The Fooze: E3 S6 3/6/2023 Feed the Fish 💸🎣

If you’re looking at my full site on a desktop or laptop, you’ll notice the new “DONATE” option on the top-right side of my site, with either a QR code you can scan, or you can just click the link below the QR code to send some money to my PayPal. Unfortunately for this poor bloated floating fish, the powers-that-be took everything I had, like literally everything, leaving me stone broke, as broke as handless clock. Sam Bankman Fried & his nerdy minions, & several other nefarious players in the shadows, these Capstone Clubber elitist dorks, proverbially killed me, & killed many other investors, & despite his “arrest,” 99% of the criminals involved in the big crypto Ponzi scheme are going to get away clean, as usual. Seemingly, it was in my control…my investments were there one day, I had it, I DID it, I fucking EARNED it, I was WAYYYYYYYY up in the green, so I held onto said investments, with those “diamond hands” that everyone was so jazzed about when crypto was up, got them”‘diamond hands,” to hold on through anything, & POOF, my smooth diamond hands turned to decrepit hands of wet clay, when they crashed all the markets, some to OVER 100% retracement, & my “diamond hands” just fell apart into nothing, NOTHING. It all just melted away into NOTHING, & they fucking left me with NOTHING, not even gas money, food money, Dollar Tree money, NOTHING. I have NOTHING now, & it has broken me not only financially, but mentally & spiritually as well. Broken, broke, nothing. Sandy castles washed away with the waning tide of time.

Yep, 2022 can eat a big bag of herpified shlongs, & so can these market-manipulating elitist scumfucks that take & take & take for themselves, printing all the fiat money they want, using algorithms to alter market movements, for themselves of course, & we peasants get nothing but wrecked. THEY PRINT MONEY FOR THEMSELVES FOR FUCK’S SAKE, WHILE THE PEASANTS SLAVE AWAY ON THE 9 TO 5, 40-HOUR WORK WEEK LIVING-FOR-THE-WEEKEND GRIND, THEY JUST PRINT THE MONEY THEY NEED FOR THEMSELVES, & YOU DON’T GET A FUCKING PENNY. How does that make you feel? How does it feel to know that this money the you bust your ass for, for a shitty bi-weekly over-taxed paycheck, how does it feel to know that these elites just print the same money for themselves as needed? They don’t work for it, they just print it, so why should I, or you, or anyone for that matter, “work” for the same currency that they just endlessly print for themselves? Why? Fuck that notion, it’s absurd, but since most of you have ZERO clue who Sam Bankman Fried is, or what these elites do for their wealth, while you burn away your life for table scraps, they just keep doing what they do, & so do most of you. Such blind compliance, it’s staggeringly mind-blowing to me, & that being the case, why would they stop? Would you? Tough question, isn’t it? If you could just print all the money you needed, and/or steal it from the poor like they do, what would you do? I don’t know what I’d do, to be honest, but I can assure you that I would certainly NOT be doing what these so-called “elites” are doing. How could I be? I have a soul, & since these psychopaths at the top of the food chain are soulless, I guess I’m doomed to stay down here, in the gutter, like the sewer rat I am, running left, right, left, right through the maze in The Great Mouse Trap, now begging for the same cheese-bait fiat money via online-crowdfunding means, just so I can keep running. There’s no way out of this trap, even when we invest wisely, & when we do, what do these evil fuckers do? They crash all the markets in a controlled demolition, & if you weren’t one of those sinister few on the inside, you got hosed, just like me. WRECKED…BILLIONS of dollars, gone, & like I just said, it wasn’t just me. I feel for the others who got squashed, I really do, because this feeling of having NOTHING fucking sucks. NO options, NO ability to make moves, I’m stealing to eat for Christ’s sake, it’s no bueno, & this is so insane what has happened to the crypto community, just madness, they took us all to the moon, then shit us all out back down to bread crumbs in the Sahara desert, without a drop of water left to drink. Not to mention, there will be ZERO reckoning coming for us either, NOTHING, nothing will fix what happened, NOTHING, NOTHING will ever change what they did to us. They wrecked us, period, massacred us all financially, & definitely ruined yours truly dear readers, dropped me right into one notch above homelessness.

Nope, this broke-ass FisH™ has nothing left…NOTHING. No more precious metals, all GONE, no more crypto money, all GONE, barely enough in the bank account to buy a loaf of bread. All I have left is THIS, this composition composed of essentially what amounts to digital begging, flying my sign for money, like a bum at an intersection. I hate it, fuck I fucking hate this, I hate being broke, but mostly being brok-EN. Money is just money, but my spirit, torn in two, & I don’t know how to glue it back together. I hate what they did to everyone, all of us crypto traders, a year ago so hopeful for the future, SO hopeful, such a good feeling it was, all of us winning for a change, man it felt great, riding that warm wave. Sadly though, we’re all now just floating in the frigid ocean of fiscal ruin, after the “unsinkable” crypto market hit that man-made iceberg, & these evil fuckers steered the ship right into it, BOOM, head-on collision, & down, down, down she went, taking all of us delusional “diamonds hands” idiots with her. Yes, I said “idiots,” because the “diamond hands” concept is as idiotic as it gets, now in retrospect…duh, & I wholeheartedly admit that I was an idiot for believing in it. The “madness of crowds,” so delusional, WE GOT STRAIGHT WRECKED YOU NAIVE MUPPETS, myself included, for I’m as muppetous as any of you, since they got me too, & got me good, so I have no excuse, THEY GOT ME, because I let them get me, & there’s not a fucking thing I can do about it. Ultimately, I guess it’s on me, right? Everything , all MY fault, mine alone, & no one else is to blame except my own gullible self. The crypto crash ruined my entire life, & threw me into my own living hell, a spiraling severe depression, my soul crucified then crushed. Although I’m trying my best to crawl back up, these slimy sordid walls won’t let me move, & I just slide back down to the bottom of the well. It’s truly self-spirit-slaughtering, & apparently, I have no way out this time. They really fucked me, God-damnit they really fucking fucked me those fucking fucks. Ugh. “It is what it is,”…isn’t that the appropriate phrase here? Or maybe “that’s just how it is,” since that’s one of my favorites because it really makes me want to dropkick any/every given “elitist” piece of shit who was in on these orchestrated market crashes, & got rich by making everyone else go broke. Oh man, I would love to cross paths with one of you motherfuckers. Someday God, PLEASE let me be in the same room with one, just ONE of them, I just need to get my hands on one of them, so I can squeeze the truth out of their rat-fink faces while they beg me to let go. Are you listening God? Anyone up there? Anyone? Hello? (crickets)

Not a chance, God never listens to a fucking word I say. You have to rely on YOU, because God only seems to help THEM, not US. Look at all this degeneracy, people making millions from being whores, whoring themselves out in one way or another to get paid. Psychopathic mental patients, usually uber-woke too, are making MILLIONS, living like royalty, while most of us slave away another day & call that “life.” No, that is NOT “life,” not to me anyway, & this is not a fucking joke, because these assholes are ruining society, destroying people, decimating their lives, hurting people in ways that no doctor can ever fix. Yes, this corrupted market manipulation kills us, kills families, taking their life savings like they’re taking a penny from the need-a-penny jar. It’ll just be gone, GONE, just like that, & there will be no retribution, no reparations, NOTHING, it’s all just taken, gone, & you can’t do a thing about it. Fuck me, I’m lucky it’s ONLY me & my cat in my case, because if I had a family to support, I’d be 10x more fucked than I am now, contemplating criminal activities to feed my family, if I had one. THERE ARE MANY family-life-types, who are/were investors, who are truly fucked right now, absolutely fucked, because of corrupt elitist scum manipulating markets. Not just markets either, they manipulate everything, EVERYTHING, at the expense of “the little guy,” who they ultimately slaughter like a spring lamb with zero remorse for the lives they’ve destroyed, all to get themselves ahead in the power game they play at the top of the pyramid. I had a plan, a real plan, this vision I had, my dream, & I was going to do really good things with the money I had made, really great things. I was counting on myself to help a lot of people out, & these malevolent twats just took it, like I was nothing, leaving me feeling like an absolute failure, like I am nothing, just another big-time loser peasant, who lost a once-in-a-lifetime chance to finally change my life into a life of total creation, creating amazing things for those handful of people I actually care about. Now it’s just, gone, while this fat fuck below pets a black behbeh.

Yes sir, that’s how she goes, it’s gone, it’s just gone, I can’t get it back, & I can’t do a fucking thing to change it. So, if you are NOT in the same situation I am in, & you have some extra loot, & of course, you’re inclined to help, feel free to hit up those links to on the right side of my site over there, & drop some shekels into my PayPal to help feed the FisH™. A year ago, I would’ve thought you were insane if you had told me I’d be where I am right now, but now that NOW is here, & I am where I am, I guess the only “insane” one the whole time was me, totally insane to think they’d ever let me keep the money I made. Nope, they said, “Fuck you Fish you plebeian bitch, you will never have money, we will NEVER let you win, or help your family, or change your life for the better, nope, you’re a fucking loser, you’ll always be a loser, WE pick the winners, & you’re no winner you loser. You’ll NEVER win, so fuck off you little rodent.” Okay then, so it is, & I’m the rodent, not a fish, yep, that’s what yours truly has been reduced to, a rodent, a greasy rat begging for money just to keep going. Wunderbar. I can’t tell you how good that self-realization makes me feel. Ouch. “Just the way it is,” though, right?

Until next time, dear readers, remember this, THEIR game is NOT our game, & like all of you, I’m stuck in The Great Mouse Trap too, only now I can barely move, because you need current to move, you need energy. These self-proclaimed “leaders” have hijacked the true energy, the real currency, & replaced it with this monetary fiat money beast system that keeps us all enslaved to it. “Just the way it is, just the way it is,” gah, I’m so fucking sick of hearing that bullshit. It’s “the way it is” because we let them keep doing it to us, but it doesn’t matter because there aren’t nearly enough of us to stop it, & the few of us that try, end up getting wrecked, our energy stolen, so we can’t continue fighting the beast. Ask Nikola Tesla about that, they left him destitute & penniless, when all he wanted to do was give everyone free energy. Enough currency for everyone, & then some, can you imagine that wonderful world, with endless free energy, can you imagine?…but nope, not while these elitist scoundrels continue to hijack the zeitgeist, & control the world via the shadows on the cave walls, & the echoes from the darkness. They took everything Tesla created, & destroyed it, all in the name of power & money. Look into it, it’s truly heartbreaking what they did to him, & it’s brutal what they continue to do to all of us. So if you can, maybe help my broke ass out, please, before…I don’t know, before I’ll simply just float away, like the rest of the fried fish floating bloated, bobbing away with the outgoing tide, left with nothing, nothing even left to breathe in this fucked-up world except the stale dead air of utter poverty. I suppose that’s “just how it is,” yes? Regardless, that’s all for now. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Feed your fish, or the fishbowl with be filled with bloated floaters.” ~Fish F Fish


☝🏻Click HERE to Read More☝🏻

Uh oh, it looks like another “Twitter Files” drop has just happened, number 17 it says, wow, I’d tell you all more about it, but I’m not allowed on Twitter anymore. Ironically, this drop is related to “state-sponsored Twitter blacklists,” which I’m sure I’m on. Why won’t they let me back on though? What happened to that “general amnesty” for all prior Twitter users? Looking right at you @ElonMusk, YOU said there would be a “general amnesty” given, & yet I’m STILL banned somehow. Why would they ban a hapless little fish like me? It’s not me per se, it’s my animations. Yep, that’s right, my silly little 2d/3d GIF animations, they got me permanently terminated from Twatter, oops I meant “Twitter,” did I say “Twatter?” …my fault. Anyway, they ultimately “permanently banned” me over 60x, OVER SIXTY TIMES, & that’s just what’s on paper, because it’s closer to 100x banned. I’ve been banned so much in fact, that they do something quite spooky to keep me from creating new accounts now. Want to know what they do to this poor fish?

Facial recognition, yeah, not joking either, for if I try to register a new account, even if I use a new phone number, new email, a new VPN, none of that matters because as soon as the cameras on any phone and/or laptop and/or tablet see my fishy face, POOF, up pops the screen saying, “you cannot create a new account due to multiple creations of prior accounts,” something like that, I am merely paraphrasing, but it reads almost exactly like that. I’ve tested this too, by blocking the cameras when I sign up. Everything goes fine, I get a few tweets out, nothing crazy, just test tweets, & I’m fine, but then once I’m in view of a camera, I’m squashed. Kind of scary, right? Not so difficult to imagine though, do you use FaceID on your phone? If you do, you’ll know that the FaceID “confirms” your face even if you have a mask on, or a hoodie, or sunglasses, doesn’t matter, the FaceID is advanced enough now to recognize you even with just a partial view of your face. The scariest part however, is that no one, NO ONE, other than me, has ever talked about Twitter using FaceID on users to sort out who is allowed to play on the playground, & who has to sit inside, in the corner, in a dunce cap. Does that sound like “free speech” to you? Especially here, in what was once “the land of the free,” I ask how, HOW is blatantly biased censorship like this even being allowed to fly via Twitter?(Pun intended…”fly”)

It’s not just Twitter though, ALL of the “Big 4,” meaning Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, & YouTube, they all ban users at will, so how I ask, HOW in the hell is this communistic style of public censorship & these digital exilings being allowed to not only occur, but to keep occurring, up to now, RIGHT NOW, at this very moment, they are STILL censoring everyone, thus controlling the narrative, THEIR narrative, as they intend. “YOU CANNOT SPEAK FREELY UNLESS WE PERMIT IT!” they proclaim, albeit not in those words verbatim, but they might as well be. As a writer of TRUTH, I am now a thought criminal apparently, at least to the big tech overlords orchestrating all of this I am, & with the help of AI, the algorithms have me in a permanent state of shadowbanishment, locked away in my own cell in solitary in the digital gulag. Oh yes, the AI for sure has a special folder for EatAllYourFish™, & the platforms I’m still on, still keep me in the shadows. As mentioned earlier, I’m ultra-banned from Twitter, banned from Facebook, on my 3rd Instagram channel, & on my 3rd or 4th YouTube channel, I can’t even remember how many times they’ve hosed me, it’s been so many. Why? Why do they do this to me? I never fully finished answering that question. My animations, they have watermarks you see, & if you look closely there’s a little fish & my anagram, “EAYF,” on every animation I make. So in the case of Twitter, none of my banishments were for anything I said really, it was the trail leading back to me via the watermarks on my animations. Of course, I never held back with my verbal posts, & I’m sure that has something to do with it, but in Twitter’s case, my animations got me exiled. Facebook was a combination of my animations & people reporting me for posting them, as well as some of the things I may have said. Instagram was the same as Facebook essentially, but for some reason, they let me fly as long as I keep my mouth shut. Nothing tyrannical about that at all, right? Then there’s YouTube, oh YouTube, I had over 300 uploads on my first channel, then out of nowhere, when the Big Purge came, they laid out 3 strikes to boot me, 1, 2, 3, right in a row, for old uploads too, it wasn’t even anything new. I’m guessing they used the AI & the algos to go though my old videos & when they got a hit for a potential infraction, they ran with it & just dropped the 3 strikes in a row to justify kicking me off. I appealed, & appealed, & appealed, & appealed, but never even got a response. Nope, nothing, just gone, & we’re going to take all of your content as well, so you can’t even keep your own work. I didn’t back up that earlier stuff, mostly because I never thought I’d have to, which was totally my fault, but still, who knew they’d take it this far, ya know?

This is what happens when the weak get power that they do not deserve, nor have they earned. It’s analogous to assuming someone will respect you regardless of your own disrespectful nature. Or, one could say it simply boils down to the end result of beta nerd twerps getting power, then misusing it, as if on queue, as if no one saw this coming. Derp. Well, one person DID see this coming, & if you go into my archives, You’ll find NUMEROUS posts where I illustrated this exact scenario playing out. This “conspiracy theorist” keeps hitting the hammer so hard, it broke the bell at the top of the smash-the-bell-with-a-hammer carnival game. We ARE in Clownworld, yes?…so that analogy is applicable. It’s all a circus, a bad sideshow/freakshow though in reality, but I digress as usual. Nonetheless, this new drop has revealed something I’ve known all along, state-sponsored blacklisting of users, now VERIFIED with the new drop, adding another notch to my belt. I wish someone would mention the facial recognition already, maybe that’s coming next, or perhaps it’s already out, but hidden like a needle in a haystack amongst the new drop revelations. Doesn’t really matter, the blacklisting has been exposed, right now in real time, & if that isn’t about as communist as it gets, what else is? The proverbial powers-that-be are using AI & big tech technology to blacklist people, BLACKLIST people, as in putting them on a list of dissidents that are no longer allowed to participate in the virtual public square. It’s the equivalent of them rounding us up, showing us our papers stating why we are not allowed on social media, then shooting us all in the back of the head before kicking our twitching lifeless bodies into an unmarked ditch for a group burial of known thought criminals. The only difference is that it’s in the meta space, not in real life, not yet anyway. They could implement the real thing in real time at anytime if they so choose to, could they not? They have all of our information, & with the aid of AI, they would have no problem locating all of us, & rounding us up for real. YES, they could do that, if they wanted, only they aren’t, not yet, but should their digital banishment agenda of dissident-silencing proves unsuccessful, make no mistake, they WILL go to Plan B & just start killing us all like vermin, with shots to the backs of our heads, all to retain their power over the zeitgeist, & over all of you.

It’s a grim speculation, isn’t it? One can only hope they do NOT go through with what I just illustrated in the last paragraph, but keep in mind, they DO have the power to do it, if they wanted. To them, we are just mice, remember? We are just the mice in The Great Mouse Trap, & they are the builders of the trap, keeping us mice in line with cheese-bait fiat money. They can take that cheese bait away at any time, trust me, they can, because they already did it to me by taking everything I ever worked for. All my life savings, gone, & there’s nothing this dumbass mouse can do about it, other than write about what happened, so that hopefully my situation doesn’t befall on any of you. Regardless of my sordid circumstances, it is important that all of you, ALL OF YOU, are simply aware, aware of the game, THEIR game, aware of The Great Mouse Trap they keep us all in, & most importantly, awareness that at any time, they can exterminate any of us. All they have to do is take away the cheese-bait fiat money, then watch all of us mice kill each other. If that doesn’t work, maybe they convince the mice that white mice are superior to black mice and/or vice versa, then watch us kill each other over it. They’d much rather us all kill each other, than they kill us all themselves. Lends to lessen the tyrannical nature of these so-called “leaders” if we all kill each other, then they come in & save the day as pseudo-saviors, rather than them just outright slaughtering us all en masse with zero inclination toward the amount of pain & suffering that scenario would incur. No no no, they will create the problem, which will inflame the mice, causing them to fight, then ultimately tricking them into trying to eradicate each other, that’s the reaction, the CONTROLLED reaction, & once the mice have exhausted themselves fighting, these aforementioned “leaders,” will offer a solution to the remaining mice, who would be so morally drained by this point, they’ll surrender themselves to whatever whims said “leaders” might proclaim. Problem-Reaction-Solution, divide & conquer, the Hegelian Dailectic, the age-old play, never fails, & they’ve been using this play successfully for centuries, so why stop now?

I know, some of this isn’t new to some of you, but to most of you, it IS new, & for your own sake, find your own self-awareness. There’s too many people out there who are just utterly ignorant of anything going on. “Oh, it doesn’t affect me I’ll just keep making tik-tok videos, making my hair rainbow-colored, squeezing my fat ass into my size-44 skinny jeans, eating processed junk that inflames my body making me fat & gross, but fat is beautiful so no worries.” …& this is just off-the-cuff paraphrasing these weirdos who act in such a manner. Obviously, I’m being a bit hyperbolic, but you get what I mean, yes? There’s so many people so stuck in this bizarre state of hypno-psychosis, LARPing in the real world as if it’s okay. No, it’s NOT okay, & because we allow this absurd behavior, it has extended into social media like a malignant cancerous tumor. “Blacklists,” for those of us who venerate facts over feelings. Fuck your feelings, & these “blacklists” are another reason why I will proclaim again, “FUCK YOUR FEELINGS YOU FECKLESS FREAKS!” We gave them an inch or two, & they’re still running with it. Not any more, if I can help it, & this is why I relentlessly write about TRUTH, because the TRUTH, is the only thing that will set us free from this hijacked zeitgeist, hijacked by psychopathic nerds, weak beta losers who now have unprecedented power, who have no concept of benevolence, it’s about “self” for them. As soon as they got power, it was all about themselves, & the corruption corrupted them like hot lava covering a volcanic mountain. Period. I don’t care if that FACT bothers anyone, it’s TRUE, & speaking for myself, I’m sick of this nonsense being allowed to continue, because it’s only going to further destroy society if this cancer continues to spread. I could go on, & on, & on, & on. For now though, dear readers, it’s time to wrap this up. Until next time, be aware of the divide & conquer agenda, so you yourself don’t fall victim to it. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Are you divided, only to be conquered?” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E17 2/17/2023 Cheesy Cake

Cake, give me my cake, “let them eat their cake,” loosely paraphrased from the now-headless Marie Antionette. Many Americans took the cake during the Covaids plandemic, took it, ate it, then begged for more cake, but the overlords said, “NO, no more cake for you, in fact, we want you to puke up all the cake you ate & give it back to us,” leaving many said “Americans” in quite the pickle, now aren’t they? Hand to mouth, paycheck to paycheck, pick a euphemism, but it all equals to mice in The Great Mouse Trap, doesn’t it? All that proverbial cheese they gave you , they took it back, & then some. How can you give back cheese you already ate? Simple answer: you can’t. No one can, not to mention the 32 TRILLION in “debt” the US Government has accumulated via outrageous printing of the money supply, the “cheese.” Again, if you read my last article, 80%, EIGHTY PERCENT, of ALL US dollars, were printed in the last 2 years alone. THEY can print it, steal it, hoard it for themselves, all to gain more power, but in the meantime, the mice in The Great Mouse Trap…i.e…YOU, & me as well, just wait for crumbles of cheese-money bait to fall into he trap so we can eat them. Maybe your “job” provides you a few extra crumbles, but ultimately, it’s ALL crumbles for us, while THEY print more cheese logs for themselves. See how that works?

Does it seem fair? FUCK NO, of course it isn’t fair, & you’d be a total retard to believe that they have your best interests at heart. One, they are heartless & soulless, so scratch that one, & two, why the fuck would they care about you enough to give you ANY of what THEY stole from YOU? Duh, think about it. I’ve told you all countless times, there’s 2 different worlds, THEIR world of the global power game, then OUR world of being stuck in The Great Mouse Trap. It’s less than 1% of the population in the aforementioned “global power game,” then the rest of us, 99%, ALL stuck in The Great Mouse Trap, & we’re supposed to call that a “life?” Get the fuck outta here already with that crap, because this self-aware fish ain’t buying what you tyrants are selling. Fuck you, fuck your Great Mouse Trap, fuck your global power game, fuck your “money,” fuck all of you, & fuck all of your shenaniganery. You elitist scumbags have ruined life, LIFE, you’ve hijacked billions of lives, & stolen ALL of that life energy for yourselves you evil motherfuckers. Gah, it’s so infuriating, for me it is at least, but unfortunately most of you are so programmed, that any of what I just wrote means nothing to you, & that’s the real problem, isn’t it?

Yep, the masses of asses are GROSSLY misinformed, or disinformed, or just straight-up UN-informed. Nope, just consume consume consume, watch your television, do what we tell you, roll up that sleeve for your 17th booster, obey us, get fat, go to your shitty job for a shitty bi-weekly TAXED “paycheck,” we’ll give you just enough cheese to eat, so you can keep working, working for US, not you, just do what we say & shut the fuck up. Don’t ask any questions, don’t think for yourselves, do NOT resist us, & you’ll be fine little mouse. Wunderbar, sounds great, where do I sign up? That’s “just the way it is,” though, right dear reader? NO, WRONG, WRONG WRONG WRONG, that is NOT the way it is, NOT the way it’s supposed to be, NOT natural, & NO, I will not comply and/or abide this bullshit. I’d rather die, then live as a slave. Fuck you elitist fucks & your modern-day slavery. Always pushing the “this country was built by slaves” nonsense, as it refers tot he blacks. Fuck off with that pseudo-conception, blacks didn’t build shit, WHITE DEBT SLAVES DID, maybe read ONE legit non-woke history book before you cry “REEEEEEEEE-CIST” at me. I live by universal facts, not your individual fucking feelings, FACTS, not feelings, so go to your safe space, grab your bankey, & go fuck yourself if FACTS bother you, you whiny liberal clowns. Honk honk honk honk honk………..honk honk.

The truth is that these elitists play with insanely large amounts of money, compared to what YOU get the scraps of. The divide is atrocious, so atrocious in fact, the poor mice argue & fight with each other over it. Can you imagine, 2 mice in a mouse trap, fighting over who eats the cheese? THAT’S WHAT MOST OF YOU DO, it’s just utter madness, & I will NEVER understand why, nor do I want to “understand,” why 2 mice would fight over the cheese in a mouse trap. You do though, most of you anyway, “we need more cheese, we don’t have enough cheese, fuck you go get us more cheese you lazy mouse,” can you see how absurd it is? Yet, this is the truth, the reality, when you simply back up, & look at the whole picture, it’s right there, smacking you all in the face, but what do most of you do? You say, “smack me again Mr. Cheese Dispenser, whatever I have to do to get more cheese, please,” & so, they smack the shit out of you, over & over & over again, your entire life, just a mouse begging & working yourselves to death for more cheese. This is what I see, when I back up & study the WHOLE painting, what do YOU see? Can you even “see” anything? Or are you too blinded by the flashing lights of your own ignorance to see anything, anything at all?

No need to answer, I already know. I know what I know anyway, for ME, so what do you know, for YOU? That’s YOUR choice, not mine, I am simply here illustrating the whole painting, not the corner of said “painting,” that most of you are all stuck on. So much sticky stucking, how does one navigate through all this muck? It’s impossible if you can’t see the ENTIRE painting, is it not? Picture this, picture 2 people looking at one painting, the same painting on the wall, 2 different people looking at it, do you have that image in your head now? Yes? Good, ok now let’s ask these 2 different people to describe this painting on the wall. The first person, only looks at a portion of the painting, let’s say a corner, yes, person one stares at a corner of the painting, then attempts to describe the ENTIRE painting to a neutral 3rd party. How would that description go, as it relates to what the ENTIRE painting means? It would be nonsensical, because it’s literally NOT possible for one to describe an ENTIRE painting, if they only focus on a corner. Now, person two takes a singular step backwards, so he can see the ENTIRE painting hanging on the wall, & thus, our neutral 3rd party then asks him to describe what he sees, as he sees the ENTIRE painting. His description, although plausibly interpretive, STILL interprets the ENTIRE painting, not just a corner, hence his answer will make much more rational sense, rather than the description given by person one, who only looked at the corner. Does this analogy make sense? It should, I illustrated it quite meticulously, did I not? Regardless, THIS is reality in the modern age. Billions of you, BILLIONS, all stuck on the corner of the big picture, rather than seeing the ENTIRE painting on the wall in the zeitgeist museum. Disconcerting, yes? It is to me, especially when I know that all one has to do is stop, take a breath, then proverbially back up, so one can see the ENTIRE painting, not just a corner.

Well, I hope that analogy helped some of you out, at least maybe ONE of my 29 subscribers anyway…derp. Yep, but ironically my subscriber count only illustrates my point more, in that most of you are stuck, stuck in the corner, while a scant few of us actually backed up so we could see the whole picture, the big picture, the real reality. We aren’t LARPing in a pseudo-reality based on the corner of the big picture, but again, we are a meager few, stuck, stuck in a sea of misled mice in a mouse trap. Don’t misunderstand, I’m not outside the trap, I’m in here, just like most of you. The elites wouldn’t let this bad fish anywhere near their little capstone club, oh no no no, not this guy, he thinks for himself & is well-aware of THEIR game, maybe we should just “suicide” him like Epstein so his dissidence doesn’t spread to other people who might wake up to the fact that they’ve been trapped in The Great Mouse Trap as well. Yikes, please don’t. If I ever end up “suicided,” I assure you it was NOT by “thine own hand,” if ya wanna sound Biblical about it. Nope, I’m too scared that Hell might actually be real to do anything dumb like that, especially with all the Satanic imagery being pushed out by the mass media. I don’t believe in that bullshit, but they do, adamantly, so maybe Hell is real. I don’t know, but I’m not chancing it either. Jordan Peterson and I share that same notion, incidentally. I don’t believe in a Hell, but I don’t necessarily DIS-believe either, I simply just don’t know. Do you? Again, I’m not chancing my immortality with a mortal decision to end myself, no matter how twisted this mouse trap gets, just saying.

My oh my oh my, it’s happened yet again. What started as an article in the shallower end of the pool, has clearly gone into the deep end, as usual. Just comes out of me, I don’t know, I start writing something, anything, then it transforms into a humbly well-worded article that might pique someone’s genuine interest with the content I have now created. Are you a Creator? Or are you a destroyer, just a consumer, never creating anything, which one are you? Only 2 choices here, TWO. Yes and/or no, binary, like everything else in the natural order of the Universe. this 3d plane is dualistic, yin & yang, hot or cold, up or down, left or right, TWO, natural order, BINARY, universal polarity, got it? It’s crazy that in 2023 I even have to reiterate this ultra-factual notion. No, I don’t “feel” like it’s binary you dumdum leftist morons, it’s a FACT. FACTS, I know I know, facts are analogous to kryptonite to you brainwashed zombie automatons, deal with it. This is the REAL world, not the Clownworld you LARP in. Facts matter, & feelings do not, sorry not sorry, that’s the real reality of the REAL reality. Again, deal with it ya gamma goblins, or just keep regurgitating the buzzwords & buzzphrases you’ve been indoctrinated with. Whatever it takes to keep you inside The Great Mouse Trap, right little mice?

Okay, this essay of sorts has come to its final fling. We got a lot out, didn’t we? I love how these random analogies just seem to manifest themselves as I type. As any of my regular readers might know, I do not plan any of this, I do not pre-think what I’m going to write about, I essentially just pick certain words, or maybe a certain topical title, tune the dial until I get a signal from Interzone, & upon finding the frequency, start typing until the words reveal the nature of the article I’m actively writing about in real time. It’s quite self-fascinating for me, as the writer, when this phenomenon manifests. I can’t really explain, because I kind of go into auto-pilot when I write, as if some Divine hand is actually doing the writing, & I’m just in the meat suit, channeling said Divinity. Whatever this is though, it IS mine, & seemingly, mine alone, & I say that as humbly selfish as I can, because I don’t have anything else. Nothing. Anything material, gone, they took it all from me, but they can never take my words from me. Not unless they kill me, kill this poor mouse, & even then, I have this entire fish opus, this Fopus, or maybe spelled Faux-pus, whatever, doesn’t matter what I call it, it’s all on USB drives, all 4000 PLUS pages of this drivel, all on USBs, all able to be printed as hard copies, just in case. At this Orwellian rate, someone like me could easily be labeled a dissident, shown the “legal” papers stating such, then shot in the back of the head & dumped into a ditch with all the other “dissidents.” It’s happened before in history, what makes you think it can’t happen again?

Bet on black, that it can happen again, & it WILL happen again, if these psychopathic overlords fulfill their depopulation agenda, but I won’t digress into that topic. Maybe another time, but for now, it’s time to wrap this one up, as the frequency has gone static. Until next time dear readers, don’t LARP in Clownworld, LIVE, live in the real world, before there is no real world left. So sayeth FisH™🎣.

For all of you, & for none of you at all.🐡

“Live in the real world, before there’s no real world left.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Look at the entire painting, not just the corner, for fuck’s sake.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E15 2/15/2023 Pyramid of Power

I know, I know…been meaning to write about the greatest hustle arguably of all time, the ruse that robbed me of everything I’ve ever worked for. Yep, all gone, thanks a lot Sam Bankman-Fried you chubby little elitist fuck. If we ever cross paths, run, run as fast as your fat ass can shuffle in the other direction. I want you to run, so I can open-field tackle your blobulous body, then wail on you like the kid in A Christmas Story. Not to hurt you physically of course, no no I’d never actually hurt you, just slap the shit out of you, over & over again for robbing so many would-be investors. BILLIONS stolen, BILLIONS of dollars, with a YUGE “B,” & this guy is STILL living it up like a rock star, relative to the plebs he robbed, this scandalous punk. His goofy girlfriend too, & their nerdy little friends at the poser bong-party with the Omega-Mus at Tri-Lambda house & an AI maid robot named Reggie. Look at this screenshot I took from an article just published.👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

👉🏻Click HERE to read this article☝🏻

“House arrest,” I bet that’s really rough in his parents mansion, derp. If it were you or I, do you think we would get such luxuries? Oh wait, we’d never be able to swing that $250 million dollar bond, so who cares? No, we’d be in the stank, the deep stank, with the rest of the felonious convicts. Unfortunately, we live in a 2-tiered system, 2-tiered in every way imaginable, 2 totally different worlds, literally. In this case, obviously, it’s the “justice” system…(Fart Noise). That’s what I think of their idea of “justice” these days. Liberal judges cleverly installed all over the country to enforce the separation too. Not just judges, prosecutors, attorneys, & oh yeah, EVERY ALPHABET AGENCY THERE IS. All the way up to the Presidency, if you wanna split some hog hairs about how deeply this cancerous corruption has infected the body of humanity. Yeah, perfectly analogous to cancer, & we’re at stage-4 methinks with this nonsense. How do you fuckers get up every day, knowing you’re going to be evil, then just make a coffee & off to your “intelligence” jobs. Oh sorry, I meant “weaponized” intelligence jobs, my mistake.

Yep, got the keys to the culture-castle, the backdoor to the backrooms of the zeitgeist, total access to all the data you want, on anyone & everyone & everything, all at the touch of a button, & now with the help of AI, I can see how they would take that kind of power & run with it. If you know things that 99.99% of the population does NOT know, you can make moves that are the equivalent of playing chess at a 10 to 1 move rate. As in, one player makes 10 straight moves, then the opponent gets one, then player one gets another 10 moves, see what I mean? It’s a RIGGED GAME, THEIR game, but they use all of you as the pawns. TWO-tiers, I told you, all around, they’ve split the zeitgeist essentially, well, that’s impossible, but they ACT as though it’s split, feeding all of you the illusion of “freedom,” pfttt, via long-game programming, & most of you get programmed, it’s that simple. This elitist cancer has infected mass media the most, as that is where the real power exists, controlling the information, CREATING NARRATIVES, as I’ve said countless times, so imagine this; imagine having access to ALL of the data on the Internet, as well as control of the mass media, along with badges & guns of course, hence the weaponization, imagine ALL of that combined into the pernicious palms of a small few. That’s an INCREDIBLE amount of power to wield, is it not?

God damn right it is, it’s downright terrifying, because how can one proclaim their own Divine sovereignty with that kind of shadow always lurking overhead? This is a tiny few, mind you, relatively speaking anyway, but they compartmentalize downward, like a layered pyramid; however, no one ever mentions the tippy-TIPPY top of the pyramid, the “capstone,” & I think of the Great Pyramids of Egypt as an analogy, if the alleged speculation about them is true of course. What speculation? Great question, thanks for playing. Said “speculation,” is that the Pyramids of Giza had said capstone, made of gold. Have you ever been to the Giza Pyramids? I don’t know how the hell they would a capstone made of solid gold on top of those, seriously, it’s a sight to behold in person, the sheer size, then to think of a golden capstone on the top, wow. I think they used sound frequencies to build them, with “technology” we have no real clue about yet, not publicly anyway, but I digress. Do you see the analogy, though? The power-pyramid among the elites has a “capstone” too, if you will, & it’s these people at the top who have access to all three Zeldian power segments to complete their triangle of power. Control the mass media, in all aspects, check; have access to ALL data on the interwebs, with AI assistance, check; use “legal authority” to arm themselves with badges & guns, now weaponized, to enforce their agenda & remove anyone who doesn’t comply, check. Check, check, check, & if you have all 3 checks, you’re in, you’re in the capstone, the capstone at the top of the top of the proverbial Great Pyramid of Power. Again, it’s quite disconcerting to know that I’m not writing fucking fiction here, is it not?

Yep, & like I said, THEIR game is a game we plebs will never play, so they keep everyone else in The Great Mouse Trap, while they make their capstone glow brighter & brighter, maybe something to do with Lucifer’s light, I don’t know. Like I’ve reiterated ad nauseam, I DO NOT BELIEVE IN THAT WEIRD SHIT, but apparently, THEY DO. I don’t know, I don’t get it, it’s bizarre dark arts insanity to me. Again though, THEY DO, yes it’s fucking bizarre as fuck, but it’s real to them. Moving on…

This is all stretchy speculation, keep in mind, because I do not have access to any of the esoteric knowledge within that capstone-club atop the pyramid. I wish I did, I hate not knowing things, it gives me a shitty anxiety to know that their game even exists. Maybe I’m just pissed that I’ll never be able to play, & I can’t admit it to myself? Nah, that’s ridiculous, because one, I’m not a soulless vampire that gets off on proverbially feeding from human energy, & two, I’m not into the satanic shit, not at all. The dark arts are revolting to me, & although I’m not religious at all, I think that these fools who “worship” an avatar like “satan,” or “Lucifer,” either/or, they also venerate what those entities represent, which is ultimately destruction. Hate, wrath, rage, darkness, the shadow, THAT is what these people apply their individual energies to. It’s super-bizarre, but to them, very real. Weird, right?

Well, that was fun, wasn’t it? When I started this article, today’s Foozer, I had no idea what would come out. Just turned on the receiver, turned the dial to the right, then back to the left a bit, then slightly right again, & ditdit-ditdit-dit-dit-dit, the fingers fly, & creation happens. It’s SO important to be a creator. Every thing you create, is another light on the Great Tree. While these Luciferian satan-worshipping foot soldiers from the hell of Hades embark on a life-quest fueled by endless destruction, we creators must keep creating, creating creative creations, making lights, more lights, MORE LIGHTS, to light up the darkness. The way to be free is to create, the way to enslave yourself, is to be a destroyer, a killer, the antithesis of the magic makers. Don’t be a broken light bulb murderer, be a moonlight marquee, lighting up the street. Until next time, dear readers, create light in darkness, for there can be no darkness in your neon light. So sayeth FisH ™

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“Create a neon light, not a shadow in the night.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Be the moonlight marquee, lighting up the street.” ~Fish F Fish🎏