The Fooze: S3 E17 3/17/2023 Drinking Day

What can I say, other than it’s St. Patty’s Day. What do people even celebrate on this day? Getting drunk? Seriously, it should be called “Drinking Day,” like a day to celebrate alcohol, like 4/20. Unfortunately, the only difference is that drunks suck much worse than stoners for one, & two, despite anomalies, smoking weed isn’t potentially lethal to yourself & others around you. Drunk driving, drunk fighting, drunk sex even, all destructively negative attributes of drinking booze. On the other hand, stoners don’t hurt anyone really, other than themselves. Of course, as I already mentioned, there are anomalies; I’m sure there’s been cases of “stoned driving” that led to unexpectedly negative consequences, but those cases are very few & far between. Point being, if “green” is the veneration of the celebration, I’ll take herbal relief every time over a shot of poisonous liquid courage.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fucking prude, I’m totally down with a drink or two at dinner or something like that. Reckless drinking in a bar though, meh…hasn’t been a thing for me since college. This floating fish put in his time & then some back in college. Holy shit it’s insane when I think back on how far I used to take it when I partied. Ask anyone who knows me. I was known to dry-gulch random dipshits for my own amusement. There was always one guy at a party, always one, creeping, saying weird shit, just being a wanker in general, so whenever I was present when “that guy” was in full-form…KAPOW, down & out, then drug out of the party while everyone kicked him, even a few girls. True story. Good times. This is the funniest part though; that only happened once, one time, right at the beginning of my 7-year college career.

There were a few other fights to be sure, & I am still undefeated, but like fight fights where I had to whip someones’s ass who came at me, but that one fight, ONE FIGHT, stayed with me for 7 years…as if I did it all the time…oy vey, people are so strange, aren’t they? The way they make somethings out of nothings. I feel bad too because I fucked that guy”s face up like a savage. The first punch caught him above his left eye, the sweet spot, splitting his eye open, & dropping him to the floor. I thought he was out, but then he tried to get up like a moron, & threw a ridiculous haymaker. Derp…wrong move. Sadly for him, the booze made him so slow that he telegraphed said haymaker, & I just ducked out of the way, then threw another straight right punch, right into the bridge of his nose, which kind if exploded with an audible splatter & he was done, out, on the floor crying I think. I don’t know, but it was like this moaning, wailing sort of sound. Anyway, a few buddies & myself grabbed his dumbass, & drug him to the front door, & the trip there was no fun for him, as random kicks from guys & gals landed all over his body. Everyone was laughing & yelling at him, poor guy.

What a dick I am, but I know that already, so fuck that guy. He was being uncouth, especially to the ladies, & I’m guessing he remembers that night to this day, especially when he looks in the mirror at the scar over his eye & the new nose he had to get fixed after I broke it. Regardless, all of that was totally unnecessary, & totally fueled by booze, like gas on a bonfire. I used to be a bartender, & spent a decade & change babysitting drunks, which is another reason why one, I don’t drink to get drunk, & two, I don’t celebrate this ridiculous holiday that transformed from its original meaning into essentially, “Drinking Day.” Yep, that’s what today is, & I bet 9 out of 10 random people on the street have no clue what the original meaning of St. Patrick’s Day is. For instance, ask the next person you run into, “Who is St. Patrick?,” & see what they barf out for a wrong answer, because odds are, they won’t have a clue. It’s analogous to when you ask random people these days, “What year was the USA founded?,” or “What are the Bill of Rights?” Don’t believe me? I linked some “Man on the Street” videos from the great Mark Dice below, a whole playlist, one video after another, illustrating exactly what I just told you. “Check it out,” as he says, & click below for some real-time Idiocracy.

Well, that was fun, wasn’t it? Do you feel like you caught brain-AIDS? Yeah, I know, me too. It’s heartbreaking to see this staggering stupidity though, despite the obvious humor in it, it’s really just pathetically sad. Why? Why are Americans so God-damned dumb these days? Sheesh. Oh wait, this is the end result of public “education,” which doesn’t really educate you on anything, per se, other than how to be a good debt slave. Civics, finance, other languages, music theory, all of this is crucial in the proper education of young minds, but you only find it in the schools where the so-called elites send their kids. Oh yes, the game starts at birth, & if you’re born into the peasant class, as most of us are, you’re taught to be a slave in public school, rather than how to become your best individual self. Public education is for the hive minded; click that link & you can read more about it, because it’s time to wrap this up. Dang, I start with one thing, & finish with another, every time, never fails. I bet I go on & on, watch & see…

As I’ve said repeatedly, I just tune the dial to the best frequency, then let these fingers fly, & when it’s all done, I don’t really remember what I write, so I go back & read it when I proofread for my grammatical errors, & sometimes it’s astonishing what comes out. I can’t really explain it, it’s almost like an auto-pilot sort of feeling, surreal, but whatever this is, it’s my lone gift in this life, so I’m going to spend the rest of my days, writing every day, for an audience of ghosts, & digital readers with their little icon avatars, occasionally dropping a “like,” but for the most part, no one reads a word of this drivel I spew out. None of these writing jobs see any value in my uniquely authentic literary language, so either I suck as a writer, or they’re all scared to hire someone like me who writes about TRUTH, in a world of scripted narratives. Wait, there’s no one else like me, so I suppose I’m fucked, yes? Oh well, fuck em, not bending the knee to get a shitty paycheck for adding “wokeness” somewhere in my endless list of resumes. Nope, can’t do it, won’t do it, I guess I’ll just be a broke failure. The proverbial “starving artist,” or maybe “pseudo-artist,” because perhaps all these words I write don’t mean a fucking thing to anyone. Wunderbar…(fart noise)

Ugh, what a mood. Just an overall feeling of being COMPLETELY fed up with Clownworld life. Can one of you donate $10k so I can go to Costa Rica before I drive my beater of a Beamer right off the next cliff I come across? Gah, it’s so fucking frustrating, when you have the self-realization that you’re worth more, but humbly you simultaneously realize you’re a total dumbass. What do I know besides this? Oh wait, I know how to grow good weed, does that count for anything? Nope? Nope they say, it’s another relatively useless “skill” I can add to my post-it note of attributes. Oh no, I have the “drunken blues” it seems, even though I don’t drink, haven’t drank in forever, & certainly NOT drinking for this stupid “holiday,” if you wanna call it that. Just another excuse for Americans to burn more brain cells. Drink up though, ya plebs. “Bread & circuses,” been a great tactic for 2000 years, give or take a century, so why stop now?

I don’t know, I don’t know anything anymore, but speaking of “stopping now,” that’s what I’m about to do, because this ouroborosian essay has found its own tail, & is eager to eat it so I can shut the fuck up already. Nonetheless, have a fun time getting drunk, puking on your drunk girlfriend, right before she pukes on you, then waking up tomorrow feeling like hell, with puke all over yourselves. Yay, fun fun fun. The difference in mentality between you’re 25 year-old self & your middle-aged self is night & day. I used to live to party, like literally, with ZERO inclinations toward a future for myself, a family maybe, a nest egg, but nope, it was ALL about the party, as if it would never end. Such a fucking delusional idiot I was, & still am, & I can’t change, because this is who I am apparently. Of course the party is done for me, & I’m well-aware, but everyone else who lived like me is dead. EVERYONE, & that’s not an exaggeration, they’re ALL dead, & it’s just me left. Like a battle, where all your friends died fighting, except they were only fighting themselves, & they lost. Meanwhile, me, myself, & I am the only soldier left standing, wondering why I’m still here, & where my old friends are now. Wow, such surreality, only me, only one left. Why?

Great question, thanks for playing. I wish I had an answer; selfishly I wish I had the answer for myself, not for anyone else. I’m fresh out of friends, haven’t seen my family in like 6 years, something like that, got massacred in the crypto crash which took everything I had, EVERYTHING, they took it all out of my diamond hands like they were made of rice paper. Stone sober the whole time; I spent years after getting clean building my stacks, then making amazing trades that got me well into 6-figures before POOF, a financial train wreck into a multi-car pileup, & I was smack in the middle, so I lost everything. EVERY FUCKING THING, gah. It’s been months & I can’t shake it. Maybe I need a drink, or a lobotomy, fuckin hell, I just wish I could shake it off already. Maybe I can’t, because this is not the first time I got hosed for all of my stacks. It’s happened like 4, maybe 5 times now, & I can’t understand why. WHY????? WHY YOU FUCKER IN THE SKY IF YOU’RE EVEN UP THERE, WHY??? Fuck, it’s like I’m cursed or something…maybe I am, who knows?

Hard to say what’s even real anymore here in this backwards-ass upside-down timeline. The Great Recycler, The Great Mouse Trap, The Capstone Club, just what the fuck is going on in this world? Is ANYTHING real? It sure doesn’t seem to be, & most of the population would rather get drunk on the poison their overlords offer them on street corners across this once great nation, now the USSA, The United Socialist States of America. I just coined that, don’t steal it. Actually, you can take it, I really don’t care, because it doesn’t matter, nor does anything else for those of us down here in these trenches. Nope, 99% of you, of us, are stuck in The Great Mouse Trap, & all the booze in the world won’t get you through the exit door. Regardless, drink on up Americans, & eradicate those synapses in that wet noodle atop your neck. Obviously, as always, this applies to all of you, & none of you at all. Speaking of that Nietzschian paraphrase I use, “for all of you, & for none of you at all,” what do you think the late Friedrich would think of this maddening pseudo-reality they’ve manufactured for all of you?

He’d laugh, because he predicted this. It’s truly amazing, if you have ever read his work, how accurate he was about societal degeneration. I mean look around, Idiocracy has become reality, & that was not supposed to happen, but it did, & now, we’re all stuck in it. Too bad the overall global complacency is unprecedented in scale, as it’s equally amazing how utterly uninformed most people are. Doesn’t matter though, it’s party time, shots for everyone at the bar, on me. Try the 3-headed cow, it’s delightful. I created it for idiots who act like idiots when they try to order “the bartender’s favorite shot.” Oh my, bartenders just love when they hear, “Make me your favorite shot,” & when I would hear that, I had a special shot I’d whip up especially for the aforementioned idiots. Want to know the ingredients? Here we go; the infamous 3-Headed Cow: tequila, scotch, vodka, rum, lemon juice, milk, shake all the ingredients with ice, strain into a sugar-rimmed shot glass, then hail to the sacred cow. Down the hatch, & good luck if you ever drink more than one of these God-awful shots. Ugh, are you kidding me, who would drink that?

They did though, many times, many times saying they wanted another. That’s drunks for you, & the bartenders of America are balls-deep in the weeds right now, feeding you drunk fuckers into respective states of unpredictably dangerous intoxication. Isn’t it odd that during that time when we allegedly had no toilet paper, & a bunch of of other stuff was “temporally unavailable,” yet there was more than enough booze & cigs for everyone, isn’t that weird? Nope, nothing weird going on in America, nothing to see plebs, slam those beers & shots, because today is “Drinking Day, ” the one day of the year to celebrate all of the comedy & tragedy that alcohol has brought to the masses, arguably more of the latter, but who cares?…I’m done with the digressional tangent talk, & done with this article that maybe 10 people will actually read, if I’m lucky. Check out these stats…I’d be embarrassed, if I cared, but “caring” about anything anymore is no longer something I concern myself with. When you have nothing left to lose, literally NOTHING, then nothing matters anymore, right? So what’s left to “care” about?

Okay, this has turned into a 5-page essay for fuck’s sake, yikes. You’d think one of these companies I apply to would appreciate what I do exclusively for this unwavering daily discipline I possess, but apparently they don’t, for reasons unknown. Most likely, it’s my content, & they’re scared to hire a wide-open thought criminal dissident. Also, I’m an un-jabbed straight white male, so right out of the gate, I’m 3-strikes out. Drats. Fuck it. Until next time, dear readers, write until you reach the end of the marathon, no matter how far you have to run. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

Click HERE to donate & help feed the fish. My black ass is broke, almost dead, bloated, & floating in this wastewater world. Thanks, even though I’m confident I won’t even get a penny from my digital begging for shekels. Fuck it. Cheers…🎣

Click HERE to donate & help feed the fish. My black ass is broke, almost dead, bloated, & floating in this wastewater world. Thanks, even though I’m confident I won’t even get a penny from my digital begging for shekels. Fuck it. Cheers…🎣

“Write until the race has been won, no matter how far you have to run.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E8 2/8/2023 The REAL State of the Union

“Hang in there, it’ll be over soon.” If only that were true, but at this rate, I’ll be shockingly surprised if this country even makes it to the next election. The real “state of the union” is DIRE, arguably as dire as it’s ever been, despite the lies spewed by this dementia-riddled old man at the SOTU speech. Oh, & let’s not forget the canned applause…duh…HALF the room wasn’t even standing, but from the decibel level of the fake applause, you’d think President Braindead scored a touchdown. Look what they’ve done, look what these idiots on the left have done in 2 years: inflation from 1.3ish% to 6.4ish%, gas nearly tripled, eggs doing double-digits for a dozen, our military is woke & weak, supply chain breakdowns, everyone is either gay or a homophobe, Covaids jabs are killing people, it’s all white peoples’ fault, I can go on, & on, & on, & on, & on, & on, & on listing the different ways these communist globalist douchebags are intentionally & systematically destroying this country. I’m about to tell you the REAL State of this alleged “Union ,”we’re all stuck in together. I don’t know about you, but I’m not seeing much “unity” going on, unless you count tribal unity, then there’s all kinds of unity going on, unless…

Unless you’re black in Chicago, then you might get shot, odds are by another black person, most likely a black man. Black on black crime there EVERY SINGLE DAY in Chi-raq, murder capital of America, but did President Braindead mention any of that? Nope, none of these political hacks ever do, & it continues, daily, all day every day, more & more MURDERS, black men shooting up other black men, & where’s BLM?…(crickets)…where are your s-elceted “leaders?”…(crickets)…but if a white guy like me even dares to utter any of this publicly…”REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, SHUT YOUR MOUTH YOU WHITE MALE BIGOT RACIST BLACKOPHOBE!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE,(Honk Noise) REEEEEEEEEEEEE. Oy vey it’s just so PLAYED OUT at this point, fuckin hell. Seriously, is it me, or are any of you absolutely sick & tired of all this narrative-driven race-baiting, coddling to “marginalized” groups, has it run its course & then some with you as well? GAHHHHHHHHHHHH, it hurts my head, Clownworld hurts my head, but on the inside where I can’t out an ice-pack on it. It’s just so UN-natural, it’s sucking the life out of a world with so much potential, & I just don’t get it.

Why? Who are these politicians, these “presidents” & “senators,” who the fuck put them in charge? They claim YOU did, so did you? Wasn’t me, I don’t vote, since voting means nothing anyway since they pick the winners prior. Just another part of the theatre, same as the lottery, all the winners are pre-selected, which is why I say they’re “s-elected,” not elected. Get it? Good. Moving on…they broadcast “Voting Day,” & make a big flashy spectacle of it, then they proclaim, “CHEATING” after the pseudo-election is over, & the drama goes on, & on, blah blah blah. Meanwhile, while you’re cluelessly distracted watching bullshit vote counts on a bullshit fake news alphabet media outlet, or some kind of superball game, or another fake reality show, or something gay & black on Netflix, the powers that be tighten that proverbial vise just a little bit more. They have to tighten it while you’re distracted, & since most of you are, all the time, the vise’s grip is always tightening, slowly, but all the time, tighter & tighter until one of these days soon, SPLAT SPLAT, the noise of your eyeballs popping out of your head. This is all figurative, incidentally. No one’s eyeballs are gonna pop out of their head like Billy McCarthy. Link below if you don’t know.

☝🏻Click to Read More☝🏻

Armed Americans are the only thing left really stopping these elitist political pigs from commencing full-speed ahead with their agenda, as far as I can see. Most of said pigs are in China’s pocket, so I’m sure this shadowy coup, via an obviously stolen election, is part of the Chinese long game to ruin this once great nation from the inside out. Where do you think all the fetty comes from? “Fetty,” is one of the street words for fentanyl, & it’s made in China, just like seemingly everything else here. Only this particular “made in China” product kills people. It’s everywhere too, for cheap, isn’t that weird? Almost as if that too, is INTENTIONALLY being unleashed on the American public. Why though? Who benefits here? Covaids, fentanyl, “spy balloons,” all from China, but these feckless “leaders” do nothing? Not hard to speculate that China essentially owns this country now for the most part. Only us armed Americans stand in the way now, so what comes next?

Hot war maybe? Hmmm, that’s a tough one. If we go “hot war,” with ANY country, it’s not going to end well for all involved. The world will become a real-life version of the game Fallout, & the only survivors will be the lucky ones who get to the underground bunkers. Yep, a bunker and/or a cave is the only way to live through the nuke strikes if they come, & surely nuclear weapons would be utilized, which could potentially annihilate millions, if not BILLIONS, of us, we “collateral damage” civilians. Yeah, we don’t count, & as a matter of fact, nuclear war would be GOOD, not for us obviously, but from their distortedly askew point-of-view, it would be great. If billions of people die, that solves their “over-population” problem, as written on the Georgia Guidestones. “Maintain a world population of roughly 500 million,” paraphrased, but that’s almost verbatim what it used to read before “someone” blew them up, which leaves ohhhhhh…7 BILLION of us gone. No suspects that I know of yet by the way in the bombing of the Georgia Guidestones, kind of odd for a bombing, wouldn’t you agree? Regardless, point being, I didn’t get a pass, nor did anyone I know get a pass, did you? I’d wager that like me, you did NOT get your golden ticket out of the next great holocaust, & when the nukes go off, also like me, you’re fucked.

Okay, back to this stupid speech. Apparently Potato Joe was “screaming” at other world leaders tonight during his bullshit speech, which I’m hopefully going to get to shortly if I can quit ram, ram, rambling, like I tend to do. I enjoy illustrating my point, to get it across to you, dear reader. Uniquely illustrative illustrations, pleasant-to-the-ear, even when I use all caps to emphasize something, but I do not yell. You know who DOES yell to get their point across, & yells often, which coincidentally is also a sign of dementia, when the yelling is in conjunction with gibberish, but I digress. Continuing, so as much as I hate this word, & the use of it, I have no other word to describe Old Joe’s screamy behavior, which is that of a “bully,” yes, a bully. Gah, that word is atrocious. As a master of wordsmithery, I despise that ridiculous word, & all that the use of it entails, because like many words these days, it’s been taken by leftist lunatics & used as a word-weapon in the culture war. “Don’t be a bully, don’t be a bully,” …how about shut up & stop whining about someone “bullying” you ya wimp. If that’s the case, grab a baseball bat, & crack their knee caps with it, then no more bully. Easy, isn’t it? Old school solution, & it worked back then. Where is the appropriate parenting today to teach kids how to stand up for themselves?

Anyway, when Old Pedo Joe was Young Pervert Joe, his “bullying” tactics worked for him, ask the chick he fingered against her will against a wall, Tara Reid I think her name is, what ever happened to her? Regardless, now in his feeble degenerating mind, he still thinks the “bully” move works, but sadly for him, his “bullying” boat has hit a big iceberg & sank like the Titanic, yet he STILL does it. Not scaring anyone Brandon ya poopypants dunce. Yep, unfortunately, no one told President Braindead this, so he still tries “bullying” as a political tactic, & much like the aforementioned atrociousness of that word “bully,” so is the idiot acting in such a manner, the idiot shitting his pants in front of the Pope in the GIF below. Yes, the stinky shitter down there is the pseudo-bully as well, how ironic, & it’s such a pathetically embarrassing joke, but such is the way of Clownworld…honk honk honk. True story by the way, yes, the President of the United States pooped his pants on his trip to the Vatican to visit Pope Francis. Let’s Go Brandon. Derp. Luckily, I happened to get footage of the entire embarrassing incident, & made it into a GIF for all of you to enjoy…& Honkler even dropped by, “wazzzzzzzup Honkster,” enjoy my GIF…(Fart Noise)

Ugh, it’s draining me, it really just sucks the wind out of my fan when I think about this country’s imminent downfall, if, & say if, that sad scenario comes to pass. All empires end, maybe it’s just time for the “Great American Experiment” to end too. Bummer. I would have never imagined a world like this when I was a kid. Man, was I naive, but I suppose we all were, us Gen-Xers. TV babies from the 70s & 80s, a lost generation, X-ed out, like a winning Bingo card, except what did we win? A world dominated by baby boomer tyrants, & the rest of that generation, who I once admired, now somewhat despise, for failing us because they got too power hungry to stop & pass the baton. Now we all live a life of “Hang In There,” just kittens stuck in the trees. Hang in there, it’ll be okay when 2024 comes, & the Orange Man returns. Is that what you all are basing a dramatic shift back to prosperity on? Orange Man saving the day? I had faith in Don, I did, but they beat him somehow, & he doesn’t lose, so HOW, how did they blatantly cheat, to steal the most dynamic election in the history of the country, HOW?

All I can figure, & yes it pains me to admit this, but all I can rationally reason out, is that Don is in the same club as the rest of the globalist cabal. “It’s their club, & we ain’t in it,” in true Carlinian-speak. That’s the ONLY way I can figure why he would let them cheat & win the game, because there is no “game,” there is only theatre, this orchestrated theatre, playing out like a symphony, note for note, all in a thoroughly well-constructed order. They’ve perfected this art of “elitist theatre” since Roman times, all to keep them as the sheep-herders, & you the sheep. Remember, THEY did this, not me, I am only here sharing what I think I know, even though I might not know anything at all. I try, which is all I can do, & I suppose I better hang in there, until my circle comes back round the roundabout. Clever, clever, look at that, as if on a synchronous queue, my circularity, “hanging in there,” until my literary ouroboros finds its end, only to prepare to begin yet again, as always. Until next time, I state, that the union of a fist, into a bully’s face, stops bullying. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“The union of a fist, into a bully’s face, ends bullying.” ~Fish F Fish🎏


Killshot Narrowly Misses Earth…


That’s right,

a HUGE CME exploded off our Sun,

a blast measured to be that of a Carrington level event,

CLICK HERE>>> Solar storm of 1859  


or unfortunately depending on your personal life viewpoints,

it wasn’t directly Earth-facing.



I just drug the Earth-scale model into frame so you can see the perspective of size,

which is accurate…

…note how small we are,

YES that little dot in the middle of the scale….

…and as you can clearly see,

although it misses,

it came really close.

So what happens if we ARE directly hit?

CLICK HERE>>> The Killshot Sequence Examined 

That link will connect you to Ed Dames,

the former CIA operative who coined the term killshot.


in my own words,

as I have mentioned to all of YOU numerous times before,

the power grid is unbelievably fragile,

but let’s go back…

…going back to Edison and Tesla,

and the pioneering advances in global electrification,

but enter the banker scum that infect the future…

…and if YOU want to look into this, 

CLICK HERE>>> How J.P. Morgan and Rockefeller robbed you of your future …

YOU will discover that Tesla was working with Free Energy 

but the banker scum saw no profit in a free industry,

so they used Edison’s “wiring” electricity,

which would afford billions to the banksters,

while they simultaneously defunded Tesla’s work,

burying it in the past,

only to recently be “re-invented” to some extent,

thanks to the minds of innovators who prosper from seeing global prosperity,

rather than all the prosperity falling into the slimy hands,

of the few psychopaths atop the proverbial pyramid.

Edison was weak, sold his talent and his soul for something as pathetic as money,

but not Tesla,

and now segueing back to the topic…

…had Tesla been properly funded to harness and develop free energy,

we wouldn’t have to worry about the devastating impacts that a CME would do,

to our aforementioned fragile and highly vulnerable electric grid.

We also wouldn’t have power bills,

and everyone would have the benefits of a truly electrified and energized society.

but that’s another technology the globalist banker pigs hold back from YOU,

and now all of YOU are subject to said vulnerability to the electricity that runs your lives.

What will YOU do if the power goes out?

No phones, no ATMs, no food deliveries, no Internet,

you get the picture,

I can go on and on and on and on,

as to how a mass electric failure would domino the world into total chaos.




Earth is basically behind the camera,

when flares come this way,

the particles between there and the camera get charged,

and you can see them all buzz around like little trailing gnats, 

which you do NOT see here,

since it missed.

Look at the size of the ejection,

compared to the now smaller little dot that is Earth in the scale.

Can hardly even see our tiny planet,

but did you notice anything else?

See the comet?

Look here…


On a very unusual path,

at least as far as I’ve seen,

and I’ve been watching the Sun/comets via helioviewer for years.

So that’s that,

another celestial close call,

for an increasingly vibrating humanity,

plowing and hurling toward an unknown future,

on a relatively tiny,

speeding magnetic rocky ball through space.

Pretty marveling when one ponders the infinite smallness and greatness of this trip.

I’m sure the week ahead will unravel even more crazy events,

as we continue exponentially speeding up toward zero point. 

Be brave and don’t fear.

Enjoy the vid,

share the content.

More to come.

Love to all. 

The Real DC Story UPDATE


Before whatever bullshit story they give you even comes out, I can tell you this, the event that took place was just another over-dramatized episode of the MSM drama. Looks more like a successful practice drill for the police and military at the nation’s capital. Woman freaks out at barricade, flees in car and tries to ram her way out, may or may not have kid in the car, crashes car into police car, police fire shots, shoot and wound and apprehend suspect, child is saved, all within moments, THEN… YOU read headlines like “SHOTS FIRED ON CAPITOL HILL,”… look at the previous post, look at the screenshot. The only “shooting” done was apparently by police, but again, this is just more crap they hype up because their whoredom knows no bounds. Was it scripted? Very possible…NOT SAYING IT WAS. I am not saying what any of this is other than what I just told you all, and what did the headline read? SHOOTING, SHOOTING, SHOOTING… They want a “shooting” so bad they have to make shit up, and for what? What is the reason for any of this? One thing that was accomplished, that no one is really talking about, is that this happened in FEMA region 3. Do you know what I am talking about?… Look at the map…

      This is the regional FEMA disaster breakdown map. Should a national emergency occur, there are districts set up for relocation to “protect” the population. Region 3 is obviously where the Capitol is, the head of the snake, and obviously where they want their “readiness” to be at its best. It just so happens that police and military were on this scene and had that “shelter in place” bullshit locked down in only a few minutes. So despite what you think or what you believe is real and what is not, the “enforcers” got a great practice run a few hours ago, did they not? No speculation there, that is just a simple fact, locked down, “shelter in place,” at the nation’s capitol, all in mere moments. Mission accomplished. I’ll let you all watch how this plays out from here, this is the last I’ll be reporting on this “story.” Don’t give it the satisfaction of your time and attention. Stay focused on the bigger picture. Wide eyes open. Love to all.

BREAKING Another Shooting Event…


Right now, unfolding is yet another shooting event, taking place right in FEMA region 3, the Washington, DC area. There is a “shelter in place” order in effect, which is there new terminology for stay locked in your house while we go door to door in a militant fashion until said shooter/s is/are found. Another false flag? Another shooting event? Another media spun story? I told you, more and more and more of these events are coming, all leading up to what?… That’s the big question isn’t it? Right now there is nothing known for certain other that there have been reports of shots fired near the Senator Hart office building. THAT’S IT RIGHT NOW. Story is breaking now. 


>>UPDATE<<  Reports that suspect is female, child in car, and is possibly being pursued or was pursued in a vehicle. One cop injured. Apparently it all began with a car slamming into a gate. Now let’s all watch how this goes from what I just said was reported….verbatim…AND showed you above… to what actually comes out over the next few days. This is a great chance to scrutinize the MSM and the reporting they give to all of YOU. Remember, it’s a story, a script, or is it? Was this a real event? Another drill?  I’m not claiming either way, I am simply pointing out that NOW is a great time to observe how the mainstream media operates and figure it out for yourselves. Much more to come…

Stay alert, wide eyes open. Love to all.

BREAKING Shooting at Navy Yard


As many of you are now seeing, there has been a mass shooting at the Navy Yard in Washington, D.C. Reports are still coming in, and they are saying there is more than one shooter and there are multiple victims. We cannot speculate yet, it is still too early, but already people are claiming “false flag” event, so stay wary of what you see and hear because if it is in fact another “staged” event, they will be trying to mislead and confuse all of you with misinformation and disinformation. I will provide updates as I deem them needed. Wide eyes open. Love to all.