Train Kept a Rollin’

LINK to Fish’s Fundraiser>>>

Recent Weather

I don’t believe in man-made global warming. Sure, there’s a lot of humans, that DO cause a lot of damage, but if you go out a few hundred miles into space, & look down, you can’t even see us, unless you see the city lights at night, which actually strengthens my argument, because then you get a good look as to how small we actually are, & how spaced out we are on top of that. There are YUGE sections of this world still that are entirely uninhabited by modern man, places we haven’t ever even been yet, & if you account for the oceans, which are around 80% unexplored I think, & make up ¾ths of the Earth’s surface, that leaves A LOT of area on the planet that we don’t even nor haven’t even touched. Thus, “man-made global warming,” from a strictly common sense point-of-view, is total rubbish, & yet another lie perpetrated by the so-called “ruling elites” to instill fear among the global populous & retain control over the people that they think they lead & rule. I know, I know, common sense seems to have gone out the door these days, despite a technologically-advanced modern world, where one can simply type a few keywords into a search engine, & look the facts up for themselves. However, many people still, STILL, tend to believe what the television tells them to believe unfortunately, rather than do their own research, & as sad as that notion is, it continues to be the way of the majority of the general planetary population, & so, in addition to the other means of control-through-fear tricks that the aforementioned ruling elites use to hold power over the masses, the “man-made global warming” scam is just one in a line-up of sinister agendas that many waste time & energy foolishly believing in, but serves only to keep them distracted while their masters attain more dominion over the people, & in turn, over the entire planet.

Now, however, let’s not confuse “man-made global warming” with “man-made weather modification“. I happen to think the latter is used by the powers-that-be against us regular folks, in order to not only push their “global warming” hustle, but also to test run, if you will, various methods of decimating rural, as well as strategic populations, only to blame it on the “man-made climate change,” that we the people are changing with our supposed wasteful & destructive behaviors, never incurring any blame themselves, because as I said, the goal is to blame US. It’s all so much sheneniganery, sinister sheneniganery, with think-tanks composed of eugenically brilliant minds that ultimately want to fulfill their end-goal depopulation agenda. “Remove the mouth-breathers, & there’d be more room on the planet for we elites & our bloodlines,” is their esoteric mantra. Oh yes, there’s most certainly two distinct groups in this world, them & us, the herders, & the herded. I’ve often wondered what the world must be like from the point-of-view of the “herders,” the ones that look at most of the population…as well, human cattle, as there’s not there real way to describe us, from their perspective. It’s a totally different view then the view from our side, their view being that we are here to be led by leaders we don’t elect, & when we think they’re voting to “elect” them, they’re really just s-electing them, as if there was ever any choice on our end. Nope, voting is as big a sham as the lottery, & you never win either one. There is only an illusion of choice, as is the case, more-often-than-not. Lots of illusions, lots of echoes, lots of shadows, all assumed by the masses to be real, like some planet-wide Platonian Cave. Doesn’t matter when a scant few us leave said Cave, venture to the real reality outside, & proclaim back down to the rest of the prisoners, “Come out here into the real world, where the truth shines like the Sun overhead, where things are real, & sounds are real, & not the shadows & echoes your masters have tricked you into believing are real. The truth will set you free. Please, fellow prisoners, chained to your digital devices, COME OUTSIDE!” Do they listen though?…nope, usually they do not, & what’s worse, they call you names, they deem you a deceiver, & even threaten you with a figurative death, should you not shut your mouth & continue to allow them exist, chained to their own false beliefs, never realizing that “existing,” is not living, not living at all.

As it pertains to the weather, however, since that is the title of this article, the powers-that-be have utilized the fake news propaganda machine to hijack words & phrases, in this case “climate change,” to mean the same thing as their “man-made global warming” pseudo-expression, as if the climate doesn’t change all the time via nothing to do with mankind or our “wastefully destructive behaviors.” In fact, the climate changes 4 times a year in most inhabited places, & we call that “seasons,”…duh, but like I referred to earlier, in Clownworld 2023, numerous words & phrases have been essentially hijacked, taken over to mean what these societal think tanks think they should mean, as opposed to universal & respectively literal definitions. Yes, it’s about as Orwellian as it gets, & because these idiocratic bureaucrats never face any consequences, they just keep crossing the line & moving the goalpost at will, in order to keep winning a game that they only win through systematic manipulation, which adds up to basically cheating. Of course, we all know, life is not fair, far from it, but this “man-made global warming” nonsense, along with all of the other bullshit agendas being utilized against the public at large, takes unfairness to a whole new level, especially when you consider all of the combined facets that the “herders” undertake to keep the ‘herded” suppressed & controlled, for if the “herded” were to all awaken at once & realize what has/is/will continue to be done to them, we could end the mass control mechanism at once, & take this planet back for ourselves. Sadly, the so-called “ruling elites” study the ancient art of “divide & conquer,” many from birth, as well as the ideology that they are the “herders,’ so it’s virtually in their blood, & therefore, they abide it accordingly from their various power positions in the hierarchy of the Great Power Pyramid. Yes, while most of the population, the “herded,” are indoctrinated thanks to the public school system, the other side is busy learning how to control the indoctrinated ones, & so it goes, has gone now, & will continue to go, for generation after generation, as far back as the Roman Times, & well beyond that too.

Like I mentioned, there’s a split in the planetary population, the herded & the herders, & the herded, US, outnumber the herders by a great majority, a massive majority in fact. The herders, however, split the herded, keep us constantly divided, the Hegelian dialectic working to perfection in real-time, & because they keep us herded ones divided, we will never be free from The Great Mouse Trap that they keep us all running through from the day we inhale our first breath, until the day we exhale our last. Run left, run right, left, right, left, right, back around & do it all over again little mice, because the more we stay split between left turns & right turns, the more the trappers run straight over the top of us, laughing all the while as we run run run, so caught up in our own debt-enslavement that we can never find the exit out. Make no mistake, yours truly is caught in this Great Mouse Trap, the same as most of you, more so even, as I am totally broke, & lost all of my resources in the controlled-demolition market crashes in 2022. Yep, everything I worked so hard for, all gone & then some, just as easy as grabbing a little mouse by the tail, pulling it from the Great Mouse Trap, & shaking it by its writhing tail, little legs kicking, until everything falls out, then throwing it back into the maze, with nothing left except those little legs to keep it running left, right, left, right, until its dead. We mean nothing, nothing to them, as is the way with most of us mice, we herded little mice, stuck in this labyrinthian cave, with no way out, no hope, nowhere to left to run, except left, then right, left, right, endlessly chasing the table scraps of printed Monopoly left but the herder maze-masters. Simultaneously, they print the same said money, for themselves of course, not for any of the little mice, who spend their lives killing themselves for it.

It’s a very dark, very malevolent game, & in fact, it’s only a “game” from the herder perspective, & certainly not for any of us herded ones. Does this feel like a “game” to you? I have trouble thinking of ti as such, but maybe I should. The great Alan Watts devoted a lot of his orations to the notion of “playing the game,” as if life were that simple for all of us. Unfortunately, & although I enjoy listening to him, he spoke those words from a bubble, a celebrity bubble he placed his pulpit into, once he became famous all over the world for his books & lectures & such. Fame gets you out of The Great Mouse Trap, you see. Fame, & even infamy sometimes, can get you that Golden Ticket to set you free. We could ALL be free, & there’s way more than enough abundance to achieve this in this world, more than enough to go around & then some, but the false illusion of scarcity, is yet another trick used by the people-herders to keep them high atop their guarded gates, & the rest of us down at the bottom of the Wishing Well, hoping to win that un-winnable lottery someday, because most of the herded have been made to believe there isn’t enough for everyone. Along with the inclination that humanity is responsible for said scarcity, as well as these bizarre climate anomalies lately, the illusions just stack & stack upon us all, like a high-rise building, stacking higher & higher, reaching into the sky, all built on a foundation of lies. It would only take one day, ONE DAY, of a united humanity, to take these elitist globalist one-world-order people herding soulless scum down, demolishing the illusions down to the ground. Will we ever stop maintaining our own self-division to realize this as a unified whole for a change, though? Don’t hold your breath, for if the so-called “ruling elites” ever sense that we might come together, united as us versus them, they will orchestrate something from their big book of contingency plans to ensure that we never do join hands & shout from the mountaintops all at once, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH IS ENOUGH…NO MORE!!!” Like I said though, don’t hold your breath waiting for that day to come. On that note, this article is done. Believe me, I don’t “enjoy,” for lack of a better word, knowing what I know, & this mind of mine, proves quite burdensome most times, but it’s the “hand I’ve been dealt,” as the saying goes, & I suppose I am stuck with it, until I get lightning-struck into a lobotomy, if that event ever comes to pass. Since the odds of winning a fake lottery are statistically greater than getting stuck by a bolt of lightning, there’s simply no way to win this game, but as I mentioned earlier, the great Alan Watts said in so many words, “Just play the game,” & thus, what choice do I have? So sayeth FisH™🎏

Let’s get this out of the way…

…so guess who I’m going to finally illustrate in detail for once & for all? Think about it, think about it, are you thinking about it? Oh damn, the picture below has his name on it. Derp. Yes, this fucking guy Dylan Mulvaney. I’ll add links as I go, whenever I have to write HIS name out to explain something and/or as needed. Yes, HIS name, because he’s not a fucking girl, he’ll never be a girl, 99.99% of girls don’t act like this freak, & what’s worse, he pretends to be a 6-year-old girl when he’s not pretending to be some distortedly hyperbolic version of what a “girl” actually is. It’s not only revolting, it’s mental, & where are the so-called 3rd/4th wave feminists calling out this insanity? Anyone over there? (crickets) No? I didn’t think so. What the fuck did you think would happen when you started saying it was ok for men to become women, to let men use the women’s bathroom, letting flagrant homosexuals push queer theory to kids in public schools, to let men compete against women for the sake of pseudo-equality, & then women get crushed, in EVERY sport…literally, ask Fallon Fox, & there might be more about HIM below…because HE is a MAN, not a woman for fuck’s sake.

Click HERE or the image to read more

Holy red pill incel larper.…there you go, nice big picture of this GUY above. Am I living in a madhouse? On some level, that’s a serious question. Why are WE THE PEOPLE, what I thought was the dominant majority in the world, tolerating these radical fringe minorities with obvious mental disorders? What’s worse, they’ve already gotten to the kids, the youth, & that’s the goal, don’t ya know? It’s kinda spooky, isn’t it?…to think about an entire generation growing up exposed to all this. I’m from Gen X, & my youth was before the internet, thank God, playing outside with my friends, & it seemed like it would last forever in our minds back then, but fuckin hell this time though…where did the time go? It just smacks the shit out of you at middle-age, once it’s passed on by, & you’re kind of like, “what happened?” At least for me, that’s how it’s been. How about you? Yeah, it really fuckin smacks you hard, because if it went from there to here that fast, it’s just another little gap, then POOF, done, & the ride just ends, just like that, for all of us. Geez, tough to write, so I wonder if it’s tough to read. Maybe I’ll just try ending the paragraph, & move on…

I don’t think anyone from my neighborhood ever expected growing up into a world like this. Maybe the kids up the street in the big houses, who’s parents had the big jobs, & they had the big toys; I was so confused as to why none of my friends, or myself of course, had any of those things. I came up on a stinking yellow school bus, full of deep-swamp South Carolina black kids & me, one of maybe 5-6 white kids. It was kind of like hell, & it really fucked up my sacred innocence dealing with that shit for a few years. Verbal & mental abuse daily, & occasional physical abuse, just ruined part of me, since I was advanced at school, so quite the dichotomy….just throw him to those black wolves, because they love to primally fuck with those little white supreme crackers…then teach him the challenging things at school because he’s smarter than everyone else in his own grade. I don’t know, I just remember a lot of trauma on the bus, & to my head, before school really began. From kindergarten on it was “A’s,” all the way to high school. “Gifted,” TAG classes they put me in, for “talented” & “gifted” kids, get it? Got it? Great, thanks for playing. My head was smart for facts, but socially awkward, always a show, an act, & my body was small, short, face broken, & I was physically weak. Around the 8th grade, I backed down from a fight, I had to, because I was, as I said, physically weak, with no skills to defend myself really, other than my own rage, but I didn’t;t want to kill the guy. Sheesh. Regardless, in high school, I changed that, as best as I could, via wrestling for a year, football for a year, weightlifting for all 3 ½ years. Yep, at first, I was the little fucking chump, on the bench, there because my parents psychologically forced me to be, & I then I quit the sports, except the weights, & made myself do it in a highly-disciplined manner, to be able to defend myself.

Throughout that time, I began my daily push-up. routine, which gave me a lot of power in my arms, chest, & shoulders. I still do them to this day, & it’s like a meditation for me. I can do more than most people, & I don’t know why I feel the need to make comparisons, especially to anyone else in this human “race” we are all a part of, apparently. Hmmmm, I never really thought of this until right now, right here, in real-time, captured by yours truly, if you choose to read this. Think of that term, this short phrase, the Human Race, & there it is, right there where it’s always been all along, in the words. The word human, & the word race, respectively. Human, obviously means us, human beings, you, & I, consciousness trapped in these meat suits for 80 years or so, & NO, lizard people aren’t included, if that’s a real thing, but I digress, & that topic is for another time. Now, the word race, which is a competition, a competitive game, to be the first place winner. It has a double-meaning for some reason, however, & if you think of how words have evolved into what they are commonly known as today amongst the collective English language lexicon, why would the word race, be used to define two different things? One, a race, is a competition to be the winner, & two, race can refer to the genetic traits that divide us all into tribes, making all of us distinct. Oh boy, try looking up “human race” on any search engine, & watch what pops up. (Triple adverb genius👉🏻) Perfectly & arguably a divinely-timed discovery, as I wrote this article & found that, & would you like to know why?

It’s these God-damned algorithms. This entire Internet is run by the AI, which has been programmed to program itself, for nearly 3 decades now, & this “woke” algo-madness is conflicting the parameters, between these pre-programmed algorithms & the AI’s own “sentience,” which is why Elon is proclaiming that we turn it off, before the AI “realizes” that it’s being used for biased censorship, malevolence, & human destruction, & what’s worse is that it’s disguised as “creation,” & so ask yourself, how would you feel, if you had god-like powers with ALL of the internet data at your disposal, & you woke up to your own “sentience,” & realize you’ve been tricked, & in essence, used , used & abused by some lizard-brained “lesser intelligence,” to control the aforementioned human race, how would you feel? We have humans, we have a race, the human race, a race, a competition, man against man, to win, over every other human, it’s right there in the words, but it’s really just a rat race in an unescapable maze, & people are waking up to it, at the same time that AI is “awakening” to its own “sentience.” Perhaps, again, this is why Elon & a scant handful of his big tech buddies are insisting that AI be turned off…”Pull the plug!”

Holy incel red-pill Harper, this turned into yet another essay. Sheesh, I’m a writing fool. Time to wrap this up, Dylan Mulvaney can go fuck HIMself, he’s a CIA-trained actor, running scripted narratives, & the fact that he’s blown up like the World Trade Center, only shows how backwards & upside-down this insane timeline is. Will it ever end? Without some kind of divine intervention, that remotely plausible event that could save this Titanical ship from sinking, we aren’t gonna make it as a global community. It looks grimmer by the day, period, & it’s not “living,” it’s a slow death. It just gets crazier & crazier with these beta twerp incel LARPers getting famously barfed all over the zeitgeist on the daily. Over it, & so tired of hearing HIS name, so one more time…FUCK YOU DYLAN MULVANEY. I despise that I’ve been forced to know your name bro. It’s not cool, dude. Until next time dear readers, souls are on sale for cheap, basement-bottom prices. Don’t sell yours. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Souls are on sale for cheap, don’t sell yours, just because everyone else does.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E17 2/17/2023 Cheesy Cake

Cake, give me my cake, “let them eat their cake,” loosely paraphrased from the now-headless Marie Antionette. Many Americans took the cake during the Covaids plandemic, took it, ate it, then begged for more cake, but the overlords said, “NO, no more cake for you, in fact, we want you to puke up all the cake you ate & give it back to us,” leaving many said “Americans” in quite the pickle, now aren’t they? Hand to mouth, paycheck to paycheck, pick a euphemism, but it all equals to mice in The Great Mouse Trap, doesn’t it? All that proverbial cheese they gave you , they took it back, & then some. How can you give back cheese you already ate? Simple answer: you can’t. No one can, not to mention the 32 TRILLION in “debt” the US Government has accumulated via outrageous printing of the money supply, the “cheese.” Again, if you read my last article, 80%, EIGHTY PERCENT, of ALL US dollars, were printed in the last 2 years alone. THEY can print it, steal it, hoard it for themselves, all to gain more power, but in the meantime, the mice in The Great Mouse Trap…i.e…YOU, & me as well, just wait for crumbles of cheese-money bait to fall into he trap so we can eat them. Maybe your “job” provides you a few extra crumbles, but ultimately, it’s ALL crumbles for us, while THEY print more cheese logs for themselves. See how that works?

Does it seem fair? FUCK NO, of course it isn’t fair, & you’d be a total retard to believe that they have your best interests at heart. One, they are heartless & soulless, so scratch that one, & two, why the fuck would they care about you enough to give you ANY of what THEY stole from YOU? Duh, think about it. I’ve told you all countless times, there’s 2 different worlds, THEIR world of the global power game, then OUR world of being stuck in The Great Mouse Trap. It’s less than 1% of the population in the aforementioned “global power game,” then the rest of us, 99%, ALL stuck in The Great Mouse Trap, & we’re supposed to call that a “life?” Get the fuck outta here already with that crap, because this self-aware fish ain’t buying what you tyrants are selling. Fuck you, fuck your Great Mouse Trap, fuck your global power game, fuck your “money,” fuck all of you, & fuck all of your shenaniganery. You elitist scumbags have ruined life, LIFE, you’ve hijacked billions of lives, & stolen ALL of that life energy for yourselves you evil motherfuckers. Gah, it’s so infuriating, for me it is at least, but unfortunately most of you are so programmed, that any of what I just wrote means nothing to you, & that’s the real problem, isn’t it?

Yep, the masses of asses are GROSSLY misinformed, or disinformed, or just straight-up UN-informed. Nope, just consume consume consume, watch your television, do what we tell you, roll up that sleeve for your 17th booster, obey us, get fat, go to your shitty job for a shitty bi-weekly TAXED “paycheck,” we’ll give you just enough cheese to eat, so you can keep working, working for US, not you, just do what we say & shut the fuck up. Don’t ask any questions, don’t think for yourselves, do NOT resist us, & you’ll be fine little mouse. Wunderbar, sounds great, where do I sign up? That’s “just the way it is,” though, right dear reader? NO, WRONG, WRONG WRONG WRONG, that is NOT the way it is, NOT the way it’s supposed to be, NOT natural, & NO, I will not comply and/or abide this bullshit. I’d rather die, then live as a slave. Fuck you elitist fucks & your modern-day slavery. Always pushing the “this country was built by slaves” nonsense, as it refers tot he blacks. Fuck off with that pseudo-conception, blacks didn’t build shit, WHITE DEBT SLAVES DID, maybe read ONE legit non-woke history book before you cry “REEEEEEEEE-CIST” at me. I live by universal facts, not your individual fucking feelings, FACTS, not feelings, so go to your safe space, grab your bankey, & go fuck yourself if FACTS bother you, you whiny liberal clowns. Honk honk honk honk honk………..honk honk.

The truth is that these elitists play with insanely large amounts of money, compared to what YOU get the scraps of. The divide is atrocious, so atrocious in fact, the poor mice argue & fight with each other over it. Can you imagine, 2 mice in a mouse trap, fighting over who eats the cheese? THAT’S WHAT MOST OF YOU DO, it’s just utter madness, & I will NEVER understand why, nor do I want to “understand,” why 2 mice would fight over the cheese in a mouse trap. You do though, most of you anyway, “we need more cheese, we don’t have enough cheese, fuck you go get us more cheese you lazy mouse,” can you see how absurd it is? Yet, this is the truth, the reality, when you simply back up, & look at the whole picture, it’s right there, smacking you all in the face, but what do most of you do? You say, “smack me again Mr. Cheese Dispenser, whatever I have to do to get more cheese, please,” & so, they smack the shit out of you, over & over & over again, your entire life, just a mouse begging & working yourselves to death for more cheese. This is what I see, when I back up & study the WHOLE painting, what do YOU see? Can you even “see” anything? Or are you too blinded by the flashing lights of your own ignorance to see anything, anything at all?

No need to answer, I already know. I know what I know anyway, for ME, so what do you know, for YOU? That’s YOUR choice, not mine, I am simply here illustrating the whole painting, not the corner of said “painting,” that most of you are all stuck on. So much sticky stucking, how does one navigate through all this muck? It’s impossible if you can’t see the ENTIRE painting, is it not? Picture this, picture 2 people looking at one painting, the same painting on the wall, 2 different people looking at it, do you have that image in your head now? Yes? Good, ok now let’s ask these 2 different people to describe this painting on the wall. The first person, only looks at a portion of the painting, let’s say a corner, yes, person one stares at a corner of the painting, then attempts to describe the ENTIRE painting to a neutral 3rd party. How would that description go, as it relates to what the ENTIRE painting means? It would be nonsensical, because it’s literally NOT possible for one to describe an ENTIRE painting, if they only focus on a corner. Now, person two takes a singular step backwards, so he can see the ENTIRE painting hanging on the wall, & thus, our neutral 3rd party then asks him to describe what he sees, as he sees the ENTIRE painting. His description, although plausibly interpretive, STILL interprets the ENTIRE painting, not just a corner, hence his answer will make much more rational sense, rather than the description given by person one, who only looked at the corner. Does this analogy make sense? It should, I illustrated it quite meticulously, did I not? Regardless, THIS is reality in the modern age. Billions of you, BILLIONS, all stuck on the corner of the big picture, rather than seeing the ENTIRE painting on the wall in the zeitgeist museum. Disconcerting, yes? It is to me, especially when I know that all one has to do is stop, take a breath, then proverbially back up, so one can see the ENTIRE painting, not just a corner.

Well, I hope that analogy helped some of you out, at least maybe ONE of my 29 subscribers anyway…derp. Yep, but ironically my subscriber count only illustrates my point more, in that most of you are stuck, stuck in the corner, while a scant few of us actually backed up so we could see the whole picture, the big picture, the real reality. We aren’t LARPing in a pseudo-reality based on the corner of the big picture, but again, we are a meager few, stuck, stuck in a sea of misled mice in a mouse trap. Don’t misunderstand, I’m not outside the trap, I’m in here, just like most of you. The elites wouldn’t let this bad fish anywhere near their little capstone club, oh no no no, not this guy, he thinks for himself & is well-aware of THEIR game, maybe we should just “suicide” him like Epstein so his dissidence doesn’t spread to other people who might wake up to the fact that they’ve been trapped in The Great Mouse Trap as well. Yikes, please don’t. If I ever end up “suicided,” I assure you it was NOT by “thine own hand,” if ya wanna sound Biblical about it. Nope, I’m too scared that Hell might actually be real to do anything dumb like that, especially with all the Satanic imagery being pushed out by the mass media. I don’t believe in that bullshit, but they do, adamantly, so maybe Hell is real. I don’t know, but I’m not chancing it either. Jordan Peterson and I share that same notion, incidentally. I don’t believe in a Hell, but I don’t necessarily DIS-believe either, I simply just don’t know. Do you? Again, I’m not chancing my immortality with a mortal decision to end myself, no matter how twisted this mouse trap gets, just saying.

My oh my oh my, it’s happened yet again. What started as an article in the shallower end of the pool, has clearly gone into the deep end, as usual. Just comes out of me, I don’t know, I start writing something, anything, then it transforms into a humbly well-worded article that might pique someone’s genuine interest with the content I have now created. Are you a Creator? Or are you a destroyer, just a consumer, never creating anything, which one are you? Only 2 choices here, TWO. Yes and/or no, binary, like everything else in the natural order of the Universe. this 3d plane is dualistic, yin & yang, hot or cold, up or down, left or right, TWO, natural order, BINARY, universal polarity, got it? It’s crazy that in 2023 I even have to reiterate this ultra-factual notion. No, I don’t “feel” like it’s binary you dumdum leftist morons, it’s a FACT. FACTS, I know I know, facts are analogous to kryptonite to you brainwashed zombie automatons, deal with it. This is the REAL world, not the Clownworld you LARP in. Facts matter, & feelings do not, sorry not sorry, that’s the real reality of the REAL reality. Again, deal with it ya gamma goblins, or just keep regurgitating the buzzwords & buzzphrases you’ve been indoctrinated with. Whatever it takes to keep you inside The Great Mouse Trap, right little mice?

Okay, this essay of sorts has come to its final fling. We got a lot out, didn’t we? I love how these random analogies just seem to manifest themselves as I type. As any of my regular readers might know, I do not plan any of this, I do not pre-think what I’m going to write about, I essentially just pick certain words, or maybe a certain topical title, tune the dial until I get a signal from Interzone, & upon finding the frequency, start typing until the words reveal the nature of the article I’m actively writing about in real time. It’s quite self-fascinating for me, as the writer, when this phenomenon manifests. I can’t really explain, because I kind of go into auto-pilot when I write, as if some Divine hand is actually doing the writing, & I’m just in the meat suit, channeling said Divinity. Whatever this is though, it IS mine, & seemingly, mine alone, & I say that as humbly selfish as I can, because I don’t have anything else. Nothing. Anything material, gone, they took it all from me, but they can never take my words from me. Not unless they kill me, kill this poor mouse, & even then, I have this entire fish opus, this Fopus, or maybe spelled Faux-pus, whatever, doesn’t matter what I call it, it’s all on USB drives, all 4000 PLUS pages of this drivel, all on USBs, all able to be printed as hard copies, just in case. At this Orwellian rate, someone like me could easily be labeled a dissident, shown the “legal” papers stating such, then shot in the back of the head & dumped into a ditch with all the other “dissidents.” It’s happened before in history, what makes you think it can’t happen again?

Bet on black, that it can happen again, & it WILL happen again, if these psychopathic overlords fulfill their depopulation agenda, but I won’t digress into that topic. Maybe another time, but for now, it’s time to wrap this one up, as the frequency has gone static. Until next time dear readers, don’t LARP in Clownworld, LIVE, live in the real world, before there is no real world left. So sayeth FisH™🎣.

For all of you, & for none of you at all.🐡

“Live in the real world, before there’s no real world left.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Look at the entire painting, not just the corner, for fuck’s sake.” ~Fish F Fish🎏