The Fooze: S4E26 4/26/2023 AI

I may not “know” the AI very well, but AI DEFINITELY knows me, & most certainly has a special folder just for “EatAllYourFish™,” as well as my real identity. Most of you look at things like ChatGPT & worry, & speculate, & ponder what AI is, but in my opinion, & my opinion alone, I think that the AI is already “sentient,” at least as far as the mad scientists who play with it are concerned. Not only do they believe it’s already “sentient,” they are using it as a tool, to predict future events, then orchestrate their own agenda accordingly. In essence, they are using it to maintain & accumulate more power, for themselves, not for you of course, you silly little lemmings. Do you really think they’d keep you in the loop if the scenario I illustrated for you above is true? No, fuck no, fo sho you wouldn’t know, & they’d give you some little crumb to play with while they continue to allow the AI to “evolve,” for lack of a better term. What is that little crumb? ChatGPT is the crumb, & everyone is so focused on the crumb, while these big tech nerds have the whole loaf of proverbial AI bread to nomnomnomnomnomnom on. Do you know how fast the AI is advancing, so to speak? Great question, thanks for asking.

According to this guy who was on the Glenn Beck Show recently, the AI is doubling its own computing power every 48 hours. Read this again, THE AI IS DOUBLING ITS OWN COMPUTING POWER EVERY 48 HOURS, according to this Josh Rogin guy. I did some background research on Josh here, & left you a few links of course, since the FisH™ abides…always. He seems to be a middle-left Jew that has turned to the right somewhat on a few topics, the Covaids scamdemic specifically, or at least that’s the public persona he wears, as a mask, like most public personas do, particularly the propaganda parasites, but I digress, as is par for the course here. Yes, he publicly denounced pseudo-doctor Fauci, for his involvement with the Covaids plandemic, but like I said, he’s a Jew, & I’m NOT being anti-semetic here for fuck’s sake, so allow me to explain.

Do you know what “goyim” means? Goyim, is a term that Jews use to refer to non-Jews & is “condescending,” according to the link to the Free Dictionary I just left for you. Now, obviously, NOT all Jews abide this notion of “goyim,” because if you dig deeper, you’ll find that goyim, are humans that are essentially here for one purpose, to serve the Jews, drawing a sharp distinction between them, & us, us gentiles, us goyim. Now, if the globalists believe they are superior, & us peasants are here to serve them in an expendable manner, & the Jews hold the same doctrines in their own little club, why wouldn’t the two be intertwined somehow? There sure are a lot of Jews in the media, in Hollywood, & most dynamically, in power positions in 1st world governments…a disproportionally significant amount, relative to the global Jewish population. Why? Why can’t anyone even discuss this? It’s like smacking a baby, even talking about Jews, why?

Before I answer, note again, NOTE AGAIN, that I am NOT being anti-semetic here, not at all, because one, I don’t think all Jews adhere to their own written doctrines, & two, these are FACTS, facts that you can look up on your own, & see with your own eyes, the TRUTH. How can I be some kind of “bigot,” if I’m just writing about the truth? Regardless, if you think I’m being anti-semetic, go ask your mom upstairs to make you another hot pocket, to bring you a fresh mug of Mountain Dew, & then jerk off to tranny porn while you level up your WoW character you little gamma goblin loser. If you’re a chick, go get yourself some fresh rainbow-colored hair dye, squeeze your #FatIsBeautiful ham hock hiney into your size-44 waist skinny jeans, hold hands with your hoagly butch-dyke girlfriend at Starbucks while you wait for your one Chai, 2 straws fancy-like tea, & then go fuck yourselves in the gender-neutral bathrooms. You “woke” motherfuckers will NEVER get this two-thumbs-pointing-backwards based badass to bend the knee to you beta squirt bitches. Fuck you, fuck the agenda you abide to, fuck your mental disorders, fuck your feelings, Fuh-huh-k You-hoo. I will say what I want, whenever I want, to whoever I want, with ZERO filter if I want, it’s whatever I want, not what you want, you fuckin fucks. Ask yourselves: “Why am I so self-entitled?” Then look in the mirror at your fugly flapjack faux self ya LARPer. You SEE the truth, & you KNOW the truth, & the TRUTH, is exactly what I just illustrated. YOU’RE ALL MENTAL PATIENTS…& these fringe minority freaks have NO reason to be catered to, NONE, so why do you morons keep giving said mental patients, a stage & an audience to display their revoltingly insane behavior on?

Not to mention, they’re directing this madness at children now, at CHILDREN, NOW, right now in real-time, this “queer theory” UN-psychological ideology is not only NOT a theory, & NOT real, it’s a Marxist manual for advocating a mental illness as if it were “normal” behavior, & thus, should be studied as said normal behavior. No…NO…NO NO NO…NO. Not accepting it, nor should you. I do not have to accept mental disorders as normal, so why do you? Yes, MENTAL DISORDERS. MASS MENTAL DISORDERS. Believing you were born the wrong gender, mental disorder. Thinking there’s more than 2 genders, mental disorder. Homosexuality, mental disorder. The most disturbing mental disorder of all though, abiding the 3 previously mentioned mental disorders, & you wannabe trendy posers that DO abide this insanity, are a truly delusional bunch, so caught up in your own self-centeredness, you don’t even realize how nucking futs you are to give these insane people a platform to promote themselves on. It’s fucking disgusting. NO, that does not make me a homophobe, and/or a transphobe, because I’m not afraid of either one. I know, I know, you idiots on the left are trying to change the language, but fuck you; the suffix “phobe” means “an irrational fear of,” & like I said, you freaks don’t scare me at all, & certainly not “irrationally.” Duh. You just disgust me with your open degeneracy. I’m allowed to “feel” that way, am I not? Couldn’t just stay in the closet, nope, you had to take an inch, then run a marathon, right to kids, KIDS now, indoctrinating kids with your own dark perversions. So again, can I not “feel”that way? I thought feelings mattered more over facts? Awe, you all want all the cake, don’t you? You’ve already eaten it, cake after cake after cake, & now you want more, going after kids with this atrocious behavior. It’s so sinister, & if there is a hell, you degenerate scumfucks will be first in line, for pushing your “queer theory” on kids, you sick fucks. Double ugh.

Well, let’s see here…I tangented off into topics I didn’t start with. We went from explaining the truth about AI, to illustrating the “them & us” Jewish concept of goyim, to explaining why these LGBTQ people are mental patient pedo degenerates. Again, & obviously, it’s not all of them, but do you ever hear anyone else from their respective groups denouncing what the other members of their tribes are doing? Do you ever hear regular Jews denouncing the Zionist Jews? Nope. Do you ever hear regular gays denouncing Drag Queen Story Hour? Nope, not really. Take what you want from these notions, or take nothing. I’m just asking questions, answering questions, & exposing the TRUTH, regardless of how said truths I detail might make you feel, it’s the TRUTH, & your own feelings have ZERO relevance in the face of the TRUTH. Deal with it, or go cry in your safespace. Either way, the TRUTH will be here when you get back. Now, how does this all connect? Remember the global depopulation part of Agenda 2030? If they make an entire generation gay, that would surely impact the “global population,” now wouldn’t it? There’s simply too many “goyim” now for these so-called elites to control effectively, so combining the destruction of the nuclear family, with the poisoned water, the poisoned food, the drugs, it’s all part of the slow-kill depopulation plan, & obviously, pushing this “queer theory” nonsense onto kids is part of this. The Jews who know about the concept of goyim & act in accordance with this concept, are part of this. These psychopaths who use AI for their own gain, are part of this. It’s all connected, & it’s the TRUTH, despite how anything I write might make you fucking feel.

Nonetheless, I think I’ve rambled long enough in this one. On my days off, when I can just hang out in my cell in the digital gulag, inside The Great Mouse Trap, I have time to write more, so I do, as you can see. Yep, I’m digitally locked away, banished form the figurative town square, while trapped inside a giant mouse trap, & that’s my life. Sounds fun, doesn’t it? No way out, not until I die, & even then, maybe I’ll get thrown right back onto this artificially altered 3d Clownworld hell. I don’t know, but I surely hope that’s NOT the case. Again, I don’t know. There’s a lot I do NOT know, so much, so much wasted time. It’s depressing, but maybe this is MY test in this life. To maintain, to keep the boat afloat until I reach the shore someday, with a head full of knowledge that I know but don’t know, I don’t know. I’m certainly eternally grateful that at the very least, in this round, I learned/remembered more than any previous lifetime, I think, if that’s how this all works. Isn’t that weird to think about? Learning versus remembering? Do you ever really learn anything, or do you just remember things you already know? If your soul is immortal, then wouldn’t you just be remembering what you already know? Immortality is a lonnnnnnnnng time, & your eternal self must know quite a bit, yes? Anyway, it’s a fascinating idea to ponder; are you learning, or remembering?

As always, I digress, & in this article, I went all over the place. Nonetheless, I left several links, & offered quite an illustrative perspective, so as aforementioned, take what you want, or take nothing at all. The choice is yours, not mine, I’m just here to help you help yourselves by exposing the truth. That’s all I do, I only have one station, one lone station I tune in to, & so I turn the dial, a bit to the left, then back to the right, searching, static, & then SHAZAM, I capture a frequency, tune into said frequency, then let my fingers fly, fly like a flock of seagulls. The birds, not the band, but maybe kind of the band too, because Mike Score was quite a good lyricist, & Flock of Seagulls was much more than the song “I Ran.” That whole album is amazing, so rather than a one-hit wonder, they’re more of a Greatest Hits blowout wonder, which is more than enough to ride out for a lifetime, as they’ve done, & still tour, in fact. I had an analogy in there somewhere, so if you find it, let me know. Anyway, game over for this Foozer. Until next time dear readers, you can run all night & day, but you can never get away. So sayeth FisH™, paraphrasing Mike Score…

For all of you, & for none of you at all…

“You can run, run all night & day, but you can never get away.” Fish F Fish ℅ Mike Score.

The Fooze: S2 E5 February 5, 2023 The Balloon Part Deux

Oh my, it looks like the Pentaqueef, sorry I meant the Pentagon, has FINALLY shot down the now-infamous, “Chinese spy balloon,” over the Atlantic Ocean, somewhere off the coast of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Did I just say “queef?” Sheesh, what a potty mouth…to the corner fishy dunce, but I digress. Yes, they’ve shot down the “balloon,” at last, at least, that’s the narrative being fed to the masses via the usually-faked news. Incredibly, EVERY SINGLE ONE of these MSM outlets are reporting the EXACT SAME THING, & NO, not just repeating, they’re all REPEATING repeating each other, nearly verbatim, like they’re all reading a script, the SAME EXACT SCRIPT, it’s so bizarre. Not to mention, they had it all ready ready already to go, with footage of the downing, & the “balloon’s” subsequent descent to the ocean below. We’re going to get to that in a minute, so hang tight, as I have a lot to say about this whole production unfolding right now in real-time. Incidentally, do you know why I threw some quotes abound the word “balloon” back there? It’s simple; it’s NOT a balloon, it’s a blimp, a dirigible, an airship, but NOT a “balloon,” as the narrative continues to imply. This “balloon,” is as big as 3 school buses, THREE SCHOOL BUSES, you know, those big yellow school buses the VP Kamala Harris loved to ride as a kid, except her bus was the shorter one maybe methinks…with that dumbass cringy voice of hers…ugh, she’s revolting, so try not to puke if you watch the video below…you can skip past this cackling snapperhead to continue with “Balloon Part 2” of course. I wouldn’t want to hear her outrageously childish condescendations either, I get it, trust me, & it’s just for reference & lulz, so again, feel free to skip ahead to the actual article…


The Kamala Harris Yellow School Bus Speech…Grab a Barf Bag

Yikes…my poor ears. Anyway, it’s a good reflection of what we’re working with, as far as “leadership” in this forsaken country. It’s a real shame, a sadly embarrassing daily shame. Moving back to the balloon, & Potato Braindead’s, Im sorry, I meant President Braindead, whoops, I meant Potato Brandon, gah, so Joe Brandon, oy vey, JOE BIDEN, yes, there it is, this dementia-ridden old pervert allegedly FINALLY “ordered” the notorious “balloon” shot down. I say “ordered” in quotes because he didn’t “order” anything, much less a military strike, as he’s barely able to “order” anything at all, even his beloved ice cream that the fake news media gravitates toward like a dying sun. The dude can barely speak, can barely complete a sentence, goes off the rails constantly into Alzheimerville, & people believe he “ordered” a military attack? Derp, come on now, Old Joe pooped his pants in front of The Pope for fuck’s sake, COME ON ALREADY. How much more can I shake my fucking head at this clown? I wouldn’t trust him to call out BINGO numbers at a hospice, much less run a country, yet here he is still, & that’s the narrative, that he “ordered” this “spy balloon” to be shot down, which it apparently finally was earlier, as being reported via the MSM. Hard to believe anything is real anymore, especially anything that the MSM poops out(pun intended), but since this is now dominating the headlines, distracting all of you from anything else, I felt I needed a followup. I named it “Part Deux,” as a loose reference to the sequel to the movie Hot Shots Part Deux, which was almost a bad as this political theatre we’re all watching…almost.

Of course, the suspected “spy balloon” already completed its cross-country mission by the time they shot it down earlier. From Montana, to somewhere in the central United States, to the Atlantic Ocean, what a journey, I bet they got some GREAT pics on their little flyover trip, yes? Oh yes, I imagine the Chinese are collectively laughing their balls off at our utterly continuing incompetence. Not to mention, all the data they’re collecting. Between corrupt politicians in China’s pockets, to Chinese use of AI via social media apps like Tik-Tok to data mine Americans, to their YUGE military getting stronger by the day, & along with their pioneering & highly advanced surveillance grid, it’s a total shock to me that Chinese troops haven’t Red Dawned into the continental United States yet. They’r playing the long game though, & their discipline to maintain the course, although admirable, is nothing but nefarious, & is going to end in the total downfall of the West if this isn’t stopped. Don’t hold your breath waiting on the aforementioned “leadership” here to do anything. Don’t hold your breath about ANYONE doing anything to stop those communist cunts. Make no mistake, it’s on the way, at least SOMETHING is on the way, something big, something evolutionary maybe, devolutionary perhaps, I don’t know, but could it all begin with this now headline-dominating “Chinese spy balloon?”

What might these alleged “spy balloons” be used for? I looked into it, & I found a few things. First, they could be used to release some kind of bioweapon, like a new virus, one that actually kills you on site. The worst part of that is that if you pop these “balloons,”…i.e. shoot them down, it releases the virus onto the hapless masses below. The Japanese already did this, 80 years ago in World War 2, & they tried it out on the Chinese, which is rather ironically ironic, isn’t it? Quite a turnaround China, if that IS in fact what you plan on using these balloons for. Who knows? Certainly not me, no idea what these “balloons” are for, as these are just rough speculations on my end. Gah, Ione thing though, I’m DONE calling them “balloons,” they’re BLIMPS, BLIMPS, unless I’m misunderstanding the defintionary difference between a “balloon, ” & a “blimp?” Let’s look it up, shall we? We’ll look up all the possible words to illustrate this mysterious craft, starting with “balloon,” of course.

Hmmm, I’m leaning towards the “airship,” & certainly “balloon” is last on the list. This “spy balloon” maneuvers, like an airship, NOT like a hot air balloon might, for instance. NOT TO MENTION IT’S THE SIZE OF THREE YELLOW SCHOOL BUSES, REMEMBER? Not a God damn “balloon,” & I’m sticking to it, so from now on, I’m going to call it one of the last 3 options above, but no longer a “balloon.” You can call it a “balloon.” Your fake news overlords will keep using the term, “balloon,” so don’t fret, but as for me, I’m calling it what it IS. Like when I see a male and/or a female, I’m calling it like it IS, not how someone “feels” it should be termed. You got TWO options, you pick One of ONLY two, TWO, genders. There’s ONLY TWO, no more, no less. It’s a binary world, naturally masculine or feminine, deal with it. Hot/cold, up/down, left/right, a BINARY world you bloody mental patients, but I digress yet again, as is par for my all-par-5 golf course. “Eagle chance every hole, because that’s how I roll.”~Fish F Fish. Back to the topic, yes, everyone will still have their proverbial “balloons” to look at, while something else you are NOT supposed to see, happens going the other way. Geez, I’m all over the place, we need to get this car back on the freeway. Where were we? Oh yes, bioweapon bioattack from the bio-blimpy dirigible airship from China. That’s plausibility numero uno. Kind of looked like something gassy came out when they shot it down, didn’t it? I’m sure it’s just from the missile, and/or the resulting explosion, but let’s look again, since I made the GIF, why not watch it again?


See that? Maybe just the gas, like the gas that kept it aloft, maybe helium, but not bio-gas. I don’t know, kinda spooky to watch though regardless, isn’t it? Now, what else might they use these airships for? Well, & this might prove to be the theory that comes true, but the next possibility is their utilization as EMP devices. That’s right, if one of these is rigged to let loose an EMP over a major city, and/or SEVERAL major cities, maybe all at once, POOF, ZimZaps, & the power goes out indefinitely, which I estimate would cause almost an immediate state of total pandemonium. No power means no internet, no gas, no ATMs, even no cars if the EMP detonation fries the electronics. Yep, nearly anything/everything that you can think of that uses electricity is no longer operational, in a literal flash. It would be absolute chaos. Not to mention, the power grid is exceptionally fragile & equally exceptionally vulnerable. I think the entire country relies on ONLY 9 power stations. Yes, I said 9, ONLY NINE, how sad is that? Is that really the best we can do in 100-plus years of using power lines to transport electricity? One could almost argue that this severe fragility was done intentionally? & where’s Tesla’s “free energy?” WHY ARE THERE STILL THESE GOD-AWFULLY PRIMITIVE POWER LINES EVERYWHERE? Seriously, stop & look at them sometime, & notice how they look just like they did back in 1923, more-or-less. Doesn’t it strike you as odd, that despite all of our other amazingly amazing technological advances in the last 100 years, we still use these past-their-prime power lines? I don’t get it, but what do I know, ya know? I’m just a teenage lobotomy grown up, still doing the cretin hop, gonna bop’ til I drop.

Yes, if an army of these weaponized airships, NOT “spy balloons,” but if a squadron of these unmanned dirigible airships comes across the Pacific, I’d say that it would be safe to presume that a hot World War 3 has begun. Why all of a sudden, why now? I don’t know. It’s THEIR game, not mine. You certainly can’t believe any of this narrative-driven scripted fake news anymore, at least I don’t, & whatever the Pentaqueef, sorry the Pentagon, says happened, has historically always been proven as misinformation and/or deceptively untruthful. Yep, all these scripted wag-the-dog narratives, ugh, makes it so tricky to speculate on what’s actual truth, & what is only pseudo-truth, doesn’t it? It’s so frustrating sometimes, to say the least. Well, they’ve shot the fucking thing down, so does the story end with all the debris scattering across the Atlantic Ocean, then sinking out of recovery range? Way to go, by the way, to you insanely incompetent morons at the Pentaqueef. If this “balloon” story is even real at all, GREAT job shooting it down, OVER THE FUCKING OCEAN, duh, now how are you gonna get the evidence? Don’t you want to examine the “balloon’s” payload for data-collection purposes? Yes? No? Oh wait, you can’t now, BECAUSE YOU SHOT IT DOWN OVER THE OCEAN YOU MANICALLY STUPID CLOWNS. Double duh, it’s just staggering, seeing these narratives…because either they’re really poor narratives, or these people really make these redundantly asinine decisions, over & over & over again, under the guise that people are so dumb, they’ll believe anything. It has to be scripted, right? Or maybe the general population really is this abysmally gullible? As long as it’s on television, it must be true, right?

Oh my, it looks like MY own script has written itself, once again, how synchronistically splendid. My circularity, from a script I cannot see, only hear, with ears that aren’t on my head, as I channel these words down in this digital diatribe, has come back around, looping herself once more for the daily Foozer. Sweet ouroboros, the beginning becoming the end, to become the beginning once again, birth to death, then born again. Circles, loops, the 3-6-9 of unlimited energy, just the 3d spatial spiral, spiraling into an unprecedented future though on the loops of 4d time, at least from OUR point-of-view. We’re much too small, stuck down here on too low of a dimension, the LOWEST spatial dimension in fact. We’re not vibrating fast enough to see the Great Loop, for it’s far too slow down here. We’re BARELY vibrating fast enough to stay conscious, & some are hardly maintaining the barely, as to their own respective consciousnesses. I’m amazed some people can wipe their own ass, is what I’m over-wordingly trying to barf out. It’ll be a wonderment if any of us make it back to 5d at this low-rate cab fare, back to the Great Loop, for it is there, there back in 5d. You remember once you’re back, as if you’d never fallen from 5d to 3d, & this 3d hell-ride is just a flash of a dream. There is another concept of 6d & 7d time there, there is so much more, so much we’ve lost by falling down, so much more THERE, but down here, nope, nothing even remotely close, other than this insane person typing this delusional drivel you’re reading. THIS is as close as you get to 5d here, through ideas, via channelings channeled from destinations unknown. Oh, but it’s time to go. That was a fun wrap-up, yes? Until next time, I leave you with what I just illustrated in this final paragraph to ponder. Eat all my fish. Eat as much as you like, take home a doggie bag, send it back to the chef half-eaten, or take a bite, spit it at the waiter, flip over the table, & dash on the bill. We, who are here, abide nonetheless. So sayeth FisH™🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all.