Lunar Wave

ATTENTION: …if you’ve never seen the infamous Lunar Wave, take a look at the video below. I have no idea what causes this, and/or, if it’s even real or not, but apparently it lends creedence to the “moon is a hologram” theory. Like I said, I don’t believe, nor disbelieve this is real, I’m just aware of it, find it fascinating, so I thought I’d share a video of this unusual phenomenon for you, dear readers, considering it’s the Full Flower Moon tonight. Big Moon, isn’t it? Is it me, or does the Moon seem to be getting bigger? Probably just me, but if it was getting bigger, which would imply that it’s getting closer, would the powers-that-be tell us? If we were in imminent danger from the Moon getting closer to the Earth, do you honestly believe that your masters would inform you of such a precarious scenario? Or would they save their own asses & let us peasants who have no clue fend for ourselves? Food for thought, or food for the garbage, I could care less, as I’m just a messenger I guess, & if you don’t know the answer to my somewhat-facetious question, kick rocks & go read the Berenstain Bears or something similarly juvenile. Fuckin hell, it’s so frustrating to have the knowledge that 100% of you should have, but 99.99% of you don’t. Not like I even have to dive that deep, but since most of you are still flopping around in water-wings in this figurative pool I’m attempting to illustrate, I gotta play in the shallow end, or not play at all. Should I even keep playing? I don’t know, doesn’t matter, & I have no idea why I’m even swimming, do you? Is it for this, THIS? Wunderbar. If so, let me know, but know your opinion will mean nothing other than pander to my own self-amusement at the jackass in the mirror. Nonetheless, until next time dear readers, watch the video below, & always keep one eye wide open, watching out for the incoming waves. So sayeth FisH™…

Click HERE and/or the video above to watch

For all of you, & for none of you at all…

“Always keep one open, watching out for incoming rogue waves.” Fish F Fish

The Fooze: S5E5 5/5/2030 Cinco de Mayo

Before we start, how many of you dumbasses even know what the holiday Cinco de Mayo celebrates? I’d wager maybe…ohhhhh…1 to 4 out of 100 of you, closer to the former rather than the latter, might actually have a clue. It celebrates the Mexican victory over France around the American Civil War times. Yes, our history is filled with lots of war, constant wars, in fact, & while the peasants war, the ones who instigated the historically respective wars, lived like Game of Thrones. Power power power, while the peasants fight for scraps, your so-called s-elected leaders gain more & more power. At this point, we’re talking long-documented dynasties too, nepotistic dynasties representing multi-centuries worth of seemingly boundless power accumulation. CENTURIES, enough to add up to a millennium, & change, THOUSANDS of years, them, & us, divide & conquer, them, dividing & conquering us…STILL. Sadly, I was born with a proverbial portrait of a crusty silver spoon on the wall, not an actual one in my mouth. I doubt anyone in my family even knows what nepotism is, not that it matters, because even if they did, they wouldn’t act accordingly, & eventually they’d waste themselves quickly being a selfish reclusive hoarder, with zero inclinations toward building dynasties or anything of the like.

How COULD regular peasants, plebs like you and/or yours truly, be expected to get thrown to the wolves, with zero cognizance of what’s really going on in the world, & thrive without excessively unnecessary strife? They don’t, hence The Great Mouse Trap. Feel free to dive into my archives for more on that. Just wanted to link Cinco de Mayo up there, so you all can inform yourselves, or not, whatever you want to do. Until next time dear readers, Know what you’re celebrating, before you celebrate. So sayeth FisH™…

For all of you, & for none of you at all…

“Know what you’re celebrating, before you celebrate.” Fish F Fish

ATTENTION: There’s a Full Moon tonight, the Full Flower Moon, following a lunar eclipse. Maybe Armageddon will begin, if we’re lucky, but most likely not. Regardless, good luck humans. Cheers…