Cosmic Dreamer 🌌🍥

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The Fooze: S3 E24 3/24/2023 Bryan Charnley

Today, on this delicious daily Foozer, I’m going to talk about many peoples’ favorite thing…sleep. What exactly is sleep though? It’s so surreal, isn’t it?(pun intended)…& why do I say that? Well, you feel tired and/or fatigued, so you lay down, then you close your eyes, & you go unconscious, with 100% confidence that you’ll wake back up. It’s a bit like dying, one would think, but I can only presume that since I haven’t actively died, & anyone who has in fact died, cannot come back to report on the similarities & differences, minus those intriguing cases of NDEs, Near Death Experiences. Those reports are all over the place, but one thing they ALL have in common, is that they even happen at all. The fact that they DO happen, implies that “existence” does not end after death, right? Are these NDEs just the brain releasing the last big dose of DMT before POOF, lights out? Is it lights out forever? Forever sure seems like a long time, doesn’t it? Where were you before you were born here? Lost in “forever?” How is any notion of “time” perceived in forever? Why does time, as we experience it here in 3d, seemingly irrelevant when you’re asleep & dreaming? As you sleep though, time appears to fly, back here in an awakened world of 3d space, so a 3-hour power nap can appear as though you passed out & woke up relatively instantaneously, or even stranger, it can go the other way, & you might have some kind of epically long dream that condenses itself into 3 hours of time as it relates to the 3d plane. As I mentioned earlier, it’s all quite surreal, isn’t it?(same pun intended again)

I’ll get back to the sleep discussion in a minute…we are about to segue into something totally different, but maybe I can connect the two somehow…we’ll see, won’t we? Do any of you know who this guy below is?

This sad fellow is the late Bryan Charnley. He was a schizophrenic artist, who sadly killed himself when he had finally reached his mental breaking point. I tried to find out how he killed himself, not that it matters, but since I got learn-ed on his biography via the video I linked below, I’m always curious how these suicidal artists finally end up doing themselves in. Was it hanging?…that’s a common method, which is weird to me because you have a lot of time to think & contemplate what you’re doing to yourself. Gah, it’s so creepy, what a dark place to be in. Maybe it was a gun, usually a much faster method, albeit it tends to be very messy. It doesn’t matter to the one who kills themsleves in this manner obviously, but for those left behind, yikes, no bueno. Maybe hanging, maybe a gun, oh but wait, he was in England so a gun would be difficult to come by, so how about an overdose? That’s a common way they choose to go, so maybe drugs. Just like going to sleep, & as if on queue, there’s the connection to sleep, as I said I’d do. FisH™ always finds the circularity, so to speak, & again, I told you I would, but I digress, now where was I? Oh yes, ways to die…he had an ex-lover who jumped out of a window in a failed suicide attempt, & perhaps he tried to follow her unfortunate lead? However, like I mentioned earlier, I cannot find his actual cause of death anywhere. Can you imagine jumping out of a window to commit suicide, & not succeeding? Sheesh. Apparently, she has severe spinal damage now & lives with daily agonizing pain. Ouch, that decision did NOT work out the way she expected, did it? I think it affected Bryan very negatively, as expected. So terribly sad, isn’t it? Regardless, check out the video below detailing the relatively short life of Bryan Charnley.

Below are some of his self-portraits, which he chronicled with journal entries relative to his respective mental states as he composed them. Notice the progression, or rather digression, you might say, as he lost himself in the 4d spiral of time. The video above has some of the entries in his journal included. I’ll copy & paste one below these self-portraits for you, so you can all get a look into the mind of this tortured soul.

Bryan Charnley, in his own words, right before he took his own life:

“An extremely complicated picture as I feel I am closing in on the essential image of my schizophrenia. I am transparent firstly. Make crazy attempts at some sort of control over what has become an impossible situation (the man with the control stick). My brain, my ego is transfixed by nails as the Christ who could not move freely on the cross without severe pain. My self respect my ego my feelings about me are crucified as the Christ. From here on in enlightenment about my condition creeps in and imagery become even more difficult to find. I realised that the fear caused by the anger (symbolised by the red tied beast, muzzled because the anger arises through not being able to reply to the abuse heaped on me) this fear is causing me to hallucinate telepathy and E.S.P. which is not there. Or not there when I am no longer in fear. I express this as best I can through the mouths on the end of the enormous bent up eyebrows. My senses are being bent by fear into hallucinations. Like eyelashes it is something about the bending taking place at the periphery of my sight. That is why I had been feeling blind all the time. Anger, “He’s mad at you, he’s mad”, is cause of fear, the anger being in a latent, unconscious state, but giving rise to paranoia which in turn gives rise to characteristic schizophrenic hallucinations and symptoms. But I am still at an acute disadvantage socially. Can this ever change or will the anger always remain? I intend to record my progress with more self portraits to add up when they are all joined together as an important document as to life, at the end of the twentieth century. “Self Portrait” will state with depth what it is to be human and schizophrenic.”
~from 22nd June 1991

The journal entry I copied & pasted went along with this self-portrait above, one of his last. Would you like to see his last painting? There’s been a decades-long debate as to whether this last painting of his was finished or not. Although it doesn’t appear complete, as you can see below, he signed & dated it. Tough to speculate, but personally, I think it’s finished, & only he knows the true meaning of what this painting was really illustrating as it relates to his life. What a troubling existence, living with schizophrenia. People have no idea what it’s like unless they’re living with this debilitating condition. I can understand his inner-angst. It hurts, hurts deep inside where no one can go to help, & if you try to help yourself, it always ends up being an exercise in sometimes-fatal futility. He didn’t leave a journal entry for this last painting unfortunately, so we will never know his thoughts on it or what it means. For some reason, it looks vaginal to me, & I was thinking maybe he believed in reincarnation, & the next thing he would “know,” after his death, would be being reborn in a new life, to a new mother, thus the brush-stroked vagina below. Just one of my own interpretations, what about you? What do you think this fatally final painting represents?

With Bryan’s last painting, I’m going to wrap this Friday Foozer up. I’m going to do a fresh article about sleep, & I’ll paste the first part of this article onto that article, so we can all relate when I stretch out my illustration of the phenomenon of sleep. I have much more to say about that topic, so stay tuned, because you know the FisH™ abides, with daily posts, often more than once-a-day, & I have some big rabbit holes to jump in as they relate to sleeping. I’ll share them with you probably next time, maybe tomorrow’s Saturday Fooze, we’ll see. I just tune the dial until I find the frequency, as always. Until next time dear readers, remember that suicide is “cheating,” so to speak. No matter how bad it gets, you gotta ride the wave until you get back to the beach. Also, I think that those who commit suicide just end up having to do it all over again in similar circumstances. That’s the test. So hang in there regardless of the darkness trying to convince you otherwise. Endless repetition is madness, so just ride the wave, until your natural time of death comes, as it does for everyone. A true death frees you truly, because you are truly immortal, & death is just another act in the big play, like going to sleep. The circle completes itself, in an unending Ouroborosian loop, for all time. So sayeth FisH™…

For all of you, & for none of you at all…

“You are truly immortal, & death is but an illusion.” Fish F Fish

September 7’s and the Shemitah


I know it has been quite a while since I have updated this site, but if you have a problem with that, it’s your problem. Not to be rude, but all of the constant daily bombardment of hidden information being revealed to me exponentially has led me down a road that I must sometimes walk alone. During said time, MUCH has come to the proverbial light, and for those of you who have been waking up with me or before me or after me during the last several years, where we are are at now , where we have made it to, right here right now, has been quite a journey, and it would seem it is about to speed up even more…


I have not stopped my work, only my recycling of the info to you through this medium over the last few months. At this point, you can feel like you’ve made a significant leap in informational progression one day, and then have your mind blown sideways about something else, sometimes as quick as the push of a button. When one stops for a moment and ponders just how abysmally lost almost all of us were before the information crack evolved from a small leak into this raging torrent of knowledge that luckily most of us still can access, at least in the US. This is a very precarious situation, because when I say ‘at least here in the US,’ I mean that many many millions of people around the world are still in that stage of unawakenedness. Now I am not saying one needs the Internet to become enlightened, definitely not, but that connectivity has brought about an unprecedented sharing of information that has evolved from the worm to the butterfly via the chrysalis of time. Like I mentioned earlier, that small leak became a flood, and that flood is still sweeping over the world, more and more, faster and faster, every day.


Now I could really get into some revelations that have come to the surface for me in the last few months, page after page I could go, and by ‘revelations’ I most certainly am NOT referring to anything biblical, as I am no christian nor literal believer of a book that has been edited more times than any other book ever. Just because there is a section in said book on ‘end times,’ doesn’t mean it was foretold in some way as the book was written and rewritten over and over and over again over the last 2000 years. The bible is a collection of parables, that’s it, yet it has been transformed into this tool of control by pseudo religions that are just recreations of ancient Saturn-worshipping astrotheology. I could take you on that journey some day, into the Saturn matrix, now that’s some interesting knowledge to have. And remember, nothing is believed NOR disbelieved here, I adhere to a principle that we aren’t fully capable in this consciousness of knowing all we can know with any sort of inclination toward certainty. You discover little truths as you go as they apply to your consciousness, but to grasp all as it really is is not possible from this dimension. Like the analogy of the flat-landers, explaining to 2 dimensional playing cards what a 3rd dimensional knight on a horse is. Moving on…


So as you can see I titled this post ‘September 7’s.’ The reason I did this is because I had some great insight into a part of the puzzle earlier, just minutes ago in fact. I have been looking into the Jubilee and the Shemitah for months now. I have been somewhat learning numerology consistencies, in a sense that I notice trends. Well you should look into the Shemitah further for yourself, but to sum up, Shemitah represents the end of a 7 year cycle on the Jewish calendar, every 7 years, but on the 7th 7 year cycle, year 50, this is known as Jubilee. Both of these dates are occurring this September, yes in a little over a month, and I’ll give you some dates I came up with after I got the information. Let me tell you how I got to where I got to… I normally wake up, oil pull with coconut oil for 20ish minutes, and either see what’s new in the real news, or exercise then see what’s going on, either way, I check my info sources at some point. It is like mining, info mining, just kind of bang around to various sites until you get something that makes a good connection, then you dig around there a bit deeper to improve said connection, until you have a new little gem of knowledge you have discovered for yourself. Today’s ming revealed a name, that name is Jeff Berwick. Some of you may know who this person is, most probably do not, but change that fact if you’re in the ‘not’ group, just look it up. He’s a true worldly individual, super successful investor, one of those guys that’s seemingly a natural genius at navigated through the game at a very high level as far as an overall manipulation of the system as a whole. What is important is his track record of being accurate, which from all I have been gathering over the last few hours, appears to be flawless. He made a fortune investing in the Internet before the Internet is what it is, he knew before that it would be the connector of all, at least in the digital sense. He is/was spot on about the volatility of Bitcoin, and I can go on and on, or you can click here for yourselves to get more…


This video led me to look into this guy, what his history is, etc… and I found out, and he will explain, that numbers, and the number 7 are important in these cycles of financial and global economic and social change. Now in that link above, they feature a clip from a speech which I actually had seen from several months back, a very odd speech, presented by Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF, and when I first saw it, I thought, “wow these people really believe in the power of their rituals,” and then today, they show the clip from that speech, which you can watch here…   …and as continues to happen to me so very often now at this time, puzzle pieces serendipitously come together and form bigger truths, revealing the true picture. So here is what happened, I watch/read about Jeff Berwick, TheDollarVigilante, and then I thought about the speech that I was being shown again, and I grabbed a pen and paper and did some simple math. Nothing special or fancy, and I am certainly not claiming that these dates mean anything, but I thought I’d throw it out there, just as something interesting for YOU to ponder as you continue on YOUR own quest for knowledge and truth.


So here it is, this is what I put together: That lady mentions the 7’s, they all seem to know something about 7’s. By they I mean the elite. Berwick mentions the cycles, that he has studied for a long time to make his living. And if YOU want to get into it on your time, there are literally countless ‘predictions’ about something coming mid-September. So I thought of the 7’s. Basic numerology, add all the numbers. There are no combinations if you add the month, year, and the full date including the 20 in 2015, that add up to 7, also there are none that add up to 14. So the next 7 number would be 21, and there are 3 dates that equal the number 21, or 3 7’s. 9/4/2015 is the first, 9/13/2015 is the second, and 9/22/2015 is the third date. Now I am NOT saying anything will OR will not happen on those days, but that is something I put together, mostly just to amuse my brain, because these dates are rarely ever accurate about anything, but there is a lot of ‘predictive’ information floating around about this upcoming September, so I guess we will see. So there are some dates for those who like to note them, September 4, 13, 22, the Shemitah, and Jubilee all relatively coinciding with those dates. 


I have gone well over 1000 words, and that means time to go, but look into these things, or do not, up to you as always. What YOU do on YOUR journey is for YOU, not for me. Be good and be brave regardless, the only thing that will take you is fear, so do not be afraid dear friends and readers. 

More to come…

…love to all…


Goodbye 2014… and Edward Herrmann… with Bonus


Yes, for those of us/you who love and remember the classic 80’s flick The Lost Boys


…the actor who played the character of Max(the head vampire),

as well numerous other roles over the years,

has sadly passed on from this crazy world earlier today.


Most people know the face, but aren’t too familiar with the name…

…said name is/was Edward Herrmann…

He wasn’t one of those “big name” over-famousized actors, yet had a clear and distinctively convincing method, a fatherly figure with a range and the versatility to adapt to become sinisterly effective…

…he was classic and genuine, a gem among a sea of talentless celebrity swine who were given fame rather than earning it for themselves…

Read up about his life, just check out the Wiki sum-up below…


…learn something…


71 isn’t all-that-old these days, it’s certainly up there, but still 30ish years shy of centenarianism…

…nonetheless it’s a good enough age to look back on your life,

that was somewhat completed about YOU, by YOU,

had YOU chose and/or DO choose for YOU to do so….

…FOR YOU, not for and/or by anyone else…

…to create a life that leaves a legacy and/or a mark of some sort…


Thank you Edward Herrmann for your contributions to your craft, your art, and thus upon humanity itself…

…a TRUE and REAL actor,

as oxymoronic as that phrase may sound…

…moving on…


What does 2014 look like to YOU at this moment?

Was it a good year? A bad year? A whatever year? 

It is no mass illusion that we were at this same moment a year ago seemingly yesterday, despite all the madness that has gone on across this insane asylum planet the last 365 days…


I have explained this numerous times in past posts, so if YOU aren’t aware, look into the archives….


…here’s the basic sum-up for those of YOU who need instant gratification:

Dimensions exist in accordance with the golden ratio, Fibonacci sequence, phi…

First YOU can refresh yourselves here if YOU need to…


So the sequence goes from a zero point, 

followed by 1, then another 1, 

then 2, then 3,

then 5, 8, 13, 21, 34….


…and so on, the prior number adding to the next to give that number and on and on and on forever…

…this is how fractalization occurs, and this Universe is fractal

…infinitely large and small, always expanding…

…outward from the initial zero point

…like a Mandelbrot set  (<<<CLICK HERE)


Our relative EVERYTHING we /YOU know,

connects to this sequence in one way or another…


Dimensions aren’t exactly static one might say,

they can be either spatial or temporal

Spatial, as in taking up space obviously, taking form, becoming matter,

cementing mass together into a density that can be physically experienced and illustrated via any apparatus which can process it’s own existence in a sensory manner in said spatial dimensions, such as our brains/consciousness.

Temporal, as in having to do with time, the movement of processes in order for the spatial dimensions to go forward, a way to define said movements is the existence of these temporal time dimensions between the spatial dimensions in order to keep the Fibonacci sequence always moving…

….forever, as it always has, with NO beginning and NO end…

…a beginning is always an end of something and vice versa,

there was no first, and there will be no last…

…there has just been and always will be,

there is no way to calculate it,

because this Universe is fractal,

see how that connects, or how that notion is connecting?

Are YOUR synapses successfully firing and processing all this?


We hope so…

…this information is NOT hard to understand…

…YOU must just be willing to let go of what YOU think YOU know…

Why are so many content to keep believing an illusion?…

…especially when they KNOW it’s not real…

…the bliss of ignorance one might suppose…

…while THEY program and control YOU…


…but let’s not digress into all that right now…

…back to what I was saying…

…so spatial dimensions correspond directly with the Fibonacci sequence…

…and here is how…

There is the zero point, where the dimensions are in a constant flux between

creation and un-creation

so although I refer to it as a zero point, there is actually quite a lot going on,

infinite “goings on” actually, just completely canceling out one another, hence the zero-ocity…

Then we come to the first one, one single point in the void, just a lone dot,

yet that dot only appears a s a dot from the perspective of you and/or I for instance…

…in another Universe, that dot may hold an entire Universe, due to fractalization…

…but since we/you are here in this Universe,

and NOT presently in another one we/you are aware of,

there is the first one, this lone dot,

the initial 1

So there are these 1‘s all about and around and everywhere, 1 and 1 and 1 and 1

…infinite 1-ness…

…so start at zero point, then 1, then another 1,

0, 1, 1, the sequence beginning…

but the 1‘s want to bond with one another, to make 2‘s,

a Universal and unconditional boundless love one could say to become more than 1 one’s self.

Now when the 2 1‘s connect, they make a line in space, a form,

an initial form that is foundational to all forms

…think about it from a fractal perspective…

…as bent as any given line may appear, 

depending on how small one can zoom in to magnify the assumed “bent” line,

one would find that it is always composed of straight lines…

1 + 1‘s making 2‘s, making lines, to make form…

So then we come on the 2‘s advancing and evolving and ascending,

to combine with their preceding 1‘s to evolve into 3‘s…

…following the sequence still spatially

…because the “3‘s” are the dimension YOU/I/US are currently existing in…

1 + 1 lines,


then crossed with a 2d line to add volume to the width and length of the 2 point line,

giving us the next number of the sequence, 3

…the 3rd dimension, all still spatial,

all seemingly still physical and real, albeit illusory,

but still able to be experienced and illustrated physically as I mentioned in the beginning of the post,

via senses and/or sensory perceptions…


The “3rd” dimension though is only 3d to YOU because of the infinite nature of continuous 2d planes that trick your eyes into seeing the world in 3 dimensions.

Preceding points(i.e. 1, 1, 2) can all be minimized to single point of the following points(3,4,5,etc..), and are subject to the “laws” of the dimensions above. The above dimensions however are free from the restrictions of the lower dimensions. Remember that… I’ll explain why in a minute…


Most of YOU do not know that YOU know what I am about to disclose to YOU, so if YOU do read this, now YOU will know for YOU…

YOU decided to come here, YOU chose to take this test, be part of this experiment

YOU agreed to this, all of this, YOU, your soul self, your higher self, your real self, decided to descend from a higher dimension down into this one in order for Source to experience itself.

All is Source, and Source is all. The illusion is that there is separation.

There is NEVER separation,

YOU descended to experience this slowest of conscious vibrations as said experiment of sorts to expand Source for the sake of Source evolving itself. 



We come to the first temporal dimension, the 4th dimension. Notice there is no 4 in the Fibonacci sequence, but it isn’t skipped per se,

…it is just that The Fibonacci sequence numerically represents the dimensions of spatiality,

the creation of form and physicality,

NOT the process of moving those creations…

That is the function of temporal dimensions, 

4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, all temporal, time-related,

…and beyond that is beyond 13, which happens to be the Alpha and Omega, a highest of supreme numbers, known to those who know,

and now YOU,

but NOT known to the 85 to 90% still sleeping…


…look into the number 13 and it’s real meaning…

…and although there are more than 13 dimensions, there is NO need to try to make sense of anything past 13, and that is how it is meant to be in this Source project we are all privy to. After 13 is far past the comprehensive abilities of anyone/anything vibrating in a dimension as low as this 3rd one we are all in right now. 

Can a 2d object, such as playing card, be able to comprehend a 3d object here in this dimension, such as a bird, or a mountain, or YOU?…

YOU would appear flat, how could the 2d “thing” possibly comprehend that which is NOT 2 dimensional?… Look into a book called Flatlanders…

So on that note, how can we really fully understand the dimensions above us?

If a God were an 8th dimensional being let’s say, the next spatial dimension after the 5th, could 3rd dimensional beings like us who are struggling just to get back to the 5th dimension truly even have the ability to put together what an 8th dimensional being or higher might be?

At least we can try…

Our consciousness having the ability to transcend dimensionally is how we/you can at least conceive, form ideas, imagine, but also remember, because recall that YOU once chose to descend from a higher dimension to experience whatever this is we/you are experiencing right at this very moment, so are you learning, or remembering? Thinking, or listening


All dimensions BELOW the temporal 4th dimension are subject to the time we are currently experiencing as well as are spiraling faster and faster and faster through…

What is happening is that humanity,

as a singularity of Source,

are ascending back to the 5th dimension, the “next” spatial dimension,

whether they know it and/or believe it, that is what is happening to ALL of YOU…

…even the undeserving scumfucks in this madhouse world are evolving, 

but we are all moving onward and upward at differing rates, 

depending on past karma, individual enlightenment/awakening,

recognition of ego and soul, eliminating ego self and remembering and re-becoming soul self,

it differs for all…

7 and 1/2 billion all either knowing or un-knowing why they are even here,

85 to 90% have no clue…

…so the math can be disconcerting, 

but that matters for nothing,

 as long as more and more and more of us/you are evolving exponentially,

day after day after day…

When YOU dream, YOU are existing are YOU not?…

…just not exactly physically, at least in the sense YOU know now,

but YOU aren’t fully un-physicalized yet when YOU dream,

and here is why:


Because YOU are subconsciously conscious between the 4th dimension of time, this 3rd dimension of matter and form, and then the next spatial dimension of the 5th, where YOU are NO longer subject to the “laws” of this dense matter of the 3rd dimension, or the constraints of the time of the 4th. All of this occurs simultaneously as YOU dream, which is why time is there, but it is askew, physicality is there yet distorted, and YOU have the freedom to fly, be anywhere, but it isn’t always under YOUR control, because YOU are stuck in the astral plane, between 3, 4, and 5, not fully in the 5th, where YOU can manifest whatever YOU want when YOU want.  

The 5th dimension is where those of YOU/US who are in their final 3rd dimensional incarnation are ascending to. Now the 5th has restrictions to, but those cannot be understood until one has ascended to the 5th. 6 and 7 are the next temporal dimensions, which one might speculate is an infinite ability to move back and forth through time as well as inter-dimensionally, but as I stated just a few lines up, how can I/YOU/anyone really comprehend higher dimensions as they are in our actuality until we re-ascend to a level of consciousness that can actually abilitize a way to even fathom those greater levels of consciousness.  

Beyond that, look into these topics more on your own if YOUR interest is now piqued. The puzzle isn’t hard to figure out if YOU have the right pieces.

So why is time speeding up? I didn’t forget…


As WE/YOU are now ascending as a mass of humanity toward the 5th dimension, the 4th dimension which is subject to the 5th dimension, is speeding up because our evolving from the 3rd to the 5th is accelerating as more and more people wake up, free themselves from the prisons and the shadows and the echoed they once thought they knew, and ascend from the Cave out into the Enlightenment of truth. It isn’t an illusion of getting older that makes people think time goes by faster. That’s total bullshit, but as always, YOU are free to change the channel at YOUR own will, not mine. 

Just here to help, and I’ve now just passed 2000 words, double the fun for this final post of 2014. 

What is coming? What will 2015 bring?

It’s going to be exciting, and I have a feeling that’s gross understatement.

Just remember,

please ALWAYS remember,

if YOU ever get anything from me or my site or what I do,

let it be this…


















Much more coming in 2015.

You will see.

No fear.

Have a great New Year everyone.

**HUGE shout outs and mad love to all my Youtube/social media connects…

whatever difference we are making, at least we are trying/doing,

and we will be remembered for the content we give to others…

so that they can help them help themselves.

You know who you all are. Keep up the GREAT work and effort.**

Wide eyes open.


Much love to all.


Roundhay Garden Scene ~ World’s Oldest Video Footage


That’s right, this is the OLDEST surviving video footage in the world, circa 1888.

So this creator created a GIF animation, for ALL and/or NONE to watch and share…

…and perfect this old footage is for said GIF animation,

as the footage is only a few seconds long and already looped.

Here’s a link below to a Youtube channel that gives more detail about the actors, setting, etc…

I’m not one to paraphrase… 

I found this to be an interesting find, as I am a student of film and cinematography. These were in fact actual actors apparently, and their roles were to walk in circles and laugh amongst one another. The irony of how that simplicity still parallels modern actors is astounding, is it not?

Walking in circles, laughing amongst one another, high up on their echelon…

See what I am getting at?… such a strange empowerment via the medium of a video camera…


Film is a powerful canvas, the depths to which the abyss within said canvas can drown you is endless, and is that not powerful?

Think about how impressionable televised visuals being broadcast directly into your brain via your eyes and ears are…

It is hypnotic, and the powers that be know this and use this against the masses, but I won’t digress into their shadowy agenda… there is plenty of info on that topic in the archives…


…all you have to do is look…

Moving on…

There IS however, the good side of film, where video and cinematography is utilized as an art form to express creativity and nurture the connection that all humanity shares within soul. Many have discovered and are discovering the aforementioned canvas of film, and have begun to create on a foundation of templates based on expressive creation, not only for themselves, but for everyone else. Everyone has the ability to create, to be creators, to be artists, to express their souls to one another on some form of canvas, and WHY you might ask?…

Because that is how experience exponentiates, and YOUR soul purpose while YOU are here in this 3rd dimensional construct is to GAIN EXPERIENCE, to LEARN, to GROW, and by CREATING and SHARING in all ways, humanity ASCENDS itself into greater possibilities in higher dimensions.

There has never been a time like NOW that you know of. There has never been such access to information, and tools that can develop individuals in ways unprecedented.

So what are YOU waiting for?…

How many of YOU still sit on your couch, or in your Laz-Y-Boy, watching pseudo-entertaining television, grinding on your game consoles for hours/days, eating shit food, drinking soda, taking drugs, getting drunk, NOT improving yourselves, NOT going forward?…

How can YOU be so naive as to let these moments go by without advancing yourself?

Can YOU not see how fast time is moving NOW?


YOU may think the clock is still moving at the same pace, your eyes wouldn’t lie, but it isn’t, time is speeding up, your senses are deceptive, don’t always trust them. 

Time, the temporal 4th dimension, is the obvious gap between the world YOU are in now, (which is the 3rd dimension if YOU are new), and the 5th dimension, the dimension YOU are/have subconsciously been trying to return to throughout your many lifetimes/incarnations here n the 3rd dimension. To refresh, the 5th dimension is only attainable via a higher vibrational frequency of unconditional love and soul recognition/assimilation, which many of us are embracing as we wrap up our existence in this 3rd dimension of form before going onward, back to the 5th dimension, back to a state of soul energy rather than confined to matter and density, like we are here in the 3rd. Think of the 5th dimension as a never-ending dream, where YOU can manifest and create anything, simply by thought, but YOU must be free of your ego, and free of fear to ascend to the 5th dimension, because fear would cause YOU to manifest a literal hell around YOU, which is why YOU must first let go of your ego HERE, in the 3rd dimension, before YOU can transcend the 4th dimension of time, and return to the state of pure bliss in the 5th dimension that awaits those who are brave and free of the confines of the cave.

\/CLICK BELOW\/(See Plato’s Cave if you are new)\/CLICK BELOW\/

One is re-connected to the 5th dimension when they dream… when one dreams, they are existing in the astral plane, the space between the 4th dimension of time and the 5th dimension. We have covered what the 5th dimension is, so now think of what it’s like when YOU dream… YOU are seemingly awake, certainly conscious, there is a body, but there isn’t, YOU are disconnected from the 3rd dimension of form, matter, and density. YOU are being as YOUR soul, YOU are now returned to YOUR soul energy state…

…still with me?…

(this isn’t difficult to comprehend, isn’t it about time we figure out all these un-answered questions?)


… continuing…

So in dreams, sometimes YOU have control, sometimes YOU are on a kind of auto-pilot. Let’s figure this out… When YOU have said control, i.e. lucid dreaming, YOU are closer to the 5th dimension in the astral plane and are less bound to the restrictions of the 4th dimension of time, which keeps YOU inadvertently connected to this 3rd dimensional reality around YOU. Said restrictions are noticeable in dreams, as time definitely applies, yet is skewed and distorted because YOU are between planes, remember?…

Days can occur in hours, minutes can occur in hours…

Therefore, when YOU are in the aforementioned “auto-pilot mode” while dreaming, YOU are closer to the 4th dimension of time, which keeps YOU bound to the restrictions of said dimension of time, thus keeping YOU further stuck to the restrictions imposed on your individual existence in the 3rd dimension, i.e. body, form, rules, boundaries, ego, fear… All the constructs YOU have created in YOUR world in this 3rd dimensional paradigm are illusory, not real. In fact, YOU are barely here. YOU are mostly empty space, with a universe inside yourself, but YOU hold tight to the notions that this dimension of density binds YOU. It doesn’t, YOU are FREE, your soul is FREE. “Auto-pilot” dreaming is just YOUR subconscious struggling to free itself from the restrictions your conscious mind has built as a real reality.

Let go of fear, let go of ego, let go of illusions.

Echoes and shadows are not real.

Have the courage to discover for yourself what is REAL for YOU.

We have passed the 1000 word mark, so until next time…

Eyes wide open.

More to come.

Love to all. 

Grand Climax



If you look to the right side of the page, you will see the ticker, which I updated 11 days ago, and culminates on an upcoming “event” on the date of July 27th. Now when I updated said ticker, the only info I had was that it may have some sort of numerological significance…however, since then, more information has revealed itself. Now as always, before I go on, please integrate this fact:

I do NOT in any way advocate, believe, deny, and/or disbelieve in any of what I am about to share with you.

It is only information, and how it is discerned is up to YOU, not me.

I am only the translator…moving on…

Turns out that among satanists, July 20th through the 27th is a celebratory period known as the Grand Climax.

Here’s a link…CLICK HERE>>> 

Now if you take a glance at that link, you will find that the author denotes notions that the celebrations are what most may think. No wild orgies, no sacrificial rituals HOWEVER… if you aren’t some kind of idiot, you will also rationalize that the focuses of said celebrations are blood and sex. Hmmmm… nonetheless, the reason I am bringing all of this up and making it the subject of today’s post is that no matter what YOU believe, the dark cabal that runs this insane asylum from behind the scenes DOES believe in dark magic and secret rituals, all while worshipping a dark idol.


But are Lucifer and Satan the same?…

The answer is NO, they are not the same. Lucifer derives from the Latin word for “light-bearer,” as an astrological reference to the morning star, also refers to “God’s most perfect fallen angel,” who was cast down from heaven. Satan is more like an avatar for a direct oppositional figure toward God, although Satan was created by God, and is in service to God as he tempts men/women with “evil.” The two have been twisted and intertwined into a singular concept via the current versions of your bibles, but they are in fact two different entities. That does not mean that one is good and one is bad though, nor does it mean the two aren’t directly interrelated. The perceptions are somewhat subjective. As a reader, I leave it up to YOU to determine the truths behind luciferians and satanists. Are luciferians and satanists really “evil”? The author of the aforementioned link posted above has donned the name Aleister Nacht, clearly a reference to Aleister Crowley. Have you ever read about Aleister Crowley? The reason I am mentioning this dark figure from recent history as that this guy seemed to forge a bridge between the realm of Satan and the realm of Lucifer which, in many aspects, would further seem to pioneer the dark road that most of the members of the dark cabal now follow. 

Aleister Crowley was born into wealth and due to a family trust fund, spent most of his life pursuing his passions… said passions mostly revolving around his individual pursuit of attaining an anti-ascension into a world of the most powerful forms of black magic. Summoning demons, performing extremely lewd sex acts, the most depraved forms of debauchery, he embraced all of this.  He also happened to be a 33rd degree free mason and was highly connected to the world of the illuminatic dark cabal, whose worship of Lucifer also procured dark magic rituals and blood sacrifice. The difference appears to be that Crowley adopted a more direct approach via the medium of black magic, willfully attempting to summon demons that could empower himself as an individual, while the luciferian dark cabal likes to go with the longer rituals that affect the broad audience as they “broadcast” their spells over the populous, gaining IMMENSE levels of energy and power from the unwitting masses, empowering the whole body of the dark cabal, rather than the individual. And we all know by now how they broadcast said spells…via the televisions that so many sheeple are still programmed by, AND in what they put in the food and water that the sheeple consume, AND on the money so many scrape and slave for…take a look into my archives if you aren’t aware of the black magic spells flowing in and out of every single dollar bill YOU touch. There are numerous, seemingly countless means by which the dark cabal has extended it’s tentacles out to suck the life and energy out of who?…

YOU, yes YOU, but is it their fault for feeding off you, or your fault for allowing them to feed from you?


These psychic vampire parasites that make up the dark cabal are just that…PARASITES, yet most people think they need them. How crazy is it when the host is tricked into being the parasite? Crazy enough the over 6 billion of the 7 and ½ billion world population has succumbed to the notion?…don’t blame me, I didn’t do it, but it’s true. Parasites everywhere. Most of the 85 to 90% who are still asleep have actual parasites inside them, inside their gut, feeding, draining, bodies everywhere acting as meat puppets, allowing proverbial puppet master parasites to steal their souls, while actual real living parasites eat their bodies away from the inside via their intestines and gut. Man oh man oh man could I tangent off into that subject, but I have mentioned it all before, just look into my archives if you need a refresher and/or you can look all of this info up for yourselves, for YOU. And how does this all play into the upcoming “Grand Climax?” As mentioned in the first paragraph above, the party starts for those who worship Satan on the 20th, in 2 days, and culminates on the 27th with a big ritual celebration. Don’t forget this all centers around blood and sex amongst individuals, all meant to empower those individuals who are into it. That is more on the Satan side, while on the Luciferian side, they have already begun sucking up energy for the upcoming week. I’m sure you’ve all heard about the Malaysian flight “shot down” over the Ukraine. Yet ANOTHER Boeing 777(note the 7’s) and another Malaysian plane symbolized by the trident, which is a central icon amongst illuminatic luciferian globalist scum. 298 dead, although there are reports that it may be yet ANOTHER false flag, as they bodies seemed to be in a state of decomposition immediately after the crash, which is obviously impossible unless the plane was already loaded with dead people. Again, things YOU need to be looking into YOURSELF for YOU. In any case, this supposed plane crash is being used as a tool to further implement Agenda 21 and advance the new world order’s plan of total chaos and destruction before they come back and rebuild anew. Will they instigate World War 3 and get the biggest feast of soul energy and power they’ve ever had? Will they use this week of “Grand Climax” to blatantly initiate the next dire phases of their globalization plan? Like I said, YOU may not believe it, but THEY DO. They are out of their fucking minds and they control most of of the population because the population allows them to be in control.

My advice to any and all and none would be this: No matter what happens, DO NOT give them ANY of YOUR energy.

Do not be afraid. Fear is what they feed from, it is analogous to the parasites in your gut getting sugar. Internal human bodily parasites LOVE sugar, so stop eating it already. Like sugar, fear feeds the parasites that most of the sheeple call master. STOP FEEDING THE GOD DAMNED PARASITES. Pay particular attention this week, because these scum have no boundaries to the depths they will sink to fulfill their goal of thinning out the herd. Are you a sheep, one of the herd, being blindly led to your slaughter? Fuck no you aren’t, wake up and wise up already. I’ve been doing this for over 2 years, and still so many do not see and/or listen, but that is on YOUR shoulders, not mine. I am only here to help, an enlightened entity descending to the cave to free prisoners, most often one at a time, and that is okay with me. What are YOU doing with your enlightenment? What will YOU do with the power inside YOU? Will you serve yourselves, or serve your masters? The choice, as always, is YOURS, and yours alone. I have superseded the 1000 word mark by ohhhhhh… almost 500 words, so it’s time to go for now. I will try to get something up as this “Grand Climax” week approaches, but do not rely on me, rely on YOU to arm yourself with the power YOU will need to get through to the other side.

Or you have the option to just sigh and change the channel.


Be brave and do not fear my friends, readers, watchers, brothers and sisters. More to come.

Wide eyes open. Love to all. 


MUST WATCH to ALL “Lightworkers,”….


As it says above, this is a MUST WATCH for so many of you who have falsely donated your hearts to this “new age” movement. A few posts back, I mentioned the fact that isn’t it odd that the puppet masters worship Lucifer, the angel of light, and so many have chosen to devote themselves to love and “the Light.” I have been meaning to really dive into this, and now is the time. Now I am no hypocrite. Anyone can go into my earlier archives and see that I clearly have promoted said “Light.” When you are in this game this deep, you have to have the balls when you discover you are wrong or have been misled, to simply back up, make adjustments, and move forward. How is it better to continue to believe a falsity once you’ve discovered that it is in fact incorrect? Just suck it up, integrate what has been revealed as truth, and keep moving forward.


I have mentioned the channeled messages several times in past posts. Convincing many of them are, for sure. Inspirational, makes you feel like your “good” work has a meaning outside of our dimension that resonates into higher frequencies. Now although said “good” work does resonate positively, that positive energy is in fact being consumed by those that many light workers have deemed as ascended masters. That’s why every time I have mentioned it, I told all of you that I do not believe nor disbelieve in said things, offering ZERO of my own energy into a belief, and I have repeatedly assured all of you to do the same. And as you can see, yet another great deception has been exposed. There is no such thing as light workers, they are being fooled into believing their “goodness” is giving them soul points, when in fact, just like the rest of the humans, they are being harvested for energy, albeit differing mediums. 

Fist of all, these channeled messages have been being broadcast for years, constantly saying that soon greater forces will intervene to save this dwindling humanity. And has any entity intervened at all yet? NO. Just feeding false hopes to those who truly believe in love and goodness. Second, constant inferences to large ships commencing on Earth for disclosure, again a statement that has been repeated for years, but still, where’s said disclosure? Lastly, I personally have noticed several quick references to things that make no sense. For example, the other day a message I listened to stated that der fuhrer Obama was actually an agent of light and goodness, here to aid the acceleration of humanity’s betterment. WHAT THE FUCK??WHAT?? Okay, as you can see, that right there is a HUGE red flag, and there are several others. They release these channeled messages daily, proclaiming benevolence and love and light as the time comes when higher beings will reveal themselves and destroy the dark cabal that currently rules the mighty Earth, but as you will hear/see in the above video, they are ALL agents of the same dark cabal. Now it is a little more interesting for those of us caught up in this holographic disillusionment of a dualistic, good vs. evil, dark vs. light, 3rd dimensional paradigm, right?…


Now don’t beat yourselves up over your misconceptions. You still are good, you still live life via love and soul, rather than fear and ego. You still have ascended from the cave you once dwelled in. Now is where you learn to let go of all you offer belief to. This instance is exactly why I have gone out of way, begging and pleading via my words, that you all rise above isms, and movements, and dogmas. You can only believe what you see in front of you, what YOU have experienced on your journey. The past is gone, there is no reason to allow the circumstances of yesterday to get inside you and eat away at the NOW. The future is yet to come, no need to fear or fuel anxiety about what is to come, for YOU are in the NOW. My obvious point, NOW is all that matters, right now, not yesterday, not tomorrow, NOW. There is so much going on that 85 to 90% of the masses have no clue about, but they are going to see one way or another. The reign of the dark cabal, the infectionious plague that has infiltrated the foundations of love and compassion which initially formed the “new age” movement, global warfare on the horizon, increasing violence, anger, aggression, so much fear, if any of you cannot see what is coming, then all I have done, as it applies to you, has been in vain. 


Many will not wake up. Many will stay in their bubbles, until their bubble bursts, and they become fully consumed in a personal hell of their own fear, lost inside the illusory selves serving their egos. They have their own paths, their own roads to follow that eventually will get their souls back home. For the rest of us, particularly those who have been swayed by the positive attributes of the “new age” movement, admit it and suck it up, they tricked you, they tricked us, they tricked me. So what? Fuck them for doing that, especially under the guise of unconditional love and compassion for humanity, but that’s their hassle. It’s only yours if you continue to offer them your energy. Deception is everywhere these days, and deception is a sneaky ninja, often coming under the ruse of good intention. Now that you know what you know, where will you go? Nothing should change, other than the fact that you now know the truth of what the “new age” movement has become. Another tool of mass control. Nothing controls YOU except YOU. YOU know this, I have told YOU this over and over and over and over again. YOU have all YOU need inside YOU. YOU are the only temple YOU need. Stay pure, stay good, remain on your trip down the path of enlightenment, compassion, joy, and unconditional love. Be above the whole game, and the players have no power to affect you. The more you know, the higher you rise. These are revelations that will come more and more as we ascend and expand our consciousness’ back to a higher frequency, going upward back home toward Source.


There is only your connection with Source, anything in between is irrelevant, other than the love you give and receive with other beings on your journey. 

Well we have passed the 1000 work mark, so you all know what that means. Before I close, and I implore all of you, especially you “light workers,” to not only watch, but SHARE the above video. Too much deception for too long, and it’s time the real living truth got back on top. Enough of the bullshit, we are powerful beings, re-tapping in to long forgotten power, and we are sick of fucking around with lies. It is time to not only realize your inner power, but to become your inner power. The changes coming soon will test the true will of all, and most will crumble beneath the weight of their own fear and ignorance. Will you crumble, or will you rise even higher? The choice, as always, is yours and yours alone.


We are only here to help. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 




Yes, the title was spawned from this GIF animation I made. If you are not familiar with the movie Eraserhead and/or David Lynch, inform yourself. Lynch is genius with surrealism, and is quite an extraordinary individual otherwise, very into meditation and deep diving into self. Check out some of his words via Youtube.

Or as always, feel free to change to channel. You are here for you, not me.

Surrealism, funny that it can be used as an art form, when the world we all currently exist in is over-flowing with the surreal. Is life not often dream-like? The deja vus, the coincidences, the uncanny timings of your everyday, the backwards ideologies fed to you by your masters, are these all not definable in some way as surreal? Sure it’s not the dimensional and spatial surrealism one experiences when actually dreaming, but there are certainly parallels. What about when you are between dreams and being awake?…i.e. experiencing a huge DMT surge via a variety of available hallucinogens, and the surreality of this 3rd dimensional paradigm becomes greatly magnified. Have you ever experienced a trip? Know what DMT is? 

Now I know I have readers who are well-versed in such topics, but let’s not pretend that most of the world is informed. So here’s a little refresher: DMT is a naturally occurring substance that is present in countless living organisms, particularly humans. However, DMT is regulated via the pineal gland, which as many of my readers know, has been shrunken and calcified inside the brains of 85-90% of the populous. If you have never tripped, you may not understand. Your first trip brings you to a door, and when you go through that door, all those solid walls that formed the room you previously lived your life from dissolve, and you are no longer confined to that room, now consciously free to go deeper, to explore the entire house, as opposed to living a life from the confines of the space of that singular  room. Like I said, it may not come across if you have never taken the journey.

Now am I suggesting that you all go out and trip? Hmmmm… maybe, maybe that’s what humanity needs, a global consciousness wake up call via mass ingestions of DMT. Can you imagine? Now let’s let that fairy tale go, because the fact is that most of those with those shrunken, calcified pineal glands could not handle the overwhelming surge of connection with Source, and would regress into infantile behavior patterns, allowing their inner fear to convince them they are losing their minds, when in fact it’s a bold attempt at just the opposite. I like to picture a boat, the boat of humanity, but the boat isn’t too full because lots of people have gone overboard with their egos, and are drowning in the dark abysmal waters of their own fear. So we throw out life vests, rafts, floats, whatever we can to help you let go of your fear, get your soul back, and get back on the damn boat, but instead of saving yourselves, most of you just keep flailing around, freaking out because you are so scared, causing yourselves to drown faster and deeper. Why? What are so many of you so fucking afraid of?

Have you just rolled over already and succumbed to the notion that this is just the way it is? And you are relatively an ineffectual nothing? Destined to live a “life” under the thumb of a master, as long as you don’t have to think too much and you can ignorantly pretend there is no horror or darkness in the world? Everything is happy, and no dark clouds will rain on the sunshine as long as you do not acknowledge those dark clouds? Again, I am NOT saying these things to instigate fear and/or accentuate the not-so-pleasant aspects of this current reality, but if you continue to bury your heads in the proverbial sand, you empower the illusion that keeps so many veiled from what is truly real. No, happiness does not come packaged with a house, a husband/wife, kids, a career, job security, money, etc… that is just the illusion. The illusion that is propagated by your masters. They have an endless vacation lifestyle in comparison to you. They don’t sweat paying bills. They are above laws. They give you a little vacation or two every year, and that is your happiness. You get an extended line of credit when you buy your first house, and that is your happiness. Yet what do you really have? What do you really own? If you are making payments, you don’t own shit. In the big picture, you take nothing with you when you die, so theoretically, no one ever really owns anything, they just have it while they have it. Seems simple enough, right? But so many of you, struggling to own something, why?…because you think it makes you happy

The ingredients to personal happiness are not external, they are internal. That is something you will have to figure out for yourselves. Seeking happiness outside yourself is futile, and you will only fool yourself into being convinced that the shadows and echoes within your cave bring you happiness. The way the masses go berserk, during Black Friday for instance, over dense material bullshit, just astounds any critical thinker. People trampling other people for toys, one of many reasons why I refer to the current 3rd dimensional paradigm as an insane asylum. So insane in fact, that those who point out the insanity, and deemed insane by the insane, and how insane is that? It’s quite the trip and the clarity by which you relate to that trip depends on you. Do you like being another patient in the mental ward? Or would you rather be a psychiatrist? Doctor? Some entity above and beyond just being another mentally incapacitated resident of the nuthouse? Real crazy people don’t know they’re crazy. Imagine that, 6 billion plus crazy people in the psych ward, all of which have no clue that they are even committed, but to point that out makes you somehow crazier. I, your humble narrator, pointing these things out to you, is crazier than those who do not even possess a capacity to fathom what you are reading right now. Oh but we’ve hit the 1000 word mark once again, so now we must regretfully depart from the illustrations of the loony bin called humanity. Today was just some rambling, thoughts with details, expressed via this modicum of media. The choice to take the trip, any trip, is yours. Whatever you do, you must not allow fear to be the compass in your lives. It is hard to let go of the picture you have painted while seeing through the clouded eyes of your ego, but do not be afraid to let it go, because it is not real.

Have the courage to let it go, and you will see. Most importantly, you will see for you.

Wide eyes open. Love to all. 


From my Dream



There is a house that I have had a recurring dream about my entire life. When i am there, it’s as if I’ve come home. Very surreal. Anyway, I found these strange pictures earlier and I came across this. Not exactly right, but pretty damn close. Thought I would share. Anyone who knows me can ask me sometime. if you don’t know me, you will have to wait until I illustrate this place from my astral plane in a later writing. Have a look, maybe you have a similar recurring dream. Enjoy the pic. Love to all.

