Picture on the Wall

The Story of the Hurricane


This is a GIF animation of the strongest hurricane ever recorded, Hurricane Patricia, churning up right at this very moment off of the Southwest Mexican coast. 

The weather gets crazier…cheers.

More to come. Love to all. 

A Metaphor

Ever feel like you are stuck?


Like in a glass box with a few sticks and leaves and rocks, a little food dish, and a water bowl… 

I have been looking into some information lately about how we are are really stars, and that we have been captured here in these dense ‘bodies,’ continuously being tricked into tricking courselves into reincarnating over and over and over and over and over again to serve the will of something greater than ourselves. It’s very interesting information, has to do with Saturn and the Moon. Now you know I don’t believe or disbelieve in anything until I experience it for myself, and even then I question it…

…but I do find this fascinating.


Can you imagine if that were true though? And the strange thing to me its that it makes a lot of sense. Look at most of the population, I’m amazed they can wipe their own asses, easily deceivable, tricked from birth, and birthed by the tricked, in a bizarre seemingly unending loop. However, now there are those of us who are waking up and recalling our real selves, so what happens to us, this fringe group that has become of aware of the possibility and plausibility of the trickery and the trap? Again, not saying this is real, but what is for sure real is that the bullshit story they sell everyone from the get-go is total crap, a complete and continuous deception. And if everything they have told us is/was a lie, who knows what is really real and what is really not? So it seems to be of utmost importance that all of us who are “awakened” understand that we are still very much students of the Universe and still naive to the true nature of who and what we are, yet somehow in this life we are advancing inward at a much higher level than any lives we experienced before, at least here on this Earth plane. But here we are, still stuck in whatever this madhouse is, among a vast majority of people who are all so asleep, I just don’t get it.


Feels very limiting, like when a baby figures out that there is huge room to play in outside of the crib, although the ones in charge keep the baby stuck in the crib by repeating over and over to the baby that there is only the crib, using fear to keep the baby in behind the bars of the crib. But the baby can clearly SEE that there is something more, so the baby finally lets go of that fear and now the baby must crawl out of the crib himself and jump, falling to the floor below. Of course the baby will catch a few bruises and cry, but when he sees he isn’t really hurt and that no one is coming nor does he need anyone to come help him because he can now see what is really happening and that he is okay, he will stop crying, then realize for himself to get up and stand alone, and WALK around to SEE what is in the room outside of the crib, which is of course new at first, BUT…once you’ve walked around the room, it comes together and makes sense. You figure out that you are in a house, and there are other rooms in that house. Furthermore you come to the understanding that you’ve been trapped in this house, and that is NOT your house.


How long do YOU like to stay at someone else’s house, trapped in a crib in a room in their house? Is it not time to leave already? Do you like being a baby confined to a crib? FUCK NO. You want to boldly walk out the front door to see what is outside of this strange house you and everyone else are seemingly imprisoned in. Here’s the rub about that though… you’ve only been tricked to keep imprisoning yourself, tricked through fear. No one was ever in charge over you, they only convinced you otherwise in the crib. Who owns this madhouse? Who was there when you finally jumped let go of your fear and freed from your own confinement? YOU. No one else, no one but you. You didn’t realize you were you though until you hit the floor and you woke up, and now that you remembering who you are, you want to remember everything and anything about what you really are. Is anyone ever really “learning,” or are they simply “remembering?”


Back to the metaphor…

…so obviously you will be brave and walk out that damned front door, that wasn’t even locked, and what do you see next, probably more houses, maybe part of a little cul-de-sac of similar houses, and it hits you like a screaming freight train that you were just trapped in one crib, in one house, in one neighborhood, but by who and for what reason?…so then what’s next obviously?… you get back on the super-highway, you take the road out of the neighborhood and keep going, and then who know’s what’s next? Vast open frontier, other neighborhoods, differing geographies of sorts, point is that we are travelers, soul travelers made of stars, that have somehow been deceived into this dimension of matter and density, limited to only what is possible via these bodily vehicles, while someone somewhere for some reason initiated this deception and keeps it recycling into a never-ending circle of life, death, and reincarnation… but for what purposes I do not know, one can only speculate…


You following this metaphor?…I’m totally just ad-libbed all of that straight off of the top of my head, which is good because I wanted to express that outwardly somehow.


Just a quick sum-up:

Are we really explorers of the Infinite, anything possible, yet somehow some entity or entities have “trapped” us in these bodies by convincing everyone the “real” world is the crib, and there is nothing outside of that crib? And now some of us, our souls are remembering themselves, and are remembering what they truly are, want to get back to being soul/star travelers, so how do we escape the trap? Again, please understand I do not know if this is any way true or untrue, just one of many many many may many “ideas” that seem to keep bombarding me from I-don’t-know-where. But I have never felt anymore alive than in this moment now, know what I mean? The journey accelerates along with the time, moving faster and faster toward….

…maybe next time, we are over 1000 words…

Be good dear friends and readers.

Love to all.

Catching Up


It’s been a while since my last 1000+worder, so let’s catch up…

However, first please take note of the two previous short posts that offer links to FREE music, movies, programs, all via bit torrents.

Why PAY for anything? Money shouldn’t conflict with anything, especially art.

Get learned if you don’t know and if you do know, share and inform. Moving on…


Clearly this whole Ebola mess is to incite fear amongst the populous, let’s just get that right out there. Here’s the math…like 4000ish dead, I think I saw 9000ish infected, now there are 7 and ½ billion people on the planet, more-or-less. For those who are mathematically deficient, to get the percentage of the total infected, we would divide 7.5 billion into 9000, which is .0000012%, hardly any real epidemic, pandemic, whatever the fear mongers are trying to convey to the masses. More people are going to contract and die from the flu. Of course the MSM is eating it up and do you know why? More fear gives more power to those you still let control you, and said controllers use the MSM to incite that fear, at least in a large proportion. Here’s something many of you may not know…the CDC has patents for Ebola, and patents are granted to inventions, so wouldn’t this be a CDC/CIA/Globalist engineered bioweapon, since it’s being released upon the public, just like the HIV virus?  …which did not work fast enough for the eugenist scum who mastermind such things. Oh yes, the whole HIV/AIDS thing was somewhat of a test run for population control, i.e., depopulation of those deemed unfit to exist. Don’t believe me, look it up. For those who might be new, try “Agenda 21” as a search query start. That’s all on the Ebola from me, except for this… when the “Ebola vaccines” start rolling out, please for the sake of your own humanity, DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE, or any vaccines for that matter. Continuing…


Well I was going to write a post about how disappointing Comet Siding Spring would be before it actually disappointed everyone, but I waited to see it play out, and here we are, Comet ISON Part 2, the Siding Spring Sequel. Maybe it was a spectacular event, but no one knows because NASA and/or whoever controls the monitoring satellites, cut the live feed for one, then provided ass-crappy images that are unimpressive to say the least. Ground-based amateur astronomers have better images, many of which actually ARE impressive, but the footage is still very lacking. Another space event bust. So many “events,” so many “record” and “once-in-a-lifetime” occurrences all ending in blah. Maybe space novelty has hit a critical mass, at least for some. I suppose though it would only take one major event to alter the course of things in a dramatic fashion, but these blood moons, eclipses, ehhh… makes one wonder how significant these celestial events are even to the ones who supposedly adhere their Luciferian dogma to it, and yes I am referring to the globalist banker elitist scum that I have detailed elaborately for all of you so many times before….


I will use the “event” topic to segue onto a potentially “eventful” upcoming date, which I have milestoned onto the right of the page over there, said date being this Friday, October 24, 2014. Now I have seen some speculative reports that this will be the date of the next market crash, hence the name Black Friday, as it refers to this date in the past, which you can look up on your own. Nonetheless, for those who still do not know, the market WILL crash at some point… it’s inevitable. I’m not going to take the time to get into the details, but the system is set up TO crash, which doesn’t affect those at the top of the pyramid, but for the 99% below, surely it will, and that’s exactly what the swine in charge want. We have covered this before, create chaos, bring in order, problem-reaction-solution. IT’S ON THE DOLLAR BILL, that’s one thing that blows my mind is that these psychopaths broadcast their plans and intentions everywhere, because they know that most of the people are sheeple and are too fluoridated and programmed and braindead to put it together. It’s amusing to them, amusing the way a dog or cat is to it’s owner. Do you like being perceived as pets, cattle, sheep, a herd? Who ultimately makes that decision? You? Or them? Back to the market, I am not saying it will, or it will not crash this Friday, but it WILL crash and how that affects you is up to YOU. Do not let your fate be woven in the hands of masters. 


Notice the price of oil dropping, at least here in the mighty USSA? That’s because our shady government cut deals with the Saudis in relation to this ISIS propaganda campaign. We have seen numerous videos posted by ISIS, or ISIL, or IS, or whatever they are called this week but I digress…anyway, these videos show convoys of trucks and tanks and anti-aircraft guns and missiles, yet why are all the targets being blown up NOT these convoys but rather what appears to be randomly isolated and vacated buildings? Hmmmm… maybe that’s because the CIA and other shadow agencies fund these supposed terrorists groups, so who are the real terrorists? That’s right, they work in the shadows, which worked well for them before the advent of the internet and in turn, the alternative media. Now we tangent… Sharing information allowed for the potential for billions to awaken to the real reality of the world around them, and we are all in that process now, although the degree of ascension into this process is relative on an individual basis. Never-the-less, the potential is still here. All part of the global mass awakening, which exponentiates more each day. We must remember that there is still in place a preceding generation which is used to playing by the rules of those aforementioned shadowy conspirators, and it is not until that generation is gone or defeated or gets over themselves that humanity can truly have a chance to be free. The question is how much influence that old generation has on the upcoming generations… do we follow the path of the uninformed, the unenlightened, the unwillfully ignorant who thought they had it right? Or do we blaze our own path/s, with our own knowledge, and our own perceptions of what this 3rd dimensional existence means?


The answer lies with you, and you alone. Be brave, and let go of all you fear.

The time is coming. Our fraction of an instance is up.

Wide eyes open.

Love to all. 


Phantom Tollbooth

The above link to the not-as-known-as-it-should-be 1970 classic animated film The Phantom Tollbooth is obviously right atop these words…just click the video to watch. Also, this is quite a fun read, try the audiobook if actual reading bothers you. Now why this clever film isn’t shown to all kids blows the mind… kind of like the Allegory of the Cave, which i have mentioned to all of you so many times…



Both of these animations offer much more than what may appear on the surface and are great for aiding in the expansion of young minds as well as all minds inclined to learn. Somehow I missed this Phantom Tollbooth nearly my entire life. No worries. Never too late to discover new things… always keep learning. Nonetheless, yes I only randomly came across this a few days ago, which is why I am sharing with all of you now.

Do you still find that inner child within? Yearning to grow? Perhaps you are a reader with children… irregardless, if you are not familiar with this book/film, get learned,

or just change the channel…


I do not want to spoil any of the fun, so if you are interested, have a look.

Moving on…

Are you noticing the changes rapidly unfolding as autumn dawns in the northern hemisphere? Where will it all lead? Why the fuck are beheadings being broadcast on a relatively daily basis? What exactly are the puppet masters trying to convey? Whether or not these atrocities are being faked or not, they want you to believe it is real, but why? What is the endgame? What are these wolves playing at? Not too long ago, they reported that some mysterious entity added a cornerstone to the English slab of the Georgia Guidestones which read “2014.” Now today, reports are out that it has been removed. Let’s not forget about Ebola, now being estimated to infect over a million people by January, but has now come out that the virus was patented by the CDC. Volcanic eruptions anyone?… they are occurring all over, just earlier today another one erupted in Japan. I can go on and on and on and on and on and on about all the crazy news I come across, but what can it all mean? Where the fuck are we all heading? What changes are on the horizon? What will you do if it all goes sideways?… from day to night in a flash, like the GIF above from Phantom Tollbooth


Whatever happens, it is of the utmost importance that YOU be awakened and free from the shackles and shadows and echoes from your self-entombment in your cave. Do NOT let it disturb you that you have come to the realization that you were once a prisoner to your ego. Most everyone is conditioned to be that way from birth in this dimension. Very few are born awake. Now is such a special time to exist in this dimension because NOW, in this moment, there has never been such capacity for access to so much information. You already know so much, only you have forgotten, but now YOU can regain your power by learning, by nurturing your curiosity to re-know what you have lost via the spiritual amnesia that affects all between incarnations. This incarnation can be the last. You/we, all came here to discover and learn through experience, incarnating over and over and over again, but NOW it can be different. There has never been a time like the NOW, at least in the recorded known history. The world has more people than ever, roughly 7 and ½ billion, all amnesiated from birth, bumping and stumbling around, trying to put together the pieces, whether consciously or subconsciously. This mass of humanity is all now globally connected for the most part via the Internet. So much communication, sharing of info, an entire planet connected by electrified circuitry in a way that would seem like magic 100 years ago. Yet so many still remain ignorant, asleep, enslaved to a notion that their life revolves around their ego, rather than soul. Why? I have said this before but what if the electricity were to go out, and all that connectivity is lost? What would happen then? Can you recall what it was like before all this connectedness? You must be able to rely on yourselves, so can you in fact rely on yourself if you had no more cell phone, no hot water, no readily available food? Now you know we don’t promote fear around here, so do not misunderstand. These are valid questions, for YOU, not for me. Just because you try to live in a world where the powers that be do not influence you, doesn’t mean you cannot avoid said influence, and the apparent truth of the reality is that these globalist pig scum are hell bent on carrying on with their agenda, which is as simple as divide and conquer. YOU must find the power within YOU to rise above their scheme. Do NOT give into fear. Do NOT give into hate. Do NOT judge. Most importantly, YOU must rise above the paradigm of the slave-master model. YOU are no slave to anyone, much less these Luciferian, owl-worshipping socio/psychopaths that are running this madhouse. Again, just because YOU do NOT believe in their occultist ways, does not meant they don’t take it seriously, and they do, they take it quite seriously in fact. Mass spell broadcasts via various media, ingratiating symbolism to appease their version of a god, ritual after ritual after ritual, it goes on and on. Yes, this world is a madhouse, run by lunatics, but to call them insane will deem YOU to be the crazy one in the asylum. What’s that expression?…”something about truth in a kingdom of lies,”…


Do not let it all bug you out. Relax. Breathe. Be stronger, rise above their aforementioned agenda, rise above the wicked, rise above the ego slaves still asleep and shackled to the floors of their caves, rise above the puppet masters, only YOU have power over YOU. Do NOT give them anything, give them none of your energy. Ohhhhh…. and we’ve hit the 1000 word mark once again my friends. Don’t forget to check out The Phantom Tollbooth, and be sure to share. Share, inform, educate, repeat. Although many still sleep, many are waking up, more and more each day, even if at the rate of one-by-one on some days. As long as one awakens, then they awaken another, our ascension as a unified humanity exponentiates, and that is where those of us who are here to help are finding ourselves these days. Not all can be reached, still that 85 to 90% remember? The herd of sheeple is still vast and programmed and hypnotized. 

Focus on those who are remembering themselves, for one cannot teach those who do not want to be taught.

On that note, until next time dear friends…

Wide eyes open. 

Love to all. 


It’s in the Money…. MUST WATCH

All of you who read this blog should know by now that I in no way, shape, or form endorse any kind of organized religion. NOT MY VIDEO. The guy who made this video is obviously a Christian. He will bring up bible verses throughout this video, but I want you to IGNORE that part, only focus on the content. Don’t any of you find it odd that every bill of USSA currency coincidentally depicts a real event when you fold it a specific way? You will see in this vid that the narrator does a great job of showing you the images… the twin towers on fire…

     ….  or the Pentagon on fire… 

…. what are the odds, especially when you fold it this specific way?   Then back to the $10 and the $5 bill….

Same theme, this paper airplane fold, and then the images, again, WHAT ARE THE ODDS? Could this be mere coincidence?… on every bill. Oh wait, what about one dollar bills? Ok, now we have one in the other corner because it seems like the $1 bill, the most common bill, has more speculative imagery. Oh, wait, back to the conspiracy side, their is an all seeing eye always watching from the one dollar bill, and here a few more…

The number 13 seems to be a common theme, doesn’t it? Tomorrow is the 13th just on a side note. Continuing now to the “new” hundred dollar bill, which actually has been set to release since 2009, the original date of printing, but was withheld until about a week ago, in the year 2013… The other events depicted on the other bills have taken place, but this new image has yet to become a reality. It is a city, being overrun by explosions, check it out in the vid above… here are just some shots of the front and back…

  … Click on it to blow up the image…

Clearly you can see the blue stripe, as in the vid, with the Liberty bell, that rings in distress when you move it in the light because it’s a hologram. I wanted to put up some still images of what happens when you fold this bill, again in that same paper-airplaneish fashion, to reveal the image of what appears to be a city amidst some kind of attack, missiles, a nuclear explosion, but unfortunately it seems no one has any still images up yet. I suppose I could screenshot from the vid above, OR… just WATCH THE VIDEO above. Again, please please disregard the biblical adaption part of the vid and focus only on what the images reveal on the bills. Above, I showed you an image from the old $10 bill, and what looks like the twin towers just as they begin to collapse. There is now a NEW $10 bill and I DO have a still image of what that reveals….

      … is it a tidal wave coming in over a city? And yet AGAIN, the same paper airplane-like fold to produce a plausible image, although this event has not in fact happened yet. The old bills, the events have transpired, the new bills, yet to come. Do you think it just coincidence? These globalist pig scum are a very evil and very ritualistic bunch, surely sick enough to smear their agenda right in all of your faces every time you use their money. Believe what you want, the images speak for themselves and their track record thus far is ZERO losses. Maybe the part of the agenda on the new bills was set to happen around 2009, at the date of printing, but the agenda has been stalled, until now. Why did they release this “new” money during  this government shutdown? And what would totally take the focus off of said government shutdown?… A MAJOR EVENT… i.e. a nuclear explosion, and/or a missile attack on a US city, and/or a massive tidal wave along with some other great disaster disrupting everything into a whole new direction. I have more on that last event, the tidal wave, coming in the next blog. I am not trying to scare any of you, and you know we don’t monger fear here, but how can one NOT find it bizarrely coincidental that you CAN see images like that on the old bills, and that the images on the new bills are so clearly obvious? Like I said, it speaks for itself, no matter what you think you believe in. Did you know about what I showed you before you watched the vid or read the post? If not, now YOU do and if you did, now YOU are refreshed so share the knowledge. Remember, the privilege of instant knowledge relies on the flick of a switch. Right now the switch is still on, but the situation is very fragile, as is the electric grid. You can thank Thomas Edison for that. If Nikola Tesla had been helped instead of buried, YOU would all have free energy now without the high risk of blackout and/or system failure. Look into my archives for more on that subject, or just look it up yourselves. I cannot emphasize how important it is to take advantage of this time while it is still here. The flick of a switch, the flick of a switch, and the proverbial lights go out. What would you do? More to come, wide eyes open. Love to all.


No Handshakes for Der Fuhrer Obama


Now I know this video isn’t new, but it’s still funny to watch the “world’s most powerful man” get ignored by some Russian lawmakers as he attempts to shake their hands. Watch the vid closely and you’ll see that not once, not twice, but three times does President Obama stick his hand out and get rejected. Not very respectful of the “world’s most powerful man” is it? You can see the anguish in his face get progressively worse as he repeatedly gets dissed by these guys. Oh Obama, what are we going to do with you? You almost want to feel bad for him, but then you remember what a scumbag gangster globalist puppet piece of shit he is, and the sorrow fades away. I am holding back on any real insight into this US government shutdown ordeal, and I don’t know shit about what exactly this “default” means yet, but I am looking into all that. I know “default,” in this sense, means to be unable to repay your debt, so what the fuck does that mean? Sounds bad, and it is unprecedented apparently, but the story seems to be that it is NOT something to overly worry about, hmmm….. 

Well we have this “shutdown,” have all these cutbacks in government-run programs, like parks shutting down, little to no more border patrol, etc… so if we add to all that the fact that the government defaults on the 17th, and can’t pay what it owes to whoever it owes, how can that possibly NOT be something that makes it all worse, certainly not better. I read that China will be affected, with their investments here in America, and the fact the US owes to China oohh…. about 1.3 trillion in treasury bonds… ummm… sorry, we can’t pay that, and they have just publicly stated their concerns, you can look it up. However, I am not going to pretend like I know much about this because I don’t, but only because I haven’t read up on it yet, which is what I am going to do, and I suggest you all do the same so you at least know what the hell is going on somewhat if this all goes sideways for everyone. The China thing was only the first thing I ran into. There are also reports of skyrocketing mortgages and interest rates, world markets crashing, but again, THEY say YOU have nothing to worry about, and you know how much you can trust your government, don’t you? FUCK THAT. At least know what goes on when it goes on, be aware, don’t bury your heads in the sand while this globalist agenda continues to run rampant over humanity. Like I said, I’m catching myself up on all this, starting with word “default” and how it applies to anything it happens to apply to. Going from there, I will figure out as best I can what is really happening, and what they throw out there to confuse all of you, because that is surely one thing about all this… VERY CONFUSING, just how they want it to be. They know most of you won’t take the time to figure out what the fuck they are doing up there in Washington, but we don’t do that via this forum do we? To defeat the pig scum, you must understand the pig scum. It’s not all about enlightenment and raising your vibration, it’s also about dealing with what is happening now as we spiral through this 3-d existence. What is happening now is that we are all living in a world run by a fractional few who control all the money, but that world is collapsing in on itself because that is not the way it is supposed to be. BUT… to get to other side of all this, to the next world, you must experience this time first. This is just the way it is, but only right now, not tomorrow, tomorrow is always a new page, and when it turns, it will turn fast and be quite dramatic. While you are here though, it is important to come to the realization of what this really is and what you really are. That is where the knowledge comes in, which leads you out of the cave, into the enlightenment of the true world above…. yes, like Plato’s Cave. See archives if you don’t know. Much more coming…. I can see a wave in the distance, a wave getting higher, coming right this way. What will that wave bring?… soon enough you’ll know my friends. No worries. Wide eyes open, love to all. 

UPDATE NASA Countdown Date Changed to October 6

Ok, do you all remember this post from a few days ago about this NASA countdown clock?….


Notice anything different? The clock has changed from November 13th to October 6th, just over a day away from a “major announcement.” Look further down…


You can register your email if you want, but that’s all you’ve got until apparently October 6th. Go to the site if you want…. http://www.rememberthe13th.com/   …and check it out for yourselves. As I told you before, every time I have seen one of these “countdown” sites, it always counts down to nothing, so don’t get your hopes up. I’m surely not advocating anything here, just passing the info onto all of you. I will change the counter on the right of the page accordingly as well. If you calculate the countdown, it ends at midnight tomorrow night. So this “announcement” is coming right at midnight on the 6th of October, in about a day and a half, according to what you and I see here. Again, I AM ONLY THE TRANSLATOR. Wide eyes open. Love to all.

Comet ISON Coverup?

Moving animated spinning spiral galaxy in space

If it weren’t for the alternative media, even fewer people would be aware of comet ISON. Why aren’t there regular updates from NASA on this comet? Do you know how big it is?… nearly 35,000 miles, yes, 35,000 mile diameter. Do you know how big Earth’s diameter is?… 7,926 miles, so this “comet” is as big as 4 Earth’s. That’s huge, and it is coming in quite close, close enough to appear brighter than the full moon, yet where is the MSM on this event? Oh, they are busy war-mongering, when all the while, something else is creeping up on everyone. Comet ISON is supposedly approaching at around 1 and 1/2 to 2 million miles per day. So we have something the size of 4 Earth’s, hurling toward us at around 70,000 MPH, and no mainstream updates whatsoever. Why? What is known by some, but not by most others?

I’ve showed you the images of Comet ISON with the adjusted exposure. Here they are once again…    Some people are saying these are fake, but I have watched the picture do nothing more than change exposure MYSELF, and I can assure you and reassure you that when you darken the exposure, this “image” comes out. As you can see, there is a central “dot” with two lines branching off, very geometric and unlike any comet I have ever seen. Other speculators have come up with theories that it is some form of alien spacecraft, on a voyage to Earth to finally disclose the alien truth. Some have mentioned the blue star kachina from Hopi prophecies that signals an “end Times” scenario. Some are even still sticking to their belief in Nibiru and/or some other rogue planet, moving relatively undetected through the solar system. Nostradamus mentioned a time of “two suns in the sky.” Those ideas where out there before these rendered images came out, but now that these images are in fact available to all of you, the mystery deepens, doesn’t it? Putting all of the speculation aside though, let’s review what is known…

This “comet” is no small space rock. It’s quite large, and should it come close to Earth, it’s gravity would surely have some effect wouldn’t it? Or what about whatever IT’S gravity is pulling along with it at 70,000 MPH that could come raining down on the planet? The predicted orbit does not show it hitting Earth, but if it is big enough and it gets close enough, common sense can tell you that something will happen. Would your governments tell you about this? No, they wouldn’t, at least not until they had no other option. ISON will be making it’s close approach to Mars around October 1st. Maybe we will get a preview of what may be coming our way as well. Don’t count on the MSM to give you any information though. Like I said earlier, they are busy instigating WW3, but we will be here to give you the truth, as long as the power stays on. On November 28th, 2013, this comet will be at it’s brightest as it zips toward, and eventually around the Sun. What exactly will happen during this November 28th perihelion is still unknown though.

Remember, this “comet” is enormous, 4 EARTHS. I don’t know why there isn’t some sort of mass-publicized daily update on this comet ISON, so I’ll do my part to keep you as informed as I can. This sounds like the greatest celestial event to occur possibly EVER, but still, not everyone knows and the info is suppressed. I just don’t get why. The only explanation is either A, it really isn’t going to be that big of a deal, which just doesn’t make sense considering the sheer size alone of this “comet”…. OR B, the people who really know what this is are keeping quiet, and it is only info leaks via the alternative media that allow you all to know anything at all about this comet. Think about it, if there were no alternative media, would any of you know any of this at all? Some countries, like China, regulate their internet to the point that there is no alternative media for them, their info is tightly controlled by the Chinese government, therefore they only know what they are allowed to know. That is why I urge all of you to keep learning and discovering this information while you can. The knowledge is out here, it is free, YOU only have to take it. Don’t take this time for granted though. Don’t forget, we are on the verge of WW3 and if Congress votes as expected when they return Monday, by this time next week, it’s on. Hmmm… WW3 commencing and massive comet approaches. Any connections there?… or just bizarre coincidence? Some say nothing is coincidence, but I’ll leave you to interpret that however you like. Anyone can see we are at the precipice of some major shift, a great change, and if you don’t think so, you are still dwelling in the shadows of your own ignorance. There’s speculation, and then there’s common sense. What is your common sense telling you about the big picture right now? Much more coming soon. Wide eyes open. Love to all.