Current Screenshot of ISON Right Now

This is the best I could do at the moment, like I said, helioviewer is down due to overdownloading of vids. But you can clearly see, IT’S RIGHT THERE. Click the image to blow it up. More to come as the day goes on. Wide eyes open. Love to all.


The 500th Post…. Comet ISON Perihelion

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Yes, that’s right, this be the 500th post. Quite a journey we have taken, yes? Numerous facts, links, vids, info, all here for all of you. Not that I haven’t learned quite a bit myself on the way. I was going to save this post for tomorrow, during the big day of Comet ISON’s perihelion(closest approach to the Sun), but I am just going to go ahead and throw it up today. If you are new here, be sure to check into the archives. There are 500 posts, nearly 400 full-written pages of knowledge for all of you to take as you please. How do I know there are almost exactly 400 written pages? I have copy and pasted this entire opus onto flash drives for safety reasons, and so it can be accessible anywhere at any time as long as there is a capable computer and electricity. Where will you get information if the internet goes down? Yes, there are books, but with no internet, imagine the outcome…enough of that though, let’s get onto ISON…

Apparently ISON is visible via the Lasco C3 camera, which normally I can get for you myself, HOWEVER, my computer connection is mysteriously slow as fuck right now. Might be this crap weather, but I don’t know, never had issues before. If you are a regular internet user and your connection gets reduced for an indefinite period of time to near dial-up speed, it is beyond frustrating. Tried all the tricks, whatever, but I can access some websites and as always I checked out what Bruce Gary has updated via his website here>>> Comet ISON Observations – Bruce L. Gary   ….and if you click you will see the image…

Like I said, I would normally have helioviewer handy, and I wanted to make a live-time video for all of you, but this fucking connection issue had to occur NOW, of all times. Anyway, if you have seen previous sun-grazers, you can note that Comet ISON is quite a bit bigger than those. If this were to impact the Sun, which it is predicted NOT to, the energy released would be insane. However, they are saying that it is only going to get close to the surface, around 70,000 miles I believe, which is pretty go-damn close to a super-heated flaming ball of gas that dwarfs the comet in comparison. All this bullshit about comets being dirty snowballs by the way, don’t buy it. I don’t think anyone really knows what they are but I hardly can fathom that a dirty snowball could stay intact despite the heat generated flying through space at a ridiculously fast velocity. Then approaching and surrounding a Sun, possibly surviving…dirty snowball…yeah right. 

So many will be watching, even more don’t have a clue what this “comet” is even doing what it is doing and/or that it even exists.  I’ve asked many people over the last few weeks about Comet ISON, and 99% I get “huh?” or “what?” Too busy watching football and reality shows I suppose. But for those watching, this should be exciting in some way. It better be, because if this turns out to be yet another over-hyped “event,” I will have nearly lost my faith that any of these occurrences being predicted via “factual data” are ever going to come to fruition. We have this event, with Comet ISON, then we have December 16th, the real date of “change” on the Mayan calendar, which again, no one knows about. But I do, and if you go into my archives, you can inform yourselves as well… or don’t. That’s your choice, always has been YOUR choice. I do not believe NOR disbelieve in anything until I see it for myself, therefore to me, faith is kind of childish isn’t it…to believe in what you cannot prove. Kids have faith in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, adults have faith in the avatars which accord with their religion, all based on what?…FAITH. When you step back though, does it really make sense? What sort of all-loving “god” would turn his/her back on you because you chose not to fully believe but also not disbelieve, just wanted to wait and see what happened? See…I can go on and on and on and on about how screwed up the mentality of the masses is, the herd, the sheeple, whatever you want to call them, they are simply stuck, stuck in a mindfuck of their own creation. To get out, to free yourself, is but a choice that YOU must make, but they have spent so much time convincing themselves of the other…. ugh…like I said, I can go on and on, but I am not going to tangent off into what organized religion has done to humanity. If YOU can’t see it by now, perhaps you never will.

As I mentioned in some earlier posts, we have Thanksgiving tomorrow, another sham American holiday that very much misrepresents the real history between the settlers from Europe and the Native Americans. Don’t get mad at me for telling you the truth… oh am I an asshole for not pretending like all of you?… well, fuck you, you are the assholes for celebrating the genocide of millions of people you fucking slaves. Do you think any of the Native Americans we left alive celebrate “Thanksgiving?” Come on now. Never hear much about the atrocities against the people who already lived in a place that Europeans claimed to “discover.” Makes total sense right/…but I’m the asshole. Oh well.

Then, coinciding with Thanksgiving, we have the first full day of Hanukkah. Yes, Hanukkah normally starts later, like in December, however… this year, and this is supposedly in accordance with the Jewish calendar, Hanukkah begins on November 28, tomorrow, same day as Thanksgiving, and the same day as Comet ISON’s perihelion. What is weird is that this will not occur again with Hanukkah for over 77,000 more years. So is ALL this coincidence? Apparently so, but maybe not, I guess we will not know until tomorrowish or just after tomorrow, will we? There exists evidence that the Jewish calendar relates to various celestial events, I don’t have any such evidence handy, but you can look it up. All religions are based on astronomy though, which you can also look up. So if I had to make an educated guess as to what may happen tomorrow…. I would say to rely on trends, and those trends tell us that this will be another exaggerated occurrence which is kind of heart-breaking because I really am anxious you could say to see something that none of us have seen yet, as I’m sure many people are, but that is why one must never expect or rely on these things. 

There are some odd coincidences occurring though. Most people will be with friends or family, theoretically somewhere where there is an atmosphere of love and togetherness. Either way, the day is significant before it has even got here. Many who have known about Comet ISON have waited for this day for months and months now, some since it was first discovered in September of 2012. What will it do, where will it go, is it an alien ship?…on and on the stories came and went and now, the day is almost upon us where ISON will reveal the secrets she has held since she began her journey a long, long time ago. Remember what I said about the egg and sperm? Picture comets as the sperms, Suns as the eggs, could a comet “impregnate” a Sun causing the Sun to evolve into something else we know nothing about? Kind of out there, yes I am very aware, but it’s an interesting “event” to visualize. Imagine if I guessed right with that far-out scenario…. likely not, but like I said, you never know until it occurs and you can see it and experience it for yourself. Until tomorrow my dear friends, readers, watchers, subscribers, you are not my followers, the only person YOU follow is YOU. It has been a pleasure, a privilege, and an honor to share and learn and grow with all of you. More to come, I can assure you. Be good, be your higher self. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 

St. Peter’s Bones and ISON Update

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This is just one image of Saint Peter, you can obviously find many more if you look it up. Saint Peter  traditionally holds the keys to the gates of heaven, hence why I thought this image appropriate. This of course after he was reportedly martyred, being crucified upside-down because he felt he was unworthy of being crucified upright like Jesus supposedly was. So is this the origin of the upside-down cross? Sure, it’s definitely arguable, but most people relate upside-down crosses to evil, hmmmm… strange how that seems to be the reality, once again boiling down to people not knowing the real facts. You can click “Saint Peter” above and read all about his life, and work, and eventually death. His bones are entombed below in his tomb in St. Peter’s Basilica…

St. peter’s tomb… 

…where they have been resting since ohhhh… a long time. However, the Vatican has decided to bring them out for display. The bones are only fragments, contained in an interesting little grey box...

Yes, apparently that’s him or what’s left of him. Long after this clearly painful event…

     So now whenever you see an upside-down cross, you know the real story instead of equating it with evil and Satan. Satan, the real definition, is not what most of you think it is by the way… certainly not a red, horned, pitchfork-wielding devil, but I won’t go into that right now…just another avatar .

The whole point of enlightening you on who Saint Peter was is because the Vatican has decided to bring his bones up from their resting place for display to the public. What at this time? Has something to do with a holiday they exercise amongst themselves, holiday usually meaning ritual to the devil black pope and his minions. Again, I DO NOT BELIEVE NOR DISBELIEVE IN GOD,DEVIL, JESUS,BUDDHA,MOHAMMED, LUCIFER, but… these globalist pig scum illuminati who control all of you DO. So what does this ritual coincide with?…

Well, there is the Hanukkah/Thanksgiving/Comet ISON perihelion all occurring on the 28th, yes 3/4 days away. Possible?… That there is a connection?…Of course it’s possible, doesn’t mean anything will happen. Many have been waiting to see this “comet” for a long time, most don’t even have a clue it’s out there. It’s out there all right, and soon, all of you will see it whether it does anything significant or not. The light show is inevitable. A few days ago, a large solar flare blew off a big chunk of ISON’s tail and coma, but it has yet reformed and is further getting back intact, glowing bright enough to see with the naked eye before sunset. Some of the latest images…

      …quite beautiful, isn’t it? And this comet including tail and coma is SEVERAL times larger than Earth. What will happen, will it make it around the Sun? Will it collide into the Sun? Will it break apart and come back this way, will it just put on a magnificent show in the night sky?  Soon, soon, soon, and by the way, these images are from Bruce Gary’s site, he is apparently the frontman on the latest ISON info. Here’s his link again…

Comet ISON Observations – Bruce L. Gary

Be sure to bookmark it, there are daily updates and images. Before I wrap this up…I want to share a thought…

Suppose the universe is a giant womb, and only appears so vast because we are so infinitely small in this universe. Now suppose comets are sperm, cosmic galactic sperm, that seek to impregnate stars, stars being the eggs. Most of the time, the Sun/Egg deflects the comet sperm, sending it back out to space, but from time to time, a certain comet, so big, hits directly into the Sun, impregnating the Sun in some currently unknowable celestial manner, causing the Sun to do…. well I don’t know, be “born?”… Just something I was thinking about while I watch and wait for Comet ISON to reveal it’s purpose. Maybe you will find it some interesting food for thought as well. Only a few days to perihelion, more to come. My apologies for the delays between updates, I have been busy with other projects and really into some new knowledge that at some point, I am sure I will share with all of you. Wide eyes open. Love to all.