Fractal Soundkeys

Just playing with my music, fractals, and the trapcode soundkey effect. 

Be the Creator.

More to come.

Love to all.



Killshot Narrowly Misses Earth…


That’s right,

a HUGE CME exploded off our Sun,

a blast measured to be that of a Carrington level event,

CLICK HERE>>> Solar storm of 1859  


or unfortunately depending on your personal life viewpoints,

it wasn’t directly Earth-facing.



I just drug the Earth-scale model into frame so you can see the perspective of size,

which is accurate…

…note how small we are,

YES that little dot in the middle of the scale….

…and as you can clearly see,

although it misses,

it came really close.

So what happens if we ARE directly hit?

CLICK HERE>>> The Killshot Sequence Examined 

That link will connect you to Ed Dames,

the former CIA operative who coined the term killshot.


in my own words,

as I have mentioned to all of YOU numerous times before,

the power grid is unbelievably fragile,

but let’s go back…

…going back to Edison and Tesla,

and the pioneering advances in global electrification,

but enter the banker scum that infect the future…

…and if YOU want to look into this, 

CLICK HERE>>> How J.P. Morgan and Rockefeller robbed you of your future …

YOU will discover that Tesla was working with Free Energy 

but the banker scum saw no profit in a free industry,

so they used Edison’s “wiring” electricity,

which would afford billions to the banksters,

while they simultaneously defunded Tesla’s work,

burying it in the past,

only to recently be “re-invented” to some extent,

thanks to the minds of innovators who prosper from seeing global prosperity,

rather than all the prosperity falling into the slimy hands,

of the few psychopaths atop the proverbial pyramid.

Edison was weak, sold his talent and his soul for something as pathetic as money,

but not Tesla,

and now segueing back to the topic…

…had Tesla been properly funded to harness and develop free energy,

we wouldn’t have to worry about the devastating impacts that a CME would do,

to our aforementioned fragile and highly vulnerable electric grid.

We also wouldn’t have power bills,

and everyone would have the benefits of a truly electrified and energized society.

but that’s another technology the globalist banker pigs hold back from YOU,

and now all of YOU are subject to said vulnerability to the electricity that runs your lives.

What will YOU do if the power goes out?

No phones, no ATMs, no food deliveries, no Internet,

you get the picture,

I can go on and on and on and on,

as to how a mass electric failure would domino the world into total chaos.




Earth is basically behind the camera,

when flares come this way,

the particles between there and the camera get charged,

and you can see them all buzz around like little trailing gnats, 

which you do NOT see here,

since it missed.

Look at the size of the ejection,

compared to the now smaller little dot that is Earth in the scale.

Can hardly even see our tiny planet,

but did you notice anything else?

See the comet?

Look here…


On a very unusual path,

at least as far as I’ve seen,

and I’ve been watching the Sun/comets via helioviewer for years.

So that’s that,

another celestial close call,

for an increasingly vibrating humanity,

plowing and hurling toward an unknown future,

on a relatively tiny,

speeding magnetic rocky ball through space.

Pretty marveling when one ponders the infinite smallness and greatness of this trip.

I’m sure the week ahead will unravel even more crazy events,

as we continue exponentially speeding up toward zero point. 

Be brave and don’t fear.

Enjoy the vid,

share the content.

More to come.

Love to all. 

Human Squints




Why are humans the only animals that squint?

Proof of bioengineering by advanced races from the forgotten true past of this humanity?

Primates mixed with genes from species not of this world, not used to our Sun?

For None and All. Look into it, or don’t. 

All at the push of a button… just like the channels on your television.

Let go, unshackle the chains, and ascend from the cave.

The time to wake up is NOW.

A storm is coming.


Be brave fellow soul travelers. 

Wide eyes open.

Love to all. 


Comet ISON ON the Way

Made November 27, 2013 by yours truly. You can see more updated footage via

I made this video yesterday with the intent of making one today if my connection was working again, which it is, HOWEVER… helioviewer is down because too many people are trying to see ISON. So there is footage all over the internet and there may also be a live feed when perihelion happens a few hours from now. It is currently 11:11 EST. What’s gonna happen next? Soon we shall see, exciting isn’t it? or… will it prove to be an over-hyped event. Like I said, soon we will know. Stay updated. Wide eyes open, more to come. Love to all.

Legerdemain… Word of the Day plus mini ISON Update

As we all virtually sit by this fake gif animation campfire, let’s revive an old tradition of the occasional word of the day post. Today’s word is Legerdemain …you can click on the word there for the textbook definition. Basically, it’s a magician with talent for hand skills. However, it can also mean skilled at deception. So you could theoretically use it with various adjectives like mental, cognitive, emotional, political, just add legerdemain to the end and you have a whole new concept. In case you haven’t put it together, all these “words of the day” that I post for you are all applicable to the globalist cabal that controls the 85 to 90% of the populous, the herd, the sheeple, you all should know by now. I could go into an abysmal amount of referencing as it relates to this New Nazi regime that currently runs this country, and the globalist pig scum who run them. Do you know why the keep deceiving you? Because the more they deceive, the more they confuse and further distort reality into something it is not. They want you all so dumb-downed, so bewildered, that by the time they come in to take total world control, everyone will be so out of sorts with “reality” that it will be easier for the elite to reign them in like zombie robots to be minions under their new world order agenda. Distraction…i.e television, sports events … TRICKERY…TELEVISED LEGERDEMAIN… PLUS mass confusion equals=…ensuring  you are all as docile and complacent as they need you to be when they take the current enslavement to a whole new level. Unless you take the time to empower yourselves with the knowledge you will need to possess to not succumb to their agenda.

Things are about to get a lot more interesting over the next few weeks. Comet ISON has been reported to now be visible with the naked eye. Depending on where you live will improve or lessen your chances of getting a good view. I hail from the Southeast US, so my view, and I assume this holds true for the East Coast US as well, occurs just before sunrise to the southwest from Mars. It just became visible to the naked eye within or close to the last 24 hours. It has brightened 16x in the last 72 hours, confirmed by numerous astronomers, and hence, as mentioned above, is now visible with the naked eye. But this is only the beginning. It’s only going to get brighter, much brighter, then of course there will be the big day of perihelion. Will it survive it’s trip around the Sun, will it fragment and pose a threat to this planet, will it crash into the Sun and blow out a huge solar flare. This is no small comet, there is a lot of power connected with this “comet,” in numerous lights, no pun intended. So we will see soon, and again i must say this, besides those of us in the alternative media watching this supposed “comet,” where is the coverage and/or reporting via the MSM? Why is this not a significant upcoming event receiving daily coverage? Just doesn’t make sense, but maybe it will after this event unfolds. Now I have a special treat for you… the image above IS ISON, but that is old footage. I have a current live animation from…. the Bruce Gary’s own website. He is the foremost frontman at the pinnacle of the most current Comet ISON data and footage. I actually just found this earlier. You can go to his site via>>> Comet ISON Observations – Bruce L. Gary  …and if you click that link, you will see the current image, and here is the animation from right now, just after midnight EST…

Looks amazing doesn’t it, beauty and destruction swirled together in some still mysterious cosmic dance. Amazes me how many people still DO NOT even know what this is, and/or that it will be here very, very soon. Now that it has become visible to the naked eye, I think we can all agree the show has begun, and it’s only going to escalate to a level unknown. Yes, the show has begun, and coincidentally, said “show” will be continuing for weeks, coinciding with a the newly discovered, and more plausible, TRUE Mayan calendar DATE OF CHANGE, NOT THE END. That occurs on December 16, 2013, a month from today. Look into my archives for my own research and deciphering of the actual Mayan symbols, all very detailed and easy to understand and follow. Again, NOT AN END. The date only points to a “significant change of era, or age.” Don’t be a fool and through all of your eggs into that basket though. You all surely recall December 21, 2012, and that it was actually a sunny, nice day where I was, as chill as it gets, so until this calendar actual proves something, don’t give any credit to it, it is only info, interesting info for sure, but just info, and all based on interpretation and speculation.

Day by day, the ISON event is going to get exponentially more exciting. as the data comes, I’ll do my best to keep you all informed. Bookmark Bruce Gary’s site, he is the numero uno source for the most accurate and reliable data as it relates to Comet ISON. Much, much more coming, I can assure you of that. Zero point is a rare time to be existing in a 3rd dimensional paradigm. All of us here, most of us will experience these “events” I speak of to come. I implore you all, empower yourselves as much as you can with knowledge, become reconnected with nature and the planet, stop eating processed GMO poison foods, stop drinking water that is fluoridated, and for the umpteenth time, TURN OFF YOUR FUCKING TELEVISIONS.

These upcoming changes will test all realms of your embodiment in this 3rd dimensional consciousness…that includes mentally, physically, emotionally, as most importantly, spirituality. If you are not attuned or becoming re-attuned with your higher self at a higher frequency, you are wasting time. You are not a zombie, I know the globalists have used incalculable methodologies to suppress and dumb you all down, but now that YOU are aware, YOU have the choice to not comply with their agenda and their programming. Break free, have some courage, what is there to fear? Fear is murder from the inside, and if you choose to exist from fear and the negativity that stems from that fear, you are wasting your life and giving in to the will of your masters. Love is all you need, let go of fear, just let it go. You are not trapped in this shell of a body for very long. You are all solar beings of infinite energy. Be brave and make your world what YOU truly want it to be. I know it’s difficult in this technocratic nightmare these illuminati devils have infected this humanity with. And I also know it is difficult to escape from the herd. Yes, it may seem easier to all just stay oblivious, grazing on that aforementioned green grass of ignorance. To not pay attention, to pretend it isn’t there so it doesn’t affect you, pretend the world is a sunshiney dream of happiness. And that would be so nice, wouldn’t it?…but ask yourself, “Would I rather be a sheep, or a shepherd?” you would think the obvious answer would be “shepherd,” so why do so many pick “sheep?”

Elitist pirates have taken full control of the machine that keeps this world turning in the direction they choose. It’s absolutely ridiculous. They need to go, they need to disappear, this needs to go another way or be forced to end by influences outside this planet and/or dimension. Imagine some un-thought-of outside force doing something no one could comprehend that turned it all upside down and sideways, but only to remove them and raise human consciousness, empowering the people back to their higher selves. I like to throw out the canvas, and let you paint your version of the image onto it. Again, I just am aware of the many plausablities, as should you be, to add detail to the overall bigger picture. Does that relate to the actual act of ascension?…of course. Ascending back to an upper dimension, to return to pure energy and light, very real.. But yes, let’s stay here for NOW by focusing this moment NOW, we ARE all stuck here still NOW, for now, but who knows how much longer? It cannot continue like it is, but is the machine repairable anymore?…OR does the machine need to die, and be replaced by something greater? Some live for the future, some live stuck in the past, some live for NOW. What do YOU live from? Think about it.

Let’s see what happens over the next several weeks, should be quite the show, perhaps the show of the century. Be back with some new info soon, wide eyes open. Love to all.

The Comet ISON Killshot Painting

In the past, I have posted several articles referencing The Killshot(<<<click for more info if you don’t know), as well as a few posts detailing what it is, where the idea came from, evidence, etc….  You will see if you click the link above that there is also a film you can watch to find out more info also. If you do not know what the killshot is, or who Ed Dames is, I suggest you familiarize yourself first before you read further…

Twirly twisty sun ray hipnotic optical illusion

Ok, for those of you who know, I am not going to go back and refresh you, we all now know that the killshot boils down to a giant solar flare hitting Earth, causing unknown devastation which could range from mass power outage to actually radiating a lot of the Earth’s surface. Either way, if a killshot comes, some kind of disaster will ensue. Ed Dames, the ex-CIA remote viewer does a great job explaining what he does and what the killshot is, although he still has secrets he cannot reveal to the public for security reasons. I’m not sure who’s “security” he is protecting but let’s not digress into that. Now if you watched the movie or have read up, you will note that there are a few events that will occur prior to the actual killshot. I will get into this shortly, as well as an interesting update/perspective on the killshot as it relates to Comet ISON. Before that though, I must declare this clause before the troll army comes in with guns blazing… I DO NOT BELIEVE NOR DISBELIEVE IN ANY OF THIS INFORMATION. It is purely for speculative purposes with the ultimate goal of unlocking the FULL TRUTH. Take from it what you want, or don’t take any at all, the choice lies with YOU. 

Ed Dames has been nicknamed “Dr. Doom” because of his accuracy in predicting events via his remote viewing forum. Again, if you are at this point and you don’t know what is going on, please go watch The Killshot so you are on the same page as everyone else. Last reminder. Continuing on, some of these predictions include earthquakes, the big 2003 solar flare “shot across the bow,” Fukushima, the big quake in Indonesia. BUT… he has also missed on several predictions so please take all this with a “grain of salt” as the expression goes. The killer crop… never happened. Clinton made it all the way through to the end, and there are several others listed as “failed” predictions. So let’s not just assume that any of this is real, including remote viewing. Have you ever done it? No? Neither have I, but I don’t think the government would fund a program that wasn’t useful in some way. Ed Dames was part of a CIA directed remote viewing program. Indeed, remote viewing is quite interesting, from what I’ve seen so far. A predictor of the future though? Time will tell. Maybe the “failed” predictions are yet to happen… they are certainly plausible still, especially this one in particular….

You all remember North Korea right? They were making a fuss with their nuclear weapons program a few months ago, but then the MSM just went silent on it after the North Koreans hinted at backing down and resuming peaceful talks. Ed Dames predicted that a successful nuclear event of some sort would be one of the final events prior to the killshot, and that said nuclear event would be launched by North Korea. Like I said, a few months ago we had them firing test weapons, then silence… well now, back from that silence, North Korea is reported to be getting back into the act… CLICK HERE>>> UPDATE 1-North Korea  and why are people dismissing it as a “failed” prediction? This is what I just spoke above, many of Ed Dames “failed” predictions simply haven’t happened yet. Sure, the dated ones, not much arguing that, but he doesn’t date all of those “failed” predictions. 3 nuclear rocket test launches sounds like a nuclear event in itself and/or the precursor to something greater, but if the prediction doesn’t come true with dead-on accuracy, the skeptics scream “FAIL!” The reason I am pointing all of this out to you will become clearer shortly, I just wanted to illustrate that the interpretation of a prediction is more often subjective, rather than objective. So, from an OBJECTIVE point-of-view, I want to segway into the what Ed Dames says is the final event prior to the killshot.

Here it is, I am going to paint you all a picture. Ed Dames remote viewing sessions have reportedly revealed to him that a space shuttle being brought down by a meteor shower-type incident will be the final event before the killshot. Here’s a link… CLICK HERE>>> The Killshot Sequence Examined … you can also see that this writer references North Korea as well. In fact, the final 2 events revolve around North Korea and this space shuttle scenario. Moving onto the last event, and remaining objective, we can speculate that a “man-made spacecraft of some sort” will be brought down from space by an ongoing and/or upcoming celestial event, we can say that yes?… and right in line with that prediction, I came across this… CLICK HERE>>> What is this and why have you never heard of it? To be honest, it was relatively unimportant to you directly unless you revolve yourself in scientific circles. Now I know that link there sucks, and doesn’t give much info, but if you CLICK HERE>>>  GOCE / Observing the Earth / Our Activities / ESA  you can update yourselves on what the GOCE satellite is and what its purpose is/was. Now if you read those articles in the links, you will see that this satellite is due to re-enter the atmosphere and burn up…mostly… on its way back down to the surface of the planet. Notice I said mostly, because they aren’t sure if it will burn up completely nor are they sure where it will impact should some if it make it to the ground. BUT… remaining objective, let’s fit all of this into the picture…

Before I illustrate this picture for you, remember that this only a possibility, this is in NO way a prediction or fact or anything other than a purely speculative scenario of what may be coming in the not-so-distant future. Now, fitting in these puzzle pieces in a manner befitting the timeline that Ed Dames lays out, suppose that the North Korea provocation, the 2nd to final event before killshot,  already happened when they fired their test rockets OR… North Korea is yet to soon unleash a new event, which they warned about just recently if you recall the link I gave you above, either way, there would be your next to last event… AND THEN… shortly afterward, we see quite a spectacle as this satellite falls out of orbit, possible parts crashing into the Earth below just as Comet ISON makes its close approach to the Sun. The satellite hasn’t fallen yet, but it is scheduled to in the next few weeks, just as ISON is starting to become visible with the naked eye from some parts of Earth. Okay are you following me? 2nd to last event, North Korea nuclear incident, already sort of happened, but still kind of iffy UNLESS they do something again, and soon, as they have just recently warned. So there would be the 2nd event as remote viewed by Ed Dames, interpreted objectively. My opinion is no where to be found, this is being drawn from possible matter-of-fact circumstances. Then onto the final event prior to the killshot, a “man-made spacecraft” falling to Earth either as a result OR… prior to major celestial event… i.e. Comet ISON. You could also factor in a possibility that Comet ISON may have debris coming ahead of it, with it, AND behind it, adding to the illustration of the final event revolving around a “meteor shower-like event” and a “man-made spacecraft.” Seems to be quite a lot of reports, pictures, video clips of “fireballs” coming in lately hasn’t there? Are you with me here? Remember please that this only a picture I am painting for you, just like in a museum. You look at the picture, interpret the image and what it means to you, but you do not take the painting off the wall. Got it? Moving on…

Then there would be a/the killshot, created by Comet ISON itself as it either A: impacts the Sun, or B: the energy released as ISON gets close but not close enough to impact, maybe partial impact. There is C, the currently held notion that ISON will only put on a show and nothing more as it makes a close approach to the Sun before whizzing by Earth on its way back out of the Solar System, and the killshot would come after. OR THERE IS ALWAYS D… NO KILLSHOT. Keeping with the theme of the picture I paint for you, is there a possibility that a fractional few already know that the killshot is coming, and are therefore preparing. What would they do? Well first, they would shut down access to sites that give information about space…hmmm… aren’t they doing that now, and blaming it on a government shutdown? Kind of subjective yes, but you cannot deny the timing and where is all the updated footage going to come from unless via those in the alternative media give it to you. Why is the MSM keeping you all in the dark, literally? If you were in charge and you knew this was about to happen and that if you announced it the world would quickly sink into total chaos, what would you do? OR… if the globalist pig scum were the only ones who knew and what to keep you all docile until it was too late for you to do anything about it, let’s try saying it that way, and yes, now it is subjective. But this was an objective illustration so I am going to sign it and be done before I tangent into a rant of subjectivity. Did you notice the other underlying theme of subjectivity and objectivity today? That was kind of a hidden lesson for you all, and if you know already, good for you, ask 10 people on the street to tell you the difference between subjective and objective and then let me know how it goes. The masses are asses, but again, I am pushing the line of subjectivity in this post so it’s time to end it. This is only information, regardless of what you think you believe in, this is only data, knowledge, open to interpretation. Be open-minded enough to take it in and let it go, just like the paintings on the walls of the museums. Take it in, then let it go and move on. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 

Surrealistic scene of a bright moon and starry sky reflecting in the water of a calm sea in the ocean


It’s in the Money…. MUST WATCH

All of you who read this blog should know by now that I in no way, shape, or form endorse any kind of organized religion. NOT MY VIDEO. The guy who made this video is obviously a Christian. He will bring up bible verses throughout this video, but I want you to IGNORE that part, only focus on the content. Don’t any of you find it odd that every bill of USSA currency coincidentally depicts a real event when you fold it a specific way? You will see in this vid that the narrator does a great job of showing you the images… the twin towers on fire…

     ….  or the Pentagon on fire… 

…. what are the odds, especially when you fold it this specific way?   Then back to the $10 and the $5 bill….

Same theme, this paper airplane fold, and then the images, again, WHAT ARE THE ODDS? Could this be mere coincidence?… on every bill. Oh wait, what about one dollar bills? Ok, now we have one in the other corner because it seems like the $1 bill, the most common bill, has more speculative imagery. Oh, wait, back to the conspiracy side, their is an all seeing eye always watching from the one dollar bill, and here a few more…

The number 13 seems to be a common theme, doesn’t it? Tomorrow is the 13th just on a side note. Continuing now to the “new” hundred dollar bill, which actually has been set to release since 2009, the original date of printing, but was withheld until about a week ago, in the year 2013… The other events depicted on the other bills have taken place, but this new image has yet to become a reality. It is a city, being overrun by explosions, check it out in the vid above… here are just some shots of the front and back…

  … Click on it to blow up the image…

Clearly you can see the blue stripe, as in the vid, with the Liberty bell, that rings in distress when you move it in the light because it’s a hologram. I wanted to put up some still images of what happens when you fold this bill, again in that same paper-airplaneish fashion, to reveal the image of what appears to be a city amidst some kind of attack, missiles, a nuclear explosion, but unfortunately it seems no one has any still images up yet. I suppose I could screenshot from the vid above, OR… just WATCH THE VIDEO above. Again, please please disregard the biblical adaption part of the vid and focus only on what the images reveal on the bills. Above, I showed you an image from the old $10 bill, and what looks like the twin towers just as they begin to collapse. There is now a NEW $10 bill and I DO have a still image of what that reveals….

      … is it a tidal wave coming in over a city? And yet AGAIN, the same paper airplane-like fold to produce a plausible image, although this event has not in fact happened yet. The old bills, the events have transpired, the new bills, yet to come. Do you think it just coincidence? These globalist pig scum are a very evil and very ritualistic bunch, surely sick enough to smear their agenda right in all of your faces every time you use their money. Believe what you want, the images speak for themselves and their track record thus far is ZERO losses. Maybe the part of the agenda on the new bills was set to happen around 2009, at the date of printing, but the agenda has been stalled, until now. Why did they release this “new” money during  this government shutdown? And what would totally take the focus off of said government shutdown?… A MAJOR EVENT… i.e. a nuclear explosion, and/or a missile attack on a US city, and/or a massive tidal wave along with some other great disaster disrupting everything into a whole new direction. I have more on that last event, the tidal wave, coming in the next blog. I am not trying to scare any of you, and you know we don’t monger fear here, but how can one NOT find it bizarrely coincidental that you CAN see images like that on the old bills, and that the images on the new bills are so clearly obvious? Like I said, it speaks for itself, no matter what you think you believe in. Did you know about what I showed you before you watched the vid or read the post? If not, now YOU do and if you did, now YOU are refreshed so share the knowledge. Remember, the privilege of instant knowledge relies on the flick of a switch. Right now the switch is still on, but the situation is very fragile, as is the electric grid. You can thank Thomas Edison for that. If Nikola Tesla had been helped instead of buried, YOU would all have free energy now without the high risk of blackout and/or system failure. Look into my archives for more on that subject, or just look it up yourselves. I cannot emphasize how important it is to take advantage of this time while it is still here. The flick of a switch, the flick of a switch, and the proverbial lights go out. What would you do? More to come, wide eyes open. Love to all.

NASA ENLIL Solar Wind Radar >>Watch Previous Post Video First<<

This is NASA’s ENLIL Spiral. Earth is the yellow dot to the right. You can clearly see the CME, and yes, it looks kinda ominous, doesn’t it? Nonetheless, NOT A DIRECT HIT, but there will be some great auroras. Just wanted to post this for your knowledge, here’s the link again…    This is updated regularly and is something interesting to look at from time to time, especially when there is an increase in solar flare activity.

This other ENLIL wind prediction radar shows relatively the same thing. If any of you watch SO, Suspicious Observer, you will see the he goes over these every time he does his daily report. Of course not all of you know that, which is why I am here helping you help yourselves. If you feel inclined, save these in your bookmarks or reading lists or whatever, or don’t. They are here for you to use as long as the power and/or the internet stays on. Wide eyes open. Love to all. Wide eyes open. Love to all.


UPDATE Massive Solar Eruption UPDATE


This is the most recent footage of that massive solar eruption that happened yesterday, well minus the upload time, making the vid, etc…   Regardless, I have put together a nice compilation for you of different views of this event. For those of you who think this eruption and its radiation are coming our way, I suggest you go here… CLICK HERE>>>    That link will take you directly to NASA’s ENLIL spiral which show where all CME’s will be directed. I had a few comments that tried to imply this was coming right at us. IT IS NOT. Go to the link, Earth is the little yellow dot to the right of the Sun. The eruption comes close, yes, but it is not a direct hit. Very close  but no…NO, No, No, relax. I know some of you troll-bots can’t wait for doomsday, but it won’t be today. And if the killshot comes, what are you really gonna have time to do? Enjoy the time now, these moments now. I do not make these to scare you, I make these because the Sun is beautiful and fascinating and ominous and central to life here on Earth. And now in this time, we can see more of it than we ever have before, so why not take advantage? Embrace its awe and beauty, but keep in mind that the sun is ginormous compared to Earth, and there are suns out there that are ginormous compared to our Sun. In the grand scheme, we are nothing, atoms on atoms, so just enjoy whatever this is while we are here and quit freaking out over war and evil governments and killshots and the overall majority of scum on this planet. There are still a few things left of unspeakable beauty. A flower in bloom so perfect but do not pick it or it dies, a sunny sky that can be covered with clouds, a girl that looks like an angel that you wish you could tell, and all the while, there is our Sun, glorious in its majesty, shining down life on us all, but able to rain global catastrophe in a moment. There is duality in all, and you must be able to see both sides to see the whole picture. As for our Sun,  you can see it now like you never have before, indulge and inform yourselves, while you have the freedom to. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 


Massive Halo Solar Eruption Live

Made by yours truly courtesy of once again. It’s late and I’m tired so I’m keeping this short. Basically, a massive filament erupted from the Sun not too long ago… footage is still coming in, but this is relatively close to the latest so far. I’m sure in a few hours there will be more, but for now, you can clearly see the power of this eruption from multiple outlets. Check it out, have a look for yourselves. Again, THERE IS NO DANGER. This is not coming at Earth, although it looks as though it will glance our planet, causing colorful auroras, possibly some satellite interference, but doubtful. Just more spectacular auroras from the Sun’s radiation reacting with our atmosphere. Enjoy the video, more to come. Wide eyes open, love to all.