Cosmic Dreamer 🌌🍥

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Gateway Experience

Free Willy

I Was Here

Sweet Sleep



Yet Another Dream

I wish I knew what these dreams that I am having mean. They are just so real, so real that I don’t want to come back here to this wicked 3d waking world. I am totally somewhere else, with people I know, & know well, in places I know, & also know well, yet I have never been to these places or met these people ever in the “real” world. What is “real?” In these dreams, these places & people are more “real” than in this world, so again, what does “real” even mean? I have tried & tried & tried to find answers via my own research, & it seems that I am alone with this, because I cannot find anything helpful information about what these dreams I am having mean. One would think that there’d be at least one, ONE other person that has written about these things, & if any of you can find that person, or ARE that person, please comment below. Not holding my breath though, & I don’t need a safety blanket, because these dreams & visions are happening so often now, I have no question as to the fact that it IS definitely happening for some reason. I just like information, reasonings, definitions, meanings, but as with everything else in this world, I will have keep digging my own El Chaponian tunnel until I dig up the truth.

Some kind of vehicle, like a Segway, or a 4-wheeler maybe, liminal school, the buildings, the hallways, the rules, gah, it’s fading fast, where was I? There was a girl, was it the girl? The hallways, those endless concave hallways, concave from my fish-eyed eyes, or from the curvature of the globe we all stand upon, who knows? It’s all faded so fast now. Gah, when they fade, they fade like a sunset at the very end. Seems like it’s taking awhile, then at the very end, it just drops below the horizon for the night. Sometimes I catch them, sometimes I don’t, & if I do not write them down immediately, the timer begins. What I DO recall, however, is waking up, waking up back back here on prison planet, again, & being disappointed, you could say, once again, that I was pulled away, soul-sucked away from that place, & those people, before being able to adequately map it out. Don’t get confused, I don’t want to go to sleep, & not wake up, not yet anyway. I just want more time there, more time to roam around, to explore, to understand, & those kinds of things. The fascination with the notion that I somehow know these people, these places, & I understand it all, is arguably possessing me, in a way. It can’t mean nothing, because if it did, none of THIS would mean anything, considering how it seems just as real as this world, more so even. One difference is that at least I remember things from the dreams in this world, because when I am in my subconscious dream state, when I am there, I have ZERO recollection of being in this world at all. None.

I feel like I had a better inkling of how to illustrate this most recent one, in a much better manner, but damn if I haven’t forgotten most of it. There’s flashes, little pictures, but the plot, the premise, the people, wherever I was, it’s as gone as a passing storm. Doesn’t matter, I know I’ll go back, but when, when will I go back? I have no control, no control over these visions, these dreams, and/or any other abilities that I occasionally get little tastes of. Just surface-level abilities that all humans should know like second nature, yet we don’t, not anymore. What have the dark ones reduced us to? We’re one math problem above the apes; how has it come to this, how has humanity sunk this low? Yours truly included, I’m no smarter than any of you, quite the contrary in fact. If I didn’t have this, these parlor tricks with words, what would I have? Or these dreams, these visions, is that even anything out of the ordinary? What else would I have? I can’t find anything/anyone else who is having these experiences, & not from lack of looking, rest assured of that. I can’t enhance my lost abilities, only make the most out of the bread crumbs into a loaf. I’ve been up past the witching hours, every single night, until 5am or so, & then passing out as the shining Sun comes up, lucky to sleep until 9am. Within that time though, these dreams come, these epic sagas in my subconscious. Do you ever wonder if you are dead, but do not know it? I had the thought cross my mind, not more than a week ago, so I looked it up, & this is what I found:

👉🏻Am I Dead?

Yes, after reading that link, I figured I was still alive, unless it’s a really elaborate trick to pop up a website “reassuring” me that I am not. Wouldn’t surprise me, hardly anything does anymore. Doesn’t matter, dead or not, I’m still stuck in this waking world of 3d artificiality. Funny how the internet never pops up in my dreams, because the internet is the AI, “artificial intelligence,” in an artificial reality, just like cell phones, & money, none of these things appear in dreams, because they’re all artificial constructs. Even cars, now that I think about it. Do I ever see cars in these dreams? I’m not sure that I do, even though there was some kind of ATV type vehicle in that last one, it was definitely not a car. If we could truly fly, like the angels do, like I have in many of these dreams, as easy as walking, we surely wouldn’t need cars, would we? More artificiality, oh, another one, power lines, or electricity as we know it, never seem to notice it, because there’s abundant amounts of free energy that we should all be able to tap in to. Tesla knew about it, & Edison & his cronies in Washington shut it down. Free energy means no power bills, & we can’t have that now can we? They have taken a lot more form humanity than most people can fathom. Most seem to have no idea as to the true powers we humans once possessed, before our DNA was deactivated, & essentially destroyed, & there doesn’t appear to be any surefire way to RE-activate it, or to give it some juice, for lack of a better term. Maybe for the young ones, the kids, there’s a chance, & perhaps that’s why the so-called “ruling elites” do terrible things to children, to get their DNA power. The level of degeneracy amongst a certain fringe minority of the adult population across the globe, in regard to what they do to children, is absolutely demonic. Please God in Heaven, if you’re still up there, make sure these evil vile soulless humans who do those things to the children receive a special level of eternal torture when they get to Hell, if any of that is even real. Forgive me for my doubts, I just read a lot of things that seem to offer countless variations of what does/does not happen when one ends their time here on Planet Earth. The world seems to be controlled by wickedness, & the people in power positions atop the Great Pyramid appear to be soulless. What’s that all about? None of the makes sense. Everything here appears to be backwards & upside-down. Asking for friends too. We just want some answers. Enough is enough is enough. Humanity is tired, tired of being enslaved. That is all. So sayeth FisH™🎏

Why Me?

There’s a series of channels on YouTube, which claim to be narrated “channeled” messages, messages from beings outside of this planet, as well as outside of this dimension. Obviously, I have no idea if they are, & if they’re even real at all. Lends credence to the notion that Carl Sagan detailed during his final television interview, where he illustrated a future world of technology, where the real technology is kept among the so-called “ruling elites,” while the general populous gets the scrap technology, for lack of a better expression, primarily to keep us at bay, while they use the real tech to advance themselves higher up the proverbial power pyramid. While we regular folks are playing with the aforementioned scrap tech, & unknowingly falling further & further behind, we will cling to superstitions in the hopes of a Divine reckoning of sorts, that most likely, will never come. I do not claim to believe nor disbelieve in these supposedly “channeled” messages, I simply find them interesting, particularly because they seem to have a kind of synchronous nature to them, in that they always hit on something that just so happens to be going on in my world at the moment. Not just at the time, but at the moment, almost precisely on occasion. Now either there is some kind of supernatural connection between these channelings & those of us who are knee-deep in our own unfolding spirituality, or as many psychics do, these ‘channelers” simply have an ability to come with things to say that can be applicable to anyone at any given time when spoken the right way. I’d like to believe I am personally not that naive, but I’ve believed a lot of things for a long time, only to snap out of it one day & embrace the self-realization of realizing I was gullible.

If there were ascended beings communicating through human counterparts, how else would they do what they do? None of these channels have a lot of viewers/listeners, none of them use sponsors and/or attempt to make money from posting these communications, so what reason would they have to do any of it, if they didn’t sincerely believe they were channeling messages designed to help humanity, especially such a small fringe minority of us who give them the light of day(pun intended). Often, our “missions” as so-called light beings are illustrated, albeit in a somewhat nebulous manner, & yes, I know, it sounds very new-agey, kind of weird of course, & I often ask myself, why me? I ask myself that a lot in relation to many things though, why me? Why do I have this kind of consciousness? Why am I so different from most other people? Why don’t I have a family? Why am I seemingly alone in this world, minus a handful of digital friends? Why do have this personality that I have? Why me? Why was I born into this existence, with all of these issues? Why me? Why am I the lone bastard black sheep? Why do I see the world from a perspective not shared by many, if any? Why can’t I just be functional? Why me? Am I wrong, wrong about everything I think I know? Wrong about the way I have determined I have to survive in this 3d pseudo-reality? Wrong about the way I think the world really is? Why do I think I’m wrong? Why do I think I’m right? Why me? Why am I stupid, in the sense that I have no real skills? Why did I incarnate in this particular life? If I was allowed to choose, as some say, why the fuck would I pick this? Out of the billions of possibilities, why would I choose this? If we could really choose, why would someone choose to be an abused child? Why would someone choose to be retarded? Why would someone choose to die slowly & painfully from a terminal cancer? Why would someone choose to be born in the slums of Mumbai? I am not so sure that people get to choose anything before they incarnate, or reincarnate…no, I am not so sure of that at all.

Not that I remember where I was prior to this, as none of us do, as far as we know anyway. Sure, there’s a few anomalies; people who claim they can recall their past lives, but there is n real proof, other than their own claims & their own loose “evidence.” Nope, no one knows for sure where they were before this trip down on 3d prison planet Earth, & no one is certain where we go after we take that final breath here. I’d like to believe it’s a trip to wherever it is you go when you dream, only a trip you don’t have to wake up back here from, thank God. You get to stay home, your galactic home in a dream, a dream that you have always known, always been aware of, only due to to the confines of said prison planet, you cannot recall it in its entirety, if you can recall it at all. I feel like I can recall it, to some extent, as I have detailed in several posts, several recent posts, as there’s been a noticeable increase of my journey back to this dream utopia I keep falling asleep then “waking” into, as if this 3d world is the dream. At best, I’d say I’m lucky to get 3-4 hours of sleep at a time, 3-4 hours of this 4d time here, this linear 4d time. In the dreams, however, time, as I know it here, is distorted. Some of these dreams go on for days, days in the dream time, but only a literal handful of hours in waking 4d linear time. All I can surmise, is that 4d time as we know it is askew in dreams, due to the influence of the 5th dimension, which is subject in no way to 4d time, unless one’s subconsciousness is stuck in the void between 3d, 4d, & 5d, & only occurs when we fall asleep here in 3d space. Dimensions follow the Fibonacci sequence I think, with spatial dimensions being 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, & so on, while the temporal dimensions would be the “connecting” numbers in between…4, 6, 7, 9,10,11,12, 14-20, & so on.

Obviously, I am no scientist, no physicist, no great thinker, no sage, nothing of the sort, & I have no way to prove any of what I just said, & I’m sure one of those people could easily explain how something like string theory or the 11 dimension theory makes more sense, with their own proof. In my little brain, it just seems to make sense, since virtually everything in this Universe “exists’ according to The Golden Ratio, Pi, Phi, Fibonacci, etc. We humans are so much more than we’ve been un-educated to be, & on top of the dumbing-down via school indoctrination camps, the powers-that-be have poisoned the water, the food, the minds of most of us, via broadcast programming, that at this point, it’s arguably a feat that we can wipe our own asses anymore. Obviously, this isn’t everyone, for there are many, many people out there who can do things that blow the mind. Doctors, engineers, computer programmers, even the corner mechanic in a small town, yes, there are many people from many walks of life who are brilliant in their own right, certainly more brilliant than my dumb ass. Then there are others, others who exist as though they were true-to-life NPCs, that just breed, consume, discuss nothing of merit, repeat, & that’s it, that’s all they do. I’m not much better, at least one of them usually has a job they specialize in through experience that I do not know how to do. I find myself floundering trying to humble myself lately. Why me, I ask again, what makes me so God-damned special? Nothing, NOTHING does, because I am not special. The AI can now do this, what I am doing right now, what I have always considered a unique talent, this way with words, the AI can do in a matter of seconds. It can be biased, not be biased, illustrate in any length, any tone, any way you want it. It can cite examples, evidence, utilize images, videos, it can do anything yours truly can do, before yours truly even finishes writing a title out. That puts me just above last place as far as usefulness goes. No employers care enough about my unfiltered “human-based” approach to writing articles, when they can get what they need with no spin in mere moments, & all for free, no cost.

No, the AI doesn’t need money, & neither do humans, but since we’ve been led to believe otherwise, then forced to know that if we do not have their self-printed Monopoly™ money, we cannot survive, & are just killing ourselves, killing ourselves slowly, stretching it out, draining ourselves with all of our life energy given to a power beyond ourselves. That’s just before we die, then after we die, The Great Recycler continues to drain us of our soul energy, leaving our memories wiped, our karma fucked, then figuratively shitting us back out as a newborn baby, to do ti all again, & the ouroboros can continue to eat itself, in a never-ending cycle, for all of time. Again, these are only the thoughts from the thinking mind of someone that is just a clueless human, for the most part. I have nothing, I am nothing, I am certainly no greater than any of you. Why me, why me, why me? I don’t have a purpose, no one to care, no family, no real friends, I have nothing, nothing at all, except these words I diligently & digitally pen down on the daily, for all of you, & for none of you at all. Why me, why do I this? I do this because I have nothing, & because it’s meaningless, I have found meaning in it, even though it only means something to me, thanks to The Myth of Sisyphus, & the words of Albert Camus. I’ll never be known, never be among the great writers, never be anything at all, & once I’m gone, I’ll slip into the digital oblivion forever, not a soul even knowing I was here. Maybe that’s for the best, as it’s all so absurd, so who really cares anyway? No one, not a single soul, will ever know, what I know or don’t know, & on that note, it’s time to go, as this pure stream-of-consciousness diatribe has reached its uneventful ending. Until next time dear readers, check out the channeled messages, as I have linked a few here for you. Check them out for you, not for me, or don’t check them out at all, because in the Great Picture, it matters not either way. So sayeth FisH™🎏