The Fooze: S6E1 6/1/2023 Self-Authoring

I did Jordan Peterson’s online Self-Authoring Course, & I HIGHLY…highly, highly, highly recommend this for all of you, & for none of you at all. This will change your life, seriously, THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Anyway, just a quick post as I’m short on time at the moment. I realized as I looked east, that I have never talked about this before, & now I have. Do this. Thank me later. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Write for yourself…daily.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E23 2/23/2023 Jellatinous Portal


Hail to Jellatinous Portal. No, not a band name, albeit a crafty one; it’s the literal wordery here, in where my trickerosity lies. Tis’ in the initialization, JP, that’s the initials of, what I believe to be, one of our modern-day, legendary-status living pop culture “icons,” if I may be so bold. I can’t think of anyone else, to be frank, who can hold a candle to this amazingly unique individual. He gives so much, so much to the world, so much to YOU, he’s given much to me. Regardless of that, some people actually want this guy stripped of his credentials, & forced to be “re-educated,” whatever the fuck that means. It’s such a joke, this plasticized world of arrested-development children, in power positions, making rules for those they deem as “beneath them,” & thus, must apparently now be “forced,” to assimilate, or be destroyed. This isn’t hyperbolic, or exaggerated, or fictionalized, in any way, what I’m talking about is very real, unfortunately, & despite the long-game-slow-kill efforts of these elitist pigs, PIGS, just like the book Animal Farm, where the pigs are in charge, well what a coincidence…power-hungry pigs rule this 3d matrix too, according to them anyway, & seemingly according to most of you, who follow these pigs, & abide the dominion of said pigs. Why do you listen to pigs? Why do you pay extortion taxes, to pigs? Why do you let these pigs live in castles, like royalty, while you live in the gutter? Why do we keep letting these ruthlessly sinister porky-pigs, who worship avatars of chaos & destruction, & create chaos & destruction to appease their pseudo-god, why do we keep letting them even be? Imagine a world with no pigs, no pigs at all, minus the ones we eat, because I like eating pigs, with a delightful barbecue sauce, not let them shape my destiny from their high towers.

Who is this JP? Well, if you haven’t put it together yet, I’ll give you a hint…it surely must be that dastardly straight white family man from Canada, the alt-right white supreme pizza, that figurehead of the modern-day neo-Nazi, but where is a safespace? RED ALERT, RED ALERT, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE…honk honk honk honk honk, there’s a REEEEEEEEEEEEE-cist showing up in the article, oh my oh my, whatever will we do? Derp, get back to Starbucks ya rainbow-haired gamma gophers. You hold no place here, now back to your soy lattes, double the soy. See ya. Now that the clown car has taken the express ramp off of a cliff hopefully, who am I talking about already? Don dada donnnnnnn…could it be? Can I be? Would I dare? How dare you Fish, you failed fool, how dare you bring this man’s name up….& here we go. I’m talking about Jordan Peterson, of course(make sure you spell my name right when you report me), YES, The Doctor is in the house, Dr. Jordan Paterson, the spiritual rebirthing of Jung & Nietzsche, combined with your favorite high school biology teacher(shoutout to Mr. Williams if you’re still amongst the living). Yes, DOCTOR Jordan Peterson, & said Doctor, helped me find the way, helped me to find the key to the golden door, when that key was always just dangling from a cheap chain around my neck, like when I was a latchkey kid in the 80s. This key, however, was stuck in a crack, a crack created by a terrible series of traumatic head injuries that weren’t properly treated. Left me a bit…foggy, you could say, for a long time. Sprinkle the purple haze of drug addiction on top of that, & damn if I just never saw that fucking key in the crack. It never left, it never rusted, if anything, it became a stronger key, as the steel propane-flame cured itself in the 4d spiral of time, waiting patiently for me to find it, when the fog had lifted.

Enter Jordan Peterson, at my own middle-age, but nonetheless, enter the keymaster. I have known the key was there, make no mistake, I have always been a writer, have always written, have always been able to go to the well & fill the bucket as needed. It just comes to me, & I don’t know how or why really, even now, but sure enough, I just let myself go, go into the flow, & what do ya know, THIS comes out. THIS, this writing that I’m illustrating for you, in real-time, but is now pastime, if you’re reading this now. My most special journals go back decades, hand-written, old-school journaling, kind of like this, on the daily, but with an actual pen, so it’s different. There’s an organic aspect to physical writing with a pen, & once it’s down on hard paper, the spell has been cast, & the words are now out there, blowing around in a whippety wind-whirlpool in the middle of an empty city block, until it blows into someone’s face. The digital pen involves a whole other dimension of creation to it, particularly if what you write you post on the Internet publicly for a global audience of all & none. The paper blowing in the wind whirlpool can now blow into the faces of potentially millions. Takes much longer for the physical pen, but the payoff, I’d imagine, would be glorious. GLORIOUS. Imagine handwriting a book, literally, then having it published, & it’s content appealing so much to a local audience, that eventually, the world finds it. Wow, what glory. Surely though, there’s a similar glory if ANY of your publishings happen to find reception from millions of eager beavers that can’t wait to see what you write next, right?

I don’t know, nor will I ever know, unless one of these rants that I channel from the big crockpot, making sure I get all the meat & potatoes that one can handle into the bowls of soup I serve from Source, to the slaves, to myself, to all of you, & to none of you at all. My soup is hot, hot out of the gate, because that’s how I serve it up. Who likes cold soup? My soup is so hot in fact, that your big tech overlords have exiled me from the majority of social media platforms, leaving me only this, my only thing I have left, my words. I guess TRUTH doesn’t work so well here in Clownworld. Virtue is verboten, & thought-criminal dissidents like me who know where all the exits are from The Great Mouse Trap, & then kick open the exit doors yelling, “Run free little mice, for you are mice no more, you are men, now run, you are free,” we are not welcome. Oh wait, but they just stand there, the mice just stand & stare, aimlessly eye-balling me, gawking at me like the village leper, like the exiled one, & maybe that’s because I am, for I’m surely exiled, digitally, & now in real-life, the moldy mold on the fetid fruits has spread, as I type from this proverbial jail cell that I’m always in. My own prison within The Great Mouse Trap. Maybe that’s why I know where all the exits are, because I never got through them, & just stay stuck, stuck in The Great Mouse Trap, with all these other menacingly moldy mice, no different, & certainly no better. I don’t know, I don’t know anymore, all I know is the writing, following this little Tinkerbell, & she keeps saying, “Write, write, for your time is running out, so write, like it is,” & she’s right, my time is running out methinks.

Ultimately, everyone’s time is running out, but particularly mine, I wonder if I’m near the end, at this middle-age I’ve reached. My grandfather died at the same age I am, from a heavy heart attack, & I could see that same scenario playing out for me. Just hanging out one day, probably between my paragraphs, as that’s usually when I leave my radio tower, in the gap between paragraphs. Yep, maybe I’m going to the fridge, maybe having a smoke, who knows, but all of a sudden, WHAM, OUCH, fuck my chest hurts, GAHHHH, my arm is numb, then oh fuck, I’m having a heart attack, & then what happens? I fall out, just going unconscious, like going to sleep, but not waking up this time? Damn, that’s a sordid scene. I’d hate for someone to find me unconsciousness and/or dead. Yikes. That’s how grandpa went though, wayyyyyyyyy before my mom decided to let herself get knocked up & have me. I have the traits of my grandfathers, the intelligence, the jovial wit, along with a dangerously addictive nature & reckless self-destruction. Ultimately, the failed fool, & I got all of it, one granddad dying a drunk, the other dying at the same age I am right now. Hmmm, kind of sounds like I’m genetically fucked then, yeah? Oh well, fuck it. I know death, as much as one can “know” death anyway from this 3d vantage point, & I know death is not an ending, so to speak. It’s only the end of this, this end of this 3d life of unwelcome incarceration. Thus, it’s a most-welcomed-ending then in fact, yes?…for those souls sick of being soul-sucked, stuck in this restrictive 3d meat suit, stripped of the memory of my our 5d immortality, our true selves, our Higher Selves.

Anyway, Jordan Peterson has an online writing course that I highly recommend. It’s a “Self-Authoring” course, practically titled, “Self-Authoring,” & involves guess what? Authoring YOU, yourself, writing about you, your life, & what happens when you do this writing course? I equate it to higher math, like anything algebraic & up. Math equations & proofs, designed to stimulate more complex synapses in the brain, well writing tasks have a similar function, in the sense that the more your write, the more you accumulate, the more your brain fires off electricity into fractally branching stems of elevated thought trees. It’s an essential nutrient, to keep your trees bearing their respective fruits, & the genius of the simplicity of this notion?…just write. WRITE, then keep writing. It doesn’t mater what you write, or even if you CAN write like a writer might, just WRITE. If your life has come to a cul-de-sac full of boarded-up crackhouses, figuratively of course, & no one else is around, & it’s only you left in the room, write about it. If all else has failed you, write about it. WRITE, WRITE, WRITE & as a lifelong writer, most surely, I have had periods of nil writing. Such wasted time, those lost pages, because I can only write about those times now from a present-perspective, rather than reflect on any actual real-time writing from the past, oh those many lost pages, so many I never wrote. Now I know my time grows cold, as my toilet has almost flushed itself away, I have to write like the crazy madman, much like I’m writing now in real-time, because the clock ticks away, faster & faster, flush flush flush, flush that toilet of 4d time away into the past. Who left a stinker? Go spray for fuck’s sake, the after-stench is stinking up the whole house ya filthy animal. (Fart Noise)

Sadly for me, he’ll never ever never never read this, as my view stats are around 20 visitors a day, so the odds of Jordan Peterson being one of those 20 readers, is analogous to assuming I just bought a winning Powerball ticket. Nope, never going to happen, as is anything ever going to happen in this horribly fucked-off life I’ll leave behind someday, maybe someday soon, via the unbearable stress of my own existence causing my heart to fail me. Or maybe one of my other organs? Maybe a car crash, like the one I have so many horrible visions of? Perhaps the powers-that-be will take me out? Or I’ll just keep going, towards directions unknown, who knows? I blink my eyes, & I was 5, then blink them again, & now I’m 45, so perhaps I’ll blink them again, & be 85, or blink the same eyes, only to never open them again here in this world tomorrow. You never know, when you’re going to go. Dang, all kinds of fishisms in this article, see the quotes at the bottom. In case you didn’t notice, I’ve been leaving my own quotes at the bottoms of my posts. Dropping rhymes like dimes, you could say. At the end of the year, when my 365-day straight writing project completes its first COMPLETE yearly cycle, If I make it, if I’m still here, I’m going to take all my pages of accumulated quotes, & put them into another book of mine, only this time self-published by yours truly. No more “someone else,” it’s all me from here. Too many parasitic snapdragons out there, don’t need anyone else to make my melody, I’ll do it myself thanks.

The spinning record spins, right round baby like a record going round round right round, & it’s time to go, dear readers. Until next time, don’t be a dope, check out my quotes, not only below, but from before, don’t ya know? Best check my older posts, and/or jump into my archives. Closing in on 5000, 5000 pages for you to pursue dear reader. That was nice of me, wasn’t it? Go ahead & form a line to the left to shake my hand & offer thanks, as I’m as humble as ever towards my audience of faceless ghosts. No one cares, no one ever did, no one ever will, & such is the way for the walk for this Jobian fish. Jordan Peterson helped, but there is no help for me, for I am forsaken. Still, Dr.Peterson’s “Self-Authoring,” program will open up the Pandora’s box inside yourself, letting your true self peek out, like a baby roo in a pouch, except once your true self peeks out, so do all the shadows of said self. The only way to confront those shadows, is to open that box though, setting them free, along with yourself, because that’s how you find yourself, the self that you lost long ago, should you find yourself in a similar position as I. Until next time, dear readers, check out his site, just click the link above, then thank me later should you take the course. & run your own gauntlet. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.🐡

“You never know, when you’re gonna go, go, go.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Oh, those lost pages, so many I never wrote.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Tend to your fruit-bearing trees, feed them well.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Run free little mice, for you are mice no more, you are men, now run, you are free.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“The key to unlock the door, has always been noosed around your own neck.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Don’t venerate pigs.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“While you think of something to say, I await the end of the conversation.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E9 2/9/2023 Earthquakes

Oh my, looks like there was rumble in the Turkish jungle, a big one too, yikes. Can you imagine if an event like this happened here in the USA? Oh wait, with this pseudo-government in charge, the response would probably be as worse as the disaster itself. It would be one disaster cleaning up another, & unfortunately in this case, 2 negatives do NOT equal a positive. I’ve seen some videos of buildings toppling down in the aftermath, & it looks like the aftermath of a demolition. I mean, their construction standards aren’t quite up to par there as those in the western world methinks, but it was nothing but rubble left in some of the footage. Spooky, dang, that had to have been scary, especially if you were in one of those sub-standardly constructed buildings. I do not have the magic WordPress upgrade to directly link videos of my own to autoplay, only my no-skip GIFs, but I CAN link YouTube videos for you, if you want to watch some of the carnage.



Damn, looks no bueno over there, sheesh. I have some questions though, yeah, I have a few questions fo sho. Since when are are earthquakes localized? Particularly, in the 2nd video up there, in the drone footage. There’s a building that’s practically dust, then ALL the other ones look fine. Where’s the steel frames too?…this eerily reminds me of the same sort of destruction that happened on 9/11, how about you? No, no tin-foil hats here for fuck’s sake. The novelty of that meme died back in 2018-2019, catch up ya played-out tomato. Not to mention, too many “theories” have proven true, as in almost ALL OF THEM, so put on them critical-thinking skills caps, & use your EYES, not your feewings, then explain to me how a massive earthquake only does localized damage? Look at these images:👇🏻

Look at the still-standing buildings around the piles of rubble that used to be buildings. Glass intact, no much visible outer damage, but the one building by the cranes, to the ground in a big mound of something doesn’t add up, as usual. Nature is weird, I get it, but look how far the undamaged buildings go, yet the corner building there got so rocked that it looks pulverized. That must be some strong glass in ALL of those other buildings, wow, is it made of diamonds maybe? Derp. I’m NOT saying a fucking earthquake didn’t happen, I already looked on the USGS for conformation, so unless that’s been altered, so to speak, the data shows a series of earthquakes & several aftershocks in Turkey. Still happening too, according to the USGS website. Here’s the link if you wanna look for yourselves:👇🏻

USGS Latest Earthquakes Worldwide

Unfortunately, the fake news narrative-driven scripted mass media agenda has soured the taste in my muted mouth, so I have to DMOR to verify EVERYTHING it seems, no matter what. So much theatre, who knows what is really what, know what I mean? Maybe you don’t know what I mean, as not everyone is a deep diver, are they? Many people think they have a clue, but don’t DTOR, they just regurgitate things they hear vicariously from others. Like these infernal buzzwords, one person hears it, then 12 people say it, it’s a bizarre phenomenon, isn’t it? I wonder if there’s a name for that, buzzwords that go socially viral via the zeitgeist, there must be some psychological term for that, right? Speaking of “terms,” you all know what those acronyms mean, don’t you? No? Yes? Maybe? The fundamental acronym is DYOR, Do Your Own Research, but the tweaks are DMOR, Do MY Own Research, & DTOR, Do THEIR Own Research, respectively. Now you know, & knowing is half the battle, right GI Joke?

Anyway, keeping this one relatively short, short for me anyway, a measly 4 or 5 paragraphs, more to come later in the day though, I must sleep sometimes, such is the way of the 3rd dimension. Until next time, when the script gets flipped, your ass gets whipped. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“When the script gets flipped, your ass gets whipped.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E7 2/7/2023 Hypnopsychosis

I don’t really watch television, like mainstream televised programming, nope, gave it up years ago. I only really use my tv to watch my Youtube videos on a 42-inch 4k viewing apparatus, or when I play the occasional Hitman mission on my PS4, but other than that, nah. If you’re a regular reader, you’ll know why. Televisions aren’t for your “entertainment,” they’re a medium used to program all of you, hence why it’s called “television programming,” & it’s “broadcast,” all some kind of spooky dark magic it sounds like, right? Well, if you saw any clips from The Grammys last night, you might think twice about disbelieving me on the dark magic notion. I like watching Matt Walsh’s channel. He’s a very thoughtful guy, very smart, & his breakdowns of Clownworld are quite well-illustrated. I’m going to link his 10-minute long video from earlier, detailing this insanity being broadcast on primetime television. My oh my, how the times change, know what I mean? Sheesh. Let’s get to it, make sure your kids aren’t in the room. I don’t have any kids, but if I did, I certainly would NOT want them watching crazy shit like this.


I don’t even know who this Sam Smith guy is, or that other guy he performed with. I could care less if Kim Petras thinks HE’S a girl, because HE is not, despite getting his cock lopped off at the age of 16. Nope, I will NOT, nor will I EVER, abide these maniacs with their fucking pronouns. The world is BINARY. Nature is BINARY, existence itself, is BINARY, hot & cold, up & down, left & right, MAN & WOMAN. All this 137 gender non-binary mass mental illness madness is NOT “normal,” it’s insanity, & these so-called “celebrities,” promote & encourage this craziness to their programmed fans, who follow along like lemmings. THIS IS NOT OKAY. Something is NOT right, it’s as if the masses are mass-hypnotized into a state of some unprecedented media-driven psychosis. Seriously, does any of this seem okay to you, does it seem normal, and/or arguably even natural?…because it sure seems to be getting worse. Openly doing “satanic rituals” on LIVE primetime television now are we? I thought the Grammys were about the awards for the best musicians, not this parade of debaucherously dark shit. What the hell is happening in this world? (pun intended) …it’s actually feeling like hell, is it not? No bueno.

Personally, I don’t believe any of this “satanic” shit is real, but apparently, there’s a bunch of dumdums that do. Those pussies can all go find a high cliff, then koom-ba-yah-yah their black nail-polished hands together, as they jump in collective unison towards their respectively perilous deaths. Get the fuck outta here with that dark arts weirdo ritualistic nonsense, Gah, they really annoy me for some reason, I don’t get it, but I must admit, I don’t get ANY of this really, not any of it. Just gets more confusing by the day, & now “satanic rituals at broadcast award shows” are the top headline, so maybe this IS hell. These evil freaks live like kings & queens too, like royalty, while the rest of us seem to be losing, losing more by the minute, just saying. If I was a psychopathic cutthroat scumfuck pervert, maybe I’d be materially “rich” too, maybe that’s why they took everything from me, everything material at least, took it all. Why? What did I do? Why do I lose, when they keep winning? I have such a uniquely well-informed awareness, of the world around me as well as myself. I’m seemingly almost at the top of the zeitgeist mountain, where I finally will get the view from the top, the whole view, the painted canvas in its entirety, to see the real truth, but apparently at the expense of losing everything I had. Lost it all to get here, wherever here is. Is what it is, & I would much rather be here, then there, there among those devil-worshipping foot soldiers for the Great Darkness. Yeah, no thanks, I prefer the Sun, & all its shining light. What is this “Great Darkness” though? Satan? I don’t know, not exactly, but I have a good idea what it is, & have already written about it. I call it, “The Great Recycler,” & if you read via the link below, you’ll see what I am referencing…

Is that what these people worship? The Great Recycler? Is that thing their “Satan?” If it is, WOW, what a bunch of delusional dunces. Worshipping the thing that eats your soul, devouring your memories, then shits you out to get reborn again, only to go through another existence, die, then feed this God-damned creature again. Over & over you go, going “into the light, into the light CarolAnne,” except when you do, The Great Recycler feeds on you. You have to read the post I linked above, or none of this will sound even remotely sane. The more I see this broadcast satanism though, the more I’m thinking The Great Recycler is very real, & it is subconsciously venerated by these weak-minded fools, who think that worshipping “Satan,” particularly via live television, is going to get them to some kind of “special status” when they die. Again, THEIR beliefs, not mine, I don’t believe in any of this malevolent shit. It has to be some kind of mass mental illness, never before seen on this scale.

I do believe however, that when they die, they aren’t going to the same place that those who live by the benevolent principles of the real “Light” go. Attributes like honesty, courage, positivity, these are traits of the Light, the true “Light,” but wait, are there TWO “lights,” so to speak? Yes, there’s a good “light,” & a not-good “light.” It’s tough to speculate on though because one, you won’t know until YOU actually die if there’s ANY “light,” & two, the Great Recycler & its legion “trick” naive souls into “going into the light,” but it’s the false light, the trick that gets you, the ultimate slight of soul. NEWSFLASH: DO NOT GO INTO THE LIGHT. The “light” might feel all warm & fuzzy, ethereally blissful, you could feel like you just want to let yourself go into this “light,” but that’s the trap, the soul-trap. The Great Recycler might even show you your loved ones, or rather, just holographic projections of your friends & family, beckoning you to come into the “light,” to “be,” with them. DON’T DO IT. What’s the rush, what’s the worst that could happen if you wait, & perhaps just don’t do anything? Maybe just observe, be patient, stay mindful, because if this “light” is eternal, so are you, so what’s the harm in just hanging out, outside the “light,” until you can determine your next course of action? “No harm, no foul,” as the saying goes, & if it truly IS your prior-deceased friends & family inside that “light,” they can wait too, right?

I just don’t see the harm in NOT going directly into the “light” when you die. Why would that be a bad move? Worried about your individual “lack of faith?” Ummmm, no that’s false logic. I have faith in patience, & thinking things over before I take action. Why would that be any different in an afterlife where one has a CHOICE, whether to go into the “light,” or not? It wouldn’t, at least it shouldn’t, but I don’t know. Maybe none of that is real, maybe the afterlife isn’t real, maybe none of this matters, who knows? I know this though, there’s a growing legion of beta loser twerps who think Satan is real, & worship this darkest of dark avatars accordingly. It all circles back to my main general theory about what is going on in this quickly floundering mess of a humanity, & that is this; most people, most, NOT all, but most people are in a state of “hypnopsychosis.” There’s a dotted red line under that word. & why?…because it is NOT a real word, not yet, & you heard it HERE first, because I literally just coined it, remember that. This word, “hypnopsychosis,” as defined by me, see below…

Hypnopsychosis: a severe mental disorder in which the sufferer, in a state of hypnosis, having been hypnotized to believe in an UN-reality that does NOT exist, gets confronted by the REAL reality, & drastically declines into a state of severe psychosis in a futile attempt to make sense of “existing” in both worlds at the same time.”

Yes, & if any of you steal my concept & run with it, gaining infamy from the theft of my thoughts, I will not be pleased. Fair warning, not that I’m concerned about it. If my theory proves true, future psychologists might come across this & remember me as a psychological prophet, in some Jungian sense perhaps…or by then, in some Petersonian sense. A relatively entire planetary population, in varying states of “hypnopsychosis,” in this error of an era extraña. Unprecedented in scale, with an equitably unprecedented level of societal damage as a result of this worldwide mental disorder. Can you imagine, a whole world, hypnotized into a state of mass psychosis via the mass media programming, can you imagine? I certainly can, because I’m living it, in real-time, just like the rest of you. As always though, my circularity has found me once again, so it’s time to wrap up this daily Foozer. The beginning become the end, only to begin all over again. Until next time, stop, look around, & then honestly ask yourself, “does any of this seem organic to you?” So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all

“The organic macroorganism, spawning UN-organic microorganisms, as if “forced,” ferried into the false birth of a feral fetus.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Dumpster Phenomenon

If any of you live in an apartment or a condo complex, you’re probably well-aware of the scenario I’m about to discuss momentarily. Since most Americans are spoiled beyond repair, they often have little clue about just how good they have it here. All the incessant whining about everything in the USA being “systematically racist,” or anything involving the word “patriarchy,” or “misogyny,” & even the made-up nonsense like “white woman syndrome,” how about you liberal lunatics try this pseudo-revolution in another country & see how it goes? Even in the Westernized socialist “woke” countries, like in Western Europe, you CANNOT just walk into said countries all willynilly, with NO documentation, with free resources waiting for you, & bring your bullshit with you, NOPE, we only do that here in the once great USSA, & STILL the redundant buzzword-laden complaining continues. & STILL, my neck hurts from shaking my fucking head at Clownworld…(honk noise)

All day, all night, 24/7, 365, the clowns beep their horns…honk honk honk honk honk. America has become so fat & lazy, analogous to the actual morbidly obese American citizens in this faltering country, growing by the day(pun intended). The average weight of an American adult female is 171 pounds. See below. Does that seem reasonable? NO, fat is not “beautiful,” it’s disgusting, & even worse, it’s UNHEALTHY. It’s an obvious sign of utterly poor eating habits, don’t give me the genetic argument. Poor parenting, teaching poor diet & exercise habits, how about blaming the real culprits for a change? Nope, doesn’t work that way here in Bozoville. It’s EVERYONE ELSE’S FAULT, never the self-proclaimed, “VICTIM.” No, personal responsibility, along with individual critical-thinking skills, & just plain common sense, have all flown the way of the dodo. I’m thinking these are all just the results of the slow-kill, the slow-kill of most of YOU, via your globalist overlords. Not aware?

High fructose corn syrup is the crack of raw sugar, it’s POISON, you’re POISONING yourselves, yet not entirely at by your own chubby hands. They tricked you, your people-herding masters, they’ve deceived you dozy walruses, for decades now, getting you addicted to high fructose corn syrup & similar poisons. Essentially, it’s all sugar crack, & millions of people are unknowingly, or maybe unwillingly, refusing to admit to themselves that something ain’t right? Does it feel “okay” to be obese? No, & I’m feel bad for some fo you, despite my blunt language, it’s fucked up, it’s a terribly sinister part of the overall social engineering agenda. Unfortunately, the globalist orchestrators of these social engineering plans being carried out in real-time, could care less about your feelings. You’re just another number in a data-collection set, an expendable number at that. We ALL are, me included, & although I’m not obese at all, I mean a much t them as as of you, less even probably, because I’m a publicly self-avowed dissident. Tyrannical communists tend to shoot people like me in the back of the head, then leave my lifeless corpse in an unmarked mass-gravened shit-filled ditch. Historically, that’s how it ends for people like me, so don’t misconstrue any of what I write as some kind of elitist gibberish. I’m fucked if the globalists take over, one of the first to go. Can’t have the free-speakers, especially the ones who can write, nope. Line them all up, & all their friends, & family members, then execute them all, as a warning to anyone else who dares challenge “The State,” and their respectively corrupt & weaponized alphabet agency armies. Come & get me when it all goes down, I’ll be here, but as always, I have digressed into another snarky attack on the real elitists in the room.

Where was I? Oh yes, real crack doesn’t make you morbidly obese, just saying. This is all part of the slow-kill depopulation agenda. Originally Agenda 2030, but now I think it has morphed into something more disorganized, but accelerated, as their plans have been openly exposed, not that that’s ever mattered. Nonetheless, the agenda now has an end goal much sooner than 2030. The original agenda is a decades-long operation. Hence, why I say “slow-kill.” They’ve added fluoride to the water, for decades now, to make you docile, as the data reports from the tests the Nazis did on the Jews with fluoride. Didn’t you know that’s where the fluoride idea in the water, in your toothpaste, & even in the mouthwash came from? Oh yes, thoroughly tested on the Jews, to keep them complacent while they worked themselves to death. After the war, it was put into public drinking water in many “developed” nations, & for the most part, is still there, under the guise that it helps your teeth. Not really, just making you slow, so you eat more sugar, & you get fatter, & slower, & more complacent, easy to control/program. Agenda-driven, but still just poison, it’s all poisonous, the poison in the food, the poison in the water, & then add this. Add this totally mental, self-entitled, all-consuming, all-addictive instant gratification “mine, mine, mine” ideology into them, all via television broadcasting & social media, & now you’ve poisoned their minds, as well as their bodies. Critical mass imminent, pun intended, & what does said “critical mass” entail? The Lucifer Principle metamorphosis, in real time. The macro-organism is going to split itself, into maybe 2 new macro-organisms? Or perhaps the big macro-organism remains, but a new micro-organism divides itself from the macro? Or it’s possible the micro that splits from the macro, then splits itself again, leaving 2 new micros & a grand macro remaining? I have no idea, but my imagination allows me to visualize the possibilities, albeit from a distant persepctive, from way out on the perimeter, just watching, studying the habits of this zeitgeist entity. All that said, the end game is ending before 2030 methinks, but what do I know? I’m just a fish, looking back into the fishbowl. Take what I say out with the trash, but light a cig first.

Taking out the trash, the literary ouroboros leading me back to the title of this article, “Dumpster Fire.” Americans have become so lazy, they can’t even get their garbage into the dumpster. Any of you who live in an apartment complex, or a condo complex, or even in a high-rise-like dwelling, anywhere where the trash is commonly disposed of in the same area, you know what I’m talking about. Doesn’t matter if the dumpster is COMPLETELY empty either. For instance, if the garbageman literally just hopped on the back of the truck for the next stop after emptying the dumpster, YOUR dumpster, count on some lazy dickhead walking their own bag of garbage out to that freshly-emptied dumpster, & then proceeding to just leave it next to the dumpster, never actually putting it IN the dumpster, because that would be too hard. This phenomenon was once relatively limited to low-income areas, with greater populations of progressively more-degenerate poor people, but as the cancerous degeneracy has increased tenfold, & is seeming to be exponentially growing by the day, more & more people are adopting this incredibly mundane lifestyle of complete laziness. Does the dumpster phenomenon happen where you dwell?

Maybe it has something to with depression? “Self-care” is a big factor of severe depression, as in a literally noticeable general observation of a increased LACK, of said “self-care” these days. You don’t go to the grocery store in pajamas. Sorry, not sorry, you don’t, but many do, more each day. All backwards here in Clownworld, remember? Perhaps these people who do this, are just really depressed, & if you can’t get out of your nightly PJs to go to a public supermarket, I suppose getting your trash into the actual dumpster when you take out your trash is asking a lot. I totally understand…NOT. NO…NO NO NO, NOPE, not buying that nonsensically poor excuse. If you can get the trash from your respective dwellings, TO the dumpster, you can surely then put your own disgusting garbage INTO the dumpster, for fuck’s sake. Come on now people, most of the work is done by the time you get to the dumpster. In fact, like 99% of the work is already done if you made it tot he dumpster. You made the trash, you filled your own trashcan with your own garbage, & when it was full, you made a conscious decision to take out your own bag of waste before it gets nastier as the contents began to decompose. That would be gross if you didn’t, right? Wouldn’t want to just leave your own bag of rotting trash in your own dwelling, stinking up the place, right? You then take your own bag of trash, out to the public dumpster, where decomposing rotting filthy individual bags of trash are collectively collected to be disposed of properly, so as not to be a nuisance. All YOU have to do, is throw YOUR OWN bag of trash into said public dumpster, that’s it. You made the trash, now someone is going to take it away FOR YOU before it becomes a problem, & FOR EVERYONE ELSE. It’s a public service, that YOU pay for, collectively, & is agreeably very convenient for everyone, is it not? However, instead of even fathoming a single word of what I just illustrated, random lazy fucks just leave their trash on the ground, by the dumpster. Not IN the dumpster, BY the dumpster, leaning against the outside of the dumpster, slowly oozing its mysteriously gross contents onto the ground. Yep, that last little singular second of physical effort, to toss YOUR own trash into a stationary container that is then picked up, & taken away for YOUR convenience, & the convenience of your neighborhood, that last thing YOU had to do, YOU fail to do, you lazy fuckers.

Obviously, this is ONLY being directed at those clowns who actually do this. I am noticing it becoming more prevalent though, because it used to happen all the time at an apartment complex I used to live in that was “across the tracks,” as they say, on the rougher side of town. Very diverse community, very progressive, as they “progressed” to NOT get their trash into the dumpster. It got so bad, ugh, I was really happy to get outta there, & back to much more civilized surroundings, at least you’d think so, right? In a nicer side of town, wouldn’t the people be more responsible? Nope, false logic, unfortunately, because low & behold, what happens the other day? HERE, in the “nicer part of town,” with actual big trashcans for the community garbage, nice big clean trashcans, what happens? These big trashcans are in a gated space even, keeping the unpleasant view of the trash from the view of the residents. Did that stop some lazy loser though? Nope, & sure enough, what was out there yesterday morning? A fresh bag of trash, inside the gated trash area, leaning against the big trashcan. ON it, not IN it. These big trashcans were far from full, there was plenty of room, more than enough for this lone bag of trash, dumped lazily in its place by an unknown dweller in this community. I have a good idea who it is, but no proof, yet. Doesn’t matter, until it matters, know what I mean? There it was though, as if telling me to “go fuck myself,” someone’s disgusting trash, ON the trashcan, instead of IN the trashcan. I know there’s an analogy in there somewhere, & I’m gonna find it.

It begins with one bag, then becomes many bags, & I know because I watched this phenomenon evolve over time at the aforementioned apartment in the ghetto I once resided in. Point of all this is, it’s yet another reflection, a sad reminder, that our once great American society is quickly devolving into some 3rd world litter-box country. Where’s the class, the sophistication, the critical-thinking, the PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, the COMMON FUCKING SENSE, where did all that go? How can you get your trash all the way from your house, to the dumpster, then NOT put it in there? Is nothing going on upstairs with you people who do this? Maybe just a fat hamster running on a wheel that takes you nowhere except round & round, is that what goes on in your mushy minds? It’s just so incredibly lazy, & ignorant, but so is this country, the proverbial rotten fish, degenerating from the head down, rapidly, & we’re still trying to cut it up & serve it as sushi to the rest of the world.

These trash-trailers though, hey that’s not bad, instead of “trailer trash,” you got the infamous “trash-trailer,” people who leave a trail of trash behind them, because they’re too lethargic to dispose of their own waste properly. They sure have time to blame everyone else though, with a new pseudo-lexicon of buzzwords from the age of “wokeness,” as the indoctrination manifests its Frankensteinian social experiment in real-time, like animated pieces of dead corpses, stinking & rotting up the zeitgeist. How bout we throw that in the dumpster already? What a fun article to write though I must admit with a forlorn sense of self-satisfaction. Not being sarcastic either, lots of quips came through on this frequency. Good channeling, good times, gotta program this station in for another time. Time, time, time(echoing out)… Until next time dear readers, put your fucking trash in the God-damned dumpster, & no, that phrase has nothing to do with dumpsters. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“Always put your trash into the dumpster, not beside it.” ~Fish F Fish🎣