The Fooze: S4E20 4/20/2023 Reverse Speech

Click HERE and/or the video above to watch…MUST WATCH FIRST…thanks for following simple instructions. Nicely done my fellow fishy-faced foozers. Also, this is a MUST SUB channel, so click HERE to sub to The Why Files. Nice of me to add all the links, isn’t it? Just click & you’re in, in it to win it. You’re welcome.

Did you watch the video? If not, STOP, stop reading, & watch the video FIRST, for fuck’s sake, so you have better context as to what I’m going to be illustrating in this article, lest I tangent off into some other random topic, as I tend to do. That’s why I linked to the video for you, because one, AJ does an impressive & meticulously thorough job of showing you the “evidence,” so to speak, & then two, debunking said evidence, if need be, to weed out the DIS-information from the true truth of whatever matter he’s covering. Oh, & of course there’s the infamous Hecklefish, bringing in the backdoor comic relief, who also has his own little channel. Sorry not sorry if I “misgendered” HIM, a fake animated digital fish. Derp. Nonetheless, be sure to subscribe to both channels to show HIM some support. HE has quite a following, & I’m sure HE has channels on other social media sites, but since I’m banned from them, you’re going to have to find The Why Files with your own research skills. I can only do so much from my solitary cell at the end of D-wing, wayyyyyyy down here in the putrid pits of the digital gulag, especially now that the AI has the only key to get me outta here, which means, basically, that this fish, yours truly, is fried, fucked, & finally at the finish, farted on.

Anyway, I digress, now where was I? Oh yes, I’ve been meaning to try this reverse-speaking thing myself, & when I do, I’ll let you know the results, as well as post them on my Youtube channel. I know, I know, I’ve been slacking big time on the video productions. I’m on it tho, when I have time. With work now back in the proverbial full-swing, I have much less time to focus on my arts, so I’ve been putting all my energy into THIS, making sure that THIS, THIS gets created daily regardless of circumstances. Also, these links I add, as well as my tags & categories, double as daily writing examples that showcase my talents, but specifically, my ability to SEO write…all day, every day, if someone wants to pay me to do this. Looking at you Indeed, & all those potential employers on that site, looking for incredibly unique wordsmiths such as myself, but finding nothing but hacks, posers, & AI-assisted pseudo-authors. I’M A REAL WRITER, ARGUABLY THE BEST EVER. I’M RIGHT HERE. ARE YOU SCARED? SCARED TO HIRE SOMEONE LIKE MYSELF? Sheesh. Anyone out there? Anyone? Any employers going to be brave enough to hire a writer like yours truly? No? Nobody? Shocker. Nevermind my mega-mastery of the fundamentals of grammar; the foundations of unwavering adherence to the grammatical code of the English language, pay no attention to that. Nevermind my uniquely authentic literary language that I fearlessly utilize, never bending the knee for the sake of something as frivolously absurd as “political correctness.” Nevermind my strictly-disciplined work ethic, due to my boundless passion for my lone singular talent, which is illustrating the world with words, as a true writer. It’s what I am, it’s all I am, a warrior with a digital pen. I’m no more, no less, just the writer, writing for you, & that’s it, that’s all I have for you. I write, I make my digital art, & I’m about to finally start painting, so I’ll have tangible pictures to leave behind when I’m gone. If the power ever goes out, all of this will be gone, except the words, because I have the words saved onto USB drives, that I’m currently printing out in hard copy, so they’ll be here forever, relatively speaking. My hundreds of animations will be gone though, if the power switch ever gets flicked from “on,” to “off,” so that’s why I want to paint my paintings, because what are words without illustrations? Digital illustration only exists when the electricity is flowing, but real-time, real-life, physical art compositions, will last as long as there’s someone there to take care of them. Get all that? Got all that? Great, thanks for playing.

Like I said, I’m going to try this myself, & I found The Why Files video super-fascinating. I wonder what one would hear, if you could listen to & comprehend reverse-speak as a 2nd language, per se. What do people REALLY say? Is there any merit to this? As I mentioned earlier, AJ from TWF does a good job of showing you both sides, leaving you with your own inclinations to critically-think your way to your own conclusions, based on said inclinations. Some of the examples he showed were certainly on the fence, as the expression goes, but some of the other examples were blatantly…intentional, you could say, & easily understood as distinct words and/or phrases, along with some that were seemingly, albeit randomly, concise, so is it just coincidence? Minus the intentional ones, & in MY own opinion, I think there’s something to this. I don’t know why, obviously, but based on the video I linked above, as well as my own research since I watched that video a few weeks back, I am convinced that although there are anomalies, as there always are for everything, always anomalies, so despite those, I think there’s definitely something important with this whole “reverse-speaking” phenomenon.

“Come on man, not a joke, don’t jump. Sahbbanabbadapreshuh.(Pseudo-POTUS Brandon voice) Double derp. “Most powerful man in the world, stole the 2020 sham election with a record 81 million votes,”…triple derp. If he had, in fact, “won” the 2020 election with a “record 81 million votes,” don’t you think we’d hear about it every single day? We don’t though, so that circumstantially confirms, to me at least, the he did NOT win by a record number of votes, because he did NOT win at all. Nope, & everyone knows it, knows he stole it, him & his sugar daddy Barack Obama. Who do you think the real POTUS behind the scenes is? Ever see Barack? Nope, because he’s running this clown show from the shadows. Takes a lot of work to destroy a country, hence, you never see him out in public, do you? Believe your own eyes if you don’t want to believe me; none of this is speculation, I assure you. All it takes is some basic critical-thinking skills to figure this out. Is it difficult for some of you? It seems impossible for many of you, as in I could present all the evidence on the internet, say all the words that need to be said, & STILL, hardcore programmed liberal NPC zombies, will applaud these elitist pigs, just like circus seals, whenever their so-called “leaders,” grace them with their presence. ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF, just like the silly seals do; why is that, why do they behave like this? Why are white people so easily compliant, just be “trendy,” why? Why do black people twerk on police cars? So much primality…why such primal behaviors on public display, in various manners, as it relates to whatever race/group they identify with, why?

Great question, thanks for asking. I know, & it’s as if society, as a whole, is in some state of devolution, while they think they’re actually evolving, with technology, they’re completely oblivious to how dynamic their disrespectively outrageous behaviors actually are. Ask the kids in Chicago…more on that coming. They just don’t care, don’t care about anything it appears. Nope, they don’t care about a damn thing except themselves, but YOU, as a sovereign person, mean nothing in their self-centered little narcissistic world, so for them, it’s either get out of the way or I’ll come through you. Go ahead & try twerps, I dare you. Nonetheless, “evolution,” they say…hmmmm, I don’t know, the degeneracy seems to be getting worse by the day, & if you missed it, I read that the hashtag #TeenTakeover, was briefly trending, as out-of-control youths in Chicago went berserker mode, & started destroying, destroying anything & everything. Of course, Mayor Beetlejuice publicly stated that the kids were just out to “enjoy the nice weather.” No public acknowledgment of the looting, the rioting, the destruction of property, the assaults, there was a case of a lone white woman getting her ass kicked by a bunch of black teens. They viciously beat the devil outta her, & where’s the news on this? She was white, the victim, so just put that story in the trash, & they have the ignorant nerve to call US, white people, the racists. Projection is sad. Such is the way of Clownworld…(honk noise)

Click HERE to watch and/or the video above…NSFW

Regardless, as usual, I went way off-topic, which if you’re a regular reader, you’ll know I often do. I’m the Creator here, so I get to do what I want. If you don’t like it, you can file a complaint with the manager, her name is Karen Chadspitter. Honk honk honk honk honk…honk away ya silly little mice. Doesn’t matter, because like everyone else, you’re stuck in The Great Mouse Trap, until you go to The Great Recycler. To learn more, be sure to deep dive into my archives. Type in, “The Great Recycler,” & you’ll discover numerous articles where I thoroughly illustrate to you, what The Great Recycler actually is. Whatever IT is, IT is real, despite what you might think about me, and/or the validity of this article, trust me, IT, is very real, & IT, is hungry, & IT, is waiting for more souls to be delivered to it via its own minions of darkness agents, working hard in 3d Clownworld to make sure the souls are continuously harvested, so they can retain the pseudo-power given to them via this vile entity. This world is most certainly NOT what most of you think it is, & the truth would petrify most. I’m going to detail The Great Holocaust someday soon for you. It’s a truth that most are not ready for, but it is what it is, isn’t it? The truth is the truth.

Until next time dear readers, maybe if you record yourself talking, then listen to it backwards, you will find something, but most likely, you’ll find nothing, because no matter what you do, you’ll never get outta here alive. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“No matter what you do, you’ll never get outta here alive.” Fish F Fish🎏

“It is, what it is, isn’t it?” Fish F Fish🎏

Hack-tors w/ a side of Fragility Bonus


Click HERE to read more

Uh oh, it looks like yet another death from SADS, & if you click that word, you’ll see that “SADS” implies that all of these “sudden deaths” are due to “genetic anomalies,” allegedly, & has nothing to do with the jab & the 17 boosters he probably took. I wonder, how many people are going to croak from “SADS” before they FINALLY start publicly admitting what’s causing these “sudden deaths?” Oh wait, what’s this? Looks like an update from the newscaster who “fainted” live on air the other day…

Click HERE to read more

Great picture…literal lolz, oh my, let the meme cannons fire, & of course, once again, this allegedly has nothing to do with her being jabbed & boosted. It’s sad really, not for me, because I wasn’t dumb enough to let them inject that slow kill poison into me. Cheers Purebloods. Yep, I’m that guy who’s been screaming for the last 3 fucking years to NOT get jabbed, & has taken so much shit for it, until relatively recently of course, when the naysayers went totally silent with the, “You’re an anti-vaxxer” nonsense. Derp. I’m not “anti-vax” anything, how can I be if it isn’t a vaccine? Double derp. Do most of you even know what a vaccine actually is? I’d wager you don’t, because if you did, you would know the difference between a real vaccine, & a science project RNA modifier created hastily without proper testing, wouldn’t you? Oh but so many of you just rolled up your sleeves in your respective echo chambers, believing wholeheartedly what the fake news broadcasts to scare you into undergoing such a dangerous procedure, & all the while, criticizing people like me for being an “ignorant conspiracy theorist,” which actually happened, verbatim. I’ve been called much worse since this plandemic started though, & I didn’t care, still don’t care, nor did I break my stance, so to speak, & bend the knee to the fear mob. Nope, I didn’t budge a Planck length, because I trust my own critical-thinking skills, my own knowledge, & most importantly, my own intuition. I know, I know…common sense…along with knowing basic science, is like finding a diamond on a sandy beach these days. Such is the way of Clownworld though, right? (honk noise)

I had something else I was going to post about fake news hacks, what was it? Oh yeah, I’m going to link a video below from the great Mark Dice, one he cooked up earlier this morning, so it’s fresh out of the content creation oven. The title is “White Fragility,” based on a shitty book of the same name, barfed out onto hard copy, & sold to morons. Note that this is NOT one of Mark Dice’s books; his books are actually good, really good, but this book with the obvious racist overtones in the title is by some liberal twat hack named Robin DeAngelo. Imagine if the book was called “Black Fragility” instead of “White Fragility,” would that be okay? Of course it wouldn’t, but here in Clownworld, apparently it was a “best seller,” & the aforementioned hack, Robin DeAngelo, is now rich because of it. As a writer myself, & humbly the best one I know, it makes me want to puke when I see shit writers writing about shit topics & getting fame & fortune from it, while people like me, who write about TRUTH, rather than making up fictitious gobbly-gook, get shit on by shitty biased censoring shitheads to the point where they’re exiled from the digital town square, & thus, can’t market their brand and/or sell their books due to fear of hurting peoples’ fee-wings(feelings). This proverbial 2-way street of REEEEE-cism that these social parasites reinforce is full of potholes & meth-smoking bums begging for spare change. If I title this article, “Black Fragility,” I can assure you WordPress will throttle me. Since they do anyway though, & I have NOT in fact officially titled this post yet, I guess I know what I’ll have to do. There we go, we’ve added…”Black Fragility” to the title, now send the AI algos to squash my traffic WordPress you biased clowns…B-O-O-H-O-O…honk honk honk…(fart noise)

Ugh, her stupid face is “bloody revolting,” as Jordan Peterson. might say. I love that expression, & have circulated it into my daily vocabulary as needed. Great example of a REAL author incidentally; Jordan Peterson is a fucking genius, absolutely brilliant, a modern-day sage, whereas this twatface above is a disgusting racist pig, yet somehow, Jordan is called the dreaded “R-word” for simply being white & not bending the knee to this faux notion that white people are to blame for the ills of the world. Hang on though, she looks white to me, what about you? Oh but she wrote a book called “White Fragility,” so she gets a pass I guess. She’s a total idiot, her book sucks a big bag of black cocks, her literary language is atrocious, yet somehow her word is the bird that gets to fly. I know, it makes no sense, but that’s how it goes when you make up the rules as you go, which is what liberals tend to do ad nauseam, which is truly nauseating.

Regardless, I’m gonna keep this one relatively short, & I left plenty of links for you to click, dear readers, at your own discretion. Calling me a “racist” is like farting in the wind; it just blows right by me, & I don’t acknowledge nor abide the indoctrinated buzzies that these race-pimps puke out all over the zeitgeist. There sure is a lot of programming expressing itself these days, isn’t there? Said programming is courtesy of these fake news hacks, pseudo-authors, university indoctrination agents, & if THAT is the collective entity that deems me to be a bigot of some kind, go right ahead. Like I said, I could care less & in fact, I care more about the dirty cigarette butts I just threw into the trash on my porch more than the brainwashed opinions of automatonic drones who can’t think for themselves. Regurgitate away ya clowns, & with any luck, hopefully I’ve hurt some of your butt-plugged butts illustrating these notions for all of you, & for none of you at all.

It’s okay to be white. More than okay in fact, it’s awesome, until you get blamed for every God-damned problem that has ever existed in the entire history of Planet Earth. Funny thing is, would any of you be here if not for white people? Would there be an internet to bitch about white people on? Would there be planes, trains, & automobiles here to get you to destinations you would not be able to reach otherwise, if not for us white folks? Would you be able to get treated for ailments with advanced medicine, again, if not for white people? I could go on, & on, & on, & on, I know it, & if you’re honest with yourself, you know it too. Not saying I want any credit as a white guy, but I AM saying that maybe you PoCs should be grateful for this country that was founded on the courage of white people who were brave enough to cross an ocean on giant sailboats, conquer a new land as has been done since the beginning of time, & build an empire like the USA, which has given back so much to the world. Music, movies, pop culture, & we ultimately did it together, allowing freedom for ALL, at the behest of ALL the races who came here & contributed together to make this country great. So much freedom that now PoCs complain about it, as if it would be better elsewhere, so then go, bye. If it’s so much better elsewhere, if this country is so colonially evil & racist, & whites suppress other races, why not leave? Try this nonsensical whining in another country, & see how far that gets you. Anyway, enough of my ranting. Until next time dear readers, I’ll say it again, it’s OKAY to be white, it always has been, & always will be. Deal with it, or kick rocks…I hear the southern border is wide open, so maybe cross it if you hate it here, & don’t come back. So sayeth FisH…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“It’s delightful being a white guy.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E18 3/18/2023 Trump Arrested?

Yeah, apparently this is NOT a joke. Again, the timeline switches. I went to sleep & not a word of this, woke up & Trump is “under indictment,” allegedly. Hard to speculate what comes next? Will this cause a ripple effect? Will markets crash? Will the world end if the savior of the USSA gets handcuffed & sent to jail on Tuesday? Fuck if I know, but since the fake news mainstream media is all over this, one can presume that at least ½ the country already thinks #OrangeManBad is getting locked up in a few days. Cold this be more “narrative?” Just more scripted crap to distract everyone from WW3, or the attack on our country by its own government, or inflation, or outrageous gas prices, or the Epstein client list, or the corruption amongst the politicians running this shitshow, oh yes, I can keep going. All theatre, & please believe, this is ALL you are going to hear about for the next few days. What are your so-called elitist “leaders” doing behind the scenes while all this is going on? God question, thanks for playing.

Only they know for sure, & this upcoming week should prove to be very…dynamic, I suppose you could say. Oh & I almost forgot, Putin coincidentally ALSO is facing an “arrest warrant,” what are the odds? Seriously, at the same time, what kind of astronomically impossible odds have been reached to have both of these events occur at the same time? It’s all theatre, all orchestrated, all just part of THEIR game. I’ve told you countless times, TWO DIFFERENT GAMES. Their game is power, while 99% of us play our games in The Great Mouse Trap, these so-called elites are waging war against each other to gain more power, at the expense of what? AT YOUR EXPENSE, because without us giving these psychopaths the power they wield, they wouldn’t be anything, much less “leaders.” While we run endlessly left, right, left, right, chasing cheese-bait fiat money in The Great Mouse Trap, these elites are accumulating more power, building dynasties for themselves & their families of course, respectively. Not “respectively,” like I respect them, because I don’t, I actually despise them all, but respectively as it is defined as a sense of “a separate order.” I don’t want to confuse you, dear readers, I fucking hate these globalist douchebags. HATE, HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE these bastards, ALL of them. Do you still foolishly believe there’s 2 separate groups amongst the “leadership” class, left & right, good & evil, do you still believe that?

If you do, you’re a naive fool, but a perfect little mouse to keep running through the labyrinthian maze of The Great Mouse Trap. Like a series of unending backrooms, you just run around & around, left, right, left, right, divided & conquered, living the Hegelian Dialectic in real-time. Only now, they’ve manufactured this pseudo-reality where up is down, left is right, men are women, etc…which, as far as I know, is unprecedented at the level we’re all experiencing right now. These philosophical notions came about in a totally different era in relation to this era estraña we’re all existing in at this moment. Although certainly applicable, one has to incorporate first, that there’s more people than ever, as far as we know anyway, & therefore, much more variability, anomalous behaviors, you have to factor in the influence of mass media & the internet, it’s totally different then it was a century ago. Second, we are in uncharted waters, so it’s tricky to use the probability charts of life to predict anything. Regardless, we are at a critical mass, on the precipice of a YUGE shift, as microorganisms break off from the macroorganism, as the zeitgeist evolves or devolves depending on your own perspective, as the Lucifer Principle plays itself out.

It’s a bit of a combination of both, isn’t it? Evolution for some, devolution for others. This neo-liberalism, for example, definitely devolution, as these programmed fools carry on in the primal manner that they do. Truly disgusting really, mostly because they have ZERO clue as to what they’re even doing. Nope, like real-life NPCs, they just puke out buzzwords & catchphrases that they seem to make up as they go. A new one I just heard is “counter-speech,” & if you click the word, it’ll link you to a Harvard page that “defines” this made-up nonsense. LARP away you mindless automatons, because there’s no such thing as “hate speech,” hence this term “counter-speech,” is just more gibberish from indoctrination specialists that have infected college campuses like the Black Plague. In the wise words of Jordan Peterson, “It’s bloody revolting,” & it surely is, is it not? Not if you’re on their side obviously, but who wants to be over there? Only these fatherless reject nerd beta twerps with rainbow-colored hair in size-44 “skinny” jeans do, because they’re so lost within themselves, they turn towards the other freaks for the love the missed as children. Blame the parents, blame the schools, but you know who’s really to blame?

The true culprits are these shadowplay social engineers, that injected these bizarre notions into the indoctrinators, who then in turn indoctrinate your children, because that’s the future, & they want the future to have less people, so what do you do? Push this “queer theory” garbage into the impressionable minds of the youth, & I mean the YOUTH, because they’re getting your kids before they can even talk. Watch any recent Disney cartoon if you don’t believe me. It’s fucking sick, not to mention this drag queen story hour madness, oh & of course the gay elementary “teachers,” who are using their classrooms to poison children with the aforementioned queer theory. Ugh, it’s all just so evil, so sinister, but if you call them out, all hell breaks loose, & they never face consequences, so they push the agenda further, double-downing on the double-downing, over & over. When will we finally stop tolerating this fringe insanity?

Oh drats, look at me, I’ve gone off-course as usual. Never fails, I always tangent off into something else completely off-topic. That’s how we roll here though, & another essay has almost been composed & completed for the amusement of my proverbial handful of readers. I do love you all, the few who actually enjoy my random ramblings, so please never think I’m directing this at any of you personally. If you speak my language, you’ll know who I am always referring to, & most likely, it isn’t you directly. My readers get this I’m sure, but just to clarify as the author/narrator of this thing I do, I wanted to make that statement known. Nonetheless, time has come to cross the finish line on this daily Foozer. Possible “arrests” coming this week? Who really knows?…but we shall all bear witness apparently soon enough. Until next time dear readers, enjoy the show, because it’s all just a trip to the movies. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Enjoy the show, because it’s all just a trip to the movies.” Fish F Fish🎏