Hyperbole…Word of the Day

First off, DO NOT sign up for Obamacare. Fuck this puppet fascist president and his globalist pig scum agenda. I repeat, DO NOT REGISTER. Continuing on…the word of the day being zapped right at you is Hyperbole (<<<CLICK<<<). Yes I am sure many of you know the term, but do you know the definition? You’d be surprised, or maybe you wouldn’t, as to just how few out of a random selection of the populous know what this word means. Ask 10 random people. Anyway, it’s very simple, if you clicked the word above, or you already know, then take what YOU know and share to those who do not know. Especially a word like hyperbole, which is a term intertwined inside nearly every conversation you have. When you say, “damn, it’s hotter than hell out,”… that’s hyperbole, just an exaggeration to point out a strong sentiment towards something. Now think, how many times do YOU yourself do this daily? Now think how often you hear others do it. Now think about how often hyperbole is over-used to emphasize factuality when in fact there is a lack of factuality present. See where I am going?…Many of these sites that offer information use hyperbole as a tool to garner belief toward whatever notions they are presenting at the time. YOU must be aware of this when researching, YOU must be able to see through exaggerations to find out what is really true and what is not. Do YOU understand? I’m sure YOU do, now use this day to pay attention to the hyperbole around you as well as your own hyperbole. Maybe even use hyperbole in a sentence, but the point is just to be cognizant of hyperbole, now that YOU have recalled what hyperbole is. And as mentioned earlier, if YOU already know, great, good for YOU, so what are YOU doing with your knowledge? Hoarding it for yourself?…or sharing and trying to help others help themselves? Remember Plato’s Cave(<<<CLICK<<<)… even under the price of death, it is the task of the enlightened to risk descending back to those still trapped inside shadows and echoes, in order to help them ascend and free themselves from their own shackles. Are YOU outside of the cave, in the enlightenment of the Sun? Or are YOU still content being locked inside your prison? It’s up to YOU, not me, I am only here to show YOU the way. YOU must choose to walk through the door, here is YOUR key, what will YOU do? More to come, wide eyes open. Love to all. 

Blinded by the Light

Did it work? Just a flashy GIF that you all might enjoy, from a friend of mine named MiRon. Find him on Tumblr. Feel free to use if you want, just drag it into your medium. Possibly my shortest post ever…I’m not writing anything insightful here, so just look at the pretty colors and smile. Sometimes it’s better to just feel…no thinking. And if you happened to get re-directed HERE to this post, instead of healthcare.gov, Der Fuhrer Obama’s official website for this bullshit Affordable Health Care crap, it was intentional. DO NOT REGISTER. Don’t give in like a slave, YOU all should know better by now. Fuck this puppet president and his pig scum globalist regime….but I digress. Enjoy the animation. Cheers. Wide eyes open. Love to all.