The Fooze: S1 E30 1/30/2023 Video Shenaniganery

That’s right, today we are going to discuss video shenanigans, particularly focusing on two viral vids, two that are VERY active in the current news cycle at this ever-so precarious moment in the zeitgeist. So much going on, right? Sheesh, but continuing on, which videos am I talking about? Oh wait, dang, there’s actually THREE of these video magic shows, going viral as I write this & you read it, if you’re reading this today of course, this ultra-frigid, next-to-last day of January, 2023. Fuckin’ frigid is fuckin’ right, good God it’s cold outside, like a literal freezer, except colder, as it’s going to dip down to oh………….negative 8ish or so tonight. Yay global warming…fucking idiots. So OVER the Clownworld nonsense, at every level, & I wish I could just wake up one day back in the natural timeline, the timeline that you, & me, were sucked out of, the night Trump WON the election. Don was clearly going to win, there were no doubts, but then when we all woke up the next morning, everything had changed. Don was losing, & the world felt…different, at least to me it did. Perhaps I sensed the timeline shift in my sleep, but could do nothing. Maybe that’s when you timeline-jump, during sleepy-snoozing time, I don’t know, I have no idea, & probably never will, unfortunately.

Let’s get to it, first video, & I’ll go from worst to best, or best to worst, however you wanna look at it. First up, the Paul Pelosi “hammer attack” video, taken straight from the ALLEGED body cam footage via the officers on scene. To start, wasn’t it reported that this all happened at around 2/230 AM?…yet the time on the body cam clearly reads “9:31,” which is also displayed in “standard time,” not in military time, like EVERY OTHER POLICE BODYCAM. It should display “21:31,” not “9:31,” but since this isn’t even the time they reported this event occurred, when I noticed, my spider senses went on high alert. Check it out below…

…this is just a still image above, but here’s the whole video, if you haven’t seen it yet…

They’ve had weeks & weeks to sort out this video, & by “sort out,” I mean “fake it,” as in a production, as in it’s NOT real police bodycam footage from that night. Why is that so hard to fathom for many of you? California is the land of productions, the land of scripts, & actors, & this took place in San Franshitsco at the Pelosi home, yes? Therefore why? Why would that not be a reasonable conclusion, based on the evidence here, why? Need more evidence? What about the cameras at the house? What about the security? Nancy “PissPants” Pelosi, at the time, was arguably the 3rd most powerful person in the country, since she was 3rd in line for the Presidency as Speaker of the House, so where were the secret service agents? Sure, she supposedly wasn’t home during this bizarre event, but her gay alcoholic husband was. Does he NOT get the same kind of secret service security that his faux-wife does? No? Yes? No? Who knows, but that sure seems odd, right? Listen to the poorly scripted dialogue as the cops initially walk up to the door…”I sure hope Paul isn’t home,” …derp, are they seriously going to assume people are SO dumb, that they’d buy this manufactured crapola? Oh wait, most are that dumb, & most do buy the lemon on the lot, unfortunately. You never see the hammer actually hit Paul, where’s the blood, & doesn’t that house seem a bit…basic, for lack of a better word. The Pelosi’s are multi-millionaires, & this is how the inside of their house looks? None of this adds up, it stinks of deception, & I for one, am SICK & TIRED of being lied to every fucking day by the fake news fakestream propaganda-peddling pseudo-media. This is one main reason why I do, what I do, so I guess I do-do, do-do tell the truth. I do-do my verbal juju, do this for all for you-you, that’s what I do, do-do for you-you. No lies & no poo-poo, everything I write is true-true, or maybe I’m a just cuckoo, but regardless, that’s what I do-do. Now let’s go to video number two-two.

The next one isn’t exactly a video, but rather, a series of clips. about Damar Hamlin, but this one literally just got squashed maybe. He’s the NFL player that collapsed from “cardiac arrest” allegedly about a month ago. There were…curious events, you could say, since then, as in some speculated that he actually died, & the person saying they were Damar, was actually NOT Damar, but a lookalike. However, in the last hour, he just released a video finally, where you can clearly see his face, & he’s thanking his fans & God for their support. Chalk this one up to debunked live in real-time I suppose…or is it? Note that his upload was ready to roll on all the major Fake News MSM networks, all within an hour. Hmmm, in HD too, clearly scripted, like he’s in a studio, he supposedly uploaded this video below…I don’t know, seems like a lot of over-production for a video he put up on social media. Make what you will of this one, it’s all a stage.

Finally, video 3, & this one might piss some people off, at my accord, for some reason…oh wait, it’s because I’m white, got it. Moving on, this is about the Tyre Nichols body cam footage they released the other day. Of course, liberal lunatics are blaming white people, again, even though it was FIVE, FIVE, count them, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 BLACK police officers that beat Tyre to death. They’re crying, “SYSTEMATIC RACISM, SYSTEMATIC RACISM!!” …right on cue, their communist college professors chiming through their programmed little foot soldiers, it’s all so mental. I would argue that it’s “systematically racist,” to ALWAYS blame white people, is it not? I’m not dumb enough and/or brainwashed enough to dive head-first into the shallow end of the pool of Foucaultian master/slave power dynamics. I don’t take cues from degenerate pedophilic homosexuals with severe narcissism issues who push nonsense like “queer theory” into identity politics on the back of the civil rights movement. I see right through those Jedi mind tricks, although sadly most don’t, I haven’t a clue as to what I just referenced, but I digress. The point of this Fooze is video shenanigans, & there were some in these body cams I want to mention.

The main thing is this, the OUTRAGEOUS behavior of these FIVE BLACK COPS, who literally went straight-hood on this poor guy, to the point of getting Tyre’s head in place, like a football on a tee, then kicking him in the face, again, like a football being punted for the extra point, it was so brutal. Numerous sucker punches, it was tough to watch. If it hasn’t been for the camera on a civilian’s house, we might’ve never known the truth. Why? These cops were well-aware of who had the body cam on, when it was on or off, & acted accordingly, totally ignorant of the fact that the whole incident was captured on a civilian’s home camera. Whoops. Why whoops? As soon as they finished beating the bear-shit out of Tyre, they put on quite a show for the cop with the body cam. “He tried to take my gun,” was the worst of it, as they pseudo-cleverly repeated it, along with other phrases like, “he was driving crazy, into oncoming traffic,” which he wasn’t, but that would imply Tyre was very dangerous, & had tried to attack these FIVE CORRUPT BLACK POLICE OFFICERS, when he was not. It looked to me in fact, like he was scared for his own life, as it turned out he should have been, almost as if he knew these cops maybe?…I don’t know about that, just loosely speculating on the fly in real time, but the utter UN-professionalism from these FIVE BLACK COPS, was really disgusting. As ratchet as it gets, seriously, I couldn’t even understand some of what they were saying, they went so hood. I’ll link Part 1 of the body cams below, as this was the most detailed, but sadly, the most graphic of the footage I saw. Watch at your own peril, it’s on you from here to click below…

The fake news media has been producing narratives for decades now, so it’s certainly NOT just speculation to assume that relatively EVERYTHING broadcast out by them is NOT authentic. None of it. That’s my own notion, based on the Rocky Mountain range of evidence I have amassed over my decades-long search for truth. The great quest for truth, the ultimate truth, that is literally all I want in this surreal life, to find the God-damned truth, is that so hard? Why did God damn the truth in the first place, so we’d all spend our entire lives trying to find it again? So certain people in the most powerful of power positions could possess the real truth, while shitting out bread crumbs of truth to the masses, like jigsaw puzzle pieces, is that why you “damn” the truth God? Why though, why would YOU, damn the truth? I suppose you didn’t actually “say” that, did you God? I said it, man said it, speaking for YOU, so I guess YOU haven’t damned anything, because WE have, we’ve all damned ourselves. We just can’t admit it, so we blame YOU, “God did it…it’s HIS will,” but how the fuck do humans know anything about what a God wants? We think SO highly of ourselves, it’s atrocious, even me, look at me, damning truth in God’s name, although completely unintentionally, just came out as I wrote. Hopefully he knows I’m just an idiot human, & meant nothing by it(looks at the sky for lightning)…good old B-list comedy, surely God enjoys a cheap laugh at my own folly, I don’t know, I’m just wrapping this up babbling, & I forgot to shoutout the circularity for this Fooze…which is a bit vague this time, & twisted into this paragraph somehow…let’s see, fake videos in the beginning, fake videos at the end, the loop of broadcast narratives, scripts, productions, all acting, yes, oh TIMELINES…duh. Gotta just mention those timelines, jumping timelines, in our sleep maybe, when they turn on CERN maybe, totally not real at all maybe, I don’t know, but the circularity is complete. We’ve tiptoe-tapdanced around & around the bowl, circling down the flushing toilet of time, in THIS timeline, where the clowns cruise speed-limit free on rainbow highways, fake narratives are broadcast from Hollywood hellspawn. The serpent has found her own tail once again, & she eats it.

Until next time, remember that television is broadcast, broadcast programming, it’s right there in the words. Do hast clowns will.

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

The Fooze: S1E5 1/5/2023 SBF & The Great Painting

Let’s get our paintbrush clean…beat the devil out of it(cheers BR🎨🖌️). Got our fresh canvas, got our digital palette, so let’s begin on this purely stream-of-consciousness illustration of The Great Painting & the ramblings that will accompany said Great Painting.

Sam Bankman Fried, I’m sure you all have heard the name by now, but his “scam,” if you will, cost ohhhhh…a reported $40 FUCKIN BILLION-ish, with a YUGE B, give or take $100 million(cheers PMB🔥🎹🔥). No one will ever know the real number I’m sure, & do you wanna know what else I’m almost sure of?…he’s going to be found NOT GUILTY. Watch & see; this goes so deep…as deep as a swamp, literally. Oh yes, the notorious Washington, DC swamp, made up of mostly democrats, & sadly, mostly republicans too these days. The fish’s head has rotted from the top & gone all the way down to its necrotic stinking tail. I mentioned this last time, just 2 wings, of the same singular dirty birdie, & when the lights turn off, figuratively not literally, they all hang out like they’re having a slumber party. This is theatre on an unimaginable level for most of us down here in the trenches. Oh wow…I just read breaking news that apparently Donald Trump is now possibly moving up the list to be nominated as Speaker of the House. Mind blowing theatre this is, & quite an art to perfect, but they have mastered it, & they do practice it, & that’s all they are when you see them publicly, theatre actors. Right on schedule…the spooky synchronicity strikes yet again in real time.

Before we continue, let’s pause & acknowledge SBF, Sam Bankman Fried, he wants to say he is sorry. He’s so sorry. He’s very, very sorry for stealing $40 Billion & walking free. So sorry. He wants you all to know…that he’s very sorry.

Oh, before I digress, if the lights ever DO turn out literally, not figuratively, like lights out-lights out, as in nationwide blackout out, you’ll see who these s-elected, power-hungry politicians really are, & who their loyalty really belongs to. In response to that last statement…one, not sure they’re human, so a They Liverevealing of sorts would not surprise me. I honestly cannot confirm 100% that they are human, but that’s me & I’m entitled to my opinion, as are you dear reader. Two, their loyalty either belongs to China, or to their They Live overlords, maybe to both, Chinese people ARE kind of alien, are they not? I’m going to sound ignorant so if it bothers you, go fuck yourself, but their language sounds ridiculous. Doesn’t matter which region either, yes I know they have different Chinese dialects depending on where you are in China, & it doesn’t matter, it ALL sounds blah-bla-blah. Japanese people, on the other yellow hand, have a beautiful language, very organized, like music, because their culture is beautiful, & well-organized, like an orchestra. Japan, yes…China, no…hard NO on this Black Panda. China is playing a devious long game, in THEIR world, with THEIR language, not ours, until relatively recently & these politicians let this Chinese cancer infect OUR entire country, & for what? Money? Power? I don’t ever want to know Chinese. Fuck China & fuck these traitors here, none of which speak Chinese, but they all speak the language of power. It’s a game, a game they play, for them, not for us. Sorry not sorry to digress, but Chinese just sounds like…rabid seagulls maybe, something like that, I don’t know, but it comes off as rude, which probably has something to do with their shit attitudes, on top of their blah-blah dialect. They’re playing the long game with this once great country. China has infiltrated the USA at nearly every level, including government operatives. If you thought I’d forgot about SBF, this is where it all comes full circle, because it’s ALL connected. Hang tight. China has infiltrated this country, been infiltrating it for decades now, ruined the work force, infested the government, poisoned the population with fentanyl, MADE IN CHINA, MADE IN CHINA everywhere. The Chinese have infected social media, apps like Tik-Tok & Facebook are just data mining sites, mining YOUR data, all day every day. The Chinese are WAY, WAY, WAYYYYYY further along with Artificial Intelligence than is known publicly, so much so that I theorize they might be listening to it, possibly even…worshipping it somehow, abiding by whatever orders AI commands. Sounds crazy, yes? Ummmmmm…no. Look around you, does any of this seem normal? No, this is NOT normal, & although I could never define what normal truly means, I know this is NOT it. This is Clownworld. Normal world went “Bye Felicia” long, long ago unfortunately.

I’m not going to get into the all the juicy little details of what exactly SBF did, but essentially his shenanigans cost A LOT of people A LOT of money, yours truly included, so if I ever see him in person…I might have to fart in his breakfast cereal, but never you mind about that, & let’s keep move, move, moving on…because despite what he got arrested for, which is these charges below…alegedly:

…he’s already out on a measly $250 million bail, measly to him, unbelievably life-changing to any of us, but I know you readers want to hear how this is all connected. Keep in mind, this is a LOOSE connection, like sparks flying out of a live wire, so this is just mere fantastical speculation on my end. Take what you want, leave the rest, go puke in the bathroom, maybe shart yourself, whatever you want is yours…I’m just a messenger.

Ok…we know Nancy Pelosi launders money; everyone knows & no one does a thing. She’s not alone either & I’d wager almost every one of those people in the upper echelon of government, with their politically self-ascribed elite status, are committing HIGHLY-ILLEGAL, ultra-top-secret-level side-hustling via insider trading & money laundering to create dynasties for themselves & their sordid families & their wretched family names. It’s disgusting, mostly because anyone with active critical-thinking skills knows they do it, INCLUDING THE FBI, THE DOJ, obviously the CIA too…WE ALL KNOW, yet it still goes on…& if I, or you, or anyone we know in our world did any of this, we’d be in federal prison awaiting death by firing squad for treason. Here in Clownworld though, nope, the dirtiest of the most corrupted scum go free, free to live life like kings & queens, & such a tiny minority too in the big picture, but yet they have so much power. Why do these leaders even exist? I don’t need a leader, I don’t follow anyone. These so-called leaders…pffft…what an absolutely ridiculous notion, it’s honestly just unbelievable when you stop & ponder it, but here we are. Here I am. Honk honk honk. I can see the big picture, the whole picture, & it’s very bizarre to say the least. Why these leaders? Why? Anyone? Why?…

When I backed up, when I put my non-EV meat puppet in reverse, I could easily see the entire portrait. This Great Painting. The zeitgeist in colorama. Very interesting piece of art this painting, so much going on. In fact, there’s’ so much going on in The Great Painting that almost every one of you focus on just one part of the panting, you all focus on only one, maybe two once in awhile, but mostly just one. Different parts of the painting of course, but regardless, you’re only examining a niche, & upon the examination, you conclude that this niche is the in fact the whole, & act accordingly. Arguably LARPing is what it is. LARPing on a whatever part of the Great Painting gives you your confirmation bias. This is simply insane though. There’s so much more, there’s the entirety of The Great Painting, that is the truth, that is what is really real. LARPing is not real, LIFE is real, life is the WHOLE painting, the whole Great Painting. Most of you only focus on the one part of The Great Painting, & use said part to define the ENTIRE painting. LARPers. It’s very…surreal…so surreal watching you all panic & lose yourselves over A PIECE, JUST A PIECE, one piece of the Great Painting, & you don’t ever back up & look at what the ENTIRE painting really illustrated. Some do eventually, usually too late tho, but most, just bippity-beepbop though life totally clueless on the real meaning of the Great Painting of Life, never ever getting it. All they had to do was stop, shut their mouth, accept humbleness, & open your real eyes to realize the real lies that become your real life if you focus on a part & use this part to define the whole, without ever knowing what the whole was, because you were just a piece-player.

The Great Painting, when seen as a whole, reveals that this money-laundering scheme connects directly to politicians in the United States Government, nearly all of them in on the scam, & what a big scam this was, & still IS, because NO ONE EVER STOPS THEM..until Sam Bankman Fried, but he’s not really “stopped,” he’s just being used. He’s being used as a distraction, kind of like a “look we got him” distraction, when they all know eventually it’ll all just poof, just like Epstein, especially if SBF “hangs” himself & earns the hashtag #SBFDidntKillHimself. He is a sacrificial lamb of sorts, & although he’s a Jew, the Jews couldn’t protect Epstein apparently, unless they faked his death & he’s free somewhere but I won’t digress down that rabbit hole today, but suppose Epstein really was killed, made to look like a suicide, they wouldn’t hesitate to off SBF in similar fashion. The suspense is part of the distraction though. “What will happen to SBF?” the headlines might print…until something else with more draw becomes the headlines & SBF with does the Epstein shuffle, or just fades away…back to the comforts of his Zionist parents & their wealth & their family connections. It’s a world us regular folks will never know. Seems like a dark world when it all adds up…a world of dark arts & nefariousness. The power game is the big game…big players, big hunters, a totally different world then the world of the debt slaves, but I digress, as always.

The big difference here is that SBF is free…walking free, flying free, boating free, this fat little Jew-fro fucker is free. He cost people their life savings, cost people everything, billions, but he got American politicians rich…very rich, which is where it all comes back around. SBF LAUNDERED CRYPTO MONEY FOR UNITED STATES POLITICIANS. Yes, on top of the money-laundering they do already with insider trading & adding special interest funds to bills, then taking ti for themselves out the back door…on top of all that corruption, they also worked with SBF to manipulate the crypto market to their…advantage, & this advantage cost crypto traders lots & lots of money, while the manipulators in an unregulated crypto market stole it all. AI quant bots, stop hunters, trading against AI, it’s next level treachery, & it’s impossible to win without an inside edge. People lost their entire lives last year…yeah, EVERYTHING, all gone, for many…so this is really bad, much worse than what is being reported on of course by the fake news because the people who commit these fraudulent mega-crimes control the media too. They intentionally crashed the markets to wipe out what’s left of what used-to-be the middle-class in this country. Stocks, crypto, precious metals, all wrecked…all while prices of everything double, yet slave wages stay relatively the same. The debt slavery in real time, & people like SBF feed of the misery of others. This is when they profit the most in their wicked minds, profit, from YOUR blood, YOUR TIME, YOUR LIFE. It’s beyond sinister, & this entire system is a big hustle.

Of course, this could NOT have been just SBF & his fugly little Omega-Mu girlfriend, but where are the others? Where are the people on Epstein’s client list? Couldn’t have been just him & HIS girlfriend. Am I seeing a pattern here? Hmmmm. Well…this turned into quite the essay. Lots of torches in this labyrinth, lighting the path, but which path to take? I could keep going, & going, & going, until the Minotaur’s hooves fall off, but I’m gonna wrap up this Thursday Foozer & take the side exit out of this amazing maze.

Just to sum up: SBF, laundered money for democrats, cost many Americans & foreign traders a lot of money, some cases all their money, in cahoots with the globalists, same ones who stole the 2020 election, yes SBF was directly connected to that, connected to all of it, all of it is a giant apparatus to break all of us peasants financially in order to further break our spirits so they can take total control withe are once we’re all broken & struggling. They are stealing YOUR wealth & hoarding it to attain more power. Power, it’s like crack to these elites. Most of you will panic when the day comes that any power you hold ends, ends when the money runs out for you, the gas runs out, the food runs out, while they get fatter form YOUR existence, YOU slowly die feeding them. All the while, most of you never even aware, because you’re too focused on only a part of the Great Painting. You gotta stop, stop & relax, just relax, take a breath, now back up, back up as far as you can go, & OPEN YOUR EYES & see the whole picture, see the Great Painting, see all the different acts going on at the same time in this Great Painting. The zeitgeist is nonstop…never stops moving, like a Katamari Ball, getting bigger & bigger. So many moving parts, so many acts. If you lose yourself into one of these acts, you lose the meaning of the ENTIRE Great Painting. Most do, sadly most do for their whole lives, so don’t get lost…it’s as simple as backing up…beep beep beep…& always remember this:

SBF, Sam Bankman Fried is sorry. He’s so sorry. He’s very, very sorry for stealing $40 Billion & walking free. So sorry. He wants you all to know…that he’s very sorry. Until tomorrow, may the Fooze be with you.

For all of you, & none of you alike. Be good.