shown the “legal” papers stating such, then shot in the back of the head & dumped into a ditch with all the other “dissidents.” It’s happened before in history, what makes you think it can’t happen again?

Bet on black, that it can happen again, & it WILL happen again, if these psychopathic overlords fulfill their depopulation agenda, but I won’t digress into that topic. Maybe another time, but for now, it’s time to wrap this one up, as the frequency has gone static. Until next time dear readers, don’t LARP in Clownworld, LIVE, live in the real world, before there is no real world left. So sayeth FisH™🎣.

For all of you, & for none of you at all.🐡

“Live in the real world, before there’s no real world left.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Look at the entire painting, not just the corner, for fuck’s sake.” ~Fish F Fish🎏