The Fooze: S6E27/2023 6/27/2023 Day & Night

A beautiful thing about walking on a sidewalk through the blackest of night under a moonless sky, is the street light you finally come to along your dark path. Oh look, there’s a bench under that light, so sit down, relax, enjoy the warm glow of the enlightenment from above, watch the moths & bugs gather round their artificial moon, enjoy the stillness, as a soft breeze rustles the shadows of the trees, & after you sit there for awhile, eventually the sun will rise, & ignite your whole world with its Divine light once again. Darkness is simply the absence of light, & the reverse, is an impossibility, so to speak, hence why the light will forever dominate the darkness, for there can always be a light in the darkness.

Remember the song, “What a Wonderful World,” sung by Louis Armstrong, The Great Satchmo, do you remember that heart-warming song? I can hear it in my head, as I write this, & I bet you can now too, while you read this. Then think of what this beautiful world is sadly devolving into. Yes, the world seems quite maleficent right now, sadly, does it not? There’s so much chaos, division, hate, selfishness, primal violence, all seven deadly sins wrapped up into one like a burrito of atrocious perversion, then celebrated, & yes, I know, it’s hard to hang on to the notion that “it’s a wonderful world,’ isn’t it? Do you know why this is, do you want to know why we are bearing witness to such hideousness, such wickedness, such utter immorality?

This is because the collective evil on 3d Earth is surfacing, like a pus-filled pimple, so full, it’s ready to pop. The darkness is coming into the light, attempting to manifest that said impossibility that I mentioned earlier, a darkness in the light, & it’s revealing itself to the whole of humanity, this hideous face of the Great Beast that embodies everything ugly in this seemingly forsaken existence. All that was in the proverbial shadows, is exposing itself, as the battle between the dualities, between light & dark, between good & evil, grows closer with every fleeting moment. The dualistic sides take their respective positions, facing one another on the spiritual battlefield, as a precursor to the sounding of the seven trumpets of the apocalypse. Which side will you be on, dear readers? Are you a warrior of Light, the true Light, wielding a fiery sword of righteousness? Or are you a minion of darkness, the false Light, fighting for Lucifer, the fallen angel of Light? Your soul knows which side you are on; you cannot deceive yourself, for there’s no denying what lies within your heart.

Of course, I’m detailing the war between good & evil with avatars, & I have no way of knowing whether or not the future will play out in such a manner as I just illustrated above. I’m no Biblical scholar, I’ve never completely read any books from the major religions, & to be honest, I personally believe the concept of “religion,” has been hijacked by those whose only aim is to subvert & manipulate the populous in order to control them, implying that they too, are nothing more than foot soldiers for the Darkness. I simply believe in light, versus dark, & good, versus evil, with no definitive archetypes, because these stories were created by man, by men who say they know God, as if anything 3rd dimensional could comprehend an entity that exists in the realms beyond the 5th dimension. Such imaginations we humans have, so yours truly only venerates the attributes that accompany the notion of boundless virtue, unconditional love, which is, in the most simplistic terms, just doing what is RIGHT. Inherently, somehow, we all know what is right, & what is wrong. It doesn’t matter how subjective one defines those terms as they relate to one’s own station in life, deep down, YOU know if something you are doing is right, and/or f what you’re doing is wrong, & furthermore, you know that God knows, so any/all inclinations of right & wrong are only subjective in man’s eyes, not in the eyes of God.

Oh my, yours truly has had quite a time over these last several weeks, as with each passing day, something new keeps floating to the surface, like a dead body that’s been tied with weights, & sunken into a lake, destined to break free once the decomposition gases within it explode, releasing it from its underwater bondage, only to float to the surface to be discovered by a would-be fisherman. As it turns out, this proverbial lake is filled with many bodies, & what was once just a quiet lake for fishing, has become a parade of funerals, for memories that were once missing persons, thought to be lost forever, sunken within the depths of thine own subconscious. That’s quite a descriptive analogy narrator, sheesh. I know, I know, but it just comes through the fingers, & yours truly lets it fly if its wings will allow so, but I digress, now where were we?

Oh yes, the visions, the dreams, these decades-gone recollections, one after another after another, they just keep coming & coming. I think that when most people hear the term, “spiritual awakening,” they assume it’s something positive, & uplifting, but no…oh no no no, it’s a whirlwind, & it’s nothing that anyone can expect, and/or plan for…it just happens, & you have only two options. One, is to curl up in the fetal position & pray to God for everything to go back to the way it was. This will only prove futile because once the seal on the Pandorian Box is broken, there’s no going back, or there’s the second option, which is to grab onto the captains wheel to ride out the storm while praying to God that your ship survives the seemingly endless barrage of rogue waves, continuously battering your ship, trying to drown you, to sink you back down into the murky depths of the darkness in a sea of utter hopelessness.

It’s no horse & pony show; this much, yours truly can assure you of. Such nebulous paragraphs via yours truly, for I can extend any of these blocks into buildings, skyscrapers reaching into he sky describing the facets of all these things occurring in this “wonderful world,” this 3d world we are all still stuck in. It begins with foundational awareness, for one cannot erect sound structures without fundamentals. Good quote, thank you, now moving on.

Some say the Earth is splitting…dimensionally dividing into two separate Earths, hence this surfacing of the darkness, which I mentioned at the beginning of they article. That’s right, a dimensional separation, as the 3d Earth will go one way, continuing to devolve furthermore into a God-awful prison planet perdition, a “Hell incarnate,” one might say, ruled by those who abide the will of the Fallen One, Lucifer, & bound to planetary isolation until they destroy themselves. As 3d Earth descends into abysmal pandemonium, those whose souls are bound to the One True Light of Source, within the Galactic Central Sun, will go another way, ascending to the 5d Earth, where there is no longer separation from God, & negativity ceases to be, existing forever back in Eden, the garden of Paradise, & bound forever within the beautiful bliss of Unconditional Love, as well as rejoining a Galactic Federation of ascended planets, & beings who inhabit said planets, within this galaxy & others. It’s so much to go into, but as I hinted to earlier, these are vague descriptions at best, for if I was to write all these paragraphs out into complete compositions, I’d have 4 new books that match the lengths of those long luminarial books written by intellectuals such as James Joyce.

As an afterthought, perhaps the “split,” I just discussed already happened, & we didn’t make it to 5d Earth, leaving us trapped here, in planetary isolation on 3d Earth, but as I said, this is merely an afterthought to ponder, for I can’t tell you definitively either way, since I do not know, unfortunately.

On that note, it’s time, time time time , time to wrap this one Foozer up, as I skipped a few days with these daily Foozers, replacing them with some random mind-ramblings that I just had to write down, then publish in place of daily diatribal Foozes. Almost to the end of the month, the month of June, the end of Pride Month, thank God, as hopefully, these perverted pedophilic degenerates will go back inside, & take their rainbow gear with them, for fuck’s sake. It’s right there in the words, “PRIDE month,” a celebration of sin, & although I am not religious, per se, I, of course, believe sin is real, running rampant, & pride, is most assuredly one of them, arguably the worst of the sins, particularly lately, so keep celebrating your queerness you filthy braggarts, because one day, a reckoning will come, whether it be in this life or the next. I don’t care what you do amongst yourselves, but once you openly proclaim, “WE ARE COMING FOR YOUR CHILDREN,” while pridefully parading your cocks in the faces of kids, you freaks have now crossed every line you can cross, & that kind of evil, will get you a one-way ticket to the Inferno, but that’s all I want to to say about that, for this post. Until next time dear readers, in which garden are the seeds of your soul sown? Only YOU know…& only YOU, will sow those seeds. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎣

“Which garden will you sow the seeds of your soul into?” Fish F Fish🎏


Soon As I Get Home Tonight

The latest vid…

…a medley of old war footage paired with a rock-poppy love song, sprinkled with a few effects.

Watch, enjoy, share,

or as always, feel free to change the channel.

When YOU are the Creator, YOU have the power.

Be the Creator.

More to come. Love to all. 

Hyperbole…Word of the Day

First off, DO NOT sign up for Obamacare. Fuck this puppet fascist president and his globalist pig scum agenda. I repeat, DO NOT REGISTER. Continuing on…the word of the day being zapped right at you is Hyperbole (<<<CLICK<<<). Yes I am sure many of you know the term, but do you know the definition? You’d be surprised, or maybe you wouldn’t, as to just how few out of a random selection of the populous know what this word means. Ask 10 random people. Anyway, it’s very simple, if you clicked the word above, or you already know, then take what YOU know and share to those who do not know. Especially a word like hyperbole, which is a term intertwined inside nearly every conversation you have. When you say, “damn, it’s hotter than hell out,”… that’s hyperbole, just an exaggeration to point out a strong sentiment towards something. Now think, how many times do YOU yourself do this daily? Now think how often you hear others do it. Now think about how often hyperbole is over-used to emphasize factuality when in fact there is a lack of factuality present. See where I am going?…Many of these sites that offer information use hyperbole as a tool to garner belief toward whatever notions they are presenting at the time. YOU must be aware of this when researching, YOU must be able to see through exaggerations to find out what is really true and what is not. Do YOU understand? I’m sure YOU do, now use this day to pay attention to the hyperbole around you as well as your own hyperbole. Maybe even use hyperbole in a sentence, but the point is just to be cognizant of hyperbole, now that YOU have recalled what hyperbole is. And as mentioned earlier, if YOU already know, great, good for YOU, so what are YOU doing with your knowledge? Hoarding it for yourself?…or sharing and trying to help others help themselves? Remember Plato’s Cave(<<<CLICK<<<)… even under the price of death, it is the task of the enlightened to risk descending back to those still trapped inside shadows and echoes, in order to help them ascend and free themselves from their own shackles. Are YOU outside of the cave, in the enlightenment of the Sun? Or are YOU still content being locked inside your prison? It’s up to YOU, not me, I am only here to show YOU the way. YOU must choose to walk through the door, here is YOUR key, what will YOU do? More to come, wide eyes open. Love to all. 


A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon

Many of you are content to believe most, if not everything, that these globalist pig scum perpetrate via the MSM. Why? Why is the broadcasting of some event make it factual? Especially now, with the huge advances in CGI, cinematography, etc?… Why? It would seem so many have been indoctrinated to automatically assume all “news” is real, that they have lost their ability to question what is called “reality.” One of the greatest examples of fake news are the so-called “moon landings.” Oh wait…you still thought they were real?…guess the joke is on YOU then, isn’t it? 

Before you jump to calling me a conspiracy theorist, why don’t you try doing some research into this subject and see what our own eyes will tell you. Now I myself have known for some time that these “landings” were staged, however, I didn’t know the extent to which these events had been manipulated then presented to the public as fact. I didn’t know that Stanley Kubrick, arguably my favorite film director, was actually behind these stagings. Oh yes, you can know something, and then go deeper, and realize you didn’t quite know all you thought. That is why I always tell you all over and over and over again to STAY OPEN-MINDED. How can you not, considering the level of deception that has been unfurled upon the populous. We are only now, with advent of the internet and the alternative media, able to discern what is true history and what has been orchestrated via the powers that be.

Now I am not going to go piece by piece, illustrating each part of the “fakeness” of these alleged landings, that is why I linked this video for you all. Very interesting production in itself, which uses evidence and common sense to point out all of the fallacies now revealed in relation to the scam which is the moon landing. But this is just a start, for those of you who are hell-bent on continuing to believe in the integrity of these globalist pigs who really run everything. After you watch the above video, should you choose to watch it, I implore all of you to keep going, dig deeper, discover the truth for no one else but YOU. I could care less what you believe or think you believe in, YOU are the ones who ultimately suffer by allowing yourselves to keep being fooled by these elitist bastards. When is enough enough? How much longer will you let them keep shoving shit into your mouth before you close your lips and say, “No More?” How long? Because they are doing the same shit right now, same protocols, same controlled and manipulated information being funneled through a handful of outlets, all ultimately giving you the same orchestrated stories. We are here to unravel these orchestrations and give YOU all the real reality. But YOU can do this for yourselves. Use the tools you have, do not believe what you are given at face value, especially what you are told via the MSM. Control, control, control, control, control. When will you all wake up and see? That is up to YOU, not me. More to come, wide eyes open. Love to all.

Man Sets Himself on Fire in Washington, D.C. >>GRAPHIC<<

I’m just finding out the details of this horrific story…. Apparently, a yet to be identified, what looks to be a black guy, set himself on fire yesterday on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.  He is now reported dead from that incident, and it was all videotaped possibly by an unknown accomplice for unknown reasons. Check out this link...CLICK HERE>>> News: Man sets himself on fire at National Mall, one witness says his accomplice filmed the entire ordeal   This link has more pictures, I am going to copy and paste all of them on here from there for you, or you can just click the link. There are links you can read, but why is this not being talked about more on the MSM. I had to dig for this, and where is all the footage if this happened at the National Mall in the nation’s capital? What was this guy doing this for? There are many pieces of this puzzle being left out… why? Look at the pictures, read the story, then YOU decide what YOU think about it.

Do you remember the image from the Vietnam War of the guy burning himself up in supposedly in protest of the war? He did this to bring attention to the persecution of other Buddhists in Vietnam. Yes, burned himself alive, can you imagine what that must be like?    Many of you have seen it before, but do any of you actually know who the guy was who did this to himself? His name was  Thich Quang Duc  and if you click on his name there, you can read all about him. As I said, he was a Buddhist monk, here is what he looked like in life before he barbecued himself to death….    What a peaceful and stoic-looking individual. Very solemn, wise, piercing eyes that seem to see right through you. In many ways, this picture is as illustrative as his more important image posted above of him actually on fire. That image is one of the most influential images ever recycled around the world. It has become an image of protest against any entity which seeks to oppress you. This man did this to himself in his late 60’s. Before that, he led a life giving all of himself to his Buddhist beliefs, building temples, spreading peace and love, but also fighting to prevent his Buddhist brothers from being further terrorized by the South Vietnamese government, finally committing an ultimate act of sacrifice, his flesh, his body, and his life, just to etch that image and that message into history forever. Could YOU be so insanely courageous for what you think you believe in?

Now, back to this guy that burned himself up yesterday on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.  As I said earlier, breaking news just informed all of you that this guy has died. So he has doused himself with gasoline, and burned himself alive until dead, only a short distance from the United States’ National Capital. Now, when Thich Quang Duc did it, there was an intel report prior stating that “something significant would happen at a certain intersection at a certain time,” which it did, even though the report was more-or-less overlooked… until the event actually happened. Then that image of Duc in mid-flamage was circulated around the world, evolving into the iconic symbology it now speaks at this time. But this image of this guy yesterday isn’t circulating the same way at all.  No prior warning… BUT… there is a report that this was all filmed from beginning to end, to be revealed by an accomplice of the guy to the media at some future date, which I linked above. So what exactly do we have going on here?…

We have these images like the first one up there, the guy partially on fire, his burning body blurred out, but certainly not engulfed. I mean, look at this… Passersby who saw the man rushed to his aid, several ripping off their shirts to help put out the flames.

For God’s sake, just throw a cup of water on him. I am certainly not trying to joke around about this, but come on, he’s barely on fire, and if you scroll down the images, look at the rate of burning…

'A guy took his shirt off, ran over ... (to) start trying to beat the flames out,' a witness says. 'A couple other joggers also stopped to help.'

The man reportedly thanked the joggers who came to his aid before he was taken to MedStar Washington Hospital Center.

And why are there only still images? It takes an extra second to flip your cell phone over to record mode, and this happened on the National Mall? With cell phones and cameras EVERYWHERE? WHY ISN”T THERE MORE FOOTAGE?

It makes no sense. This doesn’t make sense. Are you done?

Oh wait, here is ONE image…ONE lone image of something engulfed in flames, but the pic looks like it was taken from a fucking football field away…. imagine that….

The self-immolation left the man with burns on 80% of his body. Witnesses said his body was charred and his arms and face were white.    … and this is what you get for now…. until the story is either disappeared or orchestrated in some way that diverts what actually “happened” in favor of some agenda. I just found one more image of what appears to be someone or something engulfed in flames, but again, why the distance, and where is the recording in all this?…ImmolationNationalMall

It just seems strange, and it definitely isn’t like what the Buddhist monk did at an intersection in Saigon over 50 years ago. That event was a statement, a powerful statement, that will reverberate as long as history can still be recorded. When someone sets themselves on fire, with the intent of burning alive until dead, to preserve what they believe in, that’s a big fucking deal. This story is not a big fucking deal apparently, at least not yet. Did YOU even know it happened at all until you read this? This is all just coming out though and as you all have seen over and over and over again, the story always changes. If anything more comes of this, I’ll be sure to update for all of you. Empower others with the knowledge I empowered you with in this post. Did you know who Thich Quang Duc was and is before you read this? Now you do, and now you can share, and sharing knowledge and empowering each other as we empower ourselves should be a main focus of the populous now. Your enemy, the globalist pig scum, know YOU, do YOU know them, or what THEY have on their agenda? Stay informed, more to come, Wide eyes open. Love to all.