Closing the Gap

The Fooze: S6E19 6/19/2023 Juneteenth

Oy vey, I didn’t know that Juneteenth was actually a FEDERAL holiday until relatively recently, & when I found out, on top of all this Black Lives Matter nonsense, I grabbed the nearest trash bin, & filled it with the barf of bewilderment. It’s allegedly recognized federally, to commemorate the emancipation of slaves, but only here in Clownword, because in the real reality, it’s an excuse for black people to blame white people for the strife & struggles within THEIR OWN community. Did you know that African blacks do NOT abide their African-American brothers & sisters? Want to know why? Watch ANY documentary from Africa, & you’ll see why, because African blacks, at their own accord, live in mostly filthy impoverished communities, WAY more-so than the American blacks, & are constantly wondering why they complain about “systematic racism,” blaming white people for all their woes, & exist in such a state of ignorance here as to how lucky they actually have it. Blacks have it better here than ANYWHERE else in the world, much better, & still, STILL, they whine, they blame, they ruin their own communities, & the African blacks are well-aware of this, which makes them, for the most part, detest Black Americans, & I, for one, don’t blame them. Incidentally, why is the term “African-Americans” even used? Aren’t we all just Americans?

God forbid they ever take responsibility for the chaos that thrives within their own communities. Violence, drugs, fatherless homes, & of course, it’s not all blacks, but it’s central to the ratchet hood blacks, that kill themselves in their own neighborhoods 24/7. Look at Chicago, or Chi-raq, as they call it, because it’s a fucking war zone there, with no signs of getting better any time soon. In fact, it’s getting worse, much worse, & all the while, where’s Black Lives Matter? (crickets) They’re busy scamming their supporters for money, for themselves, not to help their own communities. It’s atrocious, & like I said, getting progressively worse. No one cares when blacks commit crimes against themselves, or against other races, but if say a white person commits a crime against a black person, it’s the top story via the mainstream fake news propaganda pushers. One could easily argue that it’s just another facet of the divide & conquer agenda, & I feel bad for the good blacks who just want to be Americans, like the rest of us, because they can’t do a damn thing to stop those other blacks, the ones from the ghetto. If it weren’t for the aforementioned fake news media, people wouldn’t care about racial issues, but because the fake news pushes said racism, as well as “anti-white” bullshit, & pretends that whites hate blacks & vice versa, then broadcasts it out via televised nationwide programming. It has now stirred a hornet’s nest of pseudo-mass racism, all across this once great country. Hate me all you want, but if you do, you hate truth, & if anyone thinks they can out-debate me on this, step up the proverbial plate, & swing for the fences, because I’ll destroy you with one weapon, the TRUTH, strike after strike. Fuck your feelings you programmed automatons; I could care less about your delusional feelings, because as I’ve relentlessly stated, I roll with TRUTH, all day, every day, & I’m not afraid at all to tell anyone how it really is. If you think I’m savvy with my wordery here, try me face to face, I double dare you…(fart noise)

Oh but wait, the truth is like kryptonite, & when you come at people with truth, especially those who are far-gone with the indoctrination, they resort to going primal. They glitch, then physically attack, then blame white people, as if on a repeating loop of sorts. Fights at airports, fights at Popeye’s, fights at Disneyworld, fight fight fight, just pure primal savagery, not to mention the flash mobs that loot places en masse, & what demographic is the culprit 99% of the time? Well, by golly Jesus, it’s the black community. Never fails, & if you STILL disbelieve me, do a quick search via the scenarios I listed or just click the links, & watch with your own eyes. Sadly, most are either so programmed that they’re irrationally delusional, and/or, they have no critical-thinking skills, & thus, react like animals. The truth is the TRUTH, it’s always blacks, & not to mention, how exactly did blacks get here to the USA hundreds of years ago? African tribes, sold other weaker tribes that they had defeated, to the white guys with slave ships, & considering the riches afforded to them by said white guys, they smiled & danced & celebrated when those slave ships left, contemplating the next round of ships that eventually would come, come & take more of these weaker tribes away, enriching only themselves, the sellers. Sound familiar? It should, because that’s what BLM is still doing at this very moment, in real time. That’s right, BLACKS SOLD OTHER BLACKS TO WHITE PEOPLE…FACT. Look it up if you’re capable of doing your own research, because it’s well-documented history, so if you’re a black person, & you think the USA is so horrible, maybe you should go back to Africa. Just a digressionary thought.

Nonetheless, I’m going to wrap this up, because this ridiculous UN-holiday is pukeworthily revolting, & as I said at the beginning, it’s just an excuse for the American blacks to blame white people for their own devolving neighborhoods, & that alone, is racist in itself, but because it’s racist towards white people, no one ever complains & just complies. Ugh, it’s just pathetic, & getting more pathetic with each passing year that this non-holiday occurs, but guess what? This guy right here, yours truly, will not only defiantly display non-compliance, but come at you with the armor of truth, exposing the hypocrisy, as well as fearlessly shitting on those who abide this lunacy. It’s all so insane, but that’s how it goes in Clownworld 2023, right? It’s a joke that isn’t funny, & I, for one, will never, EVER, bend the knee to these race-baiting scumbags who thrive off the blood of their own communities. Needless to say, I’m wrapping this up, so until next time dear readers, remember that racism isn’t inherent, & no one is racist until the powers-that-be puke out their Hegelian propaganda to keep us divided, so we never unite, because ultimately it’s us, ALL OF US, against these so-called elites, & if they keep US, divided by race, the only ones that win are THEM, not US. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🍥

“If we stay divided, THEY will always win, not US.” Fish F Fish🎏

“If the USA is so bad, go back to Africa.” Fish F Fish🎏

ADDENDUM: We are ALL slaves in this once great country, minus the politicians, the billionaires, the so-called “special interest” groups, the eugenicists, the tycoons, the race hustlers, & all of THEIR verminous ilk. What are we all slaves to? We’re slaves to money, stuck in a seemingly un-ending cycle of debt slavery, to artificially valued currency. If only I could wake everyone up to this notion, what power We The American People could have. There’s FAR fewer of these supposed “ruling elites,” then there are of US, but as I said earlier, THEY, keep US, divided, divided to retain their power, because the longer we’re divided, & fighting one another under the banner of indoctrinated tribal racism, the more power THEY gain by the day. They get more power, as well as get exponentially wealthier, while we all fight each other for the proverbial scraps that fall from their Pink Ivory tables. It’s called The Great Mouse Trap, & I’ve referred to it countless times in prior articles, & said Trap, cares nothing about race. The Trap only cares about keeping us, ALL OF US, all of us who aren’t in their Carlinian Big Club, trapped in the Trap, running left, right, left, right, chasing that cheesebait fiat paper I-O-U currency, that is backed by literally nothing anymore. If enough of us could only unite, unite as ONE undivided force, we could simply smash through said Trap, round up all of these so-called “ruling elites,” & hang them high in the figurative town square. That’s one of my dreams, & in the wise words of Martin Luther King Jr., who is rolling like a pill-poppin’ raver in his grave, he proclaimed…

The Fooze: S6E13 6/13/2023 Search for Self

Click HERE and/or the video above to watch

I’ve been watching/listening to these supposed “channeled messages,” for over a decade, & they all claim that divine retribution is coming for those of us in the trenches, which is most of us, like 99%. Yep, 99% versus a >1%, whole have deemed themselves the “ruling elites.” They get their power, because they trick everyone into giving them said power. It’s a centuries-long game, taught to kings & queens & those who are within the dominion of their bloodlines. Again, this is less than 1%, but somehow, somehow they rule most of you via the master/slave dynamic. Two totally different worlds, between the 99%, & the >1%.

I’m keeping this one short, as it’s my 6th article written within 12 hours or so. It’s all I have left, my words, these words I type in real-time, that a scant handful of you read in my past. Like I’ve told you all, ad nauseam, I’m shadowbanned, shadowbanned everywhere, even here, on my site. This site has over 5000 pages of my ramblous rants, 5000 pages, all for you, not for me. I don’t know why I am here, but the best I can reckon, is that I’m here to expose the real reality of this 3d world, as opposed to the scripted narratives they broadcast via televised programming. It’s as if most of you are stuck in an alpha state, the state where you are most susceptible to the aforementioned programming. It’s right there in the words for fuck’s sake, yet most of you aren’t even aware. That black screen, like a doorway into darkness, keeping you all docile & compliant, ready to consume consume consume.

I see all these things, then I listen to these “channeled messages,” & can’t help but wonder if said messages, are just another part of the Great Lie, being broadcast, the same as a basketball and/or football game. No one is coming to save us, & we’re all too ignorant to save ourselves. The ones of us who are awakened to the real truth, are a fringe minority, & have no ability numbers-wise to do a God-damned thing. No, I don’t think there are “ascended beings” in space, sitting in their respective spaceships, on the precipice of coming to save the day, to save us from these so-called “ruling elites,” & their verminous ilk. I know, it sounds crazy, & I want to believe it’s true. I want to believe there are ascended warriors of light, coming to save humanity from the prison planet we’re enslaved in. I want to believe, but how can I? How can I when my eyes tell me different? The world is getting exponentially worse, worse by each fleeting moment. Poverty, addiction, despair, it’s everywhere, & spreading fast, like a malignant cancer. Not to mention, this cancer, is being fed by those same “ruling elites” that pretend to care about humanity. NEWSFLASH: they don’t, they don’t give a flying fart about anyone who isn’t in their bloodline, but they pretend otherwise. Soulless demonic scum, hell bent on destroying humanity, so they can rebuild a new world under their new world order.

Before I ramble this into an essay, as is par for my mini-golf course here, I’m going to wrap it up. I just…just…I don’t even know anymore. The self-realizations about the truth of this upside-down reality give me a dreadful feeling of utter hopelessness. These elitist douchebags won’t stop, & why would they? There’s never any consequences for them, ever. If you or I committed the crimes they commit on the daily, we’d be in a federal prison for life, but for them, nothing, & so they continue, continue destroying. I am a creator, not a destroyer, the literal polar opposite of these degenerate scumfucks, & I’m not alone, but in the Great Picture, we awakened ones ARE alone. So alone, on our own little islands, & one day they will send the total wave to wash us all away, because they don’t want us in their Great Picture. They’ll wash us all away, then go eat crumpets & drink expensive teas & laugh about washing us away. These people are pure hell, & maybe this is hell. I don’t know, but it sure is starting to feel like hell, an eternal punishment for prior incarnations that we have zero recollection of. No, it doesn’t seem to matter that we’ve awakened to the real truth in this life, & as a whole, WE don’t seem to matter, other than the inclination that they want us gone. Breaks the heart; it truly breaks my heart. Until next time dear readers, search for your self, your higher self, before you’re washed away like the proverbial outgoing tide. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Search for your self, your higher self, before the tidal wave comes to wash you away.” Fish F Fish🎏