The Fooze: S4E12 4/12/2023 Traps

There’s so many traps, of various varieties, abounding in this modern-day Clownworld we’re all stuck in together, apparently. Where does one begin? First off, 99% of you are in The Great Mouse Trap, which I’ve rambled about ad nauseam, so look into my previous posts for more information about that; just type in “The Great Mouse Trap,” into my search bar on the right over there, if you’re viewing this is full-site mode. You can find it on your phone as well, but if you’re not viewing this site in full-site mode, you’re missing out, missing out on all my fun widgets that I meticulously have set up for all of you, dear readers. They make navigating my page not only easy, but fun as well. My uniquely authentic 2d/3d GIF animations give a certain kind of life to my compositions, illustrating them in a way that does in fact, give them “life,” so to speak, as they endlessly loop, around & around, analogous to the “round & around” nature of life, as we are all experiencing it anyway, here in this backwards-ass, upside-down timeline we’re currently trapped in. That’s the initial trap, the big trap, The Great Mouse Trap, & like I said at the start, 99% of us, YOU, & yours truly, are in it.

More traps await though, oh yes, traps everywhere, of all sorts. Bull traps in the respective monetary markets, social traps with the biased censoring of certain content creators, also including those who are bold enough to proclaim the TRUTH in a world based on lies, & what other traps? Traps by scammers, traps by proverbial used-car salesmen, & we can’t forget relationship traps, now can we? Oh yes, online dating has made relationships nothing but traps, on both sides, or rather, on all sides, since everyone gets to pick their own gender these days in this mental asylum society. Traps, traps, traps, & they’re literally everywhere, small traps designed to intentionally keep you running around The Great Mouse Trap…left, right, left, right, chase, chase, chase, run, run, run, gotta get that cheesbait fiat artificial paper money I-O-U currency, believing all the while that THAT, is the real current, the energy flow that keeps the zeitgeist moving, when in the real reality, it is most certainly NOT. Nope, the true energy flow, the true currency, as it were, has been hijacked, again, as I’ve reiterated ad nauseam, hijacked by that >1% who orchestrated & now rules over The Great Mouse Trap, keeping you all running around essentially chasing your tails, as the expression goes, while they exponentially gain more & more power for themselves, living like kings & queens, while all the little mice scamper about chasing scraps from their figuratively overflowing table of individual abundance.

Abundance for them, while they give you the illusion of UN-abundance, as there’s more than enough fossil fuels to last for thousands of years, more than enough food & water for EVERYONE, they just print money so why is that always an issue, can anyone answer that question? Yep, there’s WAY more than enough for everyone, but then the >1% in the Capstone Club at the tippy top of the power pyramid wouldn’t have their lives of endless luxury, now would they? 99% of us, of YOU, live a pseudo-life of debt-slavery, while they actually “live” like you can’t even imagine. Do you think they ever worry about bills? Or getting fired? Or putting food in the fridge? No, of course they don’t, but they keep the illusion going that you DO have to worry about these things, & so you do. We all do, because if we don’t, we’ll starve & die, & THAT is what most people say is “life,” & “that’s just the way it is,” & if you all have been keeping up, you’l know that’s my most despised public expression…”that’s just the way it is.” Derp, fucking cowards…I wish I could smack the shit outta ever weakling who gives into that notion, but apparently, “that’s just the way it is,” catering to mental patients, accepting The Great Mouse Trap as your own reality, making sure you’re always “trendy,” as if that is what defines how “cool” you are amongst a populous of starkly uniformed & compliant masses of asses. Way to go humanity, the future looks bright, with morons like you following the ways of idiots like Dylan Mulvaney, who I’d love to slap-splat off the mystery box like The Fresh Prince below.

Don’t blame me, YOU are accepting this, not me, for fuck’s sake. What have I done, other than write the truth, which I know, is verboten in Clownworld, but nonetheless, I stick to my guns, as the saying goes, both figuratively & literally, because that’s the ONLY thing left stopping these social engineers from completing the final phase of their agenda before the real depopulation comes. When it does, most of you are going to be fucked, fucked hard, right up your fat automatonic asses, & when you’re bent over, getting proverbially rogered up your rectal cavity, maybe it’ll finally hit you that damn, FisH™ was right all along, just like he was about everything else I’ve been labeled a “conspiracy theorist” for. Yep, threw me away into the digital gulag, for memes, exiled me from the virtual town square, for memes, made it so no one can see and/or hear me anymore via the interwebs, for memes, & why would they do that? Wouldn’t be because I’m always right over the target, would it? Can’t have any plebs showing the other plebs what’s really going on, oh no no no, that simply won’t do, so we’ll just erase you, as if you don’t even exist, you & your memes into oblivion, just a ghost in a machine, as they say. That’s what happens to thought-criminal dissidents in this Orwellian pre-dystopian hell we’re all stuck in together it seems. Fuck it though, right? No one listens to me, & my traffic is less than Sunday traffic at 4:00 in the morning, as in barely a car on the road anywhere. They took me from thousands of views to around 30, if I’m lucky, & that’s on HERE. Thanks a lot WordPress, & thanks to the other big tech twats, all the same AI-centered apparatus, & a big thanks to all the potential employers who skip my meticulously well-worded resumes that keep getting rejected like the fat kids in a game of dodgeball, simply out of fear, fear of hiring an un-filtered, proverbial working man’s writer, like yours truly, who will NEVER bend the knee, & NEVER cater to a mob of mentally ill programmed dipshits who are about as clueless as a rat in a snakepit. Nope, the only thing this FisH™ abides is the TRUTH, because fuck your feelings, facts matter, & the TRUTH is the TRUTH. Period.

On that note, I’m going to wrap this Wednesday Foozer up. Hopefully, at least one of my 30 viewers/readers learned a little something today, maybe something about fear, or compliance, or being stuck in a seemingly unescapable trap. You know, if we all got together for one day, ONE day, ALL of us, MILLIONS of us, & we ALL refused to comply at once, we could shut these fuckers at the top of the aforementioned power pyramid down. ONE day, & you know what day would be perfecto for that? Great question, thanks for asking. That ONE day would be tax day, which is coming in only a few days. I added a widget for it on the right of my site there, which you’ll see if you’re viewing this in full-site mode. Incidentally, PLEASE read this in full-site mode; you get SO much more out fo my site from full-site mode, because phone-only mode doesn’t look anything like full-site mode, & it hinders my ability for potentially new readers to see the full spectrum of what all I do here, & thus, be more inclined to come back to read more. Not to mention, there’s a donate button over there, where I take donations via PayPal, & since the Capstone Club grabbed me by my own flicking mousey tail, & shook out everything I had, everything I worked so hard for, all of my life savings, my resources, ALL of it, they just shook me by the tail until it all fell out, like a shoplifter in San Franshitsco, then threw me back into The Great Mouse Trap with nothing, other than my own gifts of writing, which obviously, no one can ever take away unless they kill me or take away my glasses. Not really the glasses part, but it’s an Easter egg for my cleverest of readers, if you check out the GIF below. Nonetheless, good luck to these corrupt alphabet agencies on that one, but just in case I ever get silenced, as many thought-criminal dissidents do, FisH™ did NOT kill himself, should I ever end up being found dead somewhere under “unusual” circumstances. Get it? Got it? Good .

Didn’t you know, that’s what tyrannical communist regimes do to us thought-criminal dissidents, & trust me, by now the AI most DEFINITELY has a folder for me, a special folder labeled, “EatAllYourFish,” with details that read something like: Meme maker, interfered with 2016/2020 elections by making animations that we found to be unacceptable, avid writer who exposes our nefarious agenda daily, openly calls out degenerate mental patients like trannies & queers & kid-sniffing pseudo-presidents, also openly calls out the blatantly stolen 2020 election, as well as the fraudsters who orchestrated it, & is certainly NOT afraid of these rogue weaponized alphabet agencies like the FBI, DOJ, & the CIA who disrespectively utilize the fake news mainstream media to push their scripted narratives in order to steer the zeitgeist in a way that benefits themselves, while leaving us 99%ers out to dry. They all amount to traitors, & should be treated accordingly. Does that sum it up? What do you think, do I qualify to be an ultra-based, red-pilled thought criminal? By the way, you alphabet agencies & your big tech cohorts can all eat big bags of big black cocks. How about that?…& if I could, I tell you right to your evil, soulless, beady-eyed fucking faces you scumfuck traitorous pieces of shit. Sold your own country out for power, sold your souls, so when you all meet your Maker, I hope it was worth it, which it won’t be since I’m being facetious, so good luck in hell ya fuckin fucks.

Nonetheless, I must wrap this one up, yet another essay, as is par for the green grass of my all-3-par golf course of truth here. One white ball after another, THWACK, with my driver, just thwack, thwack, thwack smacking those little truth orbs as far as I can, always aiming for the aces, so as many people see as is possible from my solitary cell, here in the digital gulag. I can only do so much, but I still DO, because I’m a creator, not a destroyer, like the so-called “leader”s you allow to lead you, leading you to your own ultimate destruction, but I digress. Until next time dear readers, if you’re going to drive balls of truth, use a good driver, hit them as far as you can, & for the sake of humanity, NEVER stop swinging that club. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“If you’re going to drive the truth, drive it all the way home, & never stop swinging that club.” Fish F Fish 🎏

DONATE button to the right, or you can donate by clicking HERE…the FisH ™ abides🍣🍥

The Fooze: S3 E19 3/19/2023 Incoming

I’m gonna try my best to keep this Foozer short, but as always, I’ll probably ramble on into another Tangentville essay of sorts. What can I say about the week upcoming…other than that it could potentially be an exceptionally dynamic week for the world. I use double-adverbs like a boss incidentally, but I digress. Anyway, apparently this week is going to be all about the supposed “Trump arrest,” coming on Tuesday…again, SUPPOSEDLY. I’ll believe it when I see it. Honestly, at this point, I don’t know what Trump’s deal really is? I think he’s on the other side though, & has always been unfortunately. I know, I know, no one wants to hear that, & the MAGA crowd are putting all of their faith in this one man, ONE MAN, to take on the powers-that-be to save the world. Kind of sounds like a cult, doesn’t it? Geez, what a “divide” your so-called leaders have successfully accomplished, left & right, hard left, hard right, not much in between. Of course, they are NOT the same. The left is totally gone, GONE, none of these rainbow-haired leftists are coming back, & no one on the right is going to turn to the left, do you see what’s happening here? Left, right, left, right, like you’re running through a maze, isn’t it? Well, that’s because YOU ARE; you are trapped in The Great Mouse Trap, & 99.99% of you don’t even know it. In fact, if I wasn’t here reinforcing my own analogy of said Great Mouse Trap, no one would even be making this connection in their own respective minds. Not to mention, since I only get a handful of views a day, essentially NO ONE integrates The Great Mouse Trap and/or the power game the elites play amongst themselves, while they keep all of you running through the maze, left, right, left, right…oh, speaking of my views, check this out:

These are my yearly stats. Notice how much traffic I had before these big tech censorship squads starting squashing everyone who wasn’t bending the knee to their tyranny. Oh yes, they got me here too, & clearly I’m STILL being shadowbanned. THE PURGE IS VERY REAL. It’s fucking ridiculous, but they will never break me. I’m not changing the words I use and/or the way I utilize my own unique literary language to appease these clowns. Is it actual people doing the shadowbanning, or is it the AI? I think it started as actual people, but over the last few years, they’ve integrated the AI into their algorithms to such an extent, that I’d wager there’s no actual people doing the censoring any longer. Nope, it’s all AI now, & with the advent of AI software like ChatGPT, guess what? My black ass is about to be out of a job, even though this isn’t a job per se, I just do it to do it, & I have never made a single penny form the thousands of pages of drivel I’ve spewed out. Nonetheless, if a potential employer is using AI to bang out articles in mere moments, what the fuck would they need actual writers like me for?

Not just writers either; video producers, meme makers, news reporters, service jobs, assembly jobs, even doctors & lawyers, all replaced by AI. The AI is advancing so fast, arguably exponentially, so it’s only a matter of time before I get replaced, you get replaced, we ALL get replaced, which is all part of their Agenda 2030 plan. Once they are confident that most jobs can be taken care of by the AI apparatus they are building as we speak, humans will no longer serve a purpose for them, so they’re just going to eliminate most of us. Could be a pandemic, a REAL one, where people actually drop dead upon or shortly after infection. Could be war, a global nuclear war, which would effectively kill many people, as well as vaporize most of them to avoid the cleanup process. Hard to clean up 7 billion bodies, so best to just vaporize them with nukes and/or energy weapons. Hard to speculate into a future where the end goal of your so-called leaders is to eliminate all of us, know what I mean? Remember though, as I’ve said countless times, this is THEIR plan, not mine. THEIR agenda, not mine. I’m simply trying to expose it, expose the TRUTH, so people can prepare as best they can for the day when it all goes sideways. Obviously, I do not want this future, but like I said, this is THEIR plan, & it’s very REAL, & they’re doing these things right now, in real-time. Their game is NOT our game, & their game is much more sinister than even I am illustrating. This evil goes DEEP, so deep, & like a cancer, it has plagued most if not all of these elitist globalists, as well as trickled down through the descending levels of power positions. The “fish rotting from the head down,” that classic quip. Check out the video below, while it’s still up, unless it has already been hosed by Youtube. Grace is a gem, very thorough, & after you watch this, if you still doubt me or what I am exposing for all of you, maybe go to Starbucks, get yourself a grande soy latte, & honk your ignorant ass off of a cliff. This game of theirs is dead serious, pun intended, & the road to 2030 is going to be like a road to hell, particularly for those who are utterly ignorant of this snowballing hijacked zeitgeist.

Damnit, I have not only gone much longer than planned, I went off-topic again, but only a bit off-topic, because this all connects. The crap they broadcast via the fake news mainstream media is theatre. Just a show, & sadly, after years of naively assuming Trump was on our side, I have come to the conclusion that he in the same club the rest of them are, the Capstone Club atop the pyramid. It’s unavoidable I think, when you reach a certain level of wealth & power, apparently they all turn, because they have some awareness of something 99.99% of us do not. I wish I knew their secret, it actually angers me that I do not know. I HATE being played, & we’re ALL being played, because to them, we are just sheep, a herd to be herded. There’s us, then there’s them, the people-herders, the social engineers, & when the cameras turn off, I wonder if they all party together, laughing until they piss themselves about the things they do to us. I don’t know if that’s 100% true, & I most definitely do NOT want it to be, but at this stage of the game, it appears to me that there is NO ONE who definitively wants to help us peasants. Help us all to the proverbial slaughterhouse maybe, but other than that, nope, just deliver energized speeches that mean nothing, promises that mean nothing, just a car salesman trying to sell everyone a lemon.

The problem here is that ½ the country are holding up their auction fingers to buy that lemon. After all of the chaos these corrupt politicians have created in 2+ years, essentially destroying the country, outrageous inflation along with unprecedented money-printing, supply chain breakdowns, “random” train derailments, flash mobs, no jobs, wages down even though inflation up, on & on & on, I mean use your fucking eyes, they have almost COMPLETELY destroyed what Trump allegedly created, but perhaps that was the plan all along? People seem to forget who got the pseudo-vaccine for Covaids pushed through to distribute out to the public, which amounts to a mass-poisoning, as the jab has proved useless and actually now is killing people. TRUMP did that, not these idiot democrats who were taking credit for it before these “side effects’ started occurring en masse. Yes, I was doing great under Trump, only to lose everything I had a year after the Biden regime stole the election & crashed the economy, costing investor BILLIONS of dollars. We get hosed, while they keep printing money to give to themselves, see how that works? Works for THEM, but not for us of course. They do not care, because like I said earlier, to them we are just cattle. What good is a rich cow to them? Same difference as every other dozy cow. No to mention, these people-herders are centuries deep with their game…it goes back to the Roman times in fact, 2000 years of elitism via population control, always a them & us. The herders & the herded. People say, “that’s just how it is,” but I say, “Why? Why does it have to be? Fuck them. Why the fuck do I need a “leader? Why do we need these “leaders?”

We don’t, but since they’ve cleverly convinced the masses that we do, for hundreds of years now, then sure, it does appear like that IS “just the way it is.” Nope, not for me anyway, & I could care less if I’m utterly alone with my own sense of sovereign personal freedom. Fuck them & fuck you if you comply with this crap. It’s NOT right, & it does NOT have to be “just the way it is.” If only we could all unite somehow, unite as ONE, ONE 7-billion person macro-organism to break away from their Katamarian societal bowling ball, evolving into something new, standing strong together against this tiny minority of globalist scum that have hijacked the zeitgeist to control the world. I cannot emphasize how abysmally sinister their game is either. Fuckin hell, it’s as if there’s no escape, no way out of The Great Mouse Trap. Perhaps some “event” will come, some kind of truly Divine black swan event, maybe call it a white swan event, where something random comes that has positive results for the people, rather than another malevolently random event that shoves all of our faces deeper into their stinking shit-pit, destroying any/all will that We The People have left to fight them. Long game, that’s THEIR game, while everyone stays focused on this illusory short game, chasing that cheese-bait fiat money left, right, left, right, endlessly through the labyrinthian Great Mouse Trap, paycheck to paycheck. See how that works?

Okay, the time has come once again to wrap this Sunday Foozer up. Until next time, dear readers, stay EXCEPTIONALLY mindful of the week ahead. The time will come when things change fast, & if you are not mindful, you won’t make it. “Just the way it is,” right? Only if YOU allow it to be. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“If you lack mindfulness, you won’t make it out alive.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E13 3/13/2023 Really Graceful

This Fooze is going to be about a girl I like to watch. No, not like that ya filthy fucking animals; she’s on YouTube, she has a YouTube channel, & her name is Grace, or so I assume, since her channel dons the moniker, “Really Graceful.” I posted the link to her new book, “The Deep State Encyclopedia; Exposing the Cabal Playbook.” Obviously, the book is about exactly what the title implies, & is essentially a compendium of all of the “chosen” families who rule the world from the shadows. Of course, they chose themselves, & this nefariousness goes back centuries now, yes, a centuries old long-game. This game, THEIR game, ends with them taking total control over the entire planet & ruling from a centralized location with a one world government, & a one world order. Grace does a very thorough job of illustrating the respective histories of these so-called “elite” families, who have maintained their power via arranged marriages & inbreeding, in order to make sure their hereditary links are what binds them. “Your family is your family, & what else is there but family?” …you know that old quip, except these ruling-class dynasties take it to an enirely different level than we peasants do. They can’t have just anyone in the family, now can they? Nope, in their psychopathically heartless world, it’s not about love, it’s all about retaining status through marriage, which also implies a eugenical aspect to this bizarre dynamic, doesn’t it? It’s not like the eugenics programs they unleash upon us Plebian masses though, oh no no no. Their version is more of controlled breeding via strategically organized marriages, while ours is controlled by abortions, poisoning the food & water, programming children with television to be gay, etc…so as you can see, it’s most certainly two different approaches to the notion of “guided reproduction,” now isn’t it? Regardless, I’m keeping this Foozer short today; it’s more of a Monday placeholder, & I’m pretty confident that the big tech overlords are going to try & squash the videos that Grace uploaded about her book. She actually reads some chapters from her book, & illustrates the narration with some solid evidential video work to accompany the read-along. I’ll go ahead & link one of the accompanying videos below, before she gets censored. Keep in mind, I cannot guarantee this video will be here forever unfortunately. Roll the clip.

There you go, you now have a link at the top to get yourself and/or your friend a copy of the book; I believe it’s only $19.99 on Amazon(my copy is en route), & you also have her video about the Bloodlines of the Capstone Clubbers above, which is about an hour long & a MUST WATCH. You will not believe how sinister their game really is, because it goes DEEP, & these evil scumbags have been the center of all of the chaos that the world keeps getting thrust into. Orchestrated chaos, via soulless psychopaths. Maybe that’s why the do what they do, perhaps they have no souls, what do you think? Nonetheless, check out all the links above, & be sure to subscribe to Grace’s YouTube channel. She is amazingly meticulous with her research, & I have recommended her for years now, so I’m really happy for her to have a published book she wrote go to number one on Amazon’s best-seller list. That’s amazing. Great job Grace, if you happen to come across my drivel. Until next time, dear reader, discover the truth for you, or be consumed by lies for them. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Discover your own truth, or be consumed in their lies.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: E3 S6 3/6/2023 Feed the Fish 💸🎣

If you’re looking at my full site on a desktop or laptop, you’ll notice the new “DONATE” option on the top-right side of my site, with either a QR code you can scan, or you can just click the link below the QR code to send some money to my PayPal. Unfortunately for this poor bloated floating fish, the powers-that-be took everything I had, like literally everything, leaving me stone broke, as broke as handless clock. Sam Bankman Fried & his nerdy minions, & several other nefarious players in the shadows, these Capstone Clubber elitist dorks, proverbially killed me, & killed many other investors, & despite his “arrest,” 99% of the criminals involved in the big crypto Ponzi scheme are going to get away clean, as usual. Seemingly, it was in my control…my investments were there one day, I had it, I DID it, I fucking EARNED it, I was WAYYYYYYYY up in the green, so I held onto said investments, with those “diamond hands” that everyone was so jazzed about when crypto was up, got them”‘diamond hands,” to hold on through anything, & POOF, my smooth diamond hands turned to decrepit hands of wet clay, when they crashed all the markets, some to OVER 100% retracement, & my “diamond hands” just fell apart into nothing, NOTHING. It all just melted away into NOTHING, & they fucking left me with NOTHING, not even gas money, food money, Dollar Tree money, NOTHING. I have NOTHING now, & it has broken me not only financially, but mentally & spiritually as well. Broken, broke, nothing. Sandy castles washed away with the waning tide of time.

Yep, 2022 can eat a big bag of herpified shlongs, & so can these market-manipulating elitist scumfucks that take & take & take for themselves, printing all the fiat money they want, using algorithms to alter market movements, for themselves of course, & we peasants get nothing but wrecked. THEY PRINT MONEY FOR THEMSELVES FOR FUCK’S SAKE, WHILE THE PEASANTS SLAVE AWAY ON THE 9 TO 5, 40-HOUR WORK WEEK LIVING-FOR-THE-WEEKEND GRIND, THEY JUST PRINT THE MONEY THEY NEED FOR THEMSELVES, & YOU DON’T GET A FUCKING PENNY. How does that make you feel? How does it feel to know that this money the you bust your ass for, for a shitty bi-weekly over-taxed paycheck, how does it feel to know that these elites just print the same money for themselves as needed? They don’t work for it, they just print it, so why should I, or you, or anyone for that matter, “work” for the same currency that they just endlessly print for themselves? Why? Fuck that notion, it’s absurd, but since most of you have ZERO clue who Sam Bankman Fried is, or what these elites do for their wealth, while you burn away your life for table scraps, they just keep doing what they do, & so do most of you. Such blind compliance, it’s staggeringly mind-blowing to me, & that being the case, why would they stop? Would you? Tough question, isn’t it? If you could just print all the money you needed, and/or steal it from the poor like they do, what would you do? I don’t know what I’d do, to be honest, but I can assure you that I would certainly NOT be doing what these so-called “elites” are doing. How could I be? I have a soul, & since these psychopaths at the top of the food chain are soulless, I guess I’m doomed to stay down here, in the gutter, like the sewer rat I am, running left, right, left, right through the maze in The Great Mouse Trap, now begging for the same cheese-bait fiat money via online-crowdfunding means, just so I can keep running. There’s no way out of this trap, even when we invest wisely, & when we do, what do these evil fuckers do? They crash all the markets in a controlled demolition, & if you weren’t one of those sinister few on the inside, you got hosed, just like me. WRECKED…BILLIONS of dollars, gone, & like I just said, it wasn’t just me. I feel for the others who got squashed, I really do, because this feeling of having NOTHING fucking sucks. NO options, NO ability to make moves, I’m stealing to eat for Christ’s sake, it’s no bueno, & this is so insane what has happened to the crypto community, just madness, they took us all to the moon, then shit us all out back down to bread crumbs in the Sahara desert, without a drop of water left to drink. Not to mention, there will be ZERO reckoning coming for us either, NOTHING, nothing will fix what happened, NOTHING, NOTHING will ever change what they did to us. They wrecked us, period, massacred us all financially, & definitely ruined yours truly dear readers, dropped me right into one notch above homelessness.

Nope, this broke-ass FisH™ has nothing left…NOTHING. No more precious metals, all GONE, no more crypto money, all GONE, barely enough in the bank account to buy a loaf of bread. All I have left is THIS, this composition composed of essentially what amounts to digital begging, flying my sign for money, like a bum at an intersection. I hate it, fuck I fucking hate this, I hate being broke, but mostly being brok-EN. Money is just money, but my spirit, torn in two, & I don’t know how to glue it back together. I hate what they did to everyone, all of us crypto traders, a year ago so hopeful for the future, SO hopeful, such a good feeling it was, all of us winning for a change, man it felt great, riding that warm wave. Sadly though, we’re all now just floating in the frigid ocean of fiscal ruin, after the “unsinkable” crypto market hit that man-made iceberg, & these evil fuckers steered the ship right into it, BOOM, head-on collision, & down, down, down she went, taking all of us delusional “diamonds hands” idiots with her. Yes, I said “idiots,” because the “diamond hands” concept is as idiotic as it gets, now in retrospect…duh, & I wholeheartedly admit that I was an idiot for believing in it. The “madness of crowds,” so delusional, WE GOT STRAIGHT WRECKED YOU NAIVE MUPPETS, myself included, for I’m as muppetous as any of you, since they got me too, & got me good, so I have no excuse, THEY GOT ME, because I let them get me, & there’s not a fucking thing I can do about it. Ultimately, I guess it’s on me, right? Everything , all MY fault, mine alone, & no one else is to blame except my own gullible self. The crypto crash ruined my entire life, & threw me into my own living hell, a spiraling severe depression, my soul crucified then crushed. Although I’m trying my best to crawl back up, these slimy sordid walls won’t let me move, & I just slide back down to the bottom of the well. It’s truly self-spirit-slaughtering, & apparently, I have no way out this time. They really fucked me, God-damnit they really fucking fucked me those fucking fucks. Ugh. “It is what it is,”…isn’t that the appropriate phrase here? Or maybe “that’s just how it is,” since that’s one of my favorites because it really makes me want to dropkick any/every given “elitist” piece of shit who was in on these orchestrated market crashes, & got rich by making everyone else go broke. Oh man, I would love to cross paths with one of you motherfuckers. Someday God, PLEASE let me be in the same room with one, just ONE of them, I just need to get my hands on one of them, so I can squeeze the truth out of their rat-fink faces while they beg me to let go. Are you listening God? Anyone up there? Anyone? Hello? (crickets)

Not a chance, God never listens to a fucking word I say. You have to rely on YOU, because God only seems to help THEM, not US. Look at all this degeneracy, people making millions from being whores, whoring themselves out in one way or another to get paid. Psychopathic mental patients, usually uber-woke too, are making MILLIONS, living like royalty, while most of us slave away another day & call that “life.” No, that is NOT “life,” not to me anyway, & this is not a fucking joke, because these assholes are ruining society, destroying people, decimating their lives, hurting people in ways that no doctor can ever fix. Yes, this corrupted market manipulation kills us, kills families, taking their life savings like they’re taking a penny from the need-a-penny jar. It’ll just be gone, GONE, just like that, & there will be no retribution, no reparations, NOTHING, it’s all just taken, gone, & you can’t do a thing about it. Fuck me, I’m lucky it’s ONLY me & my cat in my case, because if I had a family to support, I’d be 10x more fucked than I am now, contemplating criminal activities to feed my family, if I had one. THERE ARE MANY family-life-types, who are/were investors, who are truly fucked right now, absolutely fucked, because of corrupt elitist scum manipulating markets. Not just markets either, they manipulate everything, EVERYTHING, at the expense of “the little guy,” who they ultimately slaughter like a spring lamb with zero remorse for the lives they’ve destroyed, all to get themselves ahead in the power game they play at the top of the pyramid. I had a plan, a real plan, this vision I had, my dream, & I was going to do really good things with the money I had made, really great things. I was counting on myself to help a lot of people out, & these malevolent twats just took it, like I was nothing, leaving me feeling like an absolute failure, like I am nothing, just another big-time loser peasant, who lost a once-in-a-lifetime chance to finally change my life into a life of total creation, creating amazing things for those handful of people I actually care about. Now it’s just, gone, while this fat fuck below pets a black behbeh.

Yes sir, that’s how she goes, it’s gone, it’s just gone, I can’t get it back, & I can’t do a fucking thing to change it. So, if you are NOT in the same situation I am in, & you have some extra loot, & of course, you’re inclined to help, feel free to hit up those links to on the right side of my site over there, & drop some shekels into my PayPal to help feed the FisH™. A year ago, I would’ve thought you were insane if you had told me I’d be where I am right now, but now that NOW is here, & I am where I am, I guess the only “insane” one the whole time was me, totally insane to think they’d ever let me keep the money I made. Nope, they said, “Fuck you Fish you plebeian bitch, you will never have money, we will NEVER let you win, or help your family, or change your life for the better, nope, you’re a fucking loser, you’ll always be a loser, WE pick the winners, & you’re no winner you loser. You’ll NEVER win, so fuck off you little rodent.” Okay then, so it is, & I’m the rodent, not a fish, yep, that’s what yours truly has been reduced to, a rodent, a greasy rat begging for money just to keep going. Wunderbar. I can’t tell you how good that self-realization makes me feel. Ouch. “Just the way it is,” though, right?

Until next time, dear readers, remember this, THEIR game is NOT our game, & like all of you, I’m stuck in The Great Mouse Trap too, only now I can barely move, because you need current to move, you need energy. These self-proclaimed “leaders” have hijacked the true energy, the real currency, & replaced it with this monetary fiat money beast system that keeps us all enslaved to it. “Just the way it is, just the way it is,” gah, I’m so fucking sick of hearing that bullshit. It’s “the way it is” because we let them keep doing it to us, but it doesn’t matter because there aren’t nearly enough of us to stop it, & the few of us that try, end up getting wrecked, our energy stolen, so we can’t continue fighting the beast. Ask Nikola Tesla about that, they left him destitute & penniless, when all he wanted to do was give everyone free energy. Enough currency for everyone, & then some, can you imagine that wonderful world, with endless free energy, can you imagine?…but nope, not while these elitist scoundrels continue to hijack the zeitgeist, & control the world via the shadows on the cave walls, & the echoes from the darkness. They took everything Tesla created, & destroyed it, all in the name of power & money. Look into it, it’s truly heartbreaking what they did to him, & it’s brutal what they continue to do to all of us. So if you can, maybe help my broke ass out, please, before…I don’t know, before I’ll simply just float away, like the rest of the fried fish floating bloated, bobbing away with the outgoing tide, left with nothing, nothing even left to breathe in this fucked-up world except the stale dead air of utter poverty. I suppose that’s “just how it is,” yes? Regardless, that’s all for now. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Feed your fish, or the fishbowl with be filled with bloated floaters.” ~Fish F Fish


☝🏻Click HERE to Read More☝🏻

Uh oh, it looks like another “Twitter Files” drop has just happened, number 17 it says, wow, I’d tell you all more about it, but I’m not allowed on Twitter anymore. Ironically, this drop is related to “state-sponsored Twitter blacklists,” which I’m sure I’m on. Why won’t they let me back on though? What happened to that “general amnesty” for all prior Twitter users? Looking right at you @ElonMusk, YOU said there would be a “general amnesty” given, & yet I’m STILL banned somehow. Why would they ban a hapless little fish like me? It’s not me per se, it’s my animations. Yep, that’s right, my silly little 2d/3d GIF animations, they got me permanently terminated from Twatter, oops I meant “Twitter,” did I say “Twatter?” …my fault. Anyway, they ultimately “permanently banned” me over 60x, OVER SIXTY TIMES, & that’s just what’s on paper, because it’s closer to 100x banned. I’ve been banned so much in fact, that they do something quite spooky to keep me from creating new accounts now. Want to know what they do to this poor fish?

Facial recognition, yeah, not joking either, for if I try to register a new account, even if I use a new phone number, new email, a new VPN, none of that matters because as soon as the cameras on any phone and/or laptop and/or tablet see my fishy face, POOF, up pops the screen saying, “you cannot create a new account due to multiple creations of prior accounts,” something like that, I am merely paraphrasing, but it reads almost exactly like that. I’ve tested this too, by blocking the cameras when I sign up. Everything goes fine, I get a few tweets out, nothing crazy, just test tweets, & I’m fine, but then once I’m in view of a camera, I’m squashed. Kind of scary, right? Not so difficult to imagine though, do you use FaceID on your phone? If you do, you’ll know that the FaceID “confirms” your face even if you have a mask on, or a hoodie, or sunglasses, doesn’t matter, the FaceID is advanced enough now to recognize you even with just a partial view of your face. The scariest part however, is that no one, NO ONE, other than me, has ever talked about Twitter using FaceID on users to sort out who is allowed to play on the playground, & who has to sit inside, in the corner, in a dunce cap. Does that sound like “free speech” to you? Especially here, in what was once “the land of the free,” I ask how, HOW is blatantly biased censorship like this even being allowed to fly via Twitter?(Pun intended…”fly”)

It’s not just Twitter though, ALL of the “Big 4,” meaning Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, & YouTube, they all ban users at will, so how I ask, HOW in the hell is this communistic style of public censorship & these digital exilings being allowed to not only occur, but to keep occurring, up to now, RIGHT NOW, at this very moment, they are STILL censoring everyone, thus controlling the narrative, THEIR narrative, as they intend. “YOU CANNOT SPEAK FREELY UNLESS WE PERMIT IT!” they proclaim, albeit not in those words verbatim, but they might as well be. As a writer of TRUTH, I am now a thought criminal apparently, at least to the big tech overlords orchestrating all of this I am, & with the help of AI, the algorithms have me in a permanent state of shadowbanishment, locked away in my own cell in solitary in the digital gulag. Oh yes, the AI for sure has a special folder for EatAllYourFish™, & the platforms I’m still on, still keep me in the shadows. As mentioned earlier, I’m ultra-banned from Twitter, banned from Facebook, on my 3rd Instagram channel, & on my 3rd or 4th YouTube channel, I can’t even remember how many times they’ve hosed me, it’s been so many. Why? Why do they do this to me? I never fully finished answering that question. My animations, they have watermarks you see, & if you look closely there’s a little fish & my anagram, “EAYF,” on every animation I make. So in the case of Twitter, none of my banishments were for anything I said really, it was the trail leading back to me via the watermarks on my animations. Of course, I never held back with my verbal posts, & I’m sure that has something to do with it, but in Twitter’s case, my animations got me exiled. Facebook was a combination of my animations & people reporting me for posting them, as well as some of the things I may have said. Instagram was the same as Facebook essentially, but for some reason, they let me fly as long as I keep my mouth shut. Nothing tyrannical about that at all, right? Then there’s YouTube, oh YouTube, I had over 300 uploads on my first channel, then out of nowhere, when the Big Purge came, they laid out 3 strikes to boot me, 1, 2, 3, right in a row, for old uploads too, it wasn’t even anything new. I’m guessing they used the AI & the algos to go though my old videos & when they got a hit for a potential infraction, they ran with it & just dropped the 3 strikes in a row to justify kicking me off. I appealed, & appealed, & appealed, & appealed, but never even got a response. Nope, nothing, just gone, & we’re going to take all of your content as well, so you can’t even keep your own work. I didn’t back up that earlier stuff, mostly because I never thought I’d have to, which was totally my fault, but still, who knew they’d take it this far, ya know?

This is what happens when the weak get power that they do not deserve, nor have they earned. It’s analogous to assuming someone will respect you regardless of your own disrespectful nature. Or, one could say it simply boils down to the end result of beta nerd twerps getting power, then misusing it, as if on queue, as if no one saw this coming. Derp. Well, one person DID see this coming, & if you go into my archives, You’ll find NUMEROUS posts where I illustrated this exact scenario playing out. This “conspiracy theorist” keeps hitting the hammer so hard, it broke the bell at the top of the smash-the-bell-with-a-hammer carnival game. We ARE in Clownworld, yes?…so that analogy is applicable. It’s all a circus, a bad sideshow/freakshow though in reality, but I digress as usual. Nonetheless, this new drop has revealed something I’ve known all along, state-sponsored blacklisting of users, now VERIFIED with the new drop, adding another notch to my belt. I wish someone would mention the facial recognition already, maybe that’s coming next, or perhaps it’s already out, but hidden like a needle in a haystack amongst the new drop revelations. Doesn’t really matter, the blacklisting has been exposed, right now in real time, & if that isn’t about as communist as it gets, what else is? The proverbial powers-that-be are using AI & big tech technology to blacklist people, BLACKLIST people, as in putting them on a list of dissidents that are no longer allowed to participate in the virtual public square. It’s the equivalent of them rounding us up, showing us our papers stating why we are not allowed on social media, then shooting us all in the back of the head before kicking our twitching lifeless bodies into an unmarked ditch for a group burial of known thought criminals. The only difference is that it’s in the meta space, not in real life, not yet anyway. They could implement the real thing in real time at anytime if they so choose to, could they not? They have all of our information, & with the aid of AI, they would have no problem locating all of us, & rounding us up for real. YES, they could do that, if they wanted, only they aren’t, not yet, but should their digital banishment agenda of dissident-silencing proves unsuccessful, make no mistake, they WILL go to Plan B & just start killing us all like vermin, with shots to the backs of our heads, all to retain their power over the zeitgeist, & over all of you.

It’s a grim speculation, isn’t it? One can only hope they do NOT go through with what I just illustrated in the last paragraph, but keep in mind, they DO have the power to do it, if they wanted. To them, we are just mice, remember? We are just the mice in The Great Mouse Trap, & they are the builders of the trap, keeping us mice in line with cheese-bait fiat money. They can take that cheese bait away at any time, trust me, they can, because they already did it to me by taking everything I ever worked for. All my life savings, gone, & there’s nothing this dumbass mouse can do about it, other than write about what happened, so that hopefully my situation doesn’t befall on any of you. Regardless of my sordid circumstances, it is important that all of you, ALL OF YOU, are simply aware, aware of the game, THEIR game, aware of The Great Mouse Trap they keep us all in, & most importantly, awareness that at any time, they can exterminate any of us. All they have to do is take away the cheese-bait fiat money, then watch all of us mice kill each other. If that doesn’t work, maybe they convince the mice that white mice are superior to black mice and/or vice versa, then watch us kill each other over it. They’d much rather us all kill each other, than they kill us all themselves. Lends to lessen the tyrannical nature of these so-called “leaders” if we all kill each other, then they come in & save the day as pseudo-saviors, rather than them just outright slaughtering us all en masse with zero inclination toward the amount of pain & suffering that scenario would incur. No no no, they will create the problem, which will inflame the mice, causing them to fight, then ultimately tricking them into trying to eradicate each other, that’s the reaction, the CONTROLLED reaction, & once the mice have exhausted themselves fighting, these aforementioned “leaders,” will offer a solution to the remaining mice, who would be so morally drained by this point, they’ll surrender themselves to whatever whims said “leaders” might proclaim. Problem-Reaction-Solution, divide & conquer, the Hegelian Dailectic, the age-old play, never fails, & they’ve been using this play successfully for centuries, so why stop now?

I know, some of this isn’t new to some of you, but to most of you, it IS new, & for your own sake, find your own self-awareness. There’s too many people out there who are just utterly ignorant of anything going on. “Oh, it doesn’t affect me I’ll just keep making tik-tok videos, making my hair rainbow-colored, squeezing my fat ass into my size-44 skinny jeans, eating processed junk that inflames my body making me fat & gross, but fat is beautiful so no worries.” …& this is just off-the-cuff paraphrasing these weirdos who act in such a manner. Obviously, I’m being a bit hyperbolic, but you get what I mean, yes? There’s so many people so stuck in this bizarre state of hypno-psychosis, LARPing in the real world as if it’s okay. No, it’s NOT okay, & because we allow this absurd behavior, it has extended into social media like a malignant cancerous tumor. “Blacklists,” for those of us who venerate facts over feelings. Fuck your feelings, & these “blacklists” are another reason why I will proclaim again, “FUCK YOUR FEELINGS YOU FECKLESS FREAKS!” We gave them an inch or two, & they’re still running with it. Not any more, if I can help it, & this is why I relentlessly write about TRUTH, because the TRUTH, is the only thing that will set us free from this hijacked zeitgeist, hijacked by psychopathic nerds, weak beta losers who now have unprecedented power, who have no concept of benevolence, it’s about “self” for them. As soon as they got power, it was all about themselves, & the corruption corrupted them like hot lava covering a volcanic mountain. Period. I don’t care if that FACT bothers anyone, it’s TRUE, & speaking for myself, I’m sick of this nonsense being allowed to continue, because it’s only going to further destroy society if this cancer continues to spread. I could go on, & on, & on, & on. For now though, dear readers, it’s time to wrap this up. Until next time, be aware of the divide & conquer agenda, so you yourself don’t fall victim to it. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Are you divided, only to be conquered?” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E23 2/23/2023 Jellatinous Portal


Hail to Jellatinous Portal. No, not a band name, albeit a crafty one; it’s the literal wordery here, in where my trickerosity lies. Tis’ in the initialization, JP, that’s the initials of, what I believe to be, one of our modern-day, legendary-status living pop culture “icons,” if I may be so bold. I can’t think of anyone else, to be frank, who can hold a candle to this amazingly unique individual. He gives so much, so much to the world, so much to YOU, he’s given much to me. Regardless of that, some people actually want this guy stripped of his credentials, & forced to be “re-educated,” whatever the fuck that means. It’s such a joke, this plasticized world of arrested-development children, in power positions, making rules for those they deem as “beneath them,” & thus, must apparently now be “forced,” to assimilate, or be destroyed. This isn’t hyperbolic, or exaggerated, or fictionalized, in any way, what I’m talking about is very real, unfortunately, & despite the long-game-slow-kill efforts of these elitist pigs, PIGS, just like the book Animal Farm, where the pigs are in charge, well what a coincidence…power-hungry pigs rule this 3d matrix too, according to them anyway, & seemingly according to most of you, who follow these pigs, & abide the dominion of said pigs. Why do you listen to pigs? Why do you pay extortion taxes, to pigs? Why do you let these pigs live in castles, like royalty, while you live in the gutter? Why do we keep letting these ruthlessly sinister porky-pigs, who worship avatars of chaos & destruction, & create chaos & destruction to appease their pseudo-god, why do we keep letting them even be? Imagine a world with no pigs, no pigs at all, minus the ones we eat, because I like eating pigs, with a delightful barbecue sauce, not let them shape my destiny from their high towers.

Who is this JP? Well, if you haven’t put it together yet, I’ll give you a hint…it surely must be that dastardly straight white family man from Canada, the alt-right white supreme pizza, that figurehead of the modern-day neo-Nazi, but where is a safespace? RED ALERT, RED ALERT, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE…honk honk honk honk honk, there’s a REEEEEEEEEEEEE-cist showing up in the article, oh my oh my, whatever will we do? Derp, get back to Starbucks ya rainbow-haired gamma gophers. You hold no place here, now back to your soy lattes, double the soy. See ya. Now that the clown car has taken the express ramp off of a cliff hopefully, who am I talking about already? Don dada donnnnnnn…could it be? Can I be? Would I dare? How dare you Fish, you failed fool, how dare you bring this man’s name up….& here we go. I’m talking about Jordan Peterson, of course(make sure you spell my name right when you report me), YES, The Doctor is in the house, Dr. Jordan Paterson, the spiritual rebirthing of Jung & Nietzsche, combined with your favorite high school biology teacher(shoutout to Mr. Williams if you’re still amongst the living). Yes, DOCTOR Jordan Peterson, & said Doctor, helped me find the way, helped me to find the key to the golden door, when that key was always just dangling from a cheap chain around my neck, like when I was a latchkey kid in the 80s. This key, however, was stuck in a crack, a crack created by a terrible series of traumatic head injuries that weren’t properly treated. Left me a bit…foggy, you could say, for a long time. Sprinkle the purple haze of drug addiction on top of that, & damn if I just never saw that fucking key in the crack. It never left, it never rusted, if anything, it became a stronger key, as the steel propane-flame cured itself in the 4d spiral of time, waiting patiently for me to find it, when the fog had lifted.

Enter Jordan Peterson, at my own middle-age, but nonetheless, enter the keymaster. I have known the key was there, make no mistake, I have always been a writer, have always written, have always been able to go to the well & fill the bucket as needed. It just comes to me, & I don’t know how or why really, even now, but sure enough, I just let myself go, go into the flow, & what do ya know, THIS comes out. THIS, this writing that I’m illustrating for you, in real-time, but is now pastime, if you’re reading this now. My most special journals go back decades, hand-written, old-school journaling, kind of like this, on the daily, but with an actual pen, so it’s different. There’s an organic aspect to physical writing with a pen, & once it’s down on hard paper, the spell has been cast, & the words are now out there, blowing around in a whippety wind-whirlpool in the middle of an empty city block, until it blows into someone’s face. The digital pen involves a whole other dimension of creation to it, particularly if what you write you post on the Internet publicly for a global audience of all & none. The paper blowing in the wind whirlpool can now blow into the faces of potentially millions. Takes much longer for the physical pen, but the payoff, I’d imagine, would be glorious. GLORIOUS. Imagine handwriting a book, literally, then having it published, & it’s content appealing so much to a local audience, that eventually, the world finds it. Wow, what glory. Surely though, there’s a similar glory if ANY of your publishings happen to find reception from millions of eager beavers that can’t wait to see what you write next, right?

I don’t know, nor will I ever know, unless one of these rants that I channel from the big crockpot, making sure I get all the meat & potatoes that one can handle into the bowls of soup I serve from Source, to the slaves, to myself, to all of you, & to none of you at all. My soup is hot, hot out of the gate, because that’s how I serve it up. Who likes cold soup? My soup is so hot in fact, that your big tech overlords have exiled me from the majority of social media platforms, leaving me only this, my only thing I have left, my words. I guess TRUTH doesn’t work so well here in Clownworld. Virtue is verboten, & thought-criminal dissidents like me who know where all the exits are from The Great Mouse Trap, & then kick open the exit doors yelling, “Run free little mice, for you are mice no more, you are men, now run, you are free,” we are not welcome. Oh wait, but they just stand there, the mice just stand & stare, aimlessly eye-balling me, gawking at me like the village leper, like the exiled one, & maybe that’s because I am, for I’m surely exiled, digitally, & now in real-life, the moldy mold on the fetid fruits has spread, as I type from this proverbial jail cell that I’m always in. My own prison within The Great Mouse Trap. Maybe that’s why I know where all the exits are, because I never got through them, & just stay stuck, stuck in The Great Mouse Trap, with all these other menacingly moldy mice, no different, & certainly no better. I don’t know, I don’t know anymore, all I know is the writing, following this little Tinkerbell, & she keeps saying, “Write, write, for your time is running out, so write, like it is,” & she’s right, my time is running out methinks.

Ultimately, everyone’s time is running out, but particularly mine, I wonder if I’m near the end, at this middle-age I’ve reached. My grandfather died at the same age I am, from a heavy heart attack, & I could see that same scenario playing out for me. Just hanging out one day, probably between my paragraphs, as that’s usually when I leave my radio tower, in the gap between paragraphs. Yep, maybe I’m going to the fridge, maybe having a smoke, who knows, but all of a sudden, WHAM, OUCH, fuck my chest hurts, GAHHHH, my arm is numb, then oh fuck, I’m having a heart attack, & then what happens? I fall out, just going unconscious, like going to sleep, but not waking up this time? Damn, that’s a sordid scene. I’d hate for someone to find me unconsciousness and/or dead. Yikes. That’s how grandpa went though, wayyyyyyyyy before my mom decided to let herself get knocked up & have me. I have the traits of my grandfathers, the intelligence, the jovial wit, along with a dangerously addictive nature & reckless self-destruction. Ultimately, the failed fool, & I got all of it, one granddad dying a drunk, the other dying at the same age I am right now. Hmmm, kind of sounds like I’m genetically fucked then, yeah? Oh well, fuck it. I know death, as much as one can “know” death anyway from this 3d vantage point, & I know death is not an ending, so to speak. It’s only the end of this, this end of this 3d life of unwelcome incarceration. Thus, it’s a most-welcomed-ending then in fact, yes?…for those souls sick of being soul-sucked, stuck in this restrictive 3d meat suit, stripped of the memory of my our 5d immortality, our true selves, our Higher Selves.

Anyway, Jordan Peterson has an online writing course that I highly recommend. It’s a “Self-Authoring” course, practically titled, “Self-Authoring,” & involves guess what? Authoring YOU, yourself, writing about you, your life, & what happens when you do this writing course? I equate it to higher math, like anything algebraic & up. Math equations & proofs, designed to stimulate more complex synapses in the brain, well writing tasks have a similar function, in the sense that the more your write, the more you accumulate, the more your brain fires off electricity into fractally branching stems of elevated thought trees. It’s an essential nutrient, to keep your trees bearing their respective fruits, & the genius of the simplicity of this notion?…just write. WRITE, then keep writing. It doesn’t mater what you write, or even if you CAN write like a writer might, just WRITE. If your life has come to a cul-de-sac full of boarded-up crackhouses, figuratively of course, & no one else is around, & it’s only you left in the room, write about it. If all else has failed you, write about it. WRITE, WRITE, WRITE & as a lifelong writer, most surely, I have had periods of nil writing. Such wasted time, those lost pages, because I can only write about those times now from a present-perspective, rather than reflect on any actual real-time writing from the past, oh those many lost pages, so many I never wrote. Now I know my time grows cold, as my toilet has almost flushed itself away, I have to write like the crazy madman, much like I’m writing now in real-time, because the clock ticks away, faster & faster, flush flush flush, flush that toilet of 4d time away into the past. Who left a stinker? Go spray for fuck’s sake, the after-stench is stinking up the whole house ya filthy animal. (Fart Noise)

Sadly for me, he’ll never ever never never read this, as my view stats are around 20 visitors a day, so the odds of Jordan Peterson being one of those 20 readers, is analogous to assuming I just bought a winning Powerball ticket. Nope, never going to happen, as is anything ever going to happen in this horribly fucked-off life I’ll leave behind someday, maybe someday soon, via the unbearable stress of my own existence causing my heart to fail me. Or maybe one of my other organs? Maybe a car crash, like the one I have so many horrible visions of? Perhaps the powers-that-be will take me out? Or I’ll just keep going, towards directions unknown, who knows? I blink my eyes, & I was 5, then blink them again, & now I’m 45, so perhaps I’ll blink them again, & be 85, or blink the same eyes, only to never open them again here in this world tomorrow. You never know, when you’re going to go. Dang, all kinds of fishisms in this article, see the quotes at the bottom. In case you didn’t notice, I’ve been leaving my own quotes at the bottoms of my posts. Dropping rhymes like dimes, you could say. At the end of the year, when my 365-day straight writing project completes its first COMPLETE yearly cycle, If I make it, if I’m still here, I’m going to take all my pages of accumulated quotes, & put them into another book of mine, only this time self-published by yours truly. No more “someone else,” it’s all me from here. Too many parasitic snapdragons out there, don’t need anyone else to make my melody, I’ll do it myself thanks.

The spinning record spins, right round baby like a record going round round right round, & it’s time to go, dear readers. Until next time, don’t be a dope, check out my quotes, not only below, but from before, don’t ya know? Best check my older posts, and/or jump into my archives. Closing in on 5000, 5000 pages for you to pursue dear reader. That was nice of me, wasn’t it? Go ahead & form a line to the left to shake my hand & offer thanks, as I’m as humble as ever towards my audience of faceless ghosts. No one cares, no one ever did, no one ever will, & such is the way for the walk for this Jobian fish. Jordan Peterson helped, but there is no help for me, for I am forsaken. Still, Dr.Peterson’s “Self-Authoring,” program will open up the Pandora’s box inside yourself, letting your true self peek out, like a baby roo in a pouch, except once your true self peeks out, so do all the shadows of said self. The only way to confront those shadows, is to open that box though, setting them free, along with yourself, because that’s how you find yourself, the self that you lost long ago, should you find yourself in a similar position as I. Until next time, dear readers, check out his site, just click the link above, then thank me later should you take the course. & run your own gauntlet. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.🐡

“You never know, when you’re gonna go, go, go.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Oh, those lost pages, so many I never wrote.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Tend to your fruit-bearing trees, feed them well.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Run free little mice, for you are mice no more, you are men, now run, you are free.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“The key to unlock the door, has always been noosed around your own neck.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Don’t venerate pigs.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“While you think of something to say, I await the end of the conversation.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: E2 S22 2/22/2023 The SOBs

There sure are a lot of “2s” in the date today, sheesh. The numerology people are probably going berserk today, & also those people who believe in date-related “portals” and/or “stargates,” being opened on such dates, yeah those people I’m sure have something to say today. A quick search on Youtube conforms my inclination….yep, lots of “2/22 Portal videos” already up, for today, & from previous years. I’d like to believe that numerology and/or gematria is “real,” so to speak, & has some merit to it, but meh, I don’t know. I wouldn’t say I DIS-believe in it, but I certainly can’t say I do believe in it either. I just find it fascinating, the way numbers do what they do. One can almost always use math to make these connections of sorts, so is it coincidence, just a weird thing about math? Good question, thanks for playing. I don’t know, but like I said, it’s an interesting topic to research.

Anyway, want to learn about another interesting topic I’d bet you’ve never heard of? Know who the “SOBs” are? No, not your psychopathic ruling overlord elite masters, this is a different bunch of “SOBs” entirely. “SOB” is a backronym , which is essentially an acronym in reverse. Any idea what it might stand for? Good trivia question, albeit quite difficult in my opinion, & I’m a trivia wiz, so it would be in the “expert-level” class of questions, should anyone ever ask at a trivia event. I used to do that incidentally; yep, I was a game show host of sorts, hosting trivia night at various bars live. Not much money in the gig, like $60 a show, but the shows were only like an hour & ½ long, so that’s not a bad pay rate for such a short time. It was only like 2 or 3 times a week, if I was lucky, so it certainly wasn’t a full-time gig by any means, but nonetheless, it was fun. Recently, I applied to be a writer for this exact sort of venue, & in the end, they only picked 2 out of all the applicants, according to my spam rejection email, & obviously I was not one of the winners. Fucking twerps, probably a bunch of millennial brats doing the choosing, which brings me to another topic.

What is with the generational gap between Gen-Xers & Millenials? Sheesh, have any of you ever been in the unfortunate position of having these kids as co-workers? Yes, KIDS, it doesn’t matter that they’re in their 20s & 30s, they act like kids for the most part, so I’m going to address them as such accordingly. As always, sure there are anomalies. I’ve seen some great things come from their generation, but the regular plebeian millennials, as a group, especially in work environments, are a bunch of self-entitled punks, kids LARPing as adults in a state of arrested development, who tribe up against ANYONE outside their millennial gang, if you will. Where did they learn such behavior though? FROM US, from Generation-X, they took our entire punk movement, then molded it into some kind of mindset where they want everything handed to them, they’re ALWAYS right, & if you defy either of those 2 notions, they stick together like Voltron & attack you with indoctrination buzz-bombs. The condescendation is not only insulting, it’s revolting. ZERO respect for anyone but themselves, & even that is questionable because they’re so programmed, they don’t even know themselves, their true selves. Nope, they stick to their avatar, as if real life is like online life. They speak thorough the avatar, act through the avatar, it’s quite bizarre, when you break it down as such. Maybe it’s my own experiences? I don’t know. I have millennial acquaintances. Several in fact, & like I said earlier, there are anomalies, some of them turned out quite well, as critically-thinking grown-ups, but then there are the others, & I’d be keen to call even a few of those others “friends,” but I can’t, because I know how the millennial tribalism works, & for them, I’m always an outsider from their tribe.

I gots me own tribe(Aussie accent), & my tribe is Generation X. We were the last generation to see the world before the internet changed everything. Maybe we know a few things that you millennials can never understand, ever think of that before you shit on us? I know, I know, ultimately it’s OUR fault. As far as parenting went for the Gen-Xers…total shit show, but…is it OUR fault? The baby boomers raised us, raised many of us as TV babies. I’m one, or rather, I was one before I spent decades deprogramming myself from those endless hours of television. From the 1950s to the 1980s, all those programs, all of them were being broadcast still when I was a kid, sitting alone in front of the Black Square. Television induces a brainwave state that makes you into a sponge, while simultaneously rotting out your electro-synapses for higher learning. The sponge soaks up the programming, while your brain loses the ability to process at a dynamic level, zombifying you into a state where you just regurgitate whatever you’ve been programmed with. Essentially, the television transforms you from a free-willed human, to an automatonic NPC, just another function in the Big Computer, all at the behest of the Black Square. Why am I capitalizing “Big Computer,” & “Black Square?” Do you really want to know? It’s another rabbit hole, that leads to several more rabbit holes, do you want to jump in? It’s going to mind-fuck you if we do? Fuck it, let’s jump in…here we go…WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE(sound gradually gets quieter as we fall down, down, down the rabbit hole)

The Black Square, yikes, so spooky if it’s really real. I don’t believe, nor disbelieve in this one, because the awareness of its plausibility alone is terrifying. I’m not sure if you really want to know about the pinnacle of the occult. Occult just means “hidden,” by the way. People seem to think it’s something nefarious, but nope, just means “hidden.” Not many people know about the Black Square, minus your overlord masters. Oh yes, oh YES, they know ALL about the Black Square. Now I must admit, in my own research, I’m still searching for the bridge between the Black Square & Lucifer. Maybe I’ll find it here, in real-time, as I write, & you now read what I just wrote here, now in the past. Isn’t that surreal?…but I digress. Moving on, they now-publicly have let everyone know they worship Lucifer, or Satan, I think the two are interchangeable, right? Regardless, let’s just say they venerate the Dark Arts, honoring chaos, enforcing destruction, whatever avatar you can put in the place of “EVIL,” the opposite of “GOOD,” that’s their deal. Once more, here’s my proclamation, “I DO NOT BELIEVE IN, NOR ABIDE THEIR BELIEF, IN ANY KIND OF DARK PSEUDO-GOD OR WHATEVER IT IS THEY SACRIFICE THEMSELVES TO FOR POWER, I DENY IT ENTIRELY, & I THINK TEHY’RE ALL DELUSIONAL PSYCHOPATHS, POSSIBLY NOT EVEN HUMAN, BUT NONETHELESS, ANY SORT OF SATAN, OR LUCIFER, OR MAYBE EVEN MEPHISTOPHELES, IF YOU WANNA PUSH IT, DOESN’T MATTER, IT’S ALL SHADOW-SELF-MINDFUCKERY, & THESE SO-CALLED ELITES ARE POSSESSED BY WHATEVER IT IS, & I, AS AN IMMORTAL BEING OF BENEVOLENCE, WHO BELIEVETH IN THE TRUE LIGHT ENERGY OF SOURCE, & ALL THE DIVINITY THAT ENTAILS, ADMONISH THE DARKNESS, & THE WINDING TENTACLES OF THE GREAT RECYCLER.

Whoa, we took a turn at the end there, didn’t we? It was important to mention all of that, now what is this Black Square all about? The Black Square of Saturn has to do with the Saturn-Moon-Earth Matrix, but there are a few varying interpretations. The basic idea is that Saturn is the Beast, the Great Generator, the “muscle,” you might say, for the Great Recycler. If you look at some past posts, you’ll read that The Great Recycler is the entity that “eats” souls by tricking them to go into “The Light,” but it’s a false light, it’s a trick, & when you go into it, The Great Recycler eats your soul energy, then shits you back out with your memories erased into a newborn baby, so you can do it all over again. Your soul energy is immortal, YOU are immortal, only you don’t know it, because you’ve been eaten & shit out so many times, your mind is mush. Now Saturn, Saturn generates the Matrix, the Great Mouse Trap, which I have illustrated several times in past posts, just type “mouse trap” into my search bar over there on the right if you aren’t familiar. Anyway, Saturn generates the Great Mouse Trap, Saturn is the generator, the Moon is the Projector, & the Earth is where the “projection,” projects reality into space-time, & although you see the Earth in all its majestic beauty, & all of its horror, it’s all just an illusion atop a real Earth. The ancients knew about all of this, & used it to their advantage, & the knowledge has been passed down to a select few, the few in the Capstone Club, & so they engineer the world in the best way they can, to feed this Saturnic/Satanic, essentially harvesting humans, like cattle, so they can keep feeding soul energy to Saturn/Satan, via The Great Recycler to have power over the Earth Matrix, The Great Mouse Trap. What, might you guess, is the symbol for Saturn?

It’s a black square, a black CUBE, to be more accurate, & where do you see black square-cubes? Look at your phone, look at your tv, look at your kid’s graduation cap, is the picture becoming clearer for you? Literally, the “picture,” especially if you’re reading this on your phone. The black squares watching you all day, are really cubical, black cubes, all watching, listening, all the time, to all of you, because now these globalist elites who worship this insane Saturn shit, are wielding more power than ever, but it’s a false power, bestowed by a false God, & these psychopathic delusionists are completely mad with it, hell-bent on global domination, so they can “feed” this fucking thing more souls than ever. To gain what? More power? A place at the table of Darkness? Fuck if I know, as I said, I do not abide these lunatics. I lean towards the TRUTH, because I am the TRUTH, which is why I write, THE TRUTH. I don’t like fraudsterss, & deceptionists, & programmers, & the so-called leaders, nope, none of you power-hungry freaks who sell yourselves to darkness for a broken neon light, you stupid stupid idiots. Do you know where the truth lies, the real truth, do you want to know where to find it? I think I might know, or maybe I’m just another hapless soul being deceived by the Great Deceiver? Maybe I’m as stuck in The Great Mouse Trap as the rest of you, with no way out? Perhaps The Great Recycler will take me too, again, gobble me up, then poopoo me back out into the 4d time toilet, only to do this all over again, but with all my memories of this life, WHOOSH, gone, yet again. How many times have I been recycled? How about you? Can’t remember? Me either, & it’s frustrating, isn’t it? This Great Mouse Trap, very aggravatingly frustrating, especially if there’s really no way out, even for those of us who think we can escape, maybe there’s truly NO WAY OUT OF HERE?? Damn, that sure is disconcerting, isn’t it?

Not to mention that now, RIGHT NOW, the biggest surveillance apparatus ever conceived of is working in real-time, right now, watching everyone, & everything all the time. So basically, these globalist overlords, with the advent of AI, think that they are communicating with their pseudo-god, Saturn/Satan, under the assumption that, “Look Master Saturn/Satan, look what we’ve done for you, we’ve set it up so you can watch all of your soul-food, & know their most personal information, everything they’ve ever given to the Internet, the AI has taken, collectively collecting everyone’s data, & we give it to you Great Master Saturn/Satan.” Their words, not mine, I’m merely paraphrasing. This world is so fucked up, & so few of you really know what’s what, but no worries, that’s why FisH™is still here I guess. Many of my friends are dead, the powers-that-be took everything I worked so hard for, & for what? For THIS, I suppose, I don’t know. I have all of my work, nearly 5000 pages now, on USBs, to print into hard copy if they finally remove me from The Great Mouse Trap. I’m nothing though, just the ghost of a dead fish already, no one cares enough to come for me, no matter what I reveal to all of you. It’s weird, one would think they wouldn’t;t want others to know the real truth, but they’re so far into their sinister game now, as I detailed above, that they don’t care who knows anymore. W scant few who do are barely a factor now, because what’s coming is going to be so epic, people might drop just at the realization of it. What’s coming you might be wondering? Well, what else happens when you have all your souls ready for processing to The Great Recycler in order to feed Saturn/Satan?

A harvest, The Great Harvest, a new Holocaust. That’s what “holocaust,” means, didn’t ya know? It means, “burnt sacrifice,” but sacrifice to who? What were the Jews referring to? If you’re sacrificing something, there’s a recipient of said sacrifice, so who is it? Is that what the Jews did in the 1940s? Intentionally “sacrifice” those surly 6-million Jews to get the “power” they have now? Yikes, let’s not jump into that bunny hole too? Probably time to wrap this up, before we drown ourselves from swimming too long in the deep end of the pool. Oh yeah, what happened to those “SOBs,” from the beginning of the article? As I said, it’s a backronym, an acronym in reverse, & it stands for The Society of Orpheus & Bacchus , & if you click it, you can read more, but here’s a little preview below…

I can’t even recall now how I found this, or why, but it’s part of that Yale cult that caters to the children for he elites, so that they might grow up into adult elites, to continue their dominion, over all of YOU, & for who, some dark pseudo-god they “feed,” to gain power & stay free of the confines of The Great Mouse Trap. I’ve told you, THEIR game is not YOUR game. YOUR game is The Great Mouse Trap, & THEIR game is to feed their dark master, to gain power in the ranks of Darkness. THEY believe in this weird shit, I do not, but THEY DO. Doesn’t;t matter what YOU believe, THEY believe in it, & they’re turning the world toward their false dark-god, but at some point, something truly “God-like” is going to show up & shut this silly sideshow circus down. Or…we all go down in flames in The Great Harvest, with nothing truly Divine, ever showing up to correct the course. so to speak. Regardless, I don’t know. None of this could be real at all, none of it, & I’m just a rambling delusion nutter myself. Or, all of this could be true, like many other things I’ve written, & something big is coming, just over the horizon now. I don’t know, I don’t know, I DO NOT KNOW. Until next time, take none of this, or tkae some of it, or take all of it. If you paid for the buffet, it’s all-you-can-eat, so take what you want, & leave the rest, or pull out your dingus & piss all over the food, then shower the waiter, then the squirt-squirt at the chef behind the Mongolian grill, getting your pee-pee all steamy pissing on the grill, you could do that too. Up to YOU, not me, I’m just a writer, another salty swimmer in the fishbowl with a digital pen, albeit wielding that pen like a savage soul sword of truth. That is all for today’s Foozer. So Sayeth FisH ™.

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“You’re an all-you-can-eat buffet.” ~Fish F Fish

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the real truth, didn’t I? Well, the truth is, & this is just my own inclination, but the truth, is that Source is the True Creator God, if you will. What is Source though? Maybe an 8d being, or 13d entity, or maybe both. Picture space, so vast & dark, full of darkness, the void, but then there’s a light, & where does that light come from? The Sun, & for us, it’s Our Sun, shining its life-creating warmth onto the Earth. But…there’s a bigger “Sun,” if you will. The Great Central Sun of the Galaxy, which I believe is the true Source for us. The true “Light,” the light of benevolence, & honor, & virtue, THAT is the True Light, our TRUE nature, & we are immortal 5d souls with so much power, so much, but whatever this Darkness is, has hijacked said Light, & by doing so, taken our power & our memories, aided by whatever their delusionary avatar of Darkness is, be it Saturn, or Satan, or Lucifer, or whatever, maybe their own self-delusions of such an avatar even existing…regardless, they’ve hijacked us, ALL of us, stolen OUR true Light, our Light from Source, & kept us in this Great Mouse Trap, leaving only the halls of the mouse-maze lit. Don’t you think it’s time you ran free, little mice? I know, I don’t really know how to escape this Great Mouse Trap either, but I’m trying, exposing it really lit up the respective exit signs for me. Following my Light, my writing, yes, all I’m doing is following my own Light, the Light of Creation, divinely handed to me from Source. THIS, this writing that I’m writing, & you’re now reading, THIS, this is MY Light, so I must use it to light up my own path through this Darkness, until I can finally get out of this infernal Black Forest labyrinth, & get back from whence I originally came, wherever that may be. Whatever Source is, whatever lies in the Great Galactic Central Sun, whatever it is that sends out these energy waves of creation, like a space song, that’s where I tune my dial too. Then once I catch the frequency, I let go, & my fingers fly, & I create, I create this, but more-so, I CREATE. That’s the point, to CREATE. Your delusional dark overlords are destroyers, here to cause destruction, not to be creators. BE A CREATOR, that’s the true Light, the true nature of Source, to create, & to create creators, who create creative creations. Again, BE THE CREATOR, not a foot soldier for the destroyers. There’s several posts in my archives about Source, even going back several years, as none of this is new to me, but this is not about me, is it? Here to help you find YOUR light, if you’re lost in the Darkness, as I have been, many times over, & still trying to find the way out. What can I say…I feel for other soul travelers who have wandered into a weary wilderness, so if I have an extra smoke, here ya go, & here’s a lighter to light that cig up, but I’ll be needing my lighter back, please & thanks. Your smoke is lit, now go. I’ll go deeper into the True Light & Source via another another post, one specially dedicated to said, “True Light,” for all of you, & for none of you at all. Do you understand why I use that Nietzschian expression now? All of you can be free, but none of you choose to, so this drivel I write, is for all of you, & for none fo you at all. Get it? Got it? Good. Thanks for coming to the show, now get the hell outta here, & be sure to tip your waitress.

“Be a Creator, not a foot soldier for destruction.” ~Fish F Fish

“Your smoke is lit, now go.” ~Fish F Fish

The Fooze: S2 E17 2/17/2023 Cheesy Cake

Cake, give me my cake, “let them eat their cake,” loosely paraphrased from the now-headless Marie Antionette. Many Americans took the cake during the Covaids plandemic, took it, ate it, then begged for more cake, but the overlords said, “NO, no more cake for you, in fact, we want you to puke up all the cake you ate & give it back to us,” leaving many said “Americans” in quite the pickle, now aren’t they? Hand to mouth, paycheck to paycheck, pick a euphemism, but it all equals to mice in The Great Mouse Trap, doesn’t it? All that proverbial cheese they gave you , they took it back, & then some. How can you give back cheese you already ate? Simple answer: you can’t. No one can, not to mention the 32 TRILLION in “debt” the US Government has accumulated via outrageous printing of the money supply, the “cheese.” Again, if you read my last article, 80%, EIGHTY PERCENT, of ALL US dollars, were printed in the last 2 years alone. THEY can print it, steal it, hoard it for themselves, all to gain more power, but in the meantime, the mice in The Great Mouse Trap…i.e…YOU, & me as well, just wait for crumbles of cheese-money bait to fall into he trap so we can eat them. Maybe your “job” provides you a few extra crumbles, but ultimately, it’s ALL crumbles for us, while THEY print more cheese logs for themselves. See how that works?

Does it seem fair? FUCK NO, of course it isn’t fair, & you’d be a total retard to believe that they have your best interests at heart. One, they are heartless & soulless, so scratch that one, & two, why the fuck would they care about you enough to give you ANY of what THEY stole from YOU? Duh, think about it. I’ve told you all countless times, there’s 2 different worlds, THEIR world of the global power game, then OUR world of being stuck in The Great Mouse Trap. It’s less than 1% of the population in the aforementioned “global power game,” then the rest of us, 99%, ALL stuck in The Great Mouse Trap, & we’re supposed to call that a “life?” Get the fuck outta here already with that crap, because this self-aware fish ain’t buying what you tyrants are selling. Fuck you, fuck your Great Mouse Trap, fuck your global power game, fuck your “money,” fuck all of you, & fuck all of your shenaniganery. You elitist scumbags have ruined life, LIFE, you’ve hijacked billions of lives, & stolen ALL of that life energy for yourselves you evil motherfuckers. Gah, it’s so infuriating, for me it is at least, but unfortunately most of you are so programmed, that any of what I just wrote means nothing to you, & that’s the real problem, isn’t it?

Yep, the masses of asses are GROSSLY misinformed, or disinformed, or just straight-up UN-informed. Nope, just consume consume consume, watch your television, do what we tell you, roll up that sleeve for your 17th booster, obey us, get fat, go to your shitty job for a shitty bi-weekly TAXED “paycheck,” we’ll give you just enough cheese to eat, so you can keep working, working for US, not you, just do what we say & shut the fuck up. Don’t ask any questions, don’t think for yourselves, do NOT resist us, & you’ll be fine little mouse. Wunderbar, sounds great, where do I sign up? That’s “just the way it is,” though, right dear reader? NO, WRONG, WRONG WRONG WRONG, that is NOT the way it is, NOT the way it’s supposed to be, NOT natural, & NO, I will not comply and/or abide this bullshit. I’d rather die, then live as a slave. Fuck you elitist fucks & your modern-day slavery. Always pushing the “this country was built by slaves” nonsense, as it refers tot he blacks. Fuck off with that pseudo-conception, blacks didn’t build shit, WHITE DEBT SLAVES DID, maybe read ONE legit non-woke history book before you cry “REEEEEEEEE-CIST” at me. I live by universal facts, not your individual fucking feelings, FACTS, not feelings, so go to your safe space, grab your bankey, & go fuck yourself if FACTS bother you, you whiny liberal clowns. Honk honk honk honk honk………..honk honk.

The truth is that these elitists play with insanely large amounts of money, compared to what YOU get the scraps of. The divide is atrocious, so atrocious in fact, the poor mice argue & fight with each other over it. Can you imagine, 2 mice in a mouse trap, fighting over who eats the cheese? THAT’S WHAT MOST OF YOU DO, it’s just utter madness, & I will NEVER understand why, nor do I want to “understand,” why 2 mice would fight over the cheese in a mouse trap. You do though, most of you anyway, “we need more cheese, we don’t have enough cheese, fuck you go get us more cheese you lazy mouse,” can you see how absurd it is? Yet, this is the truth, the reality, when you simply back up, & look at the whole picture, it’s right there, smacking you all in the face, but what do most of you do? You say, “smack me again Mr. Cheese Dispenser, whatever I have to do to get more cheese, please,” & so, they smack the shit out of you, over & over & over again, your entire life, just a mouse begging & working yourselves to death for more cheese. This is what I see, when I back up & study the WHOLE painting, what do YOU see? Can you even “see” anything? Or are you too blinded by the flashing lights of your own ignorance to see anything, anything at all?

No need to answer, I already know. I know what I know anyway, for ME, so what do you know, for YOU? That’s YOUR choice, not mine, I am simply here illustrating the whole painting, not the corner of said “painting,” that most of you are all stuck on. So much sticky stucking, how does one navigate through all this muck? It’s impossible if you can’t see the ENTIRE painting, is it not? Picture this, picture 2 people looking at one painting, the same painting on the wall, 2 different people looking at it, do you have that image in your head now? Yes? Good, ok now let’s ask these 2 different people to describe this painting on the wall. The first person, only looks at a portion of the painting, let’s say a corner, yes, person one stares at a corner of the painting, then attempts to describe the ENTIRE painting to a neutral 3rd party. How would that description go, as it relates to what the ENTIRE painting means? It would be nonsensical, because it’s literally NOT possible for one to describe an ENTIRE painting, if they only focus on a corner. Now, person two takes a singular step backwards, so he can see the ENTIRE painting hanging on the wall, & thus, our neutral 3rd party then asks him to describe what he sees, as he sees the ENTIRE painting. His description, although plausibly interpretive, STILL interprets the ENTIRE painting, not just a corner, hence his answer will make much more rational sense, rather than the description given by person one, who only looked at the corner. Does this analogy make sense? It should, I illustrated it quite meticulously, did I not? Regardless, THIS is reality in the modern age. Billions of you, BILLIONS, all stuck on the corner of the big picture, rather than seeing the ENTIRE painting on the wall in the zeitgeist museum. Disconcerting, yes? It is to me, especially when I know that all one has to do is stop, take a breath, then proverbially back up, so one can see the ENTIRE painting, not just a corner.

Well, I hope that analogy helped some of you out, at least maybe ONE of my 29 subscribers anyway…derp. Yep, but ironically my subscriber count only illustrates my point more, in that most of you are stuck, stuck in the corner, while a scant few of us actually backed up so we could see the whole picture, the big picture, the real reality. We aren’t LARPing in a pseudo-reality based on the corner of the big picture, but again, we are a meager few, stuck, stuck in a sea of misled mice in a mouse trap. Don’t misunderstand, I’m not outside the trap, I’m in here, just like most of you. The elites wouldn’t let this bad fish anywhere near their little capstone club, oh no no no, not this guy, he thinks for himself & is well-aware of THEIR game, maybe we should just “suicide” him like Epstein so his dissidence doesn’t spread to other people who might wake up to the fact that they’ve been trapped in The Great Mouse Trap as well. Yikes, please don’t. If I ever end up “suicided,” I assure you it was NOT by “thine own hand,” if ya wanna sound Biblical about it. Nope, I’m too scared that Hell might actually be real to do anything dumb like that, especially with all the Satanic imagery being pushed out by the mass media. I don’t believe in that bullshit, but they do, adamantly, so maybe Hell is real. I don’t know, but I’m not chancing it either. Jordan Peterson and I share that same notion, incidentally. I don’t believe in a Hell, but I don’t necessarily DIS-believe either, I simply just don’t know. Do you? Again, I’m not chancing my immortality with a mortal decision to end myself, no matter how twisted this mouse trap gets, just saying.

My oh my oh my, it’s happened yet again. What started as an article in the shallower end of the pool, has clearly gone into the deep end, as usual. Just comes out of me, I don’t know, I start writing something, anything, then it transforms into a humbly well-worded article that might pique someone’s genuine interest with the content I have now created. Are you a Creator? Or are you a destroyer, just a consumer, never creating anything, which one are you? Only 2 choices here, TWO. Yes and/or no, binary, like everything else in the natural order of the Universe. this 3d plane is dualistic, yin & yang, hot or cold, up or down, left or right, TWO, natural order, BINARY, universal polarity, got it? It’s crazy that in 2023 I even have to reiterate this ultra-factual notion. No, I don’t “feel” like it’s binary you dumdum leftist morons, it’s a FACT. FACTS, I know I know, facts are analogous to kryptonite to you brainwashed zombie automatons, deal with it. This is the REAL world, not the Clownworld you LARP in. Facts matter, & feelings do not, sorry not sorry, that’s the real reality of the REAL reality. Again, deal with it ya gamma goblins, or just keep regurgitating the buzzwords & buzzphrases you’ve been indoctrinated with. Whatever it takes to keep you inside The Great Mouse Trap, right little mice?

Okay, this essay of sorts has come to its final fling. We got a lot out, didn’t we? I love how these random analogies just seem to manifest themselves as I type. As any of my regular readers might know, I do not plan any of this, I do not pre-think what I’m going to write about, I essentially just pick certain words, or maybe a certain topical title, tune the dial until I get a signal from Interzone, & upon finding the frequency, start typing until the words reveal the nature of the article I’m actively writing about in real time. It’s quite self-fascinating for me, as the writer, when this phenomenon manifests. I can’t really explain, because I kind of go into auto-pilot when I write, as if some Divine hand is actually doing the writing, & I’m just in the meat suit, channeling said Divinity. Whatever this is though, it IS mine, & seemingly, mine alone, & I say that as humbly selfish as I can, because I don’t have anything else. Nothing. Anything material, gone, they took it all from me, but they can never take my words from me. Not unless they kill me, kill this poor mouse, & even then, I have this entire fish opus, this Fopus, or maybe spelled Faux-pus, whatever, doesn’t matter what I call it, it’s all on USB drives, all 4000 PLUS pages of this drivel, all on USBs, all able to be printed as hard copies, just in case. At this Orwellian rate, someone like me could easily be labeled a dissident, shown the “legal” papers stating such, then shot in the back of the head & dumped into a ditch with all the other “dissidents.” It’s happened before in history, what makes you think it can’t happen again?

Bet on black, that it can happen again, & it WILL happen again, if these psychopathic overlords fulfill their depopulation agenda, but I won’t digress into that topic. Maybe another time, but for now, it’s time to wrap this one up, as the frequency has gone static. Until next time dear readers, don’t LARP in Clownworld, LIVE, live in the real world, before there is no real world left. So sayeth FisH™🎣.

For all of you, & for none of you at all.🐡

“Live in the real world, before there’s no real world left.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Look at the entire painting, not just the corner, for fuck’s sake.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E15 2/15/2023 Pyramid of Power

I know, I know…been meaning to write about the greatest hustle arguably of all time, the ruse that robbed me of everything I’ve ever worked for. Yep, all gone, thanks a lot Sam Bankman-Fried you chubby little elitist fuck. If we ever cross paths, run, run as fast as your fat ass can shuffle in the other direction. I want you to run, so I can open-field tackle your blobulous body, then wail on you like the kid in A Christmas Story. Not to hurt you physically of course, no no I’d never actually hurt you, just slap the shit out of you, over & over again for robbing so many would-be investors. BILLIONS stolen, BILLIONS of dollars, with a YUGE “B,” & this guy is STILL living it up like a rock star, relative to the plebs he robbed, this scandalous punk. His goofy girlfriend too, & their nerdy little friends at the poser bong-party with the Omega-Mus at Tri-Lambda house & an AI maid robot named Reggie. Look at this screenshot I took from an article just published.👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

👉🏻Click HERE to read this article☝🏻

“House arrest,” I bet that’s really rough in his parents mansion, derp. If it were you or I, do you think we would get such luxuries? Oh wait, we’d never be able to swing that $250 million dollar bond, so who cares? No, we’d be in the stank, the deep stank, with the rest of the felonious convicts. Unfortunately, we live in a 2-tiered system, 2-tiered in every way imaginable, 2 totally different worlds, literally. In this case, obviously, it’s the “justice” system…(Fart Noise). That’s what I think of their idea of “justice” these days. Liberal judges cleverly installed all over the country to enforce the separation too. Not just judges, prosecutors, attorneys, & oh yeah, EVERY ALPHABET AGENCY THERE IS. All the way up to the Presidency, if you wanna split some hog hairs about how deeply this cancerous corruption has infected the body of humanity. Yeah, perfectly analogous to cancer, & we’re at stage-4 methinks with this nonsense. How do you fuckers get up every day, knowing you’re going to be evil, then just make a coffee & off to your “intelligence” jobs. Oh sorry, I meant “weaponized” intelligence jobs, my mistake.

Yep, got the keys to the culture-castle, the backdoor to the backrooms of the zeitgeist, total access to all the data you want, on anyone & everyone & everything, all at the touch of a button, & now with the help of AI, I can see how they would take that kind of power & run with it. If you know things that 99.99% of the population does NOT know, you can make moves that are the equivalent of playing chess at a 10 to 1 move rate. As in, one player makes 10 straight moves, then the opponent gets one, then player one gets another 10 moves, see what I mean? It’s a RIGGED GAME, THEIR game, but they use all of you as the pawns. TWO-tiers, I told you, all around, they’ve split the zeitgeist essentially, well, that’s impossible, but they ACT as though it’s split, feeding all of you the illusion of “freedom,” pfttt, via long-game programming, & most of you get programmed, it’s that simple. This elitist cancer has infected mass media the most, as that is where the real power exists, controlling the information, CREATING NARRATIVES, as I’ve said countless times, so imagine this; imagine having access to ALL of the data on the Internet, as well as control of the mass media, along with badges & guns of course, hence the weaponization, imagine ALL of that combined into the pernicious palms of a small few. That’s an INCREDIBLE amount of power to wield, is it not?

God damn right it is, it’s downright terrifying, because how can one proclaim their own Divine sovereignty with that kind of shadow always lurking overhead? This is a tiny few, mind you, relatively speaking anyway, but they compartmentalize downward, like a layered pyramid; however, no one ever mentions the tippy-TIPPY top of the pyramid, the “capstone,” & I think of the Great Pyramids of Egypt as an analogy, if the alleged speculation about them is true of course. What speculation? Great question, thanks for playing. Said “speculation,” is that the Pyramids of Giza had said capstone, made of gold. Have you ever been to the Giza Pyramids? I don’t know how the hell they would a capstone made of solid gold on top of those, seriously, it’s a sight to behold in person, the sheer size, then to think of a golden capstone on the top, wow. I think they used sound frequencies to build them, with “technology” we have no real clue about yet, not publicly anyway, but I digress. Do you see the analogy, though? The power-pyramid among the elites has a “capstone” too, if you will, & it’s these people at the top who have access to all three Zeldian power segments to complete their triangle of power. Control the mass media, in all aspects, check; have access to ALL data on the interwebs, with AI assistance, check; use “legal authority” to arm themselves with badges & guns, now weaponized, to enforce their agenda & remove anyone who doesn’t comply, check. Check, check, check, & if you have all 3 checks, you’re in, you’re in the capstone, the capstone at the top of the top of the proverbial Great Pyramid of Power. Again, it’s quite disconcerting to know that I’m not writing fucking fiction here, is it not?

Yep, & like I said, THEIR game is a game we plebs will never play, so they keep everyone else in The Great Mouse Trap, while they make their capstone glow brighter & brighter, maybe something to do with Lucifer’s light, I don’t know. Like I’ve reiterated ad nauseam, I DO NOT BELIEVE IN THAT WEIRD SHIT, but apparently, THEY DO. I don’t know, I don’t get it, it’s bizarre dark arts insanity to me. Again though, THEY DO, yes it’s fucking bizarre as fuck, but it’s real to them. Moving on…

This is all stretchy speculation, keep in mind, because I do not have access to any of the esoteric knowledge within that capstone-club atop the pyramid. I wish I did, I hate not knowing things, it gives me a shitty anxiety to know that their game even exists. Maybe I’m just pissed that I’ll never be able to play, & I can’t admit it to myself? Nah, that’s ridiculous, because one, I’m not a soulless vampire that gets off on proverbially feeding from human energy, & two, I’m not into the satanic shit, not at all. The dark arts are revolting to me, & although I’m not religious at all, I think that these fools who “worship” an avatar like “satan,” or “Lucifer,” either/or, they also venerate what those entities represent, which is ultimately destruction. Hate, wrath, rage, darkness, the shadow, THAT is what these people apply their individual energies to. It’s super-bizarre, but to them, very real. Weird, right?

Well, that was fun, wasn’t it? When I started this article, today’s Foozer, I had no idea what would come out. Just turned on the receiver, turned the dial to the right, then back to the left a bit, then slightly right again, & ditdit-ditdit-dit-dit-dit, the fingers fly, & creation happens. It’s SO important to be a creator. Every thing you create, is another light on the Great Tree. While these Luciferian satan-worshipping foot soldiers from the hell of Hades embark on a life-quest fueled by endless destruction, we creators must keep creating, creating creative creations, making lights, more lights, MORE LIGHTS, to light up the darkness. The way to be free is to create, the way to enslave yourself, is to be a destroyer, a killer, the antithesis of the magic makers. Don’t be a broken light bulb murderer, be a moonlight marquee, lighting up the street. Until next time, dear readers, create light in darkness, for there can be no darkness in your neon light. So sayeth FisH ™

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“Create a neon light, not a shadow in the night.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Be the moonlight marquee, lighting up the street.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E11 2/11/2023 The Great Mouse Trap


What is going on with all of this “fagility?” Whoops, I meant “FRAGILITY,” not “fagility,” the latter isn’t even a word, how did that happen? Strange. Anyway, what’s this “FRAGility” all about? Are there a bunch of “fragile” people out there, blaming said “fragility” on other racial groups? Yep, & well, this IS Clownworld, where everyone blames everyone else & everything is backwards, so is it really surprising that this concept of racial fragility is trending? Nope, not at all…(Honk Noise), but why is this topic flying around on a Saturday? Thanks for the answer Disney, via the great Mark Dice. Did you have your barf bag handy, as the cringe is a solid 18.7 on a scale from 1 to 10, how was your cringe-vomit session?

“White fragility,” & that beady-eyed snapdragon wrote a book with the same title? Un-fucking-real…what about if we switched “white,” to “black,” how would that fly?

According to Dice, this is a “working definition,” up above here. I like it, but oy vey, so much fagility, I mean FRAGility, why do I keep doing that? Weird. Oh I know, maybe because of this incessant whining about the “fragility” of other races causing your own racial strife, is quite “faggy,” is it not? Yes, very faggish indeed, like the old school “fag,” remember that? Can you recall, especially as a dude, carelessly using the word “fag?” We would say it in jest, or maybe even say that something “silly,” is “gay,” just as part of the cultural nomenclature of the times, & no one complained, no one said they were “fragile,” nope, none of that. Things could be randomly “gay,” & anyone who acted like a douchebag might be called a “fag.” It wasn’t a big deal back then, but damn if isn’t the proverbial “end of the world” now if you used such vocabulary publicly. Oh wait, am I doing that right now? Whoops.

I must be a terribly ignorant bigot then, right? Yikes, such a REEEEEEEEEE-cist, I guess, I don’t know, I don’t abide this new societal lexicon we’re all apparently supposed to just accept & cater to, as if it’s “normal.” Derp. I don’t know what “normal” is anymore, but it sure as fuck ain’t all this nonsensical “woke” garbage being puked up all over the zeitgeist every day. Seriously, the rate of degeneracy is ASTOUNDING, degenerating right into some kind of dystopian CRT nightmare, pushing pseudo-ideologies that are just part of a larger agenda, aimed at brainwashing & demoralizing children. It’s so sinister, clearly psychopathic, & “psycho-something-else” I’m sure as well. It’s insanity, & they just keep energizer-bunny going with it, on & on & on. Not only that, they’ll DOUBLE-DOWN. EVERY time this happens, & if there’s even a whiff of a public outcry, they’ll square their wokeness, just to push the knife in twice as deep, with ZERO hesitation. First, it was the release of the “THIS COUNTRY WAS BUILT BY SLAVES” cartoon…blaming ALL white people yet again for something that EVERYONE in present-day had NOTHING to do with, & now, Disney ups the ante, as if on queue, tagging this “white fragility” crap alongside their insanely ridiculous cartoon. Then of course, enter the mass media overlords, broadcasting that silly twat who wrote the book of the same title, “White Fragility,” via Jimmy Fallon’s sinking late-night UN-comedy show. Nope, not funny at all Jimmy, none of you “woke” morons are, & maybe you should all just STOP, how about that? The “theatre,” has become a vehicle for liberal lunacy, albeit said “vehicle” is more like a clown car…honk honk honk.

Unfortunately, that clown car has no brakes. Will it ever come to a screeching halt somehow? No, not gonna stop? Just gonna keep going with the “woke” agenda? Duh, of course they are, since almost everyone is afraid to call them out, & there’s NEVER any consequences from their “agenda-pushing,” so why would they stop? It’s all about control, & power, power over you, your children, they crave it, & they aren’t going to stop unless they’re stopped. Very analogous to a cancerous tumor, yes? Cancers are fickle, some can be removed, some cannot, so will we, as a society, successfully remove this cancer? Surely we will all come to our collectively respective senses, right?

Meh, not holding my breath, as it would surely seem that many people just say, “that’s how it is.” Meanwhile, these s-elected scum in “power positions,” like your so-called “leaders,” are ALL in on this dark game. Left, right, 2 wings of the same stinking bird, we’ve been over this countless times. It’s THEIR club, THEIR game, THEIR rules, & that’s “just how it is,” apparently, & we all have to deal with it accordingly, right? Isn’t that how it goes? “That’s just the way it is,” that’s the proverbial excuse, yes? How about “NO?” NO NO NO NO NO, how about a YUGE “NO, I DO NOT ACCEPT THIS!”…what about that? Their “game” is no game, not for us plebs anyway, it’s more like a mouse trap. The cheese went moldy long ago, yet here it is, the Great Mouse Trap, & the figurative little mice, stuck in the trap, so “fragile” they are, in the orchestrated labyrinth they’ve tricked you all into believing is “life.” Why do you think it’s called “The Rat Race?” The most ironic part of said “rat race,” is that there’s multiple exits in the trap. Big signs over big exit doors, like some surreal backroom(👈🏻Click if you aren’t familiar), that unsurprisingly even reads, “EXIT,” in big flashing red letters. All so big, but the mice can’t see them for some reason, & the little rodents just scurry right by. Maybe they can’t read? Perhaps the flashing lights of freedom frighten them? Or maybe they just aren’t fluent in the language? Maybe “exit” means “stay in your trap” to them. It’s almost as if they’re programmed, programmed to think like mice. Couldn’t be the television PROGRAMMING, could it? Not as if it’s literally right there in the words themselves, what do I know? I guess I don’t know, but it sure is bizarre, is it not?

White mice, black mice, all mice, all in the same Great Mouse Trap. Imagine if your overlord scientists tricked you all into believing that mice were different, solely based on the color fo their fur. Then add notions of “fragility,” as in proclaiming something like, “the white mice oppress the black mice,” essentially programming the mice to believe in such nonsense. How else could they know any different? They’re all just mice in a maze, right? Easily programmable, & once these inclinations have been successfully integrated into he daily routine of these unwitting mice, they turn on one another, focusing on THAT, fighting one another, rather than getting out of The Great Mouse Trap that they’ve all been trapped in. They tricked you all, you silly little mice. You’ve all been deviously divided & conquered by a 3rd party they most of you aren’t even aware of, so how can you be wary of something you aren’t even aware of? Rather than ever working together, realizing they’ve all been trapped by the aforementioned “third party,” trapped TOGETHER, they fight each other, black mice versus white mice, while the trappers watch on & laugh. Yep, stuck in a trap set by treacherous trappers that don’t really care at all what you do, because to them, you’re all just mice. Now wouldn’t that be a clever way to keep you stuck in the trap, the Great Mouse Trap?

Well, as always, that turned into a multi-page essay, never fails. Once the frequency is tuned into the receiver, the hands just type type type, type until this, whatever this is, is now manifest into 3d space. Kind of spooky, how that seems to work, is it not? Until next time little mice, remember that the cheese is moldy in The Great Mouse Trap. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“The cheese is moldy in The Great Mouse Trap.” ~Fish F Fish🎏