Hunted Biden

Let’s Talk News…Straight Arrow News

“News,” as in “what’s new,” & what’s new, that’s going on locally, nationally, and/or globally, as a compendium, we call “the news.” We all like keeping up with current events, we want to know the story, the REAL story, & that’s the role of said news, to report on real stories, to report on real events, when they happen, as they happened, as factually as possible. Well, as anyone with, at the very least, a proverbial hamster in their head running on an equally proverbial wheel knows, the news, has been a continuous agglomeration of all of the chaos going on around the planet, most often reported (if you can call reading a teleprompter “reporting”) in some kind of quasi-hyperbolic manner, in order to keep people watching their UN-respectable respective news channels. It’s few & far between when there’s ever any GOOD news they report on though, is there?…so it equates to as I said, an exaggeratedly jumbled mess of all that’s chaotic, all that’s negative, all that’s shocking, because that’s what gets peoples’ attention these days, isn’t it? “Shock & awe,” sells; that’s the bottom line. The worse it is, the better it is for ratings, & so that’s what gets publicized, whether it’s publicized visually or via the written word. Now, let’s pursue some so-called news & see what’s going on then, shall we? We’ll spin the figurative globe & start wherever our finger lands, musing the latest articles, and/or whatever’s “breaking,” & work our way through it. Of course, I’m not going to be including fake news mainstream media propaganda outlets like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, but wait, hang on a second…are they any real news outlets left?

Sure there are, only you won’t find them being broadcast via the televised programming that most people are brainwashed with, oh no no no, since the legit news networks would offer truth, & Clownworld doesn’t abide truth, & thus, is verboten, hence why you have to know where to find it. Here, we ONLY search for the real news, like hunting for diamonds on a beach. That’s right, & you all should know this by now, that yours truly ONLY researches REAL news, REAL events, the delivers it to all of YOU. because that aforementioned programming, is what has not only ruined the minds of many people, it has knowingly programmed them with an entirely false sense of what the REAL reality even is. It’s right there in the words…”broadcast programming,” so if one wants to find real news, they have to utilize sites like The Gateway Pundit & Breitbart, for example. These two sites compile the ACTUAL news of the day, without spin, without subjectivity, & without writers and reporters who work for the CIA, spewing out whatever wag-the-dogish garbage they are told to, as well paid to, barf out all over the daily turning of the zeitgeist windmill. Obviously, I could go right to either of those two sites I just spoke of, as those who seek real news do, but today, I am focusing on an up & coming news organization that may rival the two sites I just mentioned, albeit a friendly rivalry, for when it comes to the truth, one not cares how it’s delivered, only that it IS, in fact, delivered, in real-time, on-time. “What news site could FisH™ be referring to?,” you might be wondering. Great question, thanks for asking.

This site, which yours truly just recently discovered himself, & added to the title above, as well as bookmarked for himself, is SAN, the Straight Arrow News Network. What shoots things straighter than an arrow?…& on top of having a clever monicker, they have a team of dedicated contributors who filter out the truth from the lies, & give people the FACTS, not the fiction, offering a genuine perspective as opposed to the false conclusions drawn from that scripted-narrative nonsense being broadcast through your televisions. Their site is as professional as it gets, & I HIGHLY recommend that you download the app to your digital devices, turn on the notifications, & with that being said, let’s dive right in to today’s latest articles posted on SAN, & see what’s going on in a world, where the tide seems to FINALLY be turning from fantasy to reality. Many people are becoming increasingly turned-off by those erroneous scripted narratives, & just want to know what the hell is really going on. You can only lie to the public for so long, before the fickle nature of the mob grows cold at the thought of biased reporting being peddled by agenda-pushing peddlers who want nothing more than to get clicks, get paid, & propagate fear & anxiety, rather than simply telling the damn truth. Has it really become so outlandish, so offensive, telling the truth? It sure as, to the point of exiling those of us who DO the tell the truth, particularly yours truly, who has spent the last 6-7 years in the digital gulag for doing just that, exposing the truth, & writing about it here on this site.

SAN, Straight Arrow News…now that could catch on quickly, could it not? Giving it to you STRAIGHT, no bullshit, no fodder, just the honest-to-God truth as to what happens, when it happens, why it happens, & how it may or may not affect you directly…yes YOU, US, WE The People, the people who want to know the truth, & nothing but the truth. Okay, now let’s get into it. Dit-dit-dit-dit…dit-dit-dit-dit…first off, looks like Hunter Biden, the crack-smoking, prostitute-soliciting, degenerate son of the pseudo-POTUS Potato Joe Biden, that illegally “won” the 2020 election, via ballot harvesting, rigged voting machines, & corrupt vote-counters, has evidentially been caught yet again in even MORE nefarious activities, as if that’s shocking to anyone at this point. That’s correct, as it seems that newly released WhatsApp messages have been uncovered, detailing an exchange between Hunter Biden, & an employee from a Chinese energy company, orchestrating a $10 million deal for “favors,” & you can read all about it on SAN, by clicking HERE. FisH™ absolutely detests plagiarism or any theft of one’s intellectual property, & thus, attributes all credit to the details of the stories I will list, to the writers who actually wrote them, which I why I will simply do a quick paraphrasing of the published headline, provide the link to the story, then move on.

Up next…hang on, hang on a second, you know what, dear readers? If I continue to do this, this article will stretch the length of 197 combined attention spans, so what I think the best thing for YOU to do is, dear readers, is to go to SAN yourselves, the Straight Arrow News site, & do your own reading, for YOU, not for me. I can only illustrate their professionalism so well, & without YOU seeing it for yourself, what are we really accomplishing here? Nothing, so yes, just go tot he site, & read for yourselves. I am just happy I discovered this nascent site, so I want you to be happy discovering it as well for yourselves. SAN needs our support, the support of the American population, because with the collectively continued support of we who are sick & God-damned tired of being lied to on a seemingly never-ending basis by Operation Mockingbird mainstream media outlets like CNN, the Straight Arrow News Network will quickly grow, & become as big as the sites we are are already familiar with, sites like The Gateway Pundit & Breitbart. I am simply here to help, & to contribute whenever I can to promoting any/all news outlets that expose the REAL reality of what’s going on in this topsy-turvy world we are all stuck in together. The people want TRUTH…period. If they wanted fantasy, they’d watch Netflix all day, & before I digress into a diatribe about how too many people DO watch too much Netflix all day, I am going to wrap this article up. I just wanted to bring attention to SAN, The Straight Arrow News, so that hopefully, the few readers that still can see me, despite the AI-driven relentless shadowbanning of my site here, have another option as to where to go to find TRUTH, in a world that sadly still revolves around the lies & deception being broadcast by alphabet-agency-controlled propaganda broadcasters, like those that come free with your monthly cable bill.

Unfortunately, these days one has to look beyond the reach of their remote control to find out what the real news is all about, & if you can click a mouse, you can click on SAN, The Straight Arrow News website, see for yourselves, & then go a step further by bookmarking it, whether on your phones, your tablets, and/or your computers, adding it to your reading lists on those devices as well, & lastly, setting notifications to “ON,” so that YOU, are informed when real news breaks, & can rely on SAN to cover whatever those future breaking news events might be. Trust the reporters, writers, editors, & publishers at SAN to bring you the FACTS, & avoiding the fictions, so that YOU know what’s going on as soon as it happens, keeping you one step ahead of the fake news, & two steps ahead of the globalists who fund those Operation Mockingbird, scripted-narrative-driven propagandists, who only use their platforms to control the people, not to inform them. Until next time dear readers, listen to FisH™, who has never lied to you, or steered you wrong, especially as far as the truth goes, & download SAN, The Straight Arrow News app, to your respective devices now. If you want truth, you can always find it here, & wherever I direct you, is where to find where yours truly find the truths, the truths that I report to you. Again, that’s SAN, The Straight Arrow News. Click on it now, for YOU, not for me, for your sake, not for mine. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“ONLY facts matter, not fiction, as it relates to the daily news.” Fish F Fish🎏

These Dreams & Ear Rings

I have no idea what’s going on in my head, but if I’m lucky enough to get a bit of sleep, I’m having these exceptionally lucid dreams, & this morning’s dream, was the kicker, arguably the most vividly surreal dream ever, & yours truly has had some doozies. This dream was so real, so bizarre, & only lasted an hour or so, in 4d time, here in 3d Clownworld, & as usual, I woke up drenched in sweat, like soaking wet, & yours truly, was shivering via said cold sweat. The dream was real, it was so fucking real; I was there, wherever there was. Do you want an illustration? Great question, thanks for playing, so here it goes…

It began in something that resembled Google headquarters, surrounded by tech nerds that could’ve been Tri-Lambs, as they were as dorky as it gets. They were all giving me the stinky-stink eyes, & I kept asking, ‘What’s going on here?”…as if I knew something was up, & just as I shouted my statement to them, I noticed a tattoo on the top of my left hand, a tattoo of a burning sun, which kind of looked like the image below, except there was multi-colored clouds at the base of this strange sun. These nerds started saying, “You’re one of them,” but, “One of who?” I thought, & I kept asking & asking, but got no answers except the stinky eyes. Here’s a pic I found that resembled the tattoo closely, but like said, the clouds are missing. I could’ve photoshopped it, but I didn’t. Visualize it yourself; here it is…

This pic, that somehow I found, almost perfectly resembles the tattoo, minus the aforementioned clouds, right atop my left hand, & for some reason, it petrified this assembly of IT dorks, & they suddenly began to attack me, attack me not only verbally, but physically, & so, the war began…the one-man army, versus an army of pocket protectors. I had no fear, like ZERO fear, as I battled my way through this random onslaught of a nerd army. I also had no recollection…hang on, wait a second, there’s the ringing, this mysterious ringing in my ears. I don’t know why, but I get this ringing in my ears randomly, maybe 3-4 times a day. It’s gone now, but I wanted to interject with the ear-rings, because I think the lucid dreams, the visions, & these random ear ringings, are all connected somehow, but to what? I have no clue. It just happens, & it isn’t tinnitus for fuck’s sake. I did some online research, & it could be something connected to the spiritual awakening that’s happening to me, in real time, here on 3d Earth, or, it could be some kind of medical condition, of course…wah was wahhhhhhhh…fuck it.

Anyway, back to the dream, now where was I? Oh yes, the recollection, or rather, the un-recollection, of being here in Clownworld. No memory of phones, internet, my cat, friends, family, nothing, nothing from here was in my head when I was there, in some kind of outer-dimensional dreamscape. It was as if I switched bodies somehow, switched these ridiculous 3d meat suits, & I cannot explain why, not yet anyway. I was there though, like THERE THERE, & once the battling began, it got really intense. Like I mentioned, these nerds, maybe a few hundred or so, started coming at me, like to kill me, & so I fought, fought all of them, like William Wallace fought. I was knocking people out, left & right, snapping necks, kicking knees, & nerd guys, and/or dorky girls, it didn’t matter because I was fighting for my life, so everyone was fair game. I recall breaking what appeared to be a flagpole…GAHHHHH..there’s the ringing again, what the fuck is up with these ringings in my ears? It comes, low pitch to hit pitch, then back down, as it fades away. I wish I knew what it meant, because ;m 1000% sure it ain’t tinnitus damnit. I just changed the title, adding “ear rings,” since it has happened twice since I started writing this. What can it mean?

Regardless, back to the dream, & the battle between myself, & only myself, against an entire institution, if you will, of these angry nerds. Let’s see, oh yes, the breaking of the flagpole. I was grabbing anything, anything I could to defend myself, & one thing that I remember well, was kicking said flagpole, breaking it in half, with a jagged sharpened edge after I broke it. Some reprobate was coming right at me, I can recall his eyes, because I took that flagpole I broke, & shoved it right into his left eye, straight though to the brain, as if he was a zombie, dropping him dead, & I had zero, ZERO inkling of what I was doing being wrong. This was war, & apparently I’m a fearless killer on the subconscious battlefield. Moving on, the fight was on, & all the while they screamed, “YOU’RE ONE OF THEM, HE’S ONE OF THEM, GET HIM,” & they just kept coming, & coming, like roaches inn abandoned house, they were everywhere, & they all wanted to kill yours truly because of this burning sun tattoo on my hand. I kept pleading with them as we fought, saying “WHY??? Why are you attacking me? Please tell me why,” but as I said, all I heard was, “You’re one of them, you’re one of them.” ONE OF WHO?? WHAT? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE,” but all I got was their buzzphrase, & it had something to do with the tattoo, as I alluded to earlier.

All of a sudden, BANG, BOOM, as fires started erupting all around us, but where were these fires coming from? I looked to the area where the flames came flying through the air like a mini-meteor shower, & what did I see? It was a squadron, maybe 15-20 of these soldiers, AI soldiers, with guns that were shooting fireballs like mortar shells, but from their “guns, I guess you could say. They weren’t normal guns, so to speak, they were fireball guns, & when they fired them, balls of light came out that exploded into a raging inferno, similar to napalm, which scared the bejesus out of these nerds. It scared them so much, that the started screaming & running, but still directing their buzz-phrases at me…”He’s one of them, he’s one of them.” ONE OF WHO, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU NERDS WHINING ABOUT???”…it was so aggravating, & since I had no clue, I began to run away from the robots with them, as flames erupted all around us, burning the nerds alive, yet all the while, I had no fear whatsoever. I was so puzzled & intrigued by the tattoo on my hand, & so I stopped, after a brief jog with the runaway nerds.

When I stopped, the AI robot squad, got closer, & closer, until they were literally right beside me. They had no interest in me though, none whatsoever, as if they knew to only attack their enemies, & I guess I wasn’t their enemy, & so I watched them march by as they fired relentlessly into the crowd of hooligan nerds. They had no heads, per se, & in the place where a head should be, there were something that looked like a small handycam, with one eye in the front of it, so if you look at the pic here, their”heads,” looked like this, but instead of the lens, there was a single eye, moving like a human eye, but like a human eye on meth. Very strange, right, but that’s what I saw. They also had swivel waists, very thin, that their torso could rotate on a full 360 degrees, & they had armor, light/medium armor that looked like storm troopers, if you want something to compare it to something we all know. They all were carrying these fireball napalm guns, & as they got closer, & closer, as I said earlier, they didn’t even acknowledge me whatsoever, which was really odd I thought, as they marched right on by me, firing away on the nerds. Crazy, right?

As I mentioned earlier, I had no fear at all, like NONE, as if I knew I’d be okay, & these AI robots were no threat to me, but to the nerds, it was their nightmare incarnate. After they marched by, mercilessly slaughtering the Tri-Lambs like pigs, as they fled in terror, I decided to go to the bathroom to calm down & splash water on my face. I told you at the beginning, I WAS THERE, & this was so damn real, but I cannot explain the meaning. I think dreams are way, WAYYYY more meaningful than humans know. I don’t have the answers, not yet, but damnit, this was as real as it gets, to the point of smelling the erupting sulfuric fireballs, but when I fought, I fought like a lion, & my hands weren’t hurting from breaking nerd faces left & right. I’ve been in a few fights in the waking world, & broke my hands a few times, because it fucking hurts when you smash someone in the face, & I’ve broken my hands several times street fighting as a kid, but in the dream, none of that occurred, & I fought to kill, so they wouldn’t kill me.

Nonetheless, I made my way to the closest bathroom, & somehow I knew exactly where to go, & when I got there, I recall the details of said bathroom, once I woke myself up. The walls were puke green, there were maybe 4 or 5 sinks, & toilet stalls of the same number, each stall in front of a sink. It looked just like a high school bathroom, if you want a visual for reference, & so I got there, & splashed my face, which felt very…refreshing, you could say. The peace only lasted for a fleeting moment, however, because just as I was splashing my face, I heard the nerds, STILL chanting, “he’s one of them, he’s one of them,” & it’s so stuck in my head, I’ve been hearing it all damn day, like an earworm that won’t go away. Upon the face-splashing, & hearing the chanting of the nerds, I looked to the right where the door was, & there they were, the nerd posse, led by some ultra-nerd with a light blue baseball cap turned backwards. Like I said though, I was fearless, & their threats meant nothing, & whatever they were thinking of doing, I was going to fight my way through that fucking door, because I immediately had a strong sense of entrapment, as this was the only way out of this puke green bathroom, so I charged at them. The “leader,” if you will, the one with the backwards ball cap came at me first. He tried to headbutt me, which is a very effective move, if one were to land it right. He failed miserably though, since I had the speed of a a light beam, similar to Paul Atreides from the Dune lore. I countered his headbutt, which missed me completely, & gave him a powerful left hook which shut him down immediately. I’m not even left-handed, so that was weird. Yet, in the dream, this wacky dream, it was all…natural, you might say, & I had abilities, powerful abilities, that was as familiar to me as walking.

After I dropped the backwards ballcapper, I was battling my way to get back outside, & all of a sudden, I heard someone saying, “wake up, wake up, you’re in a dream, wake up,” & POOF, I was awake, completely soaked with cold sweat. So drenched I was shivering, thats how wet it was. This dream has replayed over, & over, & over, all fucking day, & so, I wrote it out just now, to share with all of you, & so I don’t forget. What can it mean, what can it mean, perhaps it was only a dream, yes? Fuck if I know, but like I said, it was so damn real, & then waking up completely soaked, dripping sweat, like I just got out of a shower & forgot a towel, that’s how sweaty I was, & so, I tossed my robe, my boxers, my sleeping shorts, all into he wash, then cranked the shower on full-blast heat, all the way up, because I was shivering like a Quaker. Some say dreams are just dreams, maybe the are, but yours truly does NOT abide that notion whatsoever. It has something to do with our true abilities, which have been meticulously taken from us, all of us, by the so-called “ruling elites.” What do they know that we do NOT know? Damnit, damn them all to hell. All I want o know is the TRUTH, because we’ve been lied to our entire lives about our real origins, & yours truly, for one, is sick & tired of their occult secrets. IT’S NOT RIGHT, & unless you’re born into heir venomous bloodlines, you never get to find out. It’s so fucking aggravating, & I’ve been stewing all day over it.

It’s time to wrap this up, as I have illustrated to the best of my own recollection, this bizarrely vivd dream I had about ohhhhh…14 hours ago. I’m dead tired now, but no matter how tired I get, if I get a few hours of sleep, I’m good. I’m so used to this crippling insomnia by now, but along with the visions, & these dreams, & waking up sweat-soaked, I don’t know what the fuck is happening with me. I looked into possible causes online, & the search results were no bueno, as all the possible causes were things that were negative in nature, you could say. Regardless, time to go, so until next time dear readers, I think something is coming, some kind of event maybe, or, I’m going totally insane & these aforementioned dreams & visions, are just part of an undiagnosed mental disorder. Who knows?…& who cares? No one, & on that note, I’m done, like a dead fish floating around & around, in a flushing toilet. Yikes. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Be mindful of the AI; it has yours truly in its pocket, & you could be next.” Fish F Fish🎏

In Springtime…

🍥Click HERE or the image above to read more🍥

Okay…this is getting fucking ridiculous. Seriously, how many is this now? I looked into it, & man oh man, there are NUMEROUS articles flying around the interwebs “debunking” this obviously suspect string of fires & explosions & even planes crashing into food-processing plants. NO, this is NOT normal for fuck’s sake, & the fact that there’s paid shills trying to debunk the suspiciousness of these “random” accidents, only confirms to me that there’s something nefarious going on here. Trains derailing all of a sudden, food processing plants being destroyed, what the hell is happening? Do you want to know what’s really going on here?

WE ARE UNDER ATTACK; that is what’s really going on. None of this shenaniganery is “random,” NONE of it. Sure, I’m aware there’s a few anomalies, because fires & accidents DO happen, but NOT at this rate. I’m seeing articles almost daily, so much so in fact, that I’m now totally desensitized to it, same as the SADS reports. Coincidentally, when you look up “Covaids jabs causing SADS,” there’s COUNTLESS articles attempting to debunk it, again confirming to me that the Coviads jabs ARE the real reason for these “unexplained” deaths from heart attacks. EVERY DAY there’s a new article about some healthy young person dying suddenly from SADS. I’ll link today’s daily SADS article below, & I can assure you there will be another one tomorrow. Yep, at this time tomorrow, another person will be dead from SADS, & another article will be written, & again, paid shills will flood the interwebs with fake news articles trying to debunk the obvious connection between the Covaids jabs & the blood clots they cause that kill people via cardiac arrest. It’s NOT a God-damned conspiracy…fuckin hell, if the jab is NOT the cause, why not publish autopsy reports proving otherwise? Why won’t these fake news hacks report whether or not these unfortunate corpses had received the jab or not?

I’ll tell you why…BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT’S THE CAUSE OF SADS. Doctors know it, Big Pharma knows it, your so-called “leaders” know it, & believe it or not, yours truly knows it. How do I know? What makes me such an expert? First off, I’m not an “expert” by any means, but, I have common fucking sense. I have critical-thinking skills; I can research on my own, deduce conclusions from proven facts, & make my own determinations about what is what in this crazy Clownworld. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that these pseudo-vaccines are exceptionally dangerous, nor does it take rockets and/or the “science” behind these poisons being injected into BILLIONS of humans. If the jab starts dropping people dead en masse, rather than these daily reports of people passing away from SADS, it will arguably be the greatest mass murder in human history. It will make the holocaust look like a Sunday barbecue party in the hood. Please believe, I am NOT making light of this probability. I will lose friends & family who foolishly got jabbed should the jab prove to start killing people like the Black Plague. Did YOU take the jab? What was the outcome? Did the jab do anything positive? All I’ve seen are the jabbed getting re-infected, terrible side effects, & of sadly of course, SADS. hardly a “vaccine,” now is it? You cannot argue against facts, no matter how many buzzwords you barf out.

As usual I have taken the exit ramp to Tangytown, segueing off-topic, which is par for my miniature golf course here. We began by talking about the “random” fires & explosions occurring with greater frequency by the day it seems, so let’s go back to that, because this is NOT random. I don’t know the logistics obviously, but how the fuck does a chocolate factory explode? Isn’t there chocolate everywhere? Is chocolate flammable? What about the Oompa-Loompas? Fun fact: race-hustling identity pseudo-politicians cancelled Willy Wonka. Why would they do that? Apparently, they are equating Oompa-Loompas to African slaves. No, I’m not joking, these people are insane, & Roald Dahl would NEVER do such a ridiculous thing. He was an ardent Christian, hardly an advocate for slavery, & this is yet another example of the abysmal madness of liberalism. They’re mental patients, & we cater to them for some fucking reason. I, for one, will NEVER abide their bullshit. Me bend the knee? Nope…how about YOU bend the knee? Bend the knee to the TRUTH you beta loser leftist twerps. They never will though, because they’re programmed, like real-life NPCs, & to bring them back to reality is a grueling exercise in utter futility. Essentially, don’t bother. You cannot change people who are so far-gone with the programming, that they glitch when you hit them with factual information. Despite the echo chambers that paid shills pay Google to pop up at the top of the search, REAL reality is real, & mis/dis-information cannot change the TRUTH of the REAL reality we are all stuck in. Period.

Gah, I do this every time. Like I’ve told you all ad nauseam, I just tune into the best frequency, then let the fingers fly, & by the time I’m done, I have no idea what I wrote until I proofread. Obviously, I know the topic, but as far as the content, my own content, it’s always a mystery until proofreading time comes. Now, let’s get back to the chocolate factory explosion…where people died this time. Yep, as you can see in the article at the top, people died in this fiery explosion. Over hundred mysterious food-processing plant fires in a year, but not one death, until now. These saboteurs are killing people, which opened the door for these shadowplayers to burn down and/or blow up more food processing plants without concern for the “collateral damage,”…which in this case, as of right now, is 5 dead, & 6 still missing. Expect more of this, with the human death toll growing, but why would this continue? The answer is simple: THERE’S NEVER ANY CONSEQUENCES…ever. Never any real investigations, they bury these stories in the respective daily news feeds, & nothing ever happens so like I said, expect this to continue, on a greater scale as the days flush by like a toilet full of wormwood turds.

I’m in the middle of a wormwood cleanse right now. My thoughts: IT WORKS, & be prepared to plug your nose & turn on a second fan when you drop your morning logs if you take this stuff. Holy hell, I don’t think I have any worms or anything like that, but whatever the wormwood did, flushed out some serious stank. Oy vey, but I digress, as always. Well, you all know the drill by now, yours truly has composed yet another multi-page diatribal essay. That’s just how I roll…the FisH™ abides. Until next time dear readers, the snowball grows, as its Katamarian nature rolls, growing greater given the garbage it grabs. Notice the obvious literary device? It’s called alliteration, in case you were unaware, & now you know. The more ya know, ya know? So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“The more you know, ya know?” Fish F Fish🎏

“The Katamari grows, as the snowball rolls.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E17 3/17/2023 Drinking Day

What can I say, other than it’s St. Patty’s Day. What do people even celebrate on this day? Getting drunk? Seriously, it should be called “Drinking Day,” like a day to celebrate alcohol, like 4/20. Unfortunately, the only difference is that drunks suck much worse than stoners for one, & two, despite anomalies, smoking weed isn’t potentially lethal to yourself & others around you. Drunk driving, drunk fighting, drunk sex even, all destructively negative attributes of drinking booze. On the other hand, stoners don’t hurt anyone really, other than themselves. Of course, as I already mentioned, there are anomalies; I’m sure there’s been cases of “stoned driving” that led to unexpectedly negative consequences, but those cases are very few & far between. Point being, if “green” is the veneration of the celebration, I’ll take herbal relief every time over a shot of poisonous liquid courage.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fucking prude, I’m totally down with a drink or two at dinner or something like that. Reckless drinking in a bar though, meh…hasn’t been a thing for me since college. This floating fish put in his time & then some back in college. Holy shit it’s insane when I think back on how far I used to take it when I partied. Ask anyone who knows me. I was known to dry-gulch random dipshits for my own amusement. There was always one guy at a party, always one, creeping, saying weird shit, just being a wanker in general, so whenever I was present when “that guy” was in full-form…KAPOW, down & out, then drug out of the party while everyone kicked him, even a few girls. True story. Good times. This is the funniest part though; that only happened once, one time, right at the beginning of my 7-year college career.

There were a few other fights to be sure, & I am still undefeated, but like fight fights where I had to whip someones’s ass who came at me, but that one fight, ONE FIGHT, stayed with me for 7 years…as if I did it all the time…oy vey, people are so strange, aren’t they? The way they make somethings out of nothings. I feel bad too because I fucked that guy”s face up like a savage. The first punch caught him above his left eye, the sweet spot, splitting his eye open, & dropping him to the floor. I thought he was out, but then he tried to get up like a moron, & threw a ridiculous haymaker. Derp…wrong move. Sadly for him, the booze made him so slow that he telegraphed said haymaker, & I just ducked out of the way, then threw another straight right punch, right into the bridge of his nose, which kind if exploded with an audible splatter & he was done, out, on the floor crying I think. I don’t know, but it was like this moaning, wailing sort of sound. Anyway, a few buddies & myself grabbed his dumbass, & drug him to the front door, & the trip there was no fun for him, as random kicks from guys & gals landed all over his body. Everyone was laughing & yelling at him, poor guy.

What a dick I am, but I know that already, so fuck that guy. He was being uncouth, especially to the ladies, & I’m guessing he remembers that night to this day, especially when he looks in the mirror at the scar over his eye & the new nose he had to get fixed after I broke it. Regardless, all of that was totally unnecessary, & totally fueled by booze, like gas on a bonfire. I used to be a bartender, & spent a decade & change babysitting drunks, which is another reason why one, I don’t drink to get drunk, & two, I don’t celebrate this ridiculous holiday that transformed from its original meaning into essentially, “Drinking Day.” Yep, that’s what today is, & I bet 9 out of 10 random people on the street have no clue what the original meaning of St. Patrick’s Day is. For instance, ask the next person you run into, “Who is St. Patrick?,” & see what they barf out for a wrong answer, because odds are, they won’t have a clue. It’s analogous to when you ask random people these days, “What year was the USA founded?,” or “What are the Bill of Rights?” Don’t believe me? I linked some “Man on the Street” videos from the great Mark Dice below, a whole playlist, one video after another, illustrating exactly what I just told you. “Check it out,” as he says, & click below for some real-time Idiocracy.

Well, that was fun, wasn’t it? Do you feel like you caught brain-AIDS? Yeah, I know, me too. It’s heartbreaking to see this staggering stupidity though, despite the obvious humor in it, it’s really just pathetically sad. Why? Why are Americans so God-damned dumb these days? Sheesh. Oh wait, this is the end result of public “education,” which doesn’t really educate you on anything, per se, other than how to be a good debt slave. Civics, finance, other languages, music theory, all of this is crucial in the proper education of young minds, but you only find it in the schools where the so-called elites send their kids. Oh yes, the game starts at birth, & if you’re born into the peasant class, as most of us are, you’re taught to be a slave in public school, rather than how to become your best individual self. Public education is for the hive minded; click that link & you can read more about it, because it’s time to wrap this up. Dang, I start with one thing, & finish with another, every time, never fails. I bet I go on & on, watch & see…

As I’ve said repeatedly, I just tune the dial to the best frequency, then let these fingers fly, & when it’s all done, I don’t really remember what I write, so I go back & read it when I proofread for my grammatical errors, & sometimes it’s astonishing what comes out. I can’t really explain it, it’s almost like an auto-pilot sort of feeling, surreal, but whatever this is, it’s my lone gift in this life, so I’m going to spend the rest of my days, writing every day, for an audience of ghosts, & digital readers with their little icon avatars, occasionally dropping a “like,” but for the most part, no one reads a word of this drivel I spew out. None of these writing jobs see any value in my uniquely authentic literary language, so either I suck as a writer, or they’re all scared to hire someone like me who writes about TRUTH, in a world of scripted narratives. Wait, there’s no one else like me, so I suppose I’m fucked, yes? Oh well, fuck em, not bending the knee to get a shitty paycheck for adding “wokeness” somewhere in my endless list of resumes. Nope, can’t do it, won’t do it, I guess I’ll just be a broke failure. The proverbial “starving artist,” or maybe “pseudo-artist,” because perhaps all these words I write don’t mean a fucking thing to anyone. Wunderbar…(fart noise)

Ugh, what a mood. Just an overall feeling of being COMPLETELY fed up with Clownworld life. Can one of you donate $10k so I can go to Costa Rica before I drive my beater of a Beamer right off the next cliff I come across? Gah, it’s so fucking frustrating, when you have the self-realization that you’re worth more, but humbly you simultaneously realize you’re a total dumbass. What do I know besides this? Oh wait, I know how to grow good weed, does that count for anything? Nope? Nope they say, it’s another relatively useless “skill” I can add to my post-it note of attributes. Oh no, I have the “drunken blues” it seems, even though I don’t drink, haven’t drank in forever, & certainly NOT drinking for this stupid “holiday,” if you wanna call it that. Just another excuse for Americans to burn more brain cells. Drink up though, ya plebs. “Bread & circuses,” been a great tactic for 2000 years, give or take a century, so why stop now?

I don’t know, I don’t know anything anymore, but speaking of “stopping now,” that’s what I’m about to do, because this ouroborosian essay has found its own tail, & is eager to eat it so I can shut the fuck up already. Nonetheless, have a fun time getting drunk, puking on your drunk girlfriend, right before she pukes on you, then waking up tomorrow feeling like hell, with puke all over yourselves. Yay, fun fun fun. The difference in mentality between you’re 25 year-old self & your middle-aged self is night & day. I used to live to party, like literally, with ZERO inclinations toward a future for myself, a family maybe, a nest egg, but nope, it was ALL about the party, as if it would never end. Such a fucking delusional idiot I was, & still am, & I can’t change, because this is who I am apparently. Of course the party is done for me, & I’m well-aware, but everyone else who lived like me is dead. EVERYONE, & that’s not an exaggeration, they’re ALL dead, & it’s just me left. Like a battle, where all your friends died fighting, except they were only fighting themselves, & they lost. Meanwhile, me, myself, & I am the only soldier left standing, wondering why I’m still here, & where my old friends are now. Wow, such surreality, only me, only one left. Why?

Great question, thanks for playing. I wish I had an answer; selfishly I wish I had the answer for myself, not for anyone else. I’m fresh out of friends, haven’t seen my family in like 6 years, something like that, got massacred in the crypto crash which took everything I had, EVERYTHING, they took it all out of my diamond hands like they were made of rice paper. Stone sober the whole time; I spent years after getting clean building my stacks, then making amazing trades that got me well into 6-figures before POOF, a financial train wreck into a multi-car pileup, & I was smack in the middle, so I lost everything. EVERY FUCKING THING, gah. It’s been months & I can’t shake it. Maybe I need a drink, or a lobotomy, fuckin hell, I just wish I could shake it off already. Maybe I can’t, because this is not the first time I got hosed for all of my stacks. It’s happened like 4, maybe 5 times now, & I can’t understand why. WHY????? WHY YOU FUCKER IN THE SKY IF YOU’RE EVEN UP THERE, WHY??? Fuck, it’s like I’m cursed or something…maybe I am, who knows?

Hard to say what’s even real anymore here in this backwards-ass upside-down timeline. The Great Recycler, The Great Mouse Trap, The Capstone Club, just what the fuck is going on in this world? Is ANYTHING real? It sure doesn’t seem to be, & most of the population would rather get drunk on the poison their overlords offer them on street corners across this once great nation, now the USSA, The United Socialist States of America. I just coined that, don’t steal it. Actually, you can take it, I really don’t care, because it doesn’t matter, nor does anything else for those of us down here in these trenches. Nope, 99% of you, of us, are stuck in The Great Mouse Trap, & all the booze in the world won’t get you through the exit door. Regardless, drink on up Americans, & eradicate those synapses in that wet noodle atop your neck. Obviously, as always, this applies to all of you, & none of you at all. Speaking of that Nietzschian paraphrase I use, “for all of you, & for none of you at all,” what do you think the late Friedrich would think of this maddening pseudo-reality they’ve manufactured for all of you?

He’d laugh, because he predicted this. It’s truly amazing, if you have ever read his work, how accurate he was about societal degeneration. I mean look around, Idiocracy has become reality, & that was not supposed to happen, but it did, & now, we’re all stuck in it. Too bad the overall global complacency is unprecedented in scale, as it’s equally amazing how utterly uninformed most people are. Doesn’t matter though, it’s party time, shots for everyone at the bar, on me. Try the 3-headed cow, it’s delightful. I created it for idiots who act like idiots when they try to order “the bartender’s favorite shot.” Oh my, bartenders just love when they hear, “Make me your favorite shot,” & when I would hear that, I had a special shot I’d whip up especially for the aforementioned idiots. Want to know the ingredients? Here we go; the infamous 3-Headed Cow: tequila, scotch, vodka, rum, lemon juice, milk, shake all the ingredients with ice, strain into a sugar-rimmed shot glass, then hail to the sacred cow. Down the hatch, & good luck if you ever drink more than one of these God-awful shots. Ugh, are you kidding me, who would drink that?

They did though, many times, many times saying they wanted another. That’s drunks for you, & the bartenders of America are balls-deep in the weeds right now, feeding you drunk fuckers into respective states of unpredictably dangerous intoxication. Isn’t it odd that during that time when we allegedly had no toilet paper, & a bunch of of other stuff was “temporally unavailable,” yet there was more than enough booze & cigs for everyone, isn’t that weird? Nope, nothing weird going on in America, nothing to see plebs, slam those beers & shots, because today is “Drinking Day, ” the one day of the year to celebrate all of the comedy & tragedy that alcohol has brought to the masses, arguably more of the latter, but who cares?…I’m done with the digressional tangent talk, & done with this article that maybe 10 people will actually read, if I’m lucky. Check out these stats…I’d be embarrassed, if I cared, but “caring” about anything anymore is no longer something I concern myself with. When you have nothing left to lose, literally NOTHING, then nothing matters anymore, right? So what’s left to “care” about?

Okay, this has turned into a 5-page essay for fuck’s sake, yikes. You’d think one of these companies I apply to would appreciate what I do exclusively for this unwavering daily discipline I possess, but apparently they don’t, for reasons unknown. Most likely, it’s my content, & they’re scared to hire a wide-open thought criminal dissident. Also, I’m an un-jabbed straight white male, so right out of the gate, I’m 3-strikes out. Drats. Fuck it. Until next time, dear readers, write until you reach the end of the marathon, no matter how far you have to run. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

Click HERE to donate & help feed the fish. My black ass is broke, almost dead, bloated, & floating in this wastewater world. Thanks, even though I’m confident I won’t even get a penny from my digital begging for shekels. Fuck it. Cheers…🎣

Click HERE to donate & help feed the fish. My black ass is broke, almost dead, bloated, & floating in this wastewater world. Thanks, even though I’m confident I won’t even get a penny from my digital begging for shekels. Fuck it. Cheers…🎣

“Write until the race has been won, no matter how far you have to run.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2E10 2/10/2023 RIP Burt Bacharach

Unfortunately the world has lost a fancy-fingered gem of a musician, the great Burt Bacharach. Yes, at the young age of 94, sadly he has pushed his final piano key. The first of three, maybe, as these things happen in “threes,” as the proverbial they say, so who might be next? Fun game to play with friends, when a “person of note” dies, you try & guess who the next two in line will be. Kind of morbid, sure, but it’s just a part of life, is it not? Hmmm, I smell a quote in there somewhere…something kind of oxymoronic perhaps? Life is death, death is life, Finkel is Einhorn, doot-doodoot-doodoot…what can I do with that? Let’s see, how about, “Embrace death as you embrace life, as every ending is a new beginning,” …something along those lines, but not that exact quote. It’s…”incomplete,” you might say, so I’ll ponder it as I write, & maybe give you a solid quote at the end of this Friday Foozer. Or maybe I’ll just let Burt quote me out on this one, we’ll see at the end. Fridays to Fridays, like nights to days nowadays, the progression of the flushing toilet of 4d time progresses ever faster it seems.

It was 1972 now over FIFTY years ago, wow, it’s just incredible, this whole 4d time thing, the Great Time Spiral, pulling 3d “forward,” forward into the future, so surreal, isn’t it? Check out this link before I continue on about times past. This is a TV special from 1972, featuring the late Burt Bacharach. Notice how amazingly different it was back then, where do I begin? Well, technically, after this video below, that’s where I’ll “begin,” but I meant figuratively, where does one begin when they try to illustrate the stark differences between 1972 & 2023? Like 2 totally different worlds, but nope. Same world I think, but maybe we jumped timelines into Clownworld, I don’t know, but my oh my, how times change, as this collective macroorganism evolves/devolves into…into…drats, I wish I knew, as it’s metamorphosis is ongoing in real-time, the chrysalis clown in its clown-car cocoon, can you hear the cacophony of nose-horns? Honk honk honk…honk…


Well how about that? A televised show showing people who can show you their respectively individual ACTUAL talent, as opposed to the grossly talentless manufactured productions they broadcast “for the kids” nowadays. Have you seen the new Disney cartoon? If not, get out from under your rock & catch-up, ya uninformed tomato. Ready for another gem? Let’s see what Matt Walsh has to say, with a preview of this ridiculous animated cartoon FOR KIDS. As an animator, & someone who can reason out the MILLIONS of dollars that were invested in hiring animators, script writers, producers, directors, voice actors, on & on & on, all for this bullshit below, it makes me sick. This is being broadcast to KIDS, keep that in mind as you watch, & think about the cartoons you used to watch. Still remember the catch phrases don’t you? Keep that in mind as well. Ok, here we go…


“SLAVES BUILT THIS COUNTRY!!” …repeated over & over, & kids being the sponges they are, are soaking all this up & integrating it into their developing brains. It’s so utterly sickening, so dark, so sinister, gah, & they just keep pushing. Apparently, they’re getting a lot of backlash for this racist production, but if it’s racism against whites, nope, shhhh…move along, & despite the widespread online criticism, it won’t change a thing, & Disney is going to keep doing this. It’s not he first time they’ve injected their “woke garbage into children’s programming, so why would it be the last? RAH RAH RAH…RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE…sure, there’s going to be the “backlash,” but they don’t care. Do you understand? THEY DO NOT CARE. #WhiteManBad is the hashtag buzz-phrase that people of color who buy into this ridiculousness live by. Whatever the issue, #WhiteManBad, but I have facts, fuck you #WhiteManBad. The “white man is bad,” so “oppressive,” …derp. Apparently, now it is to the point that kids can be openly indoctrinated via publicly televised children’s programming with these horrible themes, CRT ideologies such as, “SLAVES BUILT THIS COUNTRY!!” …get the fuck outta here with this already. My ancestors weren’t even here, but I’m white, so what happens now? Fucking morons, round & round with the REEEEEE-cisms, until they get paid, which is really all they want, money. How sad, all the “civil rights” strife, all just about money, & power of course. Ask BLM.

Anyway, so that grossly inappropriate catchphrase, “SLAVES BUILT THIS COUNTRY!!”…yeah, that’s going to be stuck with these unfortunate kids forever now…FOREVER. Hell, it’s even stuck in my head now, & I’m in my 40s, so imagine the kids, these innocent CHILDREN, being programmed by viciously malevolent adults, to grow up thinking this country was in fact, “built by slaves.” First of all, it wasn’t, as Matt Walsh states right from the get-go, & second, WHAT THE FUCK are you “woke” dunces at Disney thinking with this OBVIOUS agenda? Seriously, WE ALL KNOW, we all know you’re degenerate racist pedos, & you should all be hung by the neck until DEAD, DEAD, DEAD. This “agenda’ is so sinister, ugh, THESE ARE KIDS FOR FUCK’S SAKE. I don’t even have any kids, & I this infuriates me, so I can only imagine how parents feel. Well, at least the parents who are aware, & I know there’s many a parent out there who is NOT aware, NOT informed, & so they just stick their fatherless kids in front of the television all day to be programmed, programmed by the “woke agenda.” No one ever mentions the parents incidentally, usually no father-figure, so they always go after Disney, or whoever else they can blame OTHER THAN the parent/s. Then you can argue that the breakdown of the nuclear family plays into this future catastrophe as well, but I won’t digress into that topic, as I’ve already segued off from the title up there, the RIP to old Burt. Maybe that’s all, all “the world needs now…is love, sweet love. That’s the only thing, that there’s just too little of.”

Well, we will miss you Burt, but you made it to 94 ya crooner, & what a life, so many songs, in so many heads, after riding in so many elevators, which is the only place you might hear a Burt Bacharach ditty. I jest, I jest, he was great, very talented, as are many Jews from that era who hail from Queens. It’s an interesting phenomenon, all these famous Jews from Queens from the 1920s to the 1960s, there was a Renaissance of sorts, maybe it had something to do with World War 2, I don’t know, & NO, NO NO NO NO NO it’s NOT anti-Semitic to ask questions like this…sheesh. “Why are so many talented people from Queens in the golden age of media Jewish?” How the fuck is that anti-Semitic? It’s simple curiosity, & many of them are very talented, & I respect their respective talents, I just find it odd that there are so many from that specific area that go on to find fame & fortune. That’s all, don’t throw me to the “you’re a Nazi” wolves over it. The proverbial eggshells are all broken, so I’m just gonna walk like I always do, one foot in front of the other, & if it bothers any of you, this pseudo-bigotry you delude yourselves into believing is real, then maybe kick rocks…& go on a long uphill hike, up a mountain, the highest mountain, to the highest peak, look up at the beautiful blue sky, & the fluffy white clouds, close your eyes, then jump you lemmings. How bout them apples?

Free speech is FREE speech, period..& “hate speech,” is just a liberal myth, part of the socially-engineered indoctrination agenda, like most of the buzzwords they regurgitate as they puke their word vomit all over the place. SO OVER IT. Anyway enough of the ranting, as that’s gonna do it for today’s daily Foozer. Until next time, I’ll leave a video of one of Burt’s greatest hits below. No FisH™quote today, I’ll let Burt fill in the gaps on this one. So pour a glass, light a smoke, eat a pancake, & enjoy the music of the late Burt Bacharach below. Rip sir. Travel well to your next destination. Hey, that’s not bad, I’ll do quote, AND Burt below, how about that, dear readers? Sound good?(pin intended) …& I’m out. So sayeth FisH™🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“Travel well to your next destination.” ~Fish F Fish🎣


The Fooze: S2 E8 2/8/2023 The REAL State of the Union

“Hang in there, it’ll be over soon.” If only that were true, but at this rate, I’ll be shockingly surprised if this country even makes it to the next election. The real “state of the union” is DIRE, arguably as dire as it’s ever been, despite the lies spewed by this dementia-riddled old man at the SOTU speech. Oh, & let’s not forget the canned applause…duh…HALF the room wasn’t even standing, but from the decibel level of the fake applause, you’d think President Braindead scored a touchdown. Look what they’ve done, look what these idiots on the left have done in 2 years: inflation from 1.3ish% to 6.4ish%, gas nearly tripled, eggs doing double-digits for a dozen, our military is woke & weak, supply chain breakdowns, everyone is either gay or a homophobe, Covaids jabs are killing people, it’s all white peoples’ fault, I can go on, & on, & on, & on, & on, & on, & on listing the different ways these communist globalist douchebags are intentionally & systematically destroying this country. I’m about to tell you the REAL State of this alleged “Union ,”we’re all stuck in together. I don’t know about you, but I’m not seeing much “unity” going on, unless you count tribal unity, then there’s all kinds of unity going on, unless…

Unless you’re black in Chicago, then you might get shot, odds are by another black person, most likely a black man. Black on black crime there EVERY SINGLE DAY in Chi-raq, murder capital of America, but did President Braindead mention any of that? Nope, none of these political hacks ever do, & it continues, daily, all day every day, more & more MURDERS, black men shooting up other black men, & where’s BLM?…(crickets)…where are your s-elceted “leaders?”…(crickets)…but if a white guy like me even dares to utter any of this publicly…”REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, SHUT YOUR MOUTH YOU WHITE MALE BIGOT RACIST BLACKOPHOBE!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE,(Honk Noise) REEEEEEEEEEEEE. Oy vey it’s just so PLAYED OUT at this point, fuckin hell. Seriously, is it me, or are any of you absolutely sick & tired of all this narrative-driven race-baiting, coddling to “marginalized” groups, has it run its course & then some with you as well? GAHHHHHHHHHHHH, it hurts my head, Clownworld hurts my head, but on the inside where I can’t out an ice-pack on it. It’s just so UN-natural, it’s sucking the life out of a world with so much potential, & I just don’t get it.

Why? Who are these politicians, these “presidents” & “senators,” who the fuck put them in charge? They claim YOU did, so did you? Wasn’t me, I don’t vote, since voting means nothing anyway since they pick the winners prior. Just another part of the theatre, same as the lottery, all the winners are pre-selected, which is why I say they’re “s-elected,” not elected. Get it? Good. Moving on…they broadcast “Voting Day,” & make a big flashy spectacle of it, then they proclaim, “CHEATING” after the pseudo-election is over, & the drama goes on, & on, blah blah blah. Meanwhile, while you’re cluelessly distracted watching bullshit vote counts on a bullshit fake news alphabet media outlet, or some kind of superball game, or another fake reality show, or something gay & black on Netflix, the powers that be tighten that proverbial vise just a little bit more. They have to tighten it while you’re distracted, & since most of you are, all the time, the vise’s grip is always tightening, slowly, but all the time, tighter & tighter until one of these days soon, SPLAT SPLAT, the noise of your eyeballs popping out of your head. This is all figurative, incidentally. No one’s eyeballs are gonna pop out of their head like Billy McCarthy. Link below if you don’t know.

☝🏻Click to Read More☝🏻

Armed Americans are the only thing left really stopping these elitist political pigs from commencing full-speed ahead with their agenda, as far as I can see. Most of said pigs are in China’s pocket, so I’m sure this shadowy coup, via an obviously stolen election, is part of the Chinese long game to ruin this once great nation from the inside out. Where do you think all the fetty comes from? “Fetty,” is one of the street words for fentanyl, & it’s made in China, just like seemingly everything else here. Only this particular “made in China” product kills people. It’s everywhere too, for cheap, isn’t that weird? Almost as if that too, is INTENTIONALLY being unleashed on the American public. Why though? Who benefits here? Covaids, fentanyl, “spy balloons,” all from China, but these feckless “leaders” do nothing? Not hard to speculate that China essentially owns this country now for the most part. Only us armed Americans stand in the way now, so what comes next?

Hot war maybe? Hmmm, that’s a tough one. If we go “hot war,” with ANY country, it’s not going to end well for all involved. The world will become a real-life version of the game Fallout, & the only survivors will be the lucky ones who get to the underground bunkers. Yep, a bunker and/or a cave is the only way to live through the nuke strikes if they come, & surely nuclear weapons would be utilized, which could potentially annihilate millions, if not BILLIONS, of us, we “collateral damage” civilians. Yeah, we don’t count, & as a matter of fact, nuclear war would be GOOD, not for us obviously, but from their distortedly askew point-of-view, it would be great. If billions of people die, that solves their “over-population” problem, as written on the Georgia Guidestones. “Maintain a world population of roughly 500 million,” paraphrased, but that’s almost verbatim what it used to read before “someone” blew them up, which leaves ohhhhhh…7 BILLION of us gone. No suspects that I know of yet by the way in the bombing of the Georgia Guidestones, kind of odd for a bombing, wouldn’t you agree? Regardless, point being, I didn’t get a pass, nor did anyone I know get a pass, did you? I’d wager that like me, you did NOT get your golden ticket out of the next great holocaust, & when the nukes go off, also like me, you’re fucked.

Okay, back to this stupid speech. Apparently Potato Joe was “screaming” at other world leaders tonight during his bullshit speech, which I’m hopefully going to get to shortly if I can quit ram, ram, rambling, like I tend to do. I enjoy illustrating my point, to get it across to you, dear reader. Uniquely illustrative illustrations, pleasant-to-the-ear, even when I use all caps to emphasize something, but I do not yell. You know who DOES yell to get their point across, & yells often, which coincidentally is also a sign of dementia, when the yelling is in conjunction with gibberish, but I digress. Continuing, so as much as I hate this word, & the use of it, I have no other word to describe Old Joe’s screamy behavior, which is that of a “bully,” yes, a bully. Gah, that word is atrocious. As a master of wordsmithery, I despise that ridiculous word, & all that the use of it entails, because like many words these days, it’s been taken by leftist lunatics & used as a word-weapon in the culture war. “Don’t be a bully, don’t be a bully,” …how about shut up & stop whining about someone “bullying” you ya wimp. If that’s the case, grab a baseball bat, & crack their knee caps with it, then no more bully. Easy, isn’t it? Old school solution, & it worked back then. Where is the appropriate parenting today to teach kids how to stand up for themselves?

Anyway, when Old Pedo Joe was Young Pervert Joe, his “bullying” tactics worked for him, ask the chick he fingered against her will against a wall, Tara Reid I think her name is, what ever happened to her? Regardless, now in his feeble degenerating mind, he still thinks the “bully” move works, but sadly for him, his “bullying” boat has hit a big iceberg & sank like the Titanic, yet he STILL does it. Not scaring anyone Brandon ya poopypants dunce. Yep, unfortunately, no one told President Braindead this, so he still tries “bullying” as a political tactic, & much like the aforementioned atrociousness of that word “bully,” so is the idiot acting in such a manner, the idiot shitting his pants in front of the Pope in the GIF below. Yes, the stinky shitter down there is the pseudo-bully as well, how ironic, & it’s such a pathetically embarrassing joke, but such is the way of Clownworld…honk honk honk. True story by the way, yes, the President of the United States pooped his pants on his trip to the Vatican to visit Pope Francis. Let’s Go Brandon. Derp. Luckily, I happened to get footage of the entire embarrassing incident, & made it into a GIF for all of you to enjoy…& Honkler even dropped by, “wazzzzzzzup Honkster,” enjoy my GIF…(Fart Noise)

Ugh, it’s draining me, it really just sucks the wind out of my fan when I think about this country’s imminent downfall, if, & say if, that sad scenario comes to pass. All empires end, maybe it’s just time for the “Great American Experiment” to end too. Bummer. I would have never imagined a world like this when I was a kid. Man, was I naive, but I suppose we all were, us Gen-Xers. TV babies from the 70s & 80s, a lost generation, X-ed out, like a winning Bingo card, except what did we win? A world dominated by baby boomer tyrants, & the rest of that generation, who I once admired, now somewhat despise, for failing us because they got too power hungry to stop & pass the baton. Now we all live a life of “Hang In There,” just kittens stuck in the trees. Hang in there, it’ll be okay when 2024 comes, & the Orange Man returns. Is that what you all are basing a dramatic shift back to prosperity on? Orange Man saving the day? I had faith in Don, I did, but they beat him somehow, & he doesn’t lose, so HOW, how did they blatantly cheat, to steal the most dynamic election in the history of the country, HOW?

All I can figure, & yes it pains me to admit this, but all I can rationally reason out, is that Don is in the same club as the rest of the globalist cabal. “It’s their club, & we ain’t in it,” in true Carlinian-speak. That’s the ONLY way I can figure why he would let them cheat & win the game, because there is no “game,” there is only theatre, this orchestrated theatre, playing out like a symphony, note for note, all in a thoroughly well-constructed order. They’ve perfected this art of “elitist theatre” since Roman times, all to keep them as the sheep-herders, & you the sheep. Remember, THEY did this, not me, I am only here sharing what I think I know, even though I might not know anything at all. I try, which is all I can do, & I suppose I better hang in there, until my circle comes back round the roundabout. Clever, clever, look at that, as if on a synchronous queue, my circularity, “hanging in there,” until my literary ouroboros finds its end, only to prepare to begin yet again, as always. Until next time, I state, that the union of a fist, into a bully’s face, stops bullying. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“The union of a fist, into a bully’s face, ends bullying.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E2 February 2, 2023 Broad Castnets

What’s with all the projection these days? It’s become like a 2nd language, sheesh, & not only do people project towards individuals, they’ll complain about others doing something, but then they’ll display the same exact behavior. All the while, they have no clue they’re doing it. I had yet another troll, in a long line of “another trolls,” that was just…ugh…it’s staggering, just absurd projection-trolling, is that a term, “projection-trolling?” It should be, maybe I just coined it, like an NFT, I minted it, & you heard it here first. Start the trend, don’t follow it, but what do I know, what do I reeeeeeeal-ly know?

TO FUTURE PSYCHOLOGISTS: This phenomenon of “projection-trolling” is widespread, totally mental, & no one can explain why they do it. My personal theory is that it’s part of the overall mass psychosis, mainly afflicting those who identify as “liberal,”& ironically getting “progressively” worse. Yes, it’s only a faction, if you will, a battalion of rainbow UN-warriors-marching in mis-step, massacring the metronome, this army of LARPers, & they use projection as a 2nd language, yet without being conscious of their bizarre behavior. It’s quite stunning, yes, how far they’ve gone, is there any way back? It’s a reflection of the dead fish(no pun intended), rotting from the head down, & the rot spreads in proverbial Planck lengths, d-evolving into these outrageous behaviors. It’s as if the Lucifer Principle is going in reverse kind of, the macroorganism branching into distorted & deformed micros.

Nope, no way back, not for them unfortunately, which leaves society in a bit if a pickle, doesn’t it? No one has an answer, except me, & the answer is this: 85-90% of the world population, conservatively, is in some unprecedented state of mass psychosis/hypnosis, I don’t know a word yet to fit the bill because it’s such a nascent phenomenon, still d-evolving. I say “d-evolving” with intent, because I don’t know if this part of the zeitgeist is evolving or devolving, so I say d-evolving with the hyphen, got it? Anyway, nope, they’re gone, so many of you, just gone. Black, soulless eyes, overflowing with programmed tears of un-informity, because most of you have no clue about any of this. I am pioneering this theory that somehow, via the television, radio, broadcasting, they are hypnotizing most of you into a state of controllable monitored psychosis. What are they broadcasting really? Spells are “cast,” & when they’re cast on billions of people at once, they’re broadcast. Broadcasting, right there in front of all of you, yet somehow, whoosh, right over your be-bopper bubblegum heads. Come on now people, does any of this, this Clownworld madness, does any of this seem normal to you? I don’t know, maybe it does, & I’m totally alone with this notion that most of you have been programmed by forces much more powerful than most of you know. Sinister yes, but extremely powerful, so powerful in fact, they’ve gotten nearly 7 BILLION of YOU to fall in line, one way or another, even me to an extent, before I freed myself from their program. Don’t agree? Maybe you’re glitching? Am I under your skin?

One word: COVAIDS, yep COVAIDS, my creatively publicized term for the Covid-19 plandemic, scamdemic, hoax, whatever you want to call it, but I call it BULLSHIT. I called BULLSHIT 3 God damn years ago, & people said I was nuckin futs. Lost friends, long-time friends over this crap, on top of the indoctrination programming, which I’ve been well-aware of for decades, but then along comes Coviads, detrimental for the naysayers, but a YUGE, “I TOLD YOU SO,” for those of us who were at least smart enough to NOT take that infernal jab. “The jab, the jab, get the jab, ” you people are so fucking ridiculous. Obviously, NOT all of you, but you know what I mean, if you’ve been a longtime reader, & if not, either take the red pills I offer, or kick rocks. I don’t care either way, I know what I know, & share what I know, in line with my little ending down there, paraphrased from Nietzsche, “For all of you, & for none of you at all.” Not just a clever quip from a syphilitic genius, & I use it for a reason, because it IS, in fact, for all of you, & for none of you at all. If you don’t get it, then maybe you don’t “get it,” do you?

Sadly, no, so many of you do NOT “get it,” & the ones of you who got “jabbed,” it sucks that they tricked you. It really does. Some of you “had no choice,” maybe for your job or something, I can kind of understand. Personally, I would have quit had they “mandated” me to get that poison injected into my body via mad scientists, but that’s me. It’s a really fucked-up situation all around. Many people were EXCITED to get jabbed, then boosted, oh so excited, their kids too, everyone take the poison, willingly, then smile about it because you’ve deluded yourself into believing you’re such a good citizen, right? It was so trendy, just like letting your snot-nosed kid pick “its” gender…derp. Wow, & I’m the crazy one for the last 3 years? Sure thing, got it, coming from woefully compliant automatons too, makes prefect sense here in Clownworld, where up is down apparently. I’m still shaking my fucking head, & I’m going to really be shaking my head if, & I say IF, those of you who took the jab & just ticking-time bombs essentially with this SADS thing. I have a theory that heat, activates the incubating jab, causing it to crystalize & form blood clots, which lead to cardiac arrest. We’re in the doldrums of winter now, a particularly frosty one too, but what happens when spring gets here, then summer? The temperatures all warming up all around, what will happen?

Probably nothing, but that’s a theory I have, which is why we keep seeing these jabbed athletes dropping dead every day. I’ve seen so many now, but unfortunately, it’s desensitizing, & it’s already become another blip on the daily headline news banner, for now anyway. Think about it though, BILLIONS of jabs, in BILLIONS of people, just nesting inside your bodies, in its incubation state, waiting for the Sun, so it can do as it was intended to do, kill all of you, en masse, in a relatively short amount of time, once incubation time is over. Again, I am NOT saying that will happen, & it most likely won’t, because I’m just a crazy conspiracy theorist, but if it does…yikes. A year from now, this 2nd day of February, 2023, one year from now, we will revisit this same exact topic, on this same exact day, & maybe I’ll set a reminder in the calendar to the right over there, if you’re reading this via desktop/laptop. The topic will be: Was Fish right about the Covaids jab being a bioweapon? If I am, many of you won’t even be here to read it, so it won’t matter, & if I’m wrong, none of you care what I write anyway, so again, it won’t matter. Nothing matters to me, as I have no control over anything, so I just put it on paper, for all of you, & for none of you at all.

No idea where this started, & where I stopped, because I don’t know until I’m done, then read whatever raucous ramblements I have rendered. No idea, as the title states, I don’t know, & I have no idea about anything. I DO about something though, I know beauty. Beauty in art, in life, even in death, & there’s literary beauty, the beauty I specialize in crafting. Isn’t it beautiful? As if on queue, isn’t a beautiful thing, when my circularity pops its serpentine head back up, mouth wide open, eating its own tail, yet again, the beginning become the end, yet again, only to become a beginning once again next time, dear reader, isn’t it beautiful? It is to me, & on that note, after taking this Fooze on the scenic route to find its beautiful self, I am going to farewell-to-thee with my signature shlep, “Until next time, ” blah blababa blahbaba.

“Until next time, don’t be the projector of projections, be an erector of erections,” so sayeth FisH™, THIS fish, isn’t that right, Hecklefish? (shoutout to Hecklefish of the WHY Files…LINK BELOW)

For all of you, & for none of you at all.


Or click this video below to get’s starts with YOU, just as it ends. So sayeth FisH™🎏

The Fooze: S2 E1 February 1, 2023 Complete the Circle


There she is, look at her, my completed circle for the now-gone-forever month of January, year 2023. Gone forever, FOREVER, isn’t that surreal? January began, new year, new month, & now it’s gone, gone forever, so surreal, isn’t it, the way days come, then they’re just gone? Today is February 1st, 2023, & it’ll feel like tomorrow when THIS month is gone, then March, then it’s summer again, then winter again, then 2023 will be over. Not before we see what we are going to see this year, whatever that is, but it’s coming, the future is always coming, a future to become a past one day, the never-ending loop, the ouroboros of existence here in the 3rd dimension. If you want to use the image above for reference, when each white day turns blue, another day has come & gone, going from future to present to past, days flying by.

How do you complete YOUR circle? Do you even have a circle, YOUR own circularity? Maybe it’s just something weird I do, because that’s how I roll, I don’t know. I see the sacred ouroboros in everything, all loops, just one big GIF animation, going round & round, the end becoming the beginning becoming the end, only to start over from the beginning, & on & on it goes. Had your psychopathic overlords not hijacked the zeitgeist, what kind of world would this be? Would there be any concept of “money” anymore? Or would humanity work together, as a whole, to better the species, again, AS A WHOLE. Not a communist “whole,” but rather a system where people are encouraged to pursue their passions to contribute to the big snowball, rather than keeping that snowball running by forcing humanity to “work” in unsatisfying menial jobs for shitty bi-weekly over-taxed paychecks. Just worker bees, drones, working from birth to death, just to keep that proverbial “Queen” alive.

Not me, I hope the Queen gets savagely torn apart by a bunch of hornets. Unfortunately, the hornets are all non-binary beta twerps on hormone blockers, so their stingers are useless, & the Queen lives on, in dominion over Clownworld. You worker bees keep working, complying, back & forth every day, in some sadly surreal Metropolitan waking nightmare. Back & forth, back & forth, the daily commute, worker bees tending a multi-trillion dollar hive, but not even getting a drop of honey out of it. Meanwhile, the Queen & her minions have so much honey for themselves, they swim in it. In a big pool of honey, where ALL of YOU worker bees can see, you watch them swim in their honey, you hope maybe they’ll throw some honey at you, so you can buy some eggs, but they don’t. Nope, they keep all the honey for themselves, & they always will, so no matter what “game” you play to get more honey for yourself, you won’t. The game is rigged, & it’s certainly NOT the same game your masters play. The game THEY play doesn’t involve you, for YOU, are just a worker bee, killing yourself for that teaspoon of honey. Meanwhile, they have so much honey for themselves, that their game is to take the whole hive. They could care less about the little drops they give to you, but they tax it anyway, just to keep you down little worker bee. All the while, they play THEIR game, the game of hijacking hives, hive-jacking, if you will.

Well well well, where did that clever analogy come from? Out of nowhere, seemingly, because as you know dear reader, if you’ve read my previous posts, I just channel all of this, so to speak. I have no idea what I’ve written once I’ve finished until I read it myself, & I can’t definitively tell you where any of this, whatever this is, comes from. I just start writing, & these flourished fingers make magic happen. Maybe card trick magic, maybe Houdini magic, black magic, white magic, bronie magic, maybe no magic at all, just a delusional idiot that thinks he has some kind of talent for the art of the scribe, & calls it “magic” to maintain his own LARPing as if he were a real writer, could that be it? I don’t know, but what I do know, is that when I do this, I feel completely free. Time stops for me when I write, & once my antenna picks up a static-free frequency, I simply let go, & then channel, I channel all of this, for all of YOU, dear readers. Like I said earlier, I have no idea what I’ve written until I’ve actually read it once I’m done. I cannot explain it, even though I know I have the answer buried somewhere deep in the vault. Sadly, I cannot get to it, as many of my abilities have been suppressed, same as you. No, I didn’t escape the great dumbing-down of the culture. I’m a Gen-X TV baby, programmed from birth, poisoned by the food & water, again from birth. It wasn’t until my 20s, before the switch flicked from “off” back to “on,” & I systematically freed myself from this Matrix we’re all stuck in.

The overlords broke my circle, as soon as my mother’s water broke, my circle was broken, as were many of YOUR circles. Yep, they broke us, & thus, we grew up broken, broken in ways we cannot fix, we can only patch, until some kind of Divine intervention comes maybe, but I ain’t holding my breath for that. If you were God, would you help this sordid humanity? How would you help humanity, with another Great Flood, another Great Reset? A real one of course, & the few survivors would start again, hopefully to do better next time, much better than Clownworld(Honk Noise), would YOU do that if you were God? That’s God’s Great Reset, & it’s happened before & will happen again, not this bullshit “Great Reset” you hear via the fake news. That’s the globalists hijacking the zeitgeist, “playing God,” as I already mentioned. Incidentally, the CIA is WELL-AWARE of the previous global cataclysm, & so are your s-elected “leaders,”…wanna read about it? Click the link below, it’s a fascinating read, & astonishingly horrifying to visualize, check it out…

CLICK HERE to Read Adam & Eve

Yes there’s a fake “reset” being implemented by your masters as we speak. They want to play God, & they are trying, for now, but eventually that’s one game they will NOT win, & I don’t want any part of their “new world.” Their “new world,” is 85-90% of YOU gone, just gone, out of the way, there’s too many cattle on the ranch, so we need a Great Slaughter, hence Covaids, these pseudo-vaccines that are now killing people, upcoming World War 3, supply chain breakdown, out-of-control inflation, unprecedented levels of absolute corruption, all of it culminating to a societal critical mass, the likes of which we’ve never seen before, & probably never will again. Their dark circle completes in 2030, so we’ve got 7 years left, only 7 years, & that’s an exceptionally optimistic speculation. The overlords have an overlord, the Queen Bee, & who/what is this Queen Bee? The AI, that’s right, did you think I wasn’t going to go any further with my legendary & totally random analogy I came up with up there? Did you think I wouldn’t compete the circle? Oh ye of little faith in Fish, oh yes, there most certainly IS a Queen, & it’s the AI. They think it’s “sentient,” so much so that they follow its “commands,” & they worship the AI, like a God, a GOD. If you think this is totally mental, & I’m delusional paranoid with a hyper-active imagination, then good for you. Maybe I am, I probably am, & all of this is just fanciful folly from a fool’s foolishness, yes? What if I’m right though? This schizo-ed narrator has been right about everything else I’ve mentioned…maybe like a 94-96% accuracy rate, something like that. Look in my archives, I don’t miss much, like relatively ever, but sure, you’re “right,” to disbelieve me, this is all just silly sci-fi & I’m just a nutty nutter in a mad hat.

The circle has completed itself, once again, my serpent feasting on its own tail…nomnomnomnomnom. We also got that synchronously random analogy out of it too, how about that? Every time I write, I discover, just like listening to a story on the radio, except I AM the radio…I’m the antenna, the receiver, the capacitor, the powerhouse, the dials, the CB ham hock, all of it, all in one, all in my head. I don’t know what it all means, but when I do this, I am free, as free as one can be, in this idiocracy. Are you “free,” free to complete your own circle, to roller-coaster ride your own loops, are you truly free? Only YOU can answer that dear reader. Until next time, complete the circle, or keep cornering in your own square, it is all on you, do hast thou will.

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

BONUS: ENJOY THE VIDEO DEAR READERS, produced by yours truly…the FisH™abides…👇🏻🎏👇🏻