The Fooze: S3 E20 3/20/2023 Epiphany

Oh man, I just had either an epiphanous revelation, or a completely nonsensically delusion, I’ll let one of my 6 readers and/or my resumé-viewing future employers be the judge. This idea just kinda POOF, popped in there, as these things are said to reportedly do. I was having a cig on my porch, thinking about how much it sucks for me personally not to smoke for 24 hours. 24 God-damned hours, The days fly by like a fart, & for some reason, I cannot go an entire day without one of these cancer sticks. Ugh, I fucking hate them, & I’m addicted, been addicted, & it’s time for this shit to stop. Seriously, enough with these dirty little dicks. That’s how a friend of mine suggested I quit smoking cigs; pretend they’re globalist dicks, smelly little globalists dicks, & every time you light one, & suck on that toxic smoke, you’re just sucking globalist dick. They’re here because of said globalists, right?…so it makes sense, but I just don’t think about that horrifying imagery & keep lighting them up anyway, like a dope fiend. This is not my epiphany though, & I’ll probably get back to the actual above-titled Epiphany after I randomly ramble on in some sort of other rambling for a few rambles.

Anyway, tonight at midnight, it begins. 24 hours, no cigs, no weed, & I don’t really do anything else these days, which makes it even harder because I”m running out of my crutches. I don’t need crutches though, that’s the damn point. Ugh, I tell myself this shit, but it’s like I’m retarded & don’t follow through. IT’S ONLY 24 HOURS FOR FUCK’S SAKE, & I CAN SLEEP FOR PART OF IT, WHY YOU PUTZ IN THE MIRROR? Sheesh, it’s embarrassingly pathetic. One silly day of NO smoking, ONE day, ONE DAY, I have to go one day, that’s it. Enough excuses already. Can’t keep using the “life sucks” excuse, because it’s going to suck regardless, & cigs have no point to them until you’re addicted. Hence, my buddy’s dick-sucking analogy, because these evil motherfuckers at the top of the power pyramid are the ones responsible for creating this terrible industry. Funny, I don’t remember cigs running out anywhere during the staged supply shortages, did you? Nope, there were plenty of cigs, cigs & booze, & also weed in some states. Not a single place that I’m aware of ran out of those things, isn’t that odd? Nope, not weird as fuck at all ya looky-loo peasants, now face forward, eyes down, & keep walking.

Sound harsh? Par for the course in the dystopian world of post 2030, when 7 billion or so people are gone, & the remaining ½ billionish, are the ones who got their respective golden tickets, as well as the ones chosen to serve them. They need to keep a few of us plebs around after the next holocaust to serve them of course. AI will handle all of the manufacturing for the most part, medical procedures, legal procedures, driving, flying, banking, don’t forget, “you’ll own nothing & be happy,” in their words. They forgot to mention at the end of that commercial that the notion only applies to the leftover slave class survivors. How would that break down I wonder? If there’s 500 million people left, & there’s exists a distinct division between the elites & the non-elites, how would that get split up? Maybe 1 million hands-down elites, as well as their immediate families. This extends across the planet, which is all theirs now post 2030 ya know, to enjoy without us pee-ons stinking it up, so 1 million isn’t that many relatively, leaving essentially just under 500 million to split up. I’d say you’d have 100 million to 200 million that are elite-ish, but not top-level like the aforementioned 1 million. These would consist of power players who bought their way in more-or-less, as well as their immediate families too of course. That leaves 200 to 300 million of the neo-slave class, & they’re there strictly to serve their new overlords, & nothing else. I’d have to speculate that they’re all chipped, & every move tracked & monitored. They are forced to live in government-subsidized housing developments, all exactly alike as to not promote any individualism. Everything they do is controlled in one way or another, down to the food they are allowed. They should be thankful, since their overlords decided to spare them from the same fate as everyone else who foolishly resisted their new world order, at least that’s what they’ll tell them to think.

Of course, this is only a possible future, & it’s only possible if they “succeed with their agenda, & they will,” as George Bush Sr. said they would, verbatim. This is a DECADES-LONG PLAN, & now that they are so close to crossing the finish line, they’re doing everything they can to keep the masses distracted. Here’s where my real epiphany occurred. What’s the biggest distraction? Rather I should say, WHO is the biggest distraction? Who has been the biggest distraction since 2016? Who always blows up all over the mass media, being reported on by every news outlet all day, every day, 24/7, every chance they get, who is that guy? Who has decades of television appearances, & knows how to play the game that the scripted narrative-driven television broadcasters play very well? Who is this person, I just cannot think of it, who is the guy? It’s right on the tip of my tongue, something to do with an orange maybe…

That’s right, former President Donald J. Trump. When the media needs everyone to look to the left, they report on Trump on the left, & when the media needs everyone to look to the right, they report about Trump on the right. Left, right, left, right. Time after time after time after time again, & he loves being the absolute center of attention, everyone knows that, yet millions flock to his fat feet like he’s the Second Coming of Christ. What a great distraction he is though, & that is my epiphany, which connects directly to the dystopia future I illustrated for all of you a few scribbles back. This Trump thing is handy when they want to move behind the scenes, in the shadows, because one relatively dynamic story about Trump, & BOOM, everyone directs their attention, like this supposed upcoming “Trump arrest.” Now it might be bullshit they’re reporting, who knows, but EVERY mainstream outlet took the story & ran a marathon already with it. Protests & counter-protests being organized, mostly by Feds though so don’t be a dumbass & actually go to one. Just a trap if you do, but that’s on you. Regardless, would it be so difficult to speculate that Trump has been a high-level globalist asset all along? Not to mention, by doing so, his entire extended family would be guaranteed golden tickets for all in the new world order utopia they want to create. Imagine the choice, fight them & lose, or abide them & save your family? Either way, they’re going to kill 7 billion people regardless, because if you try to fight them, you’ll lose, & lose your family, along with everyone else, or, do what they say, accepting the inevitable, & saving your whole family in the process. Oh, & they all get golden tickets too, remember? Top-level elite class for Don & his entire family, think about it, what do you think he’d do?

Obviously, like I mentioned wayyyyyyy back a the start of this article, my “epiphany,” as it were, might just be delusionally fanciful, just wild speculation, a “vivid imagination,” you might say, but…what if I’m right? Wouldn’t be the first time, now would it? Go back through my 5000 pages of archives & you tell me, how often am I’m right on target when I call these things out? I watch the zeitgeist, day & night, this hijacked zeitgeist. It’s almost as if it’s “alive,” & maybe it is, who knows? Maybe that’s where my psychic self senses some immense sadness coming form somewhere in the Universe. Maybe that’s what is sad, the zeitgeist. Its energy is being stolen for nefariously selfish purposes, rather than to advance humanity as intended. I’d be a sad zeitgeist too if a handful of evil scumfucks were raping me daily for my power, wouldn’t you? Again, this is all just fiction I’m sure, these plausibilities I’m throwing out here, particularly my epiphany, fictional maybe..I can’t say for sure what ‘side” Trump is on, what his intentions are, whether or not he hangs out together with all the other Capstone Club guys in their communal hot tub, while little adolescent boys swim up to nibble their nuts under the water. Emperor Tiberius was known for that disgustingly perverse act. Ironic, since this whole game of elites versus the peasants began in Roman times, & still continues on, to this very moment, & & of course, the pedo stuff not only continues amongst these so-called elites, it has gotten worse, because it’s organized now, which makes me wanna puke(dry heave, gag, dry heave, yakkity-yak-yak, puking noise, puking noise, deep breath, puking noise, nose blowing, puke noise, dry heave, dry heave, a little more puke, spit, blow nose, hug porcelain throne, don’t come back).

Jumping Jesus, is this ANOTHER essay for the day? Is that THREE? Dang, the literary hat trick, three on the tree in a row for the day for my Fishheads. The unofficially official rules state that three, 1000+ word articles in one day, calls for a hat trick celebration, like an un-birthday party kind of. Except all I’m doing to celebrate is smoking a few dabs before I pass out for the night. Just gotta add my tags, add my categories, add my backgrounds, add my animations, gotta proofread this beyotch too, of course, because you never publish without proofreading, for all you rookie rookster-roos out there, as if I’m talking to an actual audience, rather than 4 to 6 random people who accidentally click on this link only to realize they aren’t interested and/or clicked the wrong link. Can’t lie to myself, if I get more than 25 views a day, that’s a good day for me these days, & I guess that grim fact calls for that so-very-common quip that makes my fucking skin crawl with rage, the proverbial “that’s just the way it is” euphemism, gah, it’s so cringe, I can’t stand that dumbass phrase. Go fuck yourself if you not only say it, but you believe it, you feckless fucking fuck you.

It’s crazy how I keep doing this, referring to my writing, but of course, I’m going to keep doing it. I start with an idea of throwing out an interesting paragraph or two, then a few thousand words later, hip-hop hooray it’s another essay I’ve written. Is there a standard paragraph length for articles such as these? What kind articles are these considered? There’s a bit of SEO writing here, mixed in with creative content writing, but all written in my own uniquely authentic literary language, & I’m just going to say who cares what kind of articles they are and/or their respective lengths, because it’s my CONTENT that is important. If my content interests you with a paragraph, or 10 paragraphs, it’s not the length, it’s my content, it’s my language you understand & resonate with, so for all 5 of my regular readers, I keep cranking out content, & am always happy when a 6th shows up to my daily pool party. Anyway, time to wrap up this Monday Foozer, as this anticipated week of fresh chaos now dawns. Until next time dear readers, if anyone ever offers you a cigarette, just say “no,” unless you’re a smoker & you’re out of cigs. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“If you’re ever offered a smoke, say “no,” unless you’re a smoker, & you need a smoke.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E12 2/12/2023 Super Ball Sunday

I’m just gonna drop a series of old GIFs of mine for this most nuttiest of days, Super Ball Sunday. A very, very, very bizarre placeholder Fooze for today’s article. The Super Bowl can Super Blow me. I don’t know, don’t care, & it’s mind-blowing how fascinated humanity is with grown men throwing & kicking their proverbial balls up & down a field, isn’t it? To me, it is anyway, but what do I know, right?

Ding-dong, bounce bounce bounce, balls balls balls, just like those Roman circuses, with free loaves of bread, give them the free stuff, bounce on those balls, look at ’em go, boing boing boing.

Great distraction incidentally, all televised sports is, for you cannot pay attention to your masters mastering you, now can you? Shhhhh, it’s game time…woot woot…(Fart Noise)

Until next time, be sure your balls are clean & shiny, respectively. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all. 🎏