Kozyrev Mirror Magic

Wow, talk about mind blown, dang. I’m referring to the video linked below, because prior to watching this about an hour ago, I had never heard of this Kozyrev Mirror thing. One word: FASCINATING. Yes, quite fascinating, & so as I always do when I’m fascinated by something I’ve never heard of, I’m doing my own deep dive to learn more. Something ain’t right in this world…period. You can feel it, & hell, you can even see it now, if you use the right eyes. Do not be deceived; I know something is going on for fuck’s sake, something YUGE, but what that is, I do not know for sure yet. I’m always digging though, diving deeper & deeper, like I’m stuck in a Vivarium, with nowhere else to go. In fact, this wonky world almost IS a real-life Vivarium, for nearly everyone, & if you haven’t seen that movie, I HIGHLY recommend it. Regardless, check out the video below, if you are green on the Kozyrev Mirror phenomenon.

Click HERE and/or the video above to watch…MUST WATCH

I’m not the first to speculate on this, I hope, but perhaps the powers-that-be are using various versions of Kozyrev Mirrors to alter future timelines to there own respective advantages, & we regular folks are living these changing timelines, in real time. The effects vary subjectively…some people are going insane, some people are turning to drugs, some people are exceptionally compliant, & some of us are just noticing these changes & wondering what dafuq is really going on in this world, because this doesn’t seem natural, does it? Like I said, maybe it’s just me, but this world has the stench of artificiality all over it, or maybe I’m just one of the ones going insane, but nonetheless, any of those scenarios could imply that they ARE, in fact, using these “magic mirrors” to jump into different timelines. I’d love to hear more on this, since I just discovered it myself recently, & have been ultra-fascinated since. Fire away mad lads…the FisH™ abides🎏