The Fooze: S5E15 5/15/2023 Donations Accepted via PayPal

Ahhh, today is Monday, Monday fun day, & my anxious self is getting my shit together, preparing for this long-ass drive ahead of me. Gonna be a long one, lots of stops for gas, so if you can donate, anything/everything helps, dear readers. Remember the days when you could drive & not worry about how much gas would cost? Those were great times, but sadly, all great times have to end, & those great times, have most certainly ended, & then some. So, & as much as I despise starting sentences with the word “so,” I’m directing all of you to the link on the right side of my page, if you open up my site in “full-site” mode, you’ll see the QR code, then you know what to do. As always though, the FisH™ abides, & you can just click HERE to donate, and/or the link in the caption on the GIF below, and/or scan the QR code. This is My GIF by the way, as are almost all GIFs you’ll see here. No one else I know does that, do you? Do you know anyone who illustrates their articles with their own homemade 2d/3d GIF animations? I don’t, but I digress, & I’m keeping this one short, because I have A LOT to do before I depart on this upcoming journey home. Until next time dear readers, help my black ass out, & if you can, send a donation, but if not, no worries. Just doing what I gotta do. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

Look closely at each individual coin. There’s nothing random about the coins I used. This was a meticulous animation to make, but lots of fun. Took all day for a 2-second endless loop of monetary madness to live forever. That’s just how I roll(pun intended). Thank you dear readers. Even though I’m heavily censored, even here, & I’ve gone from 1000s of daily views to about 20 views a day, I still love you all, & appreciate anyone/everyone who reads/views my work. I know, it sucks being shadowbanned, especially on the ENTIRE internet, thanks to the AI, but it is what it is, I guess. What else can I say? The AI has me, & there’s no way out, unless they pull the plug, & no one is doing that any time soon. Nonetheless, it’s been quite a decade since I started this site…almost 11 years actually, to be precise. July will be 11 years, 11 years since my first post here, & I remember that day like it was fucking yesterday…fuckin hell. Sheesh, I cannot believe it’s been ELEVEN years. Dang, I’m having a real-time aging crisis…11 years…I just cannot believe it’s been almost 11 God-damned years. So much time, now gone forever, wasted in retrospect, for the most part anyway. What a life I’ve led…still shaking my fucking head over those lost 11 years. Ugh. Need a smoke, but I digress, & I’m not turning this into another diatribe about something meaninglessly self-centered. Despite everything I just barfed out, just wait until 2030 gets here, if you REALLY wanna see the global chaos by then. Going to be something to see for sure, so be sure to stick around, got that Shirley? My hope is that we were all born to bear witness to some kind of grand planetary event, either man-made, or natural, but something is coming, hidden in the shadows of course, but still coming, closer & closer, day by day by day. Like the ticking seconds on a clock…well, literally the ticking seconds on a clock(literal lolz)…duh, what a clown yours truly is. Seriously, just a sad clown. Regardless, this one is done, like the fat kid in class when dodgeball time comes, done. FisH™ is out; enjoy a fish cake, as well as my clever usage of a semicolon & an ellipsis…cheers🍥

The Fooze: S4E20 4/20/2023 Reverse Speech

Click HERE and/or the video above to watch…MUST WATCH FIRST…thanks for following simple instructions. Nicely done my fellow fishy-faced foozers. Also, this is a MUST SUB channel, so click HERE to sub to The Why Files. Nice of me to add all the links, isn’t it? Just click & you’re in, in it to win it. You’re welcome.

Did you watch the video? If not, STOP, stop reading, & watch the video FIRST, for fuck’s sake, so you have better context as to what I’m going to be illustrating in this article, lest I tangent off into some other random topic, as I tend to do. That’s why I linked to the video for you, because one, AJ does an impressive & meticulously thorough job of showing you the “evidence,” so to speak, & then two, debunking said evidence, if need be, to weed out the DIS-information from the true truth of whatever matter he’s covering. Oh, & of course there’s the infamous Hecklefish, bringing in the backdoor comic relief, who also has his own little channel. Sorry not sorry if I “misgendered” HIM, a fake animated digital fish. Derp. Nonetheless, be sure to subscribe to both channels to show HIM some support. HE has quite a following, & I’m sure HE has channels on other social media sites, but since I’m banned from them, you’re going to have to find The Why Files with your own research skills. I can only do so much from my solitary cell at the end of D-wing, wayyyyyyy down here in the putrid pits of the digital gulag, especially now that the AI has the only key to get me outta here, which means, basically, that this fish, yours truly, is fried, fucked, & finally at the finish, farted on.

Anyway, I digress, now where was I? Oh yes, I’ve been meaning to try this reverse-speaking thing myself, & when I do, I’ll let you know the results, as well as post them on my Youtube channel. I know, I know, I’ve been slacking big time on the video productions. I’m on it tho, when I have time. With work now back in the proverbial full-swing, I have much less time to focus on my arts, so I’ve been putting all my energy into THIS, making sure that THIS, THIS gets created daily regardless of circumstances. Also, these links I add, as well as my tags & categories, double as daily writing examples that showcase my talents, but specifically, my ability to SEO write…all day, every day, if someone wants to pay me to do this. Looking at you Indeed, & all those potential employers on that site, looking for incredibly unique wordsmiths such as myself, but finding nothing but hacks, posers, & AI-assisted pseudo-authors. I’M A REAL WRITER, ARGUABLY THE BEST EVER. I’M RIGHT HERE. ARE YOU SCARED? SCARED TO HIRE SOMEONE LIKE MYSELF? Sheesh. Anyone out there? Anyone? Any employers going to be brave enough to hire a writer like yours truly? No? Nobody? Shocker. Nevermind my mega-mastery of the fundamentals of grammar; the foundations of unwavering adherence to the grammatical code of the English language, pay no attention to that. Nevermind my uniquely authentic literary language that I fearlessly utilize, never bending the knee for the sake of something as frivolously absurd as “political correctness.” Nevermind my strictly-disciplined work ethic, due to my boundless passion for my lone singular talent, which is illustrating the world with words, as a true writer. It’s what I am, it’s all I am, a warrior with a digital pen. I’m no more, no less, just the writer, writing for you, & that’s it, that’s all I have for you. I write, I make my digital art, & I’m about to finally start painting, so I’ll have tangible pictures to leave behind when I’m gone. If the power ever goes out, all of this will be gone, except the words, because I have the words saved onto USB drives, that I’m currently printing out in hard copy, so they’ll be here forever, relatively speaking. My hundreds of animations will be gone though, if the power switch ever gets flicked from “on,” to “off,” so that’s why I want to paint my paintings, because what are words without illustrations? Digital illustration only exists when the electricity is flowing, but real-time, real-life, physical art compositions, will last as long as there’s someone there to take care of them. Get all that? Got all that? Great, thanks for playing.

Like I said, I’m going to try this myself, & I found The Why Files video super-fascinating. I wonder what one would hear, if you could listen to & comprehend reverse-speak as a 2nd language, per se. What do people REALLY say? Is there any merit to this? As I mentioned earlier, AJ from TWF does a good job of showing you both sides, leaving you with your own inclinations to critically-think your way to your own conclusions, based on said inclinations. Some of the examples he showed were certainly on the fence, as the expression goes, but some of the other examples were blatantly…intentional, you could say, & easily understood as distinct words and/or phrases, along with some that were seemingly, albeit randomly, concise, so is it just coincidence? Minus the intentional ones, & in MY own opinion, I think there’s something to this. I don’t know why, obviously, but based on the video I linked above, as well as my own research since I watched that video a few weeks back, I am convinced that although there are anomalies, as there always are for everything, always anomalies, so despite those, I think there’s definitely something important with this whole “reverse-speaking” phenomenon.

“Come on man, not a joke, don’t jump. Sahbbanabbadapreshuh.(Pseudo-POTUS Brandon voice) Double derp. “Most powerful man in the world, stole the 2020 sham election with a record 81 million votes,”…triple derp. If he had, in fact, “won” the 2020 election with a “record 81 million votes,” don’t you think we’d hear about it every single day? We don’t though, so that circumstantially confirms, to me at least, the he did NOT win by a record number of votes, because he did NOT win at all. Nope, & everyone knows it, knows he stole it, him & his sugar daddy Barack Obama. Who do you think the real POTUS behind the scenes is? Ever see Barack? Nope, because he’s running this clown show from the shadows. Takes a lot of work to destroy a country, hence, you never see him out in public, do you? Believe your own eyes if you don’t want to believe me; none of this is speculation, I assure you. All it takes is some basic critical-thinking skills to figure this out. Is it difficult for some of you? It seems impossible for many of you, as in I could present all the evidence on the internet, say all the words that need to be said, & STILL, hardcore programmed liberal NPC zombies, will applaud these elitist pigs, just like circus seals, whenever their so-called “leaders,” grace them with their presence. ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF, just like the silly seals do; why is that, why do they behave like this? Why are white people so easily compliant, just be “trendy,” why? Why do black people twerk on police cars? So much primality…why such primal behaviors on public display, in various manners, as it relates to whatever race/group they identify with, why?

Great question, thanks for asking. I know, & it’s as if society, as a whole, is in some state of devolution, while they think they’re actually evolving, with technology, they’re completely oblivious to how dynamic their disrespectively outrageous behaviors actually are. Ask the kids in Chicago…more on that coming. They just don’t care, don’t care about anything it appears. Nope, they don’t care about a damn thing except themselves, but YOU, as a sovereign person, mean nothing in their self-centered little narcissistic world, so for them, it’s either get out of the way or I’ll come through you. Go ahead & try twerps, I dare you. Nonetheless, “evolution,” they say…hmmmm, I don’t know, the degeneracy seems to be getting worse by the day, & if you missed it, I read that the hashtag #TeenTakeover, was briefly trending, as out-of-control youths in Chicago went berserker mode, & started destroying, destroying anything & everything. Of course, Mayor Beetlejuice publicly stated that the kids were just out to “enjoy the nice weather.” No public acknowledgment of the looting, the rioting, the destruction of property, the assaults, there was a case of a lone white woman getting her ass kicked by a bunch of black teens. They viciously beat the devil outta her, & where’s the news on this? She was white, the victim, so just put that story in the trash, & they have the ignorant nerve to call US, white people, the racists. Projection is sad. Such is the way of Clownworld…(honk noise)

Click HERE to watch and/or the video above…NSFW

Regardless, as usual, I went way off-topic, which if you’re a regular reader, you’ll know I often do. I’m the Creator here, so I get to do what I want. If you don’t like it, you can file a complaint with the manager, her name is Karen Chadspitter. Honk honk honk honk honk…honk away ya silly little mice. Doesn’t matter, because like everyone else, you’re stuck in The Great Mouse Trap, until you go to The Great Recycler. To learn more, be sure to deep dive into my archives. Type in, “The Great Recycler,” & you’ll discover numerous articles where I thoroughly illustrate to you, what The Great Recycler actually is. Whatever IT is, IT is real, despite what you might think about me, and/or the validity of this article, trust me, IT, is very real, & IT, is hungry, & IT, is waiting for more souls to be delivered to it via its own minions of darkness agents, working hard in 3d Clownworld to make sure the souls are continuously harvested, so they can retain the pseudo-power given to them via this vile entity. This world is most certainly NOT what most of you think it is, & the truth would petrify most. I’m going to detail The Great Holocaust someday soon for you. It’s a truth that most are not ready for, but it is what it is, isn’t it? The truth is the truth.

Until next time dear readers, maybe if you record yourself talking, then listen to it backwards, you will find something, but most likely, you’ll find nothing, because no matter what you do, you’ll never get outta here alive. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“No matter what you do, you’ll never get outta here alive.” Fish F Fish🎏

“It is, what it is, isn’t it?” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E29 3/29/2023 Tik-Tok Say What?

Oh man, if you are the kind of person that likes to stay on top of the zeitgeist, catching REAL breaking news before it breaks, YOU need to read the article linked above. Before you do though, be sure to subscribe to the Louder With Crowder channel on Rumble, because YouTube is almost as disturbingly gay as that chick, Audrey Hale, who shot up a school in Nashville, Tennessee, & now guess who’s getting the blame? The trans community? No. Psych meds? No. ONE person’s lone lunacy? NO. They’re blaming guns, & Christians, & the patriarchy, & homo-transphobes, & those crazy white supreme pizzas of course. Yep, as if on queue, blaming everything & everyone except the psychopathic bitch with a murderous intent. I mean seriously, IT IS ASTOUNDING seeing these liberal lunatics going berserker mode over this, arguably even blaming the dead children, & yikes have the social media posts from them been so utterly atrocious, it’s revolting. When will enough be enough be enough from these beta twerp buzzword-programmed freaks? Yes, FREAKS, the LGBTQ community, including their supporters, is riddled with degenerates, pedos, & mental patients, seemingly more-so, rather than less-so. I don’t see any of them denouncing what their comrades are doing, do you?

Anyway, not here to rant about the societal AIDS know as the LGBTQ community, I’m here to expose what these utterly-corrupted scumbag politicians are trying to sneak into the “Tik-Tok banning bill,” as it is allegedly ascribed to be. Oh wait, it seems it’s NOT really about banning Tik-Tok, it’s a bill that will basically be like the Patriot Act, except it’s for the Internet. Senate Bill 686, eerily close to 666, nothing weird there, but this bill has details in the proverbial fine print that give this rogue regime the power to come after ANYONE who posts content that THEY deem to be “inappropriate.” What might that entail? Great question, thanks for asking. That would mean yours truly, could be in that category. Why?…because I report the God-damned TRUTH, & in this increasingly tyrannical country, that’s soon to be verboten, apparently. Anyone else who writes about the truth, and/or makes memes that might hurt some pussy’s feelings, and/or makes videos that aren’t abiding the “community guidelines,” are going to be rounded up in the game category as myself. Sound familiar? Rounding up those who do not abide the will of the State? If not, try a history book instead of jerking off in your mom’s basement.

What do I, as a sovereign human being, say to these corrupt politicians pushing this insanely Orwellian bill? How about GO FUCK YOURSELVES? How about BRING IT BITCHES? How about I WILL NEVER BEND THE KNEE TO YOU PIG-FARM SWINE? Be sure to spell my name right on the warrants you pieces of shit. It’s B-L-O-W(space)M-E…got it? If only armed Americans could unify & simply remove this cancer that has infected our country so deeply, that by now, said cancer could be terminal. Not being hyperbolic either, because at this rate, there’s no way we’re going to make it to 2024. The true death of a nation, & even if we do, I personally believe it’s foolish for anyone to believe that ONE man, that dastardly hashtag #OrangeManBad man, the infamous Donald J. Trump, is going to somehow save not only the country, but the entire world from the agenda these shadowplayer Deep State globalists are unleashing on the world right now in real-time, at the behest of their minions. That’s a lot of eggs to put into one orange basket, just saying. Might wanna leggo your eggo, because the cult of Trump is still a cult, don’t forget that, particularly if you’re still in it 1000%. What would they do if something were to happen to him?

Nonetheless, I left several links in this article for all of you, & for none of you at all. Information is power, but so is an army, & unfortunately the same fuckwads pushing this malapropismic “bi-partisan” bill, are the ones with an actual military at their command. Would they use it on their own citizens? Of course they would, they WANT to, & these morons on the left are so far-gone, that they’ll be the first ones lined up, because that’s how it REALLY goes in Communist shithole countries. Again, read a history book. I know, I know…facts & history, like kryptonite to the legion of programmed NPC foot soldiers, who spend their days angry & rageful…grrrrrr…rage, rage, rage…the projection is staggering, & that’s why they’re all so fugly. Fugly people with fugly energy that act like fugly fuglies. It’s so gross…ugh, just rotten, nasty, disgusting people, & if any of their buzzwords get triggered…REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE…honk honk honking like a clown car off a cliff, but I digress, as usual. Until next time dear readers, don’t be fugly, just be free. So sayeth FisH™…

For all of you, & for none of you at all…

“Information is power, but so is an army.” Fish F Fish

“Don’t be a fuggo, be a freeto.” Fish F Fish

The Fooze: S3 E28 3/28/2023 Wunderbar

Deception is in the air, my oh my, & I’m expecting an eventful week ahead, since Monday came out of the gate hot. Lies abound here in Clownworld, as well as countless distractions, to keep YOU from knowing the truth. Anyway, I banged out 3 articles earlier, & my black ass has to start a new job tomorrow. So, this is mostly going to be a placeholder Foozer. I know, I always say that, & then I rant until I have an essay, but not this time. Nope, but I’m sure I’ll have something juicy for you on the next round when tomorrow reveals its narrative for the day, as well as for the week ahead. Stay mindful Fishheads, because like I said at the start, deception is in the air, along with the stench of malevolence.

One cannot underestimate how far your so-called “leaders” will go to fulfill whatever agenda is on the table. There’s never any consequences, so therefore, there’s no longer any boundaries. Open insider trading, open money laundering via Ukraine, rampant money printing but you don’t see a penny of it, are you getting the picture yet? There’s 2 very different worlds diverging into one another. There’s their world that they’re stacking up power in, & then there’s our world, chasing that cheesebait fiat money in The Great Mouse Trap. That’s right, YOU are a mouse, running left, right, left, right, round & round in the labyrinth, while the aforementioned so-called “leaders” laugh at about the little mice in the trap. Yep, they laugh at you, laugh at us; don’t think I’m excluded, because I’m right here in the trap with you, soon to be running left, right, left, right, chasing my own cheesebait so I can pay these ridiculous bills stacking up. I was out, but then they threw me right back in. That’s what happens when us random mice get out of the trap, they pick you up by your tail, take everything you have, then throw you right back into the trap. Wunderbar.

Nonetheless, before I keep going until this becomes an essay, which it already kind of is, I’m going to wrap this little ramblious diatribe up. Technically, this is the 4th article in 24 hours, but where are the employers that I’ve submitted literally hundreds of resumés to? Anyone? Someone? (crickets chirping)…apparently, I stink as a writer and/or employers are petrified to hire someone like me, despite my immaculately unique literary language, my exemplary use of literary devices, my diligent work ethic, & my passion for writing, the only gift I really have. maybe it’s not a gift though; perhaps it’s just a curse. I don’t know. Until next time dear readers, follow your passion, even if you end up in a dumpster with the rest of the trash. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Follow your passion, even if you end up in the dumpster with the rest of the trash.” Fish F Fish🎏

Trains & Complaints

Jesus Christ, what is up with all the incessant whining lately? Sheesh. Everyone blaming everyone for everything. ZERO regard for their own actions, just bitch, bitch, bitch. Now my black ass is complaining about the complaining, but in a justifiable way. One can only sit back & listen to it for so long before GAHHHHHHHHHHH…how about you whiny fuckers SHUT THE FUCK UP? Look inward. What is it YOU do? I’ve never seen such mass self-centeredness in my 40-plus years on this rock that’s flying through space. It’s NEVER your fault, is it? It’s as if projection is a second language these days, isn’t it? The mass mental illness has so many facets, & blaming people for your own actions is a primary feature of this global psychosis. Never YOUR fault, is it?

No, apparently it isn’t, but it’s so far-gone that I don’t know that there’s any coming back. When you let people whine & whine & bitch & moan & blame everyone but their own narcissistic selves without any rebuttal and/or consequences, they just go further & further of the deep end of the pool. Well, as a society, we’ve allowed that, & now look where we are…stuck in Clownworld. Honk honk honk. Who else is OVER the honk honk honking? I know I am, & from this point on, when someone bitches to me about something, they’re going to get the treatment they deserve, which entails me telling them to SHUT THE FUCK UP & TAKE SOME GOD-DAMNED PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS. Yes, YOUR shit stinks too, so maybe wipe YOUR own ass for fuck’s sake.

Anyway, let’s see what’s happening in the news. Geez Louise, I just had to get that out in the previous paragraphs. Sick of it. So moving on, we have these trains derailing apparently, STILL, one big one today in North Dakota & one smaller one in the Mojave Desert now I see. TWO in one day, & if any of you believe the fake news that these are “random,” & not deliberate, you probably wear a mask when you’re alone in your own car. No, these “random” events are not random, they’re attacks, DELIBERATE attacks, by parties unknown. I’d wager some little gang was organized by deep state operatives to commit these crimes. I’m sure they’re getting paid well too, because it seems like every day there’s another train derailing, & today there was TWO, two in one day. Yes, we are being attacked, but will anything be done about it? Nope, & I can assure you this will continue, along with all the other shadowplay going on in the darkness, because no one ever does a fucking thing about it. Just another news article, nothing to see here, now get back to work you filthy peasants.

I’m just gonna leave this article where it is. The whining & complaining & trains derailing is hardly entertaining, it’s just draining. Clownworld drains & sucks the zeitgeist, the zeitgeist that they have hijacked, & the Katamarian snowball is so full of proverbial garbage now. LARPers larping in real-life, crying about every fucking thing they can, as if they seek out things to bitch about. Scripted fake news narratives being broadcast via televised programmed echo chambers that people assume are true & thus, act accordingly. Identity politics, catering to fringe minorities, pushing socialist agendas, just STOP you fuckers. Maybe knock it off already with the fiction becoming non-fiction. It just keeps growing though, getting exponentially worse, & that’s not hyperbole, it’s a fact. When do we hit critical mass? How many of you even know what sociodynamics are? I’d wager maybe 1 out of 100…maybe. The FisH™ abides though, & provided YOU links so YOU can help yourself by learning something new. That’s a perfect real-time example of positive complaining. I complain about YOU not knowing things, but instead of whining about it & blaming you, I offer links, I HELP YOU, I take responsibility, & try to correct YOUR incorrectness, rather than projecting my own rage at your ignorance outward toward you.

It’s as if I’m speaking Mandarin Chinese apparently, because my inclinations fall on wax-filled deafened ears. Anyway, these “random accidents,” these train derailments, these food processing plant fires, expect them to continue & get more prevalent. I bet anyone $100 that one of those two events will be reported in tomorrow’s news. Any takers? Let me know in the comments & when I win the bet, you can just stick that Hundo into my PayPal account link over there on the right side of the page if you’re viewing this in full-site mode, or just click the link I provided above. My site is MUCH more dynamic in full-site mode, & if you’re only reading this on the phone view, you’re missing out on all the widgets that I meticulously added onto this opus of mine. Closing in on 5000 pages; 5000 pages full of information for all of you, & for none of you at all. It’s what I do, for free, because writing is my passion, & if you have a passion that you passionately pursue, despite a taxed paycheck, you understand why I do what I do. There’s so much more to this life than bullshit paper fiat I-O-U money. It’s artificial, a pseudo-currency, & the real currency is what YOU create out of love, not what you get paid to do. Okay, I’m done with this one. Until next time dear readers, look inward before you project outward. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Look inward, before you project outward.” Fish F Fish🎏

Right on Schedule

UPDATE: As I wrote this, it turns out the shooter is actually a tranny, damn I’m good. Read for yourself, I called it in real-time, imagine that. Anyway, the link is at the bottom on the updated news, but don’t skip my article, because I want you to see how I predicted this turn of events dear readers. Grab your popcorn, because the spin is going to be a shitshow. Nonetheless, The FisH™ abides…🍥

Click HERE or click the image above to read more

Oh my, yet another school shooting. It seems like when this rogue regime needs a distraction, some crazy person shoots up a school. The coincidental timing is astounding, isn’t it? Not saying the two are connected, but I AM saying that it’s unarguably quite a coincidence, & now this shooter is a FEMALE they say. What happened to the pronouns? Misgenedering? No? Nothing? Just going to assume she’s a “female,” & let that fly? They really pick & choose their stances, don’t they? A 28-year-old “female” nonetheless, so definitely NOT a student. Hmmm, this is unprecedented, yes?

Interesting…notice how they haven’t identified the shooter yet they claim, even though they say “she” was a former student, so how the fuck would you NOT be able to identify “her.” Also, I bet you “she’s” NOT white, because if she were, this article would say “white female shooter” somewhere, but since it doesn’t, I’m going to boldly presume this shooter was a “person of color,” or POC, as their acronym goes, or maybe even a tranny, wouldn’t that be crazy? Something is way off here, I can smell it. Thus, going into the future, this story could be buried in a week, with ZERO respect for the dead. It’s so ridiculous, these “identity politics,” & the indoctrination camp college campuses that poison the youth with that crap. Oh wait, hang on, I think there’s a fresh update…

Remember this post, because now they’re saying it’s a white woman named Audrey Hale. They wanted to wait until verification so now watch what happens. Oh wait, hang on, what’s this?

Holy shit, you can call me Nostrafishus from now on. I knew it, I fucking knew it, I knew something was off. “He/him” pronouns? That’s what they’re reporting, so you know it’s most certainly NOT white supremacy to blame. That’s usually their go-to angle when the shooter is white. This one however appears to be trans-testicled, so clearly another liberal lunatic. Are they going to blame the guns this time too? What about the tranny community, are they to blame? Who’s at fault here? Great question, thanks for playing. The fault lies with one element, THE PERSON SHOOTING KIDS. It has nothing to do with guns, or trannies, or white supreme pizzas, it’s ALL on this crazy Audrey Hale girl/guy person. Hang on a second, is it a guy that calls himself a girl, so they’re reporting it as a “female shooter?” Oy vey, this outta be interesting as the details unfold.

I’m gonna wrap this article up, since the news is still breaking & I don’t have all the details yet. If it turns out to be a man who identifies as a woman, but the news is reporting this sad event as a “female shooter,” that’s going to be a big matzah ball for the fake news to cover. I suppose we’ll see. Until next time dear readers, remember, there’s ONLY 2 genders, male & female. Period. You don’t get to pick your gender for fuck’s sake you LARPing mental patients. Someday we’ll stop abiding this nonsense I hope, someday when Clownworld has moved on to the next town, which with any luck, is the 7th level of hell. So sayeth FisH™…

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“Someday Clownworld will move to the next town, hopefully a town in the pits of hell.” Fish F Fish

“There’s only 2 genders. Period.” Fish F Fish

The Fooze: S3 E8 3/8/2023 Seesaw the Light

BONUS VIDEO at the end, AFTER the article, so please don’t skip ahead ya scoundrels. Just kidding, skip wherever you want, skip some hopscotch if you’d like, I don’t care what you do; just letting you know, dear reader, that there’s a BONUS VIDEO at the end, created by yours truly. Enjoy Fishheads…🍥

I added a new term to this hoarder’s horse lexicon in my head last night; would you like to know what this new term is, dear reader? This new term is hypermarket. Beyond the supermarket, is the hypermarket, & if you want to know more, just click the word. Now that you’re familiar with this term, did you know that most of the grocery store chains in the USSA, I mean USA, are owned by one company?…that’s right, ONE company, & that company is Kroger. I’m going to be posting linkage & imagery below of course, as we wouldn’t want someone to think I’m making up propagandistic fake-news-narrative-driven bullshit, like the kind of bullshit I have to flush through when doing my research, & makes up 99% of CNN’s content, & all the other alphabet fake-news outlets, who are ALSO owned by a handful of companies. A literal handful incidentally, as in you can count all the mainstream media corporate owners on one hand. Imagine the power, the world’s information, all in one hand, a hand that can easily become a fist, the same fist they punch you all in the face with 24/7. The overt bias, so obvious, sheesh, it’s such overkill, & they don’t care, one subjective news article after another, keep punching, left hook, right cross, left cross, straight right, BOOM, hit ’em with the haymaker, & you’re down for the count, knocked out, & you’re counting those lights on the ceiling before you even know it, all of this figurative by the way. Also, I italicized the word “news” back there because it is, in fact, total bullshit, & NOT news, it’s fake news, & these mainstream media actors can suck off a salmon with these globally broadcast lies. SICK OF IT, & why do they get away with it?

Well, one answer is that they’ve essentially monopolized everything, & although I singled out a single industry in the first half of this article, I can’t stop there, because they’ve conquered all of them. The news, television as a whole really, education, sports, entertainment, supply industries for fuck’s sake, anything else you can contemplate just fill-in-the-blank, ALL of it, infected by this malignant plaguous cancer, & now who are they trying to drop their spores on? Children, yep, CHILDREN, YOUR KIDS, they’re going after your kids now, trying to infect the new generation with their delusionally psychopathic vision of some dystopian future disguised as a utopian paradise. It’s total insanity. I’ve told you ad nauseam, these so-called elites are pure evil, darkness incarnate, & their greatest trophy is getting your children to follow their Luciferian doctrine.


They are in the highest positions of power; this has been a decades-long agenda & at some point, they must fulfill said agenda, & I speculate that the time is imminent, & that tempest is on the Shakespearian horizon. Yes, the culmination point of their great plan for humanity, a societal critical mass, is imminent, right on queue, almost as if they’ve scripted it, isn’t it? Strange how this playbook keeps working…for nearly 2000 years now. Divide the population, on every issue, race, religion, education, entertainment, divide them all, with an end-goal of us killing each other, while they all sit back & watch, fiddling on their Neronian violins, while it all burns down. Once they’ve turned the world to ashes, they’re going to skip back out into the world, from their bunkers this time, & rebuild a new world for the ashes of nuclear fallout, THEIR new world, you’re welcome. THIS IS THEIR PLAN, NOT MINE; they definitely do NOT want me there either. I’m a thought-criminal, a digital dissident, NON-compliant in every way, most certainly NOT wanted in their shadow world, which is fine with me. To me, everything they’ve created for you to assimilate into is UN-naturally artificial, & just dark, so dark to me, pitch black, just shadows, shadows & echoes, a real-time Platonian Cave, & I’m as UN-interested as it gets. No thanks, I prefer the Sunshine from Source outside the Cave. Not buying it, never gonna buy it, & what I offer is FREE, the best price ever. All you have to do is get up, & walk out of the Cave. That’s it. THAT’S ALL. It’s so easy. They may have the power, sure, they print the money they need for themselves, so that’s never an issue for them, sure thing, but we have something they’ll never have. They know they can NEVER be a light in the darkness, or even have a light. Why?..because they sold their souls for the false light. Now they ARE darkness, & the illumination they offer is false, from a false “god” that they venerate for some reason. They want chaos, so they can manufacture order, their version of “order,” but order is Divine, order is Nature, & Nature doesn’t need their “order.” They are drunk, power-drunk on the notion of absolute power, & it’s corrupted them beyond belief. They are pissing on Divinity with these terribly evil things they do to everyone, they HATE the true light, they HATE us, they definitely hate my black ass, & so they want us all gone, hence their ultimate depopulation agenda. They want us all gone by 2030, & now all they need to complete their plan is 7 billion people gone. SEVEN BILLION OF US GONE. Quite enlightening, isn’t it?

Despite their ridiculously insane agenda, the red-pilled poppers & droppers like myself, & some of you, & some others all around the world, we are standing up to these pseudo-overlord pieces of shit. Sure, we’re still a relatively small bunch, albeit an exponentially growing entity, if you will, so maybe not as small as we seem. The elites are hijackers, & they’ve hijacked the zeitgeist, the macro-organism, but collectively we have evolved into our own micro-organism, & we’re growing so fast, micro becoming macro, so fast that we are imminently about to completely spilt off from the aforementioned macro-mass, the hijacked zeitgeist. WE have the power, WE took it back, WE D.B. Cooper-ed that plane, before their plane eventually crashes into the mountain; & it will, it WILL crash, I assure you. No matter how determined these evil fucks at the top of the proverbial pyramid in the Capstone Club are, THEY WILL NEVER EXTINGUISH THE LIGHT OF VIRTUE WITH THIER DARK INIQUITY. NEVER…NEVER EVER EVER. It’s quite simple really if one just steps back & looks at the entire portrait. What do you see when you look at the big picture, the WHOLE picture, what do you see? Want to know the answer?

Okay, here’s the answer, & this answer is in fact, a question. I’m answering the previous question with a question, & if the hamster is running on the wheel, this should make perfect sense to you, but if you don’t get it, just look at a light switch. Now here we go, here’s the answer…DUNDADADUNDUNDUNNNNNN…Regardless of everything, literally EVERYTHING, everything you see, forget about all of it, forget EVERYTHING, & think about this: If the lights were off, you wouldn’t be able to see a damn thing at all, would you?…but is the opposite plausible? Nope, one can’t see without a light, can they? There can always be a light in the darkness, ALWAYS, & there is no opposing equivalence…you can’t say there can always be a darkness when the lights are on, makes no sense, does it? Where’s the polarity, you might be thinking? Everything has a polarity in this world, right?…nope, wrong, not when it comes to the light, which although it seems paradoxically anomalous, it is not. It is a concept that does not originate in 3d. The true battle of light versus dark happens on 5d, & we only act it out down here, hence no polarity, but oh do I digress. I’ll get into the 5d battle of light & dark another time, because it’s another few thousand words at least, & it’s come to the time when I wrap up this Foozer, dear reader. Do hast thou will with this big bag of red pills, all of you are applicable, as individually respective as a fingerprint, but it’s up to YOU to Gom Jabbar what you find here when I turn on the lights.

Get it? Yes? Good. No? Well, maybe go read another post or three. The beauty & the horror of analogies is their ambiguity. Until next time, dear reader, I’ve given you a new light bulb, very “green new deal,” energy efficient & eco-friendly(honk honk honk), just kidding. No, this light bulb I offer to all of you, & to none of you, is more like a 1000 Watt LED. Full-spectrum artificial sunlight, a veg & a flower setting, to keep you growing strong, branching new branches to reach for more light as you grow, & then one day you’ll grow so full, you’ll bloom, budding your own flowers. “Great analogy, you should quote that”…thanks for the compliment, I will…cheers. Until next time, turn on your light, & up brighten the room. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Branch your branches, then bloom your flowers.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Turn on your light, enlighten your room.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E7 3/7/2023 What’s in the Box?

Well, well, well, would you look at that, “virus-sized” transistors, hey? Isn’t that interesting & oh wait, what else is that I see? Look at the date on the article, January-February 2011, so this article was posted nearly 12 years ago, but did you hear anything about it? I didn’t, & I’d wager that said technology has advanced tenfold since then, maybe even a hundred fold, thousand fold, MILLION fold, who knows? These psychopaths that rule all of you, might even go so far as to put these tiny transistors into something they’d label as a “vaccine,” in order to trick you all into unwillingly injecting a transistor into your body. Oh wait, maybe they already have? Why would they do this? Good question, thanks for playing, & one could speculate all day on the correct answer, but you’d come up with the same answer as me, which is that…I have no clue. Nope, I don’t know, no one does, unless they’re inside the inside, up in their Capstone Club, in their arch-member dress robes, drinking baby’s blood shots with adrenochrome sidekicks, while all of us are stuck in the nosebleed section of the coliseum, waiting for pigs to fly by I suppose, as these elitist scum suck up more & more power from screaming plebs, yelling for the gladiators to slaughter one another, at the behest of free loaves of bread from the bun-slinger. Will it ever change? Let’s hold our breath…(exhales)…nah…nevermind…

What in the world is really going on? I’m thinking the Covaids epidemic wasn’t what everyone thinks it is at all. What if everyone who took the jab has one of these “virus-sized” transistors in them? Do you realize how small these transistors are? Whoa, hang on one second, do you even know what a transistor is? Click if you don’t, because if you don’t know, you won’t realize how dangerous it could be having one of these fucking things in your body. However, that could also imply that your own ignorance & programmed fear caused you to blindly “follow the CDC pseudo-guidelines” & get jabbed, THEN boosted. Why would someone do that? “They told me to!” they proclaim, & to them I first reply with…(fart noise), then I say nothing, nope, what more is there to say to you, you compliant fools, but some of you were deceived at arguably no fault fo your own. If you DID in fact take the jab, & you realize you made a YUGE, possibly life-ending mistake, along with a few of you were “mandated,” due to a job perhaps, which is a tough call for you, so I apologize for my crass retort back there to you unfortunate few, but for everyone else, I tried to tell you. WE tried to tell you, all of us now-infamous “purebloods,” WE tried to warn you. We told you to wait, & DO NOT panic like every else, Covaids is essentially the common cold and/or flu, & it is only life-threatening if you have pre-existing conditions or are elderly and/or a child, so just WAIT. You won’t die, just WAIT, wait to see if there might be side-effects. IT’S THE SAME EXACT THING AS THE COMMON COLD & FLU, PEOPLE DIE EVERY FUCKING DAY FROM THE COMMON COLD & FLU, BUT YOU DIDN’T LISTEN, DID YOU?…& if you STILL want to say I’m wrong, see below, & kiss my ass, kiss his ass, kiss your ass…& keep on kissing pouty…honk honk honk…(fart noise again, followed by another, & another…)

YES, people die from the common cold & flu, all day, every day, people die from it, same as Covaids. It’s basically the same God-damned thing. The numbers on the CDC’s own website seem to back up my claim, perhaps you should go look for yourself there if you doubt me. Oh, by the way, MASKS DON’T DO A FUCKING THING EITHER, SO MAYBE STOP WEARING THEM ALREADY YOU MASK-WEARING AUTOMATONS, how about that? Derp…it’s utterly mind-blowing how abysmally stupid some people are. Let’s go back almost 3 years, shall we? First, masks were useless, then “MANDATED,” but now useless again. See this image below? Look at the date; it says, “March 17, 2020,” & now look at the title, & then the following text from the beginning of the article. The “experts” say that “wearing MASKS & gloves as a precaution against coronavirus is ineffective, unnecessary for the vast majority of people, & may even SPREAD infections faster,” THEIR words, not mine. How about them apples? Also, I told everyone that not only is the jab ineffective, it also “sheds” weakened versions of the virus to infect those with vulnerable immune systems. THREE YEARS AGO…FOR THREE FUCKING YEARS WE’VE BEEN TELLING YOU ALL THIS….& what’s do we get in return?

Nothing, which I could care less about, since I didn’t ask for anything, did I? Me saying “I told you so,” isn’t going to change the fact that you took the jab, if in fact, you took the jab of course. I’d hate the anxiety if I had taken it…yikes. Not knowing what’s inside your body, & not only the cocktail of chemicals, viruses, AIDS, & whatever else they threw into the mix, but possibly also a “transistor” of some kind, transmitting data to unknown players, who are harvesting said data, YOUR data. I don’t know, but I DO know that I have an almost perfect proverbial batting average for my respective zeitgeist speculations. I don’t miss often, not even when I spit into the wind. On that note, time to wrap it up. Until next time dear readers, open your box, or the box might open up you.” So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Open your box, before the box opens you.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E5 3/5/2023 Them Apples

Uh oh, I’ve now moved the false-flag probability meter from 8 to 9, & the scale goes from one to ten, just to clarify. Yep, she went from a loose 8, to a solid 9, & I’m speculating that this upcoming week there might be some kind, yet ANOTHER kind, of orchestrated disastrous event designed to distract you and/or push one of their scripted narratives into the zeitgeist. We knew where Covaids came from, we knew it & we told you, & it sure as fuck was NOT bat soup. What did so many of you do? You called us “delusional conspiracy theorists,” & oh my were we publicly demonized for telling all of you THE TRUTH. I, for one, never backed down & now, the origins of Covaids are…guess what they are? NOW PUBLICLY REPORTED TO BE FROM A CHINESE LAB. How about them apples? The MSM fake news propaganda pushers are a joke, just rotten fruit, right? Filled with worms & slime, just low-hanging trashy bad apples. Even the bonkers-birds on the lunatic left won’t eat their bad apples anymore. The powers-that-be know this, because of course, with the help of AI, they analyze all the data in real-time, & use this knowledge to their advantage, but they’ve gone too far, so far gone in fact that they’re unprecedentedly desperate. Desperate psychopaths do desperately psychopathic things, very predictively unpredictable, which is why I’m SPECULATING, that with the advent of this Covaids information being released to the public, they are right now in real time masterminding some new narrative-driven disaster scenario that distracts us all from THE TRUTH.

Don’t blame me, this is THEM, not me, I’m just an animated illustrator with nothing left to lose. Each day I meticulously go through all the “breaking news” from Clownworld, then find the bits & bobs that actually ring TRUTH, rather than whatever narrative they happen to be barfing out for the day. Then, I sprinkle some of my FisH™ magic on said truth, referring to my own personalized homemade 2d/3d animation that I add to give my articles life, so to speak. Then, after proofreading & adding my tags, BOOM, I’m smacking that “PUBLISH” button like Will Smith, & now you’re reading in the past, what I wrote in my present. That’s it, that’s all I do, for now anyway, exposing TRUTH, for all of you, & for none of you at all, & if you don’t understand what that means, I suggest you read Thus Spoke Zarathustra, by the great Friedrich Nietzsche. That book is arguably the best book ever written; I’ve read it several times, & each time I do, I find a new gem that I missed in prior reads. This book will change your life, especially for so many of you down on your luck in this upside-down senseless world, thus I HIGHLY recommend you find a hard copy to keep around for yourself in case the lights turn off. Or, in this modern age, perhaps you prefer to audiobook books, while the lights are still on? If so, no worries, as always, FisH™ has you covered. Scroll down…just below the lil’ white behbeh getting smacked off the mystery box…word up.

No, this wonky world is most certainly NOT what most of you think it is, & now that the deep-fake meme has been birthed, just wait & see what happens when the meme evolves into its own macro-organism. Not familiar with the reference? That’s a concept from The Lucifer Principle, also a must read for all deep divers, & also a mind-blower. There’s SO many of you still chained to yourselves inside the proverbial Cave, watching the fiery illusions dance on the cave wall, listening to the echoes in the shadows only to debate their pseudo-merit as if you were scholars, but this is all make-believe, not the real reality. The REAL nature of this world is found OUTSIDE the Cave, not inside of it, not down deep into the darkness. Oh wait, not getting this reference either? That’s okay, people only know what they know, that’s why I’m here. I’m outside the Cave, BEEN outside the Cave for seemingly forever now, waving my arms, shouting down to all of you to “Come on up, the sunshine is Divine!”…but most of you shun me, even hate me, as it were. “The world is down here, in the dark!” you exclaim with your pale faces & your beady eyes. I’m going to stop right there, because those of us who swim in the deep end of the pool know the Cave dwellers, as well as the Sun, but the shallow swimmers might still be going out just far enough where they can barely touch, then going back to the shallows, so let’s give them some more reference, shall we?

Above, you can click to listen to The Lucifer Principle, & it’s a long one so only parts 1 through 6, then it’s up to you to go deeper, & of course, I’ll link below The Allegory of the Cave, from Plato’s Republic. FisH™ has delivered a hat trick of must-read literature, that will resonate respectively as it applies to each of you individually. Some of you are deep divers, maybe even deeper than yours truly, & some of you are shallow swimmers still, which is fine, as long as everyone realizes it’s all one big oceanic-sized pool. There’s a deep end with no bottom, where the abyss really does stare back at you, which is where I like to dive, as deep as I can go, & then there’s a kiddie pool. All one has to do is be brave enough to go deeper, but that relies on your own relationship with your own free will, something only YOU can do. I’m like. lifeguard, that points a lot, blows the whistle, occasionally throws out a life vest or two, but the rest is up to you, & you alone. This fish here though, I only ride the biggest waves, the swollen monsters that take me to the abyss, where few ever dare to go, but how could they if they aren’t big-wave riders? I’ll get into “wave-riding” another time, but nonetheless, that’s how I get to the deepest of the deep, & then I dive, down down wayyyyyyy down, & do you know how I do that? I let go, & just keep diving down, because I have the self-realization that I am immortal, we all are, & regardless of these meat suits we are all currently stuck in, NOTHING can truly “kill” you. In your mind, there are no boundaries, other than the walls you’ve built for yourself. Based on that notion alone, what is there ever to really be afraid of? Until next time, dear readers, remember this: YOU are immortal, & NOTHING can destroy you, except you. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“You are immortal, & nothing can destroy you, except you.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“In your mind there are no boundaries, other than the walls you alone have built.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E4 3/4/2023 Virgin Moon Worms

To start, no the title isn’t a band name, but should you choose this name for your band, Virgin Moon Worms, I’ll take 33% of all royalties, thank you very much. Moving on, I had a quote pop into my head, & before I forgot it, as I often do, I texted it to myself so I would NOT forget it, because in case you haven’t noticed, I drop quotes at the endings of many of these posts, EVERY post lately to be honest. Normally, I just pull them from whatever I happen to be writing about in the respective article. This time however, I am redirecting a quote I thought of elsewhere, to here, to now share with all of you, dear readers, in my real-time, now my past-time as you’re reading this after I’ve written it. Also, I might drop a separate fresh quote at the end, so be sure to go the distance & not be a half-crook reader. What is this awe-inspiring quote? Good question, thanks for asking.

The quote is this: “We are not equipped to live in the world we have created.” I must admit, I heard someone saying something similar earlier, albeit NOT verbatim, so I rearranged the words like little soldiers in a row until the quote revealed itself to me, like chiseling away at a rock until the sculpture manifests into a naked Romanesque figure of some sort. I just thought, chiseled, thought, chiseled, as I listened to the video I was watching on the subject, thought, chiseled, until POOF, there it was, this quote. Think about it, as it relates to you, & I’ll come back to this quote at the end. I’m accumulating all of my quotes into quite a collection, possibly a little coffeebook or two of my fishy-faced quotes. Yes, considering I’m up to a few hundred or so by now, maybe I might manifest them all into some books of quotes, for all of you, & for none of you at all, how about them apples, dear readers?

Anyway, let’s move on to this upcoming Full Worm Moon, officially happening on March 7th, at 5:42 AM MST, so to me, I’ll have to see it its glorious glory either prior to that actual time, or on the night off the 7th, technically after the official time of the FULL full moon, but it’ll be “full,” one way or the other.. It’s the FINAL full moon of this darkest of dark winters too, which is good news, unless you live in Colorado, like me, or maybe in Canada like a few of my friends, where the winter doesn’t end until sometime in May, so it’s hardly the “last” full moon of winter for us, except on paper. Why do they call it the “worm” moon? Is it because the worms start coming out of the ground due to the winter thaw, providing food for the hungry springtime birds? That’s my guess, so let’s find together in real-time, shall we?

Well, well, well, would you look at that, lucky guess on my part I suppose, or menial critical-thinking skills utilized successfully, I’ll let you decide. This is according to The Farmer’s Almanac, & there’s a few other interesting facts about this particular full moon listed there as well, which happens to be appearing in Virgo, my own constellation, yep I own it, but I digress, & as I was saying, it’s appearing in the Great Constellar Virgin, marking the end of a 6-month cycle. What a period, 6-months long, & just a reminder: You know how we love completing our cycles here, circling the circles, fulfilling the circularity, our beloved literary Ouroboros, on the endless Ouroborian loop, end becoming the beginning to become the end again, only to be reborn, over & over, again, & again, & again, for it’s all just part of The Great Loopty-Loop, birth to death, around & around the merry-go-round. Anyway, for the sake of synchronicity, as the circularities always seem to find us in the articles I post, I thought I’d mention this culminationous lunar event as it relates to this roller-coaster of wordsmithery I share here with all of you, dear readers. Check it out below…

Interesting, I like the idea of the “sap moon,” getting that yumyum new sap from the sugar maples to make me some fresh organic maple syrup in some factory in Vermont. REAL syrup, not faux-rip, not the poison, not the high fructose corn syrup Aunt Jemima pseudo-syrup, oh no no no. Geez, not only did they find Aunt Jemima to be REEEEEEEEE-cist with the labeling, it’s not even real syrup. Arguing about racist sugar-crack poison; par for the course here in Clownworld…(honk noise). It’s as UN-syrup as it gets, because it’s LITERALLY just flavored high fructose corn syrup mixed with chemical additives, chemical crack sugar, & moms across America cover their fat kids’ breakfast pancakes with it every morning in this morbidly obese once-great country of ours, but I digress as always. Let’s not focus on the negative, ya gotta ak-sen-chew-ate the positive, dadahdadahdada…let’s see here, what are some other positive attributes to this upcoming full worm moon?

Interesting, analogous to blooming flowers, I dig the springtime. Although, I’ve never claimed to be one of those people who believes in anything astrology. Yes, I find it intruiging, but if you think you’re going to convince me that EVERY SINGLE PERSON who was born on the same day, same time, & the same year as myself, will have a life analogous to my own, as well as the notion that we will ALL share similar personality traits, think again hot sauce. The average number of behbehs born, around the time I was born, was about 325,000 babies delivered alive per day. Based on that statistic, ALL 325,000 or so of us, have the same personality, spiritually of course if you believe in star charts, zodiac signs, and/or astrology in general. I suppose it could have merit. 325,000 out of 7 ½ billion people is a baby fraction(clever pun, strike one). I wouldn’t say I disbelieve, nor would I claim I do in fact, believe in these aforementioned concepts, I simply find it fascinating. I don’t take it lightly, per se, yet it surely has no deterministically valid merit as something definitively factual, for me to reference upon any self-evaluations of my own personality, but yes, it’s interesting.

Before we wrap this up, let’s not dismiss the quote I quoted at the beginning of this article, said quote reading, “we are not equipped to live in the world we have created.” Well, ARE we, or are we NOT? Is it relative? Are some of us equipped, so to speak, & some not? Tough to speculate on how much or how little we are, as we are all experiencing these unprecedented times right now in real-time, & the flux is constantly fluxing, like some 1984 time machine built out of a Delorean. I DO however believe the quote, for the most part, despite how relative it is individually, & overall the answer would be a solid “NO,” as in NO, most of us are NOT equipped, & as much as one might believe that they are, they aren’t. How can you be, especially if you re-equip on the daily, just to make it to the end of the day, before waking up to another day stuck in The Great Mouse Trap, how can one truly be “equipped” to do anything, if it’s all just another left turn-right turn, chasing cheese bait fiat money in this labyrinthian game we all unwittingly play when you cut off the fat. Check out my previous posts for more on The Great Mouse Trap, if you aren’t familiar. I’ve illustrated it countless times, so I’m not going to re-illustrate it here again, & we have reached the end here regardless, so until next time dear readers, note that this upcoming Full Worm Moon is supposedly a time of emotions, particularly as they relate to relationships, new beginnings “springing” up as the cold winter ends, also unleashing some obvious puns, like the one that just “sprung” up above, & this one too of course. Puns galore, quotes & puns, funs funs funs, but now we’re dones dones dones. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“When the cold winter ends, new beginnings begin yet again, springing up, as spring begins .” Fish F Fish🎏