The Fooze: E7S27/2023 7/27/2023 Sinead O’Connor Death RIP

These Dreams & Ear Rings

I have no idea what’s going on in my head, but if I’m lucky enough to get a bit of sleep, I’m having these exceptionally lucid dreams, & this morning’s dream, was the kicker, arguably the most vividly surreal dream ever, & yours truly has had some doozies. This dream was so real, so bizarre, & only lasted an hour or so, in 4d time, here in 3d Clownworld, & as usual, I woke up drenched in sweat, like soaking wet, & yours truly, was shivering via said cold sweat. The dream was real, it was so fucking real; I was there, wherever there was. Do you want an illustration? Great question, thanks for playing, so here it goes…

It began in something that resembled Google headquarters, surrounded by tech nerds that could’ve been Tri-Lambs, as they were as dorky as it gets. They were all giving me the stinky-stink eyes, & I kept asking, ‘What’s going on here?”…as if I knew something was up, & just as I shouted my statement to them, I noticed a tattoo on the top of my left hand, a tattoo of a burning sun, which kind of looked like the image below, except there was multi-colored clouds at the base of this strange sun. These nerds started saying, “You’re one of them,” but, “One of who?” I thought, & I kept asking & asking, but got no answers except the stinky eyes. Here’s a pic I found that resembled the tattoo closely, but like said, the clouds are missing. I could’ve photoshopped it, but I didn’t. Visualize it yourself; here it is…

This pic, that somehow I found, almost perfectly resembles the tattoo, minus the aforementioned clouds, right atop my left hand, & for some reason, it petrified this assembly of IT dorks, & they suddenly began to attack me, attack me not only verbally, but physically, & so, the war began…the one-man army, versus an army of pocket protectors. I had no fear, like ZERO fear, as I battled my way through this random onslaught of a nerd army. I also had no recollection…hang on, wait a second, there’s the ringing, this mysterious ringing in my ears. I don’t know why, but I get this ringing in my ears randomly, maybe 3-4 times a day. It’s gone now, but I wanted to interject with the ear-rings, because I think the lucid dreams, the visions, & these random ear ringings, are all connected somehow, but to what? I have no clue. It just happens, & it isn’t tinnitus for fuck’s sake. I did some online research, & it could be something connected to the spiritual awakening that’s happening to me, in real time, here on 3d Earth, or, it could be some kind of medical condition, of course…wah was wahhhhhhhh…fuck it.

Anyway, back to the dream, now where was I? Oh yes, the recollection, or rather, the un-recollection, of being here in Clownworld. No memory of phones, internet, my cat, friends, family, nothing, nothing from here was in my head when I was there, in some kind of outer-dimensional dreamscape. It was as if I switched bodies somehow, switched these ridiculous 3d meat suits, & I cannot explain why, not yet anyway. I was there though, like THERE THERE, & once the battling began, it got really intense. Like I mentioned, these nerds, maybe a few hundred or so, started coming at me, like to kill me, & so I fought, fought all of them, like William Wallace fought. I was knocking people out, left & right, snapping necks, kicking knees, & nerd guys, and/or dorky girls, it didn’t matter because I was fighting for my life, so everyone was fair game. I recall breaking what appeared to be a flagpole…GAHHHHH..there’s the ringing again, what the fuck is up with these ringings in my ears? It comes, low pitch to hit pitch, then back down, as it fades away. I wish I knew what it meant, because ;m 1000% sure it ain’t tinnitus damnit. I just changed the title, adding “ear rings,” since it has happened twice since I started writing this. What can it mean?

Regardless, back to the dream, & the battle between myself, & only myself, against an entire institution, if you will, of these angry nerds. Let’s see, oh yes, the breaking of the flagpole. I was grabbing anything, anything I could to defend myself, & one thing that I remember well, was kicking said flagpole, breaking it in half, with a jagged sharpened edge after I broke it. Some reprobate was coming right at me, I can recall his eyes, because I took that flagpole I broke, & shoved it right into his left eye, straight though to the brain, as if he was a zombie, dropping him dead, & I had zero, ZERO inkling of what I was doing being wrong. This was war, & apparently I’m a fearless killer on the subconscious battlefield. Moving on, the fight was on, & all the while they screamed, “YOU’RE ONE OF THEM, HE’S ONE OF THEM, GET HIM,” & they just kept coming, & coming, like roaches inn abandoned house, they were everywhere, & they all wanted to kill yours truly because of this burning sun tattoo on my hand. I kept pleading with them as we fought, saying “WHY??? Why are you attacking me? Please tell me why,” but as I said, all I heard was, “You’re one of them, you’re one of them.” ONE OF WHO?? WHAT? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE,” but all I got was their buzzphrase, & it had something to do with the tattoo, as I alluded to earlier.

All of a sudden, BANG, BOOM, as fires started erupting all around us, but where were these fires coming from? I looked to the area where the flames came flying through the air like a mini-meteor shower, & what did I see? It was a squadron, maybe 15-20 of these soldiers, AI soldiers, with guns that were shooting fireballs like mortar shells, but from their “guns, I guess you could say. They weren’t normal guns, so to speak, they were fireball guns, & when they fired them, balls of light came out that exploded into a raging inferno, similar to napalm, which scared the bejesus out of these nerds. It scared them so much, that the started screaming & running, but still directing their buzz-phrases at me…”He’s one of them, he’s one of them.” ONE OF WHO, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU NERDS WHINING ABOUT???”…it was so aggravating, & since I had no clue, I began to run away from the robots with them, as flames erupted all around us, burning the nerds alive, yet all the while, I had no fear whatsoever. I was so puzzled & intrigued by the tattoo on my hand, & so I stopped, after a brief jog with the runaway nerds.

When I stopped, the AI robot squad, got closer, & closer, until they were literally right beside me. They had no interest in me though, none whatsoever, as if they knew to only attack their enemies, & I guess I wasn’t their enemy, & so I watched them march by as they fired relentlessly into the crowd of hooligan nerds. They had no heads, per se, & in the place where a head should be, there were something that looked like a small handycam, with one eye in the front of it, so if you look at the pic here, their”heads,” looked like this, but instead of the lens, there was a single eye, moving like a human eye, but like a human eye on meth. Very strange, right, but that’s what I saw. They also had swivel waists, very thin, that their torso could rotate on a full 360 degrees, & they had armor, light/medium armor that looked like storm troopers, if you want something to compare it to something we all know. They all were carrying these fireball napalm guns, & as they got closer, & closer, as I said earlier, they didn’t even acknowledge me whatsoever, which was really odd I thought, as they marched right on by me, firing away on the nerds. Crazy, right?

As I mentioned earlier, I had no fear at all, like NONE, as if I knew I’d be okay, & these AI robots were no threat to me, but to the nerds, it was their nightmare incarnate. After they marched by, mercilessly slaughtering the Tri-Lambs like pigs, as they fled in terror, I decided to go to the bathroom to calm down & splash water on my face. I told you at the beginning, I WAS THERE, & this was so damn real, but I cannot explain the meaning. I think dreams are way, WAYYYY more meaningful than humans know. I don’t have the answers, not yet, but damnit, this was as real as it gets, to the point of smelling the erupting sulfuric fireballs, but when I fought, I fought like a lion, & my hands weren’t hurting from breaking nerd faces left & right. I’ve been in a few fights in the waking world, & broke my hands a few times, because it fucking hurts when you smash someone in the face, & I’ve broken my hands several times street fighting as a kid, but in the dream, none of that occurred, & I fought to kill, so they wouldn’t kill me.

Nonetheless, I made my way to the closest bathroom, & somehow I knew exactly where to go, & when I got there, I recall the details of said bathroom, once I woke myself up. The walls were puke green, there were maybe 4 or 5 sinks, & toilet stalls of the same number, each stall in front of a sink. It looked just like a high school bathroom, if you want a visual for reference, & so I got there, & splashed my face, which felt very…refreshing, you could say. The peace only lasted for a fleeting moment, however, because just as I was splashing my face, I heard the nerds, STILL chanting, “he’s one of them, he’s one of them,” & it’s so stuck in my head, I’ve been hearing it all damn day, like an earworm that won’t go away. Upon the face-splashing, & hearing the chanting of the nerds, I looked to the right where the door was, & there they were, the nerd posse, led by some ultra-nerd with a light blue baseball cap turned backwards. Like I said though, I was fearless, & their threats meant nothing, & whatever they were thinking of doing, I was going to fight my way through that fucking door, because I immediately had a strong sense of entrapment, as this was the only way out of this puke green bathroom, so I charged at them. The “leader,” if you will, the one with the backwards ball cap came at me first. He tried to headbutt me, which is a very effective move, if one were to land it right. He failed miserably though, since I had the speed of a a light beam, similar to Paul Atreides from the Dune lore. I countered his headbutt, which missed me completely, & gave him a powerful left hook which shut him down immediately. I’m not even left-handed, so that was weird. Yet, in the dream, this wacky dream, it was all…natural, you might say, & I had abilities, powerful abilities, that was as familiar to me as walking.

After I dropped the backwards ballcapper, I was battling my way to get back outside, & all of a sudden, I heard someone saying, “wake up, wake up, you’re in a dream, wake up,” & POOF, I was awake, completely soaked with cold sweat. So drenched I was shivering, thats how wet it was. This dream has replayed over, & over, & over, all fucking day, & so, I wrote it out just now, to share with all of you, & so I don’t forget. What can it mean, what can it mean, perhaps it was only a dream, yes? Fuck if I know, but like I said, it was so damn real, & then waking up completely soaked, dripping sweat, like I just got out of a shower & forgot a towel, that’s how sweaty I was, & so, I tossed my robe, my boxers, my sleeping shorts, all into he wash, then cranked the shower on full-blast heat, all the way up, because I was shivering like a Quaker. Some say dreams are just dreams, maybe the are, but yours truly does NOT abide that notion whatsoever. It has something to do with our true abilities, which have been meticulously taken from us, all of us, by the so-called “ruling elites.” What do they know that we do NOT know? Damnit, damn them all to hell. All I want o know is the TRUTH, because we’ve been lied to our entire lives about our real origins, & yours truly, for one, is sick & tired of their occult secrets. IT’S NOT RIGHT, & unless you’re born into heir venomous bloodlines, you never get to find out. It’s so fucking aggravating, & I’ve been stewing all day over it.

It’s time to wrap this up, as I have illustrated to the best of my own recollection, this bizarrely vivd dream I had about ohhhhh…14 hours ago. I’m dead tired now, but no matter how tired I get, if I get a few hours of sleep, I’m good. I’m so used to this crippling insomnia by now, but along with the visions, & these dreams, & waking up sweat-soaked, I don’t know what the fuck is happening with me. I looked into possible causes online, & the search results were no bueno, as all the possible causes were things that were negative in nature, you could say. Regardless, time to go, so until next time dear readers, I think something is coming, some kind of event maybe, or, I’m going totally insane & these aforementioned dreams & visions, are just part of an undiagnosed mental disorder. Who knows?…& who cares? No one, & on that note, I’m done, like a dead fish floating around & around, in a flushing toilet. Yikes. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Be mindful of the AI; it has yours truly in its pocket, & you could be next.” Fish F Fish🎏

Who Cares?

Isn’t my silly little Oompa Loompa GIF fun? I made this like 7 or 8 years ago maybe. No skip in the GIF either, as even back then, I was well-aware of the infamous “skip in the GIF,” & was quite meticulous to make sure the “skip” ain’t in the GIF. Anyway, who cares? Easy answer: NOBODY, no one gives a flying fart about a “skip in a GIF.” Derp. I care, but no one else does. Does anything even matter then really? These little blips of an existence here we all experience before POOF, you’re just gone, gone like a dried-up dandelion, as you blow it into the wind. The only thing I’ve ever watched actually die, was my cat Fritz. He was there, they gave him the drugs, then 10 seconds of an eternity later, he was gone, just gone. So…final, yes that’s the word, & it really sucks for everyone left behind, in that case, me. The quiet of all of his things when I got home was so surreal. He was just not here anymore, but where did he go?

Well, they say your pets go to the Rainbow Bridge (👈🏻click link to read more), & of course, I’d like to believe that. I’d like to believe SOMETHING happens when sentient life is extinguished from its 3d meat suit. Dogs & cats dream too, & I think that anything that can dream, has a conscious immortal soul that has always been here, & will always be here. If that’s the case, you never actually lose your pets when they die, as they are your eternal soul companions, & you always find each other throughout your countless reincarnations. When they die, they just aren’t here, but they’re there, wherever there is, maybe the aforementioned “Rainbow Bridge,” I don’t know. I’d like to believe it’s real though, & I kind of have proof that it is, although I’m sure I’m stretching my “proof” a bit, because I’m obviously going to be bias. The pragmatist in me has a different view, but the mindfully hopeful me, has nearly convinced me via said “proof,” that the Rainbow Bridge and/or a “pet afterlife,” DOES, in fact, exist. Want the “proof?”

My new cat, Milo, is quite possibly Fritz, reincarnated in a new cat, & why might I think this? Well, Fritz & I had a uniquely close bond. That little dude & me went through some seriously dark times, as dark as it gets, but he was with me all the way through it. Unfortunately, & I will never not feel at least partially responsible for this, he had kidney failure at the young age of 11, & died slowly over the course of a year or so. Maybe it was what I fed him, maybe it was something at some point in the bad environments I was in, I don’t know, but 11 is too young for kidney failure, too young to die for a cat. Anyway(tear falls), it was the worst time ever, & things got dark for awhile for yours truly, as dark as the edge of the perimeter of life, right on the edge, so close, & somehow I came all the way back. Until last year, when the crypto crash wiped me out like a surfer riding giant waves, just wiped the fuck out. Everything I fought so hard to get back, gone, but I’ve ranted about that before, so excuse the digression. I’m still dealing with it in real-time, so it just comes out. Anyway, back to the darkness of death…

Then one day, 4 years ago, a curious little kitten just kind of came from nowhere, like literally, it’s very odd, almost spooky how we found each other, so I named this little curiosity Milo, & there he was. Didn’t take long for me to notice that he stuck to me like glue, like a glued-on shadow, same as Fritz, & you know what else didn’t take long to notice? The bond, it was the same unexplainable soul bond I had with Fritz, but now it was Milo. Is Milo possibly my sweet Fritz reincarnated? Milo is Fritz, Fritz is Milo, Finkel is Einhorn.

I don’t know…like I said earlier, the pragmatist in me says, “Nah, that’s just how cats are. You’re a good cat dad & he knows it, so it seems like Fritz, but it’s a totally different entity altogether. Now get your head out of the clouds & go make us some croissants, 2 regular, one chocolate, don’t forget the syrup & butter.”

However, the wishful existentialist in me counters by proclaiming, “Stop listening to the pragmatist, he’s always bluntly honest, which is good, but he’s an asshole about it. He doesn’t know for sure either. Does he remember being born? No. No one knows the true answer. It’s good to believe in “life” continuing after we die, & that it’s NOT just this, then it’s over forever. If there’s also a Rainbow Bridge in the afterlife, where you reunite with your forever-pets, that’s great. You’ve dreamt of such things, so why can it NOT be real, at least as real as real is once you cross over after death? Have some faith in something. will ya?”

Hmmm, I’d say the existentialist won that one. Valid points, & you cannot deny the pragmatist and/or dismiss him completely, but considering my own personal experiences, the daily synchronous “reminders” reminding me that this trip here on 3d Earth is insanely temporary, yet has a divine purpose. It only seems like a long time sometimes when you’re here, but I don’t think the concept of time, as we know it here in 3d, exists in the place where you go when you die. If it is truly the 5th dimension that you return to, it would be like a dream. Does time seem “relevant” when you’re dreaming? No, it doesn’t, & hours can fly by like seconds, although in the dream space it could seem like days. See what I mean, see how time gets overtly distorted when you sleep, is that because you’re caught between 3d space, 4d time, & 5d where your soul is free?…& since 5d does not follow the laws of 4d time, it causes a “distortion” in your own perception of said time perhaps? Of course, I have no way of definitively proving this, & it’s just something I’ve hung onto for a long time for some reason. I would certainly like that to be the case though, & what a sense of refreshment that must be, the return to 5d, the FULL return, not this halfway-there thing that happens when you sleep & dream.

Unfortunately, I’ve never really gotten to mention this to anyone in person. Why? Good question, & I don’t know why. Communication breakdown maybe? I come from a family unit of 1980s programmed television zombies. Watch tv, consume, obey, work, sleep, eat, shit, piss, repeat, repeat, repeat…yikes. What a fucking mess these baby boomers created, my entire generation, the Gen-X tv babies, such programming, which sadly, extended to the next generation, squared, & then the next generation, squared again, all into this societal conundrum that the American public has become. Just look at that insane State of the Union speech last night, what a disaster, & completely reflective of these baby boomer dinosaurs still fucking it up for everyone else. Mark Dice, one of the few journalists left that I trust, just posted a great video detailing last night’s atrocious debacle. There’s a bonus from Chris Rock in the video too, bringing in some comedy from when he was still funny, to this ever-growing tragedy unfolding in real-time as this country sinks lower & lower into 3rd world communism. Oh I almost forgot…THEN, after Chris Rock, Dice posts a video from the infamous “Orange Man,” announcing his 2024 Presidential run, which I’m sure will create even more chaos. Wunderbar. Buckle up. Honk honk honk…

👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻ROLL THE CLIP👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

Unfortunately, no one cares. No one cares what I think, or what I write about, or how I try to spread TRUTH, God forbid. I keep writing though, it’s all I got, my writing & my animations, on an endless loop, & there it is, always as if on queue, my circularity, the beginning birthing the end, then dying into a new beginning. My literary ouroboros, as if with a mind of its own, never fails to find me when I write these. No one cares about my circularity, I know, but I do. Maybe I’m the only one, the Lone Ranger who truly appreciates the circularity of a well-written article. I mean, IT finds me, not the other way around, & to me, that’s a fascinating phenomenon. I don’t know, I’m weird, but that’s how this weird fish rolls I suppose. Until next time, meh doesn’t matter, no one cares, right? So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“Doesn’t matter, no one cares.” ~Fish F Fish🎏


Phantom Tollbooth

The above link to the not-as-known-as-it-should-be 1970 classic animated film The Phantom Tollbooth is obviously right atop these words…just click the video to watch. Also, this is quite a fun read, try the audiobook if actual reading bothers you. Now why this clever film isn’t shown to all kids blows the mind… kind of like the Allegory of the Cave, which i have mentioned to all of you so many times…


Both of these animations offer much more than what may appear on the surface and are great for aiding in the expansion of young minds as well as all minds inclined to learn. Somehow I missed this Phantom Tollbooth nearly my entire life. No worries. Never too late to discover new things… always keep learning. Nonetheless, yes I only randomly came across this a few days ago, which is why I am sharing with all of you now.

Do you still find that inner child within? Yearning to grow? Perhaps you are a reader with children… irregardless, if you are not familiar with this book/film, get learned,

or just change the channel…


I do not want to spoil any of the fun, so if you are interested, have a look.

Moving on…

Are you noticing the changes rapidly unfolding as autumn dawns in the northern hemisphere? Where will it all lead? Why the fuck are beheadings being broadcast on a relatively daily basis? What exactly are the puppet masters trying to convey? Whether or not these atrocities are being faked or not, they want you to believe it is real, but why? What is the endgame? What are these wolves playing at? Not too long ago, they reported that some mysterious entity added a cornerstone to the English slab of the Georgia Guidestones which read “2014.” Now today, reports are out that it has been removed. Let’s not forget about Ebola, now being estimated to infect over a million people by January, but has now come out that the virus was patented by the CDC. Volcanic eruptions anyone?… they are occurring all over, just earlier today another one erupted in Japan. I can go on and on and on and on and on and on about all the crazy news I come across, but what can it all mean? Where the fuck are we all heading? What changes are on the horizon? What will you do if it all goes sideways?… from day to night in a flash, like the GIF above from Phantom Tollbooth


Whatever happens, it is of the utmost importance that YOU be awakened and free from the shackles and shadows and echoes from your self-entombment in your cave. Do NOT let it disturb you that you have come to the realization that you were once a prisoner to your ego. Most everyone is conditioned to be that way from birth in this dimension. Very few are born awake. Now is such a special time to exist in this dimension because NOW, in this moment, there has never been such capacity for access to so much information. You already know so much, only you have forgotten, but now YOU can regain your power by learning, by nurturing your curiosity to re-know what you have lost via the spiritual amnesia that affects all between incarnations. This incarnation can be the last. You/we, all came here to discover and learn through experience, incarnating over and over and over again, but NOW it can be different. There has never been a time like the NOW, at least in the recorded known history. The world has more people than ever, roughly 7 and ½ billion, all amnesiated from birth, bumping and stumbling around, trying to put together the pieces, whether consciously or subconsciously. This mass of humanity is all now globally connected for the most part via the Internet. So much communication, sharing of info, an entire planet connected by electrified circuitry in a way that would seem like magic 100 years ago. Yet so many still remain ignorant, asleep, enslaved to a notion that their life revolves around their ego, rather than soul. Why? I have said this before but what if the electricity were to go out, and all that connectivity is lost? What would happen then? Can you recall what it was like before all this connectedness? You must be able to rely on yourselves, so can you in fact rely on yourself if you had no more cell phone, no hot water, no readily available food? Now you know we don’t promote fear around here, so do not misunderstand. These are valid questions, for YOU, not for me. Just because you try to live in a world where the powers that be do not influence you, doesn’t mean you cannot avoid said influence, and the apparent truth of the reality is that these globalist pig scum are hell bent on carrying on with their agenda, which is as simple as divide and conquer. YOU must find the power within YOU to rise above their scheme. Do NOT give into fear. Do NOT give into hate. Do NOT judge. Most importantly, YOU must rise above the paradigm of the slave-master model. YOU are no slave to anyone, much less these Luciferian, owl-worshipping socio/psychopaths that are running this madhouse. Again, just because YOU do NOT believe in their occultist ways, does not meant they don’t take it seriously, and they do, they take it quite seriously in fact. Mass spell broadcasts via various media, ingratiating symbolism to appease their version of a god, ritual after ritual after ritual, it goes on and on. Yes, this world is a madhouse, run by lunatics, but to call them insane will deem YOU to be the crazy one in the asylum. What’s that expression?…”something about truth in a kingdom of lies,”…


Do not let it all bug you out. Relax. Breathe. Be stronger, rise above their aforementioned agenda, rise above the wicked, rise above the ego slaves still asleep and shackled to the floors of their caves, rise above the puppet masters, only YOU have power over YOU. Do NOT give them anything, give them none of your energy. Ohhhhh…. and we’ve hit the 1000 word mark once again my friends. Don’t forget to check out The Phantom Tollbooth, and be sure to share. Share, inform, educate, repeat. Although many still sleep, many are waking up, more and more each day, even if at the rate of one-by-one on some days. As long as one awakens, then they awaken another, our ascension as a unified humanity exponentiates, and that is where those of us who are here to help are finding ourselves these days. Not all can be reached, still that 85 to 90% remember? The herd of sheeple is still vast and programmed and hypnotized. 

Focus on those who are remembering themselves, for one cannot teach those who do not want to be taught.

On that note, until next time dear friends…

Wide eyes open. 

Love to all.