The Fooze: S7E20 7/20/2023 Hotel Hell

Yours truly is undergoing a week-long stay in a shitty hotel in a ratchet part of North Denver, & oh my, has it been fun. First off, the room smells; it smells like overdoses, prostitution, moldy shower curtains, & an A/C unit that pumps out “fresh” air smells of must & ass. There’s no microwave, or mini-fridge, so I’ve been living on fresh fruits & donuts. I had to use some Macgyver tactics to keep the curtain closed, draped over a window that has no lock, so theoretically, a thief, or a serial killer, could easily just open the window & hop in. Fortunately, I am armed to the teeth, so if anyone comes in, it’ll be the last window they ever jump through, but I digress, now where was I? Oh yes, the bed is actually comfortable, surprisingly, but the A/C blows right onto it, so if I’m lucky enough to sleep for a few hours, I have to bundle up with the extra comforter I stole from the maid’s laundry area when the managers weren’t looking. The irony, I know, talking about thieves but I had to steal a comforter. It’s not actually theft, since I’m not keeping it, obviously, so I consider it as just borrowing. Speaking of thievery, the door has definitely been kicked in; the frame shows signs of breaking & entering, & even though the door locks, the lock was put on backwards. Let’s see…what else before I move on to the outside of the room…what else, what else? Oh, I am using the drawers as a makeshift table/place to write this on my computer, & as I look to my left, while I type this, I see that the left drawer is missing entirely, which leaves a nice little hidey-hole for my cat to play in. Poor little guy, but he’s been such a super-trooper over this last week we’ve gone through. Luckily, I think I’ve found a safe place for us to stay, but more on that later. Now, let’s talk about the outside of the room.

I’m right by a major 4-lane highway, & although the sound of the cars has become like white noise to me, the sirens from the emergency vehicles that speed by every 15-20 minutes or so is quite loud. Since I just mentioned “emergency vehicles,’ we will segue into the emergency vehicles that have been here EVERY SINGLE DAY that I’ve been here. Not exaggerating either…EVERY SINGLE DAY. The first day some guy overdosed by the dumpster, which was/still is, over-flowing with trash. Yep, overdosed right next to it, which resulted in 3 police cruisers, a firetruck, & an ambulance, in no particular order. Don’t know if he died, but the manger told me he overdosed. I didn’t see that incident until after he was in the ambulance & heading away. Next day though, I DID see an incident with my own eyes. Ready for this one? It’s a real doozy of a story.

Okay, so an Indian fellow, a tall Indian fellow with the stereotypical Indian guy perv-stache, was walking around completely naked. No shoes or socks even, as naked as it gets. This dude had a pubic bush that was so big, there might have been some baby birds nesting in there. Quite revolting, right? He was on the phone, just parading around in his skinsuit, his little mushroom tip just barely sticking out of the bush, talking to a party unknown on the phone. The manager called the cops, & I suppose the naked Indian noticed, so he ran back to his room, & put clothes on, some jeans & a pink button up shirt. Very classy. Then, after clothing himself, the moron came back outside, still talking on the phone, just as the cops arrive. The manager, a toothless former methhead named Christy, pointed to him & said, “That’s him, that’s the guy.” The officer told him to get off of his phone so he could ask him some questions, & what does Apu do? He pulls a knife on the police officer that told him to get off the phone, & so, the officer takes his baton, whacks the guy’s hand so he drops the knife, & charges him with a solid open-field front tackle. Very brave of the cop to do, but he did it, as the other cops immediately pulled out their guns. The tackling officer then gets up, backs up, & one of the other cops hit Apu with the taser gun. BZZZZZZZZZZZZ…followed by a scream from Apu, as he writhes around on the ground with 50,000 volts buzzing though his body. Then all of the cops dog pile him as they cuff him up. Apparently, in Colorado, if you get tazed, you go to a hospital, rather than jail, which is standard procedure in a liberal “blue-city” shithole. Nonetheless, that was day two, & you know there’s a hat trick coming next.

Today, I’m not sure what happened, but as I pulled up to Hotel Hell from my daily job hunting quest, there were several cop cars leaving, so maybe it was an unruly guest, as the other guests besides yours truly are the dregs of society, so perhaps yet another overdose. Maybe a streetwalker got herself all smacked up for coming home short. I’m pretty sure some of the guests are hookers & their pimps. There’s a shitload of Mexican construction workers, 5-6 piled high into one-bedroom rooms. There’s a few that clearly just got of jail recently. They have a certain kind of walk, a posture, if you will, from walking in lines in their respective prison garb. Maybe other people don’t notice said posture, but I do, & in conjunction with the jailhouse tattoos, to me it’s obvious that some of the guests here were locked up recently. One had a giant clown face tattooed on the back of his shaved head, so yeah, it’s obvious. Before I digress into some random tangent, I do have mention the parking lot. I already told you about the overflowing eyesore dumpster, which is at the back of the parking lot, & as for the parking lot itself, it has so many holes in it that it looks like a cluster-bomb war happened, similar to Dresden circa 1944. I walk out onto the balcony often to smoke a cig, because one, I don’t want to miss the next “incident,” that goes down, & two, to watch my car so no junkie breaks into it. I have my 12-gauge boomstick locked in the trunk, as well as my safe, which doesn’t have anything in it , even though it does, but that’s my secret. Regardless, I get up & walk outside every hour or so to do a perimeter watch, since I cannot sleep very well due to this elephant-on-my-back anxiety I have from being all on my own now in this life.

Yep, just Milo the cat & yours truly now. No more family, except a cousin, & a handful of friends that I can count on one hand with my thumb & pointer finger still outward facing. My life has done a complete 180 degree turn & then some since these corrupt democratic communists stole the election, then proceeded to destroy this once great country, now termed the USSA, the United Socialist States of America. Believe it or not, this country is now arguably a communist dictatorship, being systematically turned into smoldering rubble. Do you think Potato Joe Biden is the POTUS? I’ll clear that up right now if you do…& the answer is: NO, NO NO NO NO NO he isn’t anything, except a perverted puppet. The real POTUS, the one in the shadows giving the orders, is none other than former POTUS Barack Obama, a CIA plant, who was s-elected to do one thing, proverbially burn this country to the ground, which is happening, right on schedule. Us “regular folks,” can barely put food in the fridge, rents are outrageous, you need two jobs AT LEAST, just to get by. It’s fucking ridiculous. A friend of mine told me it’s because we are in the Kali Yuga, which is the 4th, & worst era for mankind that lasts about ohhhhh…450,000 years or so. It’s an era of destruction, which makes sense, because as I’ve written about ad nauseam, the end goal by 2030 is for 7 billion, BILLION, of us gone. Us “regular folks,” of course, because the so-called “ruling elites,” plan on rebuilding the planet after we are all wiped out, with a one world order agenda. AI is getting exponentially more advanced by the second now, I presume, so it’s just a matter of time before most of us are jobless since AI will be able the jobs that most of us do, even as far as performing life-saving surgeries. It’s going to be like some Mad Maxian dystopian surveillance state nightmare, & most people have no idea.

Fortunately, I do, but what can I do about it? Nothing, nothing at all, & as a writer, I’m fucked. There’s already a button on here that one can press to write whatever they want to write about with the AI assistant. Maybe I should try it out, since we’re on the subject, & see what happens. Ready? Okay, here we go, & be sire to keep in mind that whatever comes next in this article, is the AI, & NOT yours truly. I’ll be right back…enjoy the cock pic…

The Kali Yuga, also known as the Age of Kali, is a concept in Hindu cosmology that refers to the current age or era we are living in. According to Hindu scriptures, the Kali Yuga is the final of the four Yugas (ages) within a cyclic pattern that repeats endlessly.In the Hindu tradition, each Yuga is associated with a different set of qualities, societal norms, and spiritual conditions. The Kali Yuga is considered to be the darkest and most challenging of all the ages. It is characterized by a decline in morality, spiritual awareness, and a rise in materialism and ignorance.According to ancient scriptures such as the Mahabharata and the Vishnu Purana, the Kali Yuga is said to be a time of widespread corruption, conflicts, and moral decay. It is believed that human beings in this age are predominantly driven by selfishness, greed, and harmful desires. Virtues such as honesty, compassion, and integrity are believed to be rare during this era.However, despite these challenges, the concept of the Kali Yuga also offers a glimmer of hope. It is said that in this age, spiritual liberation can be achieved through simple acts of devotion and by surrendering to a higher power. It is believed that even a small amount of spiritual practice or righteous action can have a profound impact in this era of darkness.The concept of the Kali Yuga serves as a reminder to embrace spiritual values and strive for personal growth amidst the challenging circumstances of the current age. It encourages individuals to seek inner transformation and cultivate virtues that can uplift themselves and the world around them.Overall, the concept of the Kali Yuga provides a framework to understand and navigate the complexities of our existence, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, there is always the possibility of spiritual awakening and growth.

You see that? THAT is what the AI can do now, in a matter of 3-4 seconds. Crazy, right? There’s no way a human can keep up, especially when the AI gets more advanced. Writers like yours truly, will become obsolete, & this is just as it relates to writers, now imagine all of the other things the AI can/will do. I don’t know about you, but to me, this is fucking insane, particularly when I know that those so-called “ruling elites,” have a sinister AI-based agenda, as they want to merge with the AI, to become like gods, living much longer than the average human life span, as we all get slaughtered because we will become “less-than,” so to speak, & only get in the way of their new world order plan. 7 BILLION, with a big B, gone, gone by 2030, hence why I always emphasize that if you think things are crazy now, just wait, because the figurative roller-coaster isn’t even at the top of the first drop. Hell, the damn thing hasn’t even started going up the track, compared to what’s coming. Everyone is feeling tremendous social anxiety analogous to getting on the roller coaster, anticipating the ride, but as I said, just sitting there waiting for the safety bar to drop, since the real ride hasn’t even begun yet. Stay seated, & keep your arms & legs inside the carriage dear readers.

When 2024 gets here, & all of these bureaucratic corrupted soulless power-drunk politicians atop the power pyramid wage war on one another to take the reigns, THAT is when the ride begins, & no matter how bad it seems now, it’s only going to get worse, MUCH MUCH MUCH worse. So buckle up dear readers, & until next time, prepare accordingly. So sayeth FisH™🎏

The Fooze: S4 E7 4/7/2023 Push Your Ups

Daily writing prompt
What’s the most fun way to exercise?

I’m just going through these WordPress writing prompts as a self-authoring sort of way of doing my daily posts. Why not, ya know? Some are ridiculous, most actually, & obviously, I can work with all of them, but I like to pick & choose at will. Why?…because I’m the creator here, & I can do what I want. That’s one of the joys of doing what you love for free; the ability to create whatever you want to create, whenever you want to create it. That’s what life is really about…creating, not destroying, as most do, unfortunately. Yep, in their own ways, most people tend to be destroyers rather than creators. Making random babies is NOT creating by the way. Having a kid intentionally, then raising them accordingly in a nuclear family setting, THAT is creating. Making babies for government checks, unplanned, that end up in broken homes, THAT is NOT creating. It’s just “creating” destroyers, those mouth-breather types that grow fat on their own careless consumption, following in the footsteps of the consumer-based baby-makers who bred them, & then the cycle continues, to the point we are at now, an idiocratic Clownworld consumed by consumer destroyers, consuming everything they can, with zero regard for anyone and/or anything except their own porky selves.

The general self-centeredness amongst the populous is utterly astounding. Seriously, this country is getting out of control so fast. How do you like communism so far? Fun, isn’t it? I’m being facetious of course, because NONE of this is “fun,” per se. It’s kind of terrifying & for yours truly, who reads the zeitgeist like a handbook, I cannot speculate on what the not-so-distant future might bring. I can tell you this though, we are on the edge of the edge of the precipice, & one more little shove will be all it takes to push everyone off this proverbial cliff we all teeter upon. What happens when that happens? Great question, thanks for asking. I wish I had a definitive answer, but sadly I do not, other than I can assure you when we all fall, the national pandemonium, as well as the global, will be unprecedented in not only scale, but dynamically as well. We are in uncharted waters, & most people have become so accustomed to the numerous 1st-world conveniences they ignorantly take for granted, that they will be completely & helplessly lost when the world turns into a state of planetary chaos. They will panic, quickly, when they are hit with the self-realization that without those aforementioned conveniences, they have no idea how to survive. If the power went out, from an EMP maybe, what would they do? What would YOU do?

Most of you are so uninformed as to how to survive without electricity, hence why I ask, what would YOU do in that unfortunate scenario if and/or when it plays out in real time? Let’s illustrate it; the power goes out, POOF, gone, can’t get gas, can’t get money out any ATMs, no internet, fridge starts getting warm but you can’t get food because how would you pay for it with no power on? What else? Oh yeah, traffic lights won’t work, & in fact, NO lights work, so if the power went out in the middle of the night, POOF, perhaps while you’re asleep, & you wake up to no power on anywhere, what would YOU do? The power grid is insanely fragile, & to be honest, quite primitive, is it not? There were power lines everywhere 100 years ago. Yep, a century ago, we had the same power lines providing electricity to the masses, & nothing has changed really. Why is that? Tesla figured out how to use the Earth to give free energy to everyone, free of charge, so they took his technology, hiding it from the world, & have kept it hidden since, because if we all had free energy, we wouldn’t have power bills, & the powers-that-be want YOU to pay, & pay, & keep paying, for this ridiculous ancient system of power lines we still use to this day. Sucks, doesn’t it? We should have free energy, & we should be using that free energy to create & improve upon the foundations we built a century ago, but we don’t, because your masters won’t release that technology to the public, & so we kick that can on down the same dusty unpaved road.

Take a look at all the power lines around when you go out & about, & ask yourself, “Is this primitive?”…or something similar. Ask yourself questions, & then analyze the answers that pop up in your own respective heads. With all of the technological advancements of the last century, why in the fuck do we STILL have these power lines everywhere? Why? Well, I just told you why, & if you question the validity of my notions, DYOR…Do Your Own Research, & you’ll find that Edison & his globalist buddies systematically destroyed Tesla to prevent the free energy technology that he pioneered from ever being allowed to be used by the public. Can’t let the peasantry have free energy, because then they wouldn’t have gotten paid. That’s right, it’s just about money, money & power(pun intended), & I’d wager that free energy isn’t the only technology that they keep from us. Anyway, doesn’t really matter anymore, does it? I’m just one lone writer, whose HEAVILY shadowbanned across the board on all of the interwebs. The AI “has my number,” as the expression goes, & no matter what site I use, if a camera can see my face, the AI gets triggered to censor me. It’s not a joke, not satire, certainly not hyperbole, & I’m being dead serious about the level of advancement the AI has reached. It’s WAY more ahead than ChatGPT; I’ll put it that way, & if you want to know what I really think, I think the Capstone Club at the top of the pyramid uses AI to make decisions that affect the world in real time. There’s a show on Netflix about it, because you know how they love to use predictive programming to openly admit their nefariousity. Netflix sucks, I’m aware, but the show is called The Pentaverate, & although they make it silly & pseudo-comedic, it’s real. That’s their trick; they tell you what they’re going to do, so YOU unwillingly comply, putting the burden on YOU, rather than themselves. Why do they do this?

Like I’ve told you all many times prior to this article, they venerate Lucifer, Satan, Saturn, or whatever name you want to use, it’s all the same nonsense. THEY believe in it, THEY abide its will, & that’s Satan’s great ruse, telling you what is going to be done to you beforehand, removing the blame from itself, & placing that blame on all of YOU. I myself, do NOT believe in any of that crap, & I think they’re all abysmally insane, but THEY believe it regardless, worship it, & do what they can to gain more power via this false idol that they abide to. It works for them in this 3d world we’re all stuck in, but at the price of selling their souls. Good luck to them when they die, because they aren’t going to the same place I’m going, & obviously I don’t know what happens when we die, but by all means, do NOT go into the light. If you do, The Great Recycler will consume you, wiping away your memories, then essentially shitting you out as a blank slate, to be reborn only to do it all over again. I linked a few prior posts to provide you all with more info about The Great Recycler if you want to know more. I know my audience is down to a meager 30 or so of you, if I’m lucky, so this all falls on deaf ears more-or-less but I don’t care about that. I don’t make a single penny from what I do here, but I do it anyway because I love writing; it’s my passion, & one who is truly passionate about their lone talent, does it out of love, not for something as ridiculously petty as I-O-U paper fiat money. It’s artificial currency, the energy flow that keeps the zeitgeist rolling, & your overlords have hijacked the current, replacing it with this cheesebait money, & thus, making this world artificial in a sense. Artificiality can only continue for so long though, & that kicked can is about to get smashed when we all fall off that cliff I mentioned at the beginning, & society hits critical mass. Look into sociodynamics if you want to read more about societal critical mass, for historical as well as real-time reference, for YOU, not for me. Do hast thou will though; I’m no expert by any means. I’m just a writer, who writes out of love, creating, not destroying. Be a creator, in whatever it is you do. Destroyers only end up destroying themselves & their own ilk, but creators live forever, if you create out of love, not out of fear, or worse, for a paycheck.

Oh shit, I forgot all about the writing prompt, as I always do. Let’s see, the most “fun” way I exercise, is my daily push-up routine. Every day, for the last 30 years or so, I drop & do push-ups, usually in 50-pushup increments. It’s not only good for you physically, it’s meditative, & therefore, good for you mentally & psychologically as well. 50 may seem like a lot to some of you, so start with 10. One push-up takes less than a single solitary second, so do the math. It takes less than a minute to get your daily dose of exercise & personal meditation in for the day. If you do it multiple times, it just exponentially increases the benefits. That’s what I do though, so YOU do YOU. Since I unintentionally disregarded the daily WordPress writing prompt for the day, I had to make sure I gave you all an answer, all 30 or so of you. Take it for what it is, or take nothing at all. I’m just a creator, & if that’s all I’ll ever be, it’s better than being a destroyer. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Destroyers end up destroying themselves & their own ilk, but creators live forever.” Fish F Fish🎏

“I’m just a creator, & if that’s all I’ll ever be, it’s better than being a destroyer.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S4 E6 4/6/2023 Traffic

No, not the morning/evening commute traffic, although there’s plenty I could ramble on about that subject. From lone driving mask-wearers to generally shitty drivers like those who have ZERO concept of left lane-fast lane, oh yes, I could ramble, but that’s not the “traffic” I’m referring to. No, I’m talking about my traffic here on WordPress, or rather the lack thereof. Pre-2016, when I did NOT write daily, only every few days, sometimes even weeks between posts, yet somehow I got THOUSANDS of views here on this very site. However, now I’m lucky to get 30 views a day, if even that. Yep, 30 is the magic number now…break 30 views & it’s a good day of “traffic” here for my black ass. I’m identifying as a black guy, should I identify as a trans-testicled animalkin perhaps? Is that the move? Maybe if I continuously reassert to the algos that I’m a gay drag queen black man who identifies as a dancing fruity fish in a dress…would that improve my stats WordPress?

Doubtful & absurd as it may seem, would it surprise you if doing something so asinine WOULD in fact improve my view count here in Clownworld? I’m not going to obviously, because my soul isn’t for sale, but I just wanted to throw it out there, the lengths that some social media parasites attempt to do just to get clicks on their respective sites. Oh I know, I’ll create a Tik-Tok account, as a dancing gay fish, & surely if I promote myself there, I’d get more views. Not. Derp. No, I would never create a fucking Tik-Tok account for fuck’s sake, are you kidding me? That’s a big “no thanks” to doing anything with that ridiculous site. First off, it’s a Chinese data mining spy apparatus, & I can only imagine how the Chinese probably have a running death toll of Chinese people that die laughing at the absurdity of Tik-Tok, & the idiots who post their nonsense on there. Secondly, yes, it’s a soul-selling site for sure, because you simply sell your soul to your Chinese overlords to gain a false sense of content creation, as if anyone actually cares, yet somehow random freaks go viral there, making 6-figures sometimes, it’s such a fucking joke, but it’s not funny at all, is it? No, people don’t care about real creators, & freaks like Dylan Mulvaney & HIS degenerative ilk becoming rich & famous via that dumbass app. Sell those souls morons, & for cheap too. The Chinese loves bargains, for them, not for you. Don’t believe me? Try haggling with a Chinese person next time you order some Moo Goo Gai Pan to go, & watch how that goes. You won’t win, just like all of these Tik-Tok twats, all a bunch of lemming losers.

Not like I have any room to talk, since the losery is strong for yours truly, but despite this current loserosity I’m dealing with myself, at least I still have my soul. It’s not worth much, but it’s worth something, & I’ll be damned if I’m putting it up for sale for any price, much less for something as dumb as clicks, likes, views, comments, etc…but how will anyone ever see my opus here? How will anyone ever know I exist, if the algos keep me permanently exiled in the digital gulag? Well, I guess they won’t, & I’ll just be an internet ghost for the rest of my days. Back in 2016, I was moving on up, like The Jeffersons, & I had a following, a strong one, & it was all organic. I didn’t have to pay for a fucking thing, I didn’t have to promote myself, I barely even had to use hashtags & such, & I was leveling up anyway, just being myself, as I should have been, based on my content alone. Then the Great Purge came, & they systematically removed me, piece by piece, taking everything I worked for, all my countless hours of content creation, along with all my material resources, my life savings to make it easier to grasp, & they just took it all, took my entire life, & banished me from the digital town square, even here. Now they want to tell me I can pay for upgrades to improve my traffic, read that again, I CAN PAY TO IMPROVE MY STATS. How about “NO,” WordPress? How about you biased, censoring, scandalous, rainbow-haired beta twerps go fuck yourselves, how about that?

Doesn’t matter, & if you really think my stats would improve if I paid WordPress to upgrade my site, I have a lovely collection of sub-oceanic tunnels that run from California to China to sell you as well. That wouldn’t change a God-damned thing, & they know it, because it’s just another way for big tech to wreck you financially after they wreck you virtually. I might be the most “wrecked” person still alive out here, as I’ve been wrecked by the people-herders in every way you can think of. Financially, oh hell yes, as I already mentioned, wrecked down to nothing. Socially, exiled in the digital gulag alone for years now, with no sign of ever getting out of my solitary cell. Psychologically, yes I’d be a liar if I said these last 7 years haven’t destroyed my sense of personal freedom causing me severe depression & anxiety. It’s not as easy as one might think to be utterly alone & helpless to do anything about it. I grew up in the USA, not the USSA, & this new communist America gives you a sense of…well it’s not “living,” per se, it’s more like a slow draining “living” death. I wasn’t born to run around in The Great Mouse Trap, chasing scraps of I-O-U paper money like a hungry rat, like 99% of you, but maybe I was, I don’t know? Maybe it’s time to humble up, & accept that I am just a rat in a maze, like most everyone else here in Clownworld, & that’s all I’ll ever amount to, so it seems anyway.

Employers for writing jobs are scared to hire me, because I have no filter & I say whatever I want. Yes, I can SEO write all, content write all day, copy write all day, even technically write all day, using every style there is. I am as talented a sit gets, & writing is my passion. Apparently, all of that’s verboten these days, if my content doesn’t bend the knee to the censors, since we ARE in a communist country now, & historically, it’s just a matter of time before they come to round me up, as well as others like me. Yep, the great rounding up will come someday, & thought criminal dissidents like yours truly will be herded together, shown their proverbial papers, then shot in the back of the head. Following these deaths, they will erase any documentation that we even existed, so there’s no way the new generations will ever know we were here & thus, can never follow our lead, & will comply with their new parents, the State. Oh yes, if you think it’s bad now, just wait a few years, because from here, it all goes straight downhill. You fools that think Donald Trump is coming in on a white horse to save the world are just what I said, fools, incredibly foolish fools. One man, ONE man, is going to turn all this chaos around that has been created by these psychopathic globalists, ONE man, & you’re putting all of your eggs into that ONE orange basket? Okay then, good luck with that, because despite there being the slightest of chances that he might pull it off, he won’t. Think about it, they stole an election from him, destroyed the country from day one after stealing the election, had the FBI raid his home, & now they’ve indicted & arrested him officially on bogus charges in a kangaroo court. You think he’s going to come back & turn it all around, do ya?

Nope, sorry not sorry, I just don’t see it happening, & the sooner people realize it, the better, but ultimately, there is no “better” on the horizon. These elitists have an agenda, they’re fulfilling said agenda, & that agenda involves most of you gone. Enjoy this time between now & 2030, enjoy your friends, your family, & if you do what you love to do, enjoy that, because the doomsday clock is ticking closer to midnight with each passing moment. Think about how recent 2016 seems, & that was 7 years ago, & 7 years from now puts us at 2030, & the end goal for their Agenda 2030 plan is 85-90% of you, gone. The remaining slave class will still be serving their masters, while they live on a much less populated planet, merging with AI to extend their lives so they can rule the planet “forver” with a one world/new world order. Again, THEIR plan, not mine, & as bizarre as it might sound, it’s very real, & very happening, right now, in real time. Too bad no one cares, but even worse, that most people have no clue, so when it comes, it’ll come like a tidal wave, & the ensuing pandemonium will be unprecedented when billions of people wake up one day to the real reality of the aforementioned Agenda 2030 plan, & the holocaust coming with it, but by then, it’ll be way too late.

Regardless, as I said, doesn’t matter. Not even gonna proofread this drivel. Why? What’s the point? You get it full stream-of-consciousness today, & if there are any grammatical errors, I’m sure one of my 25-30 viewers will be able to figure it out. Since I’m HEAVILY shadowbanned, as I am here, no one will ever read this anyway, comparatively. 30 views out of 7.5 BILLION people is essentially nothing. NOTHING…so it doesn’t matter what I say, and/or how eloquently I might illustrate it, or if I make a few spelling errors, no one cares. Nothing I do matters, but you know what? I still have my soul, & there’s no price tag on that you big tech cunts. Try as you might to extort money from me for my soul, save it, because I ain’t selling. Shove that up your AI-assisted fat asses you fucking fucks. Nonetheless, until next time dear readers, your soul is immortal, & it’s all you ever really have & it’s all you take with you. Think about that before you sell yours for a bargain. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Your soul has no price tag, so stop offering it to the highest bidder.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E21 3/21/2023 3-2-1 Contact

Remember that show, & the song that went with it? The Children’s Television Network show 3-2-1 Contact, that ran from 1980-1992. Don’t ask me but out of nowhere, the theme song is now the earworm that crawled into my brain, & coincidentally, tomorrow is 3/21. Weird, right? Haven’t thought of this theme song in decades then POOF, out of nowhere, so I decided to write about it, since we ARE in fact counting down to the big day tomorrow. “3-2-1 Contact, is the secret, is the moment, when everything happens…,” kinda spooky, right? A Trumpy Tuesday of ridiculousness, centered around the now infamous upcoming Trump arrest, supposedly. What time is this going down I wonder? What will the markets do? Will the Earth stop spinning? REEEEEEEEEEE…honk honk honk. Grab your popcorn Fishheads, because the show is starting soon, only 28 minutes left in the countdown until midnight where I am, & then 3/21 officially begins, tick-tocking closer & closer to…well, we’ll have to just wait & see with our proverbial thumbs up our bumbums I suppose, right?..isn’t that the saying? Who thought of that anyway? It’s fucking disgusting. “Don’t stand around with your thumb up your butt,” I mean seriously, who was standing around with their dirty thumb up their dirty ass when that phrase manifested itself? Why would anyone ever do that? Ugh, so nasty, such awful imagery. Let’s move on from the stinky thumbs.

Honestly, I have no idea what to expect today for Trumpy Tuesday. That’s what I just decided to call it, just now, since every news station in the country is gearing up to be broadcasting nothing but Trump the entire day, & probably the rest of the week, perhaps longer if he DOES, in fact, get handcuffed like a criminal, by actual criminals. However, I’m leaning towards a big nothing-burger; there’s a lot of hype, that more often-than-not, turns out to be a wickless dud. What are you expecting? Protests? Riots? No one on Team MAGA can truly “protest,” because Feds mix in with the red hats & infiltrate their organized peaceful protests to incite destruction & violence. Looking directly at you Ray Epps. January 6th was arguably all Federal agents who were the provocateurs, antagonizing the situation, & encouraging regular people to go inside, where they knew they’d be identified, so they could later be arrested. Many of them were, & many of them are STILL in jail, & for what? NOTHING…they are political prisoners, much like you’d find in some 3rd world shithole country, not here in the USA. Unfortunately, we are now the USSA, the United Socialist States of America, & this rogue government has weaponized their alphabet agency hit squads like the CIA & FBI to document, harass, arrest, & even kill American citizens. It’s a silent coup, but not to me, because I heard it coming a mile & ½ away before everyone else did. No one listens, & if the MAGA masses go to NYC to protest, it’s going to somehow become a January 6th 2.0 event. The Honey Traps are set, waiting for those red hats, & if you’re a Trumpeter who’s thinking of attending one of these “protests,” DON’T…do NOT fall into the trap little bees.

Yep, the Feds & their respective alphabet goon squad neo-gestapo foot soldiers for George Soros are a cancer, & the cancer has infected the American body to such an extent, I’m not sure it can be removed, much less repaired. Even if we somehow got rid of all the corrupted cancer cells, the damage might already be done. Not to mention, if we beat these globalist pigs somehow, they will try to destroy everything they can on the way down. They won’t go without taking us all with them to hell, because they could care less about us, the herd, they only care abut themselves, their ilk, their dynasties, & their place on the power pyramid. Evil, soulless, psychopathic scum, fighting each other like hungry hyenas behind the scenes for more & more power.

Besides all this, it’s almost 3-2-1 contact time to 3/21, 5 minutes left to go, as I type, & you read this in what will be your present & my past. I just had a random thought; isn’t it bizarre how we “film” things? We essentially capture time, capture it in a little chip now, capturing life itself when you think about it, captured, & we can watch our pasts, over & over again. It’s really something when you stop & think about it, yet everyone takes for granted these amazing things we’ve done. For instance, the video I linked above, the theme song & intro video for the show 3-2-1 Contact, was created over 40 years ago, & I can watch it the same as I did in elementary school, singing along like the little kid me did so long ago. Anytime we want, we can watch the past, it’s just so incredible if you stop & ponder it. People don’t stop & look around enough, do they? Speaking of which, it’s time to STOP, & finish this Foozer, because this sleepy fish needs some rest before the big day coming up. Until next time dear readers, it’s now 12:01 AM, March 21, 2023, & should something happen on this day that has enough social dynamo to significantly alter the course of the zeitgeist, I’ll see you on the other side. Do NOT hold your breath though, because as I said earlier, I’d say 90% of the time these dated dates of pre-predicted infamy turn into nothing-burgers. We’ll be there soon enough, as midnight has come & gone, & 3/21 has begun. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“If you only have one egg, you better make sure your basket doesn’t have a hole in it.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E20 3/20/2023 Epiphany

Oh man, I just had either an epiphanous revelation, or a completely nonsensically delusion, I’ll let one of my 6 readers and/or my resumé-viewing future employers be the judge. This idea just kinda POOF, popped in there, as these things are said to reportedly do. I was having a cig on my porch, thinking about how much it sucks for me personally not to smoke for 24 hours. 24 God-damned hours, The days fly by like a fart, & for some reason, I cannot go an entire day without one of these cancer sticks. Ugh, I fucking hate them, & I’m addicted, been addicted, & it’s time for this shit to stop. Seriously, enough with these dirty little dicks. That’s how a friend of mine suggested I quit smoking cigs; pretend they’re globalist dicks, smelly little globalists dicks, & every time you light one, & suck on that toxic smoke, you’re just sucking globalist dick. They’re here because of said globalists, right?…so it makes sense, but I just don’t think about that horrifying imagery & keep lighting them up anyway, like a dope fiend. This is not my epiphany though, & I’ll probably get back to the actual above-titled Epiphany after I randomly ramble on in some sort of other rambling for a few rambles.

Anyway, tonight at midnight, it begins. 24 hours, no cigs, no weed, & I don’t really do anything else these days, which makes it even harder because I”m running out of my crutches. I don’t need crutches though, that’s the damn point. Ugh, I tell myself this shit, but it’s like I’m retarded & don’t follow through. IT’S ONLY 24 HOURS FOR FUCK’S SAKE, & I CAN SLEEP FOR PART OF IT, WHY YOU PUTZ IN THE MIRROR? Sheesh, it’s embarrassingly pathetic. One silly day of NO smoking, ONE day, ONE DAY, I have to go one day, that’s it. Enough excuses already. Can’t keep using the “life sucks” excuse, because it’s going to suck regardless, & cigs have no point to them until you’re addicted. Hence, my buddy’s dick-sucking analogy, because these evil motherfuckers at the top of the power pyramid are the ones responsible for creating this terrible industry. Funny, I don’t remember cigs running out anywhere during the staged supply shortages, did you? Nope, there were plenty of cigs, cigs & booze, & also weed in some states. Not a single place that I’m aware of ran out of those things, isn’t that odd? Nope, not weird as fuck at all ya looky-loo peasants, now face forward, eyes down, & keep walking.

Sound harsh? Par for the course in the dystopian world of post 2030, when 7 billion or so people are gone, & the remaining ½ billionish, are the ones who got their respective golden tickets, as well as the ones chosen to serve them. They need to keep a few of us plebs around after the next holocaust to serve them of course. AI will handle all of the manufacturing for the most part, medical procedures, legal procedures, driving, flying, banking, don’t forget, “you’ll own nothing & be happy,” in their words. They forgot to mention at the end of that commercial that the notion only applies to the leftover slave class survivors. How would that break down I wonder? If there’s 500 million people left, & there’s exists a distinct division between the elites & the non-elites, how would that get split up? Maybe 1 million hands-down elites, as well as their immediate families. This extends across the planet, which is all theirs now post 2030 ya know, to enjoy without us pee-ons stinking it up, so 1 million isn’t that many relatively, leaving essentially just under 500 million to split up. I’d say you’d have 100 million to 200 million that are elite-ish, but not top-level like the aforementioned 1 million. These would consist of power players who bought their way in more-or-less, as well as their immediate families too of course. That leaves 200 to 300 million of the neo-slave class, & they’re there strictly to serve their new overlords, & nothing else. I’d have to speculate that they’re all chipped, & every move tracked & monitored. They are forced to live in government-subsidized housing developments, all exactly alike as to not promote any individualism. Everything they do is controlled in one way or another, down to the food they are allowed. They should be thankful, since their overlords decided to spare them from the same fate as everyone else who foolishly resisted their new world order, at least that’s what they’ll tell them to think.

Of course, this is only a possible future, & it’s only possible if they “succeed with their agenda, & they will,” as George Bush Sr. said they would, verbatim. This is a DECADES-LONG PLAN, & now that they are so close to crossing the finish line, they’re doing everything they can to keep the masses distracted. Here’s where my real epiphany occurred. What’s the biggest distraction? Rather I should say, WHO is the biggest distraction? Who has been the biggest distraction since 2016? Who always blows up all over the mass media, being reported on by every news outlet all day, every day, 24/7, every chance they get, who is that guy? Who has decades of television appearances, & knows how to play the game that the scripted narrative-driven television broadcasters play very well? Who is this person, I just cannot think of it, who is the guy? It’s right on the tip of my tongue, something to do with an orange maybe…

That’s right, former President Donald J. Trump. When the media needs everyone to look to the left, they report on Trump on the left, & when the media needs everyone to look to the right, they report about Trump on the right. Left, right, left, right. Time after time after time after time again, & he loves being the absolute center of attention, everyone knows that, yet millions flock to his fat feet like he’s the Second Coming of Christ. What a great distraction he is though, & that is my epiphany, which connects directly to the dystopia future I illustrated for all of you a few scribbles back. This Trump thing is handy when they want to move behind the scenes, in the shadows, because one relatively dynamic story about Trump, & BOOM, everyone directs their attention, like this supposed upcoming “Trump arrest.” Now it might be bullshit they’re reporting, who knows, but EVERY mainstream outlet took the story & ran a marathon already with it. Protests & counter-protests being organized, mostly by Feds though so don’t be a dumbass & actually go to one. Just a trap if you do, but that’s on you. Regardless, would it be so difficult to speculate that Trump has been a high-level globalist asset all along? Not to mention, by doing so, his entire extended family would be guaranteed golden tickets for all in the new world order utopia they want to create. Imagine the choice, fight them & lose, or abide them & save your family? Either way, they’re going to kill 7 billion people regardless, because if you try to fight them, you’ll lose, & lose your family, along with everyone else, or, do what they say, accepting the inevitable, & saving your whole family in the process. Oh, & they all get golden tickets too, remember? Top-level elite class for Don & his entire family, think about it, what do you think he’d do?

Obviously, like I mentioned wayyyyyyy back a the start of this article, my “epiphany,” as it were, might just be delusionally fanciful, just wild speculation, a “vivid imagination,” you might say, but…what if I’m right? Wouldn’t be the first time, now would it? Go back through my 5000 pages of archives & you tell me, how often am I’m right on target when I call these things out? I watch the zeitgeist, day & night, this hijacked zeitgeist. It’s almost as if it’s “alive,” & maybe it is, who knows? Maybe that’s where my psychic self senses some immense sadness coming form somewhere in the Universe. Maybe that’s what is sad, the zeitgeist. Its energy is being stolen for nefariously selfish purposes, rather than to advance humanity as intended. I’d be a sad zeitgeist too if a handful of evil scumfucks were raping me daily for my power, wouldn’t you? Again, this is all just fiction I’m sure, these plausibilities I’m throwing out here, particularly my epiphany, fictional maybe..I can’t say for sure what ‘side” Trump is on, what his intentions are, whether or not he hangs out together with all the other Capstone Club guys in their communal hot tub, while little adolescent boys swim up to nibble their nuts under the water. Emperor Tiberius was known for that disgustingly perverse act. Ironic, since this whole game of elites versus the peasants began in Roman times, & still continues on, to this very moment, & & of course, the pedo stuff not only continues amongst these so-called elites, it has gotten worse, because it’s organized now, which makes me wanna puke(dry heave, gag, dry heave, yakkity-yak-yak, puking noise, puking noise, deep breath, puking noise, nose blowing, puke noise, dry heave, dry heave, a little more puke, spit, blow nose, hug porcelain throne, don’t come back).

Jumping Jesus, is this ANOTHER essay for the day? Is that THREE? Dang, the literary hat trick, three on the tree in a row for the day for my Fishheads. The unofficially official rules state that three, 1000+ word articles in one day, calls for a hat trick celebration, like an un-birthday party kind of. Except all I’m doing to celebrate is smoking a few dabs before I pass out for the night. Just gotta add my tags, add my categories, add my backgrounds, add my animations, gotta proofread this beyotch too, of course, because you never publish without proofreading, for all you rookie rookster-roos out there, as if I’m talking to an actual audience, rather than 4 to 6 random people who accidentally click on this link only to realize they aren’t interested and/or clicked the wrong link. Can’t lie to myself, if I get more than 25 views a day, that’s a good day for me these days, & I guess that grim fact calls for that so-very-common quip that makes my fucking skin crawl with rage, the proverbial “that’s just the way it is” euphemism, gah, it’s so cringe, I can’t stand that dumbass phrase. Go fuck yourself if you not only say it, but you believe it, you feckless fucking fuck you.

It’s crazy how I keep doing this, referring to my writing, but of course, I’m going to keep doing it. I start with an idea of throwing out an interesting paragraph or two, then a few thousand words later, hip-hop hooray it’s another essay I’ve written. Is there a standard paragraph length for articles such as these? What kind articles are these considered? There’s a bit of SEO writing here, mixed in with creative content writing, but all written in my own uniquely authentic literary language, & I’m just going to say who cares what kind of articles they are and/or their respective lengths, because it’s my CONTENT that is important. If my content interests you with a paragraph, or 10 paragraphs, it’s not the length, it’s my content, it’s my language you understand & resonate with, so for all 5 of my regular readers, I keep cranking out content, & am always happy when a 6th shows up to my daily pool party. Anyway, time to wrap up this Monday Foozer, as this anticipated week of fresh chaos now dawns. Until next time dear readers, if anyone ever offers you a cigarette, just say “no,” unless you’re a smoker & you’re out of cigs. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“If you’re ever offered a smoke, say “no,” unless you’re a smoker, & you need a smoke.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E19 3/19/2023 Incoming

I’m gonna try my best to keep this Foozer short, but as always, I’ll probably ramble on into another Tangentville essay of sorts. What can I say about the week upcoming…other than that it could potentially be an exceptionally dynamic week for the world. I use double-adverbs like a boss incidentally, but I digress. Anyway, apparently this week is going to be all about the supposed “Trump arrest,” coming on Tuesday…again, SUPPOSEDLY. I’ll believe it when I see it. Honestly, at this point, I don’t know what Trump’s deal really is? I think he’s on the other side though, & has always been unfortunately. I know, I know, no one wants to hear that, & the MAGA crowd are putting all of their faith in this one man, ONE MAN, to take on the powers-that-be to save the world. Kind of sounds like a cult, doesn’t it? Geez, what a “divide” your so-called leaders have successfully accomplished, left & right, hard left, hard right, not much in between. Of course, they are NOT the same. The left is totally gone, GONE, none of these rainbow-haired leftists are coming back, & no one on the right is going to turn to the left, do you see what’s happening here? Left, right, left, right, like you’re running through a maze, isn’t it? Well, that’s because YOU ARE; you are trapped in The Great Mouse Trap, & 99.99% of you don’t even know it. In fact, if I wasn’t here reinforcing my own analogy of said Great Mouse Trap, no one would even be making this connection in their own respective minds. Not to mention, since I only get a handful of views a day, essentially NO ONE integrates The Great Mouse Trap and/or the power game the elites play amongst themselves, while they keep all of you running through the maze, left, right, left, right…oh, speaking of my views, check this out:

These are my yearly stats. Notice how much traffic I had before these big tech censorship squads starting squashing everyone who wasn’t bending the knee to their tyranny. Oh yes, they got me here too, & clearly I’m STILL being shadowbanned. THE PURGE IS VERY REAL. It’s fucking ridiculous, but they will never break me. I’m not changing the words I use and/or the way I utilize my own unique literary language to appease these clowns. Is it actual people doing the shadowbanning, or is it the AI? I think it started as actual people, but over the last few years, they’ve integrated the AI into their algorithms to such an extent, that I’d wager there’s no actual people doing the censoring any longer. Nope, it’s all AI now, & with the advent of AI software like ChatGPT, guess what? My black ass is about to be out of a job, even though this isn’t a job per se, I just do it to do it, & I have never made a single penny form the thousands of pages of drivel I’ve spewed out. Nonetheless, if a potential employer is using AI to bang out articles in mere moments, what the fuck would they need actual writers like me for?

Not just writers either; video producers, meme makers, news reporters, service jobs, assembly jobs, even doctors & lawyers, all replaced by AI. The AI is advancing so fast, arguably exponentially, so it’s only a matter of time before I get replaced, you get replaced, we ALL get replaced, which is all part of their Agenda 2030 plan. Once they are confident that most jobs can be taken care of by the AI apparatus they are building as we speak, humans will no longer serve a purpose for them, so they’re just going to eliminate most of us. Could be a pandemic, a REAL one, where people actually drop dead upon or shortly after infection. Could be war, a global nuclear war, which would effectively kill many people, as well as vaporize most of them to avoid the cleanup process. Hard to clean up 7 billion bodies, so best to just vaporize them with nukes and/or energy weapons. Hard to speculate into a future where the end goal of your so-called leaders is to eliminate all of us, know what I mean? Remember though, as I’ve said countless times, this is THEIR plan, not mine. THEIR agenda, not mine. I’m simply trying to expose it, expose the TRUTH, so people can prepare as best they can for the day when it all goes sideways. Obviously, I do not want this future, but like I said, this is THEIR plan, & it’s very REAL, & they’re doing these things right now, in real-time. Their game is NOT our game, & their game is much more sinister than even I am illustrating. This evil goes DEEP, so deep, & like a cancer, it has plagued most if not all of these elitist globalists, as well as trickled down through the descending levels of power positions. The “fish rotting from the head down,” that classic quip. Check out the video below, while it’s still up, unless it has already been hosed by Youtube. Grace is a gem, very thorough, & after you watch this, if you still doubt me or what I am exposing for all of you, maybe go to Starbucks, get yourself a grande soy latte, & honk your ignorant ass off of a cliff. This game of theirs is dead serious, pun intended, & the road to 2030 is going to be like a road to hell, particularly for those who are utterly ignorant of this snowballing hijacked zeitgeist.

Damnit, I have not only gone much longer than planned, I went off-topic again, but only a bit off-topic, because this all connects. The crap they broadcast via the fake news mainstream media is theatre. Just a show, & sadly, after years of naively assuming Trump was on our side, I have come to the conclusion that he in the same club the rest of them are, the Capstone Club atop the pyramid. It’s unavoidable I think, when you reach a certain level of wealth & power, apparently they all turn, because they have some awareness of something 99.99% of us do not. I wish I knew their secret, it actually angers me that I do not know. I HATE being played, & we’re ALL being played, because to them, we are just sheep, a herd to be herded. There’s us, then there’s them, the people-herders, the social engineers, & when the cameras turn off, I wonder if they all party together, laughing until they piss themselves about the things they do to us. I don’t know if that’s 100% true, & I most definitely do NOT want it to be, but at this stage of the game, it appears to me that there is NO ONE who definitively wants to help us peasants. Help us all to the proverbial slaughterhouse maybe, but other than that, nope, just deliver energized speeches that mean nothing, promises that mean nothing, just a car salesman trying to sell everyone a lemon.

The problem here is that ½ the country are holding up their auction fingers to buy that lemon. After all of the chaos these corrupt politicians have created in 2+ years, essentially destroying the country, outrageous inflation along with unprecedented money-printing, supply chain breakdowns, “random” train derailments, flash mobs, no jobs, wages down even though inflation up, on & on & on, I mean use your fucking eyes, they have almost COMPLETELY destroyed what Trump allegedly created, but perhaps that was the plan all along? People seem to forget who got the pseudo-vaccine for Covaids pushed through to distribute out to the public, which amounts to a mass-poisoning, as the jab has proved useless and actually now is killing people. TRUMP did that, not these idiot democrats who were taking credit for it before these “side effects’ started occurring en masse. Yes, I was doing great under Trump, only to lose everything I had a year after the Biden regime stole the election & crashed the economy, costing investor BILLIONS of dollars. We get hosed, while they keep printing money to give to themselves, see how that works? Works for THEM, but not for us of course. They do not care, because like I said earlier, to them we are just cattle. What good is a rich cow to them? Same difference as every other dozy cow. No to mention, these people-herders are centuries deep with their game…it goes back to the Roman times in fact, 2000 years of elitism via population control, always a them & us. The herders & the herded. People say, “that’s just how it is,” but I say, “Why? Why does it have to be? Fuck them. Why the fuck do I need a “leader? Why do we need these “leaders?”

We don’t, but since they’ve cleverly convinced the masses that we do, for hundreds of years now, then sure, it does appear like that IS “just the way it is.” Nope, not for me anyway, & I could care less if I’m utterly alone with my own sense of sovereign personal freedom. Fuck them & fuck you if you comply with this crap. It’s NOT right, & it does NOT have to be “just the way it is.” If only we could all unite somehow, unite as ONE, ONE 7-billion person macro-organism to break away from their Katamarian societal bowling ball, evolving into something new, standing strong together against this tiny minority of globalist scum that have hijacked the zeitgeist to control the world. I cannot emphasize how abysmally sinister their game is either. Fuckin hell, it’s as if there’s no escape, no way out of The Great Mouse Trap. Perhaps some “event” will come, some kind of truly Divine black swan event, maybe call it a white swan event, where something random comes that has positive results for the people, rather than another malevolently random event that shoves all of our faces deeper into their stinking shit-pit, destroying any/all will that We The People have left to fight them. Long game, that’s THEIR game, while everyone stays focused on this illusory short game, chasing that cheese-bait fiat money left, right, left, right, endlessly through the labyrinthian Great Mouse Trap, paycheck to paycheck. See how that works?

Okay, the time has come once again to wrap this Sunday Foozer up. Until next time, dear readers, stay EXCEPTIONALLY mindful of the week ahead. The time will come when things change fast, & if you are not mindful, you won’t make it. “Just the way it is,” right? Only if YOU allow it to be. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“If you lack mindfulness, you won’t make it out alive.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E18 3/18/2023 Trump Arrested?

Yeah, apparently this is NOT a joke. Again, the timeline switches. I went to sleep & not a word of this, woke up & Trump is “under indictment,” allegedly. Hard to speculate what comes next? Will this cause a ripple effect? Will markets crash? Will the world end if the savior of the USSA gets handcuffed & sent to jail on Tuesday? Fuck if I know, but since the fake news mainstream media is all over this, one can presume that at least ½ the country already thinks #OrangeManBad is getting locked up in a few days. Cold this be more “narrative?” Just more scripted crap to distract everyone from WW3, or the attack on our country by its own government, or inflation, or outrageous gas prices, or the Epstein client list, or the corruption amongst the politicians running this shitshow, oh yes, I can keep going. All theatre, & please believe, this is ALL you are going to hear about for the next few days. What are your so-called elitist “leaders” doing behind the scenes while all this is going on? God question, thanks for playing.

Only they know for sure, & this upcoming week should prove to be very…dynamic, I suppose you could say. Oh & I almost forgot, Putin coincidentally ALSO is facing an “arrest warrant,” what are the odds? Seriously, at the same time, what kind of astronomically impossible odds have been reached to have both of these events occur at the same time? It’s all theatre, all orchestrated, all just part of THEIR game. I’ve told you countless times, TWO DIFFERENT GAMES. Their game is power, while 99% of us play our games in The Great Mouse Trap, these so-called elites are waging war against each other to gain more power, at the expense of what? AT YOUR EXPENSE, because without us giving these psychopaths the power they wield, they wouldn’t be anything, much less “leaders.” While we run endlessly left, right, left, right, chasing cheese-bait fiat money in The Great Mouse Trap, these elites are accumulating more power, building dynasties for themselves & their families of course, respectively. Not “respectively,” like I respect them, because I don’t, I actually despise them all, but respectively as it is defined as a sense of “a separate order.” I don’t want to confuse you, dear readers, I fucking hate these globalist douchebags. HATE, HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE these bastards, ALL of them. Do you still foolishly believe there’s 2 separate groups amongst the “leadership” class, left & right, good & evil, do you still believe that?

If you do, you’re a naive fool, but a perfect little mouse to keep running through the labyrinthian maze of The Great Mouse Trap. Like a series of unending backrooms, you just run around & around, left, right, left, right, divided & conquered, living the Hegelian Dialectic in real-time. Only now, they’ve manufactured this pseudo-reality where up is down, left is right, men are women, etc…which, as far as I know, is unprecedented at the level we’re all experiencing right now. These philosophical notions came about in a totally different era in relation to this era estraña we’re all existing in at this moment. Although certainly applicable, one has to incorporate first, that there’s more people than ever, as far as we know anyway, & therefore, much more variability, anomalous behaviors, you have to factor in the influence of mass media & the internet, it’s totally different then it was a century ago. Second, we are in uncharted waters, so it’s tricky to use the probability charts of life to predict anything. Regardless, we are at a critical mass, on the precipice of a YUGE shift, as microorganisms break off from the macroorganism, as the zeitgeist evolves or devolves depending on your own perspective, as the Lucifer Principle plays itself out.

It’s a bit of a combination of both, isn’t it? Evolution for some, devolution for others. This neo-liberalism, for example, definitely devolution, as these programmed fools carry on in the primal manner that they do. Truly disgusting really, mostly because they have ZERO clue as to what they’re even doing. Nope, like real-life NPCs, they just puke out buzzwords & catchphrases that they seem to make up as they go. A new one I just heard is “counter-speech,” & if you click the word, it’ll link you to a Harvard page that “defines” this made-up nonsense. LARP away you mindless automatons, because there’s no such thing as “hate speech,” hence this term “counter-speech,” is just more gibberish from indoctrination specialists that have infected college campuses like the Black Plague. In the wise words of Jordan Peterson, “It’s bloody revolting,” & it surely is, is it not? Not if you’re on their side obviously, but who wants to be over there? Only these fatherless reject nerd beta twerps with rainbow-colored hair in size-44 “skinny” jeans do, because they’re so lost within themselves, they turn towards the other freaks for the love the missed as children. Blame the parents, blame the schools, but you know who’s really to blame?

The true culprits are these shadowplay social engineers, that injected these bizarre notions into the indoctrinators, who then in turn indoctrinate your children, because that’s the future, & they want the future to have less people, so what do you do? Push this “queer theory” garbage into the impressionable minds of the youth, & I mean the YOUTH, because they’re getting your kids before they can even talk. Watch any recent Disney cartoon if you don’t believe me. It’s fucking sick, not to mention this drag queen story hour madness, oh & of course the gay elementary “teachers,” who are using their classrooms to poison children with the aforementioned queer theory. Ugh, it’s all just so evil, so sinister, but if you call them out, all hell breaks loose, & they never face consequences, so they push the agenda further, double-downing on the double-downing, over & over. When will we finally stop tolerating this fringe insanity?

Oh drats, look at me, I’ve gone off-course as usual. Never fails, I always tangent off into something else completely off-topic. That’s how we roll here though, & another essay has almost been composed & completed for the amusement of my proverbial handful of readers. I do love you all, the few who actually enjoy my random ramblings, so please never think I’m directing this at any of you personally. If you speak my language, you’ll know who I am always referring to, & most likely, it isn’t you directly. My readers get this I’m sure, but just to clarify as the author/narrator of this thing I do, I wanted to make that statement known. Nonetheless, time has come to cross the finish line on this daily Foozer. Possible “arrests” coming this week? Who really knows?…but we shall all bear witness apparently soon enough. Until next time dear readers, enjoy the show, because it’s all just a trip to the movies. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Enjoy the show, because it’s all just a trip to the movies.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2E10 2/10/2023 RIP Burt Bacharach

Unfortunately the world has lost a fancy-fingered gem of a musician, the great Burt Bacharach. Yes, at the young age of 94, sadly he has pushed his final piano key. The first of three, maybe, as these things happen in “threes,” as the proverbial they say, so who might be next? Fun game to play with friends, when a “person of note” dies, you try & guess who the next two in line will be. Kind of morbid, sure, but it’s just a part of life, is it not? Hmmm, I smell a quote in there somewhere…something kind of oxymoronic perhaps? Life is death, death is life, Finkel is Einhorn, doot-doodoot-doodoot…what can I do with that? Let’s see, how about, “Embrace death as you embrace life, as every ending is a new beginning,” …something along those lines, but not that exact quote. It’s…”incomplete,” you might say, so I’ll ponder it as I write, & maybe give you a solid quote at the end of this Friday Foozer. Or maybe I’ll just let Burt quote me out on this one, we’ll see at the end. Fridays to Fridays, like nights to days nowadays, the progression of the flushing toilet of 4d time progresses ever faster it seems.

It was 1972 now over FIFTY years ago, wow, it’s just incredible, this whole 4d time thing, the Great Time Spiral, pulling 3d “forward,” forward into the future, so surreal, isn’t it? Check out this link before I continue on about times past. This is a TV special from 1972, featuring the late Burt Bacharach. Notice how amazingly different it was back then, where do I begin? Well, technically, after this video below, that’s where I’ll “begin,” but I meant figuratively, where does one begin when they try to illustrate the stark differences between 1972 & 2023? Like 2 totally different worlds, but nope. Same world I think, but maybe we jumped timelines into Clownworld, I don’t know, but my oh my, how times change, as this collective macroorganism evolves/devolves into…into…drats, I wish I knew, as it’s metamorphosis is ongoing in real-time, the chrysalis clown in its clown-car cocoon, can you hear the cacophony of nose-horns? Honk honk honk…honk…


Well how about that? A televised show showing people who can show you their respectively individual ACTUAL talent, as opposed to the grossly talentless manufactured productions they broadcast “for the kids” nowadays. Have you seen the new Disney cartoon? If not, get out from under your rock & catch-up, ya uninformed tomato. Ready for another gem? Let’s see what Matt Walsh has to say, with a preview of this ridiculous animated cartoon FOR KIDS. As an animator, & someone who can reason out the MILLIONS of dollars that were invested in hiring animators, script writers, producers, directors, voice actors, on & on & on, all for this bullshit below, it makes me sick. This is being broadcast to KIDS, keep that in mind as you watch, & think about the cartoons you used to watch. Still remember the catch phrases don’t you? Keep that in mind as well. Ok, here we go…


“SLAVES BUILT THIS COUNTRY!!” …repeated over & over, & kids being the sponges they are, are soaking all this up & integrating it into their developing brains. It’s so utterly sickening, so dark, so sinister, gah, & they just keep pushing. Apparently, they’re getting a lot of backlash for this racist production, but if it’s racism against whites, nope, shhhh…move along, & despite the widespread online criticism, it won’t change a thing, & Disney is going to keep doing this. It’s not he first time they’ve injected their “woke garbage into children’s programming, so why would it be the last? RAH RAH RAH…RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE…sure, there’s going to be the “backlash,” but they don’t care. Do you understand? THEY DO NOT CARE. #WhiteManBad is the hashtag buzz-phrase that people of color who buy into this ridiculousness live by. Whatever the issue, #WhiteManBad, but I have facts, fuck you #WhiteManBad. The “white man is bad,” so “oppressive,” …derp. Apparently, now it is to the point that kids can be openly indoctrinated via publicly televised children’s programming with these horrible themes, CRT ideologies such as, “SLAVES BUILT THIS COUNTRY!!” …get the fuck outta here with this already. My ancestors weren’t even here, but I’m white, so what happens now? Fucking morons, round & round with the REEEEEE-cisms, until they get paid, which is really all they want, money. How sad, all the “civil rights” strife, all just about money, & power of course. Ask BLM.

Anyway, so that grossly inappropriate catchphrase, “SLAVES BUILT THIS COUNTRY!!”…yeah, that’s going to be stuck with these unfortunate kids forever now…FOREVER. Hell, it’s even stuck in my head now, & I’m in my 40s, so imagine the kids, these innocent CHILDREN, being programmed by viciously malevolent adults, to grow up thinking this country was in fact, “built by slaves.” First of all, it wasn’t, as Matt Walsh states right from the get-go, & second, WHAT THE FUCK are you “woke” dunces at Disney thinking with this OBVIOUS agenda? Seriously, WE ALL KNOW, we all know you’re degenerate racist pedos, & you should all be hung by the neck until DEAD, DEAD, DEAD. This “agenda’ is so sinister, ugh, THESE ARE KIDS FOR FUCK’S SAKE. I don’t even have any kids, & I this infuriates me, so I can only imagine how parents feel. Well, at least the parents who are aware, & I know there’s many a parent out there who is NOT aware, NOT informed, & so they just stick their fatherless kids in front of the television all day to be programmed, programmed by the “woke agenda.” No one ever mentions the parents incidentally, usually no father-figure, so they always go after Disney, or whoever else they can blame OTHER THAN the parent/s. Then you can argue that the breakdown of the nuclear family plays into this future catastrophe as well, but I won’t digress into that topic, as I’ve already segued off from the title up there, the RIP to old Burt. Maybe that’s all, all “the world needs now…is love, sweet love. That’s the only thing, that there’s just too little of.”

Well, we will miss you Burt, but you made it to 94 ya crooner, & what a life, so many songs, in so many heads, after riding in so many elevators, which is the only place you might hear a Burt Bacharach ditty. I jest, I jest, he was great, very talented, as are many Jews from that era who hail from Queens. It’s an interesting phenomenon, all these famous Jews from Queens from the 1920s to the 1960s, there was a Renaissance of sorts, maybe it had something to do with World War 2, I don’t know, & NO, NO NO NO NO NO it’s NOT anti-Semitic to ask questions like this…sheesh. “Why are so many talented people from Queens in the golden age of media Jewish?” How the fuck is that anti-Semitic? It’s simple curiosity, & many of them are very talented, & I respect their respective talents, I just find it odd that there are so many from that specific area that go on to find fame & fortune. That’s all, don’t throw me to the “you’re a Nazi” wolves over it. The proverbial eggshells are all broken, so I’m just gonna walk like I always do, one foot in front of the other, & if it bothers any of you, this pseudo-bigotry you delude yourselves into believing is real, then maybe kick rocks…& go on a long uphill hike, up a mountain, the highest mountain, to the highest peak, look up at the beautiful blue sky, & the fluffy white clouds, close your eyes, then jump you lemmings. How bout them apples?

Free speech is FREE speech, period..& “hate speech,” is just a liberal myth, part of the socially-engineered indoctrination agenda, like most of the buzzwords they regurgitate as they puke their word vomit all over the place. SO OVER IT. Anyway enough of the ranting, as that’s gonna do it for today’s daily Foozer. Until next time, I’ll leave a video of one of Burt’s greatest hits below. No FisH™quote today, I’ll let Burt fill in the gaps on this one. So pour a glass, light a smoke, eat a pancake, & enjoy the music of the late Burt Bacharach below. Rip sir. Travel well to your next destination. Hey, that’s not bad, I’ll do quote, AND Burt below, how about that, dear readers? Sound good?(pin intended) …& I’m out. So sayeth FisH™🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“Travel well to your next destination.” ~Fish F Fish🎣


The Fooze: S1E5 1/5/2023 SBF & The Great Painting

Let’s get our paintbrush clean…beat the devil out of it(cheers BR🎨🖌️). Got our fresh canvas, got our digital palette, so let’s begin on this purely stream-of-consciousness illustration of The Great Painting & the ramblings that will accompany said Great Painting.

Sam Bankman Fried, I’m sure you all have heard the name by now, but his “scam,” if you will, cost ohhhhh…a reported $40 FUCKIN BILLION-ish, with a YUGE B, give or take $100 million(cheers PMB🔥🎹🔥). No one will ever know the real number I’m sure, & do you wanna know what else I’m almost sure of?…he’s going to be found NOT GUILTY. Watch & see; this goes so deep…as deep as a swamp, literally. Oh yes, the notorious Washington, DC swamp, made up of mostly democrats, & sadly, mostly republicans too these days. The fish’s head has rotted from the top & gone all the way down to its necrotic stinking tail. I mentioned this last time, just 2 wings, of the same singular dirty birdie, & when the lights turn off, figuratively not literally, they all hang out like they’re having a slumber party. This is theatre on an unimaginable level for most of us down here in the trenches. Oh wow…I just read breaking news that apparently Donald Trump is now possibly moving up the list to be nominated as Speaker of the House. Mind blowing theatre this is, & quite an art to perfect, but they have mastered it, & they do practice it, & that’s all they are when you see them publicly, theatre actors. Right on schedule…the spooky synchronicity strikes yet again in real time.

Before we continue, let’s pause & acknowledge SBF, Sam Bankman Fried, he wants to say he is sorry. He’s so sorry. He’s very, very sorry for stealing $40 Billion & walking free. So sorry. He wants you all to know…that he’s very sorry.

Oh, before I digress, if the lights ever DO turn out literally, not figuratively, like lights out-lights out, as in nationwide blackout out, you’ll see who these s-elected, power-hungry politicians really are, & who their loyalty really belongs to. In response to that last statement…one, not sure they’re human, so a They Liverevealing of sorts would not surprise me. I honestly cannot confirm 100% that they are human, but that’s me & I’m entitled to my opinion, as are you dear reader. Two, their loyalty either belongs to China, or to their They Live overlords, maybe to both, Chinese people ARE kind of alien, are they not? I’m going to sound ignorant so if it bothers you, go fuck yourself, but their language sounds ridiculous. Doesn’t matter which region either, yes I know they have different Chinese dialects depending on where you are in China, & it doesn’t matter, it ALL sounds blah-bla-blah. Japanese people, on the other yellow hand, have a beautiful language, very organized, like music, because their culture is beautiful, & well-organized, like an orchestra. Japan, yes…China, no…hard NO on this Black Panda. China is playing a devious long game, in THEIR world, with THEIR language, not ours, until relatively recently & these politicians let this Chinese cancer infect OUR entire country, & for what? Money? Power? I don’t ever want to know Chinese. Fuck China & fuck these traitors here, none of which speak Chinese, but they all speak the language of power. It’s a game, a game they play, for them, not for us. Sorry not sorry to digress, but Chinese just sounds like…rabid seagulls maybe, something like that, I don’t know, but it comes off as rude, which probably has something to do with their shit attitudes, on top of their blah-blah dialect. They’re playing the long game with this once great country. China has infiltrated the USA at nearly every level, including government operatives. If you thought I’d forgot about SBF, this is where it all comes full circle, because it’s ALL connected. Hang tight. China has infiltrated this country, been infiltrating it for decades now, ruined the work force, infested the government, poisoned the population with fentanyl, MADE IN CHINA, MADE IN CHINA everywhere. The Chinese have infected social media, apps like Tik-Tok & Facebook are just data mining sites, mining YOUR data, all day every day. The Chinese are WAY, WAY, WAYYYYYY further along with Artificial Intelligence than is known publicly, so much so that I theorize they might be listening to it, possibly even…worshipping it somehow, abiding by whatever orders AI commands. Sounds crazy, yes? Ummmmmm…no. Look around you, does any of this seem normal? No, this is NOT normal, & although I could never define what normal truly means, I know this is NOT it. This is Clownworld. Normal world went “Bye Felicia” long, long ago unfortunately.

I’m not going to get into the all the juicy little details of what exactly SBF did, but essentially his shenanigans cost A LOT of people A LOT of money, yours truly included, so if I ever see him in person…I might have to fart in his breakfast cereal, but never you mind about that, & let’s keep move, move, moving on…because despite what he got arrested for, which is these charges below…alegedly:

…he’s already out on a measly $250 million bail, measly to him, unbelievably life-changing to any of us, but I know you readers want to hear how this is all connected. Keep in mind, this is a LOOSE connection, like sparks flying out of a live wire, so this is just mere fantastical speculation on my end. Take what you want, leave the rest, go puke in the bathroom, maybe shart yourself, whatever you want is yours…I’m just a messenger.

Ok…we know Nancy Pelosi launders money; everyone knows & no one does a thing. She’s not alone either & I’d wager almost every one of those people in the upper echelon of government, with their politically self-ascribed elite status, are committing HIGHLY-ILLEGAL, ultra-top-secret-level side-hustling via insider trading & money laundering to create dynasties for themselves & their sordid families & their wretched family names. It’s disgusting, mostly because anyone with active critical-thinking skills knows they do it, INCLUDING THE FBI, THE DOJ, obviously the CIA too…WE ALL KNOW, yet it still goes on…& if I, or you, or anyone we know in our world did any of this, we’d be in federal prison awaiting death by firing squad for treason. Here in Clownworld though, nope, the dirtiest of the most corrupted scum go free, free to live life like kings & queens, & such a tiny minority too in the big picture, but yet they have so much power. Why do these leaders even exist? I don’t need a leader, I don’t follow anyone. These so-called leaders…pffft…what an absolutely ridiculous notion, it’s honestly just unbelievable when you stop & ponder it, but here we are. Here I am. Honk honk honk. I can see the big picture, the whole picture, & it’s very bizarre to say the least. Why these leaders? Why? Anyone? Why?…

When I backed up, when I put my non-EV meat puppet in reverse, I could easily see the entire portrait. This Great Painting. The zeitgeist in colorama. Very interesting piece of art this painting, so much going on. In fact, there’s’ so much going on in The Great Painting that almost every one of you focus on just one part of the panting, you all focus on only one, maybe two once in awhile, but mostly just one. Different parts of the painting of course, but regardless, you’re only examining a niche, & upon the examination, you conclude that this niche is the in fact the whole, & act accordingly. Arguably LARPing is what it is. LARPing on a whatever part of the Great Painting gives you your confirmation bias. This is simply insane though. There’s so much more, there’s the entirety of The Great Painting, that is the truth, that is what is really real. LARPing is not real, LIFE is real, life is the WHOLE painting, the whole Great Painting. Most of you only focus on the one part of The Great Painting, & use said part to define the ENTIRE painting. LARPers. It’s very…surreal…so surreal watching you all panic & lose yourselves over A PIECE, JUST A PIECE, one piece of the Great Painting, & you don’t ever back up & look at what the ENTIRE painting really illustrated. Some do eventually, usually too late tho, but most, just bippity-beepbop though life totally clueless on the real meaning of the Great Painting of Life, never ever getting it. All they had to do was stop, shut their mouth, accept humbleness, & open your real eyes to realize the real lies that become your real life if you focus on a part & use this part to define the whole, without ever knowing what the whole was, because you were just a piece-player.

The Great Painting, when seen as a whole, reveals that this money-laundering scheme connects directly to politicians in the United States Government, nearly all of them in on the scam, & what a big scam this was, & still IS, because NO ONE EVER STOPS THEM..until Sam Bankman Fried, but he’s not really “stopped,” he’s just being used. He’s being used as a distraction, kind of like a “look we got him” distraction, when they all know eventually it’ll all just poof, just like Epstein, especially if SBF “hangs” himself & earns the hashtag #SBFDidntKillHimself. He is a sacrificial lamb of sorts, & although he’s a Jew, the Jews couldn’t protect Epstein apparently, unless they faked his death & he’s free somewhere but I won’t digress down that rabbit hole today, but suppose Epstein really was killed, made to look like a suicide, they wouldn’t hesitate to off SBF in similar fashion. The suspense is part of the distraction though. “What will happen to SBF?” the headlines might print…until something else with more draw becomes the headlines & SBF with does the Epstein shuffle, or just fades away…back to the comforts of his Zionist parents & their wealth & their family connections. It’s a world us regular folks will never know. Seems like a dark world when it all adds up…a world of dark arts & nefariousness. The power game is the big game…big players, big hunters, a totally different world then the world of the debt slaves, but I digress, as always.

The big difference here is that SBF is free…walking free, flying free, boating free, this fat little Jew-fro fucker is free. He cost people their life savings, cost people everything, billions, but he got American politicians rich…very rich, which is where it all comes back around. SBF LAUNDERED CRYPTO MONEY FOR UNITED STATES POLITICIANS. Yes, on top of the money-laundering they do already with insider trading & adding special interest funds to bills, then taking ti for themselves out the back door…on top of all that corruption, they also worked with SBF to manipulate the crypto market to their…advantage, & this advantage cost crypto traders lots & lots of money, while the manipulators in an unregulated crypto market stole it all. AI quant bots, stop hunters, trading against AI, it’s next level treachery, & it’s impossible to win without an inside edge. People lost their entire lives last year…yeah, EVERYTHING, all gone, for many…so this is really bad, much worse than what is being reported on of course by the fake news because the people who commit these fraudulent mega-crimes control the media too. They intentionally crashed the markets to wipe out what’s left of what used-to-be the middle-class in this country. Stocks, crypto, precious metals, all wrecked…all while prices of everything double, yet slave wages stay relatively the same. The debt slavery in real time, & people like SBF feed of the misery of others. This is when they profit the most in their wicked minds, profit, from YOUR blood, YOUR TIME, YOUR LIFE. It’s beyond sinister, & this entire system is a big hustle.

Of course, this could NOT have been just SBF & his fugly little Omega-Mu girlfriend, but where are the others? Where are the people on Epstein’s client list? Couldn’t have been just him & HIS girlfriend. Am I seeing a pattern here? Hmmmm. Well…this turned into quite the essay. Lots of torches in this labyrinth, lighting the path, but which path to take? I could keep going, & going, & going, until the Minotaur’s hooves fall off, but I’m gonna wrap up this Thursday Foozer & take the side exit out of this amazing maze.

Just to sum up: SBF, laundered money for democrats, cost many Americans & foreign traders a lot of money, some cases all their money, in cahoots with the globalists, same ones who stole the 2020 election, yes SBF was directly connected to that, connected to all of it, all of it is a giant apparatus to break all of us peasants financially in order to further break our spirits so they can take total control withe are once we’re all broken & struggling. They are stealing YOUR wealth & hoarding it to attain more power. Power, it’s like crack to these elites. Most of you will panic when the day comes that any power you hold ends, ends when the money runs out for you, the gas runs out, the food runs out, while they get fatter form YOUR existence, YOU slowly die feeding them. All the while, most of you never even aware, because you’re too focused on only a part of the Great Painting. You gotta stop, stop & relax, just relax, take a breath, now back up, back up as far as you can go, & OPEN YOUR EYES & see the whole picture, see the Great Painting, see all the different acts going on at the same time in this Great Painting. The zeitgeist is nonstop…never stops moving, like a Katamari Ball, getting bigger & bigger. So many moving parts, so many acts. If you lose yourself into one of these acts, you lose the meaning of the ENTIRE Great Painting. Most do, sadly most do for their whole lives, so don’t get lost…it’s as simple as backing up…beep beep beep…& always remember this:

SBF, Sam Bankman Fried is sorry. He’s so sorry. He’s very, very sorry for stealing $40 Billion & walking free. So sorry. He wants you all to know…that he’s very sorry. Until tomorrow, may the Fooze be with you.

For all of you, & none of you alike. Be good.