The Fooze: E3 S6 3/6/2023 Feed the Fish 💸🎣

If you’re looking at my full site on a desktop or laptop, you’ll notice the new “DONATE” option on the top-right side of my site, with either a QR code you can scan, or you can just click the link below the QR code to send some money to my PayPal. Unfortunately for this poor bloated floating fish, the powers-that-be took everything I had, like literally everything, leaving me stone broke, as broke as handless clock. Sam Bankman Fried & his nerdy minions, & several other nefarious players in the shadows, these Capstone Clubber elitist dorks, proverbially killed me, & killed many other investors, & despite his “arrest,” 99% of the criminals involved in the big crypto Ponzi scheme are going to get away clean, as usual. Seemingly, it was in my control…my investments were there one day, I had it, I DID it, I fucking EARNED it, I was WAYYYYYYYY up in the green, so I held onto said investments, with those “diamond hands” that everyone was so jazzed about when crypto was up, got them”‘diamond hands,” to hold on through anything, & POOF, my smooth diamond hands turned to decrepit hands of wet clay, when they crashed all the markets, some to OVER 100% retracement, & my “diamond hands” just fell apart into nothing, NOTHING. It all just melted away into NOTHING, & they fucking left me with NOTHING, not even gas money, food money, Dollar Tree money, NOTHING. I have NOTHING now, & it has broken me not only financially, but mentally & spiritually as well. Broken, broke, nothing. Sandy castles washed away with the waning tide of time.

Yep, 2022 can eat a big bag of herpified shlongs, & so can these market-manipulating elitist scumfucks that take & take & take for themselves, printing all the fiat money they want, using algorithms to alter market movements, for themselves of course, & we peasants get nothing but wrecked. THEY PRINT MONEY FOR THEMSELVES FOR FUCK’S SAKE, WHILE THE PEASANTS SLAVE AWAY ON THE 9 TO 5, 40-HOUR WORK WEEK LIVING-FOR-THE-WEEKEND GRIND, THEY JUST PRINT THE MONEY THEY NEED FOR THEMSELVES, & YOU DON’T GET A FUCKING PENNY. How does that make you feel? How does it feel to know that this money the you bust your ass for, for a shitty bi-weekly over-taxed paycheck, how does it feel to know that these elites just print the same money for themselves as needed? They don’t work for it, they just print it, so why should I, or you, or anyone for that matter, “work” for the same currency that they just endlessly print for themselves? Why? Fuck that notion, it’s absurd, but since most of you have ZERO clue who Sam Bankman Fried is, or what these elites do for their wealth, while you burn away your life for table scraps, they just keep doing what they do, & so do most of you. Such blind compliance, it’s staggeringly mind-blowing to me, & that being the case, why would they stop? Would you? Tough question, isn’t it? If you could just print all the money you needed, and/or steal it from the poor like they do, what would you do? I don’t know what I’d do, to be honest, but I can assure you that I would certainly NOT be doing what these so-called “elites” are doing. How could I be? I have a soul, & since these psychopaths at the top of the food chain are soulless, I guess I’m doomed to stay down here, in the gutter, like the sewer rat I am, running left, right, left, right through the maze in The Great Mouse Trap, now begging for the same cheese-bait fiat money via online-crowdfunding means, just so I can keep running. There’s no way out of this trap, even when we invest wisely, & when we do, what do these evil fuckers do? They crash all the markets in a controlled demolition, & if you weren’t one of those sinister few on the inside, you got hosed, just like me. WRECKED…BILLIONS of dollars, gone, & like I just said, it wasn’t just me. I feel for the others who got squashed, I really do, because this feeling of having NOTHING fucking sucks. NO options, NO ability to make moves, I’m stealing to eat for Christ’s sake, it’s no bueno, & this is so insane what has happened to the crypto community, just madness, they took us all to the moon, then shit us all out back down to bread crumbs in the Sahara desert, without a drop of water left to drink. Not to mention, there will be ZERO reckoning coming for us either, NOTHING, nothing will fix what happened, NOTHING, NOTHING will ever change what they did to us. They wrecked us, period, massacred us all financially, & definitely ruined yours truly dear readers, dropped me right into one notch above homelessness.

Nope, this broke-ass FisH™ has nothing left…NOTHING. No more precious metals, all GONE, no more crypto money, all GONE, barely enough in the bank account to buy a loaf of bread. All I have left is THIS, this composition composed of essentially what amounts to digital begging, flying my sign for money, like a bum at an intersection. I hate it, fuck I fucking hate this, I hate being broke, but mostly being brok-EN. Money is just money, but my spirit, torn in two, & I don’t know how to glue it back together. I hate what they did to everyone, all of us crypto traders, a year ago so hopeful for the future, SO hopeful, such a good feeling it was, all of us winning for a change, man it felt great, riding that warm wave. Sadly though, we’re all now just floating in the frigid ocean of fiscal ruin, after the “unsinkable” crypto market hit that man-made iceberg, & these evil fuckers steered the ship right into it, BOOM, head-on collision, & down, down, down she went, taking all of us delusional “diamonds hands” idiots with her. Yes, I said “idiots,” because the “diamond hands” concept is as idiotic as it gets, now in retrospect…duh, & I wholeheartedly admit that I was an idiot for believing in it. The “madness of crowds,” so delusional, WE GOT STRAIGHT WRECKED YOU NAIVE MUPPETS, myself included, for I’m as muppetous as any of you, since they got me too, & got me good, so I have no excuse, THEY GOT ME, because I let them get me, & there’s not a fucking thing I can do about it. Ultimately, I guess it’s on me, right? Everything , all MY fault, mine alone, & no one else is to blame except my own gullible self. The crypto crash ruined my entire life, & threw me into my own living hell, a spiraling severe depression, my soul crucified then crushed. Although I’m trying my best to crawl back up, these slimy sordid walls won’t let me move, & I just slide back down to the bottom of the well. It’s truly self-spirit-slaughtering, & apparently, I have no way out this time. They really fucked me, God-damnit they really fucking fucked me those fucking fucks. Ugh. “It is what it is,”…isn’t that the appropriate phrase here? Or maybe “that’s just how it is,” since that’s one of my favorites because it really makes me want to dropkick any/every given “elitist” piece of shit who was in on these orchestrated market crashes, & got rich by making everyone else go broke. Oh man, I would love to cross paths with one of you motherfuckers. Someday God, PLEASE let me be in the same room with one, just ONE of them, I just need to get my hands on one of them, so I can squeeze the truth out of their rat-fink faces while they beg me to let go. Are you listening God? Anyone up there? Anyone? Hello? (crickets)

Not a chance, God never listens to a fucking word I say. You have to rely on YOU, because God only seems to help THEM, not US. Look at all this degeneracy, people making millions from being whores, whoring themselves out in one way or another to get paid. Psychopathic mental patients, usually uber-woke too, are making MILLIONS, living like royalty, while most of us slave away another day & call that “life.” No, that is NOT “life,” not to me anyway, & this is not a fucking joke, because these assholes are ruining society, destroying people, decimating their lives, hurting people in ways that no doctor can ever fix. Yes, this corrupted market manipulation kills us, kills families, taking their life savings like they’re taking a penny from the need-a-penny jar. It’ll just be gone, GONE, just like that, & there will be no retribution, no reparations, NOTHING, it’s all just taken, gone, & you can’t do a thing about it. Fuck me, I’m lucky it’s ONLY me & my cat in my case, because if I had a family to support, I’d be 10x more fucked than I am now, contemplating criminal activities to feed my family, if I had one. THERE ARE MANY family-life-types, who are/were investors, who are truly fucked right now, absolutely fucked, because of corrupt elitist scum manipulating markets. Not just markets either, they manipulate everything, EVERYTHING, at the expense of “the little guy,” who they ultimately slaughter like a spring lamb with zero remorse for the lives they’ve destroyed, all to get themselves ahead in the power game they play at the top of the pyramid. I had a plan, a real plan, this vision I had, my dream, & I was going to do really good things with the money I had made, really great things. I was counting on myself to help a lot of people out, & these malevolent twats just took it, like I was nothing, leaving me feeling like an absolute failure, like I am nothing, just another big-time loser peasant, who lost a once-in-a-lifetime chance to finally change my life into a life of total creation, creating amazing things for those handful of people I actually care about. Now it’s just, gone, while this fat fuck below pets a black behbeh.

Yes sir, that’s how she goes, it’s gone, it’s just gone, I can’t get it back, & I can’t do a fucking thing to change it. So, if you are NOT in the same situation I am in, & you have some extra loot, & of course, you’re inclined to help, feel free to hit up those links to on the right side of my site over there, & drop some shekels into my PayPal to help feed the FisH™. A year ago, I would’ve thought you were insane if you had told me I’d be where I am right now, but now that NOW is here, & I am where I am, I guess the only “insane” one the whole time was me, totally insane to think they’d ever let me keep the money I made. Nope, they said, “Fuck you Fish you plebeian bitch, you will never have money, we will NEVER let you win, or help your family, or change your life for the better, nope, you’re a fucking loser, you’ll always be a loser, WE pick the winners, & you’re no winner you loser. You’ll NEVER win, so fuck off you little rodent.” Okay then, so it is, & I’m the rodent, not a fish, yep, that’s what yours truly has been reduced to, a rodent, a greasy rat begging for money just to keep going. Wunderbar. I can’t tell you how good that self-realization makes me feel. Ouch. “Just the way it is,” though, right?

Until next time, dear readers, remember this, THEIR game is NOT our game, & like all of you, I’m stuck in The Great Mouse Trap too, only now I can barely move, because you need current to move, you need energy. These self-proclaimed “leaders” have hijacked the true energy, the real currency, & replaced it with this monetary fiat money beast system that keeps us all enslaved to it. “Just the way it is, just the way it is,” gah, I’m so fucking sick of hearing that bullshit. It’s “the way it is” because we let them keep doing it to us, but it doesn’t matter because there aren’t nearly enough of us to stop it, & the few of us that try, end up getting wrecked, our energy stolen, so we can’t continue fighting the beast. Ask Nikola Tesla about that, they left him destitute & penniless, when all he wanted to do was give everyone free energy. Enough currency for everyone, & then some, can you imagine that wonderful world, with endless free energy, can you imagine?…but nope, not while these elitist scoundrels continue to hijack the zeitgeist, & control the world via the shadows on the cave walls, & the echoes from the darkness. They took everything Tesla created, & destroyed it, all in the name of power & money. Look into it, it’s truly heartbreaking what they did to him, & it’s brutal what they continue to do to all of us. So if you can, maybe help my broke ass out, please, before…I don’t know, before I’ll simply just float away, like the rest of the fried fish floating bloated, bobbing away with the outgoing tide, left with nothing, nothing even left to breathe in this fucked-up world except the stale dead air of utter poverty. I suppose that’s “just how it is,” yes? Regardless, that’s all for now. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Feed your fish, or the fishbowl with be filled with bloated floaters.” ~Fish F Fish

The Fooze: S2 S19 2/19/2023 Stuck in the Middle

My short story I’m working on has taken on a life of its own, & I’m in the middle still, but not “stuck,” per se, as the title of this Foozer suggests. No, not stuck at all, it’s just that my “short” story is evolving into a longer short story that I’m really getting into, almost like I’m living it, & it should be a fun read for you, dear readers, when I’m done, as it’s proving fun to write, from my end. In the meantime, methinks we have a cray-cray week ahead, as far as the zeitgeist is concerned anyway. There’s something going on, oh yes, there is most CERTAINLY something nefarious going on in the shadows. What this nefariousness might be though, I do not know yet, but what I’m speculating on at the moment, is that this country, OUR country, the once great, now-turned USSA, is under attack. Yep, you heard me, we’re under attack, right now, in real time. Who would be attacking us though? Good question, thanks for playing. I have the answer I think, but you might not like this answer I’m about to offer…

…the answer I am offering is this: WE ARE UNDER ATTACK, BY OUR OWN GOVERNMENT. You heard me, this rogue regime that stole an election, essentially stealing the country, only to actively destroy it, relatively quick too, before the next election in 2024. Look around, look what’s happening, the runaway inflation, the exorbitant money-printing, these ridiculous gas prices, the supply chain breakdowns, the chicken holocaust, the flailing infrastructure, the blatantly open corruption, the equally blatant open insider trading amongst these criminal politicians, all fueled and/or covered up by these un-ending scripted dumbass fake news narratives, how much more is it going to take to realize the realization that YES, YOUR GOVERNMENT HATES YOU, DOES NOT HAVE YOUR BEST INTERESTS AT HEART, & IS ULTIMATELY SEEKING TO DESTROY YOU, how much more will it take? Kind of a big deal, wouldn’t you agree? I think so, but what do I know, right? Just a fish in a fishbowl, looking thorough the glass, then writing about what I see, fish-eyed through fish eyes, yes? Therefore, do hast thou will.

That’s all I wanted to say, as I have to cut this one short today as well. We just needed to turn the calendar day from white to blue, which will happen shortly when I post this. Tomorrow, there will be plenty to write about. There’s a new moon tonight, & I don’t know if you believe in lunar activity & its respective effect on human behavior, but expect something…eventful this week, if you will, & STAY MINDFUL. These psychopathic elitist scumfucks have no boundaries, & will do anything, & I mean ANYTHING, to keep their stolen positions of power, including sinking this whole ship, rather than ever giving it up. Yep, they’ll just light the boat on fire as they run it into an iceberg, because they know they have their proverbial lifeboats, & you don’t. This is pure destructive darkness, evil incarnate we’re dealing with, & I don’t think most people realize the gravity of the malevolence these Luciferian devil-worshippers orbit around. It’s as hellish as it gets, & I don’t even believe in any of that bizarre shit, but THEY DO. Doesn’t matter how whack I think they are, or you think they are, THEY BELIEVE IN THIS CRAZY SHIT, & somehow they believe their Hadesian overlord pseudo-god gives them their power.

It’s a cray-cray world, & as I mentioned earlier, it’s gonna be a cray-cray week methinks. Desperate psychopaths do desperately psychopathic shit. Impossible to speculate, especially when you factor in the notion that they have so much power behind them to do relatively whatever they want, & said “power” wielded in the wrong way could be very dangerous. Actually, never mind that, it IS VERY DANGEROUS. These maniacs are covertly attacking us now, in real time, so fucking right, it’s a ticking time-bomb of danger. DANGER, DANGER Will Robinson, globalists have taken over the United States of America. Unfortunately, good luck getting enough Americans together to march to Washington, D.C., armed, but with ZERO inclination of committing violence. Armed to protect themselves, as was written for us by the Founders. An organized armed march to the Capitol, to arrest every one for these corrupt government douchebags, so they can be tried for treason, TREASON, as well as other crimes like maybe democide, how about that? Does the “slow-kill” agenda by poisoning the food & water count as democide? It should, & this government is committing this very crime as I type this & you read it by doing NOTHING about that chemical spill in Ohio, for example, which stinks of intentionality, but I won’t digress into that topic this time, but maybe next time…


For all of you, & for none of you at all.🐡

“Try not to worry, it’ll all be over soon enough.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

Obamacare Slaves…SMH…




All of you who have chosen to roll over and sign up for Obamacare are SLAVES…useless, no courage, braindead, hypnotized, programmed zombie slaves. When your Nazi leader finally goes over the cliff, I hope each and everyone of you who support him go right over with him. All the info we have given you, all the corruption, lies, and deception we have exposed, and STILL a large percentage of you are so weak and clueless that you will do whatever your masters say without question. Why? Because you slaves are so calcified, you have no clue who and what you really are, and you are just as much a part of the cancer as the globalist pig scum who you allow to rule you. Fucking pathetic. Keep eating the processed food and drinking fluoridated water and watching your fucking televisions. That’s all your meaningless lives amount to. Such a sad and tragic waste of the true potential of our decaying humanity.” When will you robots wake up and free yourself from the chains that bind you to the shadows and echoes of your cave? YOU ARE NOT HERE TO BE SLAVES. How fucking hard is that to comprehend? Scrapping and slaving for your shitty little paychecks…do you think your masters worry about paying bills? Do you think they eat the same crap they offer you to eat? Do you think they drink the fluoridated water? Do you think they sit on their asses and watch television and not communicate with one another? That is why they continue to dominate you, because YOU keep feeding into their agenda. But I’m no idiot, I’m well, well, well aware that this falls on mostly deaf ears, but as long as one of you gets it and discovers how to self-empower yourselves, a difference is made. All anyone can really do is play their part to make a difference toward the good as opposed to not doing anything while your masters continue to feed from your energy like parasites. YES, they are the parasites, but they have you all thinking backwards. Such a mess, such a tragedy, and you can hate me all you want for telling you this…that’s YOUR problem, not mine. I would rather be dead then to ever be a slave like so many of you are. Keep them ignorant, keep them docile, keep them complacent, keep them consuming, whatever it takes to distract YOU from YOU. At least I am trying to help, what are YOU doing about anything? Now obviously this post doesn’t apply to those of us/you in the know. “It is the task of the enlightened to help free the unenlightened, even under a prospect of death”…Plato. But if most of you are simply just incapable of waking up because your so consumed into your egos, there is nothing I/we can do to help you. If you can’t help yourself, how are we supposed to help you? It’s impossible, not because of us, because of YOU. The separation lies within the ignorance of the masses, not with those trying to help all of you. But again, I know it all falls mostly on deaf ears. The time when the great change comes grows closer and closer and closer. When it all goes down, what will YOU do? Is your soul prepared?…because relying on your ego means you are already dead. Living as a slave, means you’re already dead. If you aren’t living free, then you’re just dying as a slave. YOU make that choice, not me, not this Nazi idiot fascist puppet terrorist president and his regime, not the globalist banker scum giving you scraps from their table, it’s YOU. YOU have the power to rise up, but what do most of you do?…change the channel. Like I said, it’s YOUR issue, not anyone else’s. Wake up before it’s too late and YOU no longer have the choice. Heed what I say or don’t, up to YOU. Wide eyes open. Love to all.

WINTER ENDS, SPRING EQUINOX: Ignore Distraction, Focus on YOU

plane landing plane landing



This is the brief summary of the current 3rd dimensional paradigm we are all experiencing at this very moment… Search planes are en route on Day 13 to see if this latest report of “debris” will reveal something new in relation to this mysterious disappearance of flight 370. This story has engulfed the news and the attention of the world, cleverly timed so that the situation in the Ukraine has been somewhat backburnered, as well as the upcoming Obamacare registration deadline, DO NOT REGISTER, as well as the escalating crisis in Venezuela, oh yes, don’t pay attention to anything else because somehow, in this modern age, an entire Boeing 777 plane and all 250ish passengers and their cellphones and all the electronic tracers connecting this plane to satellites and radars, “disappears” for what-is-now 13 days, and will continue to be more….

As of 7:32 AM EST, March 20,… For some reason, these MSM puppet scum reporters are sounding confident that somehow this new “debris” breaking news happening right at this moment might in fact be parts of this missing plane, even though this area is literally 1000’s of miles from where I myself, as well as many others, literally saw this disappear from radar. But the real story is…do you really want to know?…THE REAL STORY IS… that this might just be the latest act in the script that is the globalist agenda. This whole event stinks of deception, and the way these media scum play this drama out is all part of that deception. Oh, I almost forgot, HAVE YOU FILLED OUT YOUR BRACKETS YET SLAVES? Now the timing of March Madness ironically is the most coincidental part of this point in time, but all combined keeping the masses away from what is transpiring around the world. I won’t digress into the abhorrence of sport obsession now though. Just highlighting points as a the time for the biggest move yet to occur grows closer.

suicide gif

Oh, did you see that a 12th, yes 12th, globalist banker figure has committed suicide, the primary method being to jump from high buildings, not a common method of suicide, yet consistent in I believe nearly all if not in fact all of the 12 reported banker-related suicides. Why are these banker scum jumping to their deaths, or being made to look like they are jumping to their deaths?…12 in 2 and a half months, but that story gets backburnered as well. Feel free to look into anything and everything I have just mentioned to you in these few paragraphs. Usually I leave links, this time I leave it to YOU to find out for yourselves. I have shown you all the way over and over and over again enough for YOU to be able to know these things for yourselves. Or at least be aware of HOW to. Again, highlighting the points, as they are of relative importance as YOU relate to this 3d world we are all still stuck in. I know it was kinda all-over-the-place, but that is how we are rolling here in the early hours of the beginning of Spring… Now onto something of real importance to YOU as your higher self…

New reports are coming in now of multiple repetitive harmonic seismic undulations felt for hundreds of kilometers from the epicenter of the recent earthquake

This girl is jumping for joy because she just found my blog… AND at last, this winter is over… 

This is Sparta in the lawless days of the wild wild west


March Equinox: March 20, 2014, 16:57 UTC – Time and Date (<<<CLICK HERE<<<)   THAT’S RIGHT, this extremely disruptive winter is nearly officially fucking over finally, and the time for GREAT CHANGE is upon all. Warmth, growth, new energy, blooming, what will this Spring of 2014 bear for this tightrope-walking humanity?… The changing of the seasons is a great time to associate a change within self. If you are still smoking, quit. Start doing some pushups, exercise, MAKE SURE YOU GET OUTSIDE. The healing wonder of nature can be eye-opening. The Winter was long and cold, but NOW is the time to let it go, and embrace the new energy coming in from the cosmos. Yes, you are still stuck here in this 3rd dimensional reality, but only in form, in body. However, your soul, your spirit, your immortal higher self, exists at a higher vibration, remembering it’s origin in the 5th dimension, and learning to navigate from that perspective again. Your dreams may be growing in intensity or maybe you aren’t able to recall them at all, you may find that you sleep more, or less, you may be noticing unfamiliarly familiar sensations, you may be having revelations, insights, answering questions before you know to ask them. If YOU are awake, YOU are noticing that YOU are remembering what YOU truly are/were/will be/always have been. This is a great time to be alive, if YOU are truly alive, and not just following the program being broadcast by the globalist cabal that has nearly infected the entirety of humanity with a cancer that numbs and pacifies the populous into hypnotized debt slaves, addicted to consumption. Only YOU can choose to be truly free, there is no better time than right now. Would YOU rather die being to proud to admit YOU were wrong? Or live to know YOU figured out what is RIGHT before it was too late? Again, up to YOU, not me, I’m just here to help. See the whole picture, do not focus on the details of a corner. This might be the most eventful Spring Season EVER experienced, as far we know anyway, and YOU are a part of it, so BE part of it, stop being afraid of being afraid, and if YOU are awake, what are YOU doing to wake up others? The time of YOUR time is NOW, get out there and take what is YOURS. Do YOU all not see yet? What if the power were to go out? What if you couldn’t just change the channel on your television? Reconnect with your connection to nature. Be aware of what YOU might need to do when this juggernaut system that these globalist pig scum are holding their game together with collapses in on itself, when YOU will really need to know how to survive, what would YOU do? YOU are part of nature, part of the environment, but their program has corrupted and polluted those instincts in so many of you that you have become dependent on the conveniences. Those conveniences are fragile, temporary, easily cut off. What would YOU do, what would YOU do? And at 1000 words, I say farewell for now dear friends and readers and watchers and brothers and sisters. More coming soon. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 

St. Peter’s Bones and ISON Update

Pope-peter pprubens.jpg

This is just one image of Saint Peter, you can obviously find many more if you look it up. Saint Peter  traditionally holds the keys to the gates of heaven, hence why I thought this image appropriate. This of course after he was reportedly martyred, being crucified upside-down because he felt he was unworthy of being crucified upright like Jesus supposedly was. So is this the origin of the upside-down cross? Sure, it’s definitely arguable, but most people relate upside-down crosses to evil, hmmmm… strange how that seems to be the reality, once again boiling down to people not knowing the real facts. You can click “Saint Peter” above and read all about his life, and work, and eventually death. His bones are entombed below in his tomb in St. Peter’s Basilica…

St. peter’s tomb… 

…where they have been resting since ohhhh… a long time. However, the Vatican has decided to bring them out for display. The bones are only fragments, contained in an interesting little grey box...

Yes, apparently that’s him or what’s left of him. Long after this clearly painful event…

     So now whenever you see an upside-down cross, you know the real story instead of equating it with evil and Satan. Satan, the real definition, is not what most of you think it is by the way… certainly not a red, horned, pitchfork-wielding devil, but I won’t go into that right now…just another avatar .

The whole point of enlightening you on who Saint Peter was is because the Vatican has decided to bring his bones up from their resting place for display to the public. What at this time? Has something to do with a holiday they exercise amongst themselves, holiday usually meaning ritual to the devil black pope and his minions. Again, I DO NOT BELIEVE NOR DISBELIEVE IN GOD,DEVIL, JESUS,BUDDHA,MOHAMMED, LUCIFER, but… these globalist pig scum illuminati who control all of you DO. So what does this ritual coincide with?…

Well, there is the Hanukkah/Thanksgiving/Comet ISON perihelion all occurring on the 28th, yes 3/4 days away. Possible?… That there is a connection?…Of course it’s possible, doesn’t mean anything will happen. Many have been waiting to see this “comet” for a long time, most don’t even have a clue it’s out there. It’s out there all right, and soon, all of you will see it whether it does anything significant or not. The light show is inevitable. A few days ago, a large solar flare blew off a big chunk of ISON’s tail and coma, but it has yet reformed and is further getting back intact, glowing bright enough to see with the naked eye before sunset. Some of the latest images…

      …quite beautiful, isn’t it? And this comet including tail and coma is SEVERAL times larger than Earth. What will happen, will it make it around the Sun? Will it collide into the Sun? Will it break apart and come back this way, will it just put on a magnificent show in the night sky?  Soon, soon, soon, and by the way, these images are from Bruce Gary’s site, he is apparently the frontman on the latest ISON info. Here’s his link again…

Comet ISON Observations – Bruce L. Gary

Be sure to bookmark it, there are daily updates and images. Before I wrap this up…I want to share a thought…

Suppose the universe is a giant womb, and only appears so vast because we are so infinitely small in this universe. Now suppose comets are sperm, cosmic galactic sperm, that seek to impregnate stars, stars being the eggs. Most of the time, the Sun/Egg deflects the comet sperm, sending it back out to space, but from time to time, a certain comet, so big, hits directly into the Sun, impregnating the Sun in some currently unknowable celestial manner, causing the Sun to do…. well I don’t know, be “born?”… Just something I was thinking about while I watch and wait for Comet ISON to reveal it’s purpose. Maybe you will find it some interesting food for thought as well. Only a few days to perihelion, more to come. My apologies for the delays between updates, I have been busy with other projects and really into some new knowledge that at some point, I am sure I will share with all of you. Wide eyes open. Love to all.