The Fooze: E7S27/2023 7/27/2023 Sinead O’Connor Death RIP

A Sordid Story

Oh man, this one is gonna be a tough pill to swallow; where do I even begin? This story takes place back in the early 80s, & the main character is a young lad, maybe 5 or 6, named Tony. Tony was a good kid; he was innocent, adventurous, curious about the world, a world full of novelty. Tony lived next door to another family, & they had 2 sons, one named Matthew, the other named Paul, & even though Paul was a bit older than Tony, they were friends, & hung out all the time. They’d walk around the neighborhood, exploring everything, as young dudes do, just looking for something to do. One day, Paul took Tony to a factory, a factory where they cut wood into various sizes, as needed for whatever the builders were building. Paul & Tony knew of the place, & although Tony had never been, Paul had frequently come to this place for some reason that Tony didn’t know. Nonetheless, there the were, in this factory, & there were glass panels, much like the ones in this picture, except they weren’t broken, & there were stacks of wood everywhere, as this was a working factory, & not derelict. There they were, Tony & Paul, just walking around, & although they knew they weren’t supposed to be there, they were there, & it seemed that none of the factory workers were around, which left the whole floor open for Paul & Tony to explore. Kids love to explore, ya know?

Novelty often dies quick though, & soon the two found themselves in a place where idle hands got the best of them. They looked around, around & around, & then the glass windows caught Paul’s mischievous eyes, & so he asked Tony, “Wanna break some windows?” Tony, being young & naive, was drawn to the notion of “being bad,” as it were, & so Tony replied, “Sure,” & so Paul, being the dominant of the two, as he was 4 or 5 years older than Tony, was up to bat first. There was a 55 gallon drum near the stacks of wood filled with, what looked like Lapis Lazuli rocks, even though it probably wasn’t. Lapis, being a gemstone, is considered valuable by some, & what purpose it might’ve served in this wood factory, we may never know. It was most likely just some generic blue rocks. Regardless, as I said earlier, Paul was up first, so he grabbed a rock, & flung it, smashing a panel of the glass. Tony, being only 5 or 6, was exhilarated by the breaking glass, & so he grabbed a rock as well, & flung it, breaking out another glass panel. Oh man, what a rush, & both started laughing hysterically at what they had just done, so much laughing in fact, that Tony pissed himself a bit from laughing so hard, as many young men do. Remember when we used to laugh like that? Good times.

SMASH, SMASH, SMASH, as the two got caught up in the moment, & began throwing rocks at every window they could find…SMASH, SMASH SMASH SMASH, oh what fun, such great fun, laughing like madmen & breaking windows in this factory, but just then, a man showed up. Maybe a worker, or the bossman himself, but whoever he was, he came charging at Paul & Tony, cursing the whole way, & so, Paul & Tony ran to hide. Tony, being so small, hid between some pressboard pre-fabricated sheets of wood, & Paul, well Paul didn’t hide very well, & within a few moments, he was dragged out by this man, who yelled & cursed, saying he was going to call the cops, & tell our parents, & all that jazz. Tony, however, stayed quiet, so very quiet, like a frightened mouse, just staying quiet, quiet & still, scared to death this angry grown man would find him. The man still had Paul by the scruff of his shirt, & was asking Paul who else was there with him. Paul didn’t squeal though, as he was wriggling & writhing, trying to free himself from the firm grip of this pissed-off grown up, but he wasn’t strong enough, & this grown man wasn’t letting go, as he was convinced Paul wasn’t alone, & thus, kept searching for his accomplice, which was Tony the quiet little mouse, standing so still, so quiet, so very quiet, who was petrified of what his parents would do to him if he was found.

Tony, you see, came from an abusive household. His real dad was dead, & so his single mom latched on to a new fellow, a husky Marine, who was nicknamed “The Bear.” The Bear wasn’t fond of Tony, & used to hit him when his mother wasn’t around, calling him weak, calling him a faggot, things like that, oh poor Tony, & Tony was more scared of “The Bear,” than he was of the man who was dragging Paul around, searching for the other rock-thrower, who was Tony, obviously. Tony stayed frozen, as the man started shouting, “Come out boy, I know you’re in here,” but Tony didn’t come out, because he was staying so still, so quiet, Tony, the frightened little mouse. The man kept shouting, ” Come out boy, I know you’re there, come out now, or I’ll call the cops to come get you,” but Tony still stayed stone frozen, hidden so well between those pressboard pre-fabricated sheets of wood, so still, so very very still. After several minutes went by, several minutes of the man shouting for Tony to come out, the man finally gave up his search, most likely assuming that Paul’s accomplice had gotten away, & so he left, dragging poor Paul with him. Tony still stayed quiet, so very quiet, until he was sure that the proverbial coast was clear. He didn’t want to just stay hidden though, because if that man had really called the cops, they’d be on the way, & so he made his move, escaping this factory, with now-broken windows. He snuck his way through the factory to the exit, & ran across the tracks that were between the wood factory & The Bear’s house, like the barrier in Pet Sematary, trying to get home before Paul & the man got to Paul’s house first. “The barrier, was not meant to be crossed.” Keep this quote in mind, as you read further.

Since Paul & Tony were neighbors, Tony knew that Paul would be in big trouble, & the man would take him home, to deliver Paul to his parents demanding some kind of retribution for those windows Paul & Tony broke. Over the tracks, & through the woods, Tony ran, & once he got to a vantage point where he could see his house, it was too late, because there was Paul, & the man, & Paul’s parents, & the police. Tony was scared shitless, to say the least, & he knew that if Paul squealed, Tony would not only be in trouble via the police, but even more frightening, “The Bear” would be seeing red, angry that the bastard kid of his new wife had done this, bringing shame to the family, & would most likely beat the shit out of of young Tony. Nonetheless, Tony walked to his house, as if nothing had happened, & sure enough, there was his mother, & The Bear, & they were pissed, because apparently the cops & the factory man had grilled Paul hard about who else was there in the factory, breaking windows with him, smash smash smashing those glass panels at the factory, & had already asked Tony’s parents where he was, & if he was there in the factory with Paul breaking those windows. Poor Tony, he was so scared, so fucking petrified, because either way, he’d be in trouble if he confessed. He’d be in juvenile detention trouble, but even worse, if The Bear knew he did this, he knew a beating was coming, & it would be a hard beating, because not only did The Bear hate this bastard kid of his new bride, he would be enraged that this kid had shamed the family, & so when his mother & The Bear asked him if he was there, he simply said, “No, no I wasn’t there.”

They asked young Tony again, & this time, it was with a really stringent tone…”Damnit boy, WERE YOU THERE???” Again, Tony said “No,” & even though they didn’t believe him, they told the cops that Tony said “No,” & if he said he wasn’t there, he wasn’t there. “Where were you then?’ they asked Tony, & Tony replied, ” I was in the woods, just walking through the woods,” which was a weak alibi, but it was enough apparently to get the cops to turn their attention back towards Paul, & thus, Tony had told his first lie & gotten away with it, despite his parents knowing damn well he most likely was there, but like I said, Tony’s lie was enough to dismiss the police, & so, it was good enough for The Bear & Tony’s mother, as the bastard had avoided the public shame that might of occurred had he told the truth, the truth that he was in fact, there, & that he’d smashed as many windows as Paul the neighbor, who was now in trouble with not only his parents, but the police as well. What a good little liar Tony was, for his lie had escaped the possibility of going to juvenile hall, the place that all kids fear. Everything seemed so much bigger at that tender age of 5 or 6, & the thought of going to juvenile hall, was exceptionally scary to a naive little kid, but it didn’t matter, because he’d gotten away with it. Paul did not go to juvenile hall, of course, & he didn’t even really get into any trouble, as his parents offered to replace the windows, which was good enough for everyone involved & that was that…for now.

A few months later, Paul & Tony were back together, hanging out, & all that needlessly novel anxiety from the window smashing, had been washed away, but there was more to come, oh yes, much more to come. One day, Paul had taken Tony, along with two other boys, one named Cliff, & the other named Mark, to an enclave of sorts in the middle of the woods. Cliff & Mark were Tony’s age, & Paul, being 4 or 5 years older, as I previously mentioned, was the obvious ring leader, as he was older & bigger than everyone else. Tony liked Paul, he looked up to him, but all of that was about to change, & change quickly. Seemingly, out of nowhere, Paul suddenly pulled out a knife, a buck knife, like the kind you skin a deer with, & told Cliff & Mark to take their clothes off, like I said, out of nowhere he said this,, & he meant it…”take your clothes off, NOW,” & he waved the knife in a criss-cross slashing motion in front of Cliff & Mark’s face, which scared the shit out of everyone who was there, so Cliff started to cry, as did Mark, but Mark complied, being the first to take his clothes off. Paul put the knife up to Cliff’s neck, & said, “Take your clothes off or I’ll fucking kill you.” Poor Cliff, was hysterically whining & moaning by now, but he broke fairly quickly, & began to undress. This entire time, Tony was just watching, horrified by what was happening. Paul was his friend, he thought, he was cool, but why was he doing this to Cliff & Mark?

Tony wanted to run, run home, as fast as he could, & although Paul had not told Tony to do anything, or even acknowledged him still standing behind him, Tony wanted to run run run away, as fast as he could, but Paul had this knife, & had threatened to kill Cliff & Mark, so again, the little mouse Tony, stayed dead quiet, trying as hard as he could not to be noticed, not to cry, not to show Paul how scared he actually was. Stay still little mouse, stay quiet, & when this is over, you don’t have to hang out with Paul anymore, just stay still. By now, Cliff & Mark were both sobbing, crying tears of terror, snot coming from Cliff’s nose, as he was now naked, but with his shoes & socks still on, & that’s when Paul said, “Suck his dick faggot,” to Cliff, “Suck his dick or I’ll cut you with this knife.” Cliff was kind of a chubby kid, chubby & weak, & he was the first to go, as Paul once again demanded that Cliff suck Mark’s dick. Cliff then got on his knees, as I mentioned, & with only his shoes & socks on, he began to suck Mark’s dick. Both of them cried the whole time, & Tony, who was in total shock as to what was happening, still stood quiet, quiet as a mouse, watching this horrific scene play out. Cliff sucked Mark’s dick, tears rolling down his face, for a few minutes, & keep in mind, these boys were only 5 or 6. Paul just laughed, putting the knife close to Cliff’s mouth & Mark’s penis, saying, “Keep going, or I’ll cut your dick off.” Tony had a chance, a chance to run, but that knife, that knife scared the fuck out of him, & so he stayed where he was, watching what was happening, doing all he could to keep the tears back, because if he started to cry, Paul could turn on him.

After Cliff sucked Mark’s dick for a few minutes, it was then Mark’s turn, & with a torrent of tears, he complied, getting down on his knees, putting Cliff’s penis in his mouth, then sucking it. How did they know how to do this at such a young age though? I know, I know, yours truly knows this a long & difficult article to read, but for the sake of young Tony, it has to be told, so back to the story. Mark sucked Cliff’s dick for a few minutes, while Paul, with those demonic soulless black eyes, just laughed & laughed, such sinister laughing it was, waving the knife at their faces & at Cliff’s exposed penis, which was in Mark’s mouth, & what was once Tony’s best friend, had become his nightmare, & at that very moment, Tony’s innocence, the sweet innocence of his youth, died , dying right their in that enclave in the woods, & Tony would never be the same. He just wanted to get out of there, to go home, where The Bear was, who at that moment, seemed much less frightening than what he was witnessing, but he couldn’t run, for that knife, that knife that Paul had, kept Tony paralyzed like a deer in headlights. He was so scared, that he couldn’t even look away, so he just watched, hoping that Paul wouldn’t turn on him too. A voice in Tony’s head was telling him to run, to not be afraid, but Tony was a small kid, smaller than the other boys at school, small & weak, & that knife, that God-damned buck knife, had him thinking about Paul actually killing one of us, so Tony stayed quiet…the quiet little mouse, watching two young kids blow each other so they wouldn’t get murdered by Paul, Paul the knife-weilding older kid, the ringleader, the one Tony had looked up to before, like an older brother, but now, now he never wanted see Paul again, & just wanted to go home, to the Bear’s home.

Just when Cliff was done, or rather, when he stopped, Paul finally turned around, & looked at Tony, with those black eyes, & said, “Where have you been? What about you?” Tony finally broke, & started to cry; he couldn’t help it, & the tears began to flow, & Paul laughed, so Tony thought he was joking at first, but then Paul stopped laughing, & again said, with a deadly serious tone, “I said, what about you?” as he put the knife up to Tony’s throat. Tony was so scared, & he just said, “No,” which made Paul angry, & he pressed the knife into Tony’s neck. Cliff, who had stopped crying, intervened & still with tears in his eyes, & snot coming out of his nose, said, “If we do it, he’ll stop.” Tony was frozen, cold frozen with a fear he’d never felt, & he again said, “No,” but Paul was getting really mad, & said, “If you try to run, I’ll kill you.” & again, he put the knife back up to Tony’s throat, pressing it harder into his soft skin. Tony didn’t move, he was as frozen as a statue, as Cliff started to pull Tony’s shorts down, & with the knife at his throat, & tears steaming down his face, Cliff started sucking Tony’s little 5-6 year old penis. Tony screamed, & again said, ” No,” & just kept saying, “No…no no no,” as Cliff sucked & sucked. After what seemed like an eternity, Paul took the knife away from Tony’s throat, & as soon as he did, Tony pushed Cliff away, & quickly pulled his shorts up, tears still flowing. Paul told Tony, “If you tell anyone, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, & your family.” Tony screamed, turned towards his house, the house where The Bear was, & then started running.

He thought Paul might be chasing him, so he ran, never looking back, as all he wanted to do was get home, home to his mother. He just ran, & ran, & ran, until finally he got home, & ran inside, going to his room, & closed the door, & began to cry again. He just couldn’t process, process this awful thing that he saw, & then what was done to him, so he kept it to himself, never telling anyone, but young Tony would never be the same, never be the same ever again. There was a rage inside him now, a hatred, an abysmal anger that would stick with him for the rest of his life. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the end of it, but you’ll have to wait until next time, dear readers. To be continued…so sayeth FisH™…🎏

Father’s Day

Cheers to all the FATHERS out there, but certainly, NOT the dads, of course. Any idiot can NOT pull out, & make a baby, but only FATHERS, should get recognition on this day. I think the black community has some outrageous percentage, something like 80%, no dad around, & maybe it’s time they take responsibility for their own culture, rather than blaming white people for everything, particularly on Juneteenth, tomorrow, because their culture is completely out of control. Facts matter, & that’s a FACT. Call me a racist, bigot, negrophobe, whatever you want; the TRUTH, is the TRUTH. If it wasn’t for white people, most of them would still be in Africa, where OTHER BLACKS, sold blacks as slaves, & continue to do so to this very day. Don’t believe me, click this link about the estimated 50 million, still enslaved. Oh my, but I digress, as usual, because this post is/was, supposed to be about Father’s Day.

I won’t get into my personal life about fathers versus dads, other than this…my real father can burn in the lowest level of hell for abandoning yours truly, & the stepdad, he’s a good dude, he did his best, I suppose, & he was there at least, but my real dad, go fuck yourself you narcissistic jackass. It’s mind-blowing to me, absolutely staggering, how a father can POOF, leaving his 1st-born son to the proverbial wolves. I have no kids, but if I did, I could never do that to my son, I just couldn’t, because there seems to be less & less fathers these days, & the father/son dynamic is crucial for a young man. It’s another example of how society is in decline, a rapid decline, as the concept of the nuclear family has been intentionally, & systematically, eroded into dust. Women CANNOT raise a boy to become a man alone…period, & the absence of the father, is detrimental to a son’s future. I had a father figure, in my stepdad at least, despite us being polar opposites in our respective mindsets, & again, he was there, but having NO father figure at all, sorry kid. Same dynamic for a girl, being raised by only a woman, or only a man, as the stats don’t lie. Girls from single-parent homes are more prone to be dysfunctional, once they’ve grown into adults. TWO PARENTS, THAT’S THE WAY, the RIGHT way, a biological mother, & a biological father, because there are ONLY 2 genders for fuck’s sake, & if said parents, are queer, it’s the same as a single parent, as far the statistics go. A mother, & a father, as intended by Nature, that’s the path to take.

Nonetheless, I’m keeping this one relatively nebulous, & not doing a quote. What’s to quote? Until next time dear readers, keep this in mind…it takes two, a mother and a father, to raise a child, because ONLY a mother and/or ONLY a father, is just a recipe for a future black sheep disaster, once that unfortunate kid grows up. That is all. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

The Fooze: S4 E7 4/7/2023 Push Your Ups

Daily writing prompt
What’s the most fun way to exercise?

I’m just going through these WordPress writing prompts as a self-authoring sort of way of doing my daily posts. Why not, ya know? Some are ridiculous, most actually, & obviously, I can work with all of them, but I like to pick & choose at will. Why?…because I’m the creator here, & I can do what I want. That’s one of the joys of doing what you love for free; the ability to create whatever you want to create, whenever you want to create it. That’s what life is really about…creating, not destroying, as most do, unfortunately. Yep, in their own ways, most people tend to be destroyers rather than creators. Making random babies is NOT creating by the way. Having a kid intentionally, then raising them accordingly in a nuclear family setting, THAT is creating. Making babies for government checks, unplanned, that end up in broken homes, THAT is NOT creating. It’s just “creating” destroyers, those mouth-breather types that grow fat on their own careless consumption, following in the footsteps of the consumer-based baby-makers who bred them, & then the cycle continues, to the point we are at now, an idiocratic Clownworld consumed by consumer destroyers, consuming everything they can, with zero regard for anyone and/or anything except their own porky selves.

The general self-centeredness amongst the populous is utterly astounding. Seriously, this country is getting out of control so fast. How do you like communism so far? Fun, isn’t it? I’m being facetious of course, because NONE of this is “fun,” per se. It’s kind of terrifying & for yours truly, who reads the zeitgeist like a handbook, I cannot speculate on what the not-so-distant future might bring. I can tell you this though, we are on the edge of the edge of the precipice, & one more little shove will be all it takes to push everyone off this proverbial cliff we all teeter upon. What happens when that happens? Great question, thanks for asking. I wish I had a definitive answer, but sadly I do not, other than I can assure you when we all fall, the national pandemonium, as well as the global, will be unprecedented in not only scale, but dynamically as well. We are in uncharted waters, & most people have become so accustomed to the numerous 1st-world conveniences they ignorantly take for granted, that they will be completely & helplessly lost when the world turns into a state of planetary chaos. They will panic, quickly, when they are hit with the self-realization that without those aforementioned conveniences, they have no idea how to survive. If the power went out, from an EMP maybe, what would they do? What would YOU do?

Most of you are so uninformed as to how to survive without electricity, hence why I ask, what would YOU do in that unfortunate scenario if and/or when it plays out in real time? Let’s illustrate it; the power goes out, POOF, gone, can’t get gas, can’t get money out any ATMs, no internet, fridge starts getting warm but you can’t get food because how would you pay for it with no power on? What else? Oh yeah, traffic lights won’t work, & in fact, NO lights work, so if the power went out in the middle of the night, POOF, perhaps while you’re asleep, & you wake up to no power on anywhere, what would YOU do? The power grid is insanely fragile, & to be honest, quite primitive, is it not? There were power lines everywhere 100 years ago. Yep, a century ago, we had the same power lines providing electricity to the masses, & nothing has changed really. Why is that? Tesla figured out how to use the Earth to give free energy to everyone, free of charge, so they took his technology, hiding it from the world, & have kept it hidden since, because if we all had free energy, we wouldn’t have power bills, & the powers-that-be want YOU to pay, & pay, & keep paying, for this ridiculous ancient system of power lines we still use to this day. Sucks, doesn’t it? We should have free energy, & we should be using that free energy to create & improve upon the foundations we built a century ago, but we don’t, because your masters won’t release that technology to the public, & so we kick that can on down the same dusty unpaved road.

Take a look at all the power lines around when you go out & about, & ask yourself, “Is this primitive?”…or something similar. Ask yourself questions, & then analyze the answers that pop up in your own respective heads. With all of the technological advancements of the last century, why in the fuck do we STILL have these power lines everywhere? Why? Well, I just told you why, & if you question the validity of my notions, DYOR…Do Your Own Research, & you’ll find that Edison & his globalist buddies systematically destroyed Tesla to prevent the free energy technology that he pioneered from ever being allowed to be used by the public. Can’t let the peasantry have free energy, because then they wouldn’t have gotten paid. That’s right, it’s just about money, money & power(pun intended), & I’d wager that free energy isn’t the only technology that they keep from us. Anyway, doesn’t really matter anymore, does it? I’m just one lone writer, whose HEAVILY shadowbanned across the board on all of the interwebs. The AI “has my number,” as the expression goes, & no matter what site I use, if a camera can see my face, the AI gets triggered to censor me. It’s not a joke, not satire, certainly not hyperbole, & I’m being dead serious about the level of advancement the AI has reached. It’s WAY more ahead than ChatGPT; I’ll put it that way, & if you want to know what I really think, I think the Capstone Club at the top of the pyramid uses AI to make decisions that affect the world in real time. There’s a show on Netflix about it, because you know how they love to use predictive programming to openly admit their nefariousity. Netflix sucks, I’m aware, but the show is called The Pentaverate, & although they make it silly & pseudo-comedic, it’s real. That’s their trick; they tell you what they’re going to do, so YOU unwillingly comply, putting the burden on YOU, rather than themselves. Why do they do this?

Like I’ve told you all many times prior to this article, they venerate Lucifer, Satan, Saturn, or whatever name you want to use, it’s all the same nonsense. THEY believe in it, THEY abide its will, & that’s Satan’s great ruse, telling you what is going to be done to you beforehand, removing the blame from itself, & placing that blame on all of YOU. I myself, do NOT believe in any of that crap, & I think they’re all abysmally insane, but THEY believe it regardless, worship it, & do what they can to gain more power via this false idol that they abide to. It works for them in this 3d world we’re all stuck in, but at the price of selling their souls. Good luck to them when they die, because they aren’t going to the same place I’m going, & obviously I don’t know what happens when we die, but by all means, do NOT go into the light. If you do, The Great Recycler will consume you, wiping away your memories, then essentially shitting you out as a blank slate, to be reborn only to do it all over again. I linked a few prior posts to provide you all with more info about The Great Recycler if you want to know more. I know my audience is down to a meager 30 or so of you, if I’m lucky, so this all falls on deaf ears more-or-less but I don’t care about that. I don’t make a single penny from what I do here, but I do it anyway because I love writing; it’s my passion, & one who is truly passionate about their lone talent, does it out of love, not for something as ridiculously petty as I-O-U paper fiat money. It’s artificial currency, the energy flow that keeps the zeitgeist rolling, & your overlords have hijacked the current, replacing it with this cheesebait money, & thus, making this world artificial in a sense. Artificiality can only continue for so long though, & that kicked can is about to get smashed when we all fall off that cliff I mentioned at the beginning, & society hits critical mass. Look into sociodynamics if you want to read more about societal critical mass, for historical as well as real-time reference, for YOU, not for me. Do hast thou will though; I’m no expert by any means. I’m just a writer, who writes out of love, creating, not destroying. Be a creator, in whatever it is you do. Destroyers only end up destroying themselves & their own ilk, but creators live forever, if you create out of love, not out of fear, or worse, for a paycheck.

Oh shit, I forgot all about the writing prompt, as I always do. Let’s see, the most “fun” way I exercise, is my daily push-up routine. Every day, for the last 30 years or so, I drop & do push-ups, usually in 50-pushup increments. It’s not only good for you physically, it’s meditative, & therefore, good for you mentally & psychologically as well. 50 may seem like a lot to some of you, so start with 10. One push-up takes less than a single solitary second, so do the math. It takes less than a minute to get your daily dose of exercise & personal meditation in for the day. If you do it multiple times, it just exponentially increases the benefits. That’s what I do though, so YOU do YOU. Since I unintentionally disregarded the daily WordPress writing prompt for the day, I had to make sure I gave you all an answer, all 30 or so of you. Take it for what it is, or take nothing at all. I’m just a creator, & if that’s all I’ll ever be, it’s better than being a destroyer. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Destroyers end up destroying themselves & their own ilk, but creators live forever.” Fish F Fish🎏

“I’m just a creator, & if that’s all I’ll ever be, it’s better than being a destroyer.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2E10 2/10/2023 RIP Burt Bacharach

Unfortunately the world has lost a fancy-fingered gem of a musician, the great Burt Bacharach. Yes, at the young age of 94, sadly he has pushed his final piano key. The first of three, maybe, as these things happen in “threes,” as the proverbial they say, so who might be next? Fun game to play with friends, when a “person of note” dies, you try & guess who the next two in line will be. Kind of morbid, sure, but it’s just a part of life, is it not? Hmmm, I smell a quote in there somewhere…something kind of oxymoronic perhaps? Life is death, death is life, Finkel is Einhorn, doot-doodoot-doodoot…what can I do with that? Let’s see, how about, “Embrace death as you embrace life, as every ending is a new beginning,” …something along those lines, but not that exact quote. It’s…”incomplete,” you might say, so I’ll ponder it as I write, & maybe give you a solid quote at the end of this Friday Foozer. Or maybe I’ll just let Burt quote me out on this one, we’ll see at the end. Fridays to Fridays, like nights to days nowadays, the progression of the flushing toilet of 4d time progresses ever faster it seems.

It was 1972 now over FIFTY years ago, wow, it’s just incredible, this whole 4d time thing, the Great Time Spiral, pulling 3d “forward,” forward into the future, so surreal, isn’t it? Check out this link before I continue on about times past. This is a TV special from 1972, featuring the late Burt Bacharach. Notice how amazingly different it was back then, where do I begin? Well, technically, after this video below, that’s where I’ll “begin,” but I meant figuratively, where does one begin when they try to illustrate the stark differences between 1972 & 2023? Like 2 totally different worlds, but nope. Same world I think, but maybe we jumped timelines into Clownworld, I don’t know, but my oh my, how times change, as this collective macroorganism evolves/devolves into…into…drats, I wish I knew, as it’s metamorphosis is ongoing in real-time, the chrysalis clown in its clown-car cocoon, can you hear the cacophony of nose-horns? Honk honk honk…honk…


Well how about that? A televised show showing people who can show you their respectively individual ACTUAL talent, as opposed to the grossly talentless manufactured productions they broadcast “for the kids” nowadays. Have you seen the new Disney cartoon? If not, get out from under your rock & catch-up, ya uninformed tomato. Ready for another gem? Let’s see what Matt Walsh has to say, with a preview of this ridiculous animated cartoon FOR KIDS. As an animator, & someone who can reason out the MILLIONS of dollars that were invested in hiring animators, script writers, producers, directors, voice actors, on & on & on, all for this bullshit below, it makes me sick. This is being broadcast to KIDS, keep that in mind as you watch, & think about the cartoons you used to watch. Still remember the catch phrases don’t you? Keep that in mind as well. Ok, here we go…


“SLAVES BUILT THIS COUNTRY!!” …repeated over & over, & kids being the sponges they are, are soaking all this up & integrating it into their developing brains. It’s so utterly sickening, so dark, so sinister, gah, & they just keep pushing. Apparently, they’re getting a lot of backlash for this racist production, but if it’s racism against whites, nope, shhhh…move along, & despite the widespread online criticism, it won’t change a thing, & Disney is going to keep doing this. It’s not he first time they’ve injected their “woke garbage into children’s programming, so why would it be the last? RAH RAH RAH…RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE…sure, there’s going to be the “backlash,” but they don’t care. Do you understand? THEY DO NOT CARE. #WhiteManBad is the hashtag buzz-phrase that people of color who buy into this ridiculousness live by. Whatever the issue, #WhiteManBad, but I have facts, fuck you #WhiteManBad. The “white man is bad,” so “oppressive,” …derp. Apparently, now it is to the point that kids can be openly indoctrinated via publicly televised children’s programming with these horrible themes, CRT ideologies such as, “SLAVES BUILT THIS COUNTRY!!” …get the fuck outta here with this already. My ancestors weren’t even here, but I’m white, so what happens now? Fucking morons, round & round with the REEEEEE-cisms, until they get paid, which is really all they want, money. How sad, all the “civil rights” strife, all just about money, & power of course. Ask BLM.

Anyway, so that grossly inappropriate catchphrase, “SLAVES BUILT THIS COUNTRY!!”…yeah, that’s going to be stuck with these unfortunate kids forever now…FOREVER. Hell, it’s even stuck in my head now, & I’m in my 40s, so imagine the kids, these innocent CHILDREN, being programmed by viciously malevolent adults, to grow up thinking this country was in fact, “built by slaves.” First of all, it wasn’t, as Matt Walsh states right from the get-go, & second, WHAT THE FUCK are you “woke” dunces at Disney thinking with this OBVIOUS agenda? Seriously, WE ALL KNOW, we all know you’re degenerate racist pedos, & you should all be hung by the neck until DEAD, DEAD, DEAD. This “agenda’ is so sinister, ugh, THESE ARE KIDS FOR FUCK’S SAKE. I don’t even have any kids, & I this infuriates me, so I can only imagine how parents feel. Well, at least the parents who are aware, & I know there’s many a parent out there who is NOT aware, NOT informed, & so they just stick their fatherless kids in front of the television all day to be programmed, programmed by the “woke agenda.” No one ever mentions the parents incidentally, usually no father-figure, so they always go after Disney, or whoever else they can blame OTHER THAN the parent/s. Then you can argue that the breakdown of the nuclear family plays into this future catastrophe as well, but I won’t digress into that topic, as I’ve already segued off from the title up there, the RIP to old Burt. Maybe that’s all, all “the world needs now…is love, sweet love. That’s the only thing, that there’s just too little of.”

Well, we will miss you Burt, but you made it to 94 ya crooner, & what a life, so many songs, in so many heads, after riding in so many elevators, which is the only place you might hear a Burt Bacharach ditty. I jest, I jest, he was great, very talented, as are many Jews from that era who hail from Queens. It’s an interesting phenomenon, all these famous Jews from Queens from the 1920s to the 1960s, there was a Renaissance of sorts, maybe it had something to do with World War 2, I don’t know, & NO, NO NO NO NO NO it’s NOT anti-Semitic to ask questions like this…sheesh. “Why are so many talented people from Queens in the golden age of media Jewish?” How the fuck is that anti-Semitic? It’s simple curiosity, & many of them are very talented, & I respect their respective talents, I just find it odd that there are so many from that specific area that go on to find fame & fortune. That’s all, don’t throw me to the “you’re a Nazi” wolves over it. The proverbial eggshells are all broken, so I’m just gonna walk like I always do, one foot in front of the other, & if it bothers any of you, this pseudo-bigotry you delude yourselves into believing is real, then maybe kick rocks…& go on a long uphill hike, up a mountain, the highest mountain, to the highest peak, look up at the beautiful blue sky, & the fluffy white clouds, close your eyes, then jump you lemmings. How bout them apples?

Free speech is FREE speech, period..& “hate speech,” is just a liberal myth, part of the socially-engineered indoctrination agenda, like most of the buzzwords they regurgitate as they puke their word vomit all over the place. SO OVER IT. Anyway enough of the ranting, as that’s gonna do it for today’s daily Foozer. Until next time, I’ll leave a video of one of Burt’s greatest hits below. No FisH™quote today, I’ll let Burt fill in the gaps on this one. So pour a glass, light a smoke, eat a pancake, & enjoy the music of the late Burt Bacharach below. Rip sir. Travel well to your next destination. Hey, that’s not bad, I’ll do quote, AND Burt below, how about that, dear readers? Sound good?(pin intended) …& I’m out. So sayeth FisH™🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“Travel well to your next destination.” ~Fish F Fish🎣


Supermoon CERN Energy


As most of my readers know,

we do our best,

NOT to fear monger here.

There is however,

the obvious fact,

that this world is really getting somewhat turbulent,

as we approach zero point,

or the singularity,

black swan event,

or whatever YOU want to call it,

but there IS something brewing.


And for those of YOU who say things like,

“Every year they say that,”

I say to you:

If only one of us is right once,

what will YOU do then?

It’s good that people keep mis-guessing the aforementioned event.

It’s good that those who “predict” are wrong,

because this event only needs to happen one time,

just once,

and I don’t know what the event is and/or might be,

never have claimed to,

but it could/would/will/has change/d everything.

Dates are just the result of humans attaching numbers to astronomical cycles,

they are irrelevant.

As I said above,

who’s to say a mass event has already occurred,

and/or IS occurring right NOW?

All of these people ascending in various ways,

twin flame reunions,

recalling your Higher selves,

mass consciousness expansion at an exponential rate,

on and on,

and when did all this start?


Well if you look to the right of my page,

you’ll see that CERN is firing their particle accelerator,

this Friday, March 20, 2015,

coinciding, coincidentally of course,

with a Supermoon eclipse.

They haven’t fired this since just after that infamous date,

of December 12, 2012,

specifically in February 2013.

Before that,

they had been playing with their toy,

since around 2008. 

But before that, 

what sort of particle accelerators had they been testing,

with leftover technology that the Nazis pioneered?


Now stick with me here…

…if you go back throughout the history,

of this current mass awakening many are experiencing,

it began on a relative mass scale in the late 1950’s,

into the 1960’s, and into the 1970’s,

obviously just after World War 2 ended.

Operation Paper Clip,

look into it,

numerous HIGH-level Nazi scientists and engineers,

relocated safely from the Third Reich,

into the hands of the psychopaths,

who run the CIA,

that work in shadows,

and YOU have no idea where they have gone at this point,

with the previously mentioned technology.

Now I know CERN is not based in Amerika,

but those who control Amerika,

are the banker scum who control the money, 

and where are they based?

2 + 2 is NOT 5,

but I won’t digress into that now…


So let’s pseudo-speculate just a bit,

Nazis taken to Amerika after WW2 ends,

pioneering technology YOU have never heard of,

and as the Fed and the Globalist bankers pirated,

and continue to pirate Amerika,

these technologies have fallen into the hands,

of the scum atop their proverbial pyramid,

those who have total control over most of YOU already.

…but hang in there…this gets better…moving on…

 These elitists are in it for full-scale domination,

and they have rationalized that they need the biggest weapons,

in order to successfully do so.

The proton particle accelerator they play with at CERN,

generates energy levels UNPRECEDENTED,

even at an atomic level.

Going back,

just after the first atomic bombs were tested and used,

the first mass waves of “awakened ones,”

were born…

…i.e. the first star children, indigos, crystals, etc…

…look into it for YOU if YOU don’t know…



It’s as if there is some counter-reaction of energy,

filtered back to the populous,

as the potential level of destruction and energy released from WMD grows.

So there were the first waves,

following those first atomic tests,

then more waves as they continued to test nuclear weapons,

all over the world,

leading from the 1950’s,

as mentioned earlier,

all up through the decades…


…the research shifted from atomic weaponry,

to more advanced molecular particle weaponry,

and the advent of what is now known as CERN.

What is CERN?…

Look into it, no links this time, YOU can do it for YOU,

but I can sum up:

Around 20 miles long,

they just blast protons in opposing directions,

at near light speed,

to see what happens basically. 


Now I don’t know the science,

I just try to put together puzzle pieces,

like YOU,

so when I look at the historic timelines,

of when these progressively leveling-up weapons are tested and used,

in relation to evolutionary bounces that advance consciousness,

back toward it’s higher self/5th dimensional self,

those “bounces” line up in accord with those weapons being used.

So CERN comes along and fires it’s first test in 2008ish…

…and what has become of those first star children from the 1950’s?


Those originals are old now, many dead, some still very much alive.

We have the children of the first star children now grown,

many with their own children,

that have various terms associated with them,

such as rainbow children, again, look into it for YOU.

So as you can see, since the 1950’s first wave,

a few generations have now been incarnated,

many of which are more in tune with the increasing energies,

but not quite awake yet,

but more and more and more and more waking up every moment…

…and when CERN fired off in 2008,

 a HUGE energy wave swept the planet,

and we began to get noticeably more information about New Age type things,

although I don’t really like using that term,

but it works here,

in order to illustrate people somewhat beginning to share and talk about,

subjects like dimensions, vibrations, ascension, etc…

…all around mid 2000’s to late 2000’s,

and I know it has been discussed extensively before that time,

but I’m talking about it becoming so widespread,

and with the help of the energy super-highway we call the Internet,

more people than ever before in known history,

were remembering and awakening,

to their soul consciousness,

allowing ego to die,

freeing themselves from their own chains.


Then there is the 2012 time period.

People thinking the world would end,

apocalypse, blah, blah, blah,

but what if something DID happen on a global scale,

just not in the way most people think,

and it was a gross misinterpretation, of what the Mayans were really trying to convey?

There were so many people who woke up in 2012,

you could feel the energy of something equatable to a mass birthing,

(thanks to Cyriak for the visuals above and below)


and it was everywhere,

and it’s still everywhere,

only now it’s grown,

and it grows exponentially,

all in time with this upcoming next firing of CERN,

which hasn’t fired since the beginning of 2013.


they basically double the power every time they play with this thing,

so when they do it again this Friday, 

for the first time in over 2 years,

it will be a stronger blast of energy than EVER before…

…and what will happen?

I wish I knew, I wish i knew,

but again,


Like I explained in this post,

something happens when they try to handle this level of energy,

that reciprocates with the energy giving life to this humanity,

as if their negativity,

is polarized as positivity and filtered back through the connected consciousness of all. 


and with that,

 I’ve just passed 1000 words,

so time to go.


More to come. 

Love to all.