The Fooze: E7S27/2023 7/27/2023 Sinead O’Connor Death RIP


REMINDER: The DONATE button is to the right if you open my site up into full-site mode…just scan that QR code to donate to my PayPal. The FisH™ abides, & is without a job for now, so anything/everything helps. Thanks dear readers…FisH™ loves you. Cheers. 🎏

Job-less…as in if you have a job, I have less than you, I suppose. Man, I am in quite a pickle, but, you know what mantra yours truly adopted lonnnnnng ago, & needs to resurrect, desperately, & what mantra might that be? Great question, thanks for playing. That mantra, of course, is quite simple…”fuck it.” Can’t take anything with you, can you?…sooooooo fuck it…FUCK IT. None of this, THIS, & with an italicized & respectively capitalized THIS, I mean this…life, existence, gathering resources, you can’t take anything with you when you go. The people who excel at such notions, have kids, & their kids before them had kids, & so, the dynasties grow, except in my world. The bloodline stops with me, being childless by choice, although now I realize that was a selfish choice, or was it? Do I contribute to the consumerism, or do I end it with me, & thus, this gene pool dries up & simply removes itself from the equation, is that still the move?

Sure seems like it…yep, middle-aged, no kids, no real skills, Jesus Christ, I really fucked up on this whole “life” thing, didn’t I? It’s a bit difficult when there’s zero encouragement around to help you excel at your own divinely-given natural talents. I blame myself, of course, but how can I blame ONLY myself? I can’t, YOU can’t. When people say, “You have no one to blame but yourself,” I cringe. Sure, yes, I get it, my choices, my faults, my responsibilities, it’s all on me, I GET IT for fuck’s sake, but, a big BUT, why can’t you blame other people too? I know there’s a new quote in there somewhere…I can smell it. I can’t let this quote become a literary leper, now can I? I have something, but I don’t know…let’s see here(ponders for a moment staring at the ceiling while backing away from the computer). How about this? “Blame yourself first, then blame everyone else,” something like that, how does that sound? Sit on it, so to speak, like I am, & we’ll return to it at the end. Get it? Got it? Wunderbar.

Okay, now where were we? Oh yes, jobless & soon to be homeless, “here’s the deal, not a joke. Don’t jump”(Potato Brandon voice). It’s really mind-blowing, isn’t it? Yes, quite mind-blowing, one could say, that a corrupt used-car salesman failed politician piece of shit like Joe Biden, is arguably the most powerful man in the world now. While most of us wake up wishing it was nighttime so we could go back to sleep, or maybe it’s just me, but nonetheless, while we all suffer down here, these nepotistic dynasties gain more & more & more power. Money is irrelevant to them, just ones & zeros, but power, power is something you cannot put a price tag on. Power makes the price tags, power makes the stores where various items are all tagged & sold, power makes the roads you drive on to get to the store. You can’t buy power, you have to take it, & it’s a game most of us will never play, minus the pseudo-power games we play down here in The Great Mouse Trap. Power makes the world go around, & your tiny little fractions of power, just feed into a bigger machine that combines all your little powers into a bigger power, for THEM though, not for you, of course.

Nope, this whole life game is most certainly NOT what most of you think it is. Jobs…oy vey, “You have to get a job,”…but I hear, “You have to do something you don’t like doing, something that ruins a significant portion of your creativity time, all for little pieces of paper that will be totally worthless someday, maybe someday soon. Regardless, does that sound like “life” to you? Does that sound like “living,” to you? All I want to do is write, & paint, & make music, but you can’t just do those things because you need a job, a stupid fucking job, & for what? To get paid every 2 weeks with some table scraps from King Longshanks. Dang, I just read up on the old late Longshanks. Guy has been dead for 700ish years & STILL is worth more than you and/or I? Do you have a wiki page? Do you have historical records dating back centuries, well beyond the “23 & me” data mining scheme? Do you have your papers, your pedigree papers, do you have them? No, not a birth certificate, those are strictly for the peasantry. The elites have a pedigree, that goes wayyyyyyyyy back, to Roman times & beyond for some, but for us plebs down here, nope. Just a shitty birth certificate, that certifies that YOU, & yours truly as well, are owned, are property, owned by the aforementioned elites, owned from birth, just like cattle & sheep are.

Don’t believe me, then maybe DYOR, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, & when you discover that everything I’m writing bait is the TRUTH, come on back so I can digitally cock-slap you again. Edward 1, King Longshanks, is STILL more powerful than you, & he’s been dead for 700 years…let that sink in, & thats’ just Eng;and. Think of these shadow dynasties, all over the world. While the plebs gradually lose more & more, the elites, & their ilk, gain more & more power. Yes, they grow, while you die, & ultimately, that’s what they want, all of us, all of YOU, myself included, they want us dead, dead & gone. Once they’re in the big club, & given the secret, & that secret just illustrates their Great Reset plan. No, it isn’t just Agenda 2030, it’s a culmination of various agendas with an end goal of a drastic depopulation event. A new Holocaust, if you will, or a Sho ‘ah maybe? Uh oh, did yours truly look up the meaning of a Jewish word & discover something? Hmmmm, turns out that the origins of the word Holocaust, are Greek, & the word wasn’t even used until the late 70s, so what’s the deal here? Something smells fishy, pun intended. What about the infamously famous “6 million Jews” who were allegedly murderered? No, I’m not saying it dan’t happen, I’m just saying something smells fishy, & I know fish, trust me on this. The word Holocaust, essentially means “burnt offering to the Gods,” so, now stick with me here, what if the Jewish Holocaust was actually a sacrifice, orchestrated by themselves somehow, to gain the power they now hold today. No one can argue that the Jews, collectively, as well as individually, excel in celebrity, in finance, in media, in power positions, more-or-less, & their building a dynastic race of sorts, the ones that will really rule the world. I don’t know.

It was this tiny fringe minority of Zionist Jews who wanted to take over the world before AI, but now, it appears that it’s a contingent of ultra-rich people, using AI, using it to help them to gain even more power, & thus, the power game these elites play has not only changed fields, the entire sport is different. Make no mistake, those fringe Zionists are still there, lurking in the shadows like parasitic cockroaches, but it’s not only them anymore. While they play their power games, these relatively tiny few, the rest of us have to do what we can do to get by. There’s plenty for everyone, there’s abundance galore. Think about how much food gets wasted & thrown away at the grocery store every night. If everyone got a food card, a bunch of that food would get consumed, but nope, then they wouldn’t get paid to send it to a food bank so the peasants can pick through the rotting food for something plausibly palatable. Always about money…money money money…this artificially propped up joke of a currency. Where’s the true currency? Where’s the real energy flow keeping the zeitgeist rolling naturally, where is it? Why was it hijacked, & who did it? How did they do it? Doesn’t matter, does it? Is any of this drivel going to change what they’ve done, and are still doing, to the global populous?

Nope, nothing I say will make a difference, & my only hope is that maybe, with the seemingly random grace of The Universe, perhaps someone will find this one day & read it, & know what was really going on in the present moment, rather than these scripted narratives via the BROADCAST “news” PROGRAMS that so many people still believe, & abide by. Abiding lies, particularly these blatant lies spewed out by the Fake News Mainstream Media, is a slow death to me. You live lies, you believe things that a aren’t real and/or true, & live accordingly, & therefore, you life is a lie. This is the proverbial YOU I’m addressing this to incidentally, not YOU you, you know what I mean? Who else do you know that can pull off the wondrous triple YOU in ONE sentence? No one, because I just made it up, but I’m sure someone else has done it, somewhere else, but I digress, now here was I? Oh yes, I was wrapping this one up before my black ass falls asleep, holy hell, how do I do this? I just start typing & then these words manifest, & you read them in my past, as I write them in my present. It’s all a bit surreal, is it not? Push the little buttons monkey, then hit this button & your little monkey drivel is published, so that other little monkeys can throw their own poop at this, but since you’re shadowbanned, no one will see this little monkey, not even the poopoo-throwers. Too bad, very sad, sad for you, little monkeys. Inside all of us, perhaps there’s a sad little monkey, but I can only speak for myself, & my own sad little monkey on my back.

On that note, you fishy little monkeys, my dear readers, the time has come once again to wrap up this article. Until next time, if you’re not pedigreed, you aren’t one of them. So sayeth FisH™…

For all of you, & for none of you at all…

If you’re not pedigreed, you’re a mutt, just like most everyone else.” Fish F Fish

“Blame yourself first, then blame everyone else.” Fish F Fish

Who Cares?

Isn’t my silly little Oompa Loompa GIF fun? I made this like 7 or 8 years ago maybe. No skip in the GIF either, as even back then, I was well-aware of the infamous “skip in the GIF,” & was quite meticulous to make sure the “skip” ain’t in the GIF. Anyway, who cares? Easy answer: NOBODY, no one gives a flying fart about a “skip in a GIF.” Derp. I care, but no one else does. Does anything even matter then really? These little blips of an existence here we all experience before POOF, you’re just gone, gone like a dried-up dandelion, as you blow it into the wind. The only thing I’ve ever watched actually die, was my cat Fritz. He was there, they gave him the drugs, then 10 seconds of an eternity later, he was gone, just gone. So…final, yes that’s the word, & it really sucks for everyone left behind, in that case, me. The quiet of all of his things when I got home was so surreal. He was just not here anymore, but where did he go?

Well, they say your pets go to the Rainbow Bridge (👈🏻click link to read more), & of course, I’d like to believe that. I’d like to believe SOMETHING happens when sentient life is extinguished from its 3d meat suit. Dogs & cats dream too, & I think that anything that can dream, has a conscious immortal soul that has always been here, & will always be here. If that’s the case, you never actually lose your pets when they die, as they are your eternal soul companions, & you always find each other throughout your countless reincarnations. When they die, they just aren’t here, but they’re there, wherever there is, maybe the aforementioned “Rainbow Bridge,” I don’t know. I’d like to believe it’s real though, & I kind of have proof that it is, although I’m sure I’m stretching my “proof” a bit, because I’m obviously going to be bias. The pragmatist in me has a different view, but the mindfully hopeful me, has nearly convinced me via said “proof,” that the Rainbow Bridge and/or a “pet afterlife,” DOES, in fact, exist. Want the “proof?”

My new cat, Milo, is quite possibly Fritz, reincarnated in a new cat, & why might I think this? Well, Fritz & I had a uniquely close bond. That little dude & me went through some seriously dark times, as dark as it gets, but he was with me all the way through it. Unfortunately, & I will never not feel at least partially responsible for this, he had kidney failure at the young age of 11, & died slowly over the course of a year or so. Maybe it was what I fed him, maybe it was something at some point in the bad environments I was in, I don’t know, but 11 is too young for kidney failure, too young to die for a cat. Anyway(tear falls), it was the worst time ever, & things got dark for awhile for yours truly, as dark as the edge of the perimeter of life, right on the edge, so close, & somehow I came all the way back. Until last year, when the crypto crash wiped me out like a surfer riding giant waves, just wiped the fuck out. Everything I fought so hard to get back, gone, but I’ve ranted about that before, so excuse the digression. I’m still dealing with it in real-time, so it just comes out. Anyway, back to the darkness of death…

Then one day, 4 years ago, a curious little kitten just kind of came from nowhere, like literally, it’s very odd, almost spooky how we found each other, so I named this little curiosity Milo, & there he was. Didn’t take long for me to notice that he stuck to me like glue, like a glued-on shadow, same as Fritz, & you know what else didn’t take long to notice? The bond, it was the same unexplainable soul bond I had with Fritz, but now it was Milo. Is Milo possibly my sweet Fritz reincarnated? Milo is Fritz, Fritz is Milo, Finkel is Einhorn.

I don’t know…like I said earlier, the pragmatist in me says, “Nah, that’s just how cats are. You’re a good cat dad & he knows it, so it seems like Fritz, but it’s a totally different entity altogether. Now get your head out of the clouds & go make us some croissants, 2 regular, one chocolate, don’t forget the syrup & butter.”

However, the wishful existentialist in me counters by proclaiming, “Stop listening to the pragmatist, he’s always bluntly honest, which is good, but he’s an asshole about it. He doesn’t know for sure either. Does he remember being born? No. No one knows the true answer. It’s good to believe in “life” continuing after we die, & that it’s NOT just this, then it’s over forever. If there’s also a Rainbow Bridge in the afterlife, where you reunite with your forever-pets, that’s great. You’ve dreamt of such things, so why can it NOT be real, at least as real as real is once you cross over after death? Have some faith in something. will ya?”

Hmmm, I’d say the existentialist won that one. Valid points, & you cannot deny the pragmatist and/or dismiss him completely, but considering my own personal experiences, the daily synchronous “reminders” reminding me that this trip here on 3d Earth is insanely temporary, yet has a divine purpose. It only seems like a long time sometimes when you’re here, but I don’t think the concept of time, as we know it here in 3d, exists in the place where you go when you die. If it is truly the 5th dimension that you return to, it would be like a dream. Does time seem “relevant” when you’re dreaming? No, it doesn’t, & hours can fly by like seconds, although in the dream space it could seem like days. See what I mean, see how time gets overtly distorted when you sleep, is that because you’re caught between 3d space, 4d time, & 5d where your soul is free?…& since 5d does not follow the laws of 4d time, it causes a “distortion” in your own perception of said time perhaps? Of course, I have no way of definitively proving this, & it’s just something I’ve hung onto for a long time for some reason. I would certainly like that to be the case though, & what a sense of refreshment that must be, the return to 5d, the FULL return, not this halfway-there thing that happens when you sleep & dream.

Unfortunately, I’ve never really gotten to mention this to anyone in person. Why? Good question, & I don’t know why. Communication breakdown maybe? I come from a family unit of 1980s programmed television zombies. Watch tv, consume, obey, work, sleep, eat, shit, piss, repeat, repeat, repeat…yikes. What a fucking mess these baby boomers created, my entire generation, the Gen-X tv babies, such programming, which sadly, extended to the next generation, squared, & then the next generation, squared again, all into this societal conundrum that the American public has become. Just look at that insane State of the Union speech last night, what a disaster, & completely reflective of these baby boomer dinosaurs still fucking it up for everyone else. Mark Dice, one of the few journalists left that I trust, just posted a great video detailing last night’s atrocious debacle. There’s a bonus from Chris Rock in the video too, bringing in some comedy from when he was still funny, to this ever-growing tragedy unfolding in real-time as this country sinks lower & lower into 3rd world communism. Oh I almost forgot…THEN, after Chris Rock, Dice posts a video from the infamous “Orange Man,” announcing his 2024 Presidential run, which I’m sure will create even more chaos. Wunderbar. Buckle up. Honk honk honk…

👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻ROLL THE CLIP👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

Unfortunately, no one cares. No one cares what I think, or what I write about, or how I try to spread TRUTH, God forbid. I keep writing though, it’s all I got, my writing & my animations, on an endless loop, & there it is, always as if on queue, my circularity, the beginning birthing the end, then dying into a new beginning. My literary ouroboros, as if with a mind of its own, never fails to find me when I write these. No one cares about my circularity, I know, but I do. Maybe I’m the only one, the Lone Ranger who truly appreciates the circularity of a well-written article. I mean, IT finds me, not the other way around, & to me, that’s a fascinating phenomenon. I don’t know, I’m weird, but that’s how this weird fish rolls I suppose. Until next time, meh doesn’t matter, no one cares, right? So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“Doesn’t matter, no one cares.” ~Fish F Fish🎏