The Nothing is Something?…

The Neverending Story

I hope I don’t have to go to great lengths to remind you all what ” The Nothing” was as depicted in the movie The NeverEnding Story…. (<<<CLICK to refresh yourself<<<)   I was gonna link a sound byte to this post with the theme song, kind of an inside joke between me and not you, but they know who they are. Nonetheless, this is actually an interesting movie to watch/re-watch from a psychological perspective. Strange those themes would be presented to children is it not?…just look at the scene above in the gif animation. And actually, about 10 seconds after that scene they show the knight’s fried corpse. Another example… Atreyu, and the audience, have to experience his horse slowly drowning in sadness, literally, so it’s like sadness squared and no one saves Artax, he just disappears under the mud. Can you imagine what it would be like to watch your favorite pet, your best animal friend, slowly drowned to death in a muddy swamp, and you can’t do anything to help? Think of the process going on in the millions of little minds who watched this for the first time as kids in 1984. Oh there’s more, much more, but I’m not trying to dissect this film, based on a book originally, all of which YOU can look up at your own leisure.

However, as you can see, the title of the post is “The Nothing.” What made me think of this? Well, I have taken another step back to view the bigger bigger picture, and what I see is that time after time after time there seems to be someone claiming this or that is going to happen…and what happens?… NOTHING. Nothing, nothing, nothing, which tangented in my mind over to the actual “Nothing” that eventually destroys everything in The Neverending Story. Why does “The Nothing” do this in the story?…because fear and sadness have corrupted this fictional world. See what I mean about it being a child’s story?… quite a lot to handle psychologically one might think, but I am no judge, maybe it’s good to see such things, just illustrating the dynamic for you all. And if you have half a brain, you can now probably figure out that I am going to now segway from “The Nothing” as the great destroyer in the Neverending Story, and how it correlates with what is happening at this very moment all around you. But where to begin, so much is coming up, but so much that will lead to “nothing” or “something”….in the story, the “nothing” is “something,” and look at the state of this humanity, quite a lot fear, depression, apathy, what is all that negative energy fueling, if anything at all?

So what do we have going on now? Everyone seems to be giving their energy to some kind of belief, whether that belief be good or bad. I stand back, and just observe, giving nothing to either side as I watch this great social experiment evolve or devolve. There are already threats being circulated around the Olympics, and the Super Bowl, upcoming these next two weekends. Distractions within distractions, sport has been used for ages to divert the attention of the masses from themselves, and they really eat it up here in the mighty USSA. If you look to the right there, you will see I have updated my two milestones to these upcoming sporting events. Not because I like sports, because they don’t really interest me in that way, but rather what the social experiment will “use” these events for as to the furthering of the agenda of said social experiment. What is the social experiment? Try this…CLICK HERE>>>Agenda 21    …that’s a good place to start, but there are many facets to this social experiment, number one being that most of you don’t have a clue about it. You can look in my archives, you can look online, you can READ for yourselves, there is nothing I present here or anywhere in this blog that is not documented somewhere. If anything I have posted has been misleading, I corrected it, because if it isn’t the truth, it means NOTHING…back to this NOTHING… nothing is everything this post is about. 

Here’s a recent story, some people are saying that the snow is fake, fake in a sense that it doesn’t melt in fire, burns black, and smells like smoldering plastic when you do try to burn it. This is of course supposedly because they are spraying chemicals into the atmosphere. Now PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not assume I am saying this is true or not true. I tried it myself, melts like ice and snow to me, but when I tried to burn a COMPACTED snowball, there was some blackening and a smell like maybe some the gas from the lighter was trapped in the ice, which might make people think they smell burning plastic, I don’t really know, maybe there really is “engineered” snow in some places, but not in my yard apparently. This is an example of how easily a story can spread around virally that is construed to incite fear and paranoia. Same thing with these damn terror threats. Let me clearly explain something to all of you right now… IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHO THE REAL TERRORISTS ARE BY NOW, YOU, YES YOU, ARE STILL ASLEEP AND ARE FOLLOWING THEIR PROGRAM. If you do not know who “they” are, you need to take some time to inform yourself and open your eyes. Use this blog as your stepping stone, that’s why there are over 500 posts in the archives, for YOU, to help YOU help yourselves. I don’t need to do this, I have all this in my head from countless hours of reading and research and NOT wasting time being programmed by television…i.e. televised sporting events, scripted “reality” shows, and an endless parade of commercials amidst all that to keep you all subliminally consuming comre and more and more. Consume, brainwash, program, hypnotize, cattle, sheep, drones, robots, all leading to some metaphorical soylent green slave future? 

Please do not misunderstand, I am no better or worse than any of you. Indeed we are all bound in this consciousness together for some reason, therefore I must inherently unconditionally love all of you, right?… because to hate even one of you, would be to hate part of myself, and that does not jive in this paradigm. Now saying that and living that are two very different things, let’s not fool ourselves. Think of us all as flowers, a big field of flowers in various stages of growth. Some flowers are opened up, bloomed into an array of complexity and beauty and life. Some are old and withered and dying, but maybe once were beautiful. There are lots of little flowers that all look alike, only differing in the size they occupy in the physical space of this dimension of matter and form. Many are just opening up, unaware of how beautiful they can be once they’ve bloomed, but slowly expanding nonetheless. However, most of the field of flowers are buds, still closed off to the possibilities of expansion and growth, but with the potential, should the “right” conditions exist, but then we come to this quagmire, how do the flowers communicate to the buds what comes next? Or is it something they must experience for themselves to understand? How can you explain to a bud to “trust” you that one day it can become a beautiful flower? Do you understand? And of course there are occasional weeds that can just be removed, or can they? Has my metaphor bordered into the realm of the inhumane and insane? What kind of person would be a “weed” in a field of flowers? Rapists, murderers, pedophiles?… then how difficult is it to contemplate just removing them, like weeds? So then to unconditionally love all extends only to flowers, or weeds included? Who makes these rules? I’ll leave that up to you to discern, the point is that you understand and can visualize the metaphor I illustrated for you.

On top of all that, the globalist agenda would rather just mow all you flowers down into soylent green if they could have their way. Do you know what Soylent Green  is? (<<<CLICK for more info<<<)

gif request - soylent green dump trucks GIF (<<<CLICK HERE TO LOL<<<)

That’s right, “Soylent Green is People,” but they haven’t quite gone that far yet, I’m just being satiric. The point is…and the reason I brought up the “nothing,” was that this whole thing is all about them knowing what YOU do not know. They have so many of you buds, still afraid, stuck in the labyrinth of psychosis that accompanies organized belief systems and false dogma, you don’t even know you are flowers. They have crafted this illusion very skillfully over a relatively long period of time. They want you to be afraid, they want you to NOT know what you truly are because they feed from your energy. Your fear gives them strength, and guess what, it’s not their fault, it’s YOURS, YOU give them your power, why? When YOU realize this truth, you then have the knowledge to detach, deprogram, open your eyes, and wake the fuck up from this mass hypnosis they keep so many of you under. Gun control=fear, drugs=fear, terrorists=fear, and when they aren’t trying to scare the shit out of all of you, what are they doing?… BROADCASTING PROGRAMS…look at the etymology…BROADCASTING PROGRAMS, think about it and what are you NOT doing when YOU are watching television? YOU are NOT focused on YOU, YOU are distracted, YOU are being programmed. Just like a spell, being cast, being BROADCAST upon all of you. Not only do they ensnare you this way, they have gotten many of you to believe you enjoy it. That is an exceptional level of control over YOU, but most of you aren’t even aware enough to do anything about it, much less free yourselves. All these buds everywhere, just ready to bloom, but they don’t, they just stay stagnant, docile, complacent with the little world they experience inside their little bud shell. 

They will keep coming, with more fear mongering. People will say this or that or this or that is coming. Do not give your energy to these things. I only put these milestones to the right of the page over there to see whether or not they actually have a chance of the probability of coming true. I even put the score, a few of you may know where I got that score, but I won’t give up that info. Let’s just see if the final score works out to be 19-14, Denver. But I won’t even watch it, because I do not care who wins. Competition is a product of duality, not that it’s unhealthy, but the way it’s promoted in a forum like the Super Bowl, the advertising and marketing vampire parasites that infect the infection more, it’s just madness. A lot of it is madness, but maybe it’s only madness to the mad? No one ever said anything I say is “true” or “untrue.” I am just translating it for all of you and for none of you. Take what you want, or take nothing at all, that is YOUR decision. There is a beyond good and evil, where you can be the observer, giving you the freedom to be free of the negativity of duality. There is no duality, that is the great secret, but I’ve said a little too much now. I cannot be expected to figure anything out for anyone other than myself. What YOU do is up to YOU. Don’t worry about them, YOU are what matters. It is not selfish to focus on YOU. YOU are number one in YOUR universe, and YOU are all at the same time connected as ONE in this paradigm of consciousness and possibly multidimensionally in several consciousnesses as well. These are things you cannot understand again yet until you expand, inward and outward, but we are at twice the 1000 word attention span mark so until next time, be good. More to come. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 


Art Lord and the Self Portraits… City’s an Animal


Before the band Future Islands became said band, they were Art Lord and the Self Portraits. There was once a club called Peasants where it all really started, strangely it seems like yesterday, although that was like 10 years ago. They’ve come a long way, and they happen to be friends of mine, so I like to expose people to what they have created. Great lyrics, great sounds, genius in simplicity one might say. Check them out, they have several vids on Youtube and about 7 or 8 CDs I think by now. People always talk about finding good music, well here you go. Look no further….

Inform yourselves. The animation is from a short film called the Thomas Beale Cipher, which you can view on Youtube. The clips I masterminded to sync worked out well with this song. Nothing to fancy, just being creative. What are YOU doing to be creative in your world? Explore your outlets, express your imagination, what you have inside you. What are you afraid of? No digression here in this post though soooo… please rate and share, that’s all I ask. Cheers. Thx for watching. More to come. Wide eyes open. Love to all.


World Ticker Event Update

Creepy eyes looking through mail slot

If you look over to your right there, you will see that I have updated the world event ticker to the beginning of the Sochi Olympics. There have been numerous terrorist threats made, warning of some kind of attack during said Olympics. Now I know we have all heard this before. “Something will happen, something will happen,”…. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO. We are NOT here to fear monger, only to illustrate the paintings which are being painted for you. If a threat is real, and I am telling you about it, how is that inciting fear? If you don’t know, if you don’t inform yourself, how can you expect to understand the probability that false flag events are going to occur more and more, and to greater extent, to further a globalist agenda? So is a false flag coming? I don’t know, I’m not saying anything is coming, all I am telling you is that the MSM(mainstream media) is broadcasting a spell upon all of you that there have been confirmed terrorist threats specifically aimed at targeting the upcoming Olympic games in Sochi. If anyone is spreading any fear, it’s them, not me. What I am telling you is that the air is ripe for a FALSE FLAG event. Everyone knows what a “False Flag”  by now is I hope?…. if not, just click on the term there and you can educate yourself. It’s okay if you didn’t know, because now you do. Continuing…

One of my Youtube friends that goes by the name Dahboo7 pointed out something interesting earlier. Do you all know what this is?… Illuminati New World Order Card Game (<<<CLICK for more)  Click and inform yourself if you don’t. Now I know some people think this is just a game, created in 1981, that happened to coincidentally be extraordinarily accurate on many of the card faces. Watch this video to see all the cards, and you can se what I mean…

I am not going to go through each one for you, but I am going to show you one that directly relates to the upcoming games in Sochi. There is a card called the “combined disasters” card. In this card, you see people looking semi phantom like as something collapses behind them, particularly a clock.

See here…                             At first, one might think of Big Ben, the great clock in London, but it actually doesn’t look anything like Big Ben. What it DOES look like is the big clock at the central train station in Sochi. 

Look at this image…      …. and it’s at a train station, which is not only a choice target, but is also where two prior terrorist attacks occurred only weeks ago In Volgograd. Coincidence that these two images look very, very similar? And check out the shirts on the people… all colors of the Olympic rings. Double again, coincidence? Guess we will see won’t we? Again, and please listen and understand this, no one here is promoting fear or advocating that anything at al is going to happen. You all should know by now that there are always people saying this or that is going to happen at such and such place at so and so time, and then poof….NOTHING happens. I just find this interesting, especially since these cards, which were created way before nearly everyone had no clue what the illuminati was, have matched up to so many events that have happened and are happening… which would imply that some of the events are still to come. This isn’t anything fictional, this is not made up, that is why I linked the video above, so YOU can see for yourselves what these cards may or may not reveal. Take it for what it is, or don’t take it at all. We are only here to help, if you do not see it that way, you are more than free to move along and go somewhere else. 

So yes, there is now a counter on this home page, which will more than likely count down to nothing more than the start of another Olympics. Only information here. There is so much more going on, but I am pressed for time at the moment, so I will have to give a more thorough update later. More to come. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 


It Begins with the Fibonacci Sequence… Literally…

1 + 1 = 2 …but then what?…

It all must start somewhere. Many people will never start at all, although they think they do. To some extent we all start and end, but that is only in this dimension. And what dimension is this? Good question, and for those of you who already know these things, instead of separating yourselves from those who do not know, help them help themselves by showing them, guiding them, not teaching them, one can only really teach themselves, but just pointing out which way the door is. It’s the spatial 3rd dimension, but with clausal attributes, such as a controversial temporal 4th dimension of time affectivity and the fact that it is still technically only theory, but that’s for later in an update in some future post… “the correlation between the Fibonacci Sequence and quantum string theory spatial and temporal dimensions,” …sounds like a mouthful, but it really isn’t at all… AND you don’t have to wait… go into my archives if you want to know more, it’s already been posted, hence why some future posts would only be updates. Now I like to throw this question out there to the masses,

“Do you know THE FIBONACCI SEQUENCE?” (<<<click for more info<<<) just to see how many people actually know,

     So That Explains The Sub Zero Temperatures     and guess what my batting average is?…, SUB ZERO.

More of you know the “sub zero” reference in the GIF animation on the weather map above. Not one single person I have asked, NOT ONE, knows what the Fibonacci Sequence is and/or have never even heard of it. All you have to say is…

” 1 + 1 = 2.”

It disturbs me because I am a part of this humanity, and I am surrounded by people who do not know the basis of everything that exists around them. This is something that should be taught to children grades 1 to 3, 4 to 6 at the LATEST, the very latest. Why the latest?..Because this is a concept that should be engrained as early as possible to show the youngest of minds how every pattern in nature is formed in a simple mathematical sequence… 0, 1,1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21,

34, 55, etc…   I made a fibonacci gif  ….do you see it? Do you see the pattern? Why is this not pointed out in a general public education in this country when young students are learning to add and subtract? Wouldn’t this concept be extraordinarily helpful? Blows the mind… back to the subject…

Each number adds to the previous, giving the next number in the sequence. Why is this important? Hmmm… it’s hard to give the right answer here, at least for me. Hard I say, because you can see how it works, it makes sense how it works, but WHY it works, and WHY it fits this precise numerical pattern all over in nature is beyond explanation…understand? Still with me newbies? If it is an order, WHO ordered it? You see?… Good, moving on…

If you go into my archive, you can find several previous posts about the Fibonacci sequence, fractal time, dimensions, etc… so for now I will summarize.

Look at this first image:             There are fascinating ways these numbers play out into geometry, which you will see below. The next image shows the Fibonacci sequence as it plays itself out, forming a spiral, sometimes you will hear Fibonacci “spiral” when someone mentions the sequence.

Here it is as a geometric drawing…

We add the numbers and you can see… 

Take away the numbers and add color, and we get… 

By the way, you can click on any of these images to enlarge. Continuing, in the image above, you can clearly see the spiral, and where have you seen spirals?           Yes, in the toilet, but also in seashells and flowers,


hurricanes and tornados…


Or a galaxy….  

AND… it applies to fractals and fractal geometry, which is where it at first appears complex, but the numbers still fit. I am not going to go into WHAT a Mandelbrot set  is, but you can click on the word to read all about it. Now if you want to see it, thats another thing. Alright, alright… I’ll give you the guiding principle of the Mandelbrot set, fair enough? Okay, what is implied is that nothing can be measured exactly because depending on what distance one views it from, the “size” changes. From far away in space, Earth looks like a little blue light ball, but up close, we know that not to be so, not so at all. Something that has been discovered is that mostly the space around you is empty. If you were to zoom in on you, you would find space between your cells and such, and if you go even deeper, you find that there can appear to be seemingly infinite space, infinite space within, infinite space without, and a vibratory illusion of matter and substance in between. Wanna see? 

Okay that video is fun to watch isn’t it? Makes you feel pretty damn small doesn’t it? Humbling I’d say is the right word. Now in that video, notice how what was way out there looked just like whats way in? How does that relate to this Fibonacci sequence/spiral? Well a Mandelbrot set is like a Fibonacci spiral that never begins or ends, only seemingly does. What do I mean by this? Watch this first and then I’ll tell you. This is a Mandelbrot set zoom. Sounds like a big deal, but it’s nothing to hard to perceive. Just imagine a spiral that you can dive into forever….now watch…

Are you able to put together both videos in your mind to make the connections? I know, I know, seems overwhelming for those of you just waking up. This is what happened to me, except without anyone here to tell me what I am telling all of you. I woke up one day a few years ago with all this in my head, oozing out of my ears, it was near insanity, out of a nowhere somewhere…POOF, and it’s like the light in the room finally came on. The sequence would play and repeat, over and over, then geometric patterns came together, kind of like the monkey in 2001 A Space Odyssey when it first touches the monolith, something like that, but very real, and that’s what happened to me almost 2 years ago. Since then I have written 4 books, 2 are live on Amazon, great for your bathroom or coffee table. Search author title “Erik Sharp.” That’s my pen name for that particular series and the name that will guide you to those via Amazon. As well as the books, I have created this Frankenstein monster opus of a blog, for “all of you and for none of you.” Yes I stole that quote from Nietzsche. If you don’t get what that means, you are most likely in the “NONE” group, but it’s not too late, it’s never too late. You are not me, and me not you, but we are both the same, dig? You don’t need to wait for some inspiring moment, maybe that moment is NOW, and THIS is your inspiration. Take it, use it, I’m here to help, help you help yourselves re-discover the great power inside you which you have long forgotten. They have made you forget, but the “they” I’m referring to are the ones feeling fear now, if only all of you could wake up and see what is really “real” in this reality, it’s as easy as opening your eyes, but you must have the courage to open your mind and let go of the fear that suppresses you from seeing the truths that have been hidden from you all for so long. But before I digress into one of my rants and ravings, which is a reference to a lunatic from literature, I can see that I’ve passed 1000 words and reached the end-of-the-attention-span zone. Not too worry, there is more, much more for all of you who are new, over 500 posts, over 400 written pages of text, vids, links, images, the secrets that reveal the secrets, all right here for you for free. All I ask is that you share what you learn, so that others may free themselves from the illusions and echoes of the caves they’ve imprisoned themselves in. See >>>Plato’s Allegory of The Cave: Meaning and Interpretation<<<   I reference it a lot. Something else most don’t know, yet should have known all along. As long as they get it someday I suppose… I hope this helps some of you get started on this newly forged path to enlightenment. New in the sense that this is a global enlightenment, a planetary awakening of higher consciousness. No, you don’t have to buy anyone’s books, don’t buy  mine, I don’t care, everything you need to know and more is at the touch of your fingers, so take it all while you can, while it’s still free. The truth is, YOU already have the answers inside YOU, but YOU must first walk through the right doors to get back to the place from whence you feel so long ago. Fell into this 3rd dimensional paradigm we are all apparently stuck in together, at least for now. Great change is coming though, the messages, the signs, the feeling in your gut. Can you feel it yet? Time spiraling, faster and faster, but toward what? Will YOU be prepared? YOU think YOU know so much, but what do YOU think YOU really know? And if YOU don’t know, so what? What are YOU going to do about it? Get angry or get informed? Think about it. More to come, wide eyes open. Love to all. 


Before the Bridge

Just the latest in my music video collection. As I said before, these will only be songs that I personally like, and this one is unique in that I am friends with this band…. Future Islands   We all went to college at the same time, parties where they played in the corners of houses. There was a place called Peasant’s. Those were good times. 

 James Dean  happens to be a great actor, one of personal favorites other than Jack Nicholson. Too bad he died way too young, in such a horrible manner too… ouch. As did Natalie Wood , and you can click on everything in blue to read more. Rebel Without a Cause  is/was/ and always will be a great movie. If you haven’t seen it before, WATCH IT. Everyone should see it at least once. 

So, in the spirit of creativity, I combined the song with clips from the movie. It’s a song we can all relate to, and a movie we can all relate to, so let’s relate together. Thx for watching/reading. Share if you like. More to come. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 

Free Music Connection

Music is a connection to the soul. For those of you who question whether or not existence resonates on a vibration, ask yourself why it is really that you think you like music? Think about it… certain rhythms and harmonies and melodies, all vibrations, and when they resonate with you in a way that makes you feel drawn to those vibrations. Can’t exactly explain why you like what you like, but it is obvious that it has to do with resonance and vibration and the synchronicity between the two as it applies to what YOU resonate and vibrate with. Many people find the mainstream ample enough for their tastes, with little to no inkling of going deeper. With so much music out there, how can one realistically say that the DO and/or DON’T like certain genres? There is good in every form of music. Trust me, ….

I have not bought a CD in ohhh…. about 13/14 years maybe. Why? Because all the music I need and want is here on the internet, at a push of a button for free. It used to be via sites like Napster and Limewire, then we all got into the wonderful world of bit torrents. And still to this day, there are numerous ways to get a song and/or songs you like for nothing in seconds. The easiest way, although you have to go song by song, is this: Make sure you have iTunes. If you do not, download it, it’s free. Then think of a song you like. Go to Youtube and find said song. Underneath the video, there is an option to share. Copy the URL in the share link…yes, the one that starts with http. Now go here..YouTube to mp3 Converter   ….there are several you can use, but I find this one easiest. Now paste the URL from Youtube that you copied hopefully into the box on the converter page. You see underneath where you pasted, in big GREY letters it says CONVERT….click that. Once converted, which takes only a second. Then you will see that you have an option to click a “download” tab….CLICK THAT. Now if you have your iTunes open, it will go straight to iTunes. If not, it will open iTunes automatically, as it would with any other similar music download, and start auto-playing your newly downloaded song. Then all you have to do is click on the song an change the info according to how you organize your iTunes library. Or not, it’s up to you, I personally keep everything I have well-organized. Down to about 7000 songs, from over 20,000. May not be a lot to some, but to others, it’s quite a bit of tuneage.

I’m autistic in the way that I knw SO many song lyrics to my songs in my collection…it’s crazy. That’s the kind of affinity I have for music and it’s always good to think that no matter what, one can always turn on a song and smile, even if only on the inside. Like you all know, I DO NOT watch television. I have music going all day, all the time. I have no skills with any instruments, other than my badassness on Rock Band, but I have always pictured myself in that life. Maybe with my words and some serious voice lessons I can sing for you all one day. We should all be musicians and singers and players of instruments and artists and poets, all communing through the boundless energy of unconditional love. I know some musicians who tell me about how they go into a zone where they don’t think, it is ALL feeling, pure, riding a wave on the back of an electric current. Sounds like the greatest feeling ever, to me anyway. Ever wonder why your body gets tingly when certain music is played, why you get a rush of energy and emotion?… not everyone understands this, but I know many do. To some, music is just music, but those are the mumpsimuses, the bowels of the herd, content to be as ignorant as they possibly can. It is so much more, it is mathematical, it connects to everything, much the same as pi or phi or a Fibonacci sequence. Yes, look into all of these things if you have questions. The info is all out here, just come get it. If you don’t know, don’t ask, look it up for YOU, not for anyone else. If you hear a song you like, look and see who it is, get it for free the way I described above, and before you know it, the collection grows into an opus of your own music library. As with everything else out here available now at the touch of a keyboard key, take it all, whatever you can, while you can. It’s here, it has never been before, but here it is NOW. Take it, I beseech you my friends and readers and brothers and sisters….

So I gave, or should I say re-gave you the trick for getting free music via Youtube. I had posted this trick some months ago, but I thought since I am going to go on a rant of music-video making in the upcoming future with all songs I personally give 5 stars to, that you may need to be refreshed as to how to acquire said music for FREE. The 2 posts before are my latest 2 videos, please take a look, view on here, or via Youtube where you can rate. If you like, share please. If not, fuck off. I do what I do for ME, not for YOU, I just enjoy sharing, hoping to inspire all of YOU to find the artist within and explore your more creative side through outlets available to you all now. Make your own vids if you want, give some personality, some life, to a song you’ve always loved. Especially those of you with Macs. It’s so easy to learn and play and create. New Mac users I know, it seems like calculus at first, but have no fear, just dive in and learn, because once you do, you will see why Mac is so much better than the whacky world of PCs. 

Back to the music. I have been up and down and down and out, and despite those roller coaster times, music is always there. It is a therapy for me, it soothes my soul, it says things I think and feel but can’t express in the way they do. I have such admiration for all poets and lyricists and song-writers, people don’t understand how difficult it is. Anyone can write shit, but to be able to put your soul and your body into your words and then give it to others with all the sincerity inside you, it’s no joke, nothing to be taken lightly. It is all love, it is true, it is pure, or it isn’t music and it isn’t real. As I go on with the vids, I’ll mix up a lot of my favorite bands. There is no specific, I like certain bands best for certain reasons, it’s complicated. I have quite a collection, but it can grow, and always does. I music-mine when I run Pandora in the background and/or sometimes just go on Youtube searches. I find what i like, and I take it, happier even if by but a bit. Take what you want from this post, or don’t take anything. That’s YOUR choice as always. I’m here for YOU, but YOU must be here for yourselves. More coming…. wide eyes open. Love to all. 


Joe Jackson… Steppin Out


Another installment of my music video collection. This was created using short clips from Nikos Deja Vu – Father and Daughter   <<<CLICK HERE to watch the actual short animation. I enjoy this song from the early 1980’s by Joe Jackson. I’m sure many of you know it, but weren’t sure who sang it…. well now you do. Enjoy. Share. Rate on Youtube please. Thanks for watching/reading…more to come. 



  • Spread The Words…Wide eyes open. Love to all. 

Now, the mist across the window hides the lines
But nothing hides the color of the lights that shine
Electricity so fine
Look and dry your eyes

We, so tired of all the darkness in our lives
With no more angry words to say can come alive
Get into a car and drive to the other side
(Me babe, steppin’ out)
Into the night, into the light
You babe, steppin’ out
Into the night, into the light

We are young but getting old before our time
We’ll leave the TV and the radio behind
Don’t you wonder what we’ll find
Steppin’ out tonight

You can dress in pink and blue just like a child
And in a yellow taxi turn to me and smile
We’ll be there in just a while, if you follow me
(Me babe, steppin’ out)
Into the night, into the light
You babe, steppin’ out
Into the night, into the light

Me babe, steppin’ out
Into the night, into the light
You babe, steppin’ out
Into the night, into the light

Me babe, steppin’ out
Into the night, into the light


Neon Indian…Halogen

psychedelic neon indian gif

Just a little something creative I put together for all of you. This song is great, the lyricist and lead singer, Alan Palomo, is a brilliant wordsmith. Look into their music, I don’t post it unless it’s well worth it. The vid is just a creative compilation of old Captain Bleep cartoons. Just a play on a battle between dark and light, with the two leaders of said dark and light having a personal ongoing battle that extends beyond the boundaries of the war everyone else fights. Anyone can do this if you have a Mac. The only limits are your imagination and the ability or inability to take the creative capacity of your computer to the edge. Don’t be afraid, have fun with the programs. That’s why they are there, for you to explore your own artistic size as it relates to digital media. Take an idea, and create. Don’t do it for anyone else, who cares what they think, do it for YOU. Enjoy the vid, share, rate, helps get it around the internet. More songs to come. I just updated all my Mac software, so I have some ideas for some fun projects I’d like to put together and share. What a great time we are in right NOW, take it all in while you can. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 


 I could be a shadow
In the light I’ll be behind you

When the glow is shallow
There’s a halogen inside you
It eclipses through me
When it’s you I see, you I see
The ellipsis stills me

And every turn I follow
We’re dancing with our shadows
And every turn I follow
We’re dancing with our shadows

Red sky narrow
Muted night and nothing comes through
Yeah I know I don’t know
Couldn’t care enough to try to
But you speak with lips sealed
It’s just how I feel, how I feel
And the absence is too real

And every turn I follow
We’re dancing with our shadows
And every turn I follow
We’re dancing with our shadows

neon indian psychedelic gif