Order out of Chaos


We are seemingly at some great tipping point, are we not?

Such tensions around the globe. Such tensions right here in the once mighty USSA, now clearly being led by a pseudo-fascist puppet dictator that is going full steam ahead with what appears to be his own agenda, but is really the agenda of the shadowy masters behind the scenes. Divide and conquer, divide and conquer, divide and conquer. Order out of chaos, right there on the dollar bill, which is getting more and more worthless by the day. 5 million people, and those are just the manipulated numbers offered to the public, but let me say again… 5 MILLION people, who aren’t exactly being given citizenship, yet can somehow still vote and get free aid/benefits, more so than actual citizens to some extent. Keep in mind, these supposed 5 million people are here ILLEGALLY, but you know what their rationale is?… that they were here first, and those who actually fought and won the territory came here and took it from them. What they are failing to grasp is THAT IS HOW THE WORLD WAS THEN. How do you think the world became divided into countries? PEOPLE FOUGHT FOR THEM. Not exactly how it works today, but back then, that is just how it was.

There is no changing it, deal with it…

You present this argument to those who are for amnesty though, and you get deemed a racist, blows the mind…


Der Fuhrer Obama is being sued over the Obamacare deception, coincidentally the day right after Obama issues his executive order for immigration reform. These guys think they are so clever with their magic tricks and double speak and orchestrations, bunch of old guys exponentially getting out of touch with a quickly evolving and awakening society, yet are hell-bent on continuing with their agenda, but I digress. As much as this semi-humble narrator doesn’t like to utter the phrase “I told you so,” did I not REPEAT and REPEAT and REPEAT over and over and over again NOT to sign up for that bullshit? Now there has been documented and released evidence showing that the planners of Obamacare exaggerated the numbers which led to it getting passed. Remember when they publicly stated they needed a certain amount of registrations, and they got it right at the last minute, literally?… ALL LIES, LIES, LIES, and DECEPTION. A big joke on all of YOU, the American public, but it’s not very fucking funny, is it? This guy Obama, and his regime, and the globalist pig scum running this show are psychopaths, and psychopaths have no soul, hence why they feel they can openly be dishonest and deceptive to billions of people to further their own selfish interests. They have taken the power afforded them and turned to the dark side essentially… en masse.

Only going to get more dramatic as the wheel of time spins faster and faster toward an unknown future…


On to Ferguson…

When this cop Darren Wilson is NOT indicted over the killing of Michael Brown, it will be used as a catalyst, particularly by the media, to fuel tensions between races. It should incite justifiable tension between the encroaching police state and the people, but that isn’t how this psy-op has been orchestrated, and this cop isn’t guilty. Right now the puppet masters are determining the severity of the outcome of Darren Wilson’s indictment, or un-indictment. If they think it will NOT cause enough friction, they WILL indict him, only to find him NOT guilty later, after the pot really gets boiling. The thing is, the evidence points to Officer Wilson doing nothing more than defending himself, so he should NOT be indicted for anything. Michael Brown was recorded on camera strong-arm robbing a convenience store. Darren Wilson responds, as cops do when they are called to a crime scene. Michael Brown rushes him and goes for his gun, Wilson shoots and kills him. As I said, the evidence is consistent, the wounds are consistent, Brown DEFINITELY did NOT have his damn hands up, like they keep trying to insinuate., he was trying to kill Wilson. What would YOU do if YOU had a gun and someone was trying to take it and kill YOU? Now I was not there, so this is only speculation based on the evidence I have uncovered being leaked over the web in conjunction with what is being broadcast via the MSM. However, the fact remains that they ARE already saying it appears they will favor NON indictment, so that should prove interesting after that decision gets declared,…

tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock…


ISIS, ISIS, ISIS, it just gets more bizarre by the day. At least they seem to have settled on the term “ISIS” now instead of changing it every other news article to “ISIL and/or “IS.” Media tricksters always trying to confuse a slowly awakening humanity.

I will put a link here that I must warn you is VERY GRAPHIC, but in my opinion, and the opinions of some of my video producer friends, FAKE:



FAKE, FAKE, FAKE, staged, scripted, orchestrated, produced, YES, a production, just like what gets created for your television entertainment, only being used to convey fear and brutality and horror. Any of you who know anything about making videos, even if you only know how to use Photoshop, can clearly see that there are several things that do not add up in these videos recently released by ISIS showing first, Peter Kassig, well his apparent head,  post-execution…


Looks terrible, right? What you cannot see in this still image is that this scene gets cut into a top and bottom portion. While “Jihadi John” talks, we don’t see Kassig’s head, when it pans down, it changes to a still frame, up he talks, down, when you can’t see him talk, it’s a still image. Speaking of still images, notice the image behind him has no movement? It’s another still pic, because he’s in from of a green screen. Yes, an obvious green screen. It get’s worse…


The second video in the link shows live beheadings of a group of captured soldiers. Okay now this video really exemplifies what I mean when I say produced. The first thing you may notice is multiple high-quality cameras, being set up in very creative locations to get numerous shot angles. You may notice the speed manipulations, faster and slower, coordinated to changes in keyframes and sound/music. Someone/s took a lot of their time editing, timing, shooting, ORCHESTRATING this production. The actual moment when they cut off the heads, although seemingly appearing very barbaric, is YES, also FAKE. This is where you can see the skill level of the producers show. They are/were good, but they aren’t good enough to completely hide the masking around the guys heads being cut off. Look closely at the blood coming out of the first(main) guy’s neck… it has either a cartoon effect added, or they used the wrong “blood effect” via green screens. Some of these terms I am/have used…i.e. keyframes, masking, etc… can all be Googled if you aren’t familiar. You don’t have to be a video producer to know what those things are and how they are used to create special effects. Furthermore, all of this can be done on a laptop with the right software, but you can be the judge…

…or if you can’t stomach the living truths of the world around you, feel free to change the channel.

The 1000 word threshold has been crossed and then some today, so now we must leave you…

By the way, watch out for the distractions…


And what ever happened to Ebola?… Hmmmm… maybe Bill Cosby knows…

until next time… 

Love to all.