The Fooze: S6E17 6/17/2023 Reasons Why YOU Should Hire ME, as a Writer/Digital Content Creator

As I have mentioned numerous times before, my black ass is heavily, HEAVILY, shadowbanned. Before the Great Purge in the 2016-2017 era, I was getting thousands of views a day, but now, I’m lucky if I get 10, occasionally even 20, despite the 5000-plus pages of writing I have done in the decade I’ve been writing here on Wordpuke, I mean WordPress. Yep, I’m shadowbanned here, HERE, on my own digital opus. Such is the way of Clownworld 2023…(honk noise). However, in the last few days, I noticed a healthy spike in my view count, topping out at around 70 views yesterday, I believe. Numerically, that is a YUGE increase in views, even though in the proverbial big picture, that’s still relatively nothing, compared to the views I used to get prior to said Great Purge. Nonetheless, it’s significant, & even though I’m not sure exactly what caused this 3-consecutive-days spike, I greatly appreciate all the views. Yours truly can only speculate, even though my speculations have shed no light on the reason for the increase, so I suppose I should just be thankful, which I most certainly am.

Maybe it has something to do with my unending daily stream of applications I send out to potential employers, but I have been doing that for a year now, so it’s a bit of a mystery as to why the sudden increase in views is occurring. Regardless, as I said, it’s very much appreciated, & so now, I’m going to address those aforementioned potential employers, as to why they should hire me to write for them. Where do I begin, where do I begin? So many starting points to choose from, so I’ll begin with a most-important reason why I stand out from everyone else. Quite simply, it’s due to the fact that I illustrate my articles with MY OWN GIF animations, & as far as I know, no one, NO ONE ELSE, does this. Not only do I make my own GIFS, I make them well, with no skips, & with an authentically unique artistic style, that further elevates me, far above any other writers, so much so that it’s as if I was on an island, an island onto myself. Have you ever seen another writer that does this, or even CAN do it? I haven’t, & believe me, I look, but nope, never seen another warrior of the pen utilizing this technique to give their articles more life, if you will. I like creating, & in fact, I LOVE it, being the creator, creating my own world, my own niche, as it were. That’s right, it’s mine, my own niche, truly original, & thus, I can call it all my own.

Moving on to the next reason why you should hire me, & that reason is, that writing for me, is a passion. I’ve written more-or-less all my life, beginning with a story I wrote about teachers being aliens, at the tender age of 10, which got published in a local magazine. I’ve always loved the arts as a whole; I love to paint, draw, create digital art, & of course, writing, which tops the list. I have an impressive lexicon that is so vast in my head, words come out of my ears, & if ever I find myself not knowing a certain word, or in need of knowing a certain word, or a synonym for a certain word, I simply look it up, then add it to the lexicon. In addition, I’m quite well-read, & if you peruse my various articles, you’ll find countless references to the sages of yesteryear. Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Camus, Marcus Aurelius, & those are only the ones that popped out first. Obviously, I could list more, many more, but I think you get the point. I also know bits of several languages, as well as many of the Latin, Greek, & Germanic origins of the English language. Like I mentioned earlier, if I don’t know, I look it up, then integrate it into my word-smithery, which has built itself into an arsenal that I can utilize at will whenever I write and/or speak. This has also provided me with a strong sense of wit, a genius-level wit, as well as an originality that is all my own. Original wit, something maybe we should all strive for, yes? Not to mention, it kind of sounds like a band name for some neo-chillwave sounding musicians…lots of synth, but I digress, as always, which is par for this here course of mine. Original Wits…derp…continuing on…

Along with these reasons I detail above, I center everything, literally EVERYTHING, around TRUTH, which in this modern age, is proving difficult to find, is it not? There’s so much fakery out here in the trenches, so much un-truth, so much propaganda, such insane propaganda, which is why I am so passionately disciplined about writing ONLY truth. I pride myself on that attribute, even though “pride,” is one of the seven deadly sins. Maybe “pride” is the wrong word then, yes? I don’t want to be remembered as a prideful person; I want to be remembered as a human being that lives by truth, exposes the truth of this reality, & dies by truth, many years from now, hopefully. No one can ever take that away, but if you’re a liar, & a fraud, & that’s the legacy you leave behind, shame on you, not to mention an eternity of being known as a deceptionist. Incidentally, “deceptionist,”is not a real word, but the way I see it, if you write eloquently, & the words you use fulfill the fundamental rules of grammar, who says whether it’s a “word,” or not? Some douchebag college professor, perhaps? Fuck them, & their abidance to staying within their own self-defined boundaries, per se. Who makes up these idiotic “rules?” I’ve never been one to follow rules, particularly ones that make no sense to me, & I am more-than-brave-enough to think for myself, to make MY own rules, so that’s what I do. This applies to life, at least it does to MY life, & if you don’t like it, don’t read it, & get the fuck outta my face.

Words, are one letter away from swords, & I wield my respective swords like William Wallace at the Battle of Stirling. Oh man, what it must’ve been like to live back then. Can you imagine an army of sword-wielding Scots, charging headlong at you, shouting battle cries as they encroach on your position? To me, it’s arguably analogous to writing pure truth, while the other side comes back at you with propagandistic lies & bullshit, expecting you & your army to adhere to their position & retreat. “Stick those lies up your unrespective arses,” I proclaim, as I go charging right back at them, with the armor of truth shielding me from their nonsensical rubberized swords. Truth is indestructible; the truth is eternal, & no matter how much they swing, they always miss me. I wish I could say that for the rest of humanity, but unfortunately, most would rather comply, then to fight. If only we could ALL unite as one massive force, we could destroy their fabricated scripted narratives, their corruption, their self-entitled power positions we allow them to hold, all of it, we could take back from them in a day, if we wanted, but who is them exactly? Great question, thanks for asking. They, as it were, are these so-called “ruling elites,” that I have mentioned ad nauseam, & their deceptionary fake news apparatuses, as well as the alphabet agencies that protect them, keeping all of US divided, rather than united, to fight, & ultimately defeat them. There’s way, WAY more of us, but yet they still hold dominion over most of you, over the planet, but why? Why can’t we all unite? Why do we stay divided? Why do they gain more & more & more power & wealth at an exponential rate, while We The People, sink deeper & deeper into the swamp of impoverished sadness? For the life of me, I’ll never understand why, & since this has been happening for centuries, yes, CENTURIES, methinks the divide will keep growing, not just between US & THEM, but between US & US.

Oy vey, I could go on, & on, & on, with more reasons why YOU, yes YOU, should hire me immediately as a writer. I abide my viewers, my readers, & as I am super-savvy with SEO writing, I always offering links for those who like to swim in the deep end of the pool, because I want YOU, to learn for yourselves, & not rely entirely on yours truly, or others, to do all of the research & deep-diving for you. There’s little benefit to that notion, for you gain so much more by learning for YOU, not for me. I am here to help, to point the way, like those guys who spin arrow-signs on the side of the road, but the way I spin my sign is like no other. If you want talent, along with exceptional creativity, via a seasoned veteran of the figurative sign-spinning, what are you waiting for? Hire me. The FisH™ abides, always, dudes & dudettes, & I would love nothing more than to finally get paid for doing what I do, for holding onto my passion. I give to you, you give to me, & I can assure you, with 1000% confidence, that with the help of the right publisher, my diligent work can go viral, & manifest a win-win situation for all parties involved. I’m a spark, & you have the gasoline, so let’s combine our forces, & blow this world up with the TRUTH, the raw truth, of what the real reality of this artificially propped-up is, rather than the Clownworld ridiculousness spewed out by the mainstream fake news machine malevolently says it is. They barf it out all over the zeitgeist, to do nothing more than control you, & what you’ve been led to believe is real. None of it’s real, NONE OF IT, & damnit, I want to exist in a world based on natural order, the TRUTH, & it’s time for a Divine Great Reckoning to befall Mother Earth, before the malignant cancer becomes terminal, for all of us. Until next time dear readers, & potential future employers, remember this…there’s NO fish like this FisH™, & if you have the fishbowl, let’s make this happen. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐟

“There’s no fish, like this FisH™.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S6E7 6/7/2023 Historious Mysterious

Is it just me, yours truly, your neighborhood fish, or does anyone else think that maybe, just maybe, ancient history, as it’s taught in places where you’re supposed to learn truth, is, in fact, not true at all? When you think of “ancient,” what sort of imagery pops up in your mind? Oh man, where does one begin amongst so many un-truths? This isn’t even an exclusively “ancient” thing either, & why do I say that? Great question, thanks for playing. I say that because as relatively recent as ohhhhhhh…200ish years ago, there might have been an event, an event of such dynamism, that said event, changed the entire world, along with the truth, as to where the true origins of mankind lie. Oh no no no, the true truth is not totally gone, per se; it’s buried, buried in the mud, like a hungry pig. If you dive into this, you might get pissed, because it sucks being lied to, doesn’t it?…especially if you’ve been lied to for your whole damn life. What can you do about it, other than speculate?

You have to think like a globalist in this situation; end of the old world, is the beginning of a new world, OUR new world. There was no internet back then, so information traveled by word of mouth and/or newspapers, & there wasn’t any insta-gratification, like we’re so used to today. It would have been very easy for those old school elites to write & rewrite the “news of the day,” & I can assure you all that by the 19th century, they did. Newspapers were common in the cities, which is also where they tended to write the “news,” because they already had an established system of printers & writers & such, & were more than well-aware of the power that rots within the concept of controlling the news via scripted narratives. Think of like…a pony express wag the dog. They could’ve wrote anything really; think about it, & if those old school illuminati guys were already plotting world domination, they were definitely already wagging that purebred Orwellian ruffruff.

Before we start, here’s a lineup of links to several videos, all of which relate to the central topic, but I have to keep this post somewhat nebulous, or I’ll end up with a 20-25 page research paper. Moving on, & in no particular order: The First Great Reset, The Great Mud Flood, Tartaria, Orphan Trains, The Carrington Event, & like I said, the order matters not, but knowing what each of these highlighted links refers to is crucial. The more ya know, ya know? Now, please continue with the real history lesson, with your favorite teacher, Mr. Fish~🐟

Oy vey, just imagine what you could do back then; you could write anything, anything that sells, & you’d get paid. Now, stretch that out 200 years later, & you have this broadcast scripted narrative Orwellian fake news apparatus programming the populous to think/do/believe whatever the black-squared screen tells them to believe/do/think, but before I tangent off the exit ramp into another topic, I am going to pull the plug right………………….now, & get back to the history lesson I spoke of in the premier paragraph. As I mentioned earlier, suppose there was an event, a worldwide event, a global cataclysm of some kind, something that everyone bears witness to, but unfortunately for most of them, it’s the last thing they saw. Click the links? It’s vital that you do, because the event I speak of, is a flood, but not just any flood, a mud flood, The Great Mud Flood, some call it. It’s a newer discovery for us deep divers in the grand picture, but a select few have certainly known about it since the day it happened, back in…1834, maybe, I think, as sometimes the dates vary, depending on what source you click.

Now if this is true, & you decide to Indiana Jones it down this rabbit hole, you’re going to find some exceptionally compelling evidence that it is, in fact, verifiable…i.e…true. That implies that everything prior to that time, could be all made up, at the very least partially made up, right? The 1834 Great Mud Flood is also referred to as The Great Reset…sound familiar? Wait what?…there was ALREADY a “Great Reset?” There sure was, according to this plausible possibility that there WAS a Great Mud Flood in 1834, that wiped out millions, basically “resetting” the world, leaving the survivors & the children under the dominion of the globalists, to rebuild a new world…their GLOBALIST new world, as in their globalist new world ORDER. Again, sound familiar? This is life-changing deep diving dear readers, if you find the mountains of evidence as convincing as I have. I first found this…I don’t know, maybe 5-6 years ago, when I came across a word that I had heard, & do you know what word that bird was singing that I heard? One word: Tartaria

I’m telling you…prepare to have your mind blown if this is all new to you. You think the so-called “elites” are sinister, yes? Evil soulless scum, yes? You’d be right of course, they surely are, no doubt, & in fact, they’re much, much, much worse. Like the sole of Satan’s sandal smothered in serpent-demon shit, yes, that’s how vile these devils truly are at their core. They have been well-aware of the truth for nearly 2 centuries now, & of course, they kept it all to themselves, up until the Internet opened it’s proverbial Pandora’s Box of information that most of us had zero access to prior. “UNLEASH THE KRAKEN!”…proclaimed as this long-locked floodgates broke, & the torrents of truth flooded the world, waking up many of us in its wake. Ha, it’s kind of ironic how a flood of info, clued people in on a real-life global flood, that has been unwritten from history books for some reason. Yep, those people-herding, city-building, soul-sucking master architects in their secret societies probably knew the Mud Flood was coming, & prepared accordingly to go full planetary with their human domination agenda in the aftermath.

Many would die, obviously the ones without a clue, & so the globalists created Orphan Trains, in order to repopulate wherever was deemed necessary. How convenient for setting up your new world order, rebuilding with children, like Willy Wonka’s final speech in the ORIGINAL Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, not the Tim Burton remake. The remake is terrible, TERRIBLE, a total insult to Roald Dahl, the guy that wrote the book. In fact, I’ll link that original ending scene for you below, just to wash the taste of Johnny Depp’s worst role ever out of your head. I remember watching the original for the first time when I was…ohhhhh…maybe 5-6ish, I don’t really know, but I definitely recall the novelty, the sweetest novelty, one of those supersweet ones from your early youth, if you can remember. I do, as far as this movie goes, & it was so novel in fact, that I still, STILL, get tingly just writing about it right now. Oh man, good times…good times, & of course, I have digressed yet again. Where was I?…

Ah yes, the Great Mud Flood, I was talking about the Great Mud Flood, & Tartaria, & The First Great Reset, & OH…oh oh oh…the “Orphan Trains,” that’s why I mentioned the Willy Wonka thing. Adults would want to build a new world THEIR way, but not children, children will become what the adults in the room want them to become, said adults being the globalists, & said children, would be composed of these organized “Orphan Trains,” organized to repopulate strategic geographical areas in a manner that would ultimately benefit the same globalists who sent them there. You’re going to have click the links provided if you really wanna dive deep, because as I said at the start, I could literally write a book, probably a hungry handful of books, detailing these events, via the information I’ve gathered my self DYOR.

Ya know, “DYOR,” is likely the most important idiom one can add to their personal stash of idioms. Not to mention, there already ARE books about it. There’s actually information available all over the place these days, but imagine, imagine if there was no internet. Who would know? From the big perspective, suppose there was no internet, how COULD one know, not to mention how would one even search? You couldn’t, & their dark & dirty little secret would still be theirs, & other than those secret societies that pass on the REAL knowledge pertaining to the REAL history of the REAL Earth amongst their own respective brotherhoods, none of us would know shit, would we? If you’re not in the club, you’d just be waiting for the newspaper to tell you what’s what. Think about that, think about the time, think about how those who control the media, DO, in fact, control the world, because in their beady pit-viper eyes, it’s THEIR story, THEIR his-story, thus it’s THEIR world, & the day will come when they want it all for themselves. As the world population quickly advances to 8 billion people, the stakes have never, NEVER, been higher, as far as we know. Never so much power, never so much media, & one could almost argue that we’re living novelty in real-time right now, as we sail into these dark uncharted seas. Isn’t the future ALWAYS novel, in some way or another?

Again, I spent a lot of time being somewhat vague about these topic. One, because I want YOU to click the links I provide so that YOU, can read & watch & learn for YOUR-selves. Two, because as I mentioned, I can could go on & on & on & on illustrating all the facets of The Great Mud Flood & Tartaria, & attention span lives matter. Three, you’re free to swim in any part of the pool, as it’s YOUR choice, not mine. The fact is, however, that YOU should already be informed about this chapter in the big book of esoterica, but who can blame you if you don’t know? It’s not like this is ever talked about openly, other than in online forums, more-or-less. It’s a fringe group that is aware, or so I’d guess, if I had to speculate. If I did a Man on the Street kind of interview, maybe…ohhhhhhh…1 out of 250 would know, maybe. That’s being a bit generous too, & it would depend on where/who you ask, but if you did a poll, could somehow make sure that no one uses a search engine to cheat, & the one question on that poll was: What country now stands where Tartaria once stood? Like I said, 1 out of 250 maybe, & that would be the one that luckily guesses “Russia.”

Oh dang, oh dang dang diggity dang, Fish just had a tasty thought; is the USA fighting a proxy war with Russia to get the artifacts that were left there by the original inhabitants, the Tartarianos? Perhaps there is/was some ancient tech that they have reverse-engineered, or maybe some kind of relic that wields some kind of force power, or maybe there’s a complete history documented there, particularly about the real origins of us humans that have inhabited this planet, who knows? Hmmmm, I’m going to have to look more into this, have a long think on it, dig for truth treasure. It’s kind of surreal & a bit ironic that I just put these possibilities together actually, because earlier today, I was reading/watching things about the real reason we invaded Iraq, & it surely wasn’t for WMDs. Nope, it was because he had direct access to ancient relics & supposed “alien” tech, that has since allegedly been reverse-engineered, & is now in the hands of the CIA. I told you earlier, it’s an Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole, & if you eat all these fish, you’ll grow big, as big as a conspiracy theorist that’s always proven right. Not the best simile of my writing career, but not the worst…derp…moving on…

…on to the end, as your attention span wanes, right in the nick-nick of time. Yes, as I said, use the links I provided. All you have to do is click it, then go from there. Or don’t click, don’t go, & make yourself a hot pocket for your favorite Netflix show, as I am only the scribbling scribe. Yes, I’m just the dial-turner, the frequency finder, the one who walks to the well each day to bring fresh water to the town. If the power ever went out, & all this was gone, you’d be a bit glum that you couldn’t just look things up with the heated touch of a button anymore, yes? This notion implies that maybe we should all, ALL OF US, yours truly as well, we should all STOP taking time for granted, & make the most of the time we have NOW, at this moment, before the time runs out & you eat your last fish. Think about it. Until next time dear readers, keep in mind, you’re making history with every second that passes, literally & figuratively. I wonder what future history books will say about us, & this Clownworld upside-down era estraña we’re all stuck in at the moment, for another moment, & another moment, what will they say? Incidentally, Future History is a good title, & I’ll be adding it to the draft queue, because that is how we Fish do…shoooooooooooo. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“We are future history.” Fish F Fish🎏

“Isn’t the future ALWAYS novel, in one way or another?” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E25 3/25/2023 Sleep Revisited

As promised, we’re revisiting the topic of sleep in this Saturday Foozer. The FisH™ abides, as always, & as most people do, I find this topic fascinating, so I copied & pasted the first part of the last article below, which opens up the discussion about the phenomenon of sleeping, to get us all back on the same page. Get it? Got it? Great, thanks for playing.

Today, on this delicious daily Foozer, I’m going to talk about many peoples’ favorite thing…sleep. What exactly is sleep though? It’s so surreal, isn’t it?(pun intended)…& why do I say that? Well, you feel tired and/or fatigued, so you lay down, then you close your eyes, & you go unconscious, with 100% confidence that you’ll wake back up. It’s a bit like dying, one would think, but I can only presume that since I haven’t actively died, & anyone who has in fact died, cannot come back to report on the similarities & differences, minus those intriguing cases of NDEs, Near Death Experiences. Those reports are all over the place, but one thing they ALL have in common, is that they even happen at all. The fact that they DO happen, implies that “existence” does not end after death, right? Are these NDEs just the brain releasing the last big dose of DMT before POOF, lights out? Is it lights out forever? Foreversure seems like a long time, doesn’t it? Where were you before you were born here? Lost in “forever?” How is any notion of “time” perceived in forever? Why does time, as we experience it here in 3d, seemingly irrelevant when you’re asleep & dreaming? As you sleep though, time appears to fly, back here in an awakened world of 3d space, so a 3-hour power nap can appear as though you passed out & woke up relatively instantaneously, or even stranger, it can go the other way, & you might have some kind of epically long dream that condenses itself into 3 hours of time as it relates to the 3d plane. As I mentioned earlier, it’s all quite surreal, isn’t it?(same pun intended again)

It’s quite fearless of us, is it not? Let me repeat this…you get tired, you feel like closing your eyes, so you lay down, then you just go dark for a bit, until you reawaken in a dream. Often in these dreams, at least in my own experiences, I have abilities I do not have here in the 3d world. I’ve had dreams where I can fly, as easy as walking. I’ve flown in my dreams as if it were second nature, & somehow I was in the mindset that this was “normal.” How is that possible? I’ve been to places I know, but have never been to in the waking world. I’ve mingled with people I somehow know, but have never met when conscious. People I know quite well in fact, but how, who are these much-loved people? Where are these places that I go? How the fuck can I FLY in dreams, but am stuck to the ground back here when my eyes open back up? Do you all have similar experiences? I’m sure you do, as I have read many books, articles, & watched videos about dreaming, collecting all of the knowledge I can about this most-intriguing subject. It’s so fascinating, & I have my own notions as to what the dream world actually is, & I italicize “is,” because it’s tough to define what IS actually is, when one is dreaming. It seems as real as anything you do in the world you exist in when you’re awakened, does it not, but why?

Here’s my interpretation of what dreaming really is; are you ready Fishheads? Okay, good, here we go. First, let’s break down the dimensions we currently exist in. We all know this is 3d space, the 3rd dimension, a slowly-vibrating dimension where matter condenses into a material world that we can all touch & feel & see & smell & hear & taste, limited to the proverbial 5 senses, right? Here in 3d spatiality, we are all pulled “forward,” by the 4th dimension of time, which is a temporal dimension. Spatial dimensions follow the Fibonacci sequence, as in 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21, etc…& the numbers between are temporal dimensions, which “move” the sequence. Since we are in the 3rd spatial dimension, we are subject to the 4th temporal dimension of time, seemingly pulling us forward, if you will. Forward toward where though? The “future?” No, not exactly. Think about it, use your noodle, as they say, think about what number comes next? Five, & since that’s the next Fibonacci number, it’s also the next spatial dimension. This is where the 4th dimension of time is pulling us, back to 5d, where we originally originated from, before we “fell,” down here to this 3rd dimension. 5d is NOT subject to the temporality of our 4d time; it’s subject to the laws of 6th & 7th dimension temporal time, which is impossible for us to comprehend other than mathematically and/or just thinking it aloud, as I’m doing right now for all of you, dear readers.

What does this have to do with dreaming though? Great question, thanks for asking. Keep in mind, this is MY theory, & mine alone. String theory breaks it down to 11 dimensions, but I think this is grossly incorrect. There are technically infinite dimensions, but after the 13th, it’s total chaos, at least it is to us. So let’s refresh…Fibonacci numbers represent SPATIAL dimensions, dimensions where consciousness can manifest itself to gather experience to bring back to the Source. I speculate that Source is an 8th or 13th dimensional entity, & something we can scarcely comprehend at all, so don’t bother trying, but I digress. Okay, so for our purposes, let’s keep it to the dimensions we CAN understand from way down here. We are in 3d space, being pulled back to 5d space by 4th dimensional temporality. When we sleep, & when we dream, our consciousness experiences 3d, 4d, AND 5d at the same time. 3d as it relates to our fundamental understanding of what it means to exist here in 3d space, & 5d where 4d time has no effect, thus explaining the time distortions one experiences as they doze. You can fall asleep, sleep 3 hours, & wake up like it’s a minute later, or, you can have a multi-day adventure as you doze in the same 3 hours of time. One never knows, because 4d time is completely askew, thanks to a portion of your consciousness existing in 5d space as well. Being able to fly, going places you’ve never been in 3d space, knowing people you’ve never met here in 3d space, that’s all 5d. there’s a 5d YOU, your higher soul self, you might say, but you cannot totally reconnect with your 5d self until you die. You can touch it, be partially there when you sleep and/or do certain hallucinogenic substances to dip your toes into the boundless 5d ocean, but you cannot stay, unfortunately, at least not as far as we know anyway, not until you cut the silver cord.

Keep in mind, I’m no physicist or anything like that, & I base these notions on my own trips to the Interzone, bringing back the knowledge I discover there. I snatched that word from William S. Burroughs. He used it to describe the world he went to when he was intoxicated on the needle. Essentially, the world you experience when you use your 3rd eye to see, that’s the Interzone. This is where I discovered the Fibonacci connection to the 3d world we exist in, the 4d time pulling us “forward,” & the 5d space from whence we descended so very long ago. 5d is eternal, as far as we know, & you can think of it as being in a dream forever, a dream where you have ALL of your faculties returned to you, as well as your memory of your eternal soul self, & all the 3d lifetimes you’ve had prior to the one you’re in now. Dreaming gives us a peek into where we’re going, by revealing to us where we’re originally from. Make sense, or are you all totally confused?

I could spend 10000 pages rambling about 5d; I technically have, because if you dive into my archives here, you’ll find that I’ve illustrated the Fibonacci connection to dimensions countless times, so get froggy & jump into my archives. I didn’t write nearly 5000 pages of this drivel for nothing, did I? I don’t know, maybe I did, but nonetheless, that’s gonna do it for this daydreamy Saturday Foozer. Until next time dear readers, life is so temporary, amazingly short-lived once you’ve returned back to 5d, so savor the flavor of 3d, while you’re still here. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Savor the flavor of 3d, while you’re still stuck here.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E16 2/16/2023 The Walking Derp

Whoops, did I say “derp” in the title up there? I meant “dead,” the walking dead, not derp, how clumsy of me.Although, I suppose either can apply, as I’ll get to below I’m sure, assuming I don’t tangent off into something else, as is par for my little mini-golf course here. If I were rich, I’d have the dopest mini-golf course; there would be some kind of animated obstacle at each hole. What would my theme be, my motif, if you will? I’m thinking Roman-esque, pillars & statues, with a touch of Fellini, minus the gay shit. What’s with all the gayness, sheesh? Seriously, & I’m not just talking about this Foucaultian “queer theory,” being shoved down everyone’s throats via the narrative-pumping mass media. No, I’m going back, back in time a bit. One of my favorite writers, with arguably the best writing/reading voice ever, a sheer literary genius artist magician, but gay as fuck. I’m talking about the pioneer of Interzone, the whimsical William S. Burroughs.

Gah, but WHY??? I just don’t get the faggotry I suppose. I read Burrough’s little book titled “Junkie” many years ago. As a former junkie, & I suspect I was at the time I first read the aforementioned book, so I was into it, page after page, until the gay parts. Every book I’ve read of his…great…great…great…fucking gay…puke in my mouth…great…great. It’s a double-edged sword for one to read Burroughs essentially, is what I’m saying. Bummer. Fellini too, although he himself was not gay allegedly, he would include homosexuality in his films. Try the movie “Satyricon,” if you wanna debate me. Revolting, but the Fellini-esqueness is so captivating, ugh, he’s such a solid filmmaker. I don’t know, I just don’t understand the nature of it I guess. Maybe because it’s UN-natural. Call me a “bigot”, or the now-infamous term “homophobe,” sure, call me whatever, I don’t care. One, only ignorance creates bigotry, & I’m not ignorant, I’m quite well-informed thank you, so kick rocks on that one. Two, the suffix “phobe,” implies a fear of something, that something being the prefix of the word, in this case, “homo,” so “homophobe” means “fear of homos.” I’m certainly not scared of you silly sad clowns, or your degenerate behavior ya beady-eyed bun burners. Preferring sweaty hairy man ass over sweet female yumyum, ummmm huh?…yeah, no thanks, I don’t even like chick ass.

Nope, no ass, no “eating ass,” which is popular apparently these days, but not for me. Nope, no ass, & no fear here, just bewilderment as to how this bizarre phenomenon goes on, this perversion of free will. There’s quite a bit of “free-will perversions” happening, not just the LGBT-IDC nonsense, but the indoctrination, the programming, it’s all part of THEIR sick game, not yours, unless you venerate “Satan,” like they do. My oh my oh my, what a tough red pill to swallow; the red pill of Satan, ironically, & it’s so red, maybe the reddest red pill there is. This pill illustrates the notion that these s-elected “leaders” in power positions running things, also worship the devil, whether that be as Satan, or as Lucifer, varying as the variables vary, doesn’t really matter the specific avatar, it just represents evil, & these sinister snakes abide said evil, giving their energy to the chaos of crumbling dark destruction, rather than creating benevolent beauty, & lifting up the night with real light of creation, not the pseudo-light of self-adoration. Don’t be deceived by false light. Creation is the way, not termination, & you baby killing minions of the netherworld, the upside-down, you terminators, are trying to make this world backwards, like a blackened mirror reflection.

You destroyers are the true walking dead, there’s no life in you. Breeding isn’t creating, it’s propagation for you, just more mouths to over-consume, fattening you up for the next great harvest via The Great Recycler. No, breeding yourselves creates nothing but more destructionists, destructive dark parent/s means rage-filled killer kids. Add the programming on top of that hotcake, & you get these automatonic zombies, just like some surreal NPCs, but in real-life. It’s spooky as fuck, isn’t it? Oh, & I got this, I almost forgot, the predictive programming. Look at all the zombie shows out there, shows, movies, kid’s toys, it’s staggering, but why, why are there so many themes about “the walking dead” shuffling around in the zeitgeist? Do your masters know something you don’t? Is there something big on the hazy horizon approaching all of us, something only the capstone club knows about, while they keep you all guessing whether or not to go left or right in The Great Mouse Trap?

Simle answer: YES. Yes, of course they know something, they know EVERYTHING at this point really, with the unlimited data plan they have with the AI. It’s ALL the information gathered via the Internet over the last few decades, ALL in their sweaty little stink-palms. I was thinking something earlier, & I’m going to be as humble as ever here, but I was thinking, “Man, you are dumb as fuck, you know that?(referring to myself) Fuckin hell you’re embarrassingly stupid, but so are so many people, so it’s hard for the other dumdums to know how dumdum I am I assume,”…that’s what I was thinking earlier, & it’s true, sadly. Why am I so dumb? It’s this socially engineered public-schooling systematic dumbing down of society, to keep us low, so they can go higher. Humans have an unbelievable capacity to learn as youths. There’s SO much to fill young minds with, but they don’t here, unless you’re a special kid in the special club for the special people. Otherwise, you’re fucked, just another dumbass programmed zombie, shuffling from one bi-weekly paycheck to another. Left, right, no go straight, no that’s a dead end, go backwards, now right, no left, round & round you go in a labyrinth you cannot escape.

Thus, the dead keep walking. I am dead too, they ruined my mind in the indoctrination camps of my younger years, but I don’t walk, I drive. I’m the driving dead, one step above the walking dead. I help drive the zeitgeist, which is all one can really do from way down here. The game down here is the game of consumption, consuming like pac-man as you endlessly run around the maze of life…left, no right, no make a left, ok ok, I made a left, now where?…go right, now make another right, gahhhhhhhhhh it’s SUCH A DUMB GAME WE PLAY in this Great Mouse Trap. Damnit, why can’t anyone else see the exit sign? It’s a bright neon flashing marquee, “EXIT, EXIT, EXIT,” & you just have to be brave enough to walk out & see what’s on the other side, but you don’t. Maybe it’s because you’re just dumb, dumb like me. Hell, this writing thing is all I got, so what do I know that makes any of this drivel worth listening to?

Simple answer: NOTHING. I am NOTHING, nunca, nada, no one. I know NOTHING, I don’t know ANYTHING, I just like to illustrate this experience with my own hand-crafted wordsmithery. There’s a magic to this, & I love it, & I feel like maybe it’s analogous to playing music, ya know? I don’t know, but I keep creating anyway. Until next time, create something, or be nothing. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all. 🍣

“Create something, or be nothing.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Don’t shoot your cock off.” ~Fish F Fish 🍥

Magic Tricks

Is magic real?

I did not create this GIF below, but it seems magical, yes?…


So magic real or unreal or surreal

…maybe yes, maybe no, maybe both, but it CAN always be created to appear real,

…an art form the MSM fake news,

(of which so many sheeple believe in unfortunately relatively faithfully)

have mastered quite well.

This AirAsia incident is yet another, YES YET ANOTHER, scripted and concocted story where the real agenda will never be known to YOU.

~Shout out to Dahboo… check out his channel on Youtube… he’s found out some interesting info on this supposed crashed airliner…

More coinciding coincidental coincidences…as usual…

…and all they let YOU know is that yet another plane crash has occurred, a tragedy, oh the humanity, here are some blurred out images of “bodies” floating in the sea, and a few parts of what might be wreckage. Such horror and terror. Not that I’m some doomist and expecting more carnage or even saying a plane didn’t crash, but these things are so damn easy to manipulate and/or exaggerate via the medium of film that one would be an absolute fool to take what they are thinking they see at face value right away, particularly when the source(the MSM) is NOW KNOWN to fake countless dramatized scripted events…i.e. Boston bombing, Sandy Hook, Aurora, 9/11, Gulf of Tonkin, Lusitania, I can go on and on and on and on…

…so how talented do YOU think these master manipulators of this pseudo reality and re-re-re-written history are at what they do?…

They’ve been at it for hundreds of years,




What did YOU, what did I, what 99% of anyone KNOW before we have come to learn/unlearn what we have come to know in this lifetime at best?

What if there were no internet, no instant access to information and knowledge and questions answered? Can YOU remember how uninformed YOU were before the advent of cell phones and social media and global connectivity?

We/YOU were clueless, yet many still are… why, why, why, WHY?…

So many WHYS…

This place confuses, this strange dimension, people who do not understand,

themselves or each other,

because they have grown to accept the illusion as their reality.


It is a prison for most of YOU, YOUR own prison, the key in YOUR own pocket all along…

When did it come to the point that the shadows and the echoes and the confines of the Cave took precedence over the enlightenment of the infinitely expanding and enlightening REAL world outside for so many of YOU?…

…why do so many choose to shackle themselves?…

…and then convince themselves it makes them happy?”…

“These things make me happy, this stuff makes me happy, this money makes me happy,”…


and all over in a blip…

And it’s YOUR life…


When YOU look back on YOUR life, YOU can sum it up in a flash, can YOU not?…

Then what?

What’s next?

When YOU get to that point when YOU look back, 

will YOU see yourself as a slave,

or the master?

YOU make the choice, 

and if the choice has been made for YOU, 

then YOU are already the slave. 

But remember, it’s never too late…


Free yourselves,

for YOU,

not for anyone else.


Will YOU die free, or die a slave?

Have some proverbial balls like William Wallace…

“For Christ’s sakes, help yourselves!”

What is there to ever really fear?

Death? Pain? Loss?

Separation is the illusion.

Don’t be afraid of magic tricks.

There is nothing to be afraid of…


and.. Braveheart rocks.


More to come.

Love to all. 


Walk Through the Door




For None and All…

Walking Through that Door

As processions fade, New hearts doubt.

But you are Golden and no one questions it.

But who you fake and how you sound,
Asks the best of men
To share your sentiment

I want to be the one to help you find those years
That you’ve been talking about.
Dreaming of the South
And all those lost goodbyes,
And all those lonely tears,
You never got to cry,

It never works out right,
Unless you’re one to follow.
Where the silence takes too long,
When the night falls–when the night falls oh so slow,
And caution isn’t ours.
When the night falls–when the night falls oh so low,
We may lose control.

I want to be the one to help you find those years
That you’ve been talking about.
Dreaming of the South
And all those lonely nights,
And all those lost goodbyes,
You never got to sigh.

I want to be the one to help you find those dreams
Because you’ve been hanging around,
Talking about the South,
And all those balmy nights,
And all those lonely songs,
You never got to write.

And I’ll hold your hand as I walk you through that door,
I’ll hold your hand as you held my hand as I walk you through the door


Cashion, William Hugh / Herring, Samuel Thompson / Welmers, John Gerrit

And a bonus vid…Swept Inside…CLICK HERE>>>

Keep riding that wave old friends. 

Watch, Share, Enjoy.

Love to All.

Train Crash, Royal Baby, Outbreak, War

Yes that’s right, yet another train crash, this time in Spain. CLICK HERE TO SEE>>> Spain train crash on CCTV – horrible footage of impact in Santiago de Compostela – Truthloader  Notice that there appears to be some explosion or something else causing a puff a smoke to arise around mid-train just a split second before derailment. Will this turn out to be a bombing incident? We shall see. Or was the train just going to fast? It does seem to be haulin ass in that vid doesn’t it? And this is the second crash in just a few weeks. remember the one in Canada not so long ago. What is going on with the trains? Random coincidental accidents? More firsts? Regardless, condolences go out to those who lost their lives and/or those who know someone who lost their life in such a horrific manner. Can you imagine the terror, the noise,….horror.

So the week is proving eventful somewhat yes? I told you all to expect something on Monday and what happened, the birth of the new royal baby, another super-priviliged son of English royalty. Can’t blame the little fucker, but it’s disturbing to think he is already worth more than almost everyone else on earth combined. He will never want for money, he will never worry about his electric bill, all he has to do is be noble, and what is it to really be noble? There isn’t much real nobility among the globalist pig scum royal family now, so is this kid going to be an icon of change to better the world, or to do as his family does and control everyone via the monetary system. All of these things he must face, and he’s only days old. He won the baby powerball, if you look at life in terms of wealth and status. To us though, it’s just another elitist in the making. More to come from him I’m sure. And as a side note, he was born on an illuminati ritual day, something to do with the stars, you can look more into that on your research time.

An outbreak is occurring in the USSA. Yep, an unknown stomach virus is spreading, now to 9 states. Here’s a link>>> Stomach bug going around puzzles CDC   Apparently the CDC doesn’t know what it is. Could this just be one of those news stories designed to promote a heightened level of fear and paranoia among the population? Another distraction perhaps? Maybe it’s the beginning of a bio-terror attack? How else would one begin? You can speculate all day and night, but I would say that this story dies away in a few days. Another part of their script. Oh, you didn’t know that the news was scripted fake reality drama. Sometimes yes, it’s based on actual events, but more often than not, these stories are orchestrated to an extent, crisis actors are brought out, it’s a whole big production. Google “crisis actors” if you don’t believe me. YOU could get a job as one and when there is an emergency, you get called on to fill the role of a victim. No, I am not making this up, in fact I’ll give you a link, here>>> Crisis Actors – Trained Players and Actors Making It Real   I am just here to translate this information for all of you, remember that. What I report is all documentable and plausible and is for you all to better equip yourselves to process the real information from the misinformation. We are here to help you be free. They are here to take and divide then conquer you. Do you prefer the we or the they?

And of course there is always war going on. Seems that lately the news reports have been rather vague. What’s going on on the other side of the world that we are being kept in the dark about? I did come across some news that most people do not know yet. There is and has been a civil war going on in Somalia since ohhhh… 1991ish I think. Anyway, the report I cam across claims that our government, the USSA, is promoting a “secret war” there. What is this war and what is the purpose? Well we have to first back up and look at the bigger picture. The USSA wants an Islamist uprising so they can justify going to full-scale global war. That is the only way to get out of the financial mess they are in, at least in their eyes it is. So just like in Syria, America arms these soldiers and trains them to rise up and form militias. And when these militias get organized, they will be an army, which the USSA then plans to annihilate, along with significant collateral damage, so that they can then come in an establish their new world order. This government is a fucking snake, a serpent of evil, a tyrannical regime that is hell-bent on global domination. Here’s a link for you>>>  Is the US Ramping Up a Secret War in Somalia?

You can see the puzzle picture before it’s complete, I’ve told you this. So look at it now. It has been a plan for the last 20+ years that they have followed nearly flawlessly. They orchestrated the 9/11 attacks to justify attacking Iraq and Afghanistan. They didn’t take any oil, but they took over the world’s opium trade, making the USSA the world’s greatest drug dealer. The mess with Benghazi, the obvious lies and cover up, how far do you think they would go? We only know what they got caught with, and we don’t even know exactly how factual all of that info is. Again, they use misdirection, just like magic. How hard is it to make a news broadcast about anything? They have 85 to 90% of the public fooled, but more and more people are waking up. More and more sheeple are becoming people and they want answers damnit. This country is being run by a mafia, and you let them get away with it. “well what can I do?”…. I hear that so much. Maybe start a blog. Write down your thoughts and then broadcast them. I may not get a lot of viewers, but the ones I get are reading what I’m writing and getting it, and then they share with their friends and so on and so on more and more people become enlightened to the real living truth of this reality. Make a difference. YOU can make a difference. Knowledge is power. They know more than you, that is why they have power over you. Beat them at their game. learn. Improve yourself. Stop watching Dancing with the Stars, get off your couch, stop eating unhealthy food, and do something. Are you really happy to be brain-washed and fluoridated? Ignorant? A mumpsismus?

Every day that goes by brings us closer to something, but what? What is this something that is coming for us all? When will the spark ignite the fire? This chaos can’t go on forever. People are getting broker and broker every day. It’s getting harder and harder to survive. Most people do what they do because they have to, not because they want to. You have to have paper monopoly money just to live, while a fractional globalist pig scum elitist ruling class lives lives of luxury and leisure. Did you sign up for this? I don’t recall signing up for this. We have keen minds, we are smart, we are strong, we deserve more than to be forced to scrape paycheck to paycheck wasting our lives away for them and their bullshit system. This world monetary system is a parasite on our humanity. Money is the cause of so much pain and strife. Some might argue that money is what built cities and paved roads, but come on, let’s use common sense. When used to benefit society, money can make sense, yes. But the concept of money alone drives men to become greedier as they seek to profit more and more. That’s what their system is about, more, more, more, consume, consume, consume. And the USSA is the worst. So many people CONSUMED by their television, CONSUMED by their job, CONSUMED by bad eating habits, CONSUMED with drug addiction, CONSUMED with a relationship, it’s all about mass consumption, created by them, but ultimately, YOU are to blame for buying into it.

Everything must be given and taken in moderation, everything must have a balance. Otherwise, we get to where we are all now. This planet has nearly 7 and a half billion people, and with a population that high, it grows faster and faster and faster, which means more and more consumption. The mechanisms that maintain that mass consumption though are giving weigh to the weight of the demand. Where is all the trash going? What about the shit and piss and whatever else people leave behind themselves? The population is killing this planet. This planet is an entity, it’s own being, and we are like a plague. We can choose whether or not to be beneficial to our host, or to destroy it. Right now, the consensus is leading to more and more destruction. The Earth will only take so much before she shakes humanity into oblivion. Do you think this hasn’t all happened before? If a society like ours existed a million years ago, then got completely wiped out by mass cataclysms, how would we know? Maybe that would explain some of the unexplainable artifacts found around the world, many of which I am sure you aren’t told about. They control history, just like they control the media, because they want you all to be programmed the same way. But as I said, many people are waking up from that program, more and more every day and they are asking, “Why?”

A source of mine informed me that from 2013 to 2016 is when the Islamist movement will unite and rise up against western influence. Remember earlier I said their was a plan they had been following for like 20 years. Well we are in the next to last phase of that plan. 2013 to 2016 is the gathering and unification of the Islamic forces. Then after that, full scale global war will be unleashed. Millions, maybe billions will perish. That is their plan anyway. I cannot tell you whether or not that plan will come to fruition, just watch for the signs. There will be many signs along the road. You have to learn to pay attention and not to be oblivious to what is coming when it’s right in front of you. Most of you who read my blog know by now what it is to be awakened. You know that when I sound harsh or direct, it isn’t toward you. It is directed at the 85 to 90%. As blind and brainwashed and fluoridated and ignorant as they are, I have to help them. It is just like the Allegory of the Cave. It is one thing to be enlightened, it is a whole other thing to enlighten others. We must help them help themselves, while there is still time. Time, time, time. Soon, there will come a time that everyone will remember. A moment that will etch in the minds and eyes of the world. Watch these globalist pig scum. It’s about time for them to make a significant move. Know as much you can. The knowledge in your mind and the love in your heart is all you can take with you to the other side. Material wealth, possessions, it’s all just stuff. This is only a beginning, a beginning to see if some graduate, or if some have to do it again. Wide eyes open. Love to all.

1 Year Anniversary

Yes folks, today marks one year that I have been doing this for all of you. 420 posts of knowledge, wisdom, insight, and information for all of you to use to help you help yourselves. This isn’t hard. You can do it, anyone can do it. All you have to do is write. For some it is difficult to write, but that is what you must do if you want to blog. Just write down your thoughts as they come, everyone has a voice. You talk to yourself all day in your mind don’t you? Just write that. Simple. If you are a researcher, it’s even easier. Then you would just write about what you discover, all very, very easy. I encourage everyone to sign up to WordPress, follow my page, then start blogging.

In case any of you missed it, my prediction came true. A new royal baby was born on Monday. That baby will have more than any of you ever will. But we can’t blame the baby can we, that’s just the hand the little fucker got dealt. The public and the media will idolize over this forever, just another distraction. So many distractions. Click on any news you can find and all you see is royal baby this, royal baby that, as if the whole fucking world stopped turning. The MSM makes me sick. What sort of awful hell has our beautiful world become? Ask anyone who ventures outside America these days how friendly the foreigners are to them. We are a laughing stock of hypocrisy and totalitarianism. 

Babies are born every day, and each one of them is a miracle, but they are just commoners, same as it was 500 years ago. People worship royalty. Why? What the fuck do they care about you? They have so much money that they don’t even see it ever. They just get a little card with unlimited funds. And they go about doing anything and everything they want to do, traveling all over the world, while most everyone else is stuck in their houses watching television because they are too poor to enjoy such luxuries. And that is the way it is. Apparently no one has the balls and/or the means to change it. Most of you aren’t even aware. Reading hurts your fluoridated brains doesn’t it? And if it’s on television, it must be true right? Drones.

Instead of giving to others, sharing the wealth, these globalist pig scum hoard more and more and more making you all exponentially poorer. You mean nothing to them, how many times must I tell you this? They live in a world above the world you live in. To them, you are just pee-ons, animals, a herd that needs to be shepherded. And you love it, you let them do it to you. They have enough money to give every person a pension in order to meet basic needs. Beyond that would be up to you to make more of a fortune for yourself. But that isn’t how it is. Why? Because they have created a system whereby you have to pay paper monopoly money just to live, minus the pension system. That only works if people are free to do the jobs they want to do. Those jobs don’t exist. Barely any jobs exist now especially so how are people supposed to get by?

Why do you think more crime is happening? Why are 100 million Americans getting food assistance? Is this the government’s idea of a “pension plan?” People are fucking starving and dying out here. Go look at the neighborhoods, there are “for sale” signs everywhere. Go out and try to put your college degree to use if you have one. Maybe you’ll get to be a waiter if you’re lucky. This government is pissing and shitting and pirating it’s own citizens and we are letting them do it. Are you afraid? You are aren’t you. It’s so nice to sit in your house and get fat and watch television and mind your own business isn’t it? As long as you don’t give it attention, it must not exist right? 85 to 90% of you think and behave this way, as absurd as it is. Mumpsimuses. Clueless. Misinformed. The American Public.

I’m sort of all over the place a little on this post. There is just so much I want to spell out for you, but I can’t, because most of you do not know how to read the language. Now of course that doesn’t apply to the 10-15%, the enlightened ones. You know who you are, you know you are not part of the herd, so relax. We 10-15% are the middle-ground, the connection. We are here to help the 85 to 90%. Every day, more and more become enlightened and wake up, but also every day more and more people become more mumpsimusized to the program. If I mention these things I tell you all to a group of people who aren’t informed, they look at me like I’m the madman. Because they don’t know, I’m crazy, and that’s their rationale that they stick by. They don’t bend, they think they know it all, when in fact, they know nothing, and they will die knowing nothing and that will sum up their pissy little useless lives.

How many of you can say you make a difference? A real difference? Do you try to awaken people, or do you like to keep them asleep as you are? Do you even know what I am talking about? Do you know what the Allegory of the Cave is? Are you aware that you are controlled, hypnotized, brain-washed, programmed? 85 to 90% of you. But you don’t hear me, none of you do, none of you care. If pretending gets you by, pretend away. The true nature of this reality makes me sick. I fight, I do my part, although it seems to fall on deaf ears, but at least I am trying to wake you fuckers up from your slumbers. Do you like being ruled by a fractional elitist class? Do you like being a little monkey slave puppet to a master that would sooner throw you in the garbage and get a new puppet rather than maintain you? Meat puppets….everywhere. 7 and a half billion and counting, all shitting and pissing and consuming and destroying what’s left of the beauty of this planet. I happen to think the planet has something in mind for this plague you call humanity. A great change yes. You will all see, but I am just a translator. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 



Cannabis Conspiracy

Always more to the true story, isn’t there? And how many of you are aware of the facts presented in this 5 minute video? Take a few moments to watch and maybe this will help answer that question, “Why is cannabis even illegal at all?” The answer… you’ll see. Wide eyes open, love to all.


5 Minute Tuesday Comedy

Every Tuesday, Ray William Johnson puts out a quick comedy video. He never fails to deliver, always funny, look back at his previous videos, here’s the link to his channel:

It doesn’t always have to have meaning other than making you smile. Comedy is good for the soul, and is the counterbalance to tragedy. It is the only remedy for the hurt of tragic circumstance befalling you. The hurt is deeper than a real wound, and only the joy of comedy can reach that abysmal void and lift you up, even if for only a moment at first. Tragedy hurts, comedy heals.

Don’t take for granted the enjoyment of a genuine smile. And this guy, being genuinely funny, guarantees that, have faith in your narrator. Today is Tuesday, and the vid above is today’s upload. Have a look as I said, only a few minutes long. If you like it it, you like it, if not, take a vacation to go find a sense of humor. Some things are just funny, no matter who you are. What i recommend to you all is always noteworthy and solid. Believe. Enjoy. Every Tuesday don’t forget. Love to all.