The Fooze: S2 E15 2/15/2023 Pyramid of Power

I know, I know…been meaning to write about the greatest hustle arguably of all time, the ruse that robbed me of everything I’ve ever worked for. Yep, all gone, thanks a lot Sam Bankman-Fried you chubby little elitist fuck. If we ever cross paths, run, run as fast as your fat ass can shuffle in the other direction. I want you to run, so I can open-field tackle your blobulous body, then wail on you like the kid in A Christmas Story. Not to hurt you physically of course, no no I’d never actually hurt you, just slap the shit out of you, over & over again for robbing so many would-be investors. BILLIONS stolen, BILLIONS of dollars, with a YUGE “B,” & this guy is STILL living it up like a rock star, relative to the plebs he robbed, this scandalous punk. His goofy girlfriend too, & their nerdy little friends at the poser bong-party with the Omega-Mus at Tri-Lambda house & an AI maid robot named Reggie. Look at this screenshot I took from an article just published.👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

👉🏻Click HERE to read this article☝🏻

“House arrest,” I bet that’s really rough in his parents mansion, derp. If it were you or I, do you think we would get such luxuries? Oh wait, we’d never be able to swing that $250 million dollar bond, so who cares? No, we’d be in the stank, the deep stank, with the rest of the felonious convicts. Unfortunately, we live in a 2-tiered system, 2-tiered in every way imaginable, 2 totally different worlds, literally. In this case, obviously, it’s the “justice” system…(Fart Noise). That’s what I think of their idea of “justice” these days. Liberal judges cleverly installed all over the country to enforce the separation too. Not just judges, prosecutors, attorneys, & oh yeah, EVERY ALPHABET AGENCY THERE IS. All the way up to the Presidency, if you wanna split some hog hairs about how deeply this cancerous corruption has infected the body of humanity. Yeah, perfectly analogous to cancer, & we’re at stage-4 methinks with this nonsense. How do you fuckers get up every day, knowing you’re going to be evil, then just make a coffee & off to your “intelligence” jobs. Oh sorry, I meant “weaponized” intelligence jobs, my mistake.

Yep, got the keys to the culture-castle, the backdoor to the backrooms of the zeitgeist, total access to all the data you want, on anyone & everyone & everything, all at the touch of a button, & now with the help of AI, I can see how they would take that kind of power & run with it. If you know things that 99.99% of the population does NOT know, you can make moves that are the equivalent of playing chess at a 10 to 1 move rate. As in, one player makes 10 straight moves, then the opponent gets one, then player one gets another 10 moves, see what I mean? It’s a RIGGED GAME, THEIR game, but they use all of you as the pawns. TWO-tiers, I told you, all around, they’ve split the zeitgeist essentially, well, that’s impossible, but they ACT as though it’s split, feeding all of you the illusion of “freedom,” pfttt, via long-game programming, & most of you get programmed, it’s that simple. This elitist cancer has infected mass media the most, as that is where the real power exists, controlling the information, CREATING NARRATIVES, as I’ve said countless times, so imagine this; imagine having access to ALL of the data on the Internet, as well as control of the mass media, along with badges & guns of course, hence the weaponization, imagine ALL of that combined into the pernicious palms of a small few. That’s an INCREDIBLE amount of power to wield, is it not?

God damn right it is, it’s downright terrifying, because how can one proclaim their own Divine sovereignty with that kind of shadow always lurking overhead? This is a tiny few, mind you, relatively speaking anyway, but they compartmentalize downward, like a layered pyramid; however, no one ever mentions the tippy-TIPPY top of the pyramid, the “capstone,” & I think of the Great Pyramids of Egypt as an analogy, if the alleged speculation about them is true of course. What speculation? Great question, thanks for playing. Said “speculation,” is that the Pyramids of Giza had said capstone, made of gold. Have you ever been to the Giza Pyramids? I don’t know how the hell they would a capstone made of solid gold on top of those, seriously, it’s a sight to behold in person, the sheer size, then to think of a golden capstone on the top, wow. I think they used sound frequencies to build them, with “technology” we have no real clue about yet, not publicly anyway, but I digress. Do you see the analogy, though? The power-pyramid among the elites has a “capstone” too, if you will, & it’s these people at the top who have access to all three Zeldian power segments to complete their triangle of power. Control the mass media, in all aspects, check; have access to ALL data on the interwebs, with AI assistance, check; use “legal authority” to arm themselves with badges & guns, now weaponized, to enforce their agenda & remove anyone who doesn’t comply, check. Check, check, check, & if you have all 3 checks, you’re in, you’re in the capstone, the capstone at the top of the top of the proverbial Great Pyramid of Power. Again, it’s quite disconcerting to know that I’m not writing fucking fiction here, is it not?

Yep, & like I said, THEIR game is a game we plebs will never play, so they keep everyone else in The Great Mouse Trap, while they make their capstone glow brighter & brighter, maybe something to do with Lucifer’s light, I don’t know. Like I’ve reiterated ad nauseam, I DO NOT BELIEVE IN THAT WEIRD SHIT, but apparently, THEY DO. I don’t know, I don’t get it, it’s bizarre dark arts insanity to me. Again though, THEY DO, yes it’s fucking bizarre as fuck, but it’s real to them. Moving on…

This is all stretchy speculation, keep in mind, because I do not have access to any of the esoteric knowledge within that capstone-club atop the pyramid. I wish I did, I hate not knowing things, it gives me a shitty anxiety to know that their game even exists. Maybe I’m just pissed that I’ll never be able to play, & I can’t admit it to myself? Nah, that’s ridiculous, because one, I’m not a soulless vampire that gets off on proverbially feeding from human energy, & two, I’m not into the satanic shit, not at all. The dark arts are revolting to me, & although I’m not religious at all, I think that these fools who “worship” an avatar like “satan,” or “Lucifer,” either/or, they also venerate what those entities represent, which is ultimately destruction. Hate, wrath, rage, darkness, the shadow, THAT is what these people apply their individual energies to. It’s super-bizarre, but to them, very real. Weird, right?

Well, that was fun, wasn’t it? When I started this article, today’s Foozer, I had no idea what would come out. Just turned on the receiver, turned the dial to the right, then back to the left a bit, then slightly right again, & ditdit-ditdit-dit-dit-dit, the fingers fly, & creation happens. It’s SO important to be a creator. Every thing you create, is another light on the Great Tree. While these Luciferian satan-worshipping foot soldiers from the hell of Hades embark on a life-quest fueled by endless destruction, we creators must keep creating, creating creative creations, making lights, more lights, MORE LIGHTS, to light up the darkness. The way to be free is to create, the way to enslave yourself, is to be a destroyer, a killer, the antithesis of the magic makers. Don’t be a broken light bulb murderer, be a moonlight marquee, lighting up the street. Until next time, dear readers, create light in darkness, for there can be no darkness in your neon light. So sayeth FisH ™

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“Create a neon light, not a shadow in the night.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Be the moonlight marquee, lighting up the street.” ~Fish F Fish🎏