A Metaphor

Ever feel like you are stuck?


Like in a glass box with a few sticks and leaves and rocks, a little food dish, and a water bowl… 

I have been looking into some information lately about how we are are really stars, and that we have been captured here in these dense ‘bodies,’ continuously being tricked into tricking courselves into reincarnating over and over and over and over and over again to serve the will of something greater than ourselves. It’s very interesting information, has to do with Saturn and the Moon. Now you know I don’t believe or disbelieve in anything until I experience it for myself, and even then I question it…

…but I do find this fascinating.


Can you imagine if that were true though? And the strange thing to me its that it makes a lot of sense. Look at most of the population, I’m amazed they can wipe their own asses, easily deceivable, tricked from birth, and birthed by the tricked, in a bizarre seemingly unending loop. However, now there are those of us who are waking up and recalling our real selves, so what happens to us, this fringe group that has become of aware of the possibility and plausibility of the trickery and the trap? Again, not saying this is real, but what is for sure real is that the bullshit story they sell everyone from the get-go is total crap, a complete and continuous deception. And if everything they have told us is/was a lie, who knows what is really real and what is really not? So it seems to be of utmost importance that all of us who are “awakened” understand that we are still very much students of the Universe and still naive to the true nature of who and what we are, yet somehow in this life we are advancing inward at a much higher level than any lives we experienced before, at least here on this Earth plane. But here we are, still stuck in whatever this madhouse is, among a vast majority of people who are all so asleep, I just don’t get it.


Feels very limiting, like when a baby figures out that there is huge room to play in outside of the crib, although the ones in charge keep the baby stuck in the crib by repeating over and over to the baby that there is only the crib, using fear to keep the baby in behind the bars of the crib. But the baby can clearly SEE that there is something more, so the baby finally lets go of that fear and now the baby must crawl out of the crib himself and jump, falling to the floor below. Of course the baby will catch a few bruises and cry, but when he sees he isn’t really hurt and that no one is coming nor does he need anyone to come help him because he can now see what is really happening and that he is okay, he will stop crying, then realize for himself to get up and stand alone, and WALK around to SEE what is in the room outside of the crib, which is of course new at first, BUT…once you’ve walked around the room, it comes together and makes sense. You figure out that you are in a house, and there are other rooms in that house. Furthermore you come to the understanding that you’ve been trapped in this house, and that is NOT your house.


How long do YOU like to stay at someone else’s house, trapped in a crib in a room in their house? Is it not time to leave already? Do you like being a baby confined to a crib? FUCK NO. You want to boldly walk out the front door to see what is outside of this strange house you and everyone else are seemingly imprisoned in. Here’s the rub about that though… you’ve only been tricked to keep imprisoning yourself, tricked through fear. No one was ever in charge over you, they only convinced you otherwise in the crib. Who owns this madhouse? Who was there when you finally jumped let go of your fear and freed from your own confinement? YOU. No one else, no one but you. You didn’t realize you were you though until you hit the floor and you woke up, and now that you remembering who you are, you want to remember everything and anything about what you really are. Is anyone ever really “learning,” or are they simply “remembering?”


Back to the metaphor…

…so obviously you will be brave and walk out that damned front door, that wasn’t even locked, and what do you see next, probably more houses, maybe part of a little cul-de-sac of similar houses, and it hits you like a screaming freight train that you were just trapped in one crib, in one house, in one neighborhood, but by who and for what reason?…so then what’s next obviously?… you get back on the super-highway, you take the road out of the neighborhood and keep going, and then who know’s what’s next? Vast open frontier, other neighborhoods, differing geographies of sorts, point is that we are travelers, soul travelers made of stars, that have somehow been deceived into this dimension of matter and density, limited to only what is possible via these bodily vehicles, while someone somewhere for some reason initiated this deception and keeps it recycling into a never-ending circle of life, death, and reincarnation… but for what purposes I do not know, one can only speculate…


You following this metaphor?…I’m totally just ad-libbed all of that straight off of the top of my head, which is good because I wanted to express that outwardly somehow.


Just a quick sum-up:

Are we really explorers of the Infinite, anything possible, yet somehow some entity or entities have “trapped” us in these bodies by convincing everyone the “real” world is the crib, and there is nothing outside of that crib? And now some of us, our souls are remembering themselves, and are remembering what they truly are, want to get back to being soul/star travelers, so how do we escape the trap? Again, please understand I do not know if this is any way true or untrue, just one of many many many may many “ideas” that seem to keep bombarding me from I-don’t-know-where. But I have never felt anymore alive than in this moment now, know what I mean? The journey accelerates along with the time, moving faster and faster toward….

…maybe next time, we are over 1000 words…

Be good dear friends and readers.

Love to all.

Inch of Dust

These guys are old friends of mine from college. The lead singer and I particularly hung out for a brief time, a long time ago. Great group of guys, brilliant musicians, I’m lucky to say that I am friends with the band that made some of the best music I or you will ever know. Anyway, here’s a link to the song mentioned in the post title, “Inch of Dust.” I’ll add the lyrics below for you so you can all enjoy what I have enjoyed for so long.

Inch of Dust

A part of me–you have,
A part of me–you hold,
Apart from me–you stand,
And there’s parts that you have stole.

You collect them in the cupboards
Like the pieces of a puzzle.
And nest just like a mother,
In the dampness of your sweater.
And it’s never put together,
As I’ve watched you from the window.
Behind the curtains, winter,
Moves slowly as a tether.
To wrap around you tightly,
As lovers will in meadows.
To fall in love with shadows,
Where the snow is all but melted.
And it’s never put together,
It’s never put together.
Behind the curtains, winter,
Falls slowly as a feather.

A part of you–I have,
The part of you–I hide.
A part of you I hold,
The part you left behind.
Call on me, I’ll be there always
A part of me–you have,
A part of me–you hold.
Apart from me–you stand,
And there’s parts that you have stole.

A part of you–I have,
The part of you–I hide.
A part of you I stole,
The part you left behind.


And here is a link to the actual song… Future Islands – Inch of Dust   Be sure to listen to this and everything else they have, and for a bonus treat, you can look up Art Lord and the Self-Portraits. That was Future Islands before they became such, when we were all just broke college kids trying to figure everything out. Those times are gone, but will never be forgotten. Enjoy. Wide eyes open. Love to all.