The Fooze: S6E13 6/13/2023 Search for Self

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I’ve been watching/listening to these supposed “channeled messages,” for over a decade, & they all claim that divine retribution is coming for those of us in the trenches, which is most of us, like 99%. Yep, 99% versus a >1%, whole have deemed themselves the “ruling elites.” They get their power, because they trick everyone into giving them said power. It’s a centuries-long game, taught to kings & queens & those who are within the dominion of their bloodlines. Again, this is less than 1%, but somehow, somehow they rule most of you via the master/slave dynamic. Two totally different worlds, between the 99%, & the >1%.

I’m keeping this one short, as it’s my 6th article written within 12 hours or so. It’s all I have left, my words, these words I type in real-time, that a scant handful of you read in my past. Like I’ve told you all, ad nauseam, I’m shadowbanned, shadowbanned everywhere, even here, on my site. This site has over 5000 pages of my ramblous rants, 5000 pages, all for you, not for me. I don’t know why I am here, but the best I can reckon, is that I’m here to expose the real reality of this 3d world, as opposed to the scripted narratives they broadcast via televised programming. It’s as if most of you are stuck in an alpha state, the state where you are most susceptible to the aforementioned programming. It’s right there in the words for fuck’s sake, yet most of you aren’t even aware. That black screen, like a doorway into darkness, keeping you all docile & compliant, ready to consume consume consume.

I see all these things, then I listen to these “channeled messages,” & can’t help but wonder if said messages, are just another part of the Great Lie, being broadcast, the same as a basketball and/or football game. No one is coming to save us, & we’re all too ignorant to save ourselves. The ones of us who are awakened to the real truth, are a fringe minority, & have no ability numbers-wise to do a God-damned thing. No, I don’t think there are “ascended beings” in space, sitting in their respective spaceships, on the precipice of coming to save the day, to save us from these so-called “ruling elites,” & their verminous ilk. I know, it sounds crazy, & I want to believe it’s true. I want to believe there are ascended warriors of light, coming to save humanity from the prison planet we’re enslaved in. I want to believe, but how can I? How can I when my eyes tell me different? The world is getting exponentially worse, worse by each fleeting moment. Poverty, addiction, despair, it’s everywhere, & spreading fast, like a malignant cancer. Not to mention, this cancer, is being fed by those same “ruling elites” that pretend to care about humanity. NEWSFLASH: they don’t, they don’t give a flying fart about anyone who isn’t in their bloodline, but they pretend otherwise. Soulless demonic scum, hell bent on destroying humanity, so they can rebuild a new world under their new world order.

Before I ramble this into an essay, as is par for my mini-golf course here, I’m going to wrap it up. I just…just…I don’t even know anymore. The self-realizations about the truth of this upside-down reality give me a dreadful feeling of utter hopelessness. These elitist douchebags won’t stop, & why would they? There’s never any consequences for them, ever. If you or I committed the crimes they commit on the daily, we’d be in a federal prison for life, but for them, nothing, & so they continue, continue destroying. I am a creator, not a destroyer, the literal polar opposite of these degenerate scumfucks, & I’m not alone, but in the Great Picture, we awakened ones ARE alone. So alone, on our own little islands, & one day they will send the total wave to wash us all away, because they don’t want us in their Great Picture. They’ll wash us all away, then go eat crumpets & drink expensive teas & laugh about washing us away. These people are pure hell, & maybe this is hell. I don’t know, but it sure is starting to feel like hell, an eternal punishment for prior incarnations that we have zero recollection of. No, it doesn’t seem to matter that we’ve awakened to the real truth in this life, & as a whole, WE don’t seem to matter, other than the inclination that they want us gone. Breaks the heart; it truly breaks my heart. Until next time dear readers, search for your self, your higher self, before you’re washed away like the proverbial outgoing tide. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Search for your self, your higher self, before the tidal wave comes to wash you away.” Fish F Fish🎏

Manic Monday

“Ohhhh oooo-ohhhh, wish it was Sunday, cause that’s my fun day, my I don’t-have-to-run day,” blah blah blababa bah Mondays. Susanna Hoffs was a gem, gorgeously stunning, still is for her age, but those lyrics, my God, how corny, right? Yet, everyone knows this song, & I woke up with “Manic Monday” as an earworm, today’s earworm apparently, the first of several. Isn’t it kind of odd how songs get stuck in your head? They get stuck wayyyyyy down in there, then pop back out at random times as an earworm, almost as if they’re alive. Kind of spooky, right? Especially, when it’s a song and/or songs from artists you can’t stand, & you’ve never willingly listened to any of their aural garbage, but somehow, they still get stuck, & you even know the lyrics. How does that happen? Of course, I have a theory.

Oh yes indeed, I have a theory alright, & my theory is this: They proverbial powers-that-be, are well-aware of certain notes, rhythms, patterns, etc., that can be metronomically manipulated to “stick” in your heads. Case in point, Taylor Swift, can’t stand her, or her crappy pseudo-music, have never listened to ANY of her songs willingly, I just hear the when I hear them in out in public or whatever. Somehow though, SOMEHOW, I know several of her songs, front to back, now how the fuck is that possible? Sure, one could argue that it’s the culmination of hearing her drivel randomly enough times to where I memorized her songs, or…my theory is correct. These UN-artists are just part of a machine. A machine that utilizes secret sound technology to get these songs into people’s heads so that they will eventually buy these manufactured productions they put together. Obviously, the trick only works on the weak-minded, but still, STILL, this music gets earowrmed into my brain, despite my detestments toward said “music.” Could my theory be true?

Fuck if I know, it’s only a notion, & I’m too musically retarded to understand music theory, but if I did, I wonder if I’d be able to make some kind of mathematical equation, apply it to music I’m creating on whatever given instrument I might be playing, & test out my theory by studying the geometric patterns that manifest from the music I make. Oh wait, you didn’t know? You didn’t know that music makes geometric shapes? Well then, I shall have to show you some time. Different frequencies make different geometric patterns, so when you’re hearing music, the music itself is generating these patterns, & your brain is taking those sacred geometric patterns, & translating them into sounds that you can interpret. This knowledge has been known for a long time, & music theory, in itself, is quite fascinating. Music is math, math is music, Finkle is Einhorn, Einhorn is Finkle. Now, assume that music producers are aware of this, & have been for a LONNNNNG time, so long in fact, they can manipulate it so that even if it’s music you don’t like, it STILL gets into your brain. Spooky, right?

Oh geez, I started this early this morning, then had something come up, so I got to finish this & get something new out for you, dear reader. Until next time, enjoy the music. So sayeth FisH™

For all of you, & for none of you at all.