I Know Where the Damn Plane Is…



 That’s right dear readers/watchers/friends/brothers/sisters yours truly knows what happened to missing Malaysia Flight 370… do YOU want to know? If I were to tell you, you wouldn’t believe me, so I am not going into much detail, but rest assured, the plane and all of the passengers and crew are quite safe and warm, waiting until the time is right to let all of YOU know what happened to them. In the meantime…

What has this missing plane distracted and continues to distract you all from?… Well, all of the news on Ukraine has been conveniently backburnered, as well as the crisis in Venezuela, as well as the crisis in Thailand, as well as the crisis in Spain, as well as the crises in Africa, a recorded plot to commit a false flag act of war in Syria, bankers jumping to their deaths left and right, you see what I am getting at?…while the fake news MSM keeps distracting you all with this bullshit story about a “missing” plane, there are important events unfolding around the globe that YOU aren’t being told about. Why? Why would/do they do this?

Because as I have told you all many, many, many times before, the MSM is nothing but propagandistic controlled scripted crap perpetrated by the same globalist pig scum who run the whole show behind the scenes. They don’t want YOU to know what they know. Just keep eating bad food, drinking bad water, watching television, and doing everything you can to take any focus off of what should be number one….YOU. The only “madness” occurring this March is watching 85 to 90% of you continue grazing on the green grass of ignorance that they keep feeding you. Just eat it up, question nothing, and follow the orders of your masters, when all along, the choice rests within YOU whether or not you want to continue being part of the sheeple herd, or choose for yourselves to be a shepherd. Again, up to YOU, not me.

So as the days continue to tick off faster and faster and faster as we all exponentially encroach upon zero point, the crap they will keep broadcasting to you will further drive the herd into an oblivion of shadows and echoes. What will YOU do? Will you continue to eat shitty processed GMO food? Will you continue drinking the water without question? Will you finally turn off your fucking television and get back into Nature? Again I inquire, what will YOU do? What is coming that YOU need to be ready for? I wish I could tell you, but that would entail me telling all of you what REALLY happened to Malaysia Flight 370. Okay, okay… I’m sure you’re chomping at the bit to know what I know so if I tell you what happened to this plane, either take it for what it is, or don’t. As always, it’s up to YOU, not me, to walk outside of your cave into the reality of true world that surrounds you. 

What happened to Malaysia Flight 370?… it’s like this; you know about the reported mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle, correct? You’ve all heard the stories…planes and ships disappearing with no trace. Reports of malfunctioning electronics and magnetic fluctuations, we all know the stories about the Bermuda Triangle. Now what happens in the Bermuda Triangle may or may not be related to a sprawling underwater complex that centers around technology we’ve yet to understand that happens to wreak havoc on passing ships and planes, causing them to “disappear.” These anomalies aren’t just privy to the Bermuda Triangle, they have happened all over the world. What happens when these instruments go berserk? Well, the electronic and magnetic disturbances are caused when dimensional “gateways” or “wormholes” are used by outerwordly/outerdimensionally adept beings that YOU aren’t quite aware of yet. Sometimes, our feeble technology intertwines with the temporary locale of one of the aforementioned “wormholes,” thus causing whatever ship or plane we are operating to get caught up between dimensions. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED TO MALAYSIA FLIGHT 370…. BUT …. do YOU really think they would tell the world about anything like that?…the answer: a resounding “FUCK NO.” You won’t hear about this on the MSM fake news, you won’t even get this info via the internet unless you know exactly where to look.

Now what is supposed to happen is that in some unspecified time in the not-so-distant future, the planes occupants will be returned, safe and healthy and happy and most importantly, filled with new knowledge to be shared with the world about the Earth’s place in the Galactic Federation. Oh wait, YOU didn’t know yet that we are and have been in contact with numerous alien species, did you? Of course YOU didn’t know, most people don’t, because those same globalist illuminati banker zionist pig scum that control the media surely DO NOT want any of YOU to know the truth. But their time is done, finished, it has ended they just haven’t been removed yet, but soon, very soon, there will be a global disclosure of our connection with our galactic family, revealing our true history, true origins, and true purpose. The evil cabal that still seemingly runs shit via their worldwide monetary system of debt slavery is dead. The juggernaut that is said system is now on flames, collapsing under the weight of it’s own greed and corruptive evil, it just hasn’t fallen completely yet because these globalist pigs will not let go. Just as YOU are learning to let go of ego and remember your soul self, these scum are learning that the MUST now let go of the power they once so mightily waged against us, the real human part of our collective humanity. That’s a lot of power, at least in their un-empathetic subhuman scum minds it is, and they aren’t so happy to be removed, but YOU can rat easier knowing that their time is almost done, dawning in a new age of renaissance and global prosperity for ALL, not just the less than 1% who currently still control the show…but that only continues because of the money. Once their precious monopoly money becomes worthless, so in turn, do they become worthless, and they’ll have an eternity to pay for the cancerous chaos they have unleashed upon our beloved planet. 

Now that YOU know what I know, what are YOU going to do? Call me crazy and change the channel? It’s okay, I know that most of you, 85 to 90% will, but fuck all of you, you 85 to 90% can follow right behind your masters off the proverbial cliff. If their time is done, guess what slaves?…SO IS YOURS. All this crap you think you need to be happy, all the superficiality, the materialism, the celebrity obsession, sports and television fanaticism, ALL GONE, right along with the elitist pig scum you have allowed to ensnare and enslave YOU, YES YOU. The 10 to 15% of us however who do get it, well what happens to us is our concern. We are and have tried and tried and tried and tried to wake all of you up. Not one of you, ALL of YOU, but as YOU know by now, 85 to 90% just don’t listen. They think they know what is what, they’ve got it all figured out, career, mortgage, bills, kids, slavery, slavery, slavery. There is no American Dream and any of you who believe that are as dumb as the cattle you are so analogous with. Did I cause this separation? No. Did I create a rift between the enlightened and the unenlightened? No. Is it my fault most of YOU are still asleep and brainwashed and programmed? No. Everything YOU have done is because of YOU, not me. There is no one YOU can blame accept yourself. Instead of stewing about it and being mad, make today the first day of the rest of your incarnation here this time in this 3rd dimensional paradigm. It’s never too late. It’s never too late to wake up and snap out of it and turn off your God damned television and START BECOMING AWARE. There s no magic to it, nothing as far as a revelation, YOU simply choose to no longer be a slave. YOU choose to embrace the real living truth and real knowledge. If YOU have not watched this yet, please, please, please take 8 minutes and change out of your busy day to watch…8 minutes and change that could change your life. CLICK HERE>>> http://youtu.be/N6LUptADIww  This is the Allegory of the Cave, by Plato from one his great works The Republic. I have referenced it countless times, therefore most of YOU should know this by now. Theoretically, this short animation should be shown to EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE WORLD by the age of 5 or 6, giving them an empowering foundation to construct their new lives around, but sadly in this reality, that is NOT the case. If YOU are familiar, GREAT, now what are YOU doing to familiarize others? Just because we know, and we know that we are in the 10 to 15% minority, DOES NOT make us better or special or superior to the rest of you in any way. WE ARE HERE TO HELP, but a teacher cannot instruct those who do not wish to be students. However, as YOU will see in the video, “it is the task of the enlightened to help their sleeping brothers and sisters AT ALL COSTS, including DEATH. That is the gravity of the roles we have accepted as those of us who are awakened outside of the caves try to free all of YOU still trapped inside your own prison, consumed by the shadows and echoes within that prison that YOU have deemed to be “reality,” when in fact they are only illusions created by your masters to keep you all suppressed and docile and complacent. Do NOT get angry if YOU are still trapped, FREE YOURSELVES. It is only YOU who keeps themselves bound to the illusions of YOUR cave. YOU can choose to ascend to the enlightenment of the Sun which awaits YOU upon exit of your cave. You can choose, YOU can be free, whenever YOU want. We are already free, we are simply trying to show YOU all the way. We are all in this together, we are all One, from One Source. The separation does not come from us, it comes from YOU, and the choice YOU make not to wake up and use your real eyes to realize the real lies YOU have been told your whole lives. I can go on and on and on, citing example after example, but YOU can all do that yourselves, for YOU, not for me. Whoa…I see that I have nearly doubled my 1000 word attention span cut-off marker. No worries, today YOU get the double dose…whatever it takes, if I die waking up one of you at a time, so be it. If we all work together, we all win together, and ultimately, if YOU can all learn to let go of fear and learn to love again, we will be successful at down-falling these evil globalist illuminati demon scum pig bastards. WE WILL WIN. WE WILL BE FREE. THEY ARE NOT YOUR MASTERS. YOU ARE NOT A SLAVE, SUBJECT TO A LIFE OF SERVITUDE INDEBTED TO THOSE BANKER PIECES OF SHIT. FUCK THEM AND THEIR GLOBALIST TAKEOVER AGENDA. They are subhuman scum, subhuman as in NOT human, less than human. In fact, they envy humans and our humanity which is why they have infected said humanity like a fucking ravaging cancer. What is the objective of a cancer?…to kill what is healthy and good. So one more time, I pose this question upon all of YOU…WHAT WILL YOU DO? The time is now, the future is here, will it be their end, or yours? Up to YOU, not me.

By the way, 4 more days until the Obamacare registration deadline. FUCK OBAMACARE AND FUCK YOU OBAMA YOU FACIST NAZI SCUMFUCK TERRORIST PIECE OF SHIT. DO NOT REGISTER, I REPEAT, DO NOT REGISTER. On that note,  more to come. Wide eyes open. Love to all.

Blinded by the Light

Did it work? Just a flashy GIF that you all might enjoy, from a friend of mine named MiRon. Find him on Tumblr. Feel free to use if you want, just drag it into your medium. Possibly my shortest post ever…I’m not writing anything insightful here, so just look at the pretty colors and smile. Sometimes it’s better to just feel…no thinking. And if you happened to get re-directed HERE to this post, instead of healthcare.gov, Der Fuhrer Obama’s official website for this bullshit Affordable Health Care crap, it was intentional. DO NOT REGISTER. Don’t give in like a slave, YOU all should know better by now. Fuck this puppet president and his pig scum globalist regime….but I digress. Enjoy the animation. Cheers. Wide eyes open. Love to all.

Boston Beginning?


Who and/or what entity could be responsible for these attacks at the Boston Marathon, on Patriot’s day of all days, while the Boston PD is just happens to be running explosion drills coincidentally, who and/or what kind of pig scum would do something like this? I know one kind of pig scum who surely is capable, and how effective would this be toward propelling the globalist agenda? Before the speculation overwhelms you all, I would advise to be patient, but be alert, because this whole thing already stinks. Damnit, people, real people, are hurting and doing horrendous “acts” upon one another, and for what? Where does all this animosity keep coming from? Why is it getting hot in the whole house, not just the kitchen? I told you all, and that’s the 3rd time, 3 for 3, that something global, some find of “first” would happen, and a literal boom, and here we are. 1st event I said something global, something relatively unprecedented(emphasis on relatively), would occur within 2 or 3 days, and 2 days later, the pope resigns, first one in ohhh…nearly 700 years. Then the 2nd occurrence, I said again, don’t know what it is, but it will be something, as I said above, relatively unprecedented. 2 days later, bolide of some sort lights up the sky briefly up and down the East Coast USSA, similar to what happened in Russia, numerous witnesses.  Now another puzzle solved, event #3, these bombing at the Boston Marathon. So, as I said, 3 for 3, therefore no more “predicting,” at least for all of you. What will happen will happen, I cannot change it, and whether you know or do not know won’t stop it. Are you all beginning to finally see yet, are any of you awakening to the reality of the reality? 

It isn’t magic, I am not psychic, not even close, I just back up and look at what the puzzle is before the pieces come together.  You can do it. Take a jigsaw puzzle for the obvious example: Starting backwards, once completing a jigsaw puzzle, separate the pieces somewhat, not too much, just enough to still see the what the image is. Now turn that forward again, and the pieces all come together perfectly to give said image it’s full definition. That is all it is. If you have no idea what I am talking about right now, either read it again, or move along, because there is no hope for you, not in this dimension anyway. And for the rest of us…

What will happen as a result of this incident? No more predicting…wait and see now. Ahhhh…nice, warm sunny day out, so calm and peaceful, hard to believe it’s all being pissed and shit on by pig scum, globalist or not. Sadly, it is though, and that is the real reality of THIS dimension you are all stuck in together. Where has the humanity gone, how did so many of you slip into some unyielding grip of your own fear, your own ego? Only YOU can make the decision, take some time and get back to YOU while YOU can make the aforementioned decision. Are your wide eyes open? 85 to 90% say “moo.” Love to all.