Linus & Lucy

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Cosmic Dreamer 🌌🍥

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RIP PeeWee 🔥🙏🏻🔥

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The Fooze: S5E18 5/18/2023 My Only Friend

This is the end…dumdumdumdummmmm…my on-ly friend, the end, as sultry as it gets, with the voice of Mr. Mojo Risin in my head…dumdumdumdummmmm, beau-ti-ful friend, the end. No safety, or surprise, nope, there’s neither when you die, no safety, but also, no surprise, as if you subconsciously know you’ve done this before, countless times most likely, but you can’t really KNOW, can you? Some people say they remember & can even recall their past lives sometimes, but I think most of those people are mental patients. However, maybe not all of them are mentally ill, & perhaps, just perhaps, they’re truly able to remember and/or recall their past incarnations into Earth school. Yes, that’s what this seems to be, especially according to Hans Wilhelm. He has a great channel on YouTube, which I’ll link for you now…click HERE to watch Hans Wilhelm, or just click the video below. The FisH™ abides, & you know this Fishheads.

If we’re really in an “Earth School,” I wonder what the bad people are here for? Why is the school ruled by elitist tyrant psychopathic self-serving scum? They just seem to be flunking out, if you’re supposed to be improving, so why are they still in school? I’m not dismissing Hans here, not at all, but like these new-agers, it’s often difficult to digest what they’re selling, because one, they write books to sell about their respective subjects so of course they’re going to argue the validity of what they’ve written, & two, Hans hasn’t died & come back to bring us this knowledge, so where did it come from? Was he just bestowed this wealth of information from God himself? Nah, I don’t think so. People base their entire lives around a specific topic, write books about said topic, & thus, will promote their notion as feverishly as they can, to make more of that paper I-O-U monopoly money, to serve themselves, rather than you, even under the guise of pretending to serve you, Just saying.

Anyway, before I begin this by going off right off the tracks out of the gate, let’s discuss DMT. Quite a substance, widely misunderstood, very under-researched, in my opinion. It’s bizarre to me that it’s illegal, considering everyone has some in their body at all times. Yep, right there inside your pineal gland, is DMT, but if you have extracted DMT, that’s a felony, the same as if they caught you with dope. If you know anything about drugs, you’ll know quite well, that DMT & ANY opiates aren’t even the same sport. Nothing similar, except if you get caught with them, then it’s the same charge essentially. Don’t get me started on the drug laws in this country, and/or in the world, for that matter. It’s such a joke, this “war on drugs,” & it hasn’t done anything except exacerbate drug use, the opposite of what they’re claiming to do. Throw in the hard times, joblessness, homelessness, hopelessness, then on top of that, access to cheap hard drugs, & you get what we have now, a national dystopia, homeless tents everywhere, bums flying signs everywhere, open drug use abounding, & this is only the beginning, albeit surprisingly, but yes, still in its nascent stages somewhat. Oh, you think it CAN’T get worse? Think again, & remember that you read it here first, when the time comes, but remember that you read right here that Trump will either be dead or incarcerated when election 2024 time comes. There’s NO way they will let him fly, & when he’s removed from the equation, so to speak, it’s going to demoralize ½ the country, & then you’ll see true national disintegration on all levels. Meanwhile the other ½ of the country, the “woke” retarded half, is going to celebrate while the country finally burns all the way down, like little rainbow-haired Neros. They put pseudo-POTUS braindead Brandon in there for one reason, ONE reason, & do you know what that reason is? To destroy this country. Period.

If Biden runs, & cheats & wins again, the country is done. If somehow Trump is still in the equation, & wins, the country is done. If ANY Democrat wins, the country is done. If ANY Republican wins, the country is done. Bottom line: THE COUNTRY IS DONE FOR FUCK’S SAKE. Sure, it’s still wrestling its own death throes right now, & if you’re down here at the bottom, you definitely are well-aware, but it’s getting worse by the day. The border is wide open too, & I think there are like a million or so illegals, ready to walk on across, or rather, get escorted across by the border patrol. You cannot have a country without borders, SECURED borders…duh, how is this so difficult to comprehend?…unless…they’re doing/allowing it, on purpose, could that be the case? Could that be the real truth of the matter? Methinks it is, ALL of this madness, all intentionally orchestrated to leave this country a pile of smoldering ashes, in place of where a once-great country once stood proudly. Remember those times? Hell, it’s been so long now, that the memories are fading. Great childhood memories of playing outside with my friends, & not a cell phone in sight. Minus the over-bearing bad memories from clueless baby boomer drill seargeant parents, I have many good memories of being with my friends. Sadly, I had to leave them all when I was 10, to move, & all my friends were suddenly gone.

Enough of that though, let’s talk about Demetrius, AKA DMT, “the spirit molecule.” The first time I did it, I was gonna just do a point, then another point. A “point” just means a 10th of a gram, & most often, that’s how its distributed, in these “points,” so I loaded up my first point ever, then said “fuck it,” & threw the other point into a waterless bong, because I didn’t want to miss anything by filtering the smoke through water, and/or not doing enough. Later on, I found out that the water doesn’t really matter, but this was like 20 years ago, & I didn’t know much, other than that it took you to another dimension, which fascinated me, so I found myself some, & was preparing for my premier “blast-off.” At last, here it was, the moment, the moment when I first soul-traveled real proper like, to a place I had never been before, or so I thought. More on that in a minute. Here we go, let’s fucking do this. Light it up, inhale, blast number one, hold, hold, exhale, light up number two, inhale, hold, hold, exhale, something feels weird, last blast, inhale, hold, hold, HOLD, bye bye, & my rocketship lifted off the launchpad. In a stereotypical report, I indeed, “blasted off,” oh yes, I blasted right the fuck off, WHOOSH. I don’t recall “hearing,” anything, as some people report the sound of something similar to an oncoming train, but nope, I didn’t “hear” any of that. I just felt like I was going to die, but only for a brief moment, because right after I felt that feeling, I just said to myself, “fuck it, I’ll die then,” & just let go, & then it got all warm & fuzzy. I was safely in my rocketship; not an actual rocketship, obviously, mind you, but the way I was like…flying, for lack of a better word, felt like I was in one, or on a roller coaster, you get the point, right? WHOOSH LEFT, WHOOSH RIGHT, these seemingly endlessly turning fractal hallways, I was in an invisible V-2 rocket just taking in these 90-degree turning hallways, which seemed to go on forever, kind of like the backrooms, which I had no clue about back then so there’s no way that could be a residual visual from something I had previously seen. incidentally, I find it interesting that you experience yourself doing this, as an observer AND a participant. Despite that, there I was, in my body, but not in my body, just blasting my way through this labyrinth, for maybe a million years, but this was only the first minute or so in 4d time, back here on 3d Earth. Now that I know what I know, I wonder if DMT blasts you out of The Great Mouse Trap, that I’ve mentioned on here ad nauseam, but I digress. POOF…& suddenly, I was out, & I seemed to be floating, just floating in some kind of void, that resembles rainbow diamonds, but in a gaseous liquid form, but that wasn’t the truly mind-blowing part.

The truly mind-blowing part, was when these rainbow diamonds started talking to me. I’m not sure how I could hear them, per se, because I was basically in a dream, so how were my ears “hearing” things?…hence why I say it was dream-like, very surreal, but I was exceptionally lucid, like as sober as it gets, & a sense of “being home,” know what I mean? These rainbow diamonds were everywhere, & nowhere, one, & all, & they all “knew” me, & I “knew” them, but how? Where the fuck was I? What the fuck is this? Grrrrr…anger…rage…darkness…oh wait, none of that resonates here, here in the Interzone, the real Interzone, or so I thought. More on that later; I haven’t finished this one yet, & so, now I knew why I felt like I was “home,”…because I WAS, I was home, & these entities knew this, & knew me, & I knew them, & I had no ego, only my self, my true soul self, & along with these morphing rainbow diamonds, I realized I was somewhere that I somehow thought of as “home.” How though? It didn’t matter, at least in those moments, it meant nothing, & I had ZERO negative thoughts, ZERO negative inclinations, it was truly as if my ego was gone. The mask was off, & I was free, free from The Great Mouse Trap. Any sense of time is completely distorted there, so I can’t really say how long I was in this strange space, with these strange beings, that somehow knew me, talked to me telepathically, as I floated in their pool, or maybe it was MY pool. If I was really “home,” wouldn’t it be MY pool? I don’t know, but I didn’t get a sense of any mine or yours there, & I “remembered,” somehow I remembered this place, from some other time in some other dimension, but it fleets like a leash of foxes, & then your heart breaks, as there’s a WHOOSH kind of noise, mixed with a sucking sort of sound, & my eyes open, & I’m back, back here I this awfully corrupted 3d space. It’s over, it’s all over, for this unknown soldier.

It’s actually not, not quite over just yet. I had a few similar experiences, but only a handful, 3-4 times maybe, I can’t be sure. I have periods in my life that are completely redacted in my head. Like giant black lines, so I cannot read some memories, due to the details being blacked out by some celestial sharpie. I’m just going to illustrate my last blast, the monster, the smell of decaying flesh filling the air, as I threw around 6.66 points into my tube. That was weighed out intentionally, which may have had a real effect, so to speak, once the journey commenced, & commence it did. You cannot overdose on DMT, at least that’s what I read, so what’s the worst that could happen? My old mantra rose lie a phoenix, chanting, “Fuck it…fuck it,”…& so…fuck it, let’s do this. This time I was using a small bubbler, like the ones junkies smoke meth out of, & just added a little water for a light, very-light, filter. This time I’d be cooking it up with a torch too, not a lighter, because that torch gives it a perfect…transformation, from solid to gas, & that gas is what fuels the rocketship, so let’s get that torch on her, shall we? I told this story in another post, but considering the subject material of this article, it’s appropriate that I retell it again, which I’m about to do. Everyone clear? Solid, I add some gas to my torch, crank it up about halfway, then back off, just to make sure she’s flaming hot. Then dump the pre-weighed devil’s dose of 0.666 grams of DMT, right into her little nest there, oh yes, come forth from these eggs little birds, & sing the song of the galaxy to me…but…if you want to know how the song goes, you’ll have to click HERE, and/or the GIF below. What did the angels say, to yours truly? Find out by clicking below…

Yep, but what did they mean? What? What, is not for me? The Great Recycler? Or maybe it was all just in my DMT-blasted brain? I don’t know, but if you clicked the links above, & read my final DMT story, you’ll know specifically what they said to me, which left me much more confused than before. I don’t know, none of this makes sense to me really anymore, & all of these journeys, on top of just waking up & going through another un-normal day here in Clownworld(honk noise), are really giving me mind fatigue. I wish I could just paint, paint & write, & that could be my life. Wouldn’t that be amazing? If I was born into royalty, I could do that, & get paid for all my art. Or…if I was somehow just born into the world of celebrity, even as one of their kids, I could just paint, & write, all day, every day, & that would fly, no problem. Down here though, it’s futile at best, & just corny at worst, but it matters not, since the AI won’t let me market anything online, & no one knows, and/or cares who I am, so it looks as though I’m expected to get yet another actual hourly job, doing something I hate, interacting with people I cannot resonate with, both customers & coworkers, I can’t do bosses, I kind of hate money, mostly because apparently I’m too dumb to figure out how to get more, but the point is, I cannot do regular “worker bee” jobs anymore. No offense, & this is totally on me, & I’m not directing this and/or disrespecting any actual worker bees out there, but I can’t do it, not anymore. I sucked it up, tried to be humble about my sordid situation, & got fired, by kids, half my age. This bullshit sucks, to be honest, & the days are swirling away, like a flushing toilet…18th, 19th, 20th, 30th, then the end of the month, & maybe the end…like the END end.

I’m having these terrible visions of something happening with my car & myself, if I try to make the journey home at this time. It’s kind of paralyzing, these flashes, & these scenarios that illustrate themselves inside my head, my car crashing, my car not crashing, me cruising into my hometown, me not cruising into my hometown. I suppose I just half to chalk it up to road trip anxiety, but when I try that mindset, it feels like I’m the guy in the horror movie that says some dumb shit, & he gets hosed first, know what I mean? Nah, it’s just road trip nervousness, & it’ll pass over the next few days, which are going to be rough regardless. I have to detox from smoking; that’s right, no more smoking for this fish, it has to be done, but it’s going to be very difficult, like VERY difficult, because these little cancer sticks are all ya got sometimes, & for my fucked-off life, sometimes means “all the time,” sometimes. Well well well, would you look at that, I’ve found today’s quote for The Great Quote Hunt. That one is definitely a keeper….”Sometimes, means ‘all the time,’ sometimes.” Nice, but I digress…now where was I? Oh yeah, the drive home, across the country, for the fourth time, the FOURTH time, which seems like a lot, unless you’re a seasoned trucker, but my goal was to get Kerouac by one, & this would the 1st half of the 4th trip, if I ever decide to come back out here. Technically then, it will be 3 & ½ trips, but I’m just rolling with calling it the 4th trip, because this one is significant, oh yes, quite significant, in the sense that I haven’t been home in nearly 7 years…SEVEN years, man, where does it all go? Why does it all go so fast? It’s fucking sad, like heartbreakingly sad, & I don’t even have any friends anymore really, my family is a mess, as far as I’m concerned anyway. I’m the black sheep, the LONE black sheep, by far, & it’s not a title I’m proud of, believe me. More like the Black Cow anyway, just blasting my gas away, & also the title of one of the greatest songs ever written by the legendary Steely Dan, & part of what is arguably the greatest album ever, Aja.

My point is, I’m out, almost of resources, down to a beat up car. Just my cat & I, & whatever else I have left to keep putting gas in the tank. Gotta be out by the end of the month, so where to go, where to go, what to do? My little donate link is over there on the right, if you open this up into “full-site mode,” from your phone. Since I’m ridiculously shadowbanned on this site, & everywhere else, I’m think maybe 10 people total will read any of this, or even bother to check it out. Or…I could just be a shitty, whiny, bitchy, little non-man writer, who’s stuck in a schizophrenic hell of delusions & wishful thinking? I think crazy people do NOT know they’re crazy, so what the fuck is going on with me? Why can’t I get along with certain people, it’s crazy. Even the close ones, I always say/do something to fuck up my relationships with people. All kinds of relationships, of course, not just the sexual ones with the ladies. I haven’t cared and/or bothered about that in such a long time, it’s like I could care less. I had so much, so many different girls, too many, ruined me, completely ruined myself dealing with in & out slags in this modern-day hookup culture. It’s fucking gross, & it makes me not want any part of it, like ever. In fact, I could care less if I never get pussy again, because I just don’t care…I don’t, & I could care less what women say to me in general, to be quite frank. The place I just got fired from, me & all the dudes got along great, no issues ever, but enter 2 twats, & the whole dynamic dies, then who gets the boot for it? That’s right, yours truly does. Of course, the dude managers are full of sugar & soy & faggotry, so they simp for these 2 retarded girls, & beep-bop-boop, hire & fire the new guy. I was pretty hopeless before for an answer, but now, geez, maybe there’s no answer, or maybe I’m looking at the wrong place, or this stupid map is wrong, I don’t know…GAHHHHHHHHHHHH…I don’t know anything, anything really, & I hate it. So much time, time I can never get back, time gone…gone gone gone, like an after dinner fart, it lingers, then it’s gone..

Oy vey, do I digress. Never fails, does it? Oh well, just more drivel to peruse someday in the future when I’m long gone & worm food, maybe my niece & nephew’s kids will have all of my work, either on usb drives or in hard copy. I’d love to do hard copy, of ALL of my work, so it’s never lost in case the power turns off. Also, it would be very surreal, for me anyway, to see 5000ish pages of my writings, my contribution to society, these words, sometimes harsh, sometimes vulnerable, sometimes dead inside seemingly, but nonetheless, I continue my pilgrimage to this literary shrine of mine daily, to deliver my daily article. This one is part 4 of 4…& now…it is done. Until next time dear readers, when the meat is cooked, take it off of the grill. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“When the meat is cooked, turn off the grill. Fish F Fish🎏

“Sometimes, means ‘all the time,’ sometimes.” Fish F Fish 🎏

The Fooze: S3 E25 3/25/2023 Sleep Revisited

As promised, we’re revisiting the topic of sleep in this Saturday Foozer. The FisH™ abides, as always, & as most people do, I find this topic fascinating, so I copied & pasted the first part of the last article below, which opens up the discussion about the phenomenon of sleeping, to get us all back on the same page. Get it? Got it? Great, thanks for playing.

Today, on this delicious daily Foozer, I’m going to talk about many peoples’ favorite thing…sleep. What exactly is sleep though? It’s so surreal, isn’t it?(pun intended)…& why do I say that? Well, you feel tired and/or fatigued, so you lay down, then you close your eyes, & you go unconscious, with 100% confidence that you’ll wake back up. It’s a bit like dying, one would think, but I can only presume that since I haven’t actively died, & anyone who has in fact died, cannot come back to report on the similarities & differences, minus those intriguing cases of NDEs, Near Death Experiences. Those reports are all over the place, but one thing they ALL have in common, is that they even happen at all. The fact that they DO happen, implies that “existence” does not end after death, right? Are these NDEs just the brain releasing the last big dose of DMT before POOF, lights out? Is it lights out forever? Foreversure seems like a long time, doesn’t it? Where were you before you were born here? Lost in “forever?” How is any notion of “time” perceived in forever? Why does time, as we experience it here in 3d, seemingly irrelevant when you’re asleep & dreaming? As you sleep though, time appears to fly, back here in an awakened world of 3d space, so a 3-hour power nap can appear as though you passed out & woke up relatively instantaneously, or even stranger, it can go the other way, & you might have some kind of epically long dream that condenses itself into 3 hours of time as it relates to the 3d plane. As I mentioned earlier, it’s all quite surreal, isn’t it?(same pun intended again)

It’s quite fearless of us, is it not? Let me repeat this…you get tired, you feel like closing your eyes, so you lay down, then you just go dark for a bit, until you reawaken in a dream. Often in these dreams, at least in my own experiences, I have abilities I do not have here in the 3d world. I’ve had dreams where I can fly, as easy as walking. I’ve flown in my dreams as if it were second nature, & somehow I was in the mindset that this was “normal.” How is that possible? I’ve been to places I know, but have never been to in the waking world. I’ve mingled with people I somehow know, but have never met when conscious. People I know quite well in fact, but how, who are these much-loved people? Where are these places that I go? How the fuck can I FLY in dreams, but am stuck to the ground back here when my eyes open back up? Do you all have similar experiences? I’m sure you do, as I have read many books, articles, & watched videos about dreaming, collecting all of the knowledge I can about this most-intriguing subject. It’s so fascinating, & I have my own notions as to what the dream world actually is, & I italicize “is,” because it’s tough to define what IS actually is, when one is dreaming. It seems as real as anything you do in the world you exist in when you’re awakened, does it not, but why?

Here’s my interpretation of what dreaming really is; are you ready Fishheads? Okay, good, here we go. First, let’s break down the dimensions we currently exist in. We all know this is 3d space, the 3rd dimension, a slowly-vibrating dimension where matter condenses into a material world that we can all touch & feel & see & smell & hear & taste, limited to the proverbial 5 senses, right? Here in 3d spatiality, we are all pulled “forward,” by the 4th dimension of time, which is a temporal dimension. Spatial dimensions follow the Fibonacci sequence, as in 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21, etc…& the numbers between are temporal dimensions, which “move” the sequence. Since we are in the 3rd spatial dimension, we are subject to the 4th temporal dimension of time, seemingly pulling us forward, if you will. Forward toward where though? The “future?” No, not exactly. Think about it, use your noodle, as they say, think about what number comes next? Five, & since that’s the next Fibonacci number, it’s also the next spatial dimension. This is where the 4th dimension of time is pulling us, back to 5d, where we originally originated from, before we “fell,” down here to this 3rd dimension. 5d is NOT subject to the temporality of our 4d time; it’s subject to the laws of 6th & 7th dimension temporal time, which is impossible for us to comprehend other than mathematically and/or just thinking it aloud, as I’m doing right now for all of you, dear readers.

What does this have to do with dreaming though? Great question, thanks for asking. Keep in mind, this is MY theory, & mine alone. String theory breaks it down to 11 dimensions, but I think this is grossly incorrect. There are technically infinite dimensions, but after the 13th, it’s total chaos, at least it is to us. So let’s refresh…Fibonacci numbers represent SPATIAL dimensions, dimensions where consciousness can manifest itself to gather experience to bring back to the Source. I speculate that Source is an 8th or 13th dimensional entity, & something we can scarcely comprehend at all, so don’t bother trying, but I digress. Okay, so for our purposes, let’s keep it to the dimensions we CAN understand from way down here. We are in 3d space, being pulled back to 5d space by 4th dimensional temporality. When we sleep, & when we dream, our consciousness experiences 3d, 4d, AND 5d at the same time. 3d as it relates to our fundamental understanding of what it means to exist here in 3d space, & 5d where 4d time has no effect, thus explaining the time distortions one experiences as they doze. You can fall asleep, sleep 3 hours, & wake up like it’s a minute later, or, you can have a multi-day adventure as you doze in the same 3 hours of time. One never knows, because 4d time is completely askew, thanks to a portion of your consciousness existing in 5d space as well. Being able to fly, going places you’ve never been in 3d space, knowing people you’ve never met here in 3d space, that’s all 5d. there’s a 5d YOU, your higher soul self, you might say, but you cannot totally reconnect with your 5d self until you die. You can touch it, be partially there when you sleep and/or do certain hallucinogenic substances to dip your toes into the boundless 5d ocean, but you cannot stay, unfortunately, at least not as far as we know anyway, not until you cut the silver cord.

Keep in mind, I’m no physicist or anything like that, & I base these notions on my own trips to the Interzone, bringing back the knowledge I discover there. I snatched that word from William S. Burroughs. He used it to describe the world he went to when he was intoxicated on the needle. Essentially, the world you experience when you use your 3rd eye to see, that’s the Interzone. This is where I discovered the Fibonacci connection to the 3d world we exist in, the 4d time pulling us “forward,” & the 5d space from whence we descended so very long ago. 5d is eternal, as far as we know, & you can think of it as being in a dream forever, a dream where you have ALL of your faculties returned to you, as well as your memory of your eternal soul self, & all the 3d lifetimes you’ve had prior to the one you’re in now. Dreaming gives us a peek into where we’re going, by revealing to us where we’re originally from. Make sense, or are you all totally confused?

I could spend 10000 pages rambling about 5d; I technically have, because if you dive into my archives here, you’ll find that I’ve illustrated the Fibonacci connection to dimensions countless times, so get froggy & jump into my archives. I didn’t write nearly 5000 pages of this drivel for nothing, did I? I don’t know, maybe I did, but nonetheless, that’s gonna do it for this daydreamy Saturday Foozer. Until next time dear readers, life is so temporary, amazingly short-lived once you’ve returned back to 5d, so savor the flavor of 3d, while you’re still here. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Savor the flavor of 3d, while you’re still stuck here.” Fish F Fish🎏