The Fooze: S2 E26 2/26/2023 🐟The Khazarian Mafia 🐟

My oh my oh my, it just gets crazier by the week, doesn’t it? Lots of pressure mounting on the criminal Biden regime, so what might they be thinking up to distract from the attention being thrust onto their nefarious activities? Oh, I don’t know, maybe a world war, maybe staged alien invasion, maybe something new, complete with all the shock & awe you want, all serving to further distract you from the global takeover. Who is this mysterious cabal secretly taking over the world though? Ever heard of the Khazarian Mafia? Oh wait, whats’ this? Why the red line under the word “Khazarian” WordPress? Are we going to pretend it’s a made-up word? Want to read more about this VERY REAL, & quite dastardly bunch that’s been bringing you chaos for centuries now? Yes, CENTURIES, almost 20, that’s 2000 years of mindfuckery thanks to this evil organization. Good thing FisH™is here to help, to abide, by providing YOU with links to the real TRUTH of the matter, whatever the matter might be, & in this case, is the OPENLY intentional planetary exposure of the secretive Khazarian Mafia.

What do these Crazy Khazarians think they are for fuck’s sake? Sheesh. Maybe let’s start with what they worship, yes? What creature? What sort of animal would a group like this venerate? Can you guess? Well, well, well, if it isn’t our old friend the owl, of course, & boy o’ boy, you sure do seem to pop up a lot amongst these groups, don’t you? The ever-wise owl, wisest in the Black Forest, rotating its head 180 degrees, always at least one eye on something, they can even see in the darkness, they can cut right through it, this fearsome nighttime predator, hunting in the blackest of night for its prey. These globalists just love the owl, so much so in fact, that they even snuck one onto the dollar bill, in case you weren’t aware. Not aware? No worries, again, the FisH™ abides. Check out the pic below. Or pull a one dollar bill from your own wallet, grab a magnifying glass if you don’t have 20/20 vision, & look for yourself, with your own eyes, in real-time, here with me. Isn’t it adorable, on its own little perch there, always watching, watching YOU, on every single one dollar bill, isn’t that just dandy? Not to mention all the other things going on in the details of fiat currency paper money garbage. It has to do with the magic spells they use, that they cast upon ALL the currency, not just the one dollar bill. Didn’t know they were into using black magick either? Of course, & particularly on the currency, because currency, is the energy flow they’ve hijacked that keeps the zeitgeistian snowball rolling like a giant Katamari. Oh yes, they’re quite knowledgable in said magick in fact, as one could imagine with 2000 years of practice, & they use their time-worn pseudo-sorcery all the time. THEY believe in it, & as I always tell you, I myself, DO NOT, I don’t believe in any dark arts voodoo nonsense, but again, THEY DO, & thus, they use it, utilizing this dark magic accordingly, for their own nefariousity.

Well, dear reader, with the link I provided above up there, & the one below, & the video at the end, you should have more than enough gear to jump down into this sewer of a rabbit hole. This gear will be needed, as should you choose to lift this sewer lid, then dive down into the pink slime of truth, like in Ghostbusters 2, & get yourself learn-ed on the Khazarian Mafia, you might be down there awhile. There’s an INCREDIBLE amount of disinformation & misinformation on these shadowy scum, not to mention an army of agents helping to confuse the public as to what’s truth & what is UN-truth about these Capstone Club globalists. Benjamin Fulford…BOOM…been trying to remember that fuckwad’s name & I just did. Watch out for him. HE IS AN AGENT OF THE MOB. One of the most prominent ones, if not THE most, so avoid that idiot’s drivel, unless you just want to read with a specific intent to see how bad the disinformation is. He is just bloody revolting with it too, but he’s clever, & sounds like he knows what he’s doing, so again, steer clear of that beady-eyed badger. Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention this too, the Capstone Club, the club that makes up the proverbial “capstone” atop the social hierarchy pyramid, whom I have mentioned ad nauseam in prior posts, & the Khazarian Mafia are more-or-less, one in the same. Maybe take a few members out, throw a few members in, but regardless, the Capstone Club & the Khazarian Mob are analogous. Who are some of the members? 🚨ALERT ALERT, CODE RED, RED ALERT🚨 …no, no, no…this is the part where YOU DYOR, Do Your Own Research, for if I just rewrite all the answers here, what good will that do you? YOU must have the fortitude to want to know for YOU, not for me, & therefore, YOU must jump into that aforementioned manhole with your boots laced tight.

Hidden History of the Khazarian Mafia

☝🏻Click HERE to read even more☝🏻…I told you, this is a liminal sewer, beyond the rabbit holes…

Don’t be scared, they’ll come get me before they ever come get any of you. I’m a direct exposer, a dissident thought-criminal, that fearless mouthpiece in the forlorn faces of fraudsters, the kind that they uniquely despise for their defiantly arrogant boldness in the face of tyrannical tyrant technocratic twats. I’ll be the one, the lone one, ready to die on my own hill, the one that tells them openly & publicly, via my own global forum, that THE KHAZARIAN MAFIA IS EXPOSED, & WILL CONTINUOUSLY BE EXPOSED UNTIL THEY ARE STOPPED AND/OR DEAD, along with some strongly-worded verbal stabs at them personally, coming from my own hatred of this malevolent mob for their 20 centuries of societal disruption. Surely, that anger is well-warranted, yes?…& should be shared amongst the general population, yes?…but I digress, so let’s get to this emancipation proclamation aimed directly at The Khazarian Mafia for their monetary ensalvement of humanity, should they happen to see this. Everyone ready? Once again, the FisH ™ abides. I will never help these elitist fucks, I am certainly NOT amongst their horde of foot soldier disinfo agents, nope, I am hear to be as offensively resistant to them as I can be with my own s-words for now, until violence becomes the necessity to survive, should they come attack me in real-time with vapidly vile voracious violence. So, to these Khazarian Mafioso I publicly proclaim…

“Go fuck yourselves you globalist cunts. Fuck you, fuck your mafia, fuck your hijacking of the currency, of the world, I will NOT abide this nonsense any longer. I will NEVER bend the knee to you, you psychopathic social-engineering degenerative deceptionist filth, & when the day of divine reckoning comes, I can only hope I’m there to pull one of the handles that drops the trap-door that drops ALL of YOU, you parasites, you corrupt & vile enemies of humanity, dropped to your own respective deaths, as you hang by your rancid reptilian necks until you’re all DEAD, DEAD, DEAD.”

Do you have the balls to publicly say such a thing? If so, why not do it? Maybe we should ALL do it? They can’t kill us all, but if they’re going to try anyway, why not fight back? THEY’RE ALREADY ATTACKING YOU, ATTACKING US, WE THE PEOPLE ARE UNDER DIRECT ATTACK FROM THESE MINIONS OF MALFEASANCE RIGHT NOW, IN REAL TIME. Does that NOT piss you off? Am I alone in my own delusionally unjustifiable anger towards a quiet cabal of mega-wealthy-uber-powerful globalist overlords that want to murder 90% of the global population in order to rule the entire planet & whoever is left from a singular new world order? I sure don’t want to believe that, because when that hammer drops, & the day comes, & it WILL come, when their depopulation agenda becomes very apparent to everyone, not just me, one can only hope its’s not too late by then. Okay, it’s time to wrap this Foozer up. Until next time dear reader, watch out for the mob, because they’ve always been watching you. So sayeth FisH™ …oh did you think it was over? No, no, no this isn’t the end of the movie like in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, when he tells you it’s over, oh no, I have one more link for you. Check out the video below, because it’s good to not only read research, but to SEE/HEAR research as well. The FisH™ abides.🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.🐡

“Watch out for the mob, because they’ve always been watching you.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

Narrative Nation

Yes, these “narratives,’ as the title implies, these dastardly narratives they use in this now-nefarious nation, are more-often-than-not, completely false & make-believe story-time stories, but STILL pumped out daily via the Fake News Mainstream Media. The FNMM, which is a tough acronym to pronounce….”fin-um,”perhaps, how does that sound? Doesn’t roll off the tongue at all, does it? Hmmm, how about this one…the “narrative agenda pushing actor puppets,” NAPAP?…”nap-ap?” No? Don’t like it? Nah, me either, it sounds dumb. I suppose we must hold off until a proper acronym comes to me; I just have to adjust the dial at some point I’m thinking, & then POOF, it’ll just appear, but I digress. The point of this article is going to be about these narratives, not acronyms for globalist filth, & ironically, there’s yet another one happening as I type this. Yep, another shooting it appears, as if on queue, not that it is on deck ready-to-roll, just implying that the timing if these events is…odd, you could say. Anyway, moving on, & what’s this? 👇🏻BREAKING NEWS BELOW…honk honk honk…👇🏻

Funny how these “shootings” happen all of a sudden when there’s real news that needs to be shared. Like who blew up the Nordstream pipeline? Where’s Jeffrey Epstein’s client list? Shut up you plebs, stop asking questions. Just pay attention to these narratives we script, then subconsciously force-feed to you, go eat another hot pocket, & believe everything we tell you to believe. Oh, & the chemical holocaust in Ohio, almost forgot about that, yeah the one killing animals & now reportedly making people sick. Anything on that, any updates? No? (a nighttime field of chirping crickets chimes in)Shocker. It doesn’t fit the narrative, so squash it. Shhhhhhh. We’re doing #GunsAreBad now, & that’s how it goes. Can’t change it, can’t fight it, can’t stop it, so what’s the only option? Maybe turn off the tv, & end the program, how about that?

The problem with that, is when something really does happen, you hinder your awareness & leave yourself vulnerable by just “turning it all off,” but that’s only IF, & I emphasize “IF,” if Clownworld goes completely sideways. Don’t think it can’t happen; suppose these “Chinese spy balloons” cause an EMP, taking out the power, how long would it take for the ill-informed hordes in the cities to go into full-blown panic mode? No power, no internet, no ability to get money, or gas, or anything really, can you imagine the pandemonium? Oh my God, these UN-prepared people are fucked, especially in the cities. I speculate that it wouldn’t take long at all for the aforementioned “hordes,” to become primal. Assaults, looting, robbery, even murder, all on the table if they go into said “panic mode,” as they let go of whatever critical-thinking skills they might have had, & rely solely on their reptilian-brain. Pure survival instincts would become the norm, as people fight one another for resources, filling the streets with blood.

Are you able to picture a scenario like this? Utterly depressing, all this real-time devolution of humanity. Ultimately, that’s what your elitist overlords want though, everyone to kill each other. They can do it, they could kill you all, & I’m sure there’s numerous depopulation plans in place that are much more effective than whatever the slow-kill poison is that they put into the Covaids jab, but that’s not Plan A. Plan A is to manipulate the masses into fighting & killing each other. One, because they’re sick fucks that get off on misery & death & chaotic destruction, & two, because it keeps them from having to do it themselves & clean up the ensuing after-mess. Not to mention, if we all do end up in some kind of civil war, actually actively battling one another in a hot war, it’s going to be incredibly demoralizing, draining your human spirits, respectively. The aftermath & the survivors would be so war-weary, after so much loss, so much carnage, that they’d eventually submit to the will of these globalist psychopaths, or die.

Essentially, for us plebs, it would be a dystopian hell on Earth, while the elites live like kings & queens with the technology that they keep from us. Oh, & the AI will be there of course, helping them, maybe even guiding them, I don’t know. I think it’s much more advanced then people are aware of, & I’ve mentioned this before, but could it be? Could it be that these psychopaths actually listen to what they AI tells them? Perhaps they follow its commands, so to speak, complying with it as if it were God, or a “god,” it’s hard to say anymore. I know they openly worship Satan, or Lucifer, or both maybe, I’m not sure how that works, but they believe it’s real, & abide their pseudo-god accordingly. Maybe they think AI is Lucifer, that’s a stretch, sure, but who knows? Yes, it’s an avatar of chaos, & destruction, & darkness, all the termed negativities you can drum up in your own respective lexicons, & thats’ what THEY believe in. I know, it’s fucking weird right? Sheesh, what kind of fucked up world is this. with people that “worship” darkness, & are now manipulating AI to empower their avatarian overlord. Again, IT’S THEIR THING, not mine, & not mine in the sense that I believe they’re all abysmally insane, like no coming back. I don’t get it, don’t abide it, & I kind of wish I had no clue about the reality of their belief system, but I do, I do know, & it is what it is.

Oy vey, look at that, another real-time diatribe about the infamous topic of fake news narratives. How dare you, how dare you expose us you silly little fish man. Well, how about go fuck yourselves. I don’t like to hate, per se, but I absolutely hate you fucking elitist doucheflutes. I hate you, I hate your game, I hate your condescendation, I hate that you take power at the expense of human soul energy. It’s SICK, all of it, as sinister as it gets, & you fuckers just keep going, in some futile attempt to rule the world as “gods” under a pseudo-god of shadows, with the help of AI. Derp. Seriously with this? This cannot be true, right? You made this up, didn’t you? Great question, thanks for asking. Unfortunately, no I didn’t make this up, how could someone make up some crazy shit like this? It’s true, YES, it’s true, now let it sink in as the hamster runs his wheel, YES, YES it’s very true dear readers. Don’t blame me, I ain’t doing it. I’m not, nor will I ever, help these maniacal nerds, and/or aid them with their agendas in any way. In fact, I’m going to expose them at ever step, I will be that thorn in their hand until my last breath. Fuck these psychopathic s-elected elites, I’ll never stop, until they stop or we stop them. If we don’t, it’s all over…period, & a day of reckoning gets closer by the passing dusty seconds. So many of you are programmed though, ugh, the hopeful optimist on the shoulder says believe in Divinity, believe in the Universe to right the wrong & bring back balance, or…there’s the pragmatist on the other shoulder, imploring me to buckle up, because these so-called elites, will NEVER relinquish this power they all have, & what’s worse is that if they know their end is nigh, they’ll burn it all down, & try to take us all to hell with them. Mark my words on that notion.

Annnnnnnd, we’re just gonna have to ride out the oncoming storm I guess, as it all collapses, collapses for us, but they made sure they all got on the lifeboats, for them only of course. Yep, as the Titanican ship sinks, down we shall all go with it, while they laugh & drink champagne on their half-filled proverbial life boats. It’s a dark game, & none of US, can ever win. Time to go though dear readers. The ship’s horn blows, BWAWWWWWWWWWWAW. That’s my literary illustration of a ship’s horn loudly bellowing in the nighttime salty ocean air. Ahhhh, sounds & smells like freedom. Until next time, don’t sink, don’t float, crash the waves in your own boat. Corny as fuck but who cares? So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Don’t sink, don’t float, crash the waves in your own boat.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

Cyber Attack False Flag


How coincidental that literally days,

more like hours ago,

the powers-that-be put out a global warning of a “9/11” style cyber attack against the West.

Well imagine this…

…the USSA Central Command,


has been hacked and is being further hacked as you read this,

and I type.

Look into it…

…the script continues…

…I/we told YOU,

more and more and more,

faster and faster and faster,

dredging up as much fear from YOU as possible.

Don’t let them scare YOU.

Rise above the duality master/slave paradigm,

ascend from the Cave.


More to come. 

Love to all.

Mohammed GIF Animation


Uh oh, 

have I offended over a billion people with the GIF above?

Not going to write much here,

because I choose to offer as LITTLE of MY energy as possible,

to this bizarre islamic decree that the image of their prophet is FORBIDDEN to be seen.

Forbidden… really?..

How about…


…for making such a decree against a society trying to regain its sense of free will…

I was going to post a link as to the reason why they forbid this,

but YOU can look it up for YOU,

if YOU really want to.

I could care less, but if these extremist maniacs, 

and/or someone wanting YOU to think that is what they are/were

…chooses to kill people because they publish images of mohammed in their newspaper,

well guess what?…


YOUR pseudo-prophet mohammed ABOVE OFFENSIVE,




This is 2015, yet most are at the precipice of the darkest age yet,

and over a billion people offer their energy and soul-dogma,

to this prehistoric “religion” of peace called islam.




All of YOU still stuck into the paradigm of god-fearing religious institutions…

…wasting their lives and our air, 

bumbling and stumbling on the wrongest of roads,

thinking they are right, and right-eous,

but I wonder where their God is to help?

Why would God help them?

If they can’t help themselves,

why is the burden on a God to help a person find themselves?


All just sheep playing into the hands of the masters that control them,


and YOU,

if YOU let them, well they control YOU too.

Enough for now,

I gave this a few hundred words…

mohammed‘s image isn’t even that interesting…


…what’s all the God-damned fuss about?

Looks like a million old reliefs of persons from the ancient world… what?


…shaking my head…

…it’s more than just an smh this time,

as the insane asylum continues to grow more mad,

even nuttier events are en route.


…more to come,

YOU can bet on that.

Wide eyes open.

Love to all. 

Plato’s Paradox plus Jordan Maxwell link



Being a student of Plato’s work,

I came across this site:

Has a listing and description and illustrations about the many paradoxes,

relating to Platonic logic,

many of which adhere to and/or are derived from here:’s_paradoxes

VERY enlightening,

and informative knowledge.

My mind never ceases to be blown,

I have these breakthroughs of insight…

…since all of this awakening has begun and/or recognized,

and then integrated and assimilated…

…to seeing beyond the illusion….

…I discover more and more and more every time I go info mining…

…and these last few days have been nothing short of what I said above…


I plan on going into that more in the next post,

particularly in reference to Jordan Maxwell:



Good stuff on the way.


More  to come, wide eyes open.

Love to all.