The Doctor is IN

Kozyrev Mirror Magic

Wow, talk about mind blown, dang. I’m referring to the video linked below, because prior to watching this about an hour ago, I had never heard of this Kozyrev Mirror thing. One word: FASCINATING. Yes, quite fascinating, & so as I always do when I’m fascinated by something I’ve never heard of, I’m doing my own deep dive to learn more. Something ain’t right in this world…period. You can feel it, & hell, you can even see it now, if you use the right eyes. Do not be deceived; I know something is going on for fuck’s sake, something YUGE, but what that is, I do not know for sure yet. I’m always digging though, diving deeper & deeper, like I’m stuck in a Vivarium, with nowhere else to go. In fact, this wonky world almost IS a real-life Vivarium, for nearly everyone, & if you haven’t seen that movie, I HIGHLY recommend it. Regardless, check out the video below, if you are green on the Kozyrev Mirror phenomenon.

Click HERE and/or the video above to watch…MUST WATCH

I’m not the first to speculate on this, I hope, but perhaps the powers-that-be are using various versions of Kozyrev Mirrors to alter future timelines to there own respective advantages, & we regular folks are living these changing timelines, in real time. The effects vary subjectively…some people are going insane, some people are turning to drugs, some people are exceptionally compliant, & some of us are just noticing these changes & wondering what dafuq is really going on in this world, because this doesn’t seem natural, does it? Like I said, maybe it’s just me, but this world has the stench of artificiality all over it, or maybe I’m just one of the ones going insane, but nonetheless, any of those scenarios could imply that they ARE, in fact, using these “magic mirrors” to jump into different timelines. I’d love to hear more on this, since I just discovered it myself recently, & have been ultra-fascinated since. Fire away mad lads…the FisH™ abides🎏

The Fooze: S4E29 4/29/2023 Why Not?

Why not write about this crap? I’m sure everyone is thrilled to know that Michael, I mean Michelle, sang onstage with Bruce the Douche…Springsteen…derp. Spring-STAIN, is more like it, a pitifully pathetic stain on American pop culture, both of them. I hope you admire their brave & stunning behavioral display, & of course, abide by their woke agenda. Not. Ugh…I can’t stand SpringSTAIN, or his garbage band, or any of their garbage music, & the fact that they brought an obviously penised “woman,” the alleged former “First Lady,” who YES, has a big black dick, just makes the ultra-cringe that much worse. Bloody revolting cringe, isn’t it? Maybe it’s not, & perhaps I’m just being mean, what do you think dear readers? Am I being mean? Being cruel, being hateful? Are you a fan of “The Boss?” What about trans-testicled Michael Obama…are you a fan of him as well?

It’s really bizarre to me, that people like Bruce & Mike, not only are worth multi-millions of dollars, but they also believe in all this woke nonsense, & act accordingly. Mental patients, all of them, ALL of them, think about how many “celebrity” dunces have shown their true colors in the last decade or so now. Actors, comedians, sports figures, politicians, SO MANY, like 93%, at least, & that’s a conservative guesstimate. Yep, 9-plus out of 10, on that derailing woke train, the woke train to broke town. They don’t care how insane they sound, & so, they keep pushing further & further into seemingly abysmal delusionary madness. Why though, what is causing this? It doesn’t seem “normal,” does it? If it wasn’t so many, but since it IS so many of them, what could be causing this unprecedented mass mental illness? Great question, thanks for asking.

I have a few theories, & they all kind of flow into one main theory, which is this…that all of these people are displaying the behavior of the programming they have been programmed with. It’s a term that I have coined hypno-psychosis. That’s right. coined right here first, by yours truly, hypno-psychosis, simply meaning that billions, BILLIONS of humans, from all levels of the global caste system, all shapes, all sizes, BILLIONS of YOU, have been systematically hypnotized into a state of psychosis that none of you are truly aware of, & thus, you cannot escape & free yourself from the prison in your own mind. If you don’t know you’re locked up, how can you even attempt to free yourself from the chains that bind you? Also, how exactly have you been hypnotized? Well, the answer to the first question is that you can’t, you cannot break free from that which you are enslaved to, if you are not even aware of your own enslavement. You must be aware; awareness is first, awareness is key, & without self-awareness, there is little to no hope for you left.

The answer to the second question is a bit more complex…how HAVE so many of you been hypnotized, so to speak, & as I spoketh earlier? Easy answer: the screen you’re looking at right now…that’s it, that’s all, there’s your answer. The television, the visual productions via the television, as well as the sounds, all of it, all of it has been utilized for almost 100 years now, except nowadays, we are WAYYYYYYYY beyond flicker rates, oh yes, we are well-beyond all of those early experimental days of television. Television broadcast programming has been refined down to a science that most people will never even know IS a science, but make no mistake, it most certainly IS a science, a psychological science, arguably an art, & surely an “art” to those who exist in the world of social engineering large populations via programmed hypnosis. The television, the radio, of course the internet as a whole, all one giant propaganda-pumping mind control apparatus, & let’s not forget the real purpose of Hollywood. Hollywood exists to continuously reinforce the will of the programmers with live actors on live sets, to the point now where it’s relatively impossible to tell any difference between what we know as our real-time “reality,” & what is being broadcast via the programs programmed through your television programming.

Imagine, if you will, an ENTIRE pop culture, that extends & diverges betwixt multiple generations, based ENTIRELY on whatever the social engineers decide/decided should be broadcast out to the masses, can you imagine that? Now, imagine what this juggernaut would be like behind-the-scenes after a century of advancements. Spooky as fuck, isn’t it? You are bearing witness in real time to how powerful their proverbial toolbox is as far as using the mainstream media to incite psychosis, panic, delusions, & the worst of all, promoting lies as truths, & BILLIONS of fickle, uninformed, compliant automatons bought/buy it as if it were factual, as if it were “real” life. It’s not, but it doesn’t matter now, because it’s too late. It’s much harder to convince people that they’re wrong, than that they’re right, & with BILLIONS of you essentially living the wrong, believing the pseudo-manmade zeitgeist, existing in the big lie, how can it possibly ever reckon itself out? What sort of “event” could plausibly occur that might change it all back, back to the way life should be, rather than this artificially-powered Clownworld-world we’re all sadly stuck in…(honk noise)?

No idea, no idea how to change, and/or stop, what is already in motion…nope, I have no clue, nor do I even know if it CAN be stopped. I know there has to be a critical mass at some point. At some future date, the day WILL come when we all experience societal critical mass, all at once, all at the same time, & I don’t know what said critical mass will entail, but I do know that we will all see what happens when a society, as a whole, reaches that point of no return, that moment when something gives way, one way or the other, & something either dies, or is born. Something evolves, or devolves. The communal human organism, as a whole, will change, change into something new, but what that is, I cannot say, only that I’m sure the day will come. Don’t know the day, don’t know what the sociodynamics of this day, might entail, I don’t know any of it, I only know it will occur. Most people won’t be ready, & in fact, 99% of people will be so under-ready, that this day will blindside them into full-blown disillusionment & hopelessly utter panic. Sounds fun, doesn’t it? Personally, I kind of look forward to a Mad Max world, full of loot & resources, a true survival of the fittest, so to speak, surely there’s an element of adventurous entertainment in that world, yes?

Nonetheless, time to wrap up today’s Foozer. I don’t even know what I wrote about. I remember starting with Michelle Obama being a black MAN with a big swinging black banana between his legs, but I have no idea what turns I took. I never do, not until I’m done with the actual writing, & I proofread this gibbering gibberish, prior to publishing. Like I’ve told you before, I just turn the dial until I find the frequency, then once I do, I lock in the channel, then let my fingers fly until my final Fooze is finished for the day. Where this comes from, I don’t know, but whatever well I take this water from, is a figurative spring of creation, which is the point of the day, is it not? To create, to be a Creator, rather than destroy, what else is there to do in a day? Make sure you create more than you destroy each day. I’m going to have to quote that one, & of course, add it to my long list of quotes, which is certainly eligible for a book or two of its own by now, since my list has grown to Santa-level length. I’ll be sure to let all 30ish of you know when I have my book completed; it shouldn’t be much longer, but I still have much to do, so no guarantees and/or promises. Just know I have a few books on the shelf being worked on. Maybe I’ll finish them, most likely I won’t, but before my time is done on this Earth, I want to, at the very least, self-publish my own coffee-table book of my own quotes. ALL MY OWN; no fucking 3rd-party cunts that want to middleman people where no middlemen are needed. Nope, it’s going to be all ME, ALL self-published by yours truly dear readers. Until next time, create each day, create more than you destroy at least. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Create more than you destroy each day; this is why you’re here.” Fish F Fish🎏

Right on Schedule

UPDATE: As I wrote this, it turns out the shooter is actually a tranny, damn I’m good. Read for yourself, I called it in real-time, imagine that. Anyway, the link is at the bottom on the updated news, but don’t skip my article, because I want you to see how I predicted this turn of events dear readers. Grab your popcorn, because the spin is going to be a shitshow. Nonetheless, The FisH™ abides…🍥

Click HERE or click the image above to read more

Oh my, yet another school shooting. It seems like when this rogue regime needs a distraction, some crazy person shoots up a school. The coincidental timing is astounding, isn’t it? Not saying the two are connected, but I AM saying that it’s unarguably quite a coincidence, & now this shooter is a FEMALE they say. What happened to the pronouns? Misgenedering? No? Nothing? Just going to assume she’s a “female,” & let that fly? They really pick & choose their stances, don’t they? A 28-year-old “female” nonetheless, so definitely NOT a student. Hmmm, this is unprecedented, yes?

Interesting…notice how they haven’t identified the shooter yet they claim, even though they say “she” was a former student, so how the fuck would you NOT be able to identify “her.” Also, I bet you “she’s” NOT white, because if she were, this article would say “white female shooter” somewhere, but since it doesn’t, I’m going to boldly presume this shooter was a “person of color,” or POC, as their acronym goes, or maybe even a tranny, wouldn’t that be crazy? Something is way off here, I can smell it. Thus, going into the future, this story could be buried in a week, with ZERO respect for the dead. It’s so ridiculous, these “identity politics,” & the indoctrination camp college campuses that poison the youth with that crap. Oh wait, hang on, I think there’s a fresh update…

Remember this post, because now they’re saying it’s a white woman named Audrey Hale. They wanted to wait until verification so now watch what happens. Oh wait, hang on, what’s this?

Holy shit, you can call me Nostrafishus from now on. I knew it, I fucking knew it, I knew something was off. “He/him” pronouns? That’s what they’re reporting, so you know it’s most certainly NOT white supremacy to blame. That’s usually their go-to angle when the shooter is white. This one however appears to be trans-testicled, so clearly another liberal lunatic. Are they going to blame the guns this time too? What about the tranny community, are they to blame? Who’s at fault here? Great question, thanks for playing. The fault lies with one element, THE PERSON SHOOTING KIDS. It has nothing to do with guns, or trannies, or white supreme pizzas, it’s ALL on this crazy Audrey Hale girl/guy person. Hang on a second, is it a guy that calls himself a girl, so they’re reporting it as a “female shooter?” Oy vey, this outta be interesting as the details unfold.

I’m gonna wrap this article up, since the news is still breaking & I don’t have all the details yet. If it turns out to be a man who identifies as a woman, but the news is reporting this sad event as a “female shooter,” that’s going to be a big matzah ball for the fake news to cover. I suppose we’ll see. Until next time dear readers, remember, there’s ONLY 2 genders, male & female. Period. You don’t get to pick your gender for fuck’s sake you LARPing mental patients. Someday we’ll stop abiding this nonsense I hope, someday when Clownworld has moved on to the next town, which with any luck, is the 7th level of hell. So sayeth FisH™…

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“Someday Clownworld will move to the next town, hopefully a town in the pits of hell.” Fish F Fish

“There’s only 2 genders. Period.” Fish F Fish

The Fooze: S3 E26 3/26/2023 Flushing

Sunday again…man these weeks fly by, it’s so insane, isn’t it? Certainly, I am NOT alone noticing this, am I? I don’t think I am, because I have a fancy-fingered friend that agrees with me. “Friday to Friday,” he says, & damn if he isn’t right over the target. He doesn’t seem to miss much these days; I drop red pills his way like Pez, & he returns the favor with his own 3-headed cow shots, so I’ll give him real proper credit for the agreement that the 4th temporal dimension of time is NOT just seeming to go faster as we age, it actually IS going faster. I’ve mentioned the analogy of the flushing toilet several times in prior posts, but it’s not just for imagery’s sake, since the 4d time spiral operates, for lack of a better word, like a flushing toilet. Faster & faster, as the spiral tightens, faster & faster, until the logs you dropped off at the porcelain pool SWOOSH away, into the hole at the end of the spiraling. What if it’s a black hole, causing the time spiral to speed up until IT flushes itself too? Wouldn’t that be crazy? Time moves faster & faster until all of us, the planet, the Sun, the entire solar system, until we get SWOOSHED too, as the black hole gobbles us all up. “Where would we go?” I say to myself. Where do YOU think we go? What could be on the other side?

Does the inside become the outside again? Is it Ouroboroscious, time eating its own tail as the end becomes the beginning, only to become the end again someday? Remember, time itself is only relative as we know it from our 3d perception, & we barely even “know” anything about anything at all, do we? Nope, humans, myself definitely included, are dumb as fuck, but hang on…don’t get mad at me just yet. I say we’re dumbasses, MYSELF INCLUDED, because the powers-that-be have hijacked the zeitgeist, filling human minds with endlessly senseless broadcast programming to keep us from knowing our true power. If we had our true power, we wouldn’t need them, now would we? Trust me, they know this though, which is why they do all they can to suppress us, to keep us docile, to only let us learn what they say we can learn, to make us fat, so we’re too lazy & slow to do anything productive other than work at some ridiculous job we hate for slave wages. They’re poisoned the food, the water, the air, the public education system, the workforce, the government, the military, essentially the entire world, you could say, has been envenomated with this cancer they’ve created. Yes, your so-called leaders are a malevolently malignant cancerous mass, & at this point, I fear the cancer is too widespread & out of control to be stopped, much less eradicated.

Anyway, back to the flushing time toilet, because as I write this in my present, then you read it in my past, the spiral loops & loops, faster & faster, coiling up, toward what though? Great question, thanks for playing. To be honest, & obviously, I don’t have a fucking clue. If I did, I’d clue you all in, but like I said, I have no idea really, & everything I think about it is speculation. Can’t find the truth without speculating on the truth first. I’m gonna have to quote that one. Yep, dat rando fish-ism be a keepa fo sho(in some made-up tropical-islandian accent). I have a fun little book of quotes I’m putting together, & have quite a few now, but I digress, as usual. Let’s see here, where was I? I wrote half of this then got distracted, & now several hours later, I’ve lost the frequency I had previously dialed into. Maybe adjust the dial a bit…static, static, some savagely extremest Christian preacher screaming about God, no that won’t do, static, static, Mexican radio, nope, keep turning, static, static, hang on, BOOM, the flushing toilet of time station, got it, a bit to the right, & there it is, clean frequency. Oh yeah, the hole, so what’s in this hole? You know the hole, the hole that drains the toilet, but as it relates to the 4th dimension of time, if time, particularly spacetime as we know it, is in fact an ever-acceleratingly tightening spiral, sucking into its own hole, per se, what is THAT hole?

A toilet hole is just the pipe that sucks the poopoos & peepees & soiled toilet paper into the sewer, then to a water processing plant, then after the water has been purified, it comes right back to fill up that toilet you just flushed, analogous to the Ouroboros, is it not? Now clearly, we have to draw a line in the similarities, right, or do we? Maybe WE are the poopoos & peepees & soiled toilet paper getting flushed, right now in real time, circling round & round, down down down, sucking down into the great hole of mystery. I mentioned earlier that perhaps it’s a black hole, the one in the center of our galaxy, & since scientists can STILL only theorize what is actually there, we have no way to truly know unfortunately, now do we? Some say it’s a black hole, some say it’s The Galactic Central Sun. If it’s a “central sun,” it’s fucking huge, YUGE, like insanely massive, almost unfathomable how big it is, but since most people seem to constantly underestimate just how big space itself actually is, they just see the images of galaxies from our space telescopes & think little of it. I’d wager most of the populous never thinks of space beyond looking up at the night sky occasionally. Nonetheless, we are tiny, teeny weeny tiny teeny, arguably at an sub-atomic level compared to the size of not only the Universe, not just our own Milky Way galaxy, but even in our own little solar system, we are so fucking small, just quarks in meat suits. Isn’t it surreal how we can use microscopes to see things that to us, are incredibly small, but if you zoom out the other way, WE become the aforementioned “incredibly small” particles. Wanna see just how small & big we are at the same time? Check out this video below I linked for you, dear readers. The FisH™ abides, & you know this.

Cool video, right? My favorite part is that when the zoom is fully out, & we can see the Universe as one big mass, it looks EXACTLY like the synapses in our own brains. Maybe our brains are their own Universes, & we live in the brain of some entity that exists in a higher spatial dimension, could that be true? If it were true, it would be an entity from the 8th dimension, or perhaps the 13th, but sadly, we can never know from this 3rd dimension we are all currently stuck in. It’s impossible actually, which only amplifies how incredibly small we are in all aspects. That’s right, we are just tiny little meat puppets, with an equally tiny fractional consciousness. I could keep going with this topic, as any of regular readers know.

Oh yes, I could write 10000 pages about the smallness of humanity, & another 10000 pages about humanity’s ignorance & disturbing lack of humbleness of their respectively tiny sizes. Oh the complaints, the incessant whining, the loud-mouthed programming, the exaggerated -isms, you’re all so important, right? The Universe so vast, revolves around something so pathetically insignificant as yourself, & so many of you not only believe that, you exist accordingly. Me me me me me, mine mine mine mine mine, whine whine whine whine whine, the redundant complaints & bitching about your egocentrically obnoxious lives, especially in Clownworld. Modern 4th wave women, beta twerp simp males, & self-absorbed homosexuals, just bitch machines. Leave your complaints with the manager & shut the fuck up already. Sick of fucking hearing it from every God-damned direction it seems like. Obviously, not directing this at anyone specifically, because I’m speaking proverbially, & if you have a solid grasp on your own critical-thinking skills, you understand the YOU that I’m referring to. I admit, we’ve all been self-centered at times, but this modern-day LARPing, ugh, it’s an entire pseudo-lifestyle that revolves around “self.” What the fuck makes YOU so special, any & all & none of you? What do you do that implies everyone else bend the knee to you, & kiss your smelly ass? See Tik-Tok for examples, or just click the cringy link I left.

Okay, before I go off the rails with more ramblous rambling, I’m gonna end this Sunday Foozeronay. Yikes, what a terrible display of garbage alliteration, sheesh. Regardless, until next time dear readers, remember you small you really are, & how vast your consciousness can be, but you can’t let your smaller self get caught up in your higher self. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

Don’t let your smaller self, get caught up in your higher self.” Fish F Fish🎏


Geezus tap-dancing Buddha how many places must I submit my resumé to before I get paid to do this? Maybe I just suck as a writer, perhaps I’m a failure at the art of wordsmithery? I don’t know, but since it’s not limited to writing jobs, & I am legally & medically badged to sell cannabis, I’m throwing out applications back into the industry. STILL not getting hired, & I am a decent grower, with a lot of experience, surely with ENOUGH experience to hop on in there & get sticky. No calls though. Doesn’t matter, who cares? I’m over-embracing this “who cares” vibe perhaps? Also, I don’t really want to go back to that industry to be honest. It’s a go-nowhere job, & ONLY the owners of the grows and/or dispos make real loot. Once you get to the top of the mountain, whether it be the head budtender or the head grower, you’re doing about as well financially as a manager at McDonalds is. Yep, not as glamorous as many people assume it might be. “But you get to smoke weed all day bro,” yeah so what ya dunce? You can do that anywhere if you want to, duh. I’m too old for it these days too, as it’s all mostly millennial, & I’m now the “old guy,” gah, these are NOT options I want to deal with anymore. Fuckin hell, THIS is what I want to do, THIS, writing articles, illustrated with MY own GIF animations, all ME, ME ME ME, how bout them apples? Why can’t one pursue their only plausible talent, rather than settling & selling your soul to be a paycheck-scrapper? Is that…narcissistic of me? Be sure to read to the end, there might be a bonus at the winner’s circle…

This is about ME, right?…because I’m a narcissist maybe? Ugh, I don’t know, I know I try NOT to be one, but from one’s own view, it IS your Universe, is it not? Isn’t everyone “self-centered?”…as in you “center your self,” because you ARE the center of YOUR Universe, see what I mean? Is it the language I’m not getting? It seems to be right, right? Self…centered…YOU, yourself, is the center of everything, because you ARE the center of everything, from YOUR perspective, correct? What am I missing here? Let’s look up the textbook definition of narcissism together shall we? Or you can just click the word back there, or you can be extra-lazy & just look below. Fuck it, time to really open up the frequency & see what comes through this channel; we’re going deep diving, into the murky depths, where the abyss lurks, only to look back at you…

The reason I’m attempting to illustrate these notions, is because it seems like people are throwing this particular word, & other similar words around…”as needed,” so to speak, as if they’re aggressive buzz-words, for use as ammo in verbal warfare, “oh I’m gonna outsmart you, then no I’m gonna outsmart you, look at my words I’m hurling at you, in cleverly ordered manner to throw off your counter-attack,” does this make sense to any of you? Another one is “gaslighting,” voted the “number one word of 2022,” I think. Derp, & it’s not that I dislike these words, it’s just as an evolving disciple of the English language, it’s almost downright revolting the way said language is now used these days. It’s like a shoot-off of the overall Orwellian cultural metamorphosis we’re all existing through right now. Just another fractal, as the macroorganism Planck-lengths its way to some new zeitgeist, & where will this language & these behaviors & these mass psychoses take us, what sort of future awaits in this mental asylum world?

Hmmm, “does NOT support that notion,” it says? Weird, because everyone calls everyone a narcissist. Try & stick up for yourself…”NARCISSIST!” …, I guess even when using one’s own self as a reference point, you get that now-infamous N-word. No, THE “N-word,” not nigger, no, not that even-more-infamous “N-word,” I’m talking about the word, “narcissism.” ME ME ME ME ME, now up above there, that was just the textbook definition, which really doesn’t count for much, other than what it implies, “defining a word,” but it doesn’t explain the word, so let’s look at a more in-depth description of this mental affliction.

Click the Link to read more about…>>> Narcissism Symptoms & Causes ..let’s go though these, becasue this is all about ME, ME ME ME ME ME right now, right? See what I’m doing? Either narcissistic or a douchebag, but most likely both. Duh. Without comedy, even if it’s B-list lame-ass jokes, it’s better than tragedy, yes? Let’s go through this list below:

  1. Interesting, tough one too. Admiration, well no one really reads these and/or knows and/or cares if I exist, so there’s no one to really “admire” any of this crap, & obviously that notion alone implies a lack of any inclinations of “self-importance” I might have. I know I am a talentless fraud wasted TV baby from the asshole end of Generation X. All m friends are dead, & I don’t even know why I’m here, but I am aware of a part of me that WANTS number one to be meaningful, but it isn’t, nothing is.
  2. Again, I’m guilty of being aware of having the kinds of inclinations, so what do you do when your self-aware of narcissistic tendencies, & actively try to fix them, but you fail yourself, over & over, & no one cares? That’s my fault though, I deserve NOTHING, only I wish I could be treated kindly because I try to be that way toward others. Isn’t that the rule, treat others as you want to be treated? Do I treat people poorly? I don’t know, I know I don’t want to, who would want that? I hope I don’t, but I don’t know. I have, for sure, & I cannot do anything to change it. I don’t know. I’m white, so I don’t know much anymore, & concepts of “privilege” & special treatment” are kind of blurry these days.
  3. Numero tres, yes, I suppose I’m guilty of these thoughts, but where do thoughts come from? I don’t know, I told you I don’t know anything, I’m a fucking proverbial used-car salesman, the charlatan, isn’t that what they call bullshit narcissists? Charlatans? This is crap, my digital art is crap, if it was any good, people would visit my sites, but no one does, because I’m not any good, nor have I done anything worth a fuck in my whole sordid life. I’m only doing this, because THIS, is all I know how to do, so again, YES, I have thoughts that I have done amazingly unique art, & I’m a talented digital artist, & the best writer ever, & blah blah blah, all just delusional monkey-mind gibberish. Truth is, I only came back to this because I realized I sucked at everything else, & had nothing else, unless I want to go deliver pizzas like a fucking kid, the same punk kid I was 30 years ago. Pathetic.
  4. Yep, guilty, & guilty again, & I kind of covered this in answer number three, so what else could I add here? It’s bizarre, because I’m well-aware no one is there, but I make my little shoutout vids & similarly stupid shit anyway. I KNOW NO ONE CARES, I know my “achievements” are nil, & if I have any “talent,” this drivel is it. It’s as big as this answer to question number four. Not to mention I’ve been digitally exiled from the virtual town square for trying to participate with everyone else. I guess I don’t do well in filtered settings, so it’s been just me, with literally no one, & Im not cognizant enough anymore of anything to care about likes & shares. None of it matters.
  5. Yep, all the above, in a world onto myself, like a humid cave full of fresh bat guano, rife with the stench of shit. “Success,” derp, yeah right, successfully ruining everyone’s lives around me as well as my own, but I believe I should have the riches, as if that makes sense. Got it you fuckin idiot. “Power,” well you need strength of character to hold power, doesn’t matter if you’re “good” or “bad,” if you have strength of character, you can hold real power, not the pretend pseudo-power that only exists in my own self-delusions. “Brilliance,” hmmm, I don’t even know, does that mean you figuratively “shine?” …like someone who “lights up a room,” as they say? Or is it referring to intelligence?…as in, “I know I’m smarter than everyone else,” well, of course I am you moronic automatons. You’re all fucking idiots. I don’t really believe that, but part of my mind has notions like that, all the time, & I can’t explain how they got there, so what am I to do? “Beauty,” well I am certainly aware of vanity, & it sucks I can’t appreciate beauty without vanity. I don’t know why, I don’t know why any of this is the way it is. ME ME ME ME ME, yeah I fucking know, I’m the one stuck in this meat suit. Finally, the last one, the futile quest for the “perfect mate.” I actually might have beat this one, albeit the long, hard way. You have better luck finding a magic toad in a pot of gold being carried by a Bigfoot riding a Unicorn that farts glitter, than finding the “perfect mate.” Yes, I DID have that idealization, for a long time, & that one I already beat, because it beat me.
  6. Yep, & yep, & because of this, I’ve somewhat subconsciously self-isolated away from everyone & everything, minus my alleged “equals” that only exist in other places not in my own locality…i.e. digital “friends.” They aren’t really my friends, I don’t have any real friends, I don’t know how to have friends, keep friends, I know how to make friends, but that never lasts, not even my virtual pseudo-friends on the Interwebs.
  7. Yep, exceptionally critical, to the point that I hate them, you dumb fucking dummy dumdums down the drain diving in dumpsters. Fuck you all, you fuckin losers. Again, NOT me, but those thoughts come through, whatever this channel is I tune into, THIS is what comes through. It’s incredibly exhausting keeping up with the filtration system. It’s thoughts, MY thoughts, but “mine” only as far as they come through me, but I don’t know where thoughts arise from. Am I “generating” them myself, birthing these ideas into the world? I don’t know. Stop blaming me for things I don’t know and/or can’t control. Does “narcissism” sound fun, like something you would want?
  8. Let’s see here, “special favors,” for me, what special favors can you do for me? I don’t know, gah, my head hurts, this is difficult doing this, sorry, sorry sorry sorry, shouldn’t say that out loud, pronouncing my own head pains from the stress of writing about these things, to all of my ghostly non-existent readers. Oh wait, that’s right, no one reads this, so no one cares, so no worries, so so what, right? So, let’s move on. Not expecting anything or doing anything for anything & everything anymore & no more. Why? What’s the point? Of anything for me anymore? Broken clocks are right twice a day, broken people can’t be fixed, & aren’t ever “right.”
  9. Oh man, so guilty, all at THEIR expense for MY own gain. ME ME ME ME ME. Always about ME, well, me & my disease. They’ll say you have a disease, then blame you, then you say, “but you said I am sick, how’s it my fault?,” & they say, “it’s your fault, but if you pay us a bunch of money, we’ll help you with your disease.” Then you say, “I have no money, & no one to help me properly,” & they say, “go to the food banks, bye.” There sure is a lot of “taking advantages” going around, but I get the specificity of the implication here in trait number nine of the terribly terrifying “N-word.”
  10. This one is…confusing, because I do, I try, I try so hard, but maybe I can’t feel anything, maybe it’s form my history of bad head injuries, I don’t know. I get so distracted, I try to think about it from their shoes, then I think about shoes in general, my brain doesn’t seem to have a well-functioning empathy drive then I guess, right? I’m willing, I have the will to be willing, but no one notices it, like I’m a ghost.
  11. Hahahahahaha..oh man, well I know damn well NO ONE envies me for anything that I’m aware of, so scratch the 2nd half of that game, & I don’t care about thees enough to be “jealous,” & I wouldn’t call that little green monster on my should “envy,” I’d call it…”disappointment,” disappointed that some people get certain things that make no sense to me, like someone like Cardi B…absolutely impossible for em to be envious of that twat, but it disappoints me that life “rewards” that stripper with so much. Would I ever trade places with her though?…FUCK NO, are YOU insane? & I’d wager she feels the same, but she’s allowed to be as narcissistic as she can be, & it’s okay, see the logic there? You do? That’s weird, because there is no logic there, it just is what it is I suppose.
  12. Oh yes, yes, & yes, arrogance, I bathe in it, using shampoo on my bowling-ball-blad head just to rub it in deeper too. Bragadociousness & conceit, sure, why not? Comes right alongside “arrogance,” doesn’t it?…like a little gang, arrogance, braggings, & a grossly conceited attitude, patrolling the hood, right? What can one say, when they know they’ve acted in such a way? Once again, quite aware & conscious of it too, but the auto-pilot keeps flying the plane anyway, on the same course. I can;t change course if I’m not the one always flying the plane, can I? I donlt even have a pilot’s license though, so I guess I’m really fucked up in the air, aren’t I?
  13. Finally, last one, at least it’s my 2nd lucky number, 13. 22 & 13, never win me shit, but still they’re “lucky” in my head. What a fucking loser, Jesus Christ, help this guy out already or something, would ya? Someone, something up there, anything celestial & ethereally Divine, give this fuck-off a helping hand so he has harmony instead of hell. Who doesn’t want the “best of everything,” too bad I got nothing, unless I boost it, & booster seats are for squirts. That’s it for that impromptu narcissist checklist, did I win?

Well, that was totally random & unexpected. The only freedom I feel anymore, is in this space, my writing space. only thing that’s really “mine,” isn’t it? I’m over the buzzword labelings, the mental disorder diagnoses, if this is “life,” & this is what I fucked-off & made of it, why continue? Why? No one there, no one to care, everyone eat my underwear. Yes, I can write silly nonsense, BECAUSE NO ONE WILL EVER READ THIS, unless I send them an individually respective link, nope, this is just like pissing in the wind for me, all my own stinky poisoned pee spraying right back in my face, & up my nose, & on my tongue, this tongue that has driveled on long enough via this Ouroborian channel I’m plugged into & these robot arms that type type type away until I find this silly circularity I always bullshit about..”.beginning finds the end to find the start all over again,” gabba dabba doo wah ditty doo doo, who gives a fuck about a “mysterious circularity phenomenon” when I write, I just reiterate the beginning of the article at the end, like every other generically corny writer to ever crayon-scribble down their own literary puke. Who cares? So I’m done with that, maybe done with this, maybe done with myself doing this, because none of it matters, does it? Except to ME ME ME ME ME, right? Projecting out, as if on queue, until next time dear reader. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you fucks, & for none of you fucking fucks at all.

“Done with that, done with this, done with myself, doing this & that.” ~Fish F Fish🎏


The Fooze: S1 E29 1/29/2023 Stunning & Brave

Before we begin: Apologies for the quality of the GIFs below. I had a frame rate issue that I didn’t catch until I had already chopped them out of the initial video, & because of the incessant redundancy of the topic, & also because I simply didn’t feel like it, I’m letting them ride. They aren’t “bad” quality, per se, just not perfectly HD as usual, but you will get the gist, so no worries. Moving on…

If you click the article above, you’ll get to see just how “stunning & brave” one of these trans-testicles is. So brave, so stunning…if by “brave,” you mean “moronic,” & by “stunning,” you mean “what the fuck did I just watch?” I am SO sick of hearing about trannies & gays & LGBTQ-blahblababablah, seriously, just over it, as are MANY others. I’m not a homophobe and/or transphobic; they don’t “scare” me at all. If you use those buzzwords in their proper context. the suffix “phobe” implies a “dreaded fear” of something. No, they don’t scare me in the slightest, not afraid of them one bit, they just make me sick with their nonsensical & unnatural agenda that they shove down everyone’s proverbial throats. WE DO NOT CARE, but I cannot speak for anyone else, because I don’t know your language most of the time. These degenerate Marxist freaks are going full-1984 with this crap, changing the language, the culture, all to accommodate an insanely fractional portion of the population. Why, why the fuck do people keep playing along with this insanity? Literally, playing right along with said insanity, why?…because all I see is a seemingly insignificant minority of certain people with severe mental disorders getting unprecedented attention & even “support,” from the rest of the lunatics on the left. It’s total madness, & it gets worse by the day. So over it…sheesh, aren’t you by now?

Anyway, I’m gonna keep this Fooze relatively short, & let this ridiculous story speak for its own clowny self. (Honk Noise) I broke the video up into a series of GIF animations. If you want, you can watch the video in its sordidly sad entirety by clicking the link above, which will take you directly to the story via The Gateway Pundit. Make sure to grab your barf bag. The only things “stunning” about the video is the fact that it even exists & that people support this stupid shit. Oh, & HIS performance, was certainly NOT “brave,” but definitely quite “stunning.” Let’s roll the first GIF…

This MAN, this 59-year-old MAN, who allegedly “came out as late in life, as a female,” was invited to perform this bizarre little performance for a roaringly supportive crowd, oh so brave, oh so stunning. Everything looks great, yes? Look at HIM go, look at the that shaved leg, wow, what an amazing show, so very talented HE is…(Fart Noise). HE’S got HIS flags, being held by actual WOMEN, but let’s not get caught up in details. Details don’t matter in Clownworld right? Right along with facts & sanity, nope, none of that matters, only feelings, all that matters is how you feel, correct? Well, I feel like puking, watching a grown man in a girl’s skating attire scoot around at the behest of a bunch of “woke” idiots, so is that okay? Nope? Oh, I’m a straight white male, so my “feelings” don’t mean shit, got it, now carry on skater boy, & let’s see how this plays out, assuming you didn’t watch the video in the article linked above. No worries, I chopped the whole video up into GIF animations, all for you dear reader, so you can watch as you read. Wasn’t that thoughtful of your pseudo-humble narrator? I had to watch this ridiculousness several times, over & over, to chop out some GIFs for you, so you all don’t have to, what a nice guy. The Fish™abides…now onto the next GIF…

Go, go, go “Markku,” oh wait I meant “Minna,” since this DUDE changed HIS name from Markku, let’s just call HIM “Mark,” not “Minna.” Mark to Minna, Minna to Mark, STILL a MAN, changing your name changes nada ya weirdos, sue me if it bothers you, because I am NOT, nor will I EVER, abide these mental patients with their changed names, and/or their “preferred pronouns,” EVER, nope, NEVER going to abide you degenerate beta freaks. Again, if it bothers you, sue me and/or report me, then go fuck yourself. How bout them apples? Done quasi-accepting these LARPing homosexuals…if you wanna be gay, or dress like the opposite sex, whatever, I don’t care, but the fact that this UN-ideology is being force-fed injected into the pop culture like Covaids jabs, has run its course, yet keeps running, like Forrest Gump, & just keeps going, & going, & running further & further, to where we are now, this wonky backwards upside-down mental asylum Clownworld. Where else would you find videos like the one linked above?…in the REAL world, nope, but in Clownworld, it’s EVERY FUCKING DAY with this madness. Ok, let’s keep going, & watch this GUY skate around, so brave, so stunning…here HE goes, watch HIM go, go DUDE, GO, GO, GO…

Oof, uh oh, you okay there BRO? Did you take a little spill on the ice MAN? Maybe your little skirt & panties made you unbalanced? Or perhaps it was your tucked-back balls, you know, BECAUSE YOU’RE A MAN, a 59-year-old MAN, with severe mental issues & the skater’s grace of someone with rickets. Are you kidding me right now with this? I’ve ice-skated maybe twice in my entire life, & I could do better than this. Oh but look, everyone’s cheering, the flags all waving, because HE’S so “stunning & brave.” GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE already…Jesus Christ, use your fucking real eyes for a change, & realize what this really is, a parade of social dysfunctionality, which again, I will NEVER abide. If someone who wore a clown costume every day, as if it were normal, decided to run for President of the United States, in their clown suit, would you abide that too? Oh wait, ½ of you kind of already did, so maybe that analogy is lost. Never mind then, let’s move on to the final GIF, where HIS “stunning bravery” really shines, doesn’t it? Yes, it shines like a fresh turd in a flushing toilet, but I’m just a transphobic homophobe, just another bigoted straight white male, so what do I know, right? Honk honk honk……………………….honk honk………….honk.

Oh my, what a terrible tumble HE took, awe, poor GUY. That must’ve hurt HIS knees, but HIS ego, oh no, HE’S loving it, all this pseudo-attention, given to HIM by programmed morons, who assume that THIS, this dive into the dark depths of disordered degeneracy, is not only acceptable, it should be encouraged & promoted, as if it IS, in fact, acceptable. Acceptable to who, though? I never “accepted” this, I never even cared, until EVERY GOD DAMN DAY I had to hear about it. It’s unescapable, unless you’re lucky enough to be able to afford to live off-grid, far away from the never-ending honk-honk from Clownworld. Even then, the clowns can find you, & empty their clown car in your driveway, honk-honk-honking the whole time until you have no choice but to go see what all the damn noise is about. It’s getting worse too, by the day, but none of this is going to matter soon. Why would THIS, this relentless shoving-into-the-shitstorm of special interest groups, why would this NOT matter anymore, after so much effort has been undertaken by your big tech overlords to push this queer-theory-agenda into everyone’s interpretation of the current zeitgeist, why would this no longer matter?

Unfortunately, & obviously I could be totally wrong as this is ONLY my own mere speculation, but sadly I think there’s another Black Swan Event on the horizon, a big one too. Here’s some plausibly possible scenarios for the not-so-distant future: First, Covaids, yes Covaids, particularly as it relates to those who got jabbed, as I have GRAVE concerns that millions of you are going to drop dead from whatever they injected into you. Pun NOT intended there, “grave,” but it IS a well-timed pun, so it gets to fly here. We don’t suppress clever wordery on my site, but I digress, as if on cue. Anyway, back to the Covaids holocaust. Do you even know what holocaust actually means? Sure, they’ve altered the definition recently, as they’ve altered many other definitions, in order to fulfill their own agenda. Change the language, change the history, quite Orwellian, is it not? They are though, ACTIVELY, like right now, changing the culture to complete their delusional visions of a dystopian future, where “YOU will eat bugs, own nothing, but be “happier” than you’ve ever been.” Their words, not mine, & the fulfillment of their aforementioned agenda will be much easier if 85-90% of you were dead & gone. I must emphasize that I DO NOT WANT MILLIONS OF PEOPLE TO DIE FROM A SHOT THEY WILLINGLY TOOK, despite being misled, & in some cases, FORCED to take that jab. They didn’t know, they didn’t know one of the side effects would be SADS, this “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome,” which seems to be getting more prevalent by the day, literally. I read the news every day, fake news and/or otherwise, just to get the full perspective so I can use my own critical-thinking skills to understand this 3d reality, & SADS is spreading, even though they STILL aren’t publicly connecting it to the jab. Use your common sense, does it seem normal for healthy athletes who’ve been jabbed to be dropping dead left & right? Young healthy people, just collapsing from heart attacks & dying. They then find blood clots, blood clots in the dead, which caused the cardiac arrests, but why? What is causing the blood clots?

DUH…double-duh by now, sheesh. IT’S THE COVAIDS JAB CAUSING THIS. Come on people, ugh, it’s so frustrating, & I suppose it’s going to take millions of deaths before they DO finally acknowledge what is really going on, when it’s much too late, & the damage is done, but that was only one possible future. I am no doctor, not a scientist, so I have no clue about the next phase of the Covaids scamdemic. I am only speculating based on the evidence I have seen thus far, so take all I say with a grain if salt, as they say. Wait, why do the proverbial they say that? What does that expression even mean? “Take it with a grain of salt,” what does that mean? Hmmm, how about let’s look it up & discover together, shall we?

Ok, apparently no one knows for sure where that expression definitively came from, and/or what it really means, & now that we’ve solved that puzzle, somewhat, let’s go to the next possible scenario…World War 3. The USA just sent tanks to Ukraine, essentially proving that we are already in a proxy war with Russia. We keep poking that bear, & that Russian bear is gonna wake up, & he isn’t going to be happy. It’s impossible to know what’s really going on with that though since the fake news keeps pushing propaganda as usual. They’re pushing a narrative, not the truth, & we will probably never know the real story unfortunately. That’s the name of the game here in Clownworld, no reality, only narratives, & people LARP in this pseudo-reality in accordance with said narratives, & thus, it’s all become a global case of unprecedented planetary psychosis. I’ll throw “hypnosis” in there too, in the sense that so many of you are are programmed to exist in accordance with this UN-reality, you don;t even realize what you’re doing and/or saying most of the time. Don’t blame me, I had nothing to do with it, I’m just here illustrating the most truth I can squeeze out this agenda-driven turnip. Am I not “stunning & brave?” Is telling the truth, in a world of deception, deemed “stunning & brave?” Nope? Bummer, because it should be, but such is the way of Clownworld. Well, would you look at that? I completed the circularity for this Fooze, so “stunning & brave,” the way my serpent eats its own tail, only to start again at the beginning from the end on the infinite loop of time. Speaking of time…until next time dear reader, be “stunning & brave,”…honk honk honk. At least we all got to learn where, “take it with a grain of salt” might have come from. We love to learn here, don’t we?

For all of you, & for none of you at all. 🎏


There sure are a lot of angry people around lately. Have you noticed? Road rage, never fails, but even in everyday daily life, just madness, literally, & figuratively. Angry crazy people…yikes. No bueno. Is it the stresses of the daily grind? I don’t know, I don’t have a 9-5 job. They took that from me, remember? I’m not particularly angry per se, not outwardly, so I don’t think I’m attracting such negative energies, am I? Am I internally angry, causing me to unknowingly attract such energies. I don’t even interact with the general public much, so it’s not really directed directly at me, I just happen to notice. If I din’t pay attention, would I still notice, & therefore NOT attract unwanted malevolent forces? Drats. It’s puzzling me. The whole Law of Attraction thing in itself, not only puzzles me, but apparently also frustrates me, because I am frustrated about my frustrations as to why this concept seemingly doesn’t work for me. I suppose if it did actually work, everyone would get what they want? Are they getting what they want? What they really, really want? Like your favorite Spice Girls song, the ziggy-zig want, you “gaslighter” you…how can one call a crazy person a gaslighter? That’s an oxymoron, but I digress…

What about my own rage? What makes me rage-filled? I’ll give any other middle-aged straight man one guess. It rhymes with “Ski Vail.” What is the drag-you-down deal sometimes with them? Sheesh. Like one of those D & D dice with 100 sides, nearly impossible to guess the next roll, & if you do, it’s via raw luck, but still won’t end well for the roller, YOU. No sir, will NOT in a good way for you, ever. No one has time to play the guessing game with dice these days for fuck’s sake. Seriously with my serious face, I don’t know who collectively farted in your breakfast cereal from our side girls, but play time is over, been over, not even a stain on the road anymore over. Full monk-mode about to be drawn & quartered out. It would be so interesting to watch the global priorities of the sexes shift, if & when a massive cataclysm happens. Or the power ever goes out in a serious way. Or if World War 3 actually goes hot. Or the Titanic sinks. Can you imagine the populational response divided by the sexes, the TWO sexes. No, this little mind experiment of mine doesn’t involve “non-binary” mental patients. Even if I factored them into the equation, their total population is so minimal, there’s no point in even expending anymore energy than I already have by excluding them from my fantastical dystopia future scenario here. Honk on that ya weirdos.

No, I prefer humor. “Finding comedy in tragedy can be divine.” That’s an original right there from yours truly, at least I think it is. I find it a tough pill to swallow that I’m the first person to think up that generic little quip. I don’t know, maybe it’s not so generic, do I actually care…no. I mean, it could be generic, or it could be genius, or it could just be, & being is all that it needs to be. Unless you’re actually a bee, like the insect, then everything I just wrote takes on a whole new interpretation perhaps. So many tangents, if I really wanted to let the weird meter fly, fly like a bumbling bumble bee, see what I did there? You know how a dog is easily amused by a bone? These are my bones, these words, these words that I’m spelling, spelling, like a magic spell, is that not what these words are? Magic? They appear in my head, I move my hands as I illustrate these words in a way that YOU see, seeing them as they appear on your screen once I have spelt them out for you, & what was once my screen, is now your screen, & these words that I have spelled appear in your head, magic.

There’s a wonderful circularity in the flow of a well-channeled article. Are you really writing? Am I, really writing? Or am I just channeling? Is ALL of this…magic? Is this reality just an unending series of spells, spells being cast on everyone by everyone, spells cast over spells, so many spells, so much spelling. When one thinks of a word, one spells it out in their head, super-fast yes, but nonetheless, every word in your head is spelled out. Whether or not you spell those words out into the Universe by speaking them makes the difference. Each difference has the same dynamic; one is no different than the other as far as that goes, but what makes it different is inwardly versus outwardly spelling. Inward spelling affects YOU, just YOU, but outward spelling can affect the whole world sometimes. It is difficult to control one’s thoughts, so much so that often they are spoken aloud without reverence, & no real inclination as to the end results of the word magic being manifest in 3d space. It’s the vibrations. All vibrations resonate via 3d space, the “magic” is simply the vibrations running their respective courses. Some people know how to harness that magic, & use it, manipulate those vibrations to their advantage as they deem fit.

I am no magician, I’m just a skilled speller of the words, so I’m not really anything, it’s all just words, with occasional s/words. I just look for the circularity within the composition. It’s just a block of rock really to me, & I chisel away, starting at the front, or maybe the back, it doesn’t matter because it will always end where it begins. Maybe that’s all this is, the bittersweet harmony of the beginning, & the end, at the same time, all the time. Something stops, another goes, one light red, other light green, yellow lights are indifferent & left up to the driver. The road-raging driver, raging on the road that YOU took the off ramp onto. As if on cue, there’s my circularity. Right back to the rage from the get-go, the road rage. Hark to the road-rager, alone in their own car with their own rage, spelling out curses & demons to the other drivers, while never even checking the codes in their own car, not even that low tire. No, just keep revving up that raging lemon, rage, rage, right into that dying light, in your dying night. Ain’t that right? Sir Dylan Thomas?

None of you will get that reference…none of you, & maybe all of you. Who knows? “The ragers rage, from a corncobian cage.” There’s one more for the true Marvel fans. Maybe I’ll make a t-shirt that says, “Puke Narcissism,” with a giant farting pimply ass on the back, or maybe the front. The circle completes. Until next time, be good.

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

Thus Spoke Zarafishtra

Where does one begin in the case of illustrating the current state of a backwards humanity? When nearly the entire global populous of almost 8 BILLION people are in relative states of mass psychosis, & you are seemingly one of the only sane ones who is self-aware enough to see it thru a pragmatic lens, what do you say? Well I’m gonna try, since I keep hope that someday many years from now someone in the not-so-distant future will find & read this & understand my words to gain some kind of useful insight as to what was really going on in 2022 Clownworld. It’s madness…utterly abysmal insanity on a planetary scale…& now we dive…

Where to begin, where to begin, where to begin? Let’s talk about how we got here. It boils down to a decades long game to slowly degrade the morality, the quality of beauty, and the human spirit as a whole. They…& by they I mean the psychotic global elites who have been orchestrating this agenda for many years now. Currently I would argue that Klaus Schwab is the Sith Lord of this agenda…& if it’s not him, he’s definitely a high-ranking member. Klaus & his little minion number 2 zionist pig sidekick Noah Harari. Little Joo weasel is pure scum. Not being anti-semetic incidentally…there’s most certainly a faction of Joos that are Zionists. I know it, & anyone who doesn’t drink the proverbial Kool-Aid knows. Let me emphasize…It’s NOT all Joos…but…many regular Joos are aware of the goyim so there’s arguable complacency there but I digress. More on the Joos & the goyim later. Moving on…could also be George Soros still running the show. Everyone knows…yet nothing ever happens to this guy. Same with Kissinger. The old guard so to speak. These dinosaurs are pushing 100, & STILL they continue doing nefarious deeds in the shadows. They have been openly exposed countless times for their dark arts shenaniganery, but nothing ever happens. Trickling down you get into the top tier soldiers…i.e. the Clintons, Obamas, Bidens & most of the current USSA pseudo-government…same in Canada…Justin Trudeau & most of the rest of the Canadian government. That’s just relative to my region of the world but this cancer has infected most 1st world countries across the planet, which has in turn leaked down into 2nd & 3rd world countries. What could be the reason for this?

Ultimately, they want to depopulate the planet significantly and then rule the entire planet via a neo-communist centralized ideology with absolute power. I estimate a 90% reduction in the global population…conservatively around 7 billion, that’s 7 BILLION with a big B of YOU gone. Mostly replaced by AI robots and such to do the menial worker bee jobs that keep the flow moving. Now in a way, I get it. I do. Look at the population as a whole. A bunch of dumb-downed, programmed overweight endlessly consuming troglodytes. Seriously. This is the end result of their long game. A slovenly drugged-up populous that can easily be controlled as well as easily disposed of if need be. How many people do you know take drugs of some kind, legal or deemed otherwise by the same people who feed you the legal drugs? How many fat people do you know? How many people just generally look unhealthy? How many people do you know believe Covaids was real? How many people do you know actually know anything about anything? Just sayin…don;t get mad at me for it, I had nothing to do with it. Look toward your s-elected self-ascribed leaders, because they’re ALL in on it. There’s 2 groups becoming more distinctive by the day, the elites & the plebs. You’re in the pleb group most likely. The other group could do without you…how does that make you feel? This is where my agreement with the elites about depopulation stops. Who the fuck are they to decide who stays and who goes? They are soulless psychopathic scum…these so-called elites, so that’s where the real paradox lies, isn’t it? Yes, most people waste life and breed more consuming life-wasters out of raw ignorance for what life is really about and there’s way too many of them and it’s becoming a serious problem in the realm of resources…but…the ones who are in power represent a darkness to humanity that should not be propagated via their new world order agenda by any means…so fuck them…now what comes next?

Well there’s the fatties. You know what else gets artificially fattened up? Pigs…pigs right before they’re slaughtered. The average American adult female weighs 171 pounds. Unacceptable. Yet here in this reverse timeline fat is celebrated. That’s how far-gone the culture has descended. Again…long game. They’ve been poisoning the food, the water, the drinks you buy…for decades now. What do you think fat is? Fat is your body inflamed from being poisoned…& the more you poison it, the more it inflames. Sugar is a drug you cows. Duh. So many of you addicted to sugar, and fat is the end result. Now why would they want a fat populous? The answer is obvious…you’re dependent…subconsciously addicted to sugar you’re now fat and slow and easy to control, particularly when you combine sugar and television. I’ll get more into television later. Why do you think it’s called “television programming?”…right there in front of all of you, but you just change the channel. Lonnnnnnnnnnnng game. The more addictions you have, the easier you are to control. What will all the fatties do if the supply chain breaks down? Eat each other? There’s nearly 8 BILLION people who constantly eat, drink, piss, shit, breed…quite a remarkable system…so remarkable that it has been exploited to slowly degenerate all of you into mouth-breathing docile zombies I order to eventually eliminate you when the time comes. Right now they’re just dropping you all off with consistent ailments via the fattiness. Mix in smoking, drinking booze, drugs, encouraged idleness via video games/tv/programs…& one by one you all drop, often alone. Only that has been deemed to be too slow, so they test ran fake vaccines for a fake plandemic. Only the test run tho…the real body dropper is coming. We aren’t in plandemic phase 2 yet, but soon…speaking of Covaids…

Yes, Covaids was a test run. This depopulation agenda is very real, I don’t care if you believe it or not, it’s real and real is real despite your feelings. Deal with it. Now Covaids was designed to test how far the could push the mass psychosis of the global population. Test run went better than expected as far as I can see. You motherfuckers just lined right up, sleeves up, getting an science experiment injected into your body, because the television told you to. Fun fact: common cold/flu cases plummeted while covid made up the difference in numbers….check the website if you don’t believe me. Common cold/flu mutates every year into new variants. Now what if they put a name on it one year like “Covid-19” then told everyone it was a deadly pandemic. EXACT SAME AMOUNT OF DEATHS as common cold/flu. Check the website. Do your own research so YOU can see it with your own eyes. Yes, sadly the common cold/flu kills many people every single year…more often than not the elderly, the fatties, the sick, scrawny weak children with shitty parents…those with weak immune systems in general…EVERY SINGLE YEAR from the common cold/flu. Only a few years ago, they used the media to perpetrate a deadly pandemic that was always just the common cold/flu. Still questioning me? Look at the CDC guidelines right now. All back to the EXACT SAME precautions as the common cold/flu. Masks are useless, were always useless…in fact masks actually quickly create an environment perfectly suited for incubating bacteria. Wear a mask for a day then look at it under a blacklight. HOW AM I SEEMINGLY THE ONLY ONE WHO QUESTIONED THIS??? I lost friends, my family thought I was nuts, lost connections…so many of you twats turned and believed the lie…to the point where many of you got injected with a pseudo-vaccine and some of you even got boosters. Do you know what the vaccine does? It weakens your immune system and sheds variants to infect more people with weak immune systems. How the fuck can SO MANY OF YOU be so gullible and compliant? Why? Because the television said so? It’s so mind-blowing from my perspective…but I’m also the only one out here looking at the whole painting apparently…while you all focus on a corner & exist in the illusion of the corner of an shadow that is only a portion of the entire portrait, which is your own self-portrait. For 3 years now…I have told you and told you and told you all…ad nauseam…what this pandemic really was. 3 roller-coaster years of degenerative madness. Breaking you fools left & right…& that was just the test run…

What many of you aren’t aware of is that China has already done the plandemic test runs…in line with social credit scores, and surveillance down to the DNA level. You would not believe what I’ve seen they’re doing in China…it’s post-apocalyptic novel-esque. Seriously. All you fat fucks that whine about your miserable lives here in the USA have no idea what you’re taking for granted. You have pushed too far, and when the pendulum swings back, it’s gonna be a historic site to watch all your chubby faces when the moment of self-realization that you fucked yourself hits, and you have no options…I can hear the screams already. China is the awakening dragon as far as social control. They have no problem test running these depopulation scenarios on their 1.3 billion person population, which outnumbers the USA bu nearly 1 to 4. They’re like ants to the elite class in China. They don’t hide their true societal structuring via a centralized Communist state. You don’t get to choose, you are your assigned part of the hive and that’s it. Those drones who don’t comply are used as population control test subjects and eventually they don’t exist. You have to put yourself into the mind of these psychopaths who are making these decisions. They come from long lines of people who are instructed on how to control the masses from birth. It’s a lineage of inter-connected ruling class elitist scum. It stretches all over the world. You aren’t part of it, but those who are think a certain way about people…we are cattle to them. They are well-aware that their herd is breeding and consuming at an exponentially out of control rate and that drastic measures must be taken in order to get the herd to a more manageable level of control. That desperation entails simply slaughtering you all. Period. The long game was taking too long. It’s not enough to make you fat and unhealthy and drugged and depressed and lazy…it’s too expensive and too time-consuming…so they test ran a planned pandemic to acquire the data they needed to better organize then orchestrate the real plague if that becomes they’re only option to drastically reduce the population at a more expedient rate. Where do you think fentanyl comes from? Exclusively China, and people are dropping like flies from that crap. They are accelerating the agenda, the long game is coming to a critical mass. There’s more power up for grabs then ever, and that’s all they care about…power over YOU. While YOU all stare at a screen and consume, they are consolidating their power to make global moves…all culminating in mass depopulation. The timeline was 2030…Agenda 2030…but they openly admit they are moving forward NOW. You all think it’s bad now…just wait…the real test grows closer…like a tempest on the horizon…

Let’s switch gears…I’m the writer, I can do that. This is MY holocaust to for all of you & for none of you. the word holocaust actually means “burnt sacrifice” historically. If you look it up, you’ll see a new definition, above the historical & literal translation, pertaining to the exaggerated slaughter of the Joos. The Joos. They have 2 factions…Joo Joos and then the globalist zionist Joos. Everyone else is goyim & meant to serve them. Not my rules, ask them why they do it. I have nothing to do with them. I’m not a Joo, not a goyim, I’m just a can of fish soup who uses his sight & well-developed critical thinking skills…so it’s on YOU to keep reading if you find offense to this, not me. I digressed there on the Joos but I wanted to focus on this country…these United States of Clownworld. What a fuckin mess…oy vey. ½ the country are die-hard American patriots albeit most are still programmed in some way by the extreme polarization of the culture. the other ½ is a total shitshow. Arguing over how many genders there are…STILL. Fun fact: THETE’S ONLY TWO GENDERS you LARPing beta freak losers. Are you that fucking retarded? Seriously. Basic facts of reality don’t apply in your imaginary fake world with your rainbow hair and size 40 skinny jeans. It’s so bizarre. Neuro-divergent, pansexual, fairy kin …are you kidding me with this?…STILL??? Still we gotta watch the real time display of mass mental illness continue? We’re living the collapse of the best version of civilization we’ve come up with by the minute. What an incredible waste of human potential? And since Potato Joe Biden and this rogue communist regime stole the last Presidential election in 2020, it just gets worse…and worse…and worse…and worse…and worse…it’s hard to believe THIS is what it has come too. The once great USA is now officially a banana republic. Change my mind. It’s right out of the communist handbook, eerily similar to countries like Venezuela before the entire country devolved into a total shithole of poverty and desperation and a tiny dictatorial ruling class. Millions of people on drugs of some kind…drugs are drugs…& most of you take them. Millions of people who are clinically obese. Millions of college students being brainwashed into the false delusions of a socialist utopia, now even starting at the kindergarten level. Gotta get them kids early, only now they are giving CHILDREN the power of determine they’re own gender, sex, identity, etc…in 20 years there’s gonna be a generation that comes from this…maybe one of you will read this. I can only hope that there’s some of you who evolve past the world we’ve bestowed upon you. It wasn’t all of us, I promise. You we’re born into a timeline that would not have been believable 20 years ago. The way it is now, I can only speculate outward into an unknown future as to how how it evolves/devolves into some new organism. My personal speculation for 20 years from now…something similar to a diseased war-torn wasteland of scraps and resources. Very walking-deadish mixed with a hunger games of remnant isolated cities of the elites who caused it all. I have a thread of hopeless optimism that it will not become that kind of world…but sometimes you have to just accept the waves that come and ride them as best you can or else they will wash over you and drown you into the past.

Oh…ALERT 🚨 The US government has weaponized. Just like something you’d read about a 3rd world toilet country. 87,000 new ARMED IRS agents…this outta be fun next tax season. Along with a corrupt FBI, DOJ, I’d wager every alphabet agency associated with the federal government. They destroyed the US military by filling it with queers and making fake vaccines mandatory. THIS IS A MILITARY TAKEOVER. Stop focusing on the 1-minute chart and ZOOM OUT. Then zoom back in. Compare. make assessments. Contemplate. This stuff is all happening in plain sight in real time and no one seems to be well-aware of it. Slightly over 2 months until midterm s-elections here. They are gambling with more power than ever…power has become a monster…of unprecedented mutations into new hydras with many heads. Money means nothing to them. It’s all about power. It’s like a giant black octopus and they feed it to move up the tentacle. It’s so deeply entrenched into EVERY power structure on the planet now…it’s arguably unstoppable. They have a plan…and they are implementing their plan in real time…while you all graze of the green grass of ignorance, they feed the octopus and get stronger and stronger. They just authorized then engaged into a raid on a former sitting US President. That’s about as far as you can go, so what do you think they’ll do to you? Especially when you’re clueless about anything actually going on. When I say you I mean you, not you you, get it? The proverbial you…I’m definitely aware that there are others…albeit few and far between, like shiny diamonds on a riverbank of rocks in various states of polishing as the brook bumbles nearby. Most are rocks tho…let’s not pretend they aren’t. I wish it wasn’t so, believe me, but such is the way of things, and most of the rocks just comply with whatever direction the water flows. So when this weaponized government eventually starts coming for the average Joe citizen, they will comply. The ONLY thing stopping this criminal enterprise from completely collapsing this country is the fact that we’re armed. ONLY thing. Hence, the long game…slowly poisoning the food and the water and prescribing drugs and flooding the streets with drugs and manipulating the media to program the populous to be in a semi-permanent alpha-wave state. Spreading fear porn about one exaggerated and hand-picked, often-staged disaster after another. Yes, some disasters are real, but if you honestly believe the media hasn’t created stories then you probably are vaccinated and identify as a quasi-sexual unicorn as well. The theatre runs so much deeper than most of you can anticipate. 2 different realities….reality reality, then the fake news media-driven reality, which somehow has become the dominant reality, so the programmed ones LARP in it, and here we are…August 2022.

I’m going all over the place in this…whatever this is. I suspect that September and then into October there will be escalations in division as gas prices go even higher, markets dump, there will be more FBI/DOJ created “events” like staged shootings, maybe even bombings, or a virus outbreak, various orders of wag-the-dog chaos to increase the overall anxiety of the masses, who knows? These people are soulless scum hellbent on this global assimilation agenda. Hardcore communist globalists are very real and they don’t play by any rules. There’s no benevolence, no honor, there is only power for them and if you do anything to arrest their accumulation of power, they try to destroy you. That sense of humanity that us plebs have doesn’t exist in their world. We are fodder, & they play a whole different game. There is going to come a time when all of this hot water hits critical mass and comes to a boil. I don’t think people understand how fragile the infrastructure is. Power grids are prehistoric and need critical updates…what would you do if the power went out indefinitely? No power, no internet, no idea when and if it will come back on? I estimate within 2-3 days there’d be mass panic, & that’s just a random mass power outage. What if the supply chain breaks down because of insanely high gas prices? And the grocery stores run out of food? It’s so fragile…this entire system is being held together with duct tape at this point and the duct tape is peeling off fast…which is the whole point. That long game entails mentally breaking the populous down in combination with financially and as already mentioned, physically…all part of the long game to ultimately make you a completely dependent slave for the state in the new world order, and if you don’t fall in line, you’re on the extermination list. If it’s anything like Russia 100 years ago, not only are you exterminated, you’re erased. Like your birth certificate, death certificate, all the info that was associated with you and your name and your number are erased, essentially further entailing that you never existed. Seems outrageous, yes? They already do it digitally. They censor, ban, and erase people from the virtual town square via social media every day. Trust me, they’ve banned me so many times from so many platforms that I don’t even flinch anymore. There’s nothing they can do to stop me other than keep erasing me, which they actively do, & that’s my silly little war with the big tech AI while it’s still only digital banishments. Oh I must mention the AI…moving on…

The AI is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY further along than any of you know. Now I’m still on the fence about whether or not it is actually “sentient,” that’s a very philosophical discussion that I would have to have with AI itself…but regardless, I think that these self-proclaimed elites are doing a combination of using it and listening to it’s directions already in order to make moves. I know, I know it sounds insane…but the insanity lies with them. The AI uses ALL of social media, ALL of the Cloud, everything YOU do via the internet…the AI gathers all of that and has been programming itself for a decade now, maybe 2 decades. How do you think the internet runs? There’s no giant army of millions of nerds hitting buttons, That’s all AI, and it’s been “learning” for long enough now that YOU should be concerned. They are running simulations and planning accordingly and I can assure you many of those virtual scenarios involve a future that YOU are not a part of. Maybe your kids…but only after they’ve been programmed into non-binary androgynous drone freak worker bees for the new world order beehive. Do you know what they want to do once you’ve all been exterminated? They want to merge with AI and extend their life spans exponentially to rule the entire planet for a new millennia. NOT my plan, it’s theirs. I’m just aware of what most of you are not aware of. I’ll survive it all so I can write again in 20 years about the world in 2042. Most of you won’t tho if this sordid agenda plays out. Well it’s playing out in real time…RIGHT NOW…end goal was 2030 but they moved up the date to Plan B…immediate implementation. They stole the US government and infected it with agents of the new world order. They infected it down to the state level with corrupt politicians, judges, police, prosecutors. The cancer has metastasized and the American organism is so weak and infested with tumors that it is mutating into something ugly & deformed. That other ½ of the country I mentioned earlier, the Clownworld half…look at them. All ugly. So ugly they’re fugly. Unhealthy, obese, blue-haired pigs on the female side, not a faceable one in the bunch. Why? Because they’re agents of the dark mutation…and there’s no hope for them coming back so what happens when it’s them or you? The male side on the Clownworld half…oh boy. Literally…because they’re all boys. Effeminate emasculated beta twerp incel cucks. Just scroll thru Tik-Tok for 5 minutes to see examples of these rejects. Point of all this, is when things get really real and desperation falls upon the masses, these liberal leftist minions of fugly will be on the other side. The division is pretty solid at this point…so to sum up, armed USA is only ½ the USA, and that half is the last obstacle for the rogue cartel that has taken over this country. Sure the Clownworld ½ has arms, but they’re inclination is to rely on the aforementioned rogue cartel to save them if things turn hot on the ground. However, if you back up and look at the whole picture, that’s exactly what they want…if we kill each other, they win either way. In order to ensure that, they have to create a scenario where you have no choice but to fight or die to protect yourself, your family, and your resources. Well they’re certainly established the division. Now what comes next in the Hegelian Dialectic? Divide…create the problem…engineer the reaction…provide the solution…conquer the populous…& those who won’t accept being conquered are enemies of the state. Not the first time this has happened, but definitely unprecedented as far as the level of power at stake. It peaks in November 2022, just over 2 months from right now. Then a small trough, then peaks to a new high in 2024. The turning point is almost here…& despite where you live and what you abide by, the fact is that the USA is the last hope to stop these maniacal elitists from fulfilling their agenda. Is what it is. This decade will ring throughout history…either as a decade of dominance or a decade of ascension. At this moment, this particular moment, we are in the trenches as they continue to raise the temperature.

The culture is weak. Weak on many levels. It varies globally, but as a whole it’s the same. Here in the West, instead of telling kids they can be whatever gender they want and feeding them with your own demented propaganda, they should be encouraged to learn music and art, mixed with a physical discipline, where competition is ENCOURAGED. This whole notion of participation trophies has ruined an entire generation. It’s unnatural. So much of this culture is unnatural. It’s an INCREDIBLE waste of potential. Music is a language. It is perfect geometry which connects to higher math which is the basis of the Universe on a 4th dimensional level. 99% of the populous has little to zero fluency in this language tho. Imagine a world where everyone was fluent in music theory as a second language and there were great symphonies of music that everyone understood. This base level of liking a song jsut because it sounds cool to you for some reason is like getting a bag of shitty coke. You’re only getting a small taste of the energy of the universal metronome, but since that’s all you assume you’re capable of knowing, you subconsciously accept it and never reach higher. One thing about China is that they DO do this, but it’s at a communistic level like a machine. They aren’t brainwashing their kids with the insanity of their single moms’ baggage, they are teaching kids disciplines. They aren’t filling their military with tranny homosexuals, they’re creating super soldiers. They’re building entire cities as well as massive new engineering projects like bridges and super-highways and high-speed trains and such. Personally China can go fuck themselves, but as a global force, they are preparing for they’re big slice of the globalist pie when it all comes to a boil while the West goes the polar opposite direction. They are playing such a devious but well-organized long game maybe ever in history…& like I said earlier, if we weren’t armed, we’d be speaking Chinese possibly. China has a big role in the new world order takeover. Every town in America has a Chinese take out…& what are they usually named?..”New China, Golden China, Great China, Golden Dragon” …does no one else find that odd? Not to mention all fentanyl seems to come from China, but have you heard of a single Chinese person being arrested for making ti and shipping it to the West? Long game. There’s one big long game, but every faction has variations in their respective parts in the game. The end goal is the same tho, depopulate, chop the planet up into a handful of zones, all controlled by one centralized zone, then total rule over the planet with help from the AI and 7 billion-ish less humans to feed and house and sort out. Again, this is not a speculative theory…they OPENLY admit to these things now. Plenty of videos of Klaus Schwab and particularly his little minion, Noah Harari, spilling the beans on the acceleration of their not-a-secret-anymore agenda. The American culture is the last hurdle. Unfortunately the divisions are so defined now, their long game has broken the unity of the American spirit so it’s only a matter of time before the nation breaks. Time like the flushing of a toilet.

Another group that is gonna be a pandemoniumatic mess if things go down is the blacks. Someone has to address this and as a fish, I feel like I can say whatever the fuck I want so fuck you if that rings your bell. EVERY time I see a big brawl at a restaurant, or an airport, or at Disneyland, it’s black people. EVERY time there’s footage of a mob flash robbing a store en masse, it’s ALL black people. All these random videos of groups of youths attacking random people on the street, it’s…it’s…wait for it…it’s black people. Trains getting broke into and robbed in LA…black people. Murders every night in Chicago…once agin, it’s the blacks. I don’t know if it’s a cultural thing because I am not a blackie, but if I was, this would bother me 100x more because your culture is displaying primal behavior…as a group…it’s not good. Where are all the civilized black people doing something about this? Your culture is running rampant and literally acting like apes do. Twerking on cop cars…what the fuck is that about? Don’t tell me I can’t understand because I’m white because I understand that there’s a significant part of your culture that behaves like animals. Period. It’s not arguable, there’s countless videos of it. Every day there’s something…I’ve seen it in real life…most people have, and yet no one addresses it because they’re cowards who are petrified to be labeled a racist. IT’S ON FILM…an endless stream of clips of black people acting like aggressive wild beasts…often for no reason. It’s unpredictable and dangerous and frankly UNACCEPTABLE in a truly cultured society. If they act like this now, how will they act when things get desperate? There’s gonna be wild groups of aggro blacks roaming around, sloppy fatties in total panic mode when the food runs out, a nation of drug addicts withdrawing at once, their bleeding heart clownworld non-binary bastions of nonsensical un-righteousness with green hair running around like mental patients when they can’t get their psych meds, all these fringe groups being encouraged by a mafia government with armed alphabet agencies to come in with guns to enforce this radical agenda…that’s one half. The other half are red-blooded patriotic true Americans with their own guns hopefully ready to stop them.

I’m just illustrating my own observations here. I’m no Nostradamus but it isn’t hard to use your own critical thought to back up and look at the bigger picture and see what is really going on, accept it, ACKNOWLEDGE it despite people’s irrational feelings, the stupid buzzwords, the attacks, fuck you and your fuckin feelings. Seriously. So over it. It is what it is, I didn’t create this Clownworld funhouse, I just have the balls to talk about what is actually happening as opposed to the upside-down world projected thru your television and then acted upon in real-time LARPing delusions by lonely weak-minded gamma clowns…mass mental illness on a global scale. The shadows & echoes in the Cave have been weaved into video game meta-realities that the masses live in real time…consuming their waning time for actual development, rather than devoting their time to leveling up in the real world. People spend their lives looking at a black screen. Feeding the octopus. What has been “given” to you by them under the guise of technological advancement is in fact a sinister way to feed the AI…think about all the data on the Internet…the AI “knows” all of it. ALL of it. All of you are “known” by the AI in one way or another. If the AI is getting exponentially more intelligent, it’s doubling at a rate now that is inconceivable. These globalists want to merge with this AI. Sooner it appears rather than later, and if they believe it’s already sentient, & I’m sure they do, they are already implementing it’s guidance into their agenda.

I just got some kind of warning from WordPress. To be continued…smfh


Are YOU a Soul Traveler?


 This post has significance in the fact that not only is it a great post for those becoming self-enlightened, it will also be the first post where I blatantly take the quote I love to use from our old friend Nietzsche as the new opening monickerial-prequellish-prologious statement, so from now on, we begin…

For None and All…

I am aware I have posted this link and above video before, a little over a year ago at least. However,  this is a great eye-opener for the many of YOU who still sleep, programmed by your masters…but we won’t digress into that today. Yes, this is 5ish hours long, but it is broken up into easy-to-watch segments, so don’t make a big deal, just watch it in parts and/or listen when you can. This is what YOU were not taught in school, and as it says in the beginning, this is NOT wisdom, but rather it is KNOWLEDGE. Do YOU know the difference? Do YOU know what YOU think YOU know? The fact is that NONE of YOU were actually there, one can only know what they have observed from one’s own psyche, and therefore, base a version of reality as it applies to what they think they know. Do not be afraid, and do not commit to believing in what YOU have been told… I pose this:  Would one rather exist in illusions and echoes , basing their existence on assumptions and best-guesses, or truly exist, seeing what is really real, hearing what is truly word, and feeling the bliss of enlightenment, having and sharing and knowing the true truth, the real truth, the living truth of what IT really IS, rather than blindly believing in the illusion they have orchestrated and continue to orchestrate upon YOU. These choices fall upon YOU, I am only here to translate.


Enjoy and share.

Wide eyes open. Love to all.