The Fooze: S4 E7 4/7/2023 Push Your Ups

Daily writing prompt
What’s the most fun way to exercise?

I’m just going through these WordPress writing prompts as a self-authoring sort of way of doing my daily posts. Why not, ya know? Some are ridiculous, most actually, & obviously, I can work with all of them, but I like to pick & choose at will. Why?…because I’m the creator here, & I can do what I want. That’s one of the joys of doing what you love for free; the ability to create whatever you want to create, whenever you want to create it. That’s what life is really about…creating, not destroying, as most do, unfortunately. Yep, in their own ways, most people tend to be destroyers rather than creators. Making random babies is NOT creating by the way. Having a kid intentionally, then raising them accordingly in a nuclear family setting, THAT is creating. Making babies for government checks, unplanned, that end up in broken homes, THAT is NOT creating. It’s just “creating” destroyers, those mouth-breather types that grow fat on their own careless consumption, following in the footsteps of the consumer-based baby-makers who bred them, & then the cycle continues, to the point we are at now, an idiocratic Clownworld consumed by consumer destroyers, consuming everything they can, with zero regard for anyone and/or anything except their own porky selves.

The general self-centeredness amongst the populous is utterly astounding. Seriously, this country is getting out of control so fast. How do you like communism so far? Fun, isn’t it? I’m being facetious of course, because NONE of this is “fun,” per se. It’s kind of terrifying & for yours truly, who reads the zeitgeist like a handbook, I cannot speculate on what the not-so-distant future might bring. I can tell you this though, we are on the edge of the edge of the precipice, & one more little shove will be all it takes to push everyone off this proverbial cliff we all teeter upon. What happens when that happens? Great question, thanks for asking. I wish I had a definitive answer, but sadly I do not, other than I can assure you when we all fall, the national pandemonium, as well as the global, will be unprecedented in not only scale, but dynamically as well. We are in uncharted waters, & most people have become so accustomed to the numerous 1st-world conveniences they ignorantly take for granted, that they will be completely & helplessly lost when the world turns into a state of planetary chaos. They will panic, quickly, when they are hit with the self-realization that without those aforementioned conveniences, they have no idea how to survive. If the power went out, from an EMP maybe, what would they do? What would YOU do?

Most of you are so uninformed as to how to survive without electricity, hence why I ask, what would YOU do in that unfortunate scenario if and/or when it plays out in real time? Let’s illustrate it; the power goes out, POOF, gone, can’t get gas, can’t get money out any ATMs, no internet, fridge starts getting warm but you can’t get food because how would you pay for it with no power on? What else? Oh yeah, traffic lights won’t work, & in fact, NO lights work, so if the power went out in the middle of the night, POOF, perhaps while you’re asleep, & you wake up to no power on anywhere, what would YOU do? The power grid is insanely fragile, & to be honest, quite primitive, is it not? There were power lines everywhere 100 years ago. Yep, a century ago, we had the same power lines providing electricity to the masses, & nothing has changed really. Why is that? Tesla figured out how to use the Earth to give free energy to everyone, free of charge, so they took his technology, hiding it from the world, & have kept it hidden since, because if we all had free energy, we wouldn’t have power bills, & the powers-that-be want YOU to pay, & pay, & keep paying, for this ridiculous ancient system of power lines we still use to this day. Sucks, doesn’t it? We should have free energy, & we should be using that free energy to create & improve upon the foundations we built a century ago, but we don’t, because your masters won’t release that technology to the public, & so we kick that can on down the same dusty unpaved road.

Take a look at all the power lines around when you go out & about, & ask yourself, “Is this primitive?”…or something similar. Ask yourself questions, & then analyze the answers that pop up in your own respective heads. With all of the technological advancements of the last century, why in the fuck do we STILL have these power lines everywhere? Why? Well, I just told you why, & if you question the validity of my notions, DYOR…Do Your Own Research, & you’ll find that Edison & his globalist buddies systematically destroyed Tesla to prevent the free energy technology that he pioneered from ever being allowed to be used by the public. Can’t let the peasantry have free energy, because then they wouldn’t have gotten paid. That’s right, it’s just about money, money & power(pun intended), & I’d wager that free energy isn’t the only technology that they keep from us. Anyway, doesn’t really matter anymore, does it? I’m just one lone writer, whose HEAVILY shadowbanned across the board on all of the interwebs. The AI “has my number,” as the expression goes, & no matter what site I use, if a camera can see my face, the AI gets triggered to censor me. It’s not a joke, not satire, certainly not hyperbole, & I’m being dead serious about the level of advancement the AI has reached. It’s WAY more ahead than ChatGPT; I’ll put it that way, & if you want to know what I really think, I think the Capstone Club at the top of the pyramid uses AI to make decisions that affect the world in real time. There’s a show on Netflix about it, because you know how they love to use predictive programming to openly admit their nefariousity. Netflix sucks, I’m aware, but the show is called The Pentaverate, & although they make it silly & pseudo-comedic, it’s real. That’s their trick; they tell you what they’re going to do, so YOU unwillingly comply, putting the burden on YOU, rather than themselves. Why do they do this?

Like I’ve told you all many times prior to this article, they venerate Lucifer, Satan, Saturn, or whatever name you want to use, it’s all the same nonsense. THEY believe in it, THEY abide its will, & that’s Satan’s great ruse, telling you what is going to be done to you beforehand, removing the blame from itself, & placing that blame on all of YOU. I myself, do NOT believe in any of that crap, & I think they’re all abysmally insane, but THEY believe it regardless, worship it, & do what they can to gain more power via this false idol that they abide to. It works for them in this 3d world we’re all stuck in, but at the price of selling their souls. Good luck to them when they die, because they aren’t going to the same place I’m going, & obviously I don’t know what happens when we die, but by all means, do NOT go into the light. If you do, The Great Recycler will consume you, wiping away your memories, then essentially shitting you out as a blank slate, to be reborn only to do it all over again. I linked a few prior posts to provide you all with more info about The Great Recycler if you want to know more. I know my audience is down to a meager 30 or so of you, if I’m lucky, so this all falls on deaf ears more-or-less but I don’t care about that. I don’t make a single penny from what I do here, but I do it anyway because I love writing; it’s my passion, & one who is truly passionate about their lone talent, does it out of love, not for something as ridiculously petty as I-O-U paper fiat money. It’s artificial currency, the energy flow that keeps the zeitgeist rolling, & your overlords have hijacked the current, replacing it with this cheesebait money, & thus, making this world artificial in a sense. Artificiality can only continue for so long though, & that kicked can is about to get smashed when we all fall off that cliff I mentioned at the beginning, & society hits critical mass. Look into sociodynamics if you want to read more about societal critical mass, for historical as well as real-time reference, for YOU, not for me. Do hast thou will though; I’m no expert by any means. I’m just a writer, who writes out of love, creating, not destroying. Be a creator, in whatever it is you do. Destroyers only end up destroying themselves & their own ilk, but creators live forever, if you create out of love, not out of fear, or worse, for a paycheck.

Oh shit, I forgot all about the writing prompt, as I always do. Let’s see, the most “fun” way I exercise, is my daily push-up routine. Every day, for the last 30 years or so, I drop & do push-ups, usually in 50-pushup increments. It’s not only good for you physically, it’s meditative, & therefore, good for you mentally & psychologically as well. 50 may seem like a lot to some of you, so start with 10. One push-up takes less than a single solitary second, so do the math. It takes less than a minute to get your daily dose of exercise & personal meditation in for the day. If you do it multiple times, it just exponentially increases the benefits. That’s what I do though, so YOU do YOU. Since I unintentionally disregarded the daily WordPress writing prompt for the day, I had to make sure I gave you all an answer, all 30 or so of you. Take it for what it is, or take nothing at all. I’m just a creator, & if that’s all I’ll ever be, it’s better than being a destroyer. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Destroyers end up destroying themselves & their own ilk, but creators live forever.” Fish F Fish🎏

“I’m just a creator, & if that’s all I’ll ever be, it’s better than being a destroyer.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E25 3/25/2023 Sleep Revisited

As promised, we’re revisiting the topic of sleep in this Saturday Foozer. The FisH™ abides, as always, & as most people do, I find this topic fascinating, so I copied & pasted the first part of the last article below, which opens up the discussion about the phenomenon of sleeping, to get us all back on the same page. Get it? Got it? Great, thanks for playing.

Today, on this delicious daily Foozer, I’m going to talk about many peoples’ favorite thing…sleep. What exactly is sleep though? It’s so surreal, isn’t it?(pun intended)…& why do I say that? Well, you feel tired and/or fatigued, so you lay down, then you close your eyes, & you go unconscious, with 100% confidence that you’ll wake back up. It’s a bit like dying, one would think, but I can only presume that since I haven’t actively died, & anyone who has in fact died, cannot come back to report on the similarities & differences, minus those intriguing cases of NDEs, Near Death Experiences. Those reports are all over the place, but one thing they ALL have in common, is that they even happen at all. The fact that they DO happen, implies that “existence” does not end after death, right? Are these NDEs just the brain releasing the last big dose of DMT before POOF, lights out? Is it lights out forever? Foreversure seems like a long time, doesn’t it? Where were you before you were born here? Lost in “forever?” How is any notion of “time” perceived in forever? Why does time, as we experience it here in 3d, seemingly irrelevant when you’re asleep & dreaming? As you sleep though, time appears to fly, back here in an awakened world of 3d space, so a 3-hour power nap can appear as though you passed out & woke up relatively instantaneously, or even stranger, it can go the other way, & you might have some kind of epically long dream that condenses itself into 3 hours of time as it relates to the 3d plane. As I mentioned earlier, it’s all quite surreal, isn’t it?(same pun intended again)

It’s quite fearless of us, is it not? Let me repeat this…you get tired, you feel like closing your eyes, so you lay down, then you just go dark for a bit, until you reawaken in a dream. Often in these dreams, at least in my own experiences, I have abilities I do not have here in the 3d world. I’ve had dreams where I can fly, as easy as walking. I’ve flown in my dreams as if it were second nature, & somehow I was in the mindset that this was “normal.” How is that possible? I’ve been to places I know, but have never been to in the waking world. I’ve mingled with people I somehow know, but have never met when conscious. People I know quite well in fact, but how, who are these much-loved people? Where are these places that I go? How the fuck can I FLY in dreams, but am stuck to the ground back here when my eyes open back up? Do you all have similar experiences? I’m sure you do, as I have read many books, articles, & watched videos about dreaming, collecting all of the knowledge I can about this most-intriguing subject. It’s so fascinating, & I have my own notions as to what the dream world actually is, & I italicize “is,” because it’s tough to define what IS actually is, when one is dreaming. It seems as real as anything you do in the world you exist in when you’re awakened, does it not, but why?

Here’s my interpretation of what dreaming really is; are you ready Fishheads? Okay, good, here we go. First, let’s break down the dimensions we currently exist in. We all know this is 3d space, the 3rd dimension, a slowly-vibrating dimension where matter condenses into a material world that we can all touch & feel & see & smell & hear & taste, limited to the proverbial 5 senses, right? Here in 3d spatiality, we are all pulled “forward,” by the 4th dimension of time, which is a temporal dimension. Spatial dimensions follow the Fibonacci sequence, as in 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21, etc…& the numbers between are temporal dimensions, which “move” the sequence. Since we are in the 3rd spatial dimension, we are subject to the 4th temporal dimension of time, seemingly pulling us forward, if you will. Forward toward where though? The “future?” No, not exactly. Think about it, use your noodle, as they say, think about what number comes next? Five, & since that’s the next Fibonacci number, it’s also the next spatial dimension. This is where the 4th dimension of time is pulling us, back to 5d, where we originally originated from, before we “fell,” down here to this 3rd dimension. 5d is NOT subject to the temporality of our 4d time; it’s subject to the laws of 6th & 7th dimension temporal time, which is impossible for us to comprehend other than mathematically and/or just thinking it aloud, as I’m doing right now for all of you, dear readers.

What does this have to do with dreaming though? Great question, thanks for asking. Keep in mind, this is MY theory, & mine alone. String theory breaks it down to 11 dimensions, but I think this is grossly incorrect. There are technically infinite dimensions, but after the 13th, it’s total chaos, at least it is to us. So let’s refresh…Fibonacci numbers represent SPATIAL dimensions, dimensions where consciousness can manifest itself to gather experience to bring back to the Source. I speculate that Source is an 8th or 13th dimensional entity, & something we can scarcely comprehend at all, so don’t bother trying, but I digress. Okay, so for our purposes, let’s keep it to the dimensions we CAN understand from way down here. We are in 3d space, being pulled back to 5d space by 4th dimensional temporality. When we sleep, & when we dream, our consciousness experiences 3d, 4d, AND 5d at the same time. 3d as it relates to our fundamental understanding of what it means to exist here in 3d space, & 5d where 4d time has no effect, thus explaining the time distortions one experiences as they doze. You can fall asleep, sleep 3 hours, & wake up like it’s a minute later, or, you can have a multi-day adventure as you doze in the same 3 hours of time. One never knows, because 4d time is completely askew, thanks to a portion of your consciousness existing in 5d space as well. Being able to fly, going places you’ve never been in 3d space, knowing people you’ve never met here in 3d space, that’s all 5d. there’s a 5d YOU, your higher soul self, you might say, but you cannot totally reconnect with your 5d self until you die. You can touch it, be partially there when you sleep and/or do certain hallucinogenic substances to dip your toes into the boundless 5d ocean, but you cannot stay, unfortunately, at least not as far as we know anyway, not until you cut the silver cord.

Keep in mind, I’m no physicist or anything like that, & I base these notions on my own trips to the Interzone, bringing back the knowledge I discover there. I snatched that word from William S. Burroughs. He used it to describe the world he went to when he was intoxicated on the needle. Essentially, the world you experience when you use your 3rd eye to see, that’s the Interzone. This is where I discovered the Fibonacci connection to the 3d world we exist in, the 4d time pulling us “forward,” & the 5d space from whence we descended so very long ago. 5d is eternal, as far as we know, & you can think of it as being in a dream forever, a dream where you have ALL of your faculties returned to you, as well as your memory of your eternal soul self, & all the 3d lifetimes you’ve had prior to the one you’re in now. Dreaming gives us a peek into where we’re going, by revealing to us where we’re originally from. Make sense, or are you all totally confused?

I could spend 10000 pages rambling about 5d; I technically have, because if you dive into my archives here, you’ll find that I’ve illustrated the Fibonacci connection to dimensions countless times, so get froggy & jump into my archives. I didn’t write nearly 5000 pages of this drivel for nothing, did I? I don’t know, maybe I did, but nonetheless, that’s gonna do it for this daydreamy Saturday Foozer. Until next time dear readers, life is so temporary, amazingly short-lived once you’ve returned back to 5d, so savor the flavor of 3d, while you’re still here. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Savor the flavor of 3d, while you’re still stuck here.” Fish F Fish🎏

High Tide

Does anyone else have a dreadfully ominous feeling that something big is on the horizon? Not just big, but YUGE, like an event of global significance, just coming into view, is anyone else seeing this, or is it just my over-analytical silly self seeing nothing but delusional hallucinations of a future yet to be written? Good question, thanks for playing. The obvious answer: I don’t know…but…with all of my zeitgeist zooming, riding the waves daily so I can always be at the tip of the spear. What’s the point of fighting if you don’t fight on the front lines? Oh wait, we’re in a war? Duh, of course we are, but not war war, as one might think of “war,” in a classical sense. No, this war is actually multiple small wars, on numerous fronts, countless cold wars, endless daily battles, with equally endless skirmishes, Planck-length branching into one-on-one heads up PvP, in real life. LARP away little mice, but I digress. Anyway, if you add it all up, it’s a cultural Cold War, the likes of which we’ve never seen in recorded history, at least as far as we know. I have a theory that we are but one thread, in a millions-of-years old string of “advanced” civilizations, that have done all of this before, & most likely much more, time & time & time again. Then, either we destroy ourselves at the behest of power-mad tyrants, or there’s a cycle of planetary cataclysms that either abide, or coincide with a pole shift the essentially flips the Earth, wiping almost all of us out, leaving what amounts to nothing so we have very little evidence that it ever happened, with only a handful of human survivors left to tell the tale & try to start again, with sticks & stones, & paintings on cave walls. Doubts? No worries, it’s good to be skeptical sometimes. Fortunately for you, Fish never forgets to water the flowers. The link below connects to an allegedly verified, “& DECLASSIFIED, IT’S A CIA FILE MAN, THIS SHIT IS FUCKING REAL!” someone yells. Yes, yes it is, & thanks, thanks for shouting that out sir, may I continue now? Continuing, the link links to a “declassified CIA document,” & is a particularly terrifying illustration that was written by Chan Thomas in the early 1960’s, classified by the CIA in 1966, only to have this heavily “sanitized” 57 pages out of the original 284-page document released in 2020. I linked it below for you, wasn’t that nice of me? Didn’t think I was just pulling this from the ether, did you? Of course not, read below for yourselves. I cannot emphasize how important it is for you to DYOR, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.


Now, as I said earlier, & I’ve always said, & will continue to say, I’m not Nostradamus, or “Fishtradamus,” as I’ve JOKINGLY said a few times in the past, nope, sadly I can’t predict the future. If I could, my black ass wouldn’t be broke as fuck, running on fumes, putting everything I have into my writing, because it’s all I have left. I’m gonna be one of this writer’s who is unknown until he dies, then someone finds one of my USB drives, prints out my 5000 pages of drivel, then uses it for reference as to what was REALLY happening during these precarious times. I fear that the future global overlords have a plan to rewrite history in their favor, but who knows? Not me, I don’t know, don’t know anything, don’t know the future, heck, I can barely manage the present, much less predict the future, but…I can speculate. What am I speculating? Well, as the beginning of this article implied, I personally, can’t help but feel like something wicked this way comes, & what follows whatever is coming, is going to change the world. Just a feeling I have. Or maybe not, as this could just be the paranoid delusions of a madman, a madman with an astoundingly accurate K/D ratio, as far as charting out the probabilities of this runaway Katamari ball zeitgeist, picking up more & more, as it rumbles its way toward a future, on the 4d time spiral.

Until next time, dear readers, don’t get stuck to the Great Snowball. So sayeth FisH ™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.🐡

“Don’t get stuck to the Great Snowball.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E6 2/6/2023 Electric Full Snow Moon

It’s that time again, dear reader. That’s right, the full moon happened last night, the full snow moon. Technically I was writing this last night, even though I didn’t finish until after midnight, thus making this article today’s Monday moon madness Fooze. Is it me, or does the Moon look bigger than it used to? I’ve been looking up at the Moon every night for the last 25ish years or so, weather permitting. I go out of my way to always notice the Moon if I can for just that reason, it seems to be getting bigger, or maybe just closer? I don’t know. Could the Moon really be moving closer? Would your globalist leaders tell you if it was?

Nope, probably not, not until it was so close it was obvious, & nothing could be done to hide the truth. There’s plenty of other “truths” about the Moon that could be being kept from all of you. There’s all kinds of theories, & if you’re a deep diver, you already know this. There’s the FACT that we never landed on the Moon. Not a theory, FACT. This one I believe 1000%, & why? There’s more evidence in my opinion that we did NOT land there, than anything proving that we did. I detailed this all in another post though, so if you want, type “moon” into my archive dive tab over there on the right to read an article, & probably several others, as I’ve written about the Moon on several occasions. I have another one though…would you like to know why the Moon is luminescent? No, it’s not from the Sun’s reflection, but it IS related to our Great Burning Ball of Light & Life.

Ever heard of The Electric Universe? Fascinating rabbit hole to jump into, & another “theory” that I happen to believe is totally accurate. I’m going to have to link a video for you, because it would take me 10 pages to explain it all, so I’m going to limit my own ramblings to the reason the Moon glows, & whatever else I digress into. Also, when I explain the “glowing Moon,” I’ll tell you how craters formed on the Moon as well. Hint: it’s NOT from millions of years of random bolide strikes. It’s much more interesting than that boring blahblah, & provably more feasible of an explanation as well. As I said earlier, it has to do with the Sun, yes, but NOT via its reflection, not directly at least, as many people assume to be true. The “reflection” from the Sun simply reinforces an event that happened long ago for us, but not so long ago for Father Time. Around 13000ish years ago, the last one of these “events” occurred, & I emphasize “last one,” because this event happens geologically frequently, in repeating cycles. It WILL happen again, it’s only a matter of when. What is this “event” I speak of, is the suspense growing?

Relax, there’s nothing fanciful about this “event,” well not in an exaggerated perspective at least, as there is plenty of evidence to prove said event occurs in a predictable NATURAL order, like everything else in the Universe. It’s part of a cycle, but a cycle much greater than our own individual lifespans, which makes it difficult to record this repeating “event” for future generations to be aware of. Unfortunately, when this “event” occurs, most life on the planet is eradicated, only to begin again from the few survivors. There could have been, & I think there definitely was, COUNTLESS advanced human civilizations here before us. Millions & millions of years of varying developed human populations, that go from the caves, to the stars, then back to the caves again, over & over, in this Great Cycle. Those few survivors from these previous civilizations pick up the pieces, after this grand “event” takes place, exiting the caves that protected them yet again, but grimly to begin once again from that proverbial square one, with sticks & rocks. Like I said, not much survives this “event,” biologically speaking anyway, but life always finds a way to continue on, as it always has. What is this “event” I keep referring to though? Sheesh, enough with the suspense already, WHAT IS THIS ELUSIVE “EVENT?”

Okay, here we go…this “event” last occurred around 13000 years ago, & what happened was this: The Sun, our Great Hot Ball of Gas, giver of Life & Light, is also a bringer of chaos & destruction from time to time. The “event,” is a nova, but not a supernova, a mini-nova, a flash of gas & debris, blasted 360 degrees form the Sun outward in all directions. When this mini-nova hits Earth, it creates a polar shift, a very rapid one, causing the planet to turn on its axis over a week long period. Tsunamis miles high, earthquakes that are too powerful to ever record, fiery debris raining down from the sky, & every other kind of natural disaster you can imagine occurring at the same time, all during this week-long event. The entire planet is essentially flipped on its side. The only life on the surface that survives are the creatures that dwell in caves, and/or get lucky enough to be in those fewest of places that survive the global cataclysm. It’s so destructive, that any trace of prior civilization gets obliterated, but not all of it. Places like Gobleki Tepe, arguably the Pyramids of Egypt, & several other relatively recently discoed sites, proving that there IS evidence, there ARE structures that allegedly survived this cyclic event, albeit not many. Wait though, what about the Moon? What does the “event” have to do with the Moon, or the Electric Universe?

The mini-nova that the Sun fires off is full of electric charge, an insanely great amount of electric charge. Imagine lightning bolts that stretch from here to the Moon, that’s the kind of electrical power we’re talking about…enough to power all the cities on Earth for the next million years or so. It’s a lot to fathom, but as I’ve said many times before, space is YUGE, & we are so tiny, so incredibly tiny, it really is difficult to wrap one’s head around, I’ll admit. Nonetheless, the Electric Universe theory holds more water than any other explanations I’ve read about as to the true history of Mother Gaia. Before I link a video about The Electric Universe though, let’s quickly mention why the Moon glows. That insane amount of electrical energy I mentioned, the gigantic planet-sized lightning, so much energetic charge, you can barely fathom its sheer volume, this nova energy wave, blasted from the surface of the Sun. That’s the reason, that is what creates the “glow,” THAT is what lights up the Moon. It’s so powerful, the Moon STILL glows, getting its multi-thousand year recharge every time the Sun fires off another mini-nova. Oh, & those giant lightning bolts, they strike the Moon during these mini-nova events, causing craters that basically “melt” holes into the Moon, causing said craters. Again, these craters are NOT from bolide impacts, but from these giant electrical discharges that occur during these nova events. The “glow” from the Moon is the residual radiation, as the Moon has no atmosphere to protect it as well as we are from the Sun’s coronal ejections. Fascinating, isn’t it? Of course, this is a very brief summary, & the actual explanation is much more detailed. Here’s that link I promised, explaining the Electric Universe in greater depth for those who are interested in learning more about this intriguing topic…only 20 minutes long, don’t be a lazy Susan. Learn something.

There’s something else that occurs during these mini-nova events though, something NOT mentioned in the video above, or by anyone else I’m aware of. Keep that in mind, that this is MY theory, & mine alone, what I’m about to illustrate. My theory is this: I think that when these mini-nova events occur, the atmospherically-filtered radiation “speed-evolves” biological entities on the surface of the planet, mutating them in a matter of insta-seconds, into some kind of new species. This occurs more-so in the oceans in my opinion. Now I know that the ocean isn’t exactly the “surface” of the planet, but the reason I mention the oceans being particularly vulnerable to this theory, is that most life on earth gets annihilated when these novas happen, so the survival rate, even for those creatures that survive & experience these “speed-evolution mutations,” is relatively low. In the oceans however, between the atmospheric filtration AND the water filtration, these “speed-evolution” mutation should occur more frequently, & with a much higher success rate, as opposed to the land dwellers. The part of my theory that I really enjoy pondering, is that maybe this “speed-evolution-mutation” theory of mine, explains how creatures went from sea to land. Rather than the “it took millions of years” for them to eventually crawl out slow-evolution theory, I’m thinking evolution occurs exponentially more rapidly, during these nova events, & what is believed by evolutionary scientists to have taken eons, only actually takes a few minutes, maybe even just a few seconds. Why can’t both be right though? Maybe there’s a super-slow evolutionary process always going on, AND these nova events, which cause my theoretical idea of “speed-evolution mutations.” These mini-novas happen on cycles that span thousands of years, but when they happen, they make up for millions of years of evolution in mere moments. Obviously, I have no way to explain how the solar radiation could cause rapid mutations “safely,” without killing whatever it’s “mutating,” but again, this is only MY theory. This is simply my own speculative inclination as to the true history of our planet. Obviously, as with everything else, I don’t know. I just turn the dial until I find the channel, then share what the DJ plays with all of you.

After reading this, will you look at the Moon the same as before? Maybe you will, maybe you won’t, but regardless, the electricity was in the air tonight, as the Moon was big & full, the beautiful February Snow Moon on display, now forever in the past. Incidentally, my circularity just knocked at the door, in case you missed it. The circle of the full moon has circled back around this article, my literary ouroboros finding its own end once again, only to eat itself & begin all over. The beginning, become the end, become the beginning once again. The Great Cycle, the Grand Loop, on scales our fractional existence can barely fathom. It is only through recorded history that we know what we think we know, & history is “always written by the victors of war,” isn’t that the quip? Who knows? If your masters knew the real history of the great planetary cycles, & could use that knowledge to their advantage, to maintain power & control over you, do you think they’d ever clue any of you in? Nope, so just watch tv, obey, consume, & don’t ask questions, that’s all you get, so again I ask, WOULD THEY EVER CLUE YOU IN TO THE TRUTH?

No, they won’t, but I always will. I am just a soul traveler, simply seeking the truth. That’s all I am , & ever will be, which is okay with me, as long as I find that truth someday. If this is all in vain, well dang, fuck me I guess, but I think the day will come when I finally get that “A-Ha” moment, about everything. It might not be while I’m here though, stuck in 3d Clownworld, but someday, somewhere, some divinity of sorts will find me & remind me of things I cannot remember. Or maybe they won’t, I don’t know.Maybe I’ll remind myself somehow. I do know this; I know that the Moon lights bright, glowing like a firefly’s ass, from the Sun’s epochian solar smooch. Until next time, be electric, for the Universe is electricity, & you are just riding the lightning.

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“Be electric, for the Universe is electricity, & you are just riding the lightning.” ~Fish F Fish🎏


Phantom Tollbooth

The above link to the not-as-known-as-it-should-be 1970 classic animated film The Phantom Tollbooth is obviously right atop these words…just click the video to watch. Also, this is quite a fun read, try the audiobook if actual reading bothers you. Now why this clever film isn’t shown to all kids blows the mind… kind of like the Allegory of the Cave, which i have mentioned to all of you so many times…


Both of these animations offer much more than what may appear on the surface and are great for aiding in the expansion of young minds as well as all minds inclined to learn. Somehow I missed this Phantom Tollbooth nearly my entire life. No worries. Never too late to discover new things… always keep learning. Nonetheless, yes I only randomly came across this a few days ago, which is why I am sharing with all of you now.

Do you still find that inner child within? Yearning to grow? Perhaps you are a reader with children… irregardless, if you are not familiar with this book/film, get learned,

or just change the channel…


I do not want to spoil any of the fun, so if you are interested, have a look.

Moving on…

Are you noticing the changes rapidly unfolding as autumn dawns in the northern hemisphere? Where will it all lead? Why the fuck are beheadings being broadcast on a relatively daily basis? What exactly are the puppet masters trying to convey? Whether or not these atrocities are being faked or not, they want you to believe it is real, but why? What is the endgame? What are these wolves playing at? Not too long ago, they reported that some mysterious entity added a cornerstone to the English slab of the Georgia Guidestones which read “2014.” Now today, reports are out that it has been removed. Let’s not forget about Ebola, now being estimated to infect over a million people by January, but has now come out that the virus was patented by the CDC. Volcanic eruptions anyone?… they are occurring all over, just earlier today another one erupted in Japan. I can go on and on and on and on and on and on about all the crazy news I come across, but what can it all mean? Where the fuck are we all heading? What changes are on the horizon? What will you do if it all goes sideways?… from day to night in a flash, like the GIF above from Phantom Tollbooth


Whatever happens, it is of the utmost importance that YOU be awakened and free from the shackles and shadows and echoes from your self-entombment in your cave. Do NOT let it disturb you that you have come to the realization that you were once a prisoner to your ego. Most everyone is conditioned to be that way from birth in this dimension. Very few are born awake. Now is such a special time to exist in this dimension because NOW, in this moment, there has never been such capacity for access to so much information. You already know so much, only you have forgotten, but now YOU can regain your power by learning, by nurturing your curiosity to re-know what you have lost via the spiritual amnesia that affects all between incarnations. This incarnation can be the last. You/we, all came here to discover and learn through experience, incarnating over and over and over again, but NOW it can be different. There has never been a time like the NOW, at least in the recorded known history. The world has more people than ever, roughly 7 and ½ billion, all amnesiated from birth, bumping and stumbling around, trying to put together the pieces, whether consciously or subconsciously. This mass of humanity is all now globally connected for the most part via the Internet. So much communication, sharing of info, an entire planet connected by electrified circuitry in a way that would seem like magic 100 years ago. Yet so many still remain ignorant, asleep, enslaved to a notion that their life revolves around their ego, rather than soul. Why? I have said this before but what if the electricity were to go out, and all that connectivity is lost? What would happen then? Can you recall what it was like before all this connectedness? You must be able to rely on yourselves, so can you in fact rely on yourself if you had no more cell phone, no hot water, no readily available food? Now you know we don’t promote fear around here, so do not misunderstand. These are valid questions, for YOU, not for me. Just because you try to live in a world where the powers that be do not influence you, doesn’t mean you cannot avoid said influence, and the apparent truth of the reality is that these globalist pig scum are hell bent on carrying on with their agenda, which is as simple as divide and conquer. YOU must find the power within YOU to rise above their scheme. Do NOT give into fear. Do NOT give into hate. Do NOT judge. Most importantly, YOU must rise above the paradigm of the slave-master model. YOU are no slave to anyone, much less these Luciferian, owl-worshipping socio/psychopaths that are running this madhouse. Again, just because YOU do NOT believe in their occultist ways, does not meant they don’t take it seriously, and they do, they take it quite seriously in fact. Mass spell broadcasts via various media, ingratiating symbolism to appease their version of a god, ritual after ritual after ritual, it goes on and on. Yes, this world is a madhouse, run by lunatics, but to call them insane will deem YOU to be the crazy one in the asylum. What’s that expression?…”something about truth in a kingdom of lies,”…


Do not let it all bug you out. Relax. Breathe. Be stronger, rise above their aforementioned agenda, rise above the wicked, rise above the ego slaves still asleep and shackled to the floors of their caves, rise above the puppet masters, only YOU have power over YOU. Do NOT give them anything, give them none of your energy. Ohhhhh…. and we’ve hit the 1000 word mark once again my friends. Don’t forget to check out The Phantom Tollbooth, and be sure to share. Share, inform, educate, repeat. Although many still sleep, many are waking up, more and more each day, even if at the rate of one-by-one on some days. As long as one awakens, then they awaken another, our ascension as a unified humanity exponentiates, and that is where those of us who are here to help are finding ourselves these days. Not all can be reached, still that 85 to 90% remember? The herd of sheeple is still vast and programmed and hypnotized. 

Focus on those who are remembering themselves, for one cannot teach those who do not want to be taught.

On that note, until next time dear friends…

Wide eyes open. 

Love to all. 

Human Squints




Why are humans the only animals that squint?

Proof of bioengineering by advanced races from the forgotten true past of this humanity?

Primates mixed with genes from species not of this world, not used to our Sun?

For None and All. Look into it, or don’t. 

All at the push of a button… just like the channels on your television.

Let go, unshackle the chains, and ascend from the cave.

The time to wake up is NOW.

A storm is coming.


Be brave fellow soul travelers. 

Wide eyes open.

Love to all. 

Observe the False Flags


In 3 to 4ish days, depending on your particular time zone, it will be the 13th anniversary of the orchestrated attacks on the world trade center. Masterminded NOT by box cutter wielding Arabs in caves, but by the same globalist pig scum that run everything via their control of the world monetary system most are enslaved to in some way or another. The same elitist Luciferian owl worshippers that play puppet master to der fuhrer Obama, yes all that information is quite true and now that so many are waking up, they are finally seeing the world as it truly is. Look it up, look all of it up, while you still have the power to do so.

Educate yourself, inform yourself, share what you know to those who are eager to listen, because what makes this planet beautiful has a counter-balance of darkness that is growing like a cancerous plague. 

I offer no belief, no disbelief, no isms, no labels, no judgment, all simply bring all of you what I find in hopes that it may be of use to you some day in the not-so-distant future. Although I stay up-to-date and am well aware of what is going on, what is perceived to be going on, and what is projected to the masses to be the reality, and there are things coming that aren’t describable. I don’t know what exactly is coming, but IT is coming, more hastily every second. Will there be some kind of planetary evolution of this conflicted dualistic current humanity, to something stronger and more benevolent? Will that happen for some, while others just succumb to fear? Will nothing happen and if so, where is this road everyone is on going? Talks of bioweapons, pandemic plagues, severe weather, war, heads being chopped off, famine, corrupt pirates raping the 99% from their high-in-the-sky temples, where could this all be leading?


Is there a purpose, or is the purpose without purpose, somewhat making it meaningful? 

Happens to be a fact that everyone is in contact with higher dimensional beings, they have just forgotten how to communicate with them… but they still are close, helping, guiding perhaps. More and more everyday and experiencing the reconnections these entities. Could that all be in the mind? I don’t think so. There is much, much more to the brain then most know. Why is it that when you dream, it is like you are you, but in another dimension, quite “alive” and functional, yet the body does noting, but maintain your breathing and heartbeat and such. So much potential in this humanity, taken for granted every time someone turns on their television, or watches a football game, or eats processed food, or keeps drinking tap water, it goes on and on. However, this time we may actually be on a precipice of some sort. There is so much brewing, their are so many shadowy plans made on both sides of “good” and “evil.” As an observer, it benefits one to not give one’s self completely to a side, but rather see it like a chess game. Can anyone of us really do anything to stop them from playing this chess game for world power? Maybe, but in the meantime, watch the moves and anticipate their ruses and plays.

Be smarter then the puppet master, or else you’re just a puppet. 


So coming up, as aforementioned, is yet another date, 9/11/14, raped by fear porn and doomsday mongering. They broadcast over and over lately the threat of ISIS, who has stated they are coming here to attack on US soil. Now that is either true, or it’s CIA propaganda to make the populous believe in something that isn’t real, which they’ve done for quite a while now. They have been programming and brainwashing people for centuries. Before newspapers, their were journalistic works that anyone could have wrote for whatever reason, no one to argue the truth or untruth of said work. Then there were newspapers, giving the news, the “truth,” but how long do you think it took to figure out that you can control the masses by controlling the information allotted to them. One could claim anything, and just write it down. Goes back to the known beginning, from the Sumerians, to the Egyptians, to the Romans, to the time of kings and queens, up to to the digital age, which we are still in. The digital age has advanced to the point where any event can be shared instantaneously, it’s quite brilliant when one considers how much information one can get in such an efficient and rapid manner.

There are also those who have hijacked that system as well, and now when you google anything, you’ll often get varying versions of the “truth.” Still, despite the mass awakening, the dark cabal juggernaut behind the curtains are still running an agenda, an agenda that intends to remove 6 out of every 7 people on the planet.

As always, when in doubt of anything you read/see here, look it up…try a search on “Agenda 21.”


What may happen, what might these slug banker pigs be up to? Well, divide and conquer is always their seemingly foundational strategy. The MSM is being used to propagate a racial division across the country, but it is also spreading worldwide. Hatred for Jews, Muslims, Christians, whites, blacks, mexicans, un-ethnic ethnics, undesirables, hate, hate, hate, and over what? The puppet masters are fucking us ALL, and they fuck us more if we all continue to fight amongst ourselves. Will it take an all-out assault by the Gestapo USSA police state to bring us together against the pieces of subhuman shit that have hijacked our government and our country? Maybe it’s just doomed… I mean people are literally going insane. Is it due to the subconscious rise of personal vibration in alignment with the planet? Is that even real? Maybe it’s too much overload for most… Or are we just here to be born, then die, no god, no dimension beyond this, dreaming just a trick of the mind, and when the life goes, so does the dream, and then nothing, and that’s it? Nah, there is change coming, for all, a soul level change, an ascension and a descension, something grand and something feared by many, but I urge all of YOU, do NOT be afraid of anything.

There is nothing to fear, ever.

Any of this insanity they broadcast as “news,” fuck it, do not let it affect YOU. Be brave in these times to come, the world is going to change, and when it does, it will change fast.

Let go of fear, kill your ego, and you will realize that there is no fear.

We have past 1000 words on this post, so like Mister Rogers, until next time.

Be brave, remember yourselves, your true selves.


Ultimately, there is only One you. We hope you understand.

Wide eyes open, more to come.

Love to all. 


Learn How to Watch Our Sun…MUST WATCH


A GREAT video from our friends at SuspiciousObservers. This guy does a daily report focused mainly on solar activity, but also with updates in Earth climate extremes. WATCH THIS VIDEO if you want to learn how to look at the Sun. He goes into all aspects of his daily 3 to 4 minute updates which you will be more apt to watch if you know what he is always referring to. It really isn’t that complicated if you just use that big egg on top of your neck. So, one more time, this is a MUST WATCH. The Sun is very beautiful, but that beauty is ominous. One hiccup from the Sun could shut down this fragile electric system on Earth that we all depend on so much. The globalists have been very thorough in covering up the fact that we do NOT need electric wiring, nor the aforementioned fragile electrical grid system we are so dependent on. Nikola Tesla solved that problem 100 years ago, but Thomas Edison sank that boat bc we was making so much money with his electric gig and so were his globalist pig scum investors. Free electricity means no profit from selling it, and so they hid Tesla from history up until relatively recently. But that is another blog for another time. I may have already written about it, check the archives. if not, here’s a quick link: Free Energy | Nikola Tesla  …have a look, you’ll see, if your eyes are open. Surely we are well passed that point by now, so with wide eyes open, as always, love to all.

Taos Hum

I few weeks ago I mentioned in a post and in a vid, the buzzing sound that many of you, us, myself included, are and/or have been experiencing. Well I just cam across the name they have ascribed to that and some more information relating to the buzz. It is like the sound of electricity to me, like if you were really close to something conducting high voltage. It is not in the ears exactly, therefore definitely ruling out tinnitus. It is now in some circles being attributed to raising frequencies among many around the globe. This electro-buzz is called the Taos Hum.

Image      You can all go Google this yourselves and read more into it. The Hum means something different o all who experience it. It is never annoying, never disturbing, and when I meditate or I can alter the state of consciousness accordingly, I can dive inside of the Hum. The Hum seems to be the singularity if you will and vice versa. Letting go of all thought brings you more into Oneness with the Hum. Now this is only known to few. The 85 to 90% herd…never will hear or even conceive of knowing such things. And those who are enlightened, as I mentioned earlier, define the Hum differently from one to the other. Here’s a Wiki link to get your foundation going:

There is also several websites devoted strictly to informing you about the Taos Hum so you don’t lose yourself believing you are going mad. Like i said, debunkers have claimed tinnitus, some say it is merely the sound of your blood flowing and that it is only able to be heard when all is still, some claim it is just residual noise from changing venues from a loud environment to a quieter one, and so on… but as I said, it is what it means to YOU. Only YOU know what it sounds like to you and how it makes you feel. Nonetheless, have a look at this website:   And don’t miss the recording at the end so you can hear what the buzz sounds like. Actually, I can put that link right about here…try clicking this:

There is an extension of a discovery for me, and hopefully perhaps some sort of discovery for you. I am here to help, not to hate. Do not confuse my directness with condescension. Those in the know, these aren’t exactly for you, they are for everyone, but mostly for them, the 85 to 90%. We get it, we understand, and we understand more and more at each fleeting moment. But they do not. They are calcified, zombified, hypnotized, miseducated, disinformed, mumpsimus sheeple. They aren’t all lost to us, there is hope among them. There may be a lot more rough than diamonds, but there ARE diamonds. Make a difference. Do your part. If the light has illuminated some truth for you, share it with those who do not know. Do not divide, embrace, help them understand. Most of them are lost, but not all of them. Do what you can, whatever that is, at least do something. Only YOU hinder yourselves, not anyone else. Stop blaming anything but yourself. You are where you are because of YOU. If you are in a bad spot,  MOVE. What is stopping you, what is holding you back except yourselves? Oh…. tangents, tangents. So look into the Taos Hum. You are not alone. I have heard it my whole life. To me, it is like… the feeling you get when you are home in a way. My Hum is with me, I have been with it always and it me. it is never loud, never a hinderance, I don’t know exactly what it is or means. It is just there, and it seems to have it’s own energy, it’s own lifeforce. Somehow I connect with it when the conditions are favorable you could say.

Enough about me, this is about YOU and getting your learn on about who and what you truly are. Yep, the Taos Hum. Now you know. We are the eyes dilating. I like that new little phrase I thought up, how about you? I hope you can make the connection to it’s potential meaning. Dilating eyes means the pupils enlarge, altering the way your eyes perceive the world around you. You could say expanding your vision…literally and metaphorically. Have a glance at this:   Many things can cause the pupils to dilate. Read up to find your own conclusions. So again, pupils dilating, eyes truly…wide open. Love to all.


Let me quote Edward T. Hall who, in Beyond Culture (1976), sums up the reaction to telling people that their world is misconceived:

“When other people call attention to … perceptual differences, suggesting that the world is not as one perceives it, these observations can be unsettling. To do so is to suggest that a person is incompetent, not properly motivated, ignorant, or even infantile.”

I have more coming… it’s one of those days where there is just so much info coming in…very overwhelming. The Fibonacci spiral is so tight now, we are all going so fast, can you all not feel it? Stop for a moment, look around, now close your eyes, feel the energy inside you, there is an evolution or a devolution on the horizon. Which way will you go? The choice is inside you and we all will have to make that choice very soon. Like I said at the beginning of the paragraph, much more coming, thanks for reading, eyes wide open. Love to all. 

And here is a link… could this be the real explanation for these “meteorites?”… Have a look for yourselves:

Let me quote Ed…