Ummm… Ebola who? What? Where?….


If you might recall,

(and I’m sure you can Google the time-stamped links),

the fear porn MSM stated publicly around August/September,

“that nearly 1.2 million people would be infected by about ohhh…


…well the not-funny joke is on all of You,

who keep believing this fear porn they continue to shove down your throats….

…do YOU wanna know the real numbers?

\/\/CLICK HERE\/\/

BBC News – Ebola: Mapping the outbreak –

As you will see,

as of a day ago,

there are barely over 20,000 infected,

bout half of that dead.

If you know how to do math,

divide 20,000 into 7.5 billion…

….and here’s what you get…

…if my math is right…

0.00000266666% of the global population infected.

More people died today in their cars on the way to work. 

So don’t buy into the fear porn machine,

that they have clearly amped up a notch or two…

…and suddenly Ebola just disappears…



Yeah, right…

…the numbers don’t lie and the link is above.

More to come.

Love to all.

Order out of Chaos


We are seemingly at some great tipping point, are we not?

Such tensions around the globe. Such tensions right here in the once mighty USSA, now clearly being led by a pseudo-fascist puppet dictator that is going full steam ahead with what appears to be his own agenda, but is really the agenda of the shadowy masters behind the scenes. Divide and conquer, divide and conquer, divide and conquer. Order out of chaos, right there on the dollar bill, which is getting more and more worthless by the day. 5 million people, and those are just the manipulated numbers offered to the public, but let me say again… 5 MILLION people, who aren’t exactly being given citizenship, yet can somehow still vote and get free aid/benefits, more so than actual citizens to some extent. Keep in mind, these supposed 5 million people are here ILLEGALLY, but you know what their rationale is?… that they were here first, and those who actually fought and won the territory came here and took it from them. What they are failing to grasp is THAT IS HOW THE WORLD WAS THEN. How do you think the world became divided into countries? PEOPLE FOUGHT FOR THEM. Not exactly how it works today, but back then, that is just how it was.

There is no changing it, deal with it…

You present this argument to those who are for amnesty though, and you get deemed a racist, blows the mind…


Der Fuhrer Obama is being sued over the Obamacare deception, coincidentally the day right after Obama issues his executive order for immigration reform. These guys think they are so clever with their magic tricks and double speak and orchestrations, bunch of old guys exponentially getting out of touch with a quickly evolving and awakening society, yet are hell-bent on continuing with their agenda, but I digress. As much as this semi-humble narrator doesn’t like to utter the phrase “I told you so,” did I not REPEAT and REPEAT and REPEAT over and over and over again NOT to sign up for that bullshit? Now there has been documented and released evidence showing that the planners of Obamacare exaggerated the numbers which led to it getting passed. Remember when they publicly stated they needed a certain amount of registrations, and they got it right at the last minute, literally?… ALL LIES, LIES, LIES, and DECEPTION. A big joke on all of YOU, the American public, but it’s not very fucking funny, is it? This guy Obama, and his regime, and the globalist pig scum running this show are psychopaths, and psychopaths have no soul, hence why they feel they can openly be dishonest and deceptive to billions of people to further their own selfish interests. They have taken the power afforded them and turned to the dark side essentially… en masse.

Only going to get more dramatic as the wheel of time spins faster and faster toward an unknown future…


On to Ferguson…

When this cop Darren Wilson is NOT indicted over the killing of Michael Brown, it will be used as a catalyst, particularly by the media, to fuel tensions between races. It should incite justifiable tension between the encroaching police state and the people, but that isn’t how this psy-op has been orchestrated, and this cop isn’t guilty. Right now the puppet masters are determining the severity of the outcome of Darren Wilson’s indictment, or un-indictment. If they think it will NOT cause enough friction, they WILL indict him, only to find him NOT guilty later, after the pot really gets boiling. The thing is, the evidence points to Officer Wilson doing nothing more than defending himself, so he should NOT be indicted for anything. Michael Brown was recorded on camera strong-arm robbing a convenience store. Darren Wilson responds, as cops do when they are called to a crime scene. Michael Brown rushes him and goes for his gun, Wilson shoots and kills him. As I said, the evidence is consistent, the wounds are consistent, Brown DEFINITELY did NOT have his damn hands up, like they keep trying to insinuate., he was trying to kill Wilson. What would YOU do if YOU had a gun and someone was trying to take it and kill YOU? Now I was not there, so this is only speculation based on the evidence I have uncovered being leaked over the web in conjunction with what is being broadcast via the MSM. However, the fact remains that they ARE already saying it appears they will favor NON indictment, so that should prove interesting after that decision gets declared,…

tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock…


ISIS, ISIS, ISIS, it just gets more bizarre by the day. At least they seem to have settled on the term “ISIS” now instead of changing it every other news article to “ISIL and/or “IS.” Media tricksters always trying to confuse a slowly awakening humanity.

I will put a link here that I must warn you is VERY GRAPHIC, but in my opinion, and the opinions of some of my video producer friends, FAKE:


FAKE, FAKE, FAKE, staged, scripted, orchestrated, produced, YES, a production, just like what gets created for your television entertainment, only being used to convey fear and brutality and horror. Any of you who know anything about making videos, even if you only know how to use Photoshop, can clearly see that there are several things that do not add up in these videos recently released by ISIS showing first, Peter Kassig, well his apparent head,  post-execution…


Looks terrible, right? What you cannot see in this still image is that this scene gets cut into a top and bottom portion. While “Jihadi John” talks, we don’t see Kassig’s head, when it pans down, it changes to a still frame, up he talks, down, when you can’t see him talk, it’s a still image. Speaking of still images, notice the image behind him has no movement? It’s another still pic, because he’s in from of a green screen. Yes, an obvious green screen. It get’s worse…


The second video in the link shows live beheadings of a group of captured soldiers. Okay now this video really exemplifies what I mean when I say produced. The first thing you may notice is multiple high-quality cameras, being set up in very creative locations to get numerous shot angles. You may notice the speed manipulations, faster and slower, coordinated to changes in keyframes and sound/music. Someone/s took a lot of their time editing, timing, shooting, ORCHESTRATING this production. The actual moment when they cut off the heads, although seemingly appearing very barbaric, is YES, also FAKE. This is where you can see the skill level of the producers show. They are/were good, but they aren’t good enough to completely hide the masking around the guys heads being cut off. Look closely at the blood coming out of the first(main) guy’s neck… it has either a cartoon effect added, or they used the wrong “blood effect” via green screens. Some of these terms I am/have used…i.e. keyframes, masking, etc… can all be Googled if you aren’t familiar. You don’t have to be a video producer to know what those things are and how they are used to create special effects. Furthermore, all of this can be done on a laptop with the right software, but you can be the judge…

…or if you can’t stomach the living truths of the world around you, feel free to change the channel.

The 1000 word threshold has been crossed and then some today, so now we must leave you…

By the way, watch out for the distractions…


And what ever happened to Ebola?… Hmmmm… maybe Bill Cosby knows…

until next time… 

Love to all. 


Single Line Genius


As the title suggests…

…this is some single-line animation, some BRILLIANT work, and you should take a few minutes to see the creativity in simplistic genius, not only here, but in general. This guy takes a single line (think of writing with a pen but never leaving the paper) and creates animations that are exceptionally detailed. This is a good vid to enjoy and share, so please be a connector on the bridge.


Where has your creativity taken you? Have you lost your sense of creativity, perhaps never found it? How colorful is your mind’s eye? Can you translate that image via a tangible medium?

I wonder if creativity dies with the loss of the pineal gland…. YES, I said loss, for it appears evident that the fluoride and numerous other toxins they use to suppress your pineal glands WILL in fact render said glands useless and relatively dead, with no hope of recovery. Look around, think about it, if you know anything at all about the seed of the soul, i.e. the pineal gland, then how can YOU not put it together?

The pineal gland needs to be used, exercised, nourished, just like any other body part one needs to keep healthy, but as I mentioned earlier, THEY do not want YOU to think beyond working, eating, sleeping, shitting, repeating. THEY want you docile, like a herd of sheep, hence the term sheeple. I know many of YOU know this, but YOU might be surprised how many of YOU do NOT.

It’s getting to the point where this mass of unawakened humanity really needs to ignite a spark within itself before the aforementioned THEY really start raining fire down on the masses, metaphorically, physically, socially… YES these psychopathic madmen and women in charge are out of their fucking minds, they have no souls, they have no empathy, no compassion, certainly no love for anything but their own agenda, and are in fact pig scum. I refer to them often with that term as I feel it appropriately illustrates their uselessness and disgusting subhuman existences.

One might say the word illuminati, but that is now understood as a broad term, vaguely covering the whole web of secret societies that stay one step ahead of the populous, often more steps than one to be clear. They control the world monetary system, which has been engineered for centuries to be just what it is today, a machine for making the top of the pyramid über rich, followed by a descending caste system of debt slavery represented with monopoly money, material wealth, celebrity obsession, pseudo novelty, consumption, consumption, consumption.


Things are moving faster and faster if you haven’t noticed, and if you haven’t, it’s probably because your busy watching reality television, sports, celebrities, checking Facebook, snap chatting, etc… one distraction after another and what are YOU being distracted from?…

The answer is YOU, all part of the same agenda I mentioned at the start;

Distract them, feed them so they don’t learn to feed themselves, then put chemicals in the food to make them dumber, and the water too, give them booze and drugs of all kinds to amplify the distraction and dumbing-down, give them a common core shit education that teaches nothing, program them from birth, do not promote their accelerated learning, push them down, further and further, trick them into a lifetime of debt for crap they don’t really need, use marketing and advertising to dupe the less-informed to believe that they DO need that crap they are in debt to, suppress sex and accentuate violence, whatever needs to be done to confuse them so much that they have no choice but to completely submit in the end to their masters.

This isn’t just some notion, some conspiracy theory, some wonky paranoia, this is the REALITY of the reality. If it bothers you, if you cannot stomach truth, if you can’t get over your fear and accept what IS and deal with it, then maybe NOW is the moment where YOU need to change. The only thing that keeps YOU shackled inside the cave is YOU. So much fear out there, how do you think we’ve gotten to where we are now?…

Let’s detail some of the current insanity:

On the brink of nuclear world war, fake shadow government funded terrorists crucifying people and cutting off their heads while they get bombed by unmanned remote controlled airplanes, fear porn Ebola epidemic this and that every other week, divide and conquer black vs. white propaganda being broadcast via the MSM, that’s just the tip of the tip of the proverbial iceberg and I can go on and on and on but that’s all it boils down to, fear porn and propaganda, and that’s why I have told you all for literally years now to turn off your fucking televisions.


Want an example of how bad a television is?…

If you have a child then you know this, but if you don’t, watch what a young toddlerish/infant child does when the television gets turned on. What do they do?… They immediately are sucked into it, staring, oblivious to the world around them, because the alpha waves are very reactionary to the brain of a relatively new human. Look into alpha waves and televisions… or you can go even further and look into why televisions were created in the first place. I won’t spoil the surprise for you, but I can assure you that you will be awed by what you discover. I tell, and I have told you for hundreds of posts, that the pig scum globalist banker elitist pieces of shit who currently think they have dominion over most of you because you allow them to are absolutely evil. Nothing to do with religion, I don’t care if they worship Lucifer, or a giant owl in Bohemian Grove, or that they are/were in Skull & Bones, or that they are 33rd degree Freemasons, none of that means shit to me because I don’t believe in any of that. I DO however believe that they DO believe in those things, which empowers them to be soulless enough to play their part in keeping society in monetary bondage, to invoke laws they themselves don’t adhere to, to incite wars, to carry out their dark and shadowy eugenicistic agendas, to be evil, instead of using their resources for the betterment of the human race.

They will fail and they will lose because they have already lost.

And on that note, we will wrap it up after just passing the 1000 word mark.

More to come. Enjoy the vid above.

Love to all. 

Change is Coming


Starting with an un-quip: When the S & P goes over 2000, things WILL happen, and the S & P ended over 2000 Friday, so pay attention this week. This upcoming Tuesday will mark the next Election Day in the once mighty USSA. Sadly, the “election” process in this pirated country is more of a “selection” process, and the ones running are all glorified, pinky-ringed, criminal lawyer actors with no real agenda other than to better themselves and their associates. Voting machines are hacked and rigged. It’s a total hustle. Did you know that over half of Congress falls in the millionaire category, and the rest aren’t far off. How many millionaires do you know? What do you think the ratio of millionaires to non-millionaires is amongst the populous?

I saw a great quote yesterday…

“We live in a nation of sheep, run by wolves, and owned by pigs.”


There is always so much that one could address in relation to the current world environment. Where to segue from here?….hmmmm… oh, here is one last comment on voting before I move on… There are many who believe in voting, believe in the power of voting, actually feel that their one little voice will count. If you believe that, what is to stop you from considering a vote of “no confidence?” Is that not kosher? Who ever said you HAD to vote for someone? If they are all parasitic self-serving scum, and you have no confidence in their ability to make something positive happen, then vote to NOT vote for them, vote NO CONFIDENCE. Of course I know that falls mostly on deaf ears, as it is difficult to explain rational common sense to a mostly brainwashed and fluoridated and programmed society, so now we move on….


We have mentioned before the “messages” being channeled through various mediums from ascended masters. If any part of that sentence confuses you, use Google or look into my archives before continuing, or I can sum up real quick: There are messages that are supposedly channeled through those who claim to be in contact with higher dimensional beings known as ascended masters. These messages repeat notions of a global currency reset, NASARA prosperity funds for all, dismantling of the globalist cabal of elitist banker scum, disclosure of alien contact, notions of a new age of light and love via light workers and star/indigo/rainbow children. These “messages” appeal to each viewer/listener in an individual way based on your current life status which is obviously unique to you. Lately though, I have been thinking these messages are complete bullshit and are just another part of the globalist plan to take total control over the masses. Why, you may be wondering?… because these globalist pigs that control most of you venerate Lucifer, the angel of “light.” You may not worship Lucifer, but THEY DO, whether you believe they do or not. Now if Lucifer is the “angel of light,” and the new age is promoting the advent of “light” workers, what are the odds that the two are connected? What a great ruse it would be for the globalists: keep them distracted by focusing on what they believe is unconditional love for all, keep them focused on the “light,” keep them focused on anything to keep them ignorant to the real reality of the horror these globalist eugenicists are planning on unfurling upon the global population. On that note I will tangent onto the next paragraph…

Eugenicists? Yes, as in those who seek to ultimately control the population from birth to death, determining who is worthy and unworthy to exist in society. Know anything about Margaret Sanger? She is the founder of Planned Parenthood, where one goes to get an abortion. Look into some of her quotes and published works, she was a sinisterly devoted eugenicist, and one of her primary foci was to depopulate minorities and those born in “unfit” circumstances. (CLICK HERE>>>)  10-Eye-Opening Quotes From Planned Parenthood Founder  Yes, she is the creator of the number one place to instill such population control measures, the legal abortion clinic. Now I have no real opinion on abortion other than the “choice” boils down to circumstance. Cannot show any real bias here, as these posts are for all of you and none of you. The reason I mention Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood, eugenics, global depopulation, is because although these ideals arise from the past, these eugenicists have NOT deterred from their plan to depopulate and gain total control of the remaining populous. Why do you think Ebola is evolving into the next AIDS? AIDS/HIV didn’t work fast enough, so the CDC isolated and patented Ebola to get the job done. Can you say, “engineered bioweapon?” Do you think it’s a coincidence that Ebola is spreading in Africa, same place AIDS started? These eugenist psychopaths have it out for the blacks, hence why they test run these epidemical diseases on them first, why mostly black babies are aborted, but ultimately they want MOST OF ALL OF YOU DEAD, and here comes that 85 to 90% ratio… 85 to 90% still asleep, the eugenicists want 85 to 90% of the world population wiped out, what will it take for those of you who still slumber to wake the fuck up already? YOU give them power to complete their agenda. The way to beat them is to become aware, yet many still just change the channel, still grazing on that green grass of blissful ignorance…how does it taste?….


Funny how the fake news MSM is now a parasite to the alternative media, gradually evolving from a dinosaur media outlet to one that does it’s job by broadcasting truth instead of scripted false flag bullshit. Now they aren’t there yet by any means, but they are getting better. Slowly the tide tries so hard to turn, it’s an ongoing battle between those who seek to enlighten and those who try to keep the majority suppressed and docile, cowered inside their own cave prisons. Yes, that’s a reference to Plato’s Cave and if you can’t pick up on that by now, again see the archives or do your own research. The entire foundation of this blog is The Allegory of the Cave, so it’s obviously important to know what said allegory means. Why do so many stay content to remain imprisoned in a cave of their own creation? All the while, the choice to free one’s self is always there, ALWAYS. One must only be brave and have the courage to ascend out into Enlightenment. Why such fear? Why such lack of courage? What happened to make so many so afraid? Oh my though, we have hit the 1000 word mark once again dear readers. Time to go. There will be more to come soon, there always is, as we spin faster and faster and faster toward… well toward what? That question will be answered soon, do not give into fear. Be brave about what is coming, be brave about killing your ego, be brave about the enlightenment you experience when you ascend. Fear will kill you, it is all that can kill you, but it will only kill you if YOU allow it to.


Stay courageous. Wide eyes open.

Love to all. 

In a Flash



GIF creation. Be your own creator…

or keep changing the channel…

More to come.

Wide eyes open.

Love to all.

Catching Up


It’s been a while since my last 1000+worder, so let’s catch up…

However, first please take note of the two previous short posts that offer links to FREE music, movies, programs, all via bit torrents.

Why PAY for anything? Money shouldn’t conflict with anything, especially art.

Get learned if you don’t know and if you do know, share and inform. Moving on…


Clearly this whole Ebola mess is to incite fear amongst the populous, let’s just get that right out there. Here’s the math…like 4000ish dead, I think I saw 9000ish infected, now there are 7 and ½ billion people on the planet, more-or-less. For those who are mathematically deficient, to get the percentage of the total infected, we would divide 7.5 billion into 9000, which is .0000012%, hardly any real epidemic, pandemic, whatever the fear mongers are trying to convey to the masses. More people are going to contract and die from the flu. Of course the MSM is eating it up and do you know why? More fear gives more power to those you still let control you, and said controllers use the MSM to incite that fear, at least in a large proportion. Here’s something many of you may not know…the CDC has patents for Ebola, and patents are granted to inventions, so wouldn’t this be a CDC/CIA/Globalist engineered bioweapon, since it’s being released upon the public, just like the HIV virus?  …which did not work fast enough for the eugenist scum who mastermind such things. Oh yes, the whole HIV/AIDS thing was somewhat of a test run for population control, i.e., depopulation of those deemed unfit to exist. Don’t believe me, look it up. For those who might be new, try “Agenda 21” as a search query start. That’s all on the Ebola from me, except for this… when the “Ebola vaccines” start rolling out, please for the sake of your own humanity, DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE, or any vaccines for that matter. Continuing…


Well I was going to write a post about how disappointing Comet Siding Spring would be before it actually disappointed everyone, but I waited to see it play out, and here we are, Comet ISON Part 2, the Siding Spring Sequel. Maybe it was a spectacular event, but no one knows because NASA and/or whoever controls the monitoring satellites, cut the live feed for one, then provided ass-crappy images that are unimpressive to say the least. Ground-based amateur astronomers have better images, many of which actually ARE impressive, but the footage is still very lacking. Another space event bust. So many “events,” so many “record” and “once-in-a-lifetime” occurrences all ending in blah. Maybe space novelty has hit a critical mass, at least for some. I suppose though it would only take one major event to alter the course of things in a dramatic fashion, but these blood moons, eclipses, ehhh… makes one wonder how significant these celestial events are even to the ones who supposedly adhere their Luciferian dogma to it, and yes I am referring to the globalist banker elitist scum that I have detailed elaborately for all of you so many times before….


I will use the “event” topic to segue onto a potentially “eventful” upcoming date, which I have milestoned onto the right of the page over there, said date being this Friday, October 24, 2014. Now I have seen some speculative reports that this will be the date of the next market crash, hence the name Black Friday, as it refers to this date in the past, which you can look up on your own. Nonetheless, for those who still do not know, the market WILL crash at some point… it’s inevitable. I’m not going to take the time to get into the details, but the system is set up TO crash, which doesn’t affect those at the top of the pyramid, but for the 99% below, surely it will, and that’s exactly what the swine in charge want. We have covered this before, create chaos, bring in order, problem-reaction-solution. IT’S ON THE DOLLAR BILL, that’s one thing that blows my mind is that these psychopaths broadcast their plans and intentions everywhere, because they know that most of the people are sheeple and are too fluoridated and programmed and braindead to put it together. It’s amusing to them, amusing the way a dog or cat is to it’s owner. Do you like being perceived as pets, cattle, sheep, a herd? Who ultimately makes that decision? You? Or them? Back to the market, I am not saying it will, or it will not crash this Friday, but it WILL crash and how that affects you is up to YOU. Do not let your fate be woven in the hands of masters. 


Notice the price of oil dropping, at least here in the mighty USSA? That’s because our shady government cut deals with the Saudis in relation to this ISIS propaganda campaign. We have seen numerous videos posted by ISIS, or ISIL, or IS, or whatever they are called this week but I digress…anyway, these videos show convoys of trucks and tanks and anti-aircraft guns and missiles, yet why are all the targets being blown up NOT these convoys but rather what appears to be randomly isolated and vacated buildings? Hmmmm… maybe that’s because the CIA and other shadow agencies fund these supposed terrorists groups, so who are the real terrorists? That’s right, they work in the shadows, which worked well for them before the advent of the internet and in turn, the alternative media. Now we tangent… Sharing information allowed for the potential for billions to awaken to the real reality of the world around them, and we are all in that process now, although the degree of ascension into this process is relative on an individual basis. Never-the-less, the potential is still here. All part of the global mass awakening, which exponentiates more each day. We must remember that there is still in place a preceding generation which is used to playing by the rules of those aforementioned shadowy conspirators, and it is not until that generation is gone or defeated or gets over themselves that humanity can truly have a chance to be free. The question is how much influence that old generation has on the upcoming generations… do we follow the path of the uninformed, the unenlightened, the unwillfully ignorant who thought they had it right? Or do we blaze our own path/s, with our own knowledge, and our own perceptions of what this 3rd dimensional existence means?


The answer lies with you, and you alone. Be brave, and let go of all you fear.

The time is coming. Our fraction of an instance is up.

Wide eyes open.

Love to all. 

Free Free Free



Fun with After Effects,


Software, movies, music, audiobooks…


Why pay?

Don’t be a slave to monetary restrictions.

Take what YOU want, when YOU want, while it’s free…

Or as always, you have the option to simply change the channel…


More to come.

Wide eyes open.

Love to all. 

Free Magic



Magic at the push of a button.

Check out for YOUR free software, music, movies, PDFs, etc…

Why hassle with monopoly money?

The best price is FREE, FREE, FREE.

Learn to use bit torrents, and take it NOW while YOU can…

…or just change the channel…

More to come.

Love to all. 


Phantom Tollbooth

The above link to the not-as-known-as-it-should-be 1970 classic animated film The Phantom Tollbooth is obviously right atop these words…just click the video to watch. Also, this is quite a fun read, try the audiobook if actual reading bothers you. Now why this clever film isn’t shown to all kids blows the mind… kind of like the Allegory of the Cave, which i have mentioned to all of you so many times…


Both of these animations offer much more than what may appear on the surface and are great for aiding in the expansion of young minds as well as all minds inclined to learn. Somehow I missed this Phantom Tollbooth nearly my entire life. No worries. Never too late to discover new things… always keep learning. Nonetheless, yes I only randomly came across this a few days ago, which is why I am sharing with all of you now.

Do you still find that inner child within? Yearning to grow? Perhaps you are a reader with children… irregardless, if you are not familiar with this book/film, get learned,

or just change the channel…


I do not want to spoil any of the fun, so if you are interested, have a look.

Moving on…

Are you noticing the changes rapidly unfolding as autumn dawns in the northern hemisphere? Where will it all lead? Why the fuck are beheadings being broadcast on a relatively daily basis? What exactly are the puppet masters trying to convey? Whether or not these atrocities are being faked or not, they want you to believe it is real, but why? What is the endgame? What are these wolves playing at? Not too long ago, they reported that some mysterious entity added a cornerstone to the English slab of the Georgia Guidestones which read “2014.” Now today, reports are out that it has been removed. Let’s not forget about Ebola, now being estimated to infect over a million people by January, but has now come out that the virus was patented by the CDC. Volcanic eruptions anyone?… they are occurring all over, just earlier today another one erupted in Japan. I can go on and on and on and on and on and on about all the crazy news I come across, but what can it all mean? Where the fuck are we all heading? What changes are on the horizon? What will you do if it all goes sideways?… from day to night in a flash, like the GIF above from Phantom Tollbooth


Whatever happens, it is of the utmost importance that YOU be awakened and free from the shackles and shadows and echoes from your self-entombment in your cave. Do NOT let it disturb you that you have come to the realization that you were once a prisoner to your ego. Most everyone is conditioned to be that way from birth in this dimension. Very few are born awake. Now is such a special time to exist in this dimension because NOW, in this moment, there has never been such capacity for access to so much information. You already know so much, only you have forgotten, but now YOU can regain your power by learning, by nurturing your curiosity to re-know what you have lost via the spiritual amnesia that affects all between incarnations. This incarnation can be the last. You/we, all came here to discover and learn through experience, incarnating over and over and over again, but NOW it can be different. There has never been a time like the NOW, at least in the recorded known history. The world has more people than ever, roughly 7 and ½ billion, all amnesiated from birth, bumping and stumbling around, trying to put together the pieces, whether consciously or subconsciously. This mass of humanity is all now globally connected for the most part via the Internet. So much communication, sharing of info, an entire planet connected by electrified circuitry in a way that would seem like magic 100 years ago. Yet so many still remain ignorant, asleep, enslaved to a notion that their life revolves around their ego, rather than soul. Why? I have said this before but what if the electricity were to go out, and all that connectivity is lost? What would happen then? Can you recall what it was like before all this connectedness? You must be able to rely on yourselves, so can you in fact rely on yourself if you had no more cell phone, no hot water, no readily available food? Now you know we don’t promote fear around here, so do not misunderstand. These are valid questions, for YOU, not for me. Just because you try to live in a world where the powers that be do not influence you, doesn’t mean you cannot avoid said influence, and the apparent truth of the reality is that these globalist pig scum are hell bent on carrying on with their agenda, which is as simple as divide and conquer. YOU must find the power within YOU to rise above their scheme. Do NOT give into fear. Do NOT give into hate. Do NOT judge. Most importantly, YOU must rise above the paradigm of the slave-master model. YOU are no slave to anyone, much less these Luciferian, owl-worshipping socio/psychopaths that are running this madhouse. Again, just because YOU do NOT believe in their occultist ways, does not meant they don’t take it seriously, and they do, they take it quite seriously in fact. Mass spell broadcasts via various media, ingratiating symbolism to appease their version of a god, ritual after ritual after ritual, it goes on and on. Yes, this world is a madhouse, run by lunatics, but to call them insane will deem YOU to be the crazy one in the asylum. What’s that expression?…”something about truth in a kingdom of lies,”…


Do not let it all bug you out. Relax. Breathe. Be stronger, rise above their aforementioned agenda, rise above the wicked, rise above the ego slaves still asleep and shackled to the floors of their caves, rise above the puppet masters, only YOU have power over YOU. Do NOT give them anything, give them none of your energy. Ohhhhh…. and we’ve hit the 1000 word mark once again my friends. Don’t forget to check out The Phantom Tollbooth, and be sure to share. Share, inform, educate, repeat. Although many still sleep, many are waking up, more and more each day, even if at the rate of one-by-one on some days. As long as one awakens, then they awaken another, our ascension as a unified humanity exponentiates, and that is where those of us who are here to help are finding ourselves these days. Not all can be reached, still that 85 to 90% remember? The herd of sheeple is still vast and programmed and hypnotized. 

Focus on those who are remembering themselves, for one cannot teach those who do not want to be taught.

On that note, until next time dear friends…

Wide eyes open. 

Love to all. 

Ebola Fear Porn Machine



A plague amongst a plague is apparently raging now across the planet. As if there wasn’t enough out there to incite  most of you to be afraid of something or another, now there is this report of a possible erupting global pandemic of the ebola virus. Is it airborne? Is it really dangerous? Why the secrecy from the CDC? Is it part of an agenda, Rex 84, Agenda 21? So many questions to exaggerate the anxiety of the drama of it all. The list of fucked up events occurring NOW around the world could certainly be deemed “alarming,” could it not?

As always, I had to look for myself to find out what ebola actually is and what it does, how it is transmitted, etc…  sounds like a really unpleasant experience. Nausea, severe diarrhea, bleeding, a relatively slow death, probably spent alone since no one would really want to be near you from fear they might contract the virus. There are always going to be things you read that will differ from what others have said. For instance, there are many articles that say it is spread via blood and bodily fluids from infected animals and/or people, and that it is NOT airborne. However, there are other reports that detail viral mutations and/or weaponized versions of ebola that ARE airborne and thus, highly contagious. Can you picture yet why I titled this post “Ebola Fear Machine?”

What do these globalist scum who sit at the top of the pyramid feed from?… the answer is: YOUR FEAR. The more fear you succumb to, the stronger they become. With the advent of social media, alternative information sources, the “free” internet, there agendas have been exposed, along with their existence, which few actually knew of prior to the creation of the world wide web. So what are these puppet masters doing now that they are exposed? They are trying to incite as much fear and anxiety and chaos as possible, mainly via the MSM propaganda juggernaut. YOU have to be able to see through that bullshit. Everyday, it’s one fear mongering episode of one show to another. ISIS is crucifying people across the Middle East, North Korea shoots missiles randomly into the ocean toward it’s neighbors, innocent girls are gang raped in Pakistan and India, whales are hunted by insane Japanese fisherman, entire Boeing 777’s go missing, like I said, one episode after another, story to story, script to script, and NOW we have this… Ebola virus might become worldwide pandemic. Do not go outside, do not leave your house, do not come into contact with other possibly infected people and/or animals, it’s called FEAR PORN, and they broadcast their fear porn all day long, and they shove it down everyone’s throat’s who still glorify their little black boxes in their houses that control everything they think they know…illusions and magic tricks, the real plague is inside your television perhaps?…


If you look into something like Agenda 21, you will find that these “procedures” have already been thought out. By “procedures,” I mean the now-being-implemented methods of depopulation they are beginning to unleash upon the populous. Bioweaponry is how it starts. Hmmmm…. and isn’t the southern border wide open?….allowing all sorts of diseased and plagued subhuman parasites to enter the once mighty USSA. Oh yeah, they like to keep that information controlled, but it’s absolute chaos down there. Thousands crossing daily, no border patrol enforcement, unless you happen to be an American citizen, then they can harass you, but not if you’re illegal. Come on in, just walk right on in with your disease, and your un-education, and don’t forget your kids who are crawling with lice and scabies, just come on into the country… I have to ask this as a general question, “Do YOU know of any other country in the WORLD that would not only allow citizens of other countries to just walk in, but would ALSO help them when they got in?” Yeah, the answer is a loudly resounding “FUCK NO,” but the USA has become the USSA as pirates have quite clearly and obviously infiltrated the government and are intent on sinking this country, raping and pillaging as much as they can while they sink her. Remember, it’s a GLOBALIST plan, not an American plan, or a European plan, or an Asian plan, they want to control it ALL. One world government, one world bank, one world laws, one world thought, one world order. It’s not a fucking joke, these motherfuckers worship Lucifer, venerate the owl, practice dark magic, offer sacrifices, kill, destroy, corrupt, and they are the ones YOU let control YOU.


And if YOU know these things, why do they still control YOU?

In the end, YOU are nothing more than human cattle to these elitist psychopaths, and YOU will be herded as such is YOU continue to let them drive YOU right along with themselves over the upcoming proverbial cliff. Oh the cliff is coming, use your real eyes and YOU can see it. Call it a cliff, call it a bubble, call it a rocketship, whatever you want to label it as, IT is about to drop, burst, and/or blast off. How can YOU prepare for what is coming soon? There is much YOU need to do for YOU, not for anyone else, but for YOU, because the only thing that makes YOU stronger than them is to let go of your fear and your ego, embracing love and your higher self, your soul self, your solar energy light body self. How many decisions do you make every day based on fear rather than love? Do you judge others? Do you lie to yourselves when you try to convince yourselves that you do NOT judge? YOU are human, and YOU are not perfect. YOU must be honest with yourselves in order to be honest with others, just as YOU must learn to forgive yourselves before you can truly forgive others, finally leading to discovering how to truly love one’s self in order to unconditionally love all others. Do not give in to anything, who ever said one had to believe in anything? That is not nihilistic, it is just an expansion of a tangent of what is going to be the final thought for this post, as we have reached the 1000 word mark again. This post is bouncy, and leaves some stairways open ended, but that is serendipitously intentional, so YOU can walk on your own, on your own path, discovering for YOU, certainly not for me, or for anyone else. YOU are what must be number one before YOU can help others help themselves see that they are number one as well. Be wary of the fear that still hides in your egos, even those of you who are well awake.

Fear is the ultimate wizard trickster, always waiting in the shadows for an opportunity to slip back in.

Stay brave, there is nothing to be afraid of. Ever.

Wide eyes open my dear friends.

Love to all.