The Fooze: S6E17 6/17/2023 Reasons Why YOU Should Hire ME, as a Writer/Digital Content Creator

As I have mentioned numerous times before, my black ass is heavily, HEAVILY, shadowbanned. Before the Great Purge in the 2016-2017 era, I was getting thousands of views a day, but now, I’m lucky if I get 10, occasionally even 20, despite the 5000-plus pages of writing I have done in the decade I’ve been writing here on Wordpuke, I mean WordPress. Yep, I’m shadowbanned here, HERE, on my own digital opus. Such is the way of Clownworld 2023…(honk noise). However, in the last few days, I noticed a healthy spike in my view count, topping out at around 70 views yesterday, I believe. Numerically, that is a YUGE increase in views, even though in the proverbial big picture, that’s still relatively nothing, compared to the views I used to get prior to said Great Purge. Nonetheless, it’s significant, & even though I’m not sure exactly what caused this 3-consecutive-days spike, I greatly appreciate all the views. Yours truly can only speculate, even though my speculations have shed no light on the reason for the increase, so I suppose I should just be thankful, which I most certainly am.

Maybe it has something to do with my unending daily stream of applications I send out to potential employers, but I have been doing that for a year now, so it’s a bit of a mystery as to why the sudden increase in views is occurring. Regardless, as I said, it’s very much appreciated, & so now, I’m going to address those aforementioned potential employers, as to why they should hire me to write for them. Where do I begin, where do I begin? So many starting points to choose from, so I’ll begin with a most-important reason why I stand out from everyone else. Quite simply, it’s due to the fact that I illustrate my articles with MY OWN GIF animations, & as far as I know, no one, NO ONE ELSE, does this. Not only do I make my own GIFS, I make them well, with no skips, & with an authentically unique artistic style, that further elevates me, far above any other writers, so much so that it’s as if I was on an island, an island onto myself. Have you ever seen another writer that does this, or even CAN do it? I haven’t, & believe me, I look, but nope, never seen another warrior of the pen utilizing this technique to give their articles more life, if you will. I like creating, & in fact, I LOVE it, being the creator, creating my own world, my own niche, as it were. That’s right, it’s mine, my own niche, truly original, & thus, I can call it all my own.

Moving on to the next reason why you should hire me, & that reason is, that writing for me, is a passion. I’ve written more-or-less all my life, beginning with a story I wrote about teachers being aliens, at the tender age of 10, which got published in a local magazine. I’ve always loved the arts as a whole; I love to paint, draw, create digital art, & of course, writing, which tops the list. I have an impressive lexicon that is so vast in my head, words come out of my ears, & if ever I find myself not knowing a certain word, or in need of knowing a certain word, or a synonym for a certain word, I simply look it up, then add it to the lexicon. In addition, I’m quite well-read, & if you peruse my various articles, you’ll find countless references to the sages of yesteryear. Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Camus, Marcus Aurelius, & those are only the ones that popped out first. Obviously, I could list more, many more, but I think you get the point. I also know bits of several languages, as well as many of the Latin, Greek, & Germanic origins of the English language. Like I mentioned earlier, if I don’t know, I look it up, then integrate it into my word-smithery, which has built itself into an arsenal that I can utilize at will whenever I write and/or speak. This has also provided me with a strong sense of wit, a genius-level wit, as well as an originality that is all my own. Original wit, something maybe we should all strive for, yes? Not to mention, it kind of sounds like a band name for some neo-chillwave sounding musicians…lots of synth, but I digress, as always, which is par for this here course of mine. Original Wits…derp…continuing on…

Along with these reasons I detail above, I center everything, literally EVERYTHING, around TRUTH, which in this modern age, is proving difficult to find, is it not? There’s so much fakery out here in the trenches, so much un-truth, so much propaganda, such insane propaganda, which is why I am so passionately disciplined about writing ONLY truth. I pride myself on that attribute, even though “pride,” is one of the seven deadly sins. Maybe “pride” is the wrong word then, yes? I don’t want to be remembered as a prideful person; I want to be remembered as a human being that lives by truth, exposes the truth of this reality, & dies by truth, many years from now, hopefully. No one can ever take that away, but if you’re a liar, & a fraud, & that’s the legacy you leave behind, shame on you, not to mention an eternity of being known as a deceptionist. Incidentally, “deceptionist,”is not a real word, but the way I see it, if you write eloquently, & the words you use fulfill the fundamental rules of grammar, who says whether it’s a “word,” or not? Some douchebag college professor, perhaps? Fuck them, & their abidance to staying within their own self-defined boundaries, per se. Who makes up these idiotic “rules?” I’ve never been one to follow rules, particularly ones that make no sense to me, & I am more-than-brave-enough to think for myself, to make MY own rules, so that’s what I do. This applies to life, at least it does to MY life, & if you don’t like it, don’t read it, & get the fuck outta my face.

Words, are one letter away from swords, & I wield my respective swords like William Wallace at the Battle of Stirling. Oh man, what it must’ve been like to live back then. Can you imagine an army of sword-wielding Scots, charging headlong at you, shouting battle cries as they encroach on your position? To me, it’s arguably analogous to writing pure truth, while the other side comes back at you with propagandistic lies & bullshit, expecting you & your army to adhere to their position & retreat. “Stick those lies up your unrespective arses,” I proclaim, as I go charging right back at them, with the armor of truth shielding me from their nonsensical rubberized swords. Truth is indestructible; the truth is eternal, & no matter how much they swing, they always miss me. I wish I could say that for the rest of humanity, but unfortunately, most would rather comply, then to fight. If only we could ALL unite as one massive force, we could destroy their fabricated scripted narratives, their corruption, their self-entitled power positions we allow them to hold, all of it, we could take back from them in a day, if we wanted, but who is them exactly? Great question, thanks for asking. They, as it were, are these so-called “ruling elites,” that I have mentioned ad nauseam, & their deceptionary fake news apparatuses, as well as the alphabet agencies that protect them, keeping all of US divided, rather than united, to fight, & ultimately defeat them. There’s way, WAY more of us, but yet they still hold dominion over most of you, over the planet, but why? Why can’t we all unite? Why do we stay divided? Why do they gain more & more & more power & wealth at an exponential rate, while We The People, sink deeper & deeper into the swamp of impoverished sadness? For the life of me, I’ll never understand why, & since this has been happening for centuries, yes, CENTURIES, methinks the divide will keep growing, not just between US & THEM, but between US & US.

Oy vey, I could go on, & on, & on, with more reasons why YOU, yes YOU, should hire me immediately as a writer. I abide my viewers, my readers, & as I am super-savvy with SEO writing, I always offering links for those who like to swim in the deep end of the pool, because I want YOU, to learn for yourselves, & not rely entirely on yours truly, or others, to do all of the research & deep-diving for you. There’s little benefit to that notion, for you gain so much more by learning for YOU, not for me. I am here to help, to point the way, like those guys who spin arrow-signs on the side of the road, but the way I spin my sign is like no other. If you want talent, along with exceptional creativity, via a seasoned veteran of the figurative sign-spinning, what are you waiting for? Hire me. The FisH™ abides, always, dudes & dudettes, & I would love nothing more than to finally get paid for doing what I do, for holding onto my passion. I give to you, you give to me, & I can assure you, with 1000% confidence, that with the help of the right publisher, my diligent work can go viral, & manifest a win-win situation for all parties involved. I’m a spark, & you have the gasoline, so let’s combine our forces, & blow this world up with the TRUTH, the raw truth, of what the real reality of this artificially propped-up is, rather than the Clownworld ridiculousness spewed out by the mainstream fake news machine malevolently says it is. They barf it out all over the zeitgeist, to do nothing more than control you, & what you’ve been led to believe is real. None of it’s real, NONE OF IT, & damnit, I want to exist in a world based on natural order, the TRUTH, & it’s time for a Divine Great Reckoning to befall Mother Earth, before the malignant cancer becomes terminal, for all of us. Until next time dear readers, & potential future employers, remember this…there’s NO fish like this FisH™, & if you have the fishbowl, let’s make this happen. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐟

“There’s no fish, like this FisH™.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S4E25 4/25/2023 The Mockingbird Sings

ATTENTION: Open this up in full-site mode, get it?…got it?…IN FULL-SITE MODE, because if you view this in phone mode only, one, you miss out on all my widgets, my donation QR code, my upcoming events, all kinds of fun stuff, you miss ALL of that if you are NOT in full-site mode. Two, phone mode fucks up my animations, so they don’t loop at the right moment, & therefore, look like amateur-level crap, which as the artist, aggravates the bejesus outta me if my animations don’t loop like the Universe intended them to loop. I’m very meticulous about my ouroborian loops, meticulous to the point of a single keyframe to ensure the loops loop in proper looping loopishness, so that you never see the infamously dreaded “skip,” when the loop loops. I know, I know, perfection…the gift & the curse of the Creator in me, & even if it doesn’t matter to you, it matters to me, & as said Creator, I like to make sure that you, dear readers, see my art as I intend it to be seen, not how this WordPress site wants you to see it. Thus, before continuing, please make sure to click onto FULL-SITE MODE to view/read this article, as well as all my future articles. Unfortunately, WordPress STILL, for some reason, STILL cannot get the phone-mode to function appropriately properly(double adverb wizard). Hopefully, this fresh-out-the-oven GIF below , that I literally just made to illustrate this paragraph, works like it’s supposed to. 50/50 odds, red or black, what’s it gonna be Wordpuke? Sorry, I meant WordPress…(honk noise)…betting on black.

What to ramble about? Tucker Carlson? Nah, he’s all over the news, & the only thing I wanna say about that, is what are the odds that Don Lemon gets hosed on the same day? Two allegedly “opposing” news stations, two polar opposite ends of the proverbial spectrum, & on the SAME DAY, both get fired? That’s a bit weird, right?…or is it just me perhaps? I don’t know, & like I said at the beginning, I’m not going to go into this theatrical scripted narrative nonsense, & I’ll tell you why. I theorize, emphasis on THEORIZE, that maybe both, yes BOTH of them, work for the same shadowy group that pushes these orchestrated productions onto the public as if it was real news. Obviously, I’m still on the fence about Tucker, but Anderson Cooper worked/works for the CIA, so to presume he’s the only one, is just foolish. Click the link I left for you, and/or deep dive into the CIA connection to the mainstream fake news media. Maybe Operation Mockingbird never stopped? Maybe all of this Matrix-y, artificial zeitgeist rolling, is all via the CIA. If so, come talk to me CIA, so I can expose your corrupted soulless asses to the masses. Name the time, & I’ll be there, with bells on, as the expression goes.

Quite the distraction regardless, is it not? Let’s all click below & see what else might be being reported on by the Gateway Pundit, which incidentally, is only one of a small, & literal, handful, yes I said HANDFUL, of sites that actually offer real journalism…relatively, of course. There’s a ton of ads of their site, which is annoying, & kind of suspect to me, to be honest. Always gotta have the “money factor” involved somehow, don’t we, little mice? I’m not going to detail The Great Mouse Trap again right now though. Sweet baby Jesus knows I’ve illustrated the aforementioned Great Trap countless times here…about as ad nauseam as it gets. You know what to do though, if you still aren’t familiar, you can first, open up my site IN full-site mode, which it’ll already be in, if you’re checking this out on your laptop or desktop, but if you’re on your phone, depending on your phone, you’ll have to click a few things to get to full-site mode. Once you figure it out, then you’ll want to find my archives search query widget on the right side of my site…you’ll have to scroll down a bit, but I left everyone other various animations & widgets to entertain you as you scroll. Once you find it, type in anything, & I literally mean ANYTHING, & something will pop up for you. I have been very meticulous in this 5000ish page opus to make sure that every dive you dive, into the archive of archives, you’ll catch a fresh fish, dead or alive. Okay, I left the link to the Gateway Pundit below, so let’s scroll it together & see what we can find, shall we?

Click HERE or the image above to scroll along with FisH™, in your present real-time, but in my past. Kind of surreal, right? (cue the spooky score) 🍥

Let’s see…oh look, President Braindead Brandon is announcing his run for POTUS in 2024. What an embarrisngly pathetic joke to this country this demented kid-sniffing old pervert sociopath has been, continues to be, & will continue to be in the 2024 POTUS run. Mind-blowing, isn’t it? Obvious dementia & probably Alzheimer’s, worse by the day, still has a year & ½ left, & he has been told by his handlers to announce that he’s going to run for a 2nd term in 2024. Who knows?…everything is backwards & upside-down & inverted here in Clownworld, so maybe he’ll win, like I said, who knows? What if Trump wasn’t there, what if something happened to prevent Trump from flying in on a shimmering winged white horse with golden wings to save the entire world from the globalists he supposedly stands against? What would ½ of America do is their infamous #OrangeManBad was simply removed from the equation?

An event like that would be incredibly demoralizing, not to mention the utter hopelessness, & that’s what happens when you put all your orange eggs, into one orange basket, then expect that ONE orange man to stop all the chaos & destruction that your globalist overlord shadowplayers have orchestrated & executed flawlessly, without consequences, over & over & over & over again, & believe it or not, we’ve yet to see how far they will push beyond the boundaries of rationality. Why would they stop? Why would they hold back? Why wouldn’t they push FURTHER? There’s never any consequences for their malevolence, EVER, so why? The simple answer is that they most certainly will NOT stop, & will keep pushing & pushing & pushing, until they push their agenda through, one way or another.. Doesn’t really matter what I do and/or say, and/or write on & on about, preaching with my hands from my little digital pulpit here, & it doesn’t matter what you do either. There simply are not enough people to stand up & fight these “psychopathic elected elites,” as my friend says, & they play a different game. Their game, is power, simple, & our game, is the endlessly twisting & turning…the left, right, left, right, from birth to death, never looking forward for the exit, just ceaselessly running around The Great Mouse Trap, which you can also find if you deep dive into my archives.

Nonetheless, I left you with several links, & instead of going through the entire list of headlines, I’m going to wrap this up & leave you to DYOR, because I’m not doing all the work for you. What purpose would that serve if I just did all the work for you? Great question, thanks for asking, but I’m not going to answer that one, since you should be sharp enough by now to figure it out. How much SEO writing can I fart into your faces, before you plug your nose & go your own way, know what I mean? That one goes out to all these fucking employers that send me their AI-generated rejection letters, you vapid varmints. Yes, I know how to write in every style, & SEO writing is easy as fuck, but since I do it while simultaneously exposing TRUTH, they’re all scared to hire me. Not to mention, I am insanely shadowbanned, even on here, so maximizing my “search engine results,” doesn’t really work no matter what I do, does it? Nope, not gonna find anything I write at the top of any search query via the interwebs, thanks to the AI & the algorithms they use to keep thought criminals like me quietly tucked away in the digital gulag, where I’ve been for ohhhhhh…7ish years now. Yep, 7 long years in mown solitary cell in the virtual prison. Such a dissident I am, I suppose, right? Derp. B-O-O-H-O-O. No one fucking cares, as is par for my fish-eyed themed mini putt putt course here. No one knows, thus no one cares, & there’s another addition to my upcoming book, The Great Quote Hunt. More on that later. Until next time dear readers, do your own research for you, not for me. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Do your own research…for you, not for me.” Fish F Fish🎏

“No one knows me, thus no one cares about me.” Fish F Fish🎏