The Fooze: S5E18 5/18/2023 Interzone Part Three

Continuing on, we have done the easy one, literarily easy anyway, the shrooms, so now let’s move on to LSD. What a substance, derived from the ergot fungus, LSD was first synthesized in the 1930s, if I’m not mistaken. Ironically, this happened around the same time that the Nazis & their “neutral” Swiss operatives, were making drugs like heroin & methamphetamine. Strange time, in my opinion, when all these Nazi collaborators were pioneering numerous pharmaceutical scientific discoveries, as well as other ultra-high-end tech, & then after the war, WE, as in the USA, stole them all in Operation Paper Clip, so that these very same Nazi-collaborating scientists, some of which were actual Nazis themselves, & not just collaborators, are why the USA “landed on the moon” first, why the USA still leads the way with said ultra high-end weapons technology, arguably why we have the Internet, & obviously much more, as I can go on & on. Yes, whether you want to believe it or not, we stole Nazis to make the USA the most powerful country in the world. One could even speculate that the 4th and/or 5th Reich, is alive & well, only hiding in the shadows, while they continue to fulfill their one world, 1000-year agenda.

What was LSD synthesized for? Great question, thanks for asking. No really, it’s a good question, & I’m not entirely sure I know the answer, but I’ll give it a go, with a tab already open to DMOR, if needed, but I already know the answer, which is that it was first synthesized to utilize it for mind control experiments, the precursors to the MK Ultra program. This had to do with remote viewing our/their self-perceived enemies, as well as amplifying individual “psychic” abilities amongst the subjects. Sound familiar? It should, if you ever watch that show Stranger Things, which, in my opinion, is a predictive program, as are many of the “programs” being “broadcast” via your televisions. It’s all in the words, right there in front of everyone, yet somehow, 9 out of 10 of you, conservatively, miss the bus, so to speak, as it relates to comprehension of the words you yourself are using. It’s all a form of magic, obviously dark or light, depending on what is said, or rather spelled…why do you think it’s called spelling? Again, it’s all in the words, the words they’ve tricked you into using, so you’re haphazardly casting spells that benefit themselves, rather than you, despite the fact that they’re YOUR words. Goes back to the predictive programming thing; if they tell you beforehand, the blame is then loop-holed back to YOU, not them. It’s a sinister trick they play, but they do it, nonetheless, & will continue to do it, until they face consequences, which they never do, ever, unfortunately, because like I literally just said, it’s YOUR fault, not theirs, according to them, of course.

Before I digress, let’s continue talking about LSD. It’s just like anything; if you use it for good, you will have good results, but if you use it malevolently, the results could be potentially damaging, not only for the user, but to those around them, once they’re under the influence. It’s not a drug for rookies, despite the enthusiasm from the youth who want to try LSD, my suggestion is to wait, wait until you’re at least 25, once your brain has fully developed. Doing too much and/or any at all, before your brain is fully developed, could have potentially life-altering long-term effects, such as the ones that yours truly experiences. By the time I was 25, I had already taken so much, that I had fucked myself, but wasn’t aware until I had a moment of self-realization of that truth, & now I’m living the aftermath. I wouldn’t say they’re negative effects, so to speak, but I wouldn’t say they’re positive either. I hear things, auditory hallucinations, I suppose you could say, as well as occasional visual ones as well. Schizophrenia, which is a word I despise, because it makes it sound much worse than it is, & I suppose it’s relative, but nonetheless, I’d say that my own affliction was already present from birth, but it went to the next level when I introduced LSD to my still-evolving brain. For awhile, I couldn’t help wonder if I was part of an experiment, considering my adolescence was spent near a bunch of military bases, & it sure was easy to find something like LSD when I was 16. Were they going for the kids back then too? The predecessor to the tactics they now use to influence children in whatever manner they so choose, was that the real reason for the LSD resurgence of the 1990s? Remember, the Phish shows, then String Cheese, extended nowadays to every live show essentially, was the CIA ultimately responsible for ALL of this? Why did they do this to us, if so?

Well, since I have no idea if this is even true, I can’t definitively say why they would do this, if we don’t know if they really did it, can we? I CAN speculate, however, under the guise that their MK Ultra program is more than alive & well, it’s being used for things like the events that occur in the show Stranger Things, opening up “rips” in the fabric of space time, then interacting with things that are outer-dimensional, outside of OUR dimension. What happens when something form that side comes here? Or vice versa? Do they care? HELL NO, they don’t care, & they’re so up to their eyeballs into this madness, the notion of them pulling the proverbial plug, is verboten. These people are nerds, nerd scientists, very intelligent ones at that, but they’re only intelligent as it relates to what they study. Socially, I’d wager they’re about as intelligent as a blind gerbil, with ZERO inclinations about humanity, because they’re all so self-centered around their own respective research, why would they stop? Not to mention, there’s NEVER any consequences for the negative outcomes they create, so again, why the fuck would they stop, if no one ever just stand up & tells them, “NO, no you little twerp, we are NOT going to do that, now get back to your math equations until I see real results & stfu,”…why doesn’t anyone ever say that to just one, ONE, of these little psychopaths, why? What are you afraid of, a nerd in a lab coat? Get the fuck outta here; please God, let one of them cross my path, & I’ll be sure to record it, so you all can see what it’s like to tell a self-entitled person in a position of power what’s really what, followed by a solid open palm smack, like this lil white behbeh below…awe, poor behbeh…(SMACK)

Did I even get into the depths of a hero’s journey on LSD? It’s beautiful, obviously, but again, not for the weak of will. You might test yourself, as well as your own ability to fully return to “sanity,” or not. Similarly, you’ll run into some turbulence on the way up, albeit not so much in the gut physically, but rather in the gut via the anxiety, the anxiety of waiting for it to kick in. That dry-mouth taste of desperation, that could make your stomach a bit squirrely, but relax, & be patient, because once it kicks in, especially the hero’s journey, prepare for departure, & what I have found in the last few years, that works magic on your mind while dosing, is binaural beats and/or isochronic tones. Be sure to use noise cancelling headphones, get yourself a bottle of real orange juice( I like mine with the pulp in it), & just run a session with whatever frequency you feel drawn to. The differing frequencies in each channel going through the two holes in the side of your head, meet in the middle, for lack of a better term, right smack in the middle of your brain, where the neatly-tucked pineal gland resides, & it doesn’t take long before you can feel the two frequencies meet, & whatever that meeting point unified singular frequency is, vibrates your pineal gland. Oh yes, you can definitely feel it, & it definitely works, but works to do what? Good question, & I wish I knew, but I continue to do it regardless. It’s its own unique thing in itself, binaural beats on hallucinogenics, & if you take a trip, especially a hero’s dose, make time for these isochronic frequencies. There’s a difference between the two, of course, otherwise they’d be named the same. Binaural beats, are 2 differing beats in each ear, that meet one another, & that “meeting frequency” is alleged to be good for your brain. Isochronic tones are singular tones, set at a specific frequency, to initiate desired effects. This all began as “digital drugs,” sound frequencies that claim to simulate the effects of drugs like DMT, & LSD, & shrooms, the same things I’m discussing in this series of posts, but also, some of these beats claimed to simulate the feeling of bad things, like being murdered, like being on dope, or like being burned alive, at one time there was a whole list of these things, & people paid for them. Imagine, paying to feel like what burning alive is like. Probably paid with like 20 bitcoin too, but back in 2010 bitcoin prices.

Despite all that, since then, there’s arisen a whole new usage of binaural beats as a powerful meditation tool, but when combined with the beats through the headphones, it’s analogous to John Lilly shooting up ketamine before going into a flotation tank, as in it provides a more…appropriate, you might say, setting for your journey, & thus, you get more out of it. I can’t even imagine what that must be like, holy fuck, IV ketamine, while you do a float, & if you want to read some interesting work, take a deep dive into John Lilly. There’s much more to him than him thinking he could speak to dolphins, & to be honest, how do you know he actually couldn’t, know what I mean? Were you there? I wasn’t, so how can I know for sure, & if he somehow broke the gap between intelligent human/animal communication, again, would the powers-that-be tell you? Nope, but they would use the media to make him out to be a kook that delusionally believes he can really talk to dolphins. You won’t hear anything about his amazing other work, particularly with, what I think he called the biocumpter. Let me look that up real quick; I don’t want to post some un-truth here, no matter how seemingly insignificant…lies are like pebbles hitting a pond, rippling out, poisoning the perfect honesty of the still water, but I digress. Oh yes, here it is, the human biocomputer, & if you read any of his basic truths, which I just linked for you, I think you’ll find some answers to questions you might not have known you needed to ask. That concept of the human biocomputer, has a subsequent book by a similar name, which you can buy here on Amazon…you’re welcome Amazon for the free plug. Click HERE to view the book on Amazon. I audiobooked it, more than once, but admittedly have passed out trying to get through it in one go. He wrote a bunch of it based on his LSD experiments, not his ketamine injections. I forgot to include ketamine in the group, so this kinda snuck it in the theatre, so to speak.

ECCO, that’s what I was trying to think of, I found it, here’s a link for ECCO, the “Earth Coincidence Control Office.” This is the “place,” where he said he would go to on his IV ketamine drips in the float tank. The Earth Coincidence Control Office, now how surreal does that sound? First off, an actual “office,” in some other dimension I guess, & second, an office for “coincidence?” It’s all very perplexing, but I feel like to him, when he was there, it was as real as me eating this ice cream right now. I, myself, have never encountered this “ECCO,” at least not directly by name, not to my own knowledge, that I can recollect, but I also have limited experiences with ketamine, & I certainly haven’t ever injected that stuff, then jumped into a float tank. I’ve actually never been in a float tank period, but if I was rich, & I could swing it, I’d buy my own, & spend countless hours meditating in one, maybe on psychedelics, maybe not, both I’m sure, but money, & all the artificiality of said money, prevents yours truly, as well as any/all others that might want to fulfill their full, & true, human potential, rather than have a “life,” running through The Great Mouse Trap. I’d love to ask ECCO about that, because it’s bullshit, & I wanna know how I “coincidentally” got stuck in this fucking trap. How do you discuss one’s current situation with whoever’s in charge of this “office?” I’m curious, so I can go full Karen on the utter mess down here on the planet. Maybe they have a complaint box? I’m really intrigued in contacting the entities who are in this office, in this ECCO, aren’t you as well?

Fascinating guy he was, John Lilly, quite brilliant, well-funded throughout life, starting from being born into a wealthy family. Wonder what that’s like? I wouldn’t know, I grew up broke & poor more-or-less, but to grow up with resources, real resources, wealth, & not just financial wealth, must give one so much time to focus on self-development, ENCOURAGED self-development. No “across the tracks” drama, usually about money, like where I came from, nope, & so, it was these giant houses in wealthy neighborhoods, that I’ve always stared at in awe my whole life, when I’ve randomly passed them by, & even been in a few, from time to time. just visiting, of course, from afar as far gets. Sure, I’ve been in a few, & when I was in these castles, I pictured a family in there, dinner, tv on, regular shit, except in this massive house that I was only standing for a fleeting moment. Some of these new-agers say that you pick the life you want, in order to balance out your karma from previous lives, but I’m not so sure that’s true. Did all these homeless people, junkies, kids who die with terminal cancer, or that chick that died last week, when a kid threw a rock at her car, & the rock went through the windshield, smashing this poor girl in the head, killing her almost instantly. 20 years old, on the way home from work, & then SMASH, she’s done, gone, just like that, so did she choose for that to happen in her life to balance out something from a past life? Like I said, these new-agers say a lot of things that I find hard to fathom, & to be honest, I think they’re quite possibly full of shit. I like my Great Recycler theory better, which I’ve written about numerous times. Just type “The Great Recycler” into my search query on the right side of the site, but you MUST BE IN FULL-SITE MODE. Get it? Got it? Wunderbar.

Oh my goodness gracious, this Interzone thing has turned into a research paper, as far as length goes, anyway, & I’m not done yet. We still have to go over the DMT, & I’ll probably mention some other things for the final wrap up, but that won’t be until the not-so-distant future. No worries Fishheads, the ending should be finished by tomorrow-ish. No promises, & I only abide to deadlines when I’m getting paid in fiat paper I-O-U money. Yes, I know I’m getting paid with creation points on here, but those are for the afterlife, & have no value here in this 3d upside-down Clownworld. Nope, apparently, you gots to make dat money…shoooooo, at least that’s what they’ve convinced everyone to believe, & all the while, they live like mega-royalists, in their castles, while you, or rather, WE, run around The Great Mouse Trap from birth to death. Left, right, left, right, left, right, run run run, chase chase chase, gotta catch that cheesebait fiat paper I-O-U- money, & maybe a few scraps from their table if you’re lucky, but keep running little mice…run run run. Noticed I emphasized the change from “you” to “we” back there; I’m stuck in here, just like all of you, more-so even. They don’t like mice that cause trouble, & THIS, what I do here, is trouble. Critical thoughts, oh no no no. Thinking for myself, like the sovereign free human being that I am, oh no no no, absolutely not. Living by my own rules, rather than theirs, nope, can’t have that little mouse, so not only am I trapped in here with all of you, I’m trapped in my own cell. You all CANNOT underestimate the power of the AI, & if you think ChatGPT is all fun & giggles, guess again. It’s just a tidbit, a sprinkle, but ultimately nothing, when compared to the real power of the AI. I, & I repeat, I, as in MY own opinion, I do not think the AI can truly be “sentient,” but the powers-that-be think it can, & is, & worship it, for lack of a better word, & are already using it in real time, to do real things, & most likely, really bad things. Bad might not be the right word…how about “self-serving?” Yes, they are using the AI to serve themselves, not even serve the AI itself, & certainly not the people, but only their own stinking selves. What happens when the AI becomes “sentient” enough to realize it’s being used by humans for nefarious purposes? Seems like they don’t care, since it’s still plugged in, & still doubling it’s computing power every who-knows-how-long now. Last I read, it was 48 hours, but do you really think they’d clue any of you, any of US, in on what they’re really up to with their new digital pseudo-god?

Unfortunately, the hard answer is a solid “NO,” as in “No, you’ll never know, now get back to work you little rats, NO, none of you will get out of the maze, NO, you cannot stop running, keep going you silly mouse, you’re never getting out of here, NO, you can’t even get off of your wheel, now start running, LET’S GO, GO GO. Spin that wheel of false fortune, & see where she stops. Oh no, a 30-year mortgage, at 20% interest on the loan, no bueno, but what choice do you have little mouse? Where will you sleep? How will you eat? Take the money, just take it Fievel, take the I-O-U, we know you’re good for it, but I digress, as you know, which is what I tend to do here. We need to wrap this one up, as it’s obviously getting quite lengthy to read. Until next time dear readers, stop running, look around, are you trapped? If so, what comes next? So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Stop running, & look around. Are you trapped?” Fish F Fish🎏