6-Month Rant

This will blow your mind☝🏻

The Fooze: S6E13 6/13/2023 Search for Self

Click HERE and/or the video above to watch

I’ve been watching/listening to these supposed “channeled messages,” for over a decade, & they all claim that divine retribution is coming for those of us in the trenches, which is most of us, like 99%. Yep, 99% versus a >1%, whole have deemed themselves the “ruling elites.” They get their power, because they trick everyone into giving them said power. It’s a centuries-long game, taught to kings & queens & those who are within the dominion of their bloodlines. Again, this is less than 1%, but somehow, somehow they rule most of you via the master/slave dynamic. Two totally different worlds, between the 99%, & the >1%.

I’m keeping this one short, as it’s my 6th article written within 12 hours or so. It’s all I have left, my words, these words I type in real-time, that a scant handful of you read in my past. Like I’ve told you all, ad nauseam, I’m shadowbanned, shadowbanned everywhere, even here, on my site. This site has over 5000 pages of my ramblous rants, 5000 pages, all for you, not for me. I don’t know why I am here, but the best I can reckon, is that I’m here to expose the real reality of this 3d world, as opposed to the scripted narratives they broadcast via televised programming. It’s as if most of you are stuck in an alpha state, the state where you are most susceptible to the aforementioned programming. It’s right there in the words for fuck’s sake, yet most of you aren’t even aware. That black screen, like a doorway into darkness, keeping you all docile & compliant, ready to consume consume consume.

I see all these things, then I listen to these “channeled messages,” & can’t help but wonder if said messages, are just another part of the Great Lie, being broadcast, the same as a basketball and/or football game. No one is coming to save us, & we’re all too ignorant to save ourselves. The ones of us who are awakened to the real truth, are a fringe minority, & have no ability numbers-wise to do a God-damned thing. No, I don’t think there are “ascended beings” in space, sitting in their respective spaceships, on the precipice of coming to save the day, to save us from these so-called “ruling elites,” & their verminous ilk. I know, it sounds crazy, & I want to believe it’s true. I want to believe there are ascended warriors of light, coming to save humanity from the prison planet we’re enslaved in. I want to believe, but how can I? How can I when my eyes tell me different? The world is getting exponentially worse, worse by each fleeting moment. Poverty, addiction, despair, it’s everywhere, & spreading fast, like a malignant cancer. Not to mention, this cancer, is being fed by those same “ruling elites” that pretend to care about humanity. NEWSFLASH: they don’t, they don’t give a flying fart about anyone who isn’t in their bloodline, but they pretend otherwise. Soulless demonic scum, hell bent on destroying humanity, so they can rebuild a new world under their new world order.

Before I ramble this into an essay, as is par for my mini-golf course here, I’m going to wrap it up. I just…just…I don’t even know anymore. The self-realizations about the truth of this upside-down reality give me a dreadful feeling of utter hopelessness. These elitist douchebags won’t stop, & why would they? There’s never any consequences for them, ever. If you or I committed the crimes they commit on the daily, we’d be in a federal prison for life, but for them, nothing, & so they continue, continue destroying. I am a creator, not a destroyer, the literal polar opposite of these degenerate scumfucks, & I’m not alone, but in the Great Picture, we awakened ones ARE alone. So alone, on our own little islands, & one day they will send the total wave to wash us all away, because they don’t want us in their Great Picture. They’ll wash us all away, then go eat crumpets & drink expensive teas & laugh about washing us away. These people are pure hell, & maybe this is hell. I don’t know, but it sure is starting to feel like hell, an eternal punishment for prior incarnations that we have zero recollection of. No, it doesn’t seem to matter that we’ve awakened to the real truth in this life, & as a whole, WE don’t seem to matter, other than the inclination that they want us gone. Breaks the heart; it truly breaks my heart. Until next time dear readers, search for your self, your higher self, before you’re washed away like the proverbial outgoing tide. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Search for your self, your higher self, before the tidal wave comes to wash you away.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E27 3/27/2023 ONE Day

Before we start, what the hell is Cesar Chavez Day? How is it possible, at my middle-age, that I’ve NEVER heard of this silly federal holiday until now? Who cares about this guy? Oh wait, “woke” liberal retards & assumingly Mexican-Americans do I suppose. Derp. Honk honk honk…anyway, let’s move on to the topic. I just had to add this as a pre-addendum of sorts. Enjoy the rest of the article.

Well, well, well…while you were sleeping, look what your friends in the shady banking racketeering extortion industry did. Yep, in the middle of the night on a late Sunday night/early Monday morning, which isn’t suspect at all because those are normal banking hours, First Citizens bought up Silicon Valley Bank. Not only did they scoop it up in the middle of the night, they got a sweet $16.5 BILLION $$$ discount. Wow, what a deal, but I must imply here that there was NOTHING shady about this at all…nope, nothing to see here ya mouth-breathing peasants. Go to work, watch tv, eat the food, drink the water, & shut yo mouth. Don’t ask any questions, don’t do your own research, do not use your own critical-thinking skills, nope, don’t do any of those things. Just bend over & take your rump-rogering, because there’s 2 tiers of justice in Clownworld, & these so-called elites can do whatever they want, but if it were you or I, we’d be in federal prison. See how that works? Seems fair, right?

No, it’s NOT fair at all, & it’s NOT right at all…it’s as unfair as it gets, & although life itself is unfair, this bullshit that your self-imposed “leaders” pull behind the scenes exponentially amplifies the aforementioned unfairness, & serves only to give them more power, while all of you keep running around in The Great Mouse Trap. Left, right, left, right, around & around the maze, chasing the cheesebait fiat paper money that they seemingly have endless amounts of for themselves. Why should you keep busting your ass at an unfulfilling slave job, while these elitist scum just print the money that they want, launder the money that they want, extort the money that they want from YOU via “taxes” on every fucking thing you buy, so why should you abide this corruption?

Fuck paying taxes first of all; I quit paying taxes years ago & I’ll NEVER pay them again. TAXATION IS THEFT…PERIOD. Fuck the IRS…nothing but a mafia that only exists via their extortion apparatus that they call “taxes.” It’s NOT taxes, it’s silent extortion, & I don’t abide extortionist thieves. YOU can if you want, it’s up to each individually sovereign American to make that choice for themselves, but as for me, it’s a hard NO. I get “taxed” on EVERY FUCKING THING I buy, so if this rogue alphabet agency known as the IRS thinks they can “tax” me again at the end of the year on income they already taxed, after I bust my ass all year, I’m not paying it & they can go fuck themselves right up their greedy wrinkled asses. Especially after I see article after article after article reporting nonsense like middle-of-the-night weekend bank bailout deals, oh hell no. Only a compliant debt slave would comply with these grimy thieves. I myself, am NOT a debt slave, despite my outrageous debt, & my sub-500 credit score, so does it sound like I’m ever going to pay them a single penny?

Fuck no, & I hope one of those shiny new armed IRS agents, numbering around 87,000 I believe, comes to pay me a visit in person, so I can personally let them know where they can stick their bill. I’m not scared of them, & if the other 330 million Americans followed my lead, we could shut down this nationwide extortion racket in a single day. How would we do that? Great question, thanks for playing. The answer is simple: DO NOT PAY YOUR TAXES. Just take your tax forms, throw them in the trash, & enjoy the rest of your day. If EVERY American refused to pay taxes, it would stop. How could it keep going if none of us pay them a dime? It couldn’t, but unfortunately there’s no possible way that a lone rebel like myself could successfully get EVERY American to come together as ONE force to stop these corrupt scumfucks from continuing with their nefariously respective agendas. It’s unfortunate, it truly is, that Americans as a singularly solid entity cannot realize what is being done to them. Stop playing into the divide & conquer agenda, because that’s how they keep doing what they’re doing. If America wasn’t socially split in two, we could come together as ONE & end ALL of this. ONE day, that’s all it would take, ONE day of unity, & we could take our country back from these globalist operatives that are actively destroying our country. ONE day.

Unfortunately, that ONE day might never come. They’ve achieved their plan to divide the country, & neither side is coming back. Every dirty bird has TWO wings, a left & a right, but it’s all part of the same dirty bird. The lunatic left is gone…GONE…there’s no coming back for them. Don’t believe me? Try talking to one. The right, although more sane, relatively speaking of course, are putting all of their eggs into one proverbial orange basket. Trump is going to come back & save the world; ONE guy is going to come back & reverse all of this chaos these globalists have created. How about you STOP? Maybe STOP you MAGA-hat wearers, & think about the bet you’re taking. First off, the house ALWAYS wins in the casino, the “house” being these psychopathic s-elected elites, & two, what sort of gambler puts EVERYTHING they have onto one number on the roulette wheel? I’ll tell you what kind of gambler does that…a DEGENERATE gambler, & what always happens to degenerate gamblers? They lose; they ALWAYS lose. What happens if something happens to Trump? What then? That liquidates EVERY bet on Trump if he isn’t around anymore. Imagine how demoralizing that would be, all those bleeding-red hearts broken, all those Make America Great Again hopes crushed, & to be honest, I’m concerned the powers-that-be WILL do something to remove him entirely from the game.

Doesn’t matter what I think, and/or what I say, and/or what I do, because no one is going to change their echo-chambered opinions. The shadows & the echoes of the proverbially Platonian Cave are too realistic for them to realize that they are still chained to themselves in the darkness. I can scream & shout, proclaiming, “The way out is up here, at the cave exit/entrance. Look at the sunshine, look at the real reality OUTSIDE of the Cave,” but it matters not. If I go down into the Cave to try to free a single one of you, I get exiled. Well, I AM exiled, proving my point. No no no, they cannot have people exposing the TRUTH, now can they?…so they digitally banish thought-criminal dissidents like me, until they can actively search & destroy me, & everyone else who simply wants to exist in the REAL world, not this artificially propped-up Clownworld Cave you are all stuck in. They’ve hijacked the zeitgeist, as I’ve reasserted ad nauseam here, & now the snowball has grown so big, there’s no way to stop it. Eventually, the snowball has to hit a bottom though, & when it does, POOF, everyone gets covered in snow, snow-blinded by the blinding light, & buried in their own Katamarian mess. I don’t know exactly what that event would entail, but at the rate we’re going, it’s going to be a train-wreck of unprecedented dynamism.

Oh my, look at what I’ve done yet again…another multi-page essay of sorts. Add it to my list of unheard diatribes exposing the truth of the matter at hand. Can’t stop, won’t stop, & despite WordPress shadowbanning me, Facecrack & Twatter banning me for life, riding 2 strikes on Instacrap, & a fresh strike from Pootube, the “Big 4” can blow me if they think they can shut me up. It’s going to take a bullet to my brain to do that, & if that happens, IT WASN’T BY MY OWN HAND. Yes, these alphabet agencies silence people all the time, & I’m no different. Doesn’t matter if I get no traffic, the AI still actively alerts them to social dissidence, so come on you fuckers. Bring it. The others may comply & bend the knee to you corrupted cancerous cunts, but me, NEVER. Until next time dear readers, the day of reckoning gets closer by the second, so what will you do when we the cultural critical mass comes? Get learn-ed, or get burn-ed. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Get learn-ed, or get burn-ed.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E19 3/19/2023 Incoming

I’m gonna try my best to keep this Foozer short, but as always, I’ll probably ramble on into another Tangentville essay of sorts. What can I say about the week upcoming…other than that it could potentially be an exceptionally dynamic week for the world. I use double-adverbs like a boss incidentally, but I digress. Anyway, apparently this week is going to be all about the supposed “Trump arrest,” coming on Tuesday…again, SUPPOSEDLY. I’ll believe it when I see it. Honestly, at this point, I don’t know what Trump’s deal really is? I think he’s on the other side though, & has always been unfortunately. I know, I know, no one wants to hear that, & the MAGA crowd are putting all of their faith in this one man, ONE MAN, to take on the powers-that-be to save the world. Kind of sounds like a cult, doesn’t it? Geez, what a “divide” your so-called leaders have successfully accomplished, left & right, hard left, hard right, not much in between. Of course, they are NOT the same. The left is totally gone, GONE, none of these rainbow-haired leftists are coming back, & no one on the right is going to turn to the left, do you see what’s happening here? Left, right, left, right, like you’re running through a maze, isn’t it? Well, that’s because YOU ARE; you are trapped in The Great Mouse Trap, & 99.99% of you don’t even know it. In fact, if I wasn’t here reinforcing my own analogy of said Great Mouse Trap, no one would even be making this connection in their own respective minds. Not to mention, since I only get a handful of views a day, essentially NO ONE integrates The Great Mouse Trap and/or the power game the elites play amongst themselves, while they keep all of you running through the maze, left, right, left, right…oh, speaking of my views, check this out:

These are my yearly stats. Notice how much traffic I had before these big tech censorship squads starting squashing everyone who wasn’t bending the knee to their tyranny. Oh yes, they got me here too, & clearly I’m STILL being shadowbanned. THE PURGE IS VERY REAL. It’s fucking ridiculous, but they will never break me. I’m not changing the words I use and/or the way I utilize my own unique literary language to appease these clowns. Is it actual people doing the shadowbanning, or is it the AI? I think it started as actual people, but over the last few years, they’ve integrated the AI into their algorithms to such an extent, that I’d wager there’s no actual people doing the censoring any longer. Nope, it’s all AI now, & with the advent of AI software like ChatGPT, guess what? My black ass is about to be out of a job, even though this isn’t a job per se, I just do it to do it, & I have never made a single penny form the thousands of pages of drivel I’ve spewed out. Nonetheless, if a potential employer is using AI to bang out articles in mere moments, what the fuck would they need actual writers like me for?

Not just writers either; video producers, meme makers, news reporters, service jobs, assembly jobs, even doctors & lawyers, all replaced by AI. The AI is advancing so fast, arguably exponentially, so it’s only a matter of time before I get replaced, you get replaced, we ALL get replaced, which is all part of their Agenda 2030 plan. Once they are confident that most jobs can be taken care of by the AI apparatus they are building as we speak, humans will no longer serve a purpose for them, so they’re just going to eliminate most of us. Could be a pandemic, a REAL one, where people actually drop dead upon or shortly after infection. Could be war, a global nuclear war, which would effectively kill many people, as well as vaporize most of them to avoid the cleanup process. Hard to clean up 7 billion bodies, so best to just vaporize them with nukes and/or energy weapons. Hard to speculate into a future where the end goal of your so-called leaders is to eliminate all of us, know what I mean? Remember though, as I’ve said countless times, this is THEIR plan, not mine. THEIR agenda, not mine. I’m simply trying to expose it, expose the TRUTH, so people can prepare as best they can for the day when it all goes sideways. Obviously, I do not want this future, but like I said, this is THEIR plan, & it’s very REAL, & they’re doing these things right now, in real-time. Their game is NOT our game, & their game is much more sinister than even I am illustrating. This evil goes DEEP, so deep, & like a cancer, it has plagued most if not all of these elitist globalists, as well as trickled down through the descending levels of power positions. The “fish rotting from the head down,” that classic quip. Check out the video below, while it’s still up, unless it has already been hosed by Youtube. Grace is a gem, very thorough, & after you watch this, if you still doubt me or what I am exposing for all of you, maybe go to Starbucks, get yourself a grande soy latte, & honk your ignorant ass off of a cliff. This game of theirs is dead serious, pun intended, & the road to 2030 is going to be like a road to hell, particularly for those who are utterly ignorant of this snowballing hijacked zeitgeist.

Damnit, I have not only gone much longer than planned, I went off-topic again, but only a bit off-topic, because this all connects. The crap they broadcast via the fake news mainstream media is theatre. Just a show, & sadly, after years of naively assuming Trump was on our side, I have come to the conclusion that he in the same club the rest of them are, the Capstone Club atop the pyramid. It’s unavoidable I think, when you reach a certain level of wealth & power, apparently they all turn, because they have some awareness of something 99.99% of us do not. I wish I knew their secret, it actually angers me that I do not know. I HATE being played, & we’re ALL being played, because to them, we are just sheep, a herd to be herded. There’s us, then there’s them, the people-herders, the social engineers, & when the cameras turn off, I wonder if they all party together, laughing until they piss themselves about the things they do to us. I don’t know if that’s 100% true, & I most definitely do NOT want it to be, but at this stage of the game, it appears to me that there is NO ONE who definitively wants to help us peasants. Help us all to the proverbial slaughterhouse maybe, but other than that, nope, just deliver energized speeches that mean nothing, promises that mean nothing, just a car salesman trying to sell everyone a lemon.

The problem here is that ½ the country are holding up their auction fingers to buy that lemon. After all of the chaos these corrupt politicians have created in 2+ years, essentially destroying the country, outrageous inflation along with unprecedented money-printing, supply chain breakdowns, “random” train derailments, flash mobs, no jobs, wages down even though inflation up, on & on & on, I mean use your fucking eyes, they have almost COMPLETELY destroyed what Trump allegedly created, but perhaps that was the plan all along? People seem to forget who got the pseudo-vaccine for Covaids pushed through to distribute out to the public, which amounts to a mass-poisoning, as the jab has proved useless and actually now is killing people. TRUMP did that, not these idiot democrats who were taking credit for it before these “side effects’ started occurring en masse. Yes, I was doing great under Trump, only to lose everything I had a year after the Biden regime stole the election & crashed the economy, costing investor BILLIONS of dollars. We get hosed, while they keep printing money to give to themselves, see how that works? Works for THEM, but not for us of course. They do not care, because like I said earlier, to them we are just cattle. What good is a rich cow to them? Same difference as every other dozy cow. No to mention, these people-herders are centuries deep with their game…it goes back to the Roman times in fact, 2000 years of elitism via population control, always a them & us. The herders & the herded. People say, “that’s just how it is,” but I say, “Why? Why does it have to be? Fuck them. Why the fuck do I need a “leader? Why do we need these “leaders?”

We don’t, but since they’ve cleverly convinced the masses that we do, for hundreds of years now, then sure, it does appear like that IS “just the way it is.” Nope, not for me anyway, & I could care less if I’m utterly alone with my own sense of sovereign personal freedom. Fuck them & fuck you if you comply with this crap. It’s NOT right, & it does NOT have to be “just the way it is.” If only we could all unite somehow, unite as ONE, ONE 7-billion person macro-organism to break away from their Katamarian societal bowling ball, evolving into something new, standing strong together against this tiny minority of globalist scum that have hijacked the zeitgeist to control the world. I cannot emphasize how abysmally sinister their game is either. Fuckin hell, it’s as if there’s no escape, no way out of The Great Mouse Trap. Perhaps some “event” will come, some kind of truly Divine black swan event, maybe call it a white swan event, where something random comes that has positive results for the people, rather than another malevolently random event that shoves all of our faces deeper into their stinking shit-pit, destroying any/all will that We The People have left to fight them. Long game, that’s THEIR game, while everyone stays focused on this illusory short game, chasing that cheese-bait fiat money left, right, left, right, endlessly through the labyrinthian Great Mouse Trap, paycheck to paycheck. See how that works?

Okay, the time has come once again to wrap this Sunday Foozer up. Until next time, dear readers, stay EXCEPTIONALLY mindful of the week ahead. The time will come when things change fast, & if you are not mindful, you won’t make it. “Just the way it is,” right? Only if YOU allow it to be. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“If you lack mindfulness, you won’t make it out alive.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E13 3/13/2023 Really Graceful

This Fooze is going to be about a girl I like to watch. No, not like that ya filthy fucking animals; she’s on YouTube, she has a YouTube channel, & her name is Grace, or so I assume, since her channel dons the moniker, “Really Graceful.” I posted the link to her new book, “The Deep State Encyclopedia; Exposing the Cabal Playbook.” Obviously, the book is about exactly what the title implies, & is essentially a compendium of all of the “chosen” families who rule the world from the shadows. Of course, they chose themselves, & this nefariousness goes back centuries now, yes, a centuries old long-game. This game, THEIR game, ends with them taking total control over the entire planet & ruling from a centralized location with a one world government, & a one world order. Grace does a very thorough job of illustrating the respective histories of these so-called “elite” families, who have maintained their power via arranged marriages & inbreeding, in order to make sure their hereditary links are what binds them. “Your family is your family, & what else is there but family?” …you know that old quip, except these ruling-class dynasties take it to an enirely different level than we peasants do. They can’t have just anyone in the family, now can they? Nope, in their psychopathically heartless world, it’s not about love, it’s all about retaining status through marriage, which also implies a eugenical aspect to this bizarre dynamic, doesn’t it? It’s not like the eugenics programs they unleash upon us Plebian masses though, oh no no no. Their version is more of controlled breeding via strategically organized marriages, while ours is controlled by abortions, poisoning the food & water, programming children with television to be gay, etc…so as you can see, it’s most certainly two different approaches to the notion of “guided reproduction,” now isn’t it? Regardless, I’m keeping this Foozer short today; it’s more of a Monday placeholder, & I’m pretty confident that the big tech overlords are going to try & squash the videos that Grace uploaded about her book. She actually reads some chapters from her book, & illustrates the narration with some solid evidential video work to accompany the read-along. I’ll go ahead & link one of the accompanying videos below, before she gets censored. Keep in mind, I cannot guarantee this video will be here forever unfortunately. Roll the clip.

There you go, you now have a link at the top to get yourself and/or your friend a copy of the book; I believe it’s only $19.99 on Amazon(my copy is en route), & you also have her video about the Bloodlines of the Capstone Clubbers above, which is about an hour long & a MUST WATCH. You will not believe how sinister their game really is, because it goes DEEP, & these evil scumbags have been the center of all of the chaos that the world keeps getting thrust into. Orchestrated chaos, via soulless psychopaths. Maybe that’s why the do what they do, perhaps they have no souls, what do you think? Nonetheless, check out all the links above, & be sure to subscribe to Grace’s YouTube channel. She is amazingly meticulous with her research, & I have recommended her for years now, so I’m really happy for her to have a published book she wrote go to number one on Amazon’s best-seller list. That’s amazing. Great job Grace, if you happen to come across my drivel. Until next time, dear reader, discover the truth for you, or be consumed by lies for them. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Discover your own truth, or be consumed in their lies.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E8 3/8/2023 Seesaw the Light

BONUS VIDEO at the end, AFTER the article, so please don’t skip ahead ya scoundrels. Just kidding, skip wherever you want, skip some hopscotch if you’d like, I don’t care what you do; just letting you know, dear reader, that there’s a BONUS VIDEO at the end, created by yours truly. Enjoy Fishheads…🍥

I added a new term to this hoarder’s horse lexicon in my head last night; would you like to know what this new term is, dear reader? This new term is hypermarket. Beyond the supermarket, is the hypermarket, & if you want to know more, just click the word. Now that you’re familiar with this term, did you know that most of the grocery store chains in the USSA, I mean USA, are owned by one company?…that’s right, ONE company, & that company is Kroger. I’m going to be posting linkage & imagery below of course, as we wouldn’t want someone to think I’m making up propagandistic fake-news-narrative-driven bullshit, like the kind of bullshit I have to flush through when doing my research, & makes up 99% of CNN’s content, & all the other alphabet fake-news outlets, who are ALSO owned by a handful of companies. A literal handful incidentally, as in you can count all the mainstream media corporate owners on one hand. Imagine the power, the world’s information, all in one hand, a hand that can easily become a fist, the same fist they punch you all in the face with 24/7. The overt bias, so obvious, sheesh, it’s such overkill, & they don’t care, one subjective news article after another, keep punching, left hook, right cross, left cross, straight right, BOOM, hit ’em with the haymaker, & you’re down for the count, knocked out, & you’re counting those lights on the ceiling before you even know it, all of this figurative by the way. Also, I italicized the word “news” back there because it is, in fact, total bullshit, & NOT news, it’s fake news, & these mainstream media actors can suck off a salmon with these globally broadcast lies. SICK OF IT, & why do they get away with it?

Well, one answer is that they’ve essentially monopolized everything, & although I singled out a single industry in the first half of this article, I can’t stop there, because they’ve conquered all of them. The news, television as a whole really, education, sports, entertainment, supply industries for fuck’s sake, anything else you can contemplate just fill-in-the-blank, ALL of it, infected by this malignant plaguous cancer, & now who are they trying to drop their spores on? Children, yep, CHILDREN, YOUR KIDS, they’re going after your kids now, trying to infect the new generation with their delusionally psychopathic vision of some dystopian future disguised as a utopian paradise. It’s total insanity. I’ve told you ad nauseam, these so-called elites are pure evil, darkness incarnate, & their greatest trophy is getting your children to follow their Luciferian doctrine.


They are in the highest positions of power; this has been a decades-long agenda & at some point, they must fulfill said agenda, & I speculate that the time is imminent, & that tempest is on the Shakespearian horizon. Yes, the culmination point of their great plan for humanity, a societal critical mass, is imminent, right on queue, almost as if they’ve scripted it, isn’t it? Strange how this playbook keeps working…for nearly 2000 years now. Divide the population, on every issue, race, religion, education, entertainment, divide them all, with an end-goal of us killing each other, while they all sit back & watch, fiddling on their Neronian violins, while it all burns down. Once they’ve turned the world to ashes, they’re going to skip back out into the world, from their bunkers this time, & rebuild a new world for the ashes of nuclear fallout, THEIR new world, you’re welcome. THIS IS THEIR PLAN, NOT MINE; they definitely do NOT want me there either. I’m a thought-criminal, a digital dissident, NON-compliant in every way, most certainly NOT wanted in their shadow world, which is fine with me. To me, everything they’ve created for you to assimilate into is UN-naturally artificial, & just dark, so dark to me, pitch black, just shadows, shadows & echoes, a real-time Platonian Cave, & I’m as UN-interested as it gets. No thanks, I prefer the Sunshine from Source outside the Cave. Not buying it, never gonna buy it, & what I offer is FREE, the best price ever. All you have to do is get up, & walk out of the Cave. That’s it. THAT’S ALL. It’s so easy. They may have the power, sure, they print the money they need for themselves, so that’s never an issue for them, sure thing, but we have something they’ll never have. They know they can NEVER be a light in the darkness, or even have a light. Why?..because they sold their souls for the false light. Now they ARE darkness, & the illumination they offer is false, from a false “god” that they venerate for some reason. They want chaos, so they can manufacture order, their version of “order,” but order is Divine, order is Nature, & Nature doesn’t need their “order.” They are drunk, power-drunk on the notion of absolute power, & it’s corrupted them beyond belief. They are pissing on Divinity with these terribly evil things they do to everyone, they HATE the true light, they HATE us, they definitely hate my black ass, & so they want us all gone, hence their ultimate depopulation agenda. They want us all gone by 2030, & now all they need to complete their plan is 7 billion people gone. SEVEN BILLION OF US GONE. Quite enlightening, isn’t it?

Despite their ridiculously insane agenda, the red-pilled poppers & droppers like myself, & some of you, & some others all around the world, we are standing up to these pseudo-overlord pieces of shit. Sure, we’re still a relatively small bunch, albeit an exponentially growing entity, if you will, so maybe not as small as we seem. The elites are hijackers, & they’ve hijacked the zeitgeist, the macro-organism, but collectively we have evolved into our own micro-organism, & we’re growing so fast, micro becoming macro, so fast that we are imminently about to completely spilt off from the aforementioned macro-mass, the hijacked zeitgeist. WE have the power, WE took it back, WE D.B. Cooper-ed that plane, before their plane eventually crashes into the mountain; & it will, it WILL crash, I assure you. No matter how determined these evil fucks at the top of the proverbial pyramid in the Capstone Club are, THEY WILL NEVER EXTINGUISH THE LIGHT OF VIRTUE WITH THIER DARK INIQUITY. NEVER…NEVER EVER EVER. It’s quite simple really if one just steps back & looks at the entire portrait. What do you see when you look at the big picture, the WHOLE picture, what do you see? Want to know the answer?

Okay, here’s the answer, & this answer is in fact, a question. I’m answering the previous question with a question, & if the hamster is running on the wheel, this should make perfect sense to you, but if you don’t get it, just look at a light switch. Now here we go, here’s the answer…DUNDADADUNDUNDUNNNNNN…Regardless of everything, literally EVERYTHING, everything you see, forget about all of it, forget EVERYTHING, & think about this: If the lights were off, you wouldn’t be able to see a damn thing at all, would you?…but is the opposite plausible? Nope, one can’t see without a light, can they? There can always be a light in the darkness, ALWAYS, & there is no opposing equivalence…you can’t say there can always be a darkness when the lights are on, makes no sense, does it? Where’s the polarity, you might be thinking? Everything has a polarity in this world, right?…nope, wrong, not when it comes to the light, which although it seems paradoxically anomalous, it is not. It is a concept that does not originate in 3d. The true battle of light versus dark happens on 5d, & we only act it out down here, hence no polarity, but oh do I digress. I’ll get into the 5d battle of light & dark another time, because it’s another few thousand words at least, & it’s come to the time when I wrap up this Foozer, dear reader. Do hast thou will with this big bag of red pills, all of you are applicable, as individually respective as a fingerprint, but it’s up to YOU to Gom Jabbar what you find here when I turn on the lights.

Get it? Yes? Good. No? Well, maybe go read another post or three. The beauty & the horror of analogies is their ambiguity. Until next time, dear reader, I’ve given you a new light bulb, very “green new deal,” energy efficient & eco-friendly(honk honk honk), just kidding. No, this light bulb I offer to all of you, & to none of you, is more like a 1000 Watt LED. Full-spectrum artificial sunlight, a veg & a flower setting, to keep you growing strong, branching new branches to reach for more light as you grow, & then one day you’ll grow so full, you’ll bloom, budding your own flowers. “Great analogy, you should quote that”…thanks for the compliment, I will…cheers. Until next time, turn on your light, & up brighten the room. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Branch your branches, then bloom your flowers.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Turn on your light, enlighten your room.” Fish F Fish🎏

UFO Shenaniganery


Wow, these narrative pushers have no boundaries, do they? Every day, some new script, & somehow it gets more bizarre as these days tick-tock on by. When do we hit critical mass, when the liquid turns to gas? As a global society, experiencing seemingly exponential chaos from every direction, when does the water finally boil over the pot? It has to happen, right? How can this go on, & on, & on, & on, & on…seriously, when does it end? This is BREAKING NEWS, allegedly,

I don’t know about any of you, but I am absolutely sick & tired of these self-ascribed “leaders.” ALL of them, anyone who claims authority over my own personal sovereignty. Who the fuck are you people that think you can “rule” everyone? The rulers, ruling over all of you, how about fuck “rulers,” how about that? Maybe you so-called “leaders” go eat a bag of big black dicks, sound good? You elitist scumbags don’t “rule” me, you don’t “lead” me, & you sure as fuck don’t “represent” me, or anyone else down here in the peasant class. Preach.

You fraudulent tricksters in your silly little satanic temples, I tell you this, a reckoning will come. If there’s any truly benevolent Divinity in this Universe, the Light in this dreadful Darkness, you satan-worsipping freaks will go down like the Titanic. I don’t believe in ANY of that dark arts nonsense you weirdos venerate, but I know that you do. You worship chaos, & destruction, & the negative. Degenerate deviant destructive minions of darkness never prevail, even though it may seem like it now.

I believe there’s’ a force in the Universe, a “light,” if you will. There’s the light, & the dark, BINARY, like everything in the Universe, literally EVERYTHING, minus you twisted LGBTQ 176-genders beta twerps. You clowns are UN-natural, deformities of darkness, chaos manifest, & possibly possessed by demons. I have never believed demons were real, & I still don’t, but now I don’t disbelieve either, if that makes sense? I honestly don’t think I can definitely say “no, they don’t exist,” anymore, that’s the level of madness this 3d funhouse asylum world has become. I certainly can’t explain the bizarre behaviors going on around the world, can you?

I’m gonna wrap this article up, since it’s “BREAKING NEWS,” again, allegedly said “BREAKING NEWS,” & now they’re throwing the word “UFO” around with this “high altitude object shot down over Alaska on Biden’s orders.” Derp, that demented old kid-sniffer can’t even order his 3x-daily ice cream cones, & this story is just that, a STORY, more narrative, blah blah blabababa blah. If you want though, click this link & you can read up on Project Blue Beam. Desperate psychopaths do desperately psychopathic shit. You can quote me on that, literally, because I just made it up. Good times. Until next time fishheads, I’ll leave you with one more little gem of information that I found.

Did you know, that 97% of the observable galaxies, are traveling away from us so fast the we cold never reach them, even at the speed of light. No one really thinks about that, they assume space is static, but it isn’t. We are hauling ass essentially, only we can’t tell from our limited 3d perspective. It’s all “slowed-down,” because we are here observing it, but in the Great Picture, the Universe is expanding in all directions at speeds that are unconceivable without higher math to do the proper calculations. Thus, because of said “expansion,” almost every galaxy that we can see in our little telescopes, are moving away from us so fast, that we could never catch them, ever. So much for galactic exploration, unless…there’s something fast enough that hasn’t been “thought” of yet, or has it?

OUR THOUGHTS, that’s what’s faster than anything, thoughts, my thoughts, your thoughts, all thoughts, so fast it’s beyond the highest mathematical equations you can possibly calculate. Imagine if you could “think” your way to where you’re going. I think this might be possible, believe it or not, particularly among the human race, only our true abilities have been stripped form us, way down here in this 3d space. If we could get back to 5d, & circumvent 4d time, to return home, back to 5d from whence we fell…oh but look at me, off on yet another tangent, as is par for my proverbial little golf course here. Imagine 5d galactic exploration though, imagine the feeling of purely Divine & unlimited freedom, freedom from the darkness, & the weight of 3d. Inter-galactic soul travelers, could this be our TRUE nature? Maybe someday, we all find out, or…we get thrown into the Great Recycler, only to do yet another round of “life,” in this 3d matrix we all seem to be stuck in together. Ok, this is the real “until next time,” so until next time, remember, “stories are just that, stories.”

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

The Killers

Why are school shooters not referred to as serial killers? What makes them different? The body count ends up roughly the same, but the media never refers to spree killers as serial killers. Why is that? Furthermore, the same media tends to venerate serial killers, making films & documentaries, writing books, ultimately giving the actual killers eternally infamous fame by glorifying their violence. There’s a whole drama within the zeitgeist about serial killers…Dahmer, Bundy, Gacy, I could go on & on, all at legendary status via a degenerate media in an exponentially degenerating Idiocratic culture. Those spree killers however, the school shooters, usually kids, there is a different kind of glorification, isn’t there?

Not media driven, but rather driven by the aforementioned degenerating culture, idolized by incels, but incels idolize serial killers too. I don’t know, I’m just rambling on a thought I can’t seem to catch. Keeps hitting the edge of my butterfly net, then escaping up into the ether, just out of reach, so I gotta wait for the flutterer to flutt back down into my honey trap. Regardless, I think eventually these spree killers will end up on the same train as serial killers once the media figures out a way to make money from their violence. Kinda weird there hasn’t been a series about Adam Lanza, or James Holmes, or even Columbine, did they make a movie about Columbine? I don’t know, maybe they did, but if not, surely one can reckon that the same Idiocracy, known commonly as the general populous, would surely embrace the entertainment value of spree killing invading Hollywood.

Murder & violence, the staples of a collapsing civilization, being broadcast all day every day via your good friends in the programming industry. Can’t say “fuck,” or “cunt,” or “cuntfuck,” but murder, sure no problem, as gory as your mind can picture, unless you’re a real killer, then I’d wager your perspective on killing another human being would differ from say…someone like me, who has never killed & is repulsed by the thought of taking life from another being. I’m very Clockwork Orangian like that I suppose. Only seen it on that dastardly television. No, killing, being a killer, makes you an agent of darkness. Very difficult to come back into the light once you swim in the blood-red darkened Olympic-sized pool of murderous mayhem. I think you can push it somewhat, killing animals to eat, killing someone who’s trying to kill you, killing a cockroach when it crawls over the baby toe on your sockless sandaled sweaty foot, yeah that slides of course. It’s dependent on the situation, more-or-less, unless you’re actively just a killer, antsy for a killing.

There are the repulsed, like me, those who hate the darkness, & all the malevolence within those endless screams from that dreaded darkness, & then there are the killers. Not only do they kill, they enjoy the hunt, the love being foot soldiers to that formless shadow that lurks in the ears of the killers, whispering its orders to kill…KILL, KILL, KILL, KILL, those tinnitusian kill contracts don’t stop for the killers. Always prowling, always hunting, those are the killers, for the death orders don’t stop. The dark whisperers, the mumbling shadows, they haunt the corners by the bodegas, they haunt the city streets, crawling up those sky scraping steel erections, waiting to fall down, casting itself into its chosen killers. Shadows & killers, all orcs, an orc army for the darkest Darkness, the great black whisperer, like a lost lighthouse on a sanguine sea. My own visualizations of that sordid underworld, the underbelly of the fattened pig, ugh…repulsing, yes, it repulses me. Cold darkness might be the worst high ever.

The killers feed from the cold, from that squid ink of a moonless night, their wide eyes alight as they walk from shadow to shadow along the boulevard. One host to another, feeding, killers cruising, gah to these killers, these murderers, you destructionists you, what is it to destroy a broken world though? Does that double negative not equal a spark at the opposing pole? Maybe these killers, these destroyers, are here to destroy a destroyed world gone askew. In true Langolarian fashion, when the zeitgeist has fallen out of Nature, the time keepers come to devour it all, an ending only to begin again. Must kill…KILL KILL KILL, destroy all that is wrong in this wrong-time, this non-timeline, this late-to-work timeline, all dancing around like circus bears on the death of it all. The clock breaks, & cannot be timed, so the cuckoo must be grabbed by the neck, & hang-ed until de-ead. (Alarm goes off)

In the world of killers, there are of course The Killers, who kill, kill everything, born to kill, walking oxymorons, then there are the halfways. The halfways are the spree killers, the ones who ride the flash of lightning, LARPing in a momentary delusion that momentarily ends the second they murder that final victim, & there’s no one left to point a gun except themselves. Only had enough in themselves for one wild ride in the rodeo, then the spell breaks, the water recedes, & their wrecked ship of insanity is all that’s left stuck in a Saltonic sea-stinking muddy grave. Meanwhile, the serial killers live on, on & on, forever in the great lexicon of Hollyweird productions that only contribute to producing these life-thieves in the first place. Oh my, is that what I think it is? Did we just find this article’s circularity? I think we did, oh yes, the glorious glory of the media glorifying the serial killer, while the spree killer gets swatted in his mom’s basement before the next hot pocket is done, right as the microwave beeps.

That was quite a trip into downtown Randomtown, where all those dead strip malls nostalgically radiate a simply simpler time, a time that was much less mentally toilet-flush-draining. Killers, vampires, suckers, leeches, there’s so many thieves out in the neon jungle, out to steal from YOU if you aren’t mindful of those flashing eyes in the branches of the silhouette trees, rustling in an invisible night breeze. Until next time, if you please. Think of something that rhymes with fleas. The cringe is so queazzzzzzzzz…zee. Some of us are neither killers, nor the kill-ed, however, as some of us just watch, peeping toms in your apple-pie 2-way windows, & some of us illustrate what we see when we see this sordid sea of butterflied bees, & what a sight to be seen it seems, with some vintage vino & asiago cheese, more please for your disease. Eeeeeeeeee-zee. Circ-ul-ar-it-y. See?

None for you, & all for you.

The Fooze: S1 E18 1/18/2023 Projection

How many of you know what projection is? It’s become like a 2nd language among the populous, particularly for those who identify as liberals or leftists or whatever moniker those types “feel” that they individually occupy for any given day. It’s also a manipulation tactic from The Communist Handbook. “Accuse others of what you yourself are guilty of,” or something like that, as I am paraphrasing from memory. Some knowingly, & willingly, use it for their own gain, but most of the foot soldiers for that team use it subconsciously, like a 2nd language, as I mentioned earlier, but a 2nd language they do not recall learning. Maybe it was “programmed” into them, like most everything else they operate on. Their programming does run deep, right to their soft Twinkie core, & no, I suppose it wouldn’t surprise me to discover that week minds could be programmed to speak the language encoded to them by their big tech overlord programmers. Most likely, it’s easier than I know, & would certainly explain a lot of the NPC-like behavior those weak-minded fools exhibit.

These real-life NPCs, they operate robotically, quite predictable in nature as it relates to general social setting fundamentals. They glitch, they’re prone to anger as a go-to reaction if anything from the other side conflicts with their personal comfort zone, they cannot effectively argue and/or debate because they cannot think for themselves, & when they direct that misplaced rage, more-often-than-not it’s their own self-hatred, being projected out toward those others that they perceive as their opposition. It’s so bizarre to watch so many grown adults, whether in public and/or on some broadcast public discourse like a podcast, acting in such a manner, particularly in a debate setting. Politicians might be the worst displayers of this behavior, but their projection is calculated, used strategically to gain another beneficial move for themselves on their daily chessboard of power-hustling. Their minions, on the other hand, are too caught up in their own psychosis to calculate anything in their heads critically. Most of them can barely calculate sales tax, so let’s not naively assume these people are intelligent enough to be worthy adversaries in that manner. Mentally, they’re slugs. What makes them dangerous though IS that mindless nature, that instinctive reaction to act primally rather than with reason & rationality. THAT is what makes them unpredictable, & thus an arguably detrimental threat to a humanity that seems distinctively split between the us & the us, as opposed to the them & the us.

Ugh…it’s so frustrating, dealing with unreasonable behavior in general, especially since there’s SO much of it these days. What is going on with the general population? The level of programming, truly astounding, on so many levels. Go ahead & take roughly ½ of the American population, legal or otherwise, & toss them out. Irredeemable that motley crew of degenerates is, there’s no 2 ways around it. Either completely programmed, or they have the hamster-wheel brain, occasionally a few sad souls possess BOTH of those anti-attributes. They serve nothing, not even themselves, minus their masters of course, who feed from their mental un-cognition. Pure fodder for the globalists, the doziest cows in the people pasture, the most reliable numbers. Methinks if the globalists had their way, anyone who was NOT in their club would be in this crowd, purely to comply & serve with complete obedience.

That leaves the other ½ of the country, but notice I already mention the split, the great divide, 2 halves, 2 wings, one stinking bird of a country, barely even flapping its fat flapper in the smog as it exhausts its remaining fumes before the death rattle is heard around the world. Make no mistake, if the USA falls, the world falls, at least for awhile anyway until some kind of stability is found maybe. Not guaranteed. It could all fall, & not ever come back, just like the countless advanced civilizations that were here before, then either destroyed themselves or were destroyed by the planet, in some great cycle that few know about. Oh yes, a tiny few are privy to having any awareness of the cataclysm cycles of Earth. Personally, I lean toward the mini-nova theory. Whatever happened last time, happened within a day, according to those people who know about these cycles. Did I not mention them? Or the Adam & Eve story? No, not the Biblical one, there’s another story with a similar title.

CLICK LINK FOR UNCENSORED VERSION: https://www.rawveganpsychic.com/the-adam-and-eve-story-uncensored

There you go…I left a link, so all you have to do is exercise your finger dear reader. It’s quite a story, quite a devastating story. The entire world reset in a week, but the brunt of that happening all within the first few hours of DAY ONE. Yeah, that quick, & POOF…it’s all gone. Washed away for thousands of years, maybe millions of years, before we crawl out of the mud just to rapidly advance toward our own self-destruction yet again. If “man” was truly created in God’s image, what is going on with you God? I know, I’m a quark compared to your omnipotent Greatness, so far be it from me to understand anything, but if humanity reflects your own nature, I think there might need to be some questions asked. THIS, what this is, just seems off, in the most grossly understated way I can use “off” as an adjective, because to be honest, it’s getting crazier by the day, more bizarre, more extreme, more degenerate, but where is that celestially benevolent aspect? Where’s the divinity? Is God maybe not the cool kid in class? Not anymore maybe, maybe he’s like the 5-year senior these days. I don’t know, I’m just proposing the question, “If man was created in the image of God, why has that image gone so askew?”

Not holding my breath waiting for an answer, God has never spoken to me. Not once, ever. Why would he? I speculate “God” exists in 8d spatial dimensionality, so as far as God goes, that whole 8d perspective is something we cannot even conceive of from way down here in our 3d playpen. However, if it is proclaimed as it is written that “man was created in the likeness of God,” maybe the one who’s claiming to be “God,” is actually a sub-8d trickster, possibly from the 5th dimension, only acting, pretending to be God, in spite of the real God, for his own amusement. Maybe he’s just a fool, like the court jester, & all this clown-like behavior IS “man acting in the nature of the God who created him in his own image.” Don’t take it personally God, I’m just thinking out loud. Would I not also be in your likeness? Therefore, blaming me for questioning your true identity would be just YOU questioning yourself? This is all so confusing.

Or, maybe God is the ultimate projector, projecting his own indiscretions via humans, who then project their own projections, cycles, loops, & as if on cue, there is my circularity for this Foozer, right on time. It’s a great satisfaction to see the serpent find its own tail, then consume it, consume itself within itself, like gods within gods with gods. All just endless loops, vibrating out into the Universe, singing their respective songs. Maybe that’s it, the simplest of simple answers. All of this, is just a vibrating loop, infinitely small & infinitely great, all at once, everything projecting at the same time, & consciousness is just your eyes bearing witness to those vibration culminations while the electricity tries to understand itself. I don’t know, don’t know anything. I’m just a projector too perhaps. Until next time.

For nothing of you all, & for all of you nothing.

The Big Con

The video below will probably get banned, so watch it quickly before it does…& since most likely it WILL get removed by the big twat tech powers-that-be, I suppose I’m going to have to illustrate the gist of it for you. I have already mentioned this countless times, there’s US, & then there’s THEM. They have their endless army of tentacles so deeply-wrapped into the molten core of the zeitgeist, that even those you might have wishfully assumed were on “your” side, are in fact, most definitely NOT on “your” side. None of them are on your side, they never have been, ever, & the ones you thought were actually on your side, are just controlled opposition. Exceptionally covert controlled opposition, but controlled opposition nonetheless. This is so deep, so sinister, that I can’t even say with a reassuring 100% confidence that Crowder here isn’t part of it as well, that’s how bad it is. Paranoia, must be mindful of being mindful, as opposed to be paranoid. I do not think Crowder is, but they’ve turned people you would never think would turn. I’m not going to mention any names, yet, but I have a list of suspects after this revelation below revealed itself earlier.

👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻Watch the video below to catch up👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

…if that video still played, you might have noticed Steven mention a site you can go to & sign up for Mug Club. It’s a numbers thing, the more people who sign up, the more the snowball grows, allegedly. I gave it a go, for the sake of free speech, even though I know it’s naively optimistic of me to proclaim that “free speech,” true FREE SPEECH, will ever come back to this waning humanity or not. All you have to is drop your email. Super easy. They aren’t going to spam-bomb your inbox either, it’s not like your SpermScrew accounts you filthy degenerates…(Fart Noise)



I’m curious to see how far he can ram his mast up big tech’s ass before he opens the sails for the ensuing shit storm the will follow. I know, I have had to have the talk with myself about just how infected our society is with these actors, these pretenders, that seemingly feed from gaining power & control over the general public, often by identifying as a person of said general public, one of the commoners. STILL utilizing that ruse, & STILL it’s effective. “I’m one of you, so give me your voice & your power,” they decree. Never fails, so I’m watching you Steve, just saying, nothing personal.

The media is the information hub, & if you control the information, you have the power to control the masses. Especially nowadays, as the masses have become morally bankrupt & more destitute by the day as everything they’ve ever worked for gets eroded away. The gap between us & them grows, they go up, & we go down, down, downtown Julie Brown, down to the bottom, until critical mass is reached, & poof, smoke & mirrors, then a new surprise for the looky-lunatics to gawk at while they eat bugs & have nothing, yet somehow are…”happy?” Is that really what they say? Would your s-elected elite leaders really announce publicly that YOU would eat bugs & YOU would own nothing, but still YOU would be happy, happy as they define YOUR “happiness,” in real-time I’m assuming.

👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻Oh wait, what’s this?👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

Link to article: https://www.fulcrum7.com/blog/2022/10/12/eat-bugs-and-be-happy

That’s just one random article I linked, & there are many more, slowly adding another 1-lb weight at a time, gradually weighing everyone down with the idea that eating bugs is a good thing somehow. Note to my CIA handlers, I WILL NEVER EAT BUGS YOU PSYCHOPATHIC SCUMFUCKS. Nope, never, never going to do it. I’m sure whoever is left after the big upcoming Covaids jab-culling holocaustal event will be so spiritually dead inside when everything they’ve ever known is gone that any idea will be easily imposed upon them as they have no strength left to fight. So much to come, if these globalist scum get their end goal achieved. They have the media, the governments, the power positions, but we have the numbers & we have our chunk of the zeitgeist. No, they haven’t hijacked it completely, not yet anyway. Sadly, if you got to watch the video above until the end, you’ll note that your own critical-thinking skills should have deduced by now, that those who you might have thought were your friends in the aforementioned zeitgeist, are NOT your friends at all. They are globalist players, in the globalist game, which to the actual globalists, is a game with much greater stakes than those of us down here at the bottom can scarcely even conceive of. Our lives mean less than zero to them…literally, because we are calculated in statistically analyzed numerics, essentially counted like cattle. Yes, YOU, the herd, the sheep, the sheeple, the cattle, being herded by a tiny minority who hold almost all of the power. How bout that, ain’t that some seriously fucked up backwards-ass nonsense? Seriously?

Who gives them their power? YOU do, & usually you do it willingly & compliantly. It makes no sense to me, none of this really makes sense to me, if I am to be totally honest with myself, as well as you, dear readers. No no, no the more down I go, the more up in the endless void of probability I end up. I don’t know, I don’t know why, why is it that they took all I have almost, took what was mine, yet they give me this vision so that I see what others cannot see, see what I’m sayin? Why do that to me? WHO did that to me and/or WHO is STILL monitoring me or whatever you are doing, you mysterious you, you. YOU are a true nuisance, but maybe YOU is actually ME. Me, as in myself, I, my own enemy within, my Jungian shadow, if you will. I don’t know, I am really enjoying reminding myself & all of you that I DO NOT KNOW. I have NO clue what the fuck is going on in this reality. NOTHING seems real to me, down to the grains of dust on the beach sand. How can it be if I can just exercise my body to a point of physical 3d fatigue, close my eyes, then awaken in a place where apparently 3d space & 4d time no longer hold dominion, & I can travel between 3d, 4d, AND 5d space via dream traveling, albeit only briefly, at least it seems “brief” when I awaken back here, how can I do that? Time, as it affects one here in 3d space, is distorted in multi-dimensional dream space, because 3d, 4d, & 5d are intertwined in such a way that the rules of each respective dimension are askew. It’s almost as if your own consciousness reminds you every night that YOU are truly of 5d origin, truly immortal, truly NOT bound to 4d time, & the truest truly of all the trulies…they truly have taken your true power while simultaneously truly wiping your mind so that they can continue to truly use you as a battery of sorts so that they can truly exist in the only true form they truly know, as human parasites.

That was truly a lot of soda suds to suck down, wasn’t it? Yikes, I hope you are still here…truly. Truly, I hope I am still here too. Not sure where I am really. I think over this next year of 2023, we will see some kind of massive shift in one specific direction. What direction that is, I have no idea. Current trajectory indicates to me that by the time summer comes, could be like that show Black Summer, quite literally. If people start dropping dead en masse, all receivers of the infamous Covaids jab, I speculate it could all turn completely sideways within 24 hours. Yes, that fast, if, & I emphasize IF, that turns out to be the end result of those who were foolish enough to get jabbed & boosted. Obviously, I don’t know. I know I did NOT get jabbed, but if they have already put the jab ingredients into the livestock supply of the country, we might all be “infected” by now. Oh, you didn’t hear yet? Yes, there’s ramblings of the “vaccine” being used in the food supply to make sure everyone receives their proper dosage of the human-killshot. Don’t blame me, I’ll be as distraught as anyone if that turns out to be true. Don’t take my word for it though, do your own research. YOUR own eyes don’t lie to you, do they? I think maybe mine do sometimes, but that’s because I am afflicted with the schizz maybe, I don’t know. Try saying it for yourself, “I don’t know,” because YOU don’t know, do you? What do YOU really know, fanny Flo? Those who YOU may have thought could never be on the other side, turned out to have been on the other side, all along, as I have said many times before, so what do YOU know now?

You don’t know I just completed my circularity, until right now, now you know, because I just told you. The article is titled, “The Big Con,” & said “Big Con” is short for “Big Conservative,” with a double meaning implying that YOU were conned by the Big CONservative movement. How may times have I said, “2 wings, on one stinking bird?” …the same stinking bird of pray that prays on YOU, 2 wings, same bird. When the cameras are off & the proverbial lights are out, they all hang out together in ONE BIG CLUB, & YOU ain’t it, in true Carlinian memorium. YOU never were, YOU never will be, few ever truly are, but the ones who are at the top of the pyramid all work together for ONE goal: to control YOU, all of YOU. Whether it be via open antagonist combative barbarous attacks of all measure, or much worse, coming at you via the warm hand of friendship, & benevolence, good against evil, the darkest of darknesses, pretending to be a light in the dark. In this next year, one by one, you will see these pillars of “power to the people” being pooped out as they expose themselves via their own arrogance. The absolute power has to corrupt absolutely at some point, yes?…& those who aren’t in the power game, those like the proverbial YOU, seem doomed to watch from the sidelines as their fates get tossed around like shotgun passes with pigskinny ball-balls.

Did you catch the circularity? Maybe you will next time, it’s not that complicated. Simply look for where I end the article with the beginning of the article, my snake eating its own head, while eating tis own tail, in the ultimate GIF loop of life, life & death, one always munching on the other, is it not? Until next time, go find your tail, then eat it.

For none of you, & for all of you.