The Fooze: S6E17 6/17/2023 Reasons Why YOU Should Hire ME, as a Writer/Digital Content Creator

As I have mentioned numerous times before, my black ass is heavily, HEAVILY, shadowbanned. Before the Great Purge in the 2016-2017 era, I was getting thousands of views a day, but now, I’m lucky if I get 10, occasionally even 20, despite the 5000-plus pages of writing I have done in the decade I’ve been writing here on Wordpuke, I mean WordPress. Yep, I’m shadowbanned here, HERE, on my own digital opus. Such is the way of Clownworld 2023…(honk noise). However, in the last few days, I noticed a healthy spike in my view count, topping out at around 70 views yesterday, I believe. Numerically, that is a YUGE increase in views, even though in the proverbial big picture, that’s still relatively nothing, compared to the views I used to get prior to said Great Purge. Nonetheless, it’s significant, & even though I’m not sure exactly what caused this 3-consecutive-days spike, I greatly appreciate all the views. Yours truly can only speculate, even though my speculations have shed no light on the reason for the increase, so I suppose I should just be thankful, which I most certainly am.

Maybe it has something to do with my unending daily stream of applications I send out to potential employers, but I have been doing that for a year now, so it’s a bit of a mystery as to why the sudden increase in views is occurring. Regardless, as I said, it’s very much appreciated, & so now, I’m going to address those aforementioned potential employers, as to why they should hire me to write for them. Where do I begin, where do I begin? So many starting points to choose from, so I’ll begin with a most-important reason why I stand out from everyone else. Quite simply, it’s due to the fact that I illustrate my articles with MY OWN GIF animations, & as far as I know, no one, NO ONE ELSE, does this. Not only do I make my own GIFS, I make them well, with no skips, & with an authentically unique artistic style, that further elevates me, far above any other writers, so much so that it’s as if I was on an island, an island onto myself. Have you ever seen another writer that does this, or even CAN do it? I haven’t, & believe me, I look, but nope, never seen another warrior of the pen utilizing this technique to give their articles more life, if you will. I like creating, & in fact, I LOVE it, being the creator, creating my own world, my own niche, as it were. That’s right, it’s mine, my own niche, truly original, & thus, I can call it all my own.

Moving on to the next reason why you should hire me, & that reason is, that writing for me, is a passion. I’ve written more-or-less all my life, beginning with a story I wrote about teachers being aliens, at the tender age of 10, which got published in a local magazine. I’ve always loved the arts as a whole; I love to paint, draw, create digital art, & of course, writing, which tops the list. I have an impressive lexicon that is so vast in my head, words come out of my ears, & if ever I find myself not knowing a certain word, or in need of knowing a certain word, or a synonym for a certain word, I simply look it up, then add it to the lexicon. In addition, I’m quite well-read, & if you peruse my various articles, you’ll find countless references to the sages of yesteryear. Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Camus, Marcus Aurelius, & those are only the ones that popped out first. Obviously, I could list more, many more, but I think you get the point. I also know bits of several languages, as well as many of the Latin, Greek, & Germanic origins of the English language. Like I mentioned earlier, if I don’t know, I look it up, then integrate it into my word-smithery, which has built itself into an arsenal that I can utilize at will whenever I write and/or speak. This has also provided me with a strong sense of wit, a genius-level wit, as well as an originality that is all my own. Original wit, something maybe we should all strive for, yes? Not to mention, it kind of sounds like a band name for some neo-chillwave sounding musicians…lots of synth, but I digress, as always, which is par for this here course of mine. Original Wits…derp…continuing on…

Along with these reasons I detail above, I center everything, literally EVERYTHING, around TRUTH, which in this modern age, is proving difficult to find, is it not? There’s so much fakery out here in the trenches, so much un-truth, so much propaganda, such insane propaganda, which is why I am so passionately disciplined about writing ONLY truth. I pride myself on that attribute, even though “pride,” is one of the seven deadly sins. Maybe “pride” is the wrong word then, yes? I don’t want to be remembered as a prideful person; I want to be remembered as a human being that lives by truth, exposes the truth of this reality, & dies by truth, many years from now, hopefully. No one can ever take that away, but if you’re a liar, & a fraud, & that’s the legacy you leave behind, shame on you, not to mention an eternity of being known as a deceptionist. Incidentally, “deceptionist,”is not a real word, but the way I see it, if you write eloquently, & the words you use fulfill the fundamental rules of grammar, who says whether it’s a “word,” or not? Some douchebag college professor, perhaps? Fuck them, & their abidance to staying within their own self-defined boundaries, per se. Who makes up these idiotic “rules?” I’ve never been one to follow rules, particularly ones that make no sense to me, & I am more-than-brave-enough to think for myself, to make MY own rules, so that’s what I do. This applies to life, at least it does to MY life, & if you don’t like it, don’t read it, & get the fuck outta my face.

Words, are one letter away from swords, & I wield my respective swords like William Wallace at the Battle of Stirling. Oh man, what it must’ve been like to live back then. Can you imagine an army of sword-wielding Scots, charging headlong at you, shouting battle cries as they encroach on your position? To me, it’s arguably analogous to writing pure truth, while the other side comes back at you with propagandistic lies & bullshit, expecting you & your army to adhere to their position & retreat. “Stick those lies up your unrespective arses,” I proclaim, as I go charging right back at them, with the armor of truth shielding me from their nonsensical rubberized swords. Truth is indestructible; the truth is eternal, & no matter how much they swing, they always miss me. I wish I could say that for the rest of humanity, but unfortunately, most would rather comply, then to fight. If only we could ALL unite as one massive force, we could destroy their fabricated scripted narratives, their corruption, their self-entitled power positions we allow them to hold, all of it, we could take back from them in a day, if we wanted, but who is them exactly? Great question, thanks for asking. They, as it were, are these so-called “ruling elites,” that I have mentioned ad nauseam, & their deceptionary fake news apparatuses, as well as the alphabet agencies that protect them, keeping all of US divided, rather than united, to fight, & ultimately defeat them. There’s way, WAY more of us, but yet they still hold dominion over most of you, over the planet, but why? Why can’t we all unite? Why do we stay divided? Why do they gain more & more & more power & wealth at an exponential rate, while We The People, sink deeper & deeper into the swamp of impoverished sadness? For the life of me, I’ll never understand why, & since this has been happening for centuries, yes, CENTURIES, methinks the divide will keep growing, not just between US & THEM, but between US & US.

Oy vey, I could go on, & on, & on, with more reasons why YOU, yes YOU, should hire me immediately as a writer. I abide my viewers, my readers, & as I am super-savvy with SEO writing, I always offering links for those who like to swim in the deep end of the pool, because I want YOU, to learn for yourselves, & not rely entirely on yours truly, or others, to do all of the research & deep-diving for you. There’s little benefit to that notion, for you gain so much more by learning for YOU, not for me. I am here to help, to point the way, like those guys who spin arrow-signs on the side of the road, but the way I spin my sign is like no other. If you want talent, along with exceptional creativity, via a seasoned veteran of the figurative sign-spinning, what are you waiting for? Hire me. The FisH™ abides, always, dudes & dudettes, & I would love nothing more than to finally get paid for doing what I do, for holding onto my passion. I give to you, you give to me, & I can assure you, with 1000% confidence, that with the help of the right publisher, my diligent work can go viral, & manifest a win-win situation for all parties involved. I’m a spark, & you have the gasoline, so let’s combine our forces, & blow this world up with the TRUTH, the raw truth, of what the real reality of this artificially propped-up is, rather than the Clownworld ridiculousness spewed out by the mainstream fake news machine malevolently says it is. They barf it out all over the zeitgeist, to do nothing more than control you, & what you’ve been led to believe is real. None of it’s real, NONE OF IT, & damnit, I want to exist in a world based on natural order, the TRUTH, & it’s time for a Divine Great Reckoning to befall Mother Earth, before the malignant cancer becomes terminal, for all of us. Until next time dear readers, & potential future employers, remember this…there’s NO fish like this FisH™, & if you have the fishbowl, let’s make this happen. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐟

“There’s no fish, like this FisH™.” Fish F Fish🎏


REMINDER: The DONATE button is to the right if you open my site up into full-site mode…just scan that QR code to donate to my PayPal. The FisH™ abides, & is without a job for now, so anything/everything helps. Thanks dear readers…FisH™ loves you. Cheers. 🎏

Job-less…as in if you have a job, I have less than you, I suppose. Man, I am in quite a pickle, but, you know what mantra yours truly adopted lonnnnnng ago, & needs to resurrect, desperately, & what mantra might that be? Great question, thanks for playing. That mantra, of course, is quite simple…”fuck it.” Can’t take anything with you, can you?…sooooooo fuck it…FUCK IT. None of this, THIS, & with an italicized & respectively capitalized THIS, I mean this…life, existence, gathering resources, you can’t take anything with you when you go. The people who excel at such notions, have kids, & their kids before them had kids, & so, the dynasties grow, except in my world. The bloodline stops with me, being childless by choice, although now I realize that was a selfish choice, or was it? Do I contribute to the consumerism, or do I end it with me, & thus, this gene pool dries up & simply removes itself from the equation, is that still the move?

Sure seems like it…yep, middle-aged, no kids, no real skills, Jesus Christ, I really fucked up on this whole “life” thing, didn’t I? It’s a bit difficult when there’s zero encouragement around to help you excel at your own divinely-given natural talents. I blame myself, of course, but how can I blame ONLY myself? I can’t, YOU can’t. When people say, “You have no one to blame but yourself,” I cringe. Sure, yes, I get it, my choices, my faults, my responsibilities, it’s all on me, I GET IT for fuck’s sake, but, a big BUT, why can’t you blame other people too? I know there’s a new quote in there somewhere…I can smell it. I can’t let this quote become a literary leper, now can I? I have something, but I don’t know…let’s see here(ponders for a moment staring at the ceiling while backing away from the computer). How about this? “Blame yourself first, then blame everyone else,” something like that, how does that sound? Sit on it, so to speak, like I am, & we’ll return to it at the end. Get it? Got it? Wunderbar.

Okay, now where were we? Oh yes, jobless & soon to be homeless, “here’s the deal, not a joke. Don’t jump”(Potato Brandon voice). It’s really mind-blowing, isn’t it? Yes, quite mind-blowing, one could say, that a corrupt used-car salesman failed politician piece of shit like Joe Biden, is arguably the most powerful man in the world now. While most of us wake up wishing it was nighttime so we could go back to sleep, or maybe it’s just me, but nonetheless, while we all suffer down here, these nepotistic dynasties gain more & more & more power. Money is irrelevant to them, just ones & zeros, but power, power is something you cannot put a price tag on. Power makes the price tags, power makes the stores where various items are all tagged & sold, power makes the roads you drive on to get to the store. You can’t buy power, you have to take it, & it’s a game most of us will never play, minus the pseudo-power games we play down here in The Great Mouse Trap. Power makes the world go around, & your tiny little fractions of power, just feed into a bigger machine that combines all your little powers into a bigger power, for THEM though, not for you, of course.

Nope, this whole life game is most certainly NOT what most of you think it is. Jobs…oy vey, “You have to get a job,”…but I hear, “You have to do something you don’t like doing, something that ruins a significant portion of your creativity time, all for little pieces of paper that will be totally worthless someday, maybe someday soon. Regardless, does that sound like “life” to you? Does that sound like “living,” to you? All I want to do is write, & paint, & make music, but you can’t just do those things because you need a job, a stupid fucking job, & for what? To get paid every 2 weeks with some table scraps from King Longshanks. Dang, I just read up on the old late Longshanks. Guy has been dead for 700ish years & STILL is worth more than you and/or I? Do you have a wiki page? Do you have historical records dating back centuries, well beyond the “23 & me” data mining scheme? Do you have your papers, your pedigree papers, do you have them? No, not a birth certificate, those are strictly for the peasantry. The elites have a pedigree, that goes wayyyyyyyyy back, to Roman times & beyond for some, but for us plebs down here, nope. Just a shitty birth certificate, that certifies that YOU, & yours truly as well, are owned, are property, owned by the aforementioned elites, owned from birth, just like cattle & sheep are.

Don’t believe me, then maybe DYOR, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, & when you discover that everything I’m writing bait is the TRUTH, come on back so I can digitally cock-slap you again. Edward 1, King Longshanks, is STILL more powerful than you, & he’s been dead for 700 years…let that sink in, & thats’ just Eng;and. Think of these shadow dynasties, all over the world. While the plebs gradually lose more & more, the elites, & their ilk, gain more & more power. Yes, they grow, while you die, & ultimately, that’s what they want, all of us, all of YOU, myself included, they want us dead, dead & gone. Once they’re in the big club, & given the secret, & that secret just illustrates their Great Reset plan. No, it isn’t just Agenda 2030, it’s a culmination of various agendas with an end goal of a drastic depopulation event. A new Holocaust, if you will, or a Sho ‘ah maybe? Uh oh, did yours truly look up the meaning of a Jewish word & discover something? Hmmmm, turns out that the origins of the word Holocaust, are Greek, & the word wasn’t even used until the late 70s, so what’s the deal here? Something smells fishy, pun intended. What about the infamously famous “6 million Jews” who were allegedly murderered? No, I’m not saying it dan’t happen, I’m just saying something smells fishy, & I know fish, trust me on this. The word Holocaust, essentially means “burnt offering to the Gods,” so, now stick with me here, what if the Jewish Holocaust was actually a sacrifice, orchestrated by themselves somehow, to gain the power they now hold today. No one can argue that the Jews, collectively, as well as individually, excel in celebrity, in finance, in media, in power positions, more-or-less, & their building a dynastic race of sorts, the ones that will really rule the world. I don’t know.

It was this tiny fringe minority of Zionist Jews who wanted to take over the world before AI, but now, it appears that it’s a contingent of ultra-rich people, using AI, using it to help them to gain even more power, & thus, the power game these elites play has not only changed fields, the entire sport is different. Make no mistake, those fringe Zionists are still there, lurking in the shadows like parasitic cockroaches, but it’s not only them anymore. While they play their power games, these relatively tiny few, the rest of us have to do what we can do to get by. There’s plenty for everyone, there’s abundance galore. Think about how much food gets wasted & thrown away at the grocery store every night. If everyone got a food card, a bunch of that food would get consumed, but nope, then they wouldn’t get paid to send it to a food bank so the peasants can pick through the rotting food for something plausibly palatable. Always about money…money money money…this artificially propped up joke of a currency. Where’s the true currency? Where’s the real energy flow keeping the zeitgeist rolling naturally, where is it? Why was it hijacked, & who did it? How did they do it? Doesn’t matter, does it? Is any of this drivel going to change what they’ve done, and are still doing, to the global populous?

Nope, nothing I say will make a difference, & my only hope is that maybe, with the seemingly random grace of The Universe, perhaps someone will find this one day & read it, & know what was really going on in the present moment, rather than these scripted narratives via the BROADCAST “news” PROGRAMS that so many people still believe, & abide by. Abiding lies, particularly these blatant lies spewed out by the Fake News Mainstream Media, is a slow death to me. You live lies, you believe things that a aren’t real and/or true, & live accordingly, & therefore, you life is a lie. This is the proverbial YOU I’m addressing this to incidentally, not YOU you, you know what I mean? Who else do you know that can pull off the wondrous triple YOU in ONE sentence? No one, because I just made it up, but I’m sure someone else has done it, somewhere else, but I digress, now here was I? Oh yes, I was wrapping this one up before my black ass falls asleep, holy hell, how do I do this? I just start typing & then these words manifest, & you read them in my past, as I write them in my present. It’s all a bit surreal, is it not? Push the little buttons monkey, then hit this button & your little monkey drivel is published, so that other little monkeys can throw their own poop at this, but since you’re shadowbanned, no one will see this little monkey, not even the poopoo-throwers. Too bad, very sad, sad for you, little monkeys. Inside all of us, perhaps there’s a sad little monkey, but I can only speak for myself, & my own sad little monkey on my back.

On that note, you fishy little monkeys, my dear readers, the time has come once again to wrap up this article. Until next time, if you’re not pedigreed, you aren’t one of them. So sayeth FisH™…

For all of you, & for none of you at all…

If you’re not pedigreed, you’re a mutt, just like most everyone else.” Fish F Fish

“Blame yourself first, then blame everyone else.” Fish F Fish

The Fooze: S2 E13 2/13/2023 Behold the Cyber Jester

When people hear the word, “fool,” it is often thought of in negative connotations, yes? These are the dictionary definitions below, & as you can see, yikes, the poor “fool” is made to seem like such a loser, right? I’ve always thought of the fool, as being synonymous with the jester in a king’s court. The jester is the ONLY person who can speak with absolute freedom to the king, about anything & everything, which to me, sounds like a great gig. Unfortunately, no one is hiring at because it doesn’t exist, nor does the would-be jester, as a position of employment, any longer. However, maybe there’s a NEW kind of jester, albeit the king would surely kill us if he could. Still, & although the name sounds like a handle for a CoD player, let’s coin it anyway…right here, right now. Behold the “cyber jester.”

Maybe up above, that’s just how it is defined now, the unfortunate fool, with little reverence toward its original origins. The word “fool,” is from the Latin follis, which means “bag of wind,” so the fool, has always been a windbag? Bummer, but I’m personally partial to Latin origins of words, as the words just have a more illustrative depth to them, you could say. The meanings are more interpretive, not so direct & technical. The language itself is fascinating, & although it’s considered somewhat of a “dead” language, it’s too bad I’m a dumbass product of the American public school system, & thus, don’t know really know anything more that the respective definitions I’ve come across in my lifetime that I’ve looked up on my own. Can’t even claim I remember most of them, but regardless, I look up word origins quite often, for my own merit, like I looked up “fool,” before I wrote this random little article after a train of thoughts ran through my radio receiver about jesters & fools & kings & such. Anyway, back to the program.

What does a cyber jester do though? Well, they jest, in cyber space, duh. Isn’t it funny when people define things with the words of the words they are defining? & by funny, I mean retarded. Moving on, this concept of “cyberjesting” is being defined right now in real-time mind you, & I’m just winging it, just so you know, & we’re all on the same page of the same book, dear reader, right? Got it? Good. No, I’d pseudo-humbly have to say that the newborn art of the cyberjest, it’s kind of like what I do here. Not this article per se(ironically), but my language is inherently always in a state of seemingly hyperbolic, yet right-over-the-target jest, angry yet covertly comedically scorning jest, at these psychopathic globalist overlord masters most of you are endebtslaved to. They can all go suck some scorpion sacks, & I would tapdance on the moon if I found out any of them read this, or the genius placement of that double-adverb back there. Such a humble narcissist yours truly is…honk honk honk…is this not the nature of the jester though?

I do not censor myself in any way, I address current issues with blunt pragmatism, yet sprinkled with my magic fish glitter, & it doesn’t matter to me what any kind of modern-day proverbial “king” has to say about any of it. I have no ‘kings,” no “leaders,” & certainly no stinking “masters” that I am enslaved to. However, big tech thinks they are in fact “kings,” kings of the meta castle, ruling the lands of the interwebs. They systematically exiled me from the virtual town square. The “Big 4” must not like seafood, because they threw my fishy ass into the digital gulag, in solitary, my own cell, with a little fish carved into the wall, & I’ve been there since, more-or-less. So long in fact, I’ve grown to like it, like they say happens in a real prison. Spooky, right? I’d rather be a digital dissident than ever cave to those censoring biased clowns though. Nope, never gonna catch this fish, you might think ya can, but ya can’t, & you may rule billions of others, but there’s plenty of fish in the sea, just like me, that will never bend the knee to you so-called elites. In the meantime though as your dystopia fails, I will continue to jest & meticulously illustrate just how insanely foolish YOU psychopaths that claim pseudo-dominion over humanity are. Not that hard, you douchebags get worse by the day, sloppier, plenty of fodder. Must be the dinosaur in you, you remaining globalist baby boomers & your new-age spawn intent on counting on the chaos YOU created. Your dynasties are rotten fruit, on a dying tree, & the cold ground waits.

Incidentally, the role of the jester used to be a safe haven of sorts, for the one guy that was clever enough with his own individual wordsmithery, to humble a King. Then, said jester was blessed by Divinity to fill his role, day after day, proclaiming the comedy, while detailing the tragedy, of those who poop in the castle pool, for there are many fakers among the melody makers. The jester must jest all, see all, be the absolute tip of the spear of the zeitgeist, whatever era, whatever present moment that zeitgeist might be snowball-rolling along into, the jester will be there, riding the zeitgeist on a silver surfboard, silver MacBook in hand.

Could you say the jester & the comedian are the same? Great question, thanks for asking. Could be, not always, but sometimes yes, & I think a true comic SHOULD be a jester, but the two aren’t always of the same ilk, you might say. Some comics just tell jokes, could be jokes about anything, usually the funniest jokes are plays on everyday things we all experience at some point in our lives. Gaffigan, Seinfeld, that sort of thing, & people say they kill, sure, in their own way, yes. The jester is the real killer though, the ice-breaker, the one that talks for only a minute maybe, & the crowd goes berserk with anticipation as to what this jester might barrel roll into next. He sees the flow, & becomes it, then sends it out to the crowd who sends it right back in sweet circularity.

ATTENTION: The term “kill,” in the comedy world, means to have the best show you can, the crowd pissing their pants with laughs & tears of joviality. Not to actually KILL kill, like kill someone. Just in case some of you aren’t savvy on stand-up comic lingo. That you for your cooperation, now back to the show.

Perfect example, live from Austin, Texas, every Monday night, the most unique comedy show ever created, Kill Tony(👈🏻Click to Subscribe to @KillTony on YouTube)

If you don’t know, watch below. The basic set-up is you “randomly” get picked from a bucket. I quoted “randomly,” because I’m not convinced it’s completely “random,” but I digress. Regardless, your name gets pulled from the bucket, & if your name is called, you get one minute, ONE solid minute to sink or swim as a comedian, or a jester. Most of them are comedians, often bad ones, who are brave to try, but just don’t have the magic in them. It’s a sharp sword to swallow, but it is what it is. However, the small few that kill, the jesters, & an occasional good comedian, go on to bigger & bolder arenas for them to perform more jest. I had a dream, a great dream to go there, but that’s just another thing, something amongst everything, that they took away from me. They didn’t just take all of my life savings, everything I worked for, they took my saved life as well.

I’m not going to go into that again though, you can go back through my archives if you want to know more about what happened, & what they did to me, these psychopathic elites. Instead of my jest, I was just a fool, a foolish fool, so foolish that I let them beat me. Now all I can do is pseudo-jest from here, as this is the only stage I can afford to perform from anymore. No more jokes for fuck’s sake, no time for jokes, it’s all jest from here, behind the concrete wall of a jail-cell computer screen. Despite them taking everything material from me, they can never take my zest for the jest. as it’s all I have left. I suppose I’ll spend my remaining days jesting those scoundrels from my cyber mouth. Thus, behold the cyber jester. Nascent in name, but foundational for the rise of the plebs, to take back what they took from us, all of us. Or it all goes down like an “unsinkable ship,” circa 1912.

Derp, yeah right. Enter the pragmatist. Motivating a significant number of “us plebs,” to do anything about this exponentially expanding oppression from the master class, is seemingly more like an exercise in utterly disappointing futility. Too much programming, too much tv, led to too much fear maybe? Groos laziness via over-consumption. I don’t know, maybe we can organize a revolt, a revolution against these weaponized governments who are actively making their moves in real time for global dominance. It’s a sinister game, not our game either, it’s THEIR game, hence THEIR advantage. They just throw us into the Great mouse Trap while they play their game amongst themselves. Good thing I’m here to tell you all about it, right? Otherwise, would you have a clue, a real clue, about what is really going on? Or would you remain clue-LESS, like most others? Up to you, not me. Until next time, be the jester, or play the fool, either way, don’t be a tool. Cyber jesters unite. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“There are many fakers, among the melody makers.” ~Fish F Fish🎏