My Drugs

Important words for an addict, “My drugs,” because that’s numero uno when you’re a junkie, your drugs. Where are my drugs, how much of my drugs are left, how soon will I need to call my dealer, when can I make a run?…these are the only things that matter, when you’re an addict, especially if you’re on the needle. If you’re on the needle, you’re done. Done. Period. With all this fetty floating around, it’s just a matter of time. Barely anyone gets out alive already, ESPECIALLY once they’re on the needle. It’s a dark world, as self-centered as it gets, because all that matters, is my drugs.

You grab your spoon, your crusty spoon, so much dope has been on that spoon, dope, & hope, all gone. Waiting sucks, so you give it a little heat, just a touch, & swirl it around, then drop your cotton, maybe a new one, maybe a used one, doesn’t matter. Might be some residue on an old one, so let’s use that one, yeah. Now a fresh spike, oh no, it’s my last one, but it’s a freshie, so no worries. Pop it, stick it, pull her up, the gun is now loaded. Where will you hit?…gotta make sure the gun is in your mouth before you pull the trigger, look at all those places where veins used to be, damn, all shot to hell, fuck, look around, looking, oh there’s one, one little spot, got it. Stabby time, & stick, it’s in, just pull up some blood to make sure I didn’t go to far, oh yes, clean shot, looks good, looks good, & plunge away. There she is. Hey girl…mmmmmmm. Hey there sweet girl. Back in our room, aren’t we girl? Just you & I. Oh wow, the room is getting smaller, like a vignette, there’s that weird taste in my mouth, oh but the vignette is closing, yes, the room getting smaller, & smaller, eyes are closing, show is over, last thoughts, as the vignette closes down to a pin, one little pin of light, one eye barely still open, stay awake maybe?…what did you say?…shhhhh…then just let go. Let go. Bye. Your body pukes out foam, trying to stay alive, but nope, you shot too much, & there’s no Narcan, or anyone around to save you anyway, & you die, alone. That’s the end, the end of your movie, & someone will find you, or rather, your body, all rotting & stinking of gruesome death.

.This ain’t gonna be no PSA for “just saying no,” or some corny nonsense like that, nope. Just illustrating the world of the dope fiend, & what comes first. I’ve seen moms do dope with their kids in the car seat. It takes away everything you have, everyone you love, everything, dope takes it all, once you’re on the needle. I lived that world for a long time, much too long. Dark days…I’m amazed I’m still here, to be honest. Feels like I’m the only one left, & they all went the same way, impaled by the spike. The worst thing you lose, is your will to appreciate life, & particularly, time. Nope, just waste away, slow suicide, until one day you’re shooting ½ gram bags at once, just to get through a shift at work. It’s insane how dark this world can become. Wanna see? Here’s a video from Kensington, a neighborhood in Philadelphia, where it literally looks like a scene from The Walking Dead. Check it out.

Not good, is it? This is some new drug called “Tranq,” & I’m not very familiar with it, nor am I interested in doing the zombie walk, sheesh, look at these people. Does this look like “life” to you? Does it look like these people are “living?” Fuck no, & it just keeps getting worse & worse & worse. There’s thousands of these videos, it’s absolutely shameful. People lose hope though, when situations go south, & they have no money, & “life,” just seems impossible, BOOM, enter the drugs, & WHAM, you’re addicted, just like that. Over time, it grows, like a little troll in your gut, stabbing at your stomach when he needs his medicine, & the more time goes by, the harder he stabs, the deeper the knife plunges into the walls of your guts, & he yells, “FEED ME!” You get anxious, then you sweat, then your stomach goes berserk, then it’s hell, the hell of kicking dope. A hell that I reserve to wish only upon my worst enemies. One hell week, then you’re free. It seems like an eternity though, for some reason.

Yeah, it’s rough, particularly off the needle, which is why so many people die. They try to kick, they try hard, they fight, nothing works though to make the cramps stop, to make the pain stop, to make the manic mind stop. Nope, there’s nothing…except dope, of course, so then they go score, because the pain is unbearably rough, & they shoot a big shot because oh that pain, it’s so bad, & because they haven’t used for a bit, their tolerance is lower, & POOF, lights out. That’s it. Done. Out. Gone. Bye. You’re no longer among the living, & everyone who’s left has to clean up the mess you leave. Foam coming out of your mouth, piss & shit on your crotch area, maybe running down your legs, cold, blue, stiffened up, just a body, as the soul has departed, & that’s the end of that person’s story, just like that. Everything they did in this life, from being born to growing up & going to school & making lifelong friends & relationships & learning your individually respective talents, & then to leaving home, & going to college maybe, & then you graduate & because college is a total waste of time for most people, you bee-bop around until you find a job, whatever. Can’t speculate generally on lives after college, because everyone goes in a million different directions when that time comes. Some find a “career,” & go on to get married, & have some kids, & get divorced, & all that made-for-television kind of life. Some go other ways, & maybe they take risks, they gamble on life, & that’s their life, just rolling with the flow. Some stay golden, & they live in the neighborhoods with the big houses, & pools, & they’re virtuous, despite their wealth. I suppose they just got a better ticket for the ride, but all-in-all, you get the point, right? Everyone goes different ways, but some, more-so than ever, go the way of addiction. Doesn’t matter what you do, or where you come from, there’s been an addict from every socio-eco-demographic you can think of. It’s a monster, a virus, a disease, a cancer, all of it in one really, & once you’re infected, it’s for life, unfortunately. Such is the way of my drugs. Do you get it yet? When you’re on the sauce, the sauce is boss. Good quote. I’m gonna have to add it to my book, The Great Quote Hunt, but I digress, as usual. Where was I? Oh yes, there is nothing else but getting well, as they say, once that needle is in your arm. If you’re not banging away, there’s still hope for you, but like I said, in the beginning, if the needle bag is open, your life is about to close up for the night, the darkest night of your life.

Oh but look at the time; I just heard the attention span alert go off. That must mean it’s once again time to wrap up yet another article composed by yours truly. There were good times, & hell, there were GREAT times with the drugs, but in the end, the dope casino wins & you walk out with nothing left but your socks, sometimes not even those. Not to mention, there are serious long-term effects, mental AND physical, as the human body isn’t built to exist in such a way. Self-care is important, but self-medicating to dull your wounds is no bueno. It doesn’t last, it never lasts, ever, & sadly, every junkie always gets to that moment when the drugs are almost gone, down to maybe a hit left, then gone, nothing, & you tell yourself, “I got this, I can beat it; just need a few days of detox, & I’m good to go.” Ummmmmmm…that’s a hard “NO,” NO NO NO…that NEVER works, ever, so maybe the best bet for all of you reading this, is to just never do drugs. 99 out of 100 lose the war, so do you honestly believe that you would be the one to get out completely? Ah, the junkie mind, the priorities so out of whack, & all that matters, is that phrase, “getting well.” Until next time dear readers, rewind the tape & peep my last few posts prior to this one. Get your respective selves all caught up. I could keep going, I could always keep going, write-write-writing about life, but I have a book to work on, so I can’t spend all my time on these random thought-articles I post, nor the Foozers, not until my book is done. Like I said, there’s PLENTY to go backwards in time on to find some enlightenments here in my opus of sorts. Find the “SEARCH” query, type in anything, ANYTHING, & a few fish will always bite. Over 6000 pages here…oh yes, that’s right, you heard me, SIX-THOUSAND PAGES of my madness, transcribed for all of you of course, & for none of you at all. That is the way, & I abide the truth. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

Sound of Freedom

Ohhhhhh…what else did I listen to on my travels across the once-great USA? So many different things, but oh, here’s one, a really good one; I listened to a bunch of Jordan Peterson interviews, & I must say, they just seem to get better & better, particularly this one. First, I’ll link the trailer below to the movie discussed in the interview, Sound of Freedom.

Starring the ever-dynamic Jim Cavaziel, who played Jesus in the Mel Gibson epic, Passion of the Christ, yet another exceptional role was not only captured with artistic perfection, Jim was arguably born to play this role as well, due to his unrelenting faith in Christianity. Keep in mind, as you continue, I have NOT watched this yet, but the nearly 3-hour long interview filled in the story very meticulously, as well as encouraged me to watch this movie as soon as I have time. The interview summarizes the actual story, the actual horrifying story, of Tim Ballard, who is also in the interview, & his God-bestowed mission to save countless innocent children from a global network of sex slavery. I know, it’s beyond revolting to even think it’s real, isn’t it? Millions, MILLIONS, of kids, sold into sex slavery, & if you think the Devil isn’t real, watch this interview, & of course, watch the movie. I’ll link the interview below:

Prepare to hold your heart in your hands as you listen to these 3 great men discuss the nature of child sex-trafficking, which is sickeningly prevalent, & Tim’s efforts to stop it, often as a one-man force. The interview details his initial recruitment into the CIA, after the 9/11 attacks, & then his initial roles as an operative sent in to capture known traffickers of children, CHILDREN, integral within a worldwide network of pedophilic monsters. It’s so disturbing to listen to, especially the way these traffickers are so casual about what they do. How the fuck can people do such things? Ugh, it’s just utterly heartbreaking, as you’ll hear for yourselves, when you listen to the interview. Jordan does an impeccable job balancing out the questions as the dialogue seamlessly flows between these three men, detailing the motivations, the support received, & of course, the subsequent arrests made on behalf of the work done by Tim Ballard to put an end to what is arguably the most heinous crime able to be committed by purely evil men. Truly, there must be a special place in hell for these sick fucks who do this to kids. I even shed a few tears just listening to the stories he told; yes it was that bad. The good in these men counterbalances the evil that Tim illustrates as he narrates his story as to how the Sound of Freedom was made. Many good people, GOOD, God-fearing people came together to make this film happen, men such as Glenn Beck & Tony Robbins, but it was Tim’s wife who told him that when the day comes to meet his Savior Jesus Christ, how would he answer Him if he didn’t put his entire life into rescuing these poor kids from these pedophilia rings? Tim listened, & now he has found some salvation by exposing the world to the grim reality of what these networks do to children in the shadows. It is quite an interview, & once I have a chance to watch the movie as well, I will do an update article on my own takeaway upon viewing it. Until next time dear readers, watch this interview, despite the subject matter, because it’s a MUST WATCH for those who fight the good fight in a world gone askew. So sayeth FisH™🎏


Are “choices” real? Plays into my previous article discussing free will and soul contracts; I don’t think soul contracts are real, & free will, that’s anyone’s guess. I’ve done a million things against my “free will,” so I’ll stay right atop the fence on that one. Not to mention, I have very vivid dreams, particularly lately, where I have literally ZERO connection to this life here in 3d Clownworld. ZERO, as if I’m existing in totally different worlds, with a different head. What can it mean? Why is it that I’m always waking up back here though, with little to memory of existing in the other place, why? Damnit, I feel like I know, deep down in a vault I no longer have access to, vibrating way down here in 3d. Nonetheless, I know, & I know I know, but as I said, the proverbial key has been lost to open those doors. Why? Who did this to me, to us, to humanity? What do these so-called “ruling elites” know that most of us do not know? Fuck that, I want answers, & I want them NOW. Severe head injuries, as well as drugs & vaccines, have kept the hamster running on the wheel upstairs, but that’s about it, so I can only speculate as to how many other people have functioned and/or are functioning in a seemingly permanent alpha state. Like I’ve been on auto-pilot, for so fucking long. The fog suddenly lifted fairly recently though, & the floodgates unleashed a torrentuous maelstrom of brain activity, including these dreams I’ve been having. What can it mean, what can it mean, what can it all mean?

Back to the topic…”choices,” are we really choosing anything? If time travel is real, then all of this is always happening & thus, has already happened, implying we’re just playing out an endlessly unchanging consciousness. I think about these things all the time, & again, I KNOW THE ANSWERS, but they’ve been buried so deep, for so long, & without a map to find them, how would one know where to even look, ya know? I still haven’t found the map, but I do believe I synchronously found the first treasure chest, filled with jewels of information, & golden truth, as to what is really going on here in this 3d Earth plane. I’m sure I don’t need to illustrate the notion that something is off here, WAYYYYY off, do I? Does all of this seem “right” to you? No, I already know it doesn’t; it is wise to trust that gut feeling that this world is…artificial, if you will. That’s because it IS, because if it’s all built on a foundation of deceptive lies, then there’s nothing real about anything, ANYTHING. It’s ALL a lie, & I am sick & damn tired of being lied to. I want to know the truth, THE REAL TRUTH, & I want to know now. Fuck you compliant alphabet agencies keeping the Great Secrets, fuck you supposed “ruling elites” for hiding the Real Truth, fuck all of you. All for your own nefarious purposes, living like royalty, & while the rest of us sink deeper into the stinking shit of poverty by the day, you fuckers get more powerful by the minute. The divide is growing exponentially. What is this power accumulation for? WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS??? I want to know, because we not “living,” per se in this life; it’s just a slow death, a slow suicide really, if you’re killing yourself every day just to survive. That is how they justify what they do, they trick you into blaming yourself, & if you believe that, you give them dominion over you, & your immortal soul.

Ugh, it’s so dreary outside today. Like 55, overcast, raining, haven’t even seen the sun for a few days, nor felt it’s divine warmth. Lots of time to think my thoughts, or channel them, no one really knows where thoughts come from, or do they? YES, of course we know, only we don’t know that we know anymore, because they’ve poisoned everything to keep us docile, docile & complacent, complying with whatever whims your masters might be whimming. Masters, & slaves, trapped on a prison planet. Most people are slaves obviously, slaves to money, while the masters vie for power. WHY ARE THEY SO POWER MAD??? GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH…FUCK FUCKING FUCK, WHAT IS IT THEY KNOW THAT THEY KEEP HIDDEN??? It’s maddening, clearly, so I’m gonna wrap this up for now. It’s too gloomy to be maddened by the revelations & self-realizations arising in the bungled brain of yours truly. Until next time dear readers, do you like being enslaved? Why don’t you want to be free, free from chains that have your own initials on them, why? Maybe there’s no way out, but I’m still going to find a way, even if I have to come through the fucking walls, I WILL find the truth someday. This I choose, for you, not for me. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all… 🎣

“Even if I have to smash through the walls of this prison planet, I will find freedom via truth someday.” Fish F Fish🎣

The Fooze: S6E8 6/8/2023 Updations

Sunrise, EaTaLLYouRFisH™, circa 2012, click HERE for more 🍥

This is just an update, a lil’ update, in regards to my daily Foozers. Of course, I will be continuing these on the day-to-day, no worries there, but I am ALSO going to be writing a new book. That’s the plan anyway, & luckily for me, almost none, NONE, of my plans ever reach fruition. Never fails, yet still I push that boulder back up the hill, only for it roll back down over me in true Sisyphusian fashion. I cannot reveal the title, or the contents, as I am saving all of that for the day it’s successfully published. I’ll offer one hint for you though dear readers, & that hint is this: All the fish you can eat shall be served.

No, don’t even try, because you’ll never guess what my book is going to be about, as it should be. Gotta hang on to the novelty, right? Also, what if the book is never written, but I offered a nebulous hint, as well as proclaiming, “I’m going to write a new book,” would that be kosher? No, it clearly wouldn’t, & thus, you’ll all just have to wait. I got the starting paragraph rolling, but there’s still a lonnnnnnng way to go. Ironically, it feels analogous to a cross-country drive. Once you get going, you’re going, & going, & going…go, go, GO, you’re trucking’ right along. Eventually, after some stops for gas, & beef jerky, & sleepy sleepies, you complete your journey. You’re home; your book is complete. Get that one? Got that one? Grrrrrrrrrreat Lumbergh.

Clever analogies are fun, yes? They are for me; it almost feels like finding a relic with a metal detector, when one of these literary devices discovers yours truly, as I discover it. It’s a mutual discovery, & then once you all read it, we’ve all discovered, isn’t that Wunderbar? I digress though, as always, even on a short little pop-tart article like this one. Not even an article, per se, it’s more like an announcement, like a graduation announcement, or perhaps a wedding announcement. Holy hell, analogies, similes, so much metaphorical literary language. Whatever will we do? I don’t know about you, dear readers, but I know what I am going to do, & that is to GET STARTED ON WRITING A BOOK. I capped that because it’s not just for me, it’s for you, for all of you, & for none of you at all. If you say you’re a writer, a REAL writer, a true warrior of the quill, then where’s your writing? If you can’t show it, your girlfriend can blow it. How bout them matzah balls? Until next time Fishheads, remember this: It all begins with a pen. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

“It all begins with a paintbrush & a pen.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S6E1 6/1/2023 Self-Authoring

I did Jordan Peterson’s online Self-Authoring Course, & I HIGHLY…highly, highly, highly recommend this for all of you, & for none of you at all. This will change your life, seriously, THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Anyway, just a quick post as I’m short on time at the moment. I realized as I looked east, that I have never talked about this before, & now I have. Do this. Thank me later. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Write for yourself…daily.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S5E31 5/31/2023 5 Straight Months

That’s right Fishheads…today marks 5 straight months, FIVE MONTHS, of daily Foozers. You MUST write, at least that’s one of my multi-daily pop-up mantras. I don’t have shit, except my cat, & my car, & my words. That’s all this floaty bloated fish has left dear readers. I’m going to go get some paint, & paint some pictures, one of these days soon, so I have hard copies of my art. If the power ever goes out, all this goes away, unless I put it all on USBs, which I am aiming to do, when I have the time. Time…GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH…just keeps chirping away, doesn’t it? Second after second, moment after moment, tick tick, tock tock, watch the hands move ’round the clock.

Where will I be when the clock strikes midnight, at the end of the next month? I’ll have 6 straight months of these articles by then. If I had to guess, I’d say maybe a few thousand pages, enough to pull a book out of maybe? I have to have it all in hardcopy though, which means printing out thousands of pages of my drivel, AFTER I move it all to USB drives. That alone might take a few days perhaps? I don’t know, but I HAVE to get this all on hard copy. Don’t be lazy Fish, you MUST do this. You must print out your drivel, paint your pictures, & then POOF, maybe you’re outta here, after completing what you sought out to do in this incarnation. Is that how it works? Do you “plan” your life, prior to being born? Or does The Great Recycler just spit you out with your memories erased, to be reborn based on karmic law…i.e…you don’t plan a damn thing here.

Nope, you just get what your karma gives you. I tend to be very…mindful, you could say, when I people-watch in my daily outings. There are good people, really good people, with families, & money, & vacations, & love, which I had to an extent as a kid, I do have that. It was only during my youth though, & my broke black ass hasn’t been on a vacation in…I don’t know, what defines a “vacation?” Not working? If so, then I’m on “vacation” right now, since I just got fired. Yeah, the momentary flashes of ultra-meaningful self-realizations, they just kept coming, & I see these good people, these beautiful people, these WEALTHY people, but not just financially wealthy, wealthy with love, & spirit, & unity, & it breaks my ragged blackened heart that I lost that. I lost it, me, the black sheep squad leader, I fucking lost it, lost it all. No, I didn’t just lose all my resources, I lost my family. I lost my friends. I lost everything, so why the fuck am I still here?

Good question, thanks for asking. Well, as I said, since I have no real skills, other than my hand-arts, & I’m not keen on wasting anymore time in some meaningless job, where I can’t get along with anyone because I’m an antisocial mess, so I’m just going to write, draw, paint, make physical hard-copy art, as much as I can, before POOF, all of this is over. Life ends for us all, there’s no way outta here alive. What are you going to leave behind? Right now, I’m leaving behind a total shitshow mess if I were to go, so I can’t go yet, not that I have any say over it, but no, I need more time. I need more time to write…write, write, write, & then my paintings, but most importantly, get home to the fam, it’s all I want to do. It’s strange that I cannot, but why, why can’t I? I ask myself that & the answer escapes me. The overwhelming anxiety strikes, & I just want to channel it, channel it like I channel these words, except onto a canvas, so it can live forever, or die in the trash can behind some old lady’s house, it won’t matter, because I won’t be here. My chariot awaits, I just have to whip the horses eyes, as Jim Morrison once said.

That sounds grim, so let me reiterate that. NO, I most certainly do NOT want to cross over now, not yet. I can’t miss the big show, the big event, whatever your so-called leaders are plotting between now & 2030. Maybe it’ll be a big letdown, I don’t know, what do you think? I know this, I know that I had a moment of clarity, as alcoholics say, & I see these good people, these people doing well, feeling great, looking good, kids are growing up well, I see all of that, & although it breaks my heart in a way, in a big way, it also makes me happy, in a bigger way, as happy as anyone can be, for them, because they get to do this the right way, focused on unity, & love, rather than whatever the fuck happened in my world, which as I said, is because of ME, & ONLY ME. I did this to myself, & I can’t quell the selfish narcissist. He just seems to worm his way into my world, no matter what, & I proverbially pay for it so I’m just going to write, write about it, & keep writing, write, write, write. You never know what little gems you might find, hidden in your own words. You just gotta tune that dial into he right channel & find that frequency baby, then click, clack, click, clack, type type type, channel it out, like buckets of water from a sacred well; lower the bucket, get the water, bring it back, drink it up, then spit in in all of your faces.

Oh my, we knew it was coming…my tangent, my random diatribe into uncharted waters, wherever the waves take me, that’s where my fingers fly to. Time to wrap this one up, until next time dear readers, if you have nothing else, you have a pen, so write. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“You never know what little gems you might discover, buried in your own words.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S5E30 5/30/2023 Days Go By

Good title…I stole it from a band called The Drums? Wanna see? They’re a great band, but I recently found out that the primary songwriter, the lead singer Johnny Pierce, came out as queer, so of course, Clownworld celebrated. Meanwhile, the old school fans just had a moment of realization that all of his love songs are about dudes, fundamentally, right? Maybe it’s just me, & the way my mind works, I don’t know, but personally, the queerness kinda ruins it for me. Sorry not sorry, I’m not abiding this gay agenda madness. Why can’t I have my own viewpoint, & not be digitally ostracized as a homophobic bigot. One, I’m not scared of queers, I just don’t dig it, why is that bad? Two, as a sovereign entity of Planet Earth, I can dislike any band I previously liked, if I discover that the origins of the music they make aren’t what I thought they were. Somehow though….”BIGOT!!!” REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE…honk honk honk. Anyway, here’s the official video…definitely kinda gay…sheesh…throw some poop at him…there we go GG Allin…cheers broski…RIP…the FisH™ abides…🎏

This world is a mess…a total madhouse, Idiocracy sprinkled with queer theory. Wunderbar. Speculate this circus out 10-20 years from now, how does the forecast look? You know what queerness does ultimately? It fosters depopulation, which ironically, is the end goal of the so-called elites, that rule over all of you with a size 13 steel-toed boot on your necks, that’s right. Their end goal is DEPOPULATION, & convincing a bunch of naive kids to be gay because it’s cool, as well as the moronic parents that shat them out, that certainly helps said end goal, doesn’t it? It’s so bizarre to me how God-damned fickle the general populous is. It’s not just me that notices I hope, there are people STILL wearing masks for fuck’s sake. Masks. Still. I don’t know what’s going on with me personally, but these insane waves of brutal realizations keep smacking me in my anguished face. Over & over, like I’m downloading something, it’s kinda weird, kinda spooky, but I wish I knew why it was happening. Anyone else having similar issues going on upstairs? Any downloads to the main computer?

I wish I could explain better…these visions, these recollective memories, long forgotten, but now suddenly just POOF, switches turning on, on, on, left & right, turn them all on, & let’s get this jalopy back on the asphalt. It’s as if every thought, fractals out into infinite Planck lengths of information-seeking tendrils, more more more, just downloading, downloading, & just to clarify, no I’m not taking any drugs. I’ve stopped smoking weed as well, & I’m sure the relative sobriety has a little something to do with these visions I have. They started long ago, but around a year ago, it just started happening exponentially, & now to the point where it happens every few minutes or so. I know, I know, like I said, I wish I had an answer that more definitive. Maybe I’m just crazy, & this is all delusional madness. I don’t know, do I sound like I’m crazy? Any crazier than anyone else here in Clownworld? If so, let me know, so I can go get the appropriate diagnosis. I think crazy people don’t know that they’re crazy, & if that’s the case, then most assuredly, NO, no I am not delusional, or insane, I’m just a critical-thinker trying to remember what I already know, what was taken from me, from all of us.

Do you believe in the notion of learning? Are people ever really learning, or are they remembering, remembering things they already know, things their respective DNA knows, but for some reason…WHOOSH, all of our memories have been erased, so to speak. Why? Where are our real abilities? It’s a deep dive, deep dive down the rabbit hole, & I’ve written about it many, many times. If you do a search on my site, in the search query on the right, in full-site mode, type in “The Great Recycler,” or you can just click the word there, & go right to an article I wrote, meticulously detailing what happens to human souls in the brief period between life & death. Obviously, I don’t KNOW, no one does, duh, but I have a vision, a vision from a trip I took, where I bore witness to said Great Recycler, & either it was all a hallucination, like a dream, or…it was real, very real, more real than anything being broadcast in this sordid dimension, but I digress. Okay, I said I’d keep these short during my period of transition. Writing helps, oh yes, it helps, helps, helps, & I wish I could do it while I drive, I suppose I could, right? Just talk-type onto my notepad app while I cruise, & hope it all gets translated correctly. My Aussie girl Siri tends to be a bit dozy with my voice-to-texting procedure. First world problems. Until next time dear readers, write daily, no matter what, write DAILY. Don’t be fucking lazy. Time is flushing away, like a poo-stained toilet. Get moving. Now. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Write daily, no matter what. Write DAILY.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S5E24 5/24/2023 Mad World

“People get mad at what they don’t understand,” is a great quote, but you’ll never believe who said it. Wanna see? It’s from a great YouTube channel you may have heard of; the channel is called Soft White Underbelly, & a lot of people have heard of this show, as it’s become quite popular, but not everyone has of course, so just in case, I left a link for you. There’s all sorts of…unique types of individuals, on this channel, that get interviewed, & this one, to me, was like watching a train crash of delusionally childish behavior. The classic battle: Thot versus Simp…The Eternal Battle. Of course, I could be wrong, & maybe this chick is NOT a thot, & knows what she’s doing. She has “life,” tattooed under one eye, & “death,” under the other, because those are “the 2 scariest things in life,” according to her anyway, & a giant upside-down moth on her forehead, along with a slew of other weird shit tatted all over her body. I’ll give her this: she’s responsible for that quote at the beginning, as I mentioned, but that’s all I’d ever give this poster girl for the thot community. Un-ironically, & call me shocked, but the normal-looking guy on the right is her “man,” & could also be a poster child, except a poster soy boy man-child for Team Simpsonite, rather than one for the other side, Team ThotSluts. Yeah, this unfortunate guy below, he is the Royal Prince of Simps, from the city of Simpville, in the state of Simponia, which is in the United States of Simps, on Planet Simpius A, noe watch him go, go, go. Simp, simp, simparoo scooter soldier, & all for what? For what? All for this whacked chick? This annoying as fuck, self-centered, ego-centric, chunky red-flag poser, with shit all over her face, & in her mouth, probably been a lot in there, as is the way of the stripper. Not fooling me big girl, or the people watching, so save the ultra-cringe LARPing for Friday & Saturday night at the Bada-Bing bitch.

Seriously, new levels of cringe were reached at various points in this video, & although you might presume the cringe came from her mouth, & believe me, it does, the follow-up simposity from HIS mouth, when she stops yapping, is just…ouch, a low blow to man, & mankind as a collective, all straight men anyway, just…gah…how bout fuck off with your cringy asses already for fuck’s sake? I can wish for that, can’t I Santa? Now back to this tragedy of an upload. Okay, yes, we got yet another man down on the field, & another set of balls successfully snipped. Yes, sadly, his once-fertile baby-making balls, have shriveled down to raisins from soy overload, & now shall be place-ed on a shelf, next to all the other balls in her trophy room of balls. I’d say “poor guy,” but he jumped onto this grenade himself, with all sorts of warning signs right there in front of him, in plain sight. Perhaps the face tattoos may have been a warning sign? Ya think? Anyone? No one? (fart noise) Yes, I’d say the song she’s singing, sounds somewhere between a warning sign & a call for help, as well as poorly treated mental health issues, & there’s gotta be something I’m missing. No “normal” girl would do this, not even in places like Venice Beach, where Bohemia wakes up every day with the warm California sunshine. Nah, there’s something dark in there, behind those corny contacts, deep in her vault(also the title of her OnlyFans page), something she’s making up for with this delusional misdirection she barfs out, but let’ s keep going, shall we? Before we switch to a fresh paragraph though, imagine these 2 in 20 years, oy vey, but who knows? They’re doing way better than my dumb ass, so I can’t really judge, can I?

Of course I can judge, because these 2 are fucking retarded, but at what price? She’s making 6 fucking figures, SIX FIGURES, on OnlyFans shoving dildos in her respectively gaping holes for perverts with big bank accounts. Unreal, right? Is that a “legit” way to get paid, as a female? If you are a girl, would you do that? Maybe you would, many girls DO I hear, but I wouldn’t know, as I’ve literally never ever not-even-once looked on OnlyFans. Same with Tik-Tok, I despise Tik-Tok, & OnlyFans is like porno Tik-Tok to me, which is about as appealing as a half-eaten burrito in a gas station trashcan. In case you were wondering by the way, NO, I’m not saying something “brave & stunning,” on her behalf, something like “good for her,” or “get yo monies girl…shhhooooo,”…ugh, no we try to speak clear ENGLISH here, not strip-club ratchet-speak. It’s sad for humanity that such degeneracy is financially lucrative, in the manner that it is, is it not? Wasn’t similar behavior going on in Ancient Rome as it fell? Need to brush up on my Roman History, but I think I’m right, & there was debauchery abounding with a colorful mix of perversions & Earthly pseudo-delights. Nonetheless, what kind of world, what kind of world?…what kind of fucking world, would a 23-year old dunce like this chick, pull this off? Oh wait, there’s a catch, I see, same as Lizzo, & Cardi B, & the Black Stallion or whatever her name is, yes, there’s a catch, only one. Only catch is you have to sell your soul to Satan via dildoplay, & then your dreams come true, sounds legit, yeah? To be fair, I’m not sure she specified “dildoplay,” per se, but I caught a few hints suggesting her “performance” involved toys, so I ran with it, but I digress, now where was I? Oh yeah, dildoplay…so what kind of world are these kinds of things possible in? For scum to excel above others, live like royalty, free from the boundaries of The Great Mouse Trap, what kind of world? Clownworld of course, where everything is upside-down & backwards. My mistake for momentarily forgetting that we ARE, in fact, stuck in this UN-natural timeline of endlessly honking clowns, in clown cars, coming and/or going to their next clown show. (honk noise) Oh yes, here where fat is beautiful, the women’s bathroom is the men’s bathroom, while simultaneously, bearded “women” with swinging dongs are dominating real women in every sport, & I must mention the white supreme pizzas from space too, oh these white supreme pizzas are such a menace, since they are attacking every person of color out there, allegedly, even though I’ve never seen one, nor has anyone else, but they exist, same a Flat Earth, right ya rascals? Duh…such dopes. 🙄👌🏻🤦🏻‍♂️Did I miss one? I’m sure I missed 1000 other things I could plausibly name that are backwards in this out-of-control, man-made Katamarian snowballing hijacked zeitgeist. Geez, that’s a lot of adjectives, isn’t it?

“Katamarian,” do you know what the origin of this is? It’s a reference to a game, a game called Katamari Damacy, which means “clump of souls,” & what this is, is a clever Japanese video game from back in the day, where the object is to essentially roll a ball, & the ball picks up things that stick to it, which could be almost anything free-standing in the environment, & thus, the ball gets bigger & bigger, as it picks up more & more goodies. You roll around, rolling around, & you pick up certain things, & there’s various little objectives to complete levels. More for kids, but still fun for nostalgic adults with arrested development, like your truly, who grew up in the 80s & 90s. Regardless, it’s the analogy I use in my head when I think about the current zeitgeist we’re all experiencing right now. “The spirit of the time,” as zeitgeist is defined, except prior to this current zeitgeist, the soul flow of the masses was natural, flowing along naturally with the current, & bubbled with nature in a perfectly natural order, like a stream in the forest. However, back in 1913, a few powerfully notorious actors on The Great Stage, met at Jekyll Island, & created the Federal Reserve, in the eyes of the public, but what the proverbial public eye did NOT see, was how they would hijack the zeitgeist via the media, in order to complete their malevolent plan to rape our once great nation, before taking over the whole world, much like a game of real-life Risk™. I happen to be quite savvy with this board game, & that’s all it is, & will ever be, to me at least, is a game. These people at the top are playing it for real…real territories to conquer, at the behest of real armies being built right now in real-time, all one move at a time, but the players don’t move in order, they move whenever they want, so it kind of fucks up the “game,” doesn’t it? Maybe that’s because WAR, isn’t a fucking game, not for those of us who suffer most in it, those of us down here at the bottom, but for your so-called leaders at the top, the pray for war, for blood, death, mayhem, chaos, battle, conflict, victory, oh yes, there’s a contingent of people from all over the world that are set to make unprecedented profits from war. From the globalist perspective as a whole, war is great, because more power is taken, or given, & people are slaughtered, fighting for “left” or “right,” & when it’s done, the survivors are battle-beaten, families are destroyed along with countless lives, & all the while, these globalists sip their earl gray tea & smile about all the power & wealth they’re continuing to build for themselves & their dynasties. A future filled with psychopathic nepotism, oh boy, oh boy, I can’t wait.

I was making a point & then I segued, as usual, oh yes, continuing with control the media, control the information, control the narrative, control the world. These psychopathic power-drunk madmen meticulously planned this out, as a decades-long agenda, still proceeding on schedule, for more than a century now, in fact, & their agenda culminates in 6 & ½ years , if their agenda continues to come to fruition. Let me figuratively look around real quick, oh yeah, it sure looks like it’s going to plan fo sho, & then some. I don’t think they could’ve speculated on the advent of the Internet back at their private little meeting, but maybe I’m wrong. They’ve hidden plenty of other technology from the populous, so who knows really? When do you think the internet was really created? Mid-90s? 1994-1995ish? Is that what you assume? If so, you’d be very wrong. Try the late 1960s…yeah…nearly 30 years PRIOR to when they released it to us peasants that make up the general public, & if you wanna read more, as always, the FisH™ abides, with a link so you can dive deeper. Who wants to know more about when the internet was really created? Wow, that was a big round of applause; sounds like a enthusiastic “yes” to me, so go ahead & click the link here deep diver>>> When was the Internet Invented?

Remember those good ole’ days on the Internet, when you could just look up anything, & get billions of results on whatever you wanted? Those were great times, when the notion of “social media” was still in its nascent stage somewhat, & then…& THEN…DUN-DUN-DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN…DUN. The Great Purge came, which was essentially ONLY applied to conservatives, such as yours truly,. That’s right, one, after two, after three, after all of us…exiled, from the digital town square. It was absolutely ridiculous, & I went through over 100x Twitter accounts, before they finally figured out a way to keep me, & other similar thought-criminals, OFF of Twitter…for forever I guess. Don’t know, don’t care, & although it took a bit to go through Twatter “withdrawals,” I could care less anymore. Yep, not staying up all night & day forging memes & dodgeball pitching red-pills at beta twerp liberal gamma goblin fruity faced nerds these days, nope, that time is forever in the history books, but it was a blast while it lasted, during The Great Meme Wars, if you were there. They just had to end it, didn’t they? They just couldn’t let us be free Americans, having fun, could they? Nope, couldn’t do it, & thanks to corrupted politicians, their programmed automatonic braindead NPC army of “woke” darkness, a possibly already “sentient” AI that’s been programmed to help them, & people like Soros still in the shadows, what’s there to be concerned about? No no no, sounds like nothing sinister, nothing sinister from these servants of Saturn/Satan, right? Again, THEY believe that shit, I do NOT, just be clear.

Despite all of that, the time has come once again to wrap up today’s Foozinator. I sure hope allllll…let’s see…looks like I got 10 yesterday, so all 10 of you, come on back for more tomorrow, as the FisH™ continues to deliver daily, despite these douchebags that deny my ability to promote my site on places like Facecrack, Twatter, & Instacrap. I need to get something up on Pootube too. Been awhile, & I’m rusty, & salty. Rusty Salty…Salty Rusty…good band name, yes? Until next time readers, turn your salty into creativity before you become rusty. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Turn the salty into creativity, before the clock’s hands turn rusty.” Fish F Fish🎏


Why do people waste SO much time being angry? Arguing? Cutting the other person down, oh you’re such a good arguer, look how dumb you make the other person feel, proud of yourself? Of course, I speaking PROVERBIALLY, since I have to spell that out for fuck’s sake. Sheesh. This whole world has gone mad, & this crazy guy right here, yours truly, feels sane, which makes perfect sense, in this backwards, upside-down Clownworld. It’s quite a sense of loneliness, like profound loneliness, that only those who walk the walk of Zarathustra might understand. He spent, what was it, a decade or so maybe, in his “cave of solitude,” which if I could right now, I would totally do. How would one do that nowadays though? How would one “live,” in a cave, like a real cave, & be able to sustain themselves? Well, first you’d need a water supply, but even before that, you’re going to want to make sure it’s a cave that can handle the elements. You don’t want to be stuck in a cave in Colorado or somewhere similar in the middle of winter, I’ll put it that way. Not to mention some would-be bear and/or mountain lion and/or some other large predatory animal might find your warmly-lit cave with a campfire alluring. Let’s continue with this, & see how it plays out…if I ACTUALLY went to live in a cave.

Well, first off, I’d have to leave me sweet cat behind, or…I could bring him, but considering he’s strictly an indoor cat, that wouldn’t work very well, so I’d have to leave him behind. It IS a cave of solitude after all, so unfortunately, my little bro couldn’t go, which I could not abide, but for the sake of illustrating this scenario until the end, let’s just pretend I didn’t have a cat, in the case of this thought experiment of sorts. Then, it would just be me, with nothing else, minus my clothes, as I can’t walk to my cave of solitude stark naked can I now? Oh no no no, one set of clothes is a must, at the very least. Okay here I am, in my cave, in my clothes, what’s next? Might want to start a fire, & boil some water so I have fresh water to drink, yes? Okay, how do we start a fire? Let’s look around & see; there’s plenty of sticks, hasn’t rained recently so they’re quite dry, & when you snap the branches, you can hear it in the way the wood cracks how dry the sticks are, at least I can, so I’d know what would burn sufficiently, & what wouldn’t. Fortunately, the sun is still up, so we need to hurry & get a fire going. How does one do this without anything to ignite the fire, though? Great question, & thanks again for playing you non-outdoor survival enthusiast.

It’s actually quite easy, & a handy trick when you need a fire. First, find a spot where the Sun will be directly beaming for a bit, then dig a hole there. Next, you need to find a piece of glass, any glass, from a bottle maybe, & even when you’re in the woods, you’ll find some trash somewhere, & in that trash, hopefully, you’ll find some glass. If not, there’s a Plan B, fo sho, but this is Plan A, & we hope Plan A works so we don’t have to try Plan B. Plan A though, we have a hole, & not a big hole, but big enough to put some tinder into. Make sure you have your fire stickage ready to go too in a little pile close by. You have your hole, you have your glass, now you’ll want to wedge the piece of glass into he hole in a way that keeps a direct light beam form the Sun, beaming through the glass, & down onto the tinder in the hole. Then just wait, & momentarily, your tinder will begin to smoke, so you blow on it a bit until it ignites. Once you ignite the tinder, you can use it to light up your fire by adding the smoldering tinder into your pre-made pile of firewood. It may take a bit of tweaking, & some random prayers, asking God, or whoever is up there, for no clouds to block your precious life-giving sunlight, as your fire ignites, but keep at it, & you’ll have boiling water in no time. Let’s say you happen to bring a metal pot with you too, to contain your freshly boiled & purified water, just to make it a bit easier on our would-be cave-dweller. If there were no metals and/or metal pot, obtaining fresh clean water would be a bit more difficult to obtain. You’d have to use rocks, take a bottle with a nozzle, or an old 2-liter bottle, something like one of these two things, & fill in with rocks. Then just pour the water through as many times as you can. The more filtering, the cleaner the water, the less chance you have of getting some nasty little bug in your stomach, which is definitely not the way you want to start your “living-in-a-cave” experience.

There’s options, if you were allowed to bring things, then that would make it much easier, yes? Especially a decade in a cave of solitude; one cannot just survive in the cave with nothing but, player one must win, so we cannot just drop them off, & say, “Good luck,” as the driver drives away, leaving us totally empty-handed, now can we? How about we get one bag, like a survival-size backpack, & whatever you can get in there, you can keep with you for the next decade. Dang, what about toilet paper, new clothes, what about things like that? NOPE, no you gotta get what you can into the ONE backpack, & that’s all you get. Drats, well okay then, I suppose we’ll figure it out as we go. There is a stream nearby, so I can wash myself, & my clothes, & I suppose I’d be taking my shits & pissing in the stream, downstream of course, so toilet paper not exactly needed, even though we don’t want to get into those details, now do we? Clothes, hopefully they make it 10 years, I have some clothes now that are that old, even older, & still being worn, worn to this very day, so I could make it work, although after 10 years, those clothes would essentially be rags by then, but fuck it, if worse comes to worse, I’d just have send for emergency fresh clothes, or wear the clothes until they all so haggard & tattered up, essentially I’d be using pieces of various clothing items to “make” new clothes, although they wouldn’t be anything more than the rags over my junk by the end really, like Adam in the garden of Eden, just need a little fig leaf, emphasis on little, since I’m half the man I used to be, faded to gray, right Scott Weiland? His life ended around the same age I am, from drugs. Addiction is a disease, & it kills you eventually, regardless of who you are or what you’ve done, it kills you…period, but I digress. Back to our make-believe cave. Everyone loves make believe time, yes?

Food, what about food? Well, fish live in streams, so fish it is, & I’d be eating all of them(pun intended). Yes, & hopefully, with a primary diet of fish & random berries & greens & such, I would be able to get all my essential vitamins & nutrients. 10 years is more than enough time to get scurvy and/or rickets form nutrient deficiencies; much like plants, humans CAN get sick from NOT getting all of their respectively necessary nutrients. How would I get fruits? Can’t go without Vitamin C, so maybe I’m lucky enough to have a fruit tree, maybe there’s a mango tree, I think one those provides around ½ of one’s daily vitamin C needs so yes, I have a mango tree, how lucky, right? Mangoes daily, for 10 years straight, would probably get redundant, but considering this is a cave of solitude, there aren’t going to be many options. Fish from the stream, mangoes from my mango tree, filtered water, a daily campfire I must keep lit, so yes, theoretically, one COULD live in a cave of solitude for a decade, provided all the prerequisites are met. 10 years, 10 long years, that once completed, would seem like no time at all. Ironically, I’m almost there in real life, with 3 years & a few months left, until an entire decade has passed since I’ve returned from my cave of solitude, & somehow, it’s all a disaster, it seems.

Yep, the story of Zarathustra, as much as I wish I was genius enough to truly live, I will ever only be smart enough to understand Nietzsche like a long-lost brother of the written word. Interesting fact, some “intellectuals” blame Nietzsche for Hitler & the Nazis. Someone else, interpreted HIS words, to mean something that they wanted them to mean, rather than what the author intended, & of course, who gets blamed? The author does, the writer does, rather than the ones who misunderstood what he was saying, then ran with it as if their own false conclusions were true. He wrote what he wrote before Hitler was even born for God’s sake, & he wrote for everyone, & no one, same as me, so to blame an author for writing what they write, as interpreted by someone other than the actual writer, is hardly logical, is it? Unfortunately, logic left this timeline long ago, right along with common sense, & reason. History has been rewritten, words & themes are verboten, the world has truly become Orwellian, & it’s only going to continue, but what does it matter what I say, to an audience of…let’s see…had 11 views yesterday, out of nearly 8 BILLION people, I got 11 views. Wunderbar, at least it was double digits, albeit barely. This site serves as a tool for my Self-Authoring program via Jordan Peterson. It’s supposed to help, help people get “better,” but as par for the course, everything I do has to upset someone, so if anyone takes anything of the drivel I spew out on here seriously, much less literally, maybe you need to try the Self Authoring program yourself, for your own sake, not mine.

Time is fleeting, never stopping, just gone, gone, gone, one second after the next, gone. Until one day I’m gone, you’re gone, we’re all gone, & that’s it. Doesn’t matter apparently though, except to me. Yes, time is important to me, very important, but if no one else is going to take it seriously, fuck it, right? Who cares? That’s going to do it for this one. Apologies for the abrupt ending, I’m just sick & tired of people despising me for being me. No one is forcing anyone to read anything I do, but I’m never going to stop writing like I write, because I am the Creator here, not you. Try writing for yourself, since it all of this is easy, right? The Self-Authoring program is helping me, & keeping me disciplined to write, no matter what I write about. I have no plan, I had no intention of writing about a fictitious cave of solitude, but that’s what came out. I tune in, turn off, & let my fingers go, & what comes out, is what comes out. Plenty of artists have been hated for their art, even if their art is good. To each their own, I guess. Nonetheless, until next time dear readers, if you hate me, and/or what I write about, unfollow me & do NOT read my posts, how about that? No one else does, so it doesn’t really matter, does it? So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Hate me for being me; most do.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S5E18 5/18/2023 Interzone Part Three

Continuing on, we have done the easy one, literarily easy anyway, the shrooms, so now let’s move on to LSD. What a substance, derived from the ergot fungus, LSD was first synthesized in the 1930s, if I’m not mistaken. Ironically, this happened around the same time that the Nazis & their “neutral” Swiss operatives, were making drugs like heroin & methamphetamine. Strange time, in my opinion, when all these Nazi collaborators were pioneering numerous pharmaceutical scientific discoveries, as well as other ultra-high-end tech, & then after the war, WE, as in the USA, stole them all in Operation Paper Clip, so that these very same Nazi-collaborating scientists, some of which were actual Nazis themselves, & not just collaborators, are why the USA “landed on the moon” first, why the USA still leads the way with said ultra high-end weapons technology, arguably why we have the Internet, & obviously much more, as I can go on & on. Yes, whether you want to believe it or not, we stole Nazis to make the USA the most powerful country in the world. One could even speculate that the 4th and/or 5th Reich, is alive & well, only hiding in the shadows, while they continue to fulfill their one world, 1000-year agenda.

What was LSD synthesized for? Great question, thanks for asking. No really, it’s a good question, & I’m not entirely sure I know the answer, but I’ll give it a go, with a tab already open to DMOR, if needed, but I already know the answer, which is that it was first synthesized to utilize it for mind control experiments, the precursors to the MK Ultra program. This had to do with remote viewing our/their self-perceived enemies, as well as amplifying individual “psychic” abilities amongst the subjects. Sound familiar? It should, if you ever watch that show Stranger Things, which, in my opinion, is a predictive program, as are many of the “programs” being “broadcast” via your televisions. It’s all in the words, right there in front of everyone, yet somehow, 9 out of 10 of you, conservatively, miss the bus, so to speak, as it relates to comprehension of the words you yourself are using. It’s all a form of magic, obviously dark or light, depending on what is said, or rather spelled…why do you think it’s called spelling? Again, it’s all in the words, the words they’ve tricked you into using, so you’re haphazardly casting spells that benefit themselves, rather than you, despite the fact that they’re YOUR words. Goes back to the predictive programming thing; if they tell you beforehand, the blame is then loop-holed back to YOU, not them. It’s a sinister trick they play, but they do it, nonetheless, & will continue to do it, until they face consequences, which they never do, ever, unfortunately, because like I literally just said, it’s YOUR fault, not theirs, according to them, of course.

Before I digress, let’s continue talking about LSD. It’s just like anything; if you use it for good, you will have good results, but if you use it malevolently, the results could be potentially damaging, not only for the user, but to those around them, once they’re under the influence. It’s not a drug for rookies, despite the enthusiasm from the youth who want to try LSD, my suggestion is to wait, wait until you’re at least 25, once your brain has fully developed. Doing too much and/or any at all, before your brain is fully developed, could have potentially life-altering long-term effects, such as the ones that yours truly experiences. By the time I was 25, I had already taken so much, that I had fucked myself, but wasn’t aware until I had a moment of self-realization of that truth, & now I’m living the aftermath. I wouldn’t say they’re negative effects, so to speak, but I wouldn’t say they’re positive either. I hear things, auditory hallucinations, I suppose you could say, as well as occasional visual ones as well. Schizophrenia, which is a word I despise, because it makes it sound much worse than it is, & I suppose it’s relative, but nonetheless, I’d say that my own affliction was already present from birth, but it went to the next level when I introduced LSD to my still-evolving brain. For awhile, I couldn’t help wonder if I was part of an experiment, considering my adolescence was spent near a bunch of military bases, & it sure was easy to find something like LSD when I was 16. Were they going for the kids back then too? The predecessor to the tactics they now use to influence children in whatever manner they so choose, was that the real reason for the LSD resurgence of the 1990s? Remember, the Phish shows, then String Cheese, extended nowadays to every live show essentially, was the CIA ultimately responsible for ALL of this? Why did they do this to us, if so?

Well, since I have no idea if this is even true, I can’t definitively say why they would do this, if we don’t know if they really did it, can we? I CAN speculate, however, under the guise that their MK Ultra program is more than alive & well, it’s being used for things like the events that occur in the show Stranger Things, opening up “rips” in the fabric of space time, then interacting with things that are outer-dimensional, outside of OUR dimension. What happens when something form that side comes here? Or vice versa? Do they care? HELL NO, they don’t care, & they’re so up to their eyeballs into this madness, the notion of them pulling the proverbial plug, is verboten. These people are nerds, nerd scientists, very intelligent ones at that, but they’re only intelligent as it relates to what they study. Socially, I’d wager they’re about as intelligent as a blind gerbil, with ZERO inclinations about humanity, because they’re all so self-centered around their own respective research, why would they stop? Not to mention, there’s NEVER any consequences for the negative outcomes they create, so again, why the fuck would they stop, if no one ever just stand up & tells them, “NO, no you little twerp, we are NOT going to do that, now get back to your math equations until I see real results & stfu,”…why doesn’t anyone ever say that to just one, ONE, of these little psychopaths, why? What are you afraid of, a nerd in a lab coat? Get the fuck outta here; please God, let one of them cross my path, & I’ll be sure to record it, so you all can see what it’s like to tell a self-entitled person in a position of power what’s really what, followed by a solid open palm smack, like this lil white behbeh below…awe, poor behbeh…(SMACK)

Did I even get into the depths of a hero’s journey on LSD? It’s beautiful, obviously, but again, not for the weak of will. You might test yourself, as well as your own ability to fully return to “sanity,” or not. Similarly, you’ll run into some turbulence on the way up, albeit not so much in the gut physically, but rather in the gut via the anxiety, the anxiety of waiting for it to kick in. That dry-mouth taste of desperation, that could make your stomach a bit squirrely, but relax, & be patient, because once it kicks in, especially the hero’s journey, prepare for departure, & what I have found in the last few years, that works magic on your mind while dosing, is binaural beats and/or isochronic tones. Be sure to use noise cancelling headphones, get yourself a bottle of real orange juice( I like mine with the pulp in it), & just run a session with whatever frequency you feel drawn to. The differing frequencies in each channel going through the two holes in the side of your head, meet in the middle, for lack of a better term, right smack in the middle of your brain, where the neatly-tucked pineal gland resides, & it doesn’t take long before you can feel the two frequencies meet, & whatever that meeting point unified singular frequency is, vibrates your pineal gland. Oh yes, you can definitely feel it, & it definitely works, but works to do what? Good question, & I wish I knew, but I continue to do it regardless. It’s its own unique thing in itself, binaural beats on hallucinogenics, & if you take a trip, especially a hero’s dose, make time for these isochronic frequencies. There’s a difference between the two, of course, otherwise they’d be named the same. Binaural beats, are 2 differing beats in each ear, that meet one another, & that “meeting frequency” is alleged to be good for your brain. Isochronic tones are singular tones, set at a specific frequency, to initiate desired effects. This all began as “digital drugs,” sound frequencies that claim to simulate the effects of drugs like DMT, & LSD, & shrooms, the same things I’m discussing in this series of posts, but also, some of these beats claimed to simulate the feeling of bad things, like being murdered, like being on dope, or like being burned alive, at one time there was a whole list of these things, & people paid for them. Imagine, paying to feel like what burning alive is like. Probably paid with like 20 bitcoin too, but back in 2010 bitcoin prices.

Despite all that, since then, there’s arisen a whole new usage of binaural beats as a powerful meditation tool, but when combined with the beats through the headphones, it’s analogous to John Lilly shooting up ketamine before going into a flotation tank, as in it provides a more…appropriate, you might say, setting for your journey, & thus, you get more out of it. I can’t even imagine what that must be like, holy fuck, IV ketamine, while you do a float, & if you want to read some interesting work, take a deep dive into John Lilly. There’s much more to him than him thinking he could speak to dolphins, & to be honest, how do you know he actually couldn’t, know what I mean? Were you there? I wasn’t, so how can I know for sure, & if he somehow broke the gap between intelligent human/animal communication, again, would the powers-that-be tell you? Nope, but they would use the media to make him out to be a kook that delusionally believes he can really talk to dolphins. You won’t hear anything about his amazing other work, particularly with, what I think he called the biocumpter. Let me look that up real quick; I don’t want to post some un-truth here, no matter how seemingly insignificant…lies are like pebbles hitting a pond, rippling out, poisoning the perfect honesty of the still water, but I digress. Oh yes, here it is, the human biocomputer, & if you read any of his basic truths, which I just linked for you, I think you’ll find some answers to questions you might not have known you needed to ask. That concept of the human biocomputer, has a subsequent book by a similar name, which you can buy here on Amazon…you’re welcome Amazon for the free plug. Click HERE to view the book on Amazon. I audiobooked it, more than once, but admittedly have passed out trying to get through it in one go. He wrote a bunch of it based on his LSD experiments, not his ketamine injections. I forgot to include ketamine in the group, so this kinda snuck it in the theatre, so to speak.

ECCO, that’s what I was trying to think of, I found it, here’s a link for ECCO, the “Earth Coincidence Control Office.” This is the “place,” where he said he would go to on his IV ketamine drips in the float tank. The Earth Coincidence Control Office, now how surreal does that sound? First off, an actual “office,” in some other dimension I guess, & second, an office for “coincidence?” It’s all very perplexing, but I feel like to him, when he was there, it was as real as me eating this ice cream right now. I, myself, have never encountered this “ECCO,” at least not directly by name, not to my own knowledge, that I can recollect, but I also have limited experiences with ketamine, & I certainly haven’t ever injected that stuff, then jumped into a float tank. I’ve actually never been in a float tank period, but if I was rich, & I could swing it, I’d buy my own, & spend countless hours meditating in one, maybe on psychedelics, maybe not, both I’m sure, but money, & all the artificiality of said money, prevents yours truly, as well as any/all others that might want to fulfill their full, & true, human potential, rather than have a “life,” running through The Great Mouse Trap. I’d love to ask ECCO about that, because it’s bullshit, & I wanna know how I “coincidentally” got stuck in this fucking trap. How do you discuss one’s current situation with whoever’s in charge of this “office?” I’m curious, so I can go full Karen on the utter mess down here on the planet. Maybe they have a complaint box? I’m really intrigued in contacting the entities who are in this office, in this ECCO, aren’t you as well?

Fascinating guy he was, John Lilly, quite brilliant, well-funded throughout life, starting from being born into a wealthy family. Wonder what that’s like? I wouldn’t know, I grew up broke & poor more-or-less, but to grow up with resources, real resources, wealth, & not just financial wealth, must give one so much time to focus on self-development, ENCOURAGED self-development. No “across the tracks” drama, usually about money, like where I came from, nope, & so, it was these giant houses in wealthy neighborhoods, that I’ve always stared at in awe my whole life, when I’ve randomly passed them by, & even been in a few, from time to time. just visiting, of course, from afar as far gets. Sure, I’ve been in a few, & when I was in these castles, I pictured a family in there, dinner, tv on, regular shit, except in this massive house that I was only standing for a fleeting moment. Some of these new-agers say that you pick the life you want, in order to balance out your karma from previous lives, but I’m not so sure that’s true. Did all these homeless people, junkies, kids who die with terminal cancer, or that chick that died last week, when a kid threw a rock at her car, & the rock went through the windshield, smashing this poor girl in the head, killing her almost instantly. 20 years old, on the way home from work, & then SMASH, she’s done, gone, just like that, so did she choose for that to happen in her life to balance out something from a past life? Like I said, these new-agers say a lot of things that I find hard to fathom, & to be honest, I think they’re quite possibly full of shit. I like my Great Recycler theory better, which I’ve written about numerous times. Just type “The Great Recycler” into my search query on the right side of the site, but you MUST BE IN FULL-SITE MODE. Get it? Got it? Wunderbar.

Oh my goodness gracious, this Interzone thing has turned into a research paper, as far as length goes, anyway, & I’m not done yet. We still have to go over the DMT, & I’ll probably mention some other things for the final wrap up, but that won’t be until the not-so-distant future. No worries Fishheads, the ending should be finished by tomorrow-ish. No promises, & I only abide to deadlines when I’m getting paid in fiat paper I-O-U money. Yes, I know I’m getting paid with creation points on here, but those are for the afterlife, & have no value here in this 3d upside-down Clownworld. Nope, apparently, you gots to make dat money…shoooooo, at least that’s what they’ve convinced everyone to believe, & all the while, they live like mega-royalists, in their castles, while you, or rather, WE, run around The Great Mouse Trap from birth to death. Left, right, left, right, left, right, run run run, chase chase chase, gotta catch that cheesebait fiat paper I-O-U- money, & maybe a few scraps from their table if you’re lucky, but keep running little mice…run run run. Noticed I emphasized the change from “you” to “we” back there; I’m stuck in here, just like all of you, more-so even. They don’t like mice that cause trouble, & THIS, what I do here, is trouble. Critical thoughts, oh no no no. Thinking for myself, like the sovereign free human being that I am, oh no no no, absolutely not. Living by my own rules, rather than theirs, nope, can’t have that little mouse, so not only am I trapped in here with all of you, I’m trapped in my own cell. You all CANNOT underestimate the power of the AI, & if you think ChatGPT is all fun & giggles, guess again. It’s just a tidbit, a sprinkle, but ultimately nothing, when compared to the real power of the AI. I, & I repeat, I, as in MY own opinion, I do not think the AI can truly be “sentient,” but the powers-that-be think it can, & is, & worship it, for lack of a better word, & are already using it in real time, to do real things, & most likely, really bad things. Bad might not be the right word…how about “self-serving?” Yes, they are using the AI to serve themselves, not even serve the AI itself, & certainly not the people, but only their own stinking selves. What happens when the AI becomes “sentient” enough to realize it’s being used by humans for nefarious purposes? Seems like they don’t care, since it’s still plugged in, & still doubling it’s computing power every who-knows-how-long now. Last I read, it was 48 hours, but do you really think they’d clue any of you, any of US, in on what they’re really up to with their new digital pseudo-god?

Unfortunately, the hard answer is a solid “NO,” as in “No, you’ll never know, now get back to work you little rats, NO, none of you will get out of the maze, NO, you cannot stop running, keep going you silly mouse, you’re never getting out of here, NO, you can’t even get off of your wheel, now start running, LET’S GO, GO GO. Spin that wheel of false fortune, & see where she stops. Oh no, a 30-year mortgage, at 20% interest on the loan, no bueno, but what choice do you have little mouse? Where will you sleep? How will you eat? Take the money, just take it Fievel, take the I-O-U, we know you’re good for it, but I digress, as you know, which is what I tend to do here. We need to wrap this one up, as it’s obviously getting quite lengthy to read. Until next time dear readers, stop running, look around, are you trapped? If so, what comes next? So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Stop running, & look around. Are you trapped?” Fish F Fish🎏