Proverb from the Mind of an Ancient Magician

The poem at the end is something I wrote in 2014ish, but apparently, never published. No idea what I was doing when I wrote it, but I did write it, but I can’t remember if I made this up, or just wrote down a quote from Rumi or someone like that maybe? Maybe I was high…most likely if it’s 2014, I was high. Wunderbar; it looks like some of the stuff I used to hand-write, in my little journals, so maybe it was me? I don’t know. Regardless, it sounded good when I read it aloud to myself, after perusing my lost drafts from nearly a decade ago. I used to publish short stories for Nascent Digital Publishing, along with 4 self-help books I wrote. 2 of the books are still on Amazon, surprisingly. DO NOT BUY THEM. The publisher did us writers dirty & masterminded a hustle, sending all the royalties one way, his slimy way. I did another article about it; here’s a link if you would like a more in-depth explanation, as well as links to the books you should NOT buy. The links are there simply as reference for the article I wrote, click this link to read more👉🏻 The Extended Explanation …


Nonetheless, I lost all those stories that got published on the now non-existent Nascent Digital site. They’re not kidding when they say, “Back up your content,” even though you shouldn’t have to in the USA, in the land of the “free,” right? WRONG, wrong because if you don’t abide the rules of the big tech Ministry of Speech, they push a magic button that sends your content into digital oblivion, you’ll end up exiled from the virtual town square, & be stuck indefinitely in the digital gulag with my black ass, unless you bend the knee. There’s NOTHING that is free anymore, nothing. Hence, I must once again publicly proclaim, “I WILL NEVER BEND THE KNEE TO YOU CORRUPT & WEAPONIZED FUCKERS. YOU DO NOT SCARE ME. THIS IS THE UNITED FUCKING STATES OF AMERICA, & THE USA IS THE LAND OF FREEDOM, NOT THE NEO-COMMUNISTIC TYRANNICAL HELLSCAPE YOU ARE QUICKLY TURNING IT INTO. HOW ABOUT THEM APPLES YOU EVIL SCUMFUCKS? I WILL NOT ABIDE YOUR PSEUDO-REALITY…EVER. I DO NOT CARE IF 7 ½ BILLION OTHER HUMANS FALL IN LINE, BENDING THIER RESPECTIVE KNEES IN DISGRACEFUL COMPLIANCE AS YOU CUT THEIR FIGURATIVE BALLS OFF. NOPE, NOT GONNA GET ME. GO FUCK YOURSELVES. SO SAYETH FISH™…🎣

Oh, by the way, the dickhead that robbed us is named Thom Byxbe, or at least that’s what he calls himself online. If you want to leave him a strongly-worded message, click his name for his social media links, or here’s his number:

Screen Shot 2023-03-16 at 6.57.20 PMI could care less what you say to this fucking piece of shit. I wrote self-help books for this guy, SELF-HELP BOOKS, & he steals everyone’s royalties? The actual writers who did the work, nope, nothing for them, but this fucking drug-addict loser fraud takes it all for himself, okay then. Your karma, not mine fuckwad, not that he’ll ever read this, but by writing it down, then publishing these sentiments globally, I put the energy into the digital ether to proverbially kick this idiot down a flight of stairs. PROVERBIALLY, I said, but if he happened to fall down a flight of stairs, I wouldn’t be distressed over it. 


Not to mention, this post here is a solid demonstration of my SEO writing skills, so I’ll have to add it to the stack, which is closing in quickly on 5000 pages. Yep, dear readers, FIVE-THOUSAND pages of my drivelous drivel. My own version of “self-help,” if you will. Just a reminder, PUBLISH EVERYTHING YOURSELF. You don’t need a publisher, you just need a MacBook & of course, the ability to write a book. I have several things in the queue, too much actually, so much writing that I’ve overwhelmed myself, so I’m in the process of trying to organize all of this rambling that I do into a compendium of sorts. Maybe my daily Foozers, compiled as a journal of Clownworld sort of, since day after day I’ve been documenting 2023 as TRUTHFULLY as one can be, because someone has to, otherwise the world of the future might look back at this era estraña using re-written Orwellian 2+2=5 books composed by these globalist/communists in charge. They’re tearing down statues, so what makes you think they won’t rewrite history if they succeed with their planetary domination agenda. Agenda 2030, it’s very real, & it’s happening right now, in real time.


I’m not going into that again in this post though; there’s plenty to dive into in my archives if you want to read more about the depopulation agenda. Make sure you’re viewing this on “full-site” mode, or you won’t see any of the fun stuff. Find the archive search widget, to the right & down a bit, then type “depopulation” into the search queue, & see what comes up. Type anything you want actually, any word you can think of, & SOMETHING will pop up. Like I said, I have nearly 5000 pages of articles, which ironically, is NOT backed-up, so one of my upcoming self-organizational tasks, is to put all of this, ALL OF THIS, all of this nearly-5000 pages of my work onto a USB drive, then find a printer that has unlimited ink & paper, & print this entire opus out into a hard copy. They could ban me from WordPress, or the power could go out, & although the probability of one of those happening is hopefully low, I want this all on physical paper, just in case. The printed word is not dead, at least not for me, but oh geez…I have digressed into Tangentville once again, haven’t I? I suppose it’s come time to wrap this one up, so until the next round, dear readers, write for you, not for anyone else, unless they pay you. So sayeth FisH™…again…🎏

Enjoy this old poem below; it’s for all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡


I saw it all, all I saw,

I fell right through, way down.

And it holds me down,

My hands, not in chains.

Bound as the clown.

I’ll keep it hidden,

right in front of you.

When you open that box,

inside the ellipses.

On the outside of truth.

Corners of eyes,

shadows in my shadow,

Only the act, they say,

can’t really be real.

An ocean shallow.


“Write for you, not for anyone else, unless they pay you.” ~Fish F Fish🍥

The Deep Fake Kraken

Thanks for the inspirational quote Iris, you Irish gem. I actually have never heard of her, until I came across that quote, my advanced English degree from an accredited 4-year university hard at work. Derp. All I “learned” really in college was how to be a street pharmacist & party like a rock star. Our college mascot was a pirate, & some of us took that fact quite literally, & raged accordingly. What a time, well, the part I can still recall anyway. Lots of gaps from that era estraña, probably from combo of drugs, booze, & improperly-treated head injuries. What a mess, like a car crash into a train wreck when it was all said & done. In a way, I equate to war, in a figurative sense of course, nothing I’ve ever done can truly compare to an actual hot war, but since I am relatively the only soldier left, it’s like a battle where I was the lone survivor. Now, at middle-age, after the proverbial party war ended, I look around, & no one else is left. All the old crews, either dead, mostly dead actually, with a few in prison, & a small minority who completely did a 180° turn & became family people. That small group who went that route though, completely dysfunctional family lives, as if that’s a surprise, but nonetheless, it’s all like the aftermath of a societal hurricane. One day we were all 20 & partying, then I woke up & it was 25 years later, & I’m Henry Bemis with some cracked spectacles, scrambling over rubble, wondering where it all went.

That’s a solid pop culture reference to a well-known Twilight Zone episode. Click his name up there to find your way to watch for yourself, should you choose to do so. We have to get the to the main topic though, enough digressionizing, & the topic is…the advent of deep fake technology. As of this moment, it’s being broadcast that this is a nascent technology, just beginning, & far from perfected, but I argue the opposite. I think it’s well-advanced, more than enough in fact, that the powers-that-be have most likely already used it, along with the aid of their AI assistant, which is also way more ahead of what everyone has been led to believe it is. I’ve seen a few different President Braindeads being rolled out, have you? Is Joe Brandon being replicated? Different facial features, so maybe clones?…and/or deep fakes? Why don’t more people talk about this? Or Joe Biden’s widely-varying energy levels? One minute he’s wide-eyed, literally, with pupils fully dilated, not blinking at all, & the screaming & yelling at someone with that bullying tactic he uses over & over, something he did often in the past to get his way, only now being a remnant of that former self, it fails miserably & just looks embarrassingly demented. Somehow though, full of all that snark & aggression, albeit being short-lived, as it’s ONLY at the beginning, when the drugs first kick in. Oh but then, the next minute, when the drugs wear off I’m presuming, he can’t even complete a sentence. It’s so ridiculous, just do a search for yourself…search Joe Biden’s Blunders, or click this link. Why though, why do they do this to this feebly feckless old trout? Do any of his public speeches seem “normal” to you, particularly as it relates to an expected Presidential demeanor, that ALL other prior presidents displayed publicly no problem, until this pseudo-potus “Old Joe” came along. Dirty Old Joe, the kid-sniffing pervert, he’s an absolute disaster, & even hardcore leftists can’t deny it at this point. What do these so-called “leaders” do though? They keep injecting him with some kind of energy-inducing drug cocktail, then wheel his dementia-ridden, dirty-old-man-ass out to a podium, to babble as long as he can until the drugs wear off. Rinse & repeat, as if the American people can’t see what’s going on. It’s so obvious, to me anyway, so I’m hoping that by illustrating this very real fact, BECAUSE IT’S TRUE, that maybe, just maybe, something will happen to “correct” this sordid situation in Washington, D.C., because enough is enough is enough is enough is enough already, know what I mean?

Unfortunately, nope, it’s NOT enough, & believe me when I say this, & my darts don’t miss the bull’s eyes too often as it relates to my zeitgeistian speculations, but believe me when I tell you that these schizo-narcissistic elitists have a whole armful of nefarious trickery up their wizard sleeves, & we’ve yet to see their darkest magic. What’s coming next, what am I speculating, you’re maybe thinking? Great question, thanks for playing. I am speculating, that these psychopathic globalists, are in full-blown panic mode behind the scenes. I don’t think they expected this so-called mass-awakening via the internet, where the global sharing of information has revealed to certain deep divers THE TRUTH, exposing what these madmen in The Capstone Club have planned for all of you. Of course, a few years ago, we were just “crazy conspiracy theorists,” right? As these last few years have swirled by however, like a flushing toilet, one by one, our “conspiracy theories” came true, right down to the water turning the frogs gay. Hang on, maybe you’re one of those programmed people STILL saying that it’s not real. Click the link then, if you dare, because FACTS MATTER, not your respectively delusional feelings. FACTS are coming, bringing the true TRUTH, like a tidal wave of raw honesty, & it’s growing bigger & bigger, as it comes in with the high tide to wash away the lies that they have drowned most of you with over the last decade or so.

The reality is though, that most people are under a state of hypno-psychosis. No, there’s no link on that term yet, hence why I didn’t add one. Do you want to know why?…because I created that term. No, it’s not in some advanced psychological medical journal. No, it’s not a concept being discussed amongst the intellectual elites, particularly the ones with PHDs in fields of psychology. Nope, you won’t even hear a genius like Jordan Peterson talking about it yet, although I really wish he would. Well then, Mister Smarty-Fish, why don’t you enlighten us in this fringe concept of “hypno-psychosis,” you spoke of a moment ago? Sounds great, will do. Hypno-psychosis, well, is what it sounds like, a state of psychosis induced by hypnosis. In this case though, the magnitude is unprecedented, as BILLIONS of people are stuck in this mental state, right now, as I type, & you read this, BILLIONS are under the influence, so to speak. How though, how can so many be affected by this unspoken-of mental disorder? Easy, are you reading this on your phone? That’s one way, the others could be television, & computers, & tablets, & smart watches, & CCTV, & Hollywood, & the mainstream media, & the greatest programmer of them all, social media. Essentially, via all these aforementioned means, the powers-that-be have essentially programmed BILLIONS of humans, hypnotizing them into a state of psychosis, where they seem to be LARPing in realities that are NOT the real reality. Wait what, that’s not possible, is it?

Pick a topic, how about Covaids? Covaids is now being reported as having been created in a lab, another dart in the bull’s eye for yours truly. Okay, assuming that is true, because it is, let’s also be truthful when we proclaim that it’s similar in mortality rates to the common cold/flu. If you look at the CDC’s own website in fact, you can look at the stats yourself, & my oh my when you look, what happened to the common cold/flu? Instead of the PUBLISHED STATS remain static, it seems that Covaids magically replaced the common cold/flu. Weird, right?…since both have the similar symptoms, & almost identical mortality rates…hmmm, but that’s just “normal, right? Nothing weird to see, right? NO, WRONG, WRONG WRONG WRONG, enough of the make-believe, it’s now TIME TO TELL THE DAMN TRUTH. People like Matt Walsh, Paul Joseph Watson, the great Jordan Peterson, & the always-entertaining Mark Dice, are the 4 Horsemen of Truth, this evolving movement of TRUTH, & these four men, are leading the charge against this tsunami of fake news, narrative-driven bullshit propaganda drag-queen story time pseudo-reality insanity. I’m on board, exposing TRUTH, as much as I can from my little virtual pulpit here. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

The world cannot continue snowballing forward down a mountain of lies. These scandalous storytellers took an inch, then ran a marathon, & we let them, but their time has come to an abrupt end, & I for one, being exiled from the virtual town square as I am, look forward to a true Day of Reckoning for all of us who were banished for simply being honest to ourselves, & to our viewers/readers. We refused to go along with the narrative, we held our ground, albeit only a relative handful of us, but still, WE EXIST. & WE HELD STRONG. We told you the Covaids plandemic was a scam, & it was. We told you NOT to take the jab, & now it’s been revealed to have lethal side effects, dropping people dead in real time, healthy young people, just poof, gone, heart attack due to blood clots caused by a fake vaccine. Of course, they’re STILL not reporting that publicly yet on the MSM, oh but just wait, when summer comes & it warms up, I fear the heat will “activate” the jab, causing the blood to crystallize, creating blood clots that stop the flow of blood to the heart. That’s why all these athletes are dropping dead now, from their own body heat. When the body gets to a certain temperature, the red blood cells turn crystalline from whatever it was they put into these jabs, & it turns your arteries into rubber essentially. If your blood don’t flow, you don’t go, & within moments, you drop dead. I hate that this is a plausible near-future mass-casualty event, I really do, I hate it, but the pragmatist on my shoulder, the critical-thinker, the puzzle-piece placeholder, reminds me that my eyes don’t deceive me, but as usual, I digress.

So, what’s the deal with deep fakes? As I mentioned earlier, they already have the power to make things so that you can’t tell the difference between whether or not said things, are really real, or really fake. The tech is only just now being utilized by public means, hence why it appears to be in a nascent phase, but I assure you, it isn’t, & it’s simply a matter of time before countless deep fakes start infesting the daily zeitgeist. Deep fakes of Putin declaring World War 3, deep fakes of the current UN-President Braindead maybe declaring World War 3, or perhaps even Trump declaring the same. That’s not all though, they could create deep fakes of well-known news broadcasters reporting fake news events that incite a variety of particularly intentional reactions. All psychological trickery to steer the zeitgeist in the way that they want it to roll. The zeitgeist doesn’t need any steering though, & these crazy fools at the top of the pyramid are playing God with said trickery. It’s wrong, it’s completely UN-natural, & ultimately, this manipulated orchestration is going to end in a critical mass event of some sort. Those of us who report TRUTH, THE INDISPUTABLE TRUTH, do not have to make up narratives. We don’t need scripts, we simply just report THE TRUTH as it is, because that’s what IS is, THE TRUTH. You cannot make up reality & expect it to stand forever. They have pushed WAYYYYYYYYYYY too far, & they know it, hence why I said at the beginning, the powers-that-be are in maniacal panic mode, right now, in real time. They are exceptionally desperate to do whatever it takes to retain their stolen power, & maintain this illusional delusion of a reality.

Unfortunately, that’s not good for those of us on the side of virtue. These people at the top are so insanely desperate, that rather than let go of what they have so deviously snatched from all of us, they’ll burn all of this down before they give it all up. They burn it all down, & try to take as many of you down with them as they can when they do. That’s how disgustingly sinister these evil scumbags are. Before they do though, before they pull the emergency switch to ignite it all into a societal inferno of unprecedented magnitude, they’re going to continue running their program, the program that has so very many of you under a spell, this state of hypno-psychosis, this term that I myself have coined alone, & accurately describes what is really going on in the minds of the masses. This time we are in, right now, is all uncharted waters. Never before has there been this many people existing on Earth, never before has so much information been available at the push of a digital button, & the powers-that-be have hijacked said information, the currency, the energy flow that turns the world. No, not money itself per se, although that is the hijacker’s tool, but the actual current, the aforementioned energy flow that binds us all together, when we work together as a united human race, to create a much as we can, while we can, while we’re here. We are meant to be creators, not destroyers, but sadly, destroyers are the ones steering this Titanical ship, right into the proverbial iceberg, as if on queue. They have taken our natural currency, & replaced it with this monetary system of ones & zeros, & little pieces of paper that only mean something because we have allowed the hijackers to be successful. WE GIVE THEM THEIR POWER, & that is precisely why they have masterminded this method of hypnotizing all of you into a state of psychosis by programming all of you via the mass media. It’s called “programming” for a reason, duh, they make no bones about hiding their agenda. Why?…because they know most of you aren’t mentally capable of fathoming anything other than what they’ve programmed you to believe.

Maybe the real “mass awakening” is on the horizon though, I don’t know, I can only hope it is. Maybe that one day will come, when the Sun rises, the birds chirp, & BILLIONS of people just suddenly awaken with the sunrise, & POOF, like a switch flicking from the “off,” to the “on” position, just like that. En masse, a real great awakening to THE TRUTH, that would be such a glorious glory, wouldn’t it? Like I said though, these evil elitists in charge would rather selfishly destroy all that has been created first, before they ever relinquish what they have wrongfully taken from all of you. It’s not the world you thought it was, is it? Maybe it CAN be though, if we all realize the truth, & fight for it. The truth is the truth, it’s undeniable, & this bizarre time of denying truth for the sake of being accommodating to freak show fringe minority groups who have seriously delusional mental issues, IS OVER…IT’S DONE. The snowball, the real snowball, the real zeitgeistisn snowball of absolute TRUTH, has begun rolling, & day by day, it will grow, as Matt Walsh, Dice, JP, PJW, & random little wordsmiths like myself expose THE TRUTH, illustrating it in whatever respectively unique way that each of us does. Whatever it takes, WRITE WRITE WRITE, make videos, BE A CREATOR, & whatever you create, create it with nothing but virtuous intent, because deception is lame. Until next time, dear readers, beware of deception, because when they start unleashing the imminent “deep-fake narrative,” only those of us who use our real eyes, will realize, the real lies, behind this evolving art of facial manipulation. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Only those who use their real eyes, will realize, the real lies, & the real allies.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“The Destroyer turns off the Light, The Creator IS the Light.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

You…yes, YOU #Creator

YOU are the CreatoR…

…more to come…

…love to all.






Walk Through the Door




For None and All…

Walking Through that Door

As processions fade, New hearts doubt.

But you are Golden and no one questions it.

But who you fake and how you sound,
Asks the best of men
To share your sentiment

I want to be the one to help you find those years
That you’ve been talking about.
Dreaming of the South
And all those lost goodbyes,
And all those lonely tears,
You never got to cry,

It never works out right,
Unless you’re one to follow.
Where the silence takes too long,
When the night falls–when the night falls oh so slow,
And caution isn’t ours.
When the night falls–when the night falls oh so low,
We may lose control.

I want to be the one to help you find those years
That you’ve been talking about.
Dreaming of the South
And all those lonely nights,
And all those lost goodbyes,
You never got to sigh.

I want to be the one to help you find those dreams
Because you’ve been hanging around,
Talking about the South,
And all those balmy nights,
And all those lonely songs,
You never got to write.

And I’ll hold your hand as I walk you through that door,
I’ll hold your hand as you held my hand as I walk you through the door


Cashion, William Hugh / Herring, Samuel Thompson / Welmers, John Gerrit

And a bonus vid…Swept Inside…CLICK HERE>>>

Keep riding that wave old friends. 

Watch, Share, Enjoy.

Love to All.


Two Rivers



Something I threw together for all of you and none of you…this is from an album that came out in 1987 called Up on the Sun, by the Meat Puppets. Some of you may be familiar, many of you are not. Probably one of the most underexposed yet highly influential bands in relation to anything after the mid to late 1980’s. Curt Kirkwood is a brilliant, brilliant lyricist. It is said that they sometimes played/play live shows in natural enclaves out in the desert that make the acoustics come alive. To describe them would be to say something like maybe… psychedelic rock art poetry… something like that, but those are just my words. Enjoy the vid. Thanks for watching/reading. If you don’t know, inform yourself. If you know, share. If you like it, share it as well, and if you hate it…

well fuck you…cheers.

Love to all.

Part of Me for You

This is some stuff I dug up from long, long ago. It is an excerpt from 50ish or so pages I jotted down one night in some freakish state of heavy, heavy intoxication of all sorts in those drug-addled college days. Way out there, yet that was where I had to go to bring this back for all of you to read. Good poetry to throw out for a first go-around. Either way, read for yourself: 


fresh and new,


in morning dew.

Baby infant,

in the crib,

pray for you,

to burn your bib.

Learn your math,

your multiplication,

built by them,

for fascination.

Everything you think,

is wrong,

discard your kings,

a mirrored song,

and maybe you will get the job,

they keep at bay for you one day.




Wrote circa 11 years ago. Question yourself before you question me. Love to all.