Public School Prison

It’s really heartbreaking the way that so many young Americans aren’t encouraged to go beyond the pseudo-education of the broken public schooling system, leaving them to their own devices, and/or the aid of encouraging parents to pursue their respectively God-given talents. If a kid grows up in the PRIVATE school system, however, they develop into those talents, & by the time they reach adulthood, they have a significantly noticeable advancement over others their age who did NOT get the opportunity to get a proper education via the private school system. Do you know where the public school system originated? It came about to give the most basic education to those unfortunate kids who came from nothing, so that they could work in factories at an earlier age. Have you ever pondered why they use bells between classes? It’s to acclimatize them to the factory bells, as well as adhering to strictly regimented time schedules. One could very easily argue that the public school system is analogous to jail, with systematically redundant day-to-day procedures, to not only control them, but to keep them just smart enough to get by, & nothing more. Those disgusting school lunches, the bells, the lack of encouragement, & if you want to stand out & ask questions that defy their instructions, you get ostracized, by the pseudo-instructors, not by your peers. Looking back, it makes me want to puke, from the daily back & forth on the shit-stinking yellow banana buses, to the 2 meals a day, with God-knows-what in this wretched meals, to those fucking bells, to the overall failure to educate children properly, so to speak, & it’s as I said earlier, heartbreaking, to say the least.

More often than not, this applies to the poorer kids, & the neighborhoods they come from, as to where they go for their public education, & if you live in the wrong area, you’re fucked. It’s crucial, so very crucial, to instruct kids more than “just enough to get by,” to care about their instruction, & to treat them subjectively, rather than lumping them all into the same group, with the end goal of objectively giving all them a chance. Nowadays, these public school system ‘teachers,” are more concerned with children’s gender assignments, rather than actually “teaching” them anything that will benefit them in the future. It’s pathetic, it truly is, because without REAL guidance, they’re just going to grow up defunct, with mental issues, with repressed PTSD, & most importantly, with no plan for a prosperous future. Every day when I wake up, if I’m actually am able to sleep, I try my best to quiet my mind, so I can allow my thoughts to manifest themselves on this digital opus of mine. It’s a kind of meditation, you could say, along with my daily push-ups, & you know who had to figure this out? ME…me, myself, & I, after many years of brain fog, as a result of the indoctrination training camps that people refer to as “public schooling,” as well a series of traumatic head injuries. I’m amazed I’m even alive, to be honest, & the worst part of it is, the absolute worse part, is that it ultimately, it all comes down to something as daft as money, doesn’t it? Money, backed by absolutely nothing, is what determines the success of a person, at least here in Clownworld it does, minus the scant amount of anomalies. That’s the determining factor; fucking money, just zeros & ones on a computer, & if you don’t have any, & I don’t, you’re essentially fucked, fucked for life. It’s not natural, & in fact, it’s UN-natural, the polar opposite of natural, yet here we are, & my heart dies a little more every day from these grim realizations, which is why I write about it, so that others who have similar inclinations don’t feel alone, alone in spirit, as I do.

It has nothing to do with literally feeling alone; it’s a hopelessness, a monkey that has dug its nails so deep into your back, there’s no way to free yourself from it. Sure, perhaps you have family, & maybe a scant handful of friends, but they’re on their own proverbial islands, across the way from one’s own island onto themself, & it doesn’t matter if you have a figurative bridge, or a boat, because in spirit, you’re essentially always trapped on your own island, & no matter how much you might want to be on an island with everyone, you never can, & they will never understand why. Hell, YOU yourself, the lone islander, might not even understand why. It all goes back to those indoctrination camps of one’s youth, which subconsciously reinforce the fact, that you, yes YOU, are no different from everyone else, even though you know you are. Why are Americans in public schools never taught 2nd, or even 3rd languages from the get-go? Learning other languages opens up a whole new world of possibility for a young mind, especially when you’re taught them from an early age, but they don’t teach them, as they do in other countries. Why isn’t music theory included in that group? Music is a language onto itself; it originates from the 4th dimension, because music is all about time. Things like the circle of fifths, & the way music manifests in some kind of geometrically sacred way, is beautiful, so beautiful, but it’s well-beyond me, because once you hit middle-age, it’s exponentially more difficult to learn things as you could as a kid. I know, I know…this article is a kind of bouncing around, & somewhat nebulous, but the frustrations of self-realizations, & being on tenterhooks all day, all night, every day, every night. Yep, just waiting anxiously for some kind of personal breakthrough that never comes, until it does, only leaving one more bewildered than ever, as to this world, this wonky world that essentially amounts to prison planet, composed of slaves & masters, prisoners & guards, the former being the most prevalent, by a stunning longshot. Why? Why the fuck did I incarnate here? I don’t recall signing up for this, for any of it, yet here I still am, stuck, stuck like a horse in the mud, as well as broke, & on the brink of poverty, because no matter how hard I try, I cannot, nor will I ever, comply with the revolting notion that “it’s just the way it is.”

That’s the mentality of a slave, a compliant slave, & I will NEVER abide that ridiculous predisposition. Do I sound like a fucking slave? Do I sound like a typical person? NO, I don’t, I know I don’t, & furthermore, I don’t want anything to do with the nonsensical insanity of existing enslaved to something as revolting as money, & to so-called “ruling elites.” Fuck them. Apparently though, THEY have systematically forced US to need it, to need them, to rely on these self-entitled masters to survive. GAHHHHHHHH…it’s the root of my hate, & even though I believe in love, in unconditional love, the unconditional love via the one true God, it seems to always always always, come right back to fucking money in this 3d joke of a “life,” doesn’t it? How can anyone, ANYONE, who thinks for themselves, call this seemingly meaningless existence “life?” How is “living,” living as a slave, any sort of “life?” It isn’t, not for me anyway, it’s just a slow death, & if this is “just the way it is,” this world can fuck off, fuck right off the God-damned cliff. It took me nearly 4 decades, FOUR DECADES, to break out, & break free, from the brainwashing, from the programming, from the “brain fog” I mentioned earlier, & as I also previously said, once I did get free, in spirit, I found myself walking along thread of a tightrope between being homeless, & living in utter impoverishment, like white trash. Yes, of course I still believe in God, the real God, the Source, which is The Great Central Sun of our galaxy. No, it has absolutely nothing, NOTHING, to do with the God in the Bible, or the Tanakh, or the Koran, or any other cleverly masterminded control mechanisms, via those man-made “Gods.” They’re as fictional as The Cat in the Hat, for the real God, is so much higher than any of those pseudo-gods in their silly books. Source, as I refer to God as, is so much greater, so much grander, so un-understandable, that it’s just comical to define Source via a 3d human perspective, not to mention arrogantly insulting, as if humans are even truly capable of defining Source, at all.

I don’t know how, and/or why I incarnated here, if I even had a choice, but I feel quite self-assured that my eternal soul most definitely did not originate here. I feel the pull, the pull back toward the higher dimension, maybe the 5th, from whence I truly originated, yet somehow, in some unknown way, here I am, & maybe this will all make sense when I’m worm food, maybe not. Perhaps I won’t even recall being here, as I have no recollection as to where I was prior to this incarnation into what has revealed itself to be a bitterly draining prison planet, “ruled” by soulless scum that apparently worship Lucifer for some unknown reason, which equates to a mass mental disorder incarnate, at least to me it does. The entire world seems mental, but maybe I’m the insane one, who knows? I wish I could remember, because I know I have the answers, somewhere deep down, but I cannot remember, which lends credence to my own inclination that between the poisoned food, the poisoned water, the drugs, & the many years of indoctrination programming, I have lost my true abilities as an immortal benevolent soul of Light, the real Light, that divine Light from what humans have named, “The Great Central Sun.” Here’s a thought that one might be intrigued by…suppose we are Light Beings manifest in 3d via said Great Central Sun, but what kind of Light is The Great Central Sun subject to?

If one backs up to look at the Great Universal Picture, our Source, this Great Central Sun, is centered within one, yes ONE, galaxy, the Milky Way galaxy, but upon zooming out, we’re in a cluster of galaxies, with many “central suns, many “Sources,” & if you zoom out even further, these “Central Suns” make up what looks eerily similar to the synapses within our brains. How surreal is that? This implies, that maybe the Universe, is one unfathomably massive brain, which would ultimately be the Source of Sources, of ALL Sources. I don’t think most people take into account how unbelievably tiny we are; we’re like quarks of quarks, of quarks of quarks, so insanely small, yet our consciousness is boundless enough to fathom what I just wrote. Again, I know but I don’t know; I know I have the answers, somewhere in my immortal consciousness, but for whatever reason, I cannot find the keys to open these doors within, to know, as it were. It’s all just…just…fuck, I don’t know, & no matter how hard I try, I DO NOT KNOW.

What I do know, here in this low-vibrating 3d Earth space, is that I’m broke, broken & broke, one step away from having nothing left, nothing at all, resource wise. I’m nearly a floating bloated fish, & no matter what I do, the reckoning doesn’t come, & no one helps because the refuse to try to understand me, or my complex with living the life of a slave, so I’ve stopped expecting anything and/or anyone to help my black ass, because even though they can, they don’t, certainly not financially, despite their individual wealth of resources, they seemingly want me to just disappear, to perish in poverty, like Nikola Tesla, because I’m “shameful” to them, a shameful embarrassment, & I suppose I’ll just run out of money soon, run out out of resources to survive, like I’m running out of time, because as I said earlier, this forsaken world revolves around money, the artificial currency that keeps this hijacked Katamarian zeitgeist snowballing faster & faster down the mountain, & maybe because of the fact that I see that, everyone has forsaken yours truly, & the light at the end of my tunnel has burned out.

Wowzers…this turned into quite a ramblous rambling, didn’t it? That’s how I usually roll, to some extent anyway, but this one in particular is somewhat maundering, albeit it certainly NOT pointless, or maybe it is. I suppose it’s up to YOU, the reader, not me. I just let go of everything, tune the dial until the I find a frequency, could be any frequency, lock in on said frequency, then turn the volume up full-blast, allowing pure stream-of-consciousness to fly through my halcyonic hands, & what you see, is the real-time manifestation of whatever channel I’ve programmed into my radio. Nonetheless, it’s time to end this one, so until next time dear readers, if you have kids, homeschool them. Disregard that bullshit “lack of socialization” notion, & teach them the real reality of this 3d Clownworld, so they can survive it accordingly when they grow up into adults. Encourage their natural talents AS SOON AS they reveal themselves, & their innocently respective consciousnesses. DO NOT, & I repeat, DO NOT, turn them into you, & definitely don’t abide the slavery of this prison planet hellhole. Teach them how to be free, & how to find freedom, by exploiting their aforementioned talents. I have only one talent, & it is the creation of these words you’re reading, along with my digital artistry. Unfortunately, it all came to me too late; I had to break free from the slave mentality, break free from the braindead indoctrination from public schooling, break free from the chains that bound me to someone I wasn’t. It’s been such a battle, & now, I’m down as far as I’ve ever been, & all I have is this, my words & art left, this last ladder to get out of this God-damned well I’ve been stuck in my whole life. That is all, for now. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🍥

“Don’t die a slave; free yourself, or at least die trying.” Fish F Fish🎏



Just something I found that I thought I would share.

Not my work, I just find it very interesting.

Too bad they didn’t render it in higher resolution…


…watch, enjoy, share.

More to come.

Love to all.


Fun with Hank Hill + Bonus GIFs


Just something I threw together for fun…

…a rant from the infamous Hank Hill,

followed by some commentary from the somewhat more infamous Eddy Wally,

all while some cartoon horses fuck in front of a magic mirror,

obviously making perfect sense…

Once again, when YOU are the Creator, YOU can do what YOU want.


Be the Creator.


More to come.

Love to all. 

Mirrored GIF Creations

I started by creating these new GIF animations:




… and by simply adding a Mirror effect from FCPX, we get these…




Fun magic with free software.

It’s been said before,  it’s being heralded now, and it will be spoken again…


More to come. 

Love to all.

Free Magic



Magic at the push of a button.

Check out for YOUR free software, music, movies, PDFs, etc…

Why hassle with monopoly money?

The best price is FREE, FREE, FREE.

Learn to use bit torrents, and take it NOW while YOU can…

…or just change the channel…

More to come.

Love to all.