Roller Coaster World




Sometimes I come across information that is… there really isn’t a word, because the word disturbing isn’t strong enough, information that is so beyond disturbing, it just confuses one to see how low humanity has sunk and continues to sink. While many here in America will be celebrating Memorial Day tomorrow, where will Der Fuhrer Obama be? He apparently just surprised some soldiers with a visit in Afghanistan this morning, so can Air Force One really get back here and have him ready to go by tomorrow? Or will he be conveniently out of the country, should something occur. Now before you read further, make a mental note that I am in NO WAY advocating any sort of false flag and/or globalist staged event tomorrow.

IN NO WAY…continuing…

Back to the disturbing stuff, because I know you are itching to know what that might be. Let’s start with disturbingness number one: Ever heard of ISIS? Not mentioned very much via the MSM. until earlier tonight. They aired a report via 60 minutes about a group called ISIS, the letters break down into something like Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and apparently they are, and I quote, “ultra-extremists.” So extreme in fact that Al Qeada, or Al Qiada, (seems like they change the spelling at random)… anyway, the group known as Al Qeada, who is really run by the CIA, have denounced the atrocious violence this group unleashes. I’ll leave it up to YOU to run the term “ISIS terrorist” through a search engine. What you find will be shocking, VERY shocking, so YOU have been warned….

I have sadly bore witness to numerous video clips of graphic footage throughout out my time on the Internet, as I’m sure many of you have. Some I wished I never watched, yet to just ignore the depravity of humanity play out via the high technology of current modern media just isn’t how I roll. As a soul traveler, gathering as much experience and knowledge is part of the big game, remember? Now with that being said, what I watched these ISIS guys do earlier was in two big words… FUCKED UP. I couldn’t tell who was who, everyone was yelling Allah al Akbar, “glory to Allah”(Muslim God?)…after watching this I’m pretty sure these guys are all absolutely out of their fucking minds. Forcing people to dig their own graves, then executed, BLAM, right in the back of the head. I watched a gun battle where apparently these ISIS guys OVERWHELMINGLY slaughtered the other guys. Tremendous overkill, riddling dead bodies with hundreds of bullets. Absolute savages, assuming the footage is real of course. Again, they all looked alike to me, like seriously, how the fuck do they tell each other part? Guys getting shot of their mopeds as they sped down the street, moving car drive-bys, all wearing the same shit, speaking the same language, so surreal. Basically I ended up seeing about ohhhh…. 50 to 60 live murders as I looked into this, so again…


Flowing with a roller coaster theme, let’s shift real quick to some other reported extreme violence, right here in America. You should have heard by now, Elliot Rodger, rich kid son of Hollywood director, prescription drugs, Asperger’s Syndrome, video games, manifesto, crazy fucking Youtube videos, guns, knives, blah blah blah blah blah. ALWAYS pouting a finger at anything other then the mind that plotted to commit the act. Now of course, right after this reported event, a supposed victim’s father openly blames the NRA and guns themselves, at least this is what the MSM is spinning. DO NOT BELIEVE WHAT YOU SEE. Were YOU there? Now I’m not saying this is or is not legit, but it STINKS of yet another staged scripted bullshit story to promote an agenda. Numerous fallacies, this kid reported kills ALL THREE of his male roommates with a knife. His Youtube channel is still up, take a look at this insanity. How could a little scrawny guy like that successfully murder THREE male roommates with a knife? Notice this rampage didn’t begin with a gun, but with knives, yet the MSM shows a “victim’s father” blaming guns, blaming the NRA. See where I am going here? His father, a successful Hollywood director, part of the Hunger Games franchise, not too hard to create some scenes, create a story, and in particular, offer his own son as a sacrifice for globalist illuminati devil worshipping Luciferian scum to gain more power for himself, spinning it all out via the MSM, who just follow the script they are given. Would it really be so hard? I can tell any and/or all of you, as an amateur film-maker, it would not be hard to put this all together.

Check out the Youtube channel… see what you think. Put Elliot Rodger in the search query. Yes, they left his channel up, at least it was up earlier, while I have COUNTLESS friends who have had videos removed for content, yet this supposed psycho killer’s channel just stays up, no problem?…hmmmm….

And the roller coaster turns again, so what about tomorrow, Memorial Day here in America, big day for patriots and veterans and soldiers, yet where is the President going to be? As I mentioned in the beginning…he was in Afghanistan this morning, will he be back in DC tomorrow, or conveniently out of the country? Again, NOT SAYING ANYTHING WILL OR WILL NOT HAPPEN. However, say this were a game of Risk, and I had my territories in Russia and China and Iran and India and Africa and Southeast Asia, I’d be taking Australia real quick, fortifying my troops along the border with Europe, preparing to invade North and South America, posing myself for total global domination, just as the New World Order globalist scum are doing. The US launched a “secret”(LOL) rocket into space earlier. What was on this rocket? Something that could be detonated on an important holiday in America? A nuke? An EMP? Something they can blame on someone else as an excuse for war? Or will it just be another Memorial Day as always in the good old USA? Beer, cook-outs, fireworks, fun at the beach? The game of Risk doesn’t get quite so involved, but the concept is the same, total global domination. I have played this game a lot, and one thing I can assure you of is that in order to win, you must be able to think as your enemies. Your enemies weakness is your advantage. Sun Tzu probably has something similar, but that’s not important. What IS important is that if YOU were in control, if YOU were Putin, and YOU had to deal with a pathetically weak President, who holds valuable territory and wealth and resources, what would YOU be contemplating? Better yet, what are the globalist scum who are playing this game for real thinking? 

And here comes the big loop, take your hands off the rail, don’t be scared to THINK… roller coasters are fun, aren’t they? Before I leave you all, since we’ve crossed the 1000 word mark, you all get a bonus on this ride. Here comes the biggest story I came across today, announced TODAY, YES TODAY, just before Memorial Day in America, and that story is this:


Not making this up. Look it up. Now how ironic is it that the President is out of country, secret rocket launch, reports of  potential World War 3 being insinuated on a global scale, crazy fucking terrorists, all while Americans are being distracted by numerous special interest agendas or are too programmed and brain-dead to turn off their televisions, but even more distracted particularly tomorrow, because so many will be grilling out, drinking, off work, whatever tomorrow, it’s a national holiday, and a relatively patriotic one. Seems like an ideal time to strike if you are an enemy, does it not? Even better, to MAKE IT SEEM LIKE AN ENEMY STRIKES, in order to further the ultimate agenda of total global domination. Do you think all this information that numerous other sources besides myself have cited and documented is not real. These globalist pigs REALLY WORSHIP LUCIFER. THEY REALLY WANT A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, YES A NEW WORLD ORDER. NOT FAKE, VERY REAL. They are into all sorts of secret shit that YOU would be clueless about had the Internet not been released from military control. Perhaps that was part of their plan however. Control the information, control what the society thinks it believes, right? It just spins and spins and turns and loops and gets crazier and crazier. One of these days, the roller coaster is going to derail and fling humanity out into the void in the process, at least that is one plausibility, maybe humanity can still save itself. Good luck with that, to the 85 to 90% still asleep. Keep eating crap, getting fat, polluting your bodies, remaining docile and complacent, good obedient humans, good slaves, shhhh… just keep watching the television and NOT thinking, that’s exactly what they want. Or will YOU finally have the courage to take YOUR hands off the handrail and really ride the roller coaster? When the changes come, they will come fast, and doing something I’ve never done before, I will steal a quote from a movie here… “My soul is prepared. How’s yours?” (From Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade)… irony everywhere. Life is irony, comedy blended with tragedy, at least the life in this lower dimension of duality, but I am not going to re-re-re-digress into all that now. If YOU don’t know, maybe it’s too late for YOU. This blog is filled with bridges and walkways, but it is YOU who decides to make those steps happen, not me. All the answers for YOU lie within YOU, I am just here translating, remember.

Enjoy the day off tomorrow. Cheers. Love to all.