Hack-tors w/ a side of Fragility Bonus


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Uh oh, it looks like yet another death from SADS, & if you click that word, you’ll see that “SADS” implies that all of these “sudden deaths” are due to “genetic anomalies,” allegedly, & has nothing to do with the jab & the 17 boosters he probably took. I wonder, how many people are going to croak from “SADS” before they FINALLY start publicly admitting what’s causing these “sudden deaths?” Oh wait, what’s this? Looks like an update from the newscaster who “fainted” live on air the other day…

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Great picture…literal lolz, oh my, let the meme cannons fire, & of course, once again, this allegedly has nothing to do with her being jabbed & boosted. It’s sad really, not for me, because I wasn’t dumb enough to let them inject that slow kill poison into me. Cheers Purebloods. Yep, I’m that guy who’s been screaming for the last 3 fucking years to NOT get jabbed, & has taken so much shit for it, until relatively recently of course, when the naysayers went totally silent with the, “You’re an anti-vaxxer” nonsense. Derp. I’m not “anti-vax” anything, how can I be if it isn’t a vaccine? Double derp. Do most of you even know what a vaccine actually is? I’d wager you don’t, because if you did, you would know the difference between a real vaccine, & a science project RNA modifier created hastily without proper testing, wouldn’t you? Oh but so many of you just rolled up your sleeves in your respective echo chambers, believing wholeheartedly what the fake news broadcasts to scare you into undergoing such a dangerous procedure, & all the while, criticizing people like me for being an “ignorant conspiracy theorist,” which actually happened, verbatim. I’ve been called much worse since this plandemic started though, & I didn’t care, still don’t care, nor did I break my stance, so to speak, & bend the knee to the fear mob. Nope, I didn’t budge a Planck length, because I trust my own critical-thinking skills, my own knowledge, & most importantly, my own intuition. I know, I know…common sense…along with knowing basic science, is like finding a diamond on a sandy beach these days. Such is the way of Clownworld though, right? (honk noise)

I had something else I was going to post about fake news hacks, what was it? Oh yeah, I’m going to link a video below from the great Mark Dice, one he cooked up earlier this morning, so it’s fresh out of the content creation oven. The title is “White Fragility,” based on a shitty book of the same name, barfed out onto hard copy, & sold to morons. Note that this is NOT one of Mark Dice’s books; his books are actually good, really good, but this book with the obvious racist overtones in the title is by some liberal twat hack named Robin DeAngelo. Imagine if the book was called “Black Fragility” instead of “White Fragility,” would that be okay? Of course it wouldn’t, but here in Clownworld, apparently it was a “best seller,” & the aforementioned hack, Robin DeAngelo, is now rich because of it. As a writer myself, & humbly the best one I know, it makes me want to puke when I see shit writers writing about shit topics & getting fame & fortune from it, while people like me, who write about TRUTH, rather than making up fictitious gobbly-gook, get shit on by shitty biased censoring shitheads to the point where they’re exiled from the digital town square, & thus, can’t market their brand and/or sell their books due to fear of hurting peoples’ fee-wings(feelings). This proverbial 2-way street of REEEEE-cism that these social parasites reinforce is full of potholes & meth-smoking bums begging for spare change. If I title this article, “Black Fragility,” I can assure you WordPress will throttle me. Since they do anyway though, & I have NOT in fact officially titled this post yet, I guess I know what I’ll have to do. There we go, we’ve added…”Black Fragility” to the title, now send the AI algos to squash my traffic WordPress you biased clowns…B-O-O-H-O-O…honk honk honk…(fart noise)

Ugh, her stupid face is “bloody revolting,” as Jordan Peterson. might say. I love that expression, & have circulated it into my daily vocabulary as needed. Great example of a REAL author incidentally; Jordan Peterson is a fucking genius, absolutely brilliant, a modern-day sage, whereas this twatface above is a disgusting racist pig, yet somehow, Jordan is called the dreaded “R-word” for simply being white & not bending the knee to this faux notion that white people are to blame for the ills of the world. Hang on though, she looks white to me, what about you? Oh but she wrote a book called “White Fragility,” so she gets a pass I guess. She’s a total idiot, her book sucks a big bag of black cocks, her literary language is atrocious, yet somehow her word is the bird that gets to fly. I know, it makes no sense, but that’s how it goes when you make up the rules as you go, which is what liberals tend to do ad nauseam, which is truly nauseating.

Regardless, I’m gonna keep this one relatively short, & I left plenty of links for you to click, dear readers, at your own discretion. Calling me a “racist” is like farting in the wind; it just blows right by me, & I don’t acknowledge nor abide the indoctrinated buzzies that these race-pimps puke out all over the zeitgeist. There sure is a lot of programming expressing itself these days, isn’t there? Said programming is courtesy of these fake news hacks, pseudo-authors, university indoctrination agents, & if THAT is the collective entity that deems me to be a bigot of some kind, go right ahead. Like I said, I could care less & in fact, I care more about the dirty cigarette butts I just threw into the trash on my porch more than the brainwashed opinions of automatonic drones who can’t think for themselves. Regurgitate away ya clowns, & with any luck, hopefully I’ve hurt some of your butt-plugged butts illustrating these notions for all of you, & for none of you at all.

It’s okay to be white. More than okay in fact, it’s awesome, until you get blamed for every God-damned problem that has ever existed in the entire history of Planet Earth. Funny thing is, would any of you be here if not for white people? Would there be an internet to bitch about white people on? Would there be planes, trains, & automobiles here to get you to destinations you would not be able to reach otherwise, if not for us white folks? Would you be able to get treated for ailments with advanced medicine, again, if not for white people? I could go on, & on, & on, & on, I know it, & if you’re honest with yourself, you know it too. Not saying I want any credit as a white guy, but I AM saying that maybe you PoCs should be grateful for this country that was founded on the courage of white people who were brave enough to cross an ocean on giant sailboats, conquer a new land as has been done since the beginning of time, & build an empire like the USA, which has given back so much to the world. Music, movies, pop culture, & we ultimately did it together, allowing freedom for ALL, at the behest of ALL the races who came here & contributed together to make this country great. So much freedom that now PoCs complain about it, as if it would be better elsewhere, so then go, bye. If it’s so much better elsewhere, if this country is so colonially evil & racist, & whites suppress other races, why not leave? Try this nonsensical whining in another country, & see how far that gets you. Anyway, enough of my ranting. Until next time dear readers, I’ll say it again, it’s OKAY to be white, it always has been, & always will be. Deal with it, or kick rocks…I hear the southern border is wide open, so maybe cross it if you hate it here, & don’t come back. So sayeth FisH…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“It’s delightful being a white guy.” Fish F Fish🎏