Biden’s America

I’m going to boldly assume that I am not alone with this dire living situation under the Biden regime, yes? Feels more like dying, rather than living. Holy hell, what the fuck happened to this once great country? Everything was looking up, once Trump got elected in 2016; the economy was booming, we were in a relative peacetime globally, the swamp was at risk of being drained, we were all making & saving the cheesbait fiat paper I-O-U Monoploy™ money, then POOF, it all disappeared, like an old man’s fart in the wind, the day this demented kid-sniffing corrupt pedo puppet Joe Biden was s-elected into office. We all know he lost, we all know they cheated, & the most glaring evidence is right there in front of everyone’s faces. Do you want to know what “evidence” I am referring to? Sure you do, & said evidence is this: Potato Joe allegedly won with a “record 81 million votes,” remember that? If that were true, how come they never bring it up? Don’t you think that the idiots on the lunatic left would be reminding the American public every single day if that were the case? They don’t though, no leftists, no Democrat politicians, not even the Fake News MSM, & THAT, in my opinion of course, is the most obvious evidence I know that they lost the election, & if the real numbers came in, it would be the other way around.

However, before you start thinking that yours truly is up Trump’s tighty-whitey-wearing fat ass, think again. People seem to forget who got the pseudo-vaccine through, AND promoted the fact that he did so, in several speeches he made as it was rolling out. It was only after the reports of life-threatening side effects came out that not only Trump, but all those scumbag elitists as well, refused to take responsibility for the jab, which makes me wonder. It makes me wonder that when the lights go out, & the cameras turn off, maybe, just maybe, all of them, ALL OF THEM, Trump included, are all in the same damn club. I’m sure you know the quip from the great George Carlin by now, right? “It’s a big club, & YOU, ain’t in it,” & perhaps that’s the case for everyone who becomes famous. Fame puts you into a bubble, & that bubble separates you, & will ALWAYS separate you from the general public. It blows my mind when these famous people try to relate to the “average American,” when they no idea as to how the average American is living, barely squeezing by, especially nowadays. How many of you have lost all of your resources/assets? How many of you worry about paying the next round of bills? How many of you hold your breath for a second when you start your car, anxious as to whether today will be the day when ti doesn’t start? How many of you are directly affected by inflation & rising prices?

Trump will save the USSA in 2024; it’s a movement, & We The People, led by #OrangeManBad, are going to take back everything the left took from us. Oh sure, it’s wunderbar to believe that If Trump gets re-elected in 2024, that he will ride in on a shimmering flying horse, to save America & the world from the infamous Deep State, & their one world order globalist agenda. Yes, he’s gonna save us all, ONE MAN, is going to stop everything these so-called “ruling elites,” who want 90% of us exterminated, have done to fulfill their plan to take total dominion over the planet . Look at how much the USA has changed in since he left office, look at the speed of the destruction along with the rise of the chaos, & not just here, but around the globe, yet ONE GUY, who might even be on their side, is going to stomp the brakes on their plan, bringing said plan, to a grinding halt, once he’s back in. That’s a bit optimistic, to say the least, yes? Exceptionally wishful thinking, yes? You should know by now that the mainstream media fake news is all scripted narrative Kabuki theatre by now, so what makes you so confident that Trump is not only part of it, he’s playing his part to perfection. I’m not saying he is, of course, but I’m not saying he isn’t either, & like I said, once you’re famous, you’re in the proverbial bubble, & the everyday American is no longer in the same boat as you…not even in the same ocean, or even in a boat, because they’re in their private jest, exhausting out more carbon that your car emits in a year, then threatening you with a carbon tax, along with everything else getting taxed.

Imagine this, imagine if the next phase is to get everyone on Team MAGA convinced that he’s beat these bogus charges against him, & he’s going to be in the race for sure, the numero uno candidate, running on stopping the Deep State. Suddenly, when the hype is at its peak, he’s removed entirely, via some illness, or more made-up charges that stick, or at the worst, they assassinate him in broad daylight. Everyone wearing a Make America Great Again hat, will lose all faith in the system, demoralizing millions, taking the last thread of hope they have left, & lighting it ablaze, like a dynamite stick wick, until KABOOM, there’s nothing left but the smell of sulfuric hell. I’m not saying this is what’s going to happen, but I am saying that you should be careful about which orange basket you put all of your eggs into. There’s a plan underway, as we speak, to completely & utterly destroy this country, & armed Americans are one of the final obstacles impeding the fulfillment of their new world order agenda, which they want completed by 2030. We have 6 & ½ years, only 6 & ½ years to go; Trump was elected 6 & ½ years ago, & look how fast that time blew by, as the 4th dimension of time is accelerating for some reason I am not entirely aware of. Faster & faster & faster, like the flushing of a shat-filled toilet. Maybe that’s how 4d time goes forward, if you will, like a time spiral. Galaxies do that, spinning faster & faster, the closer you get to the center, so why not time, our real-time time?…but as always, I digress.

Nonetheless, buckle up dear readers, because methinks that if you think you’ve seen bad, just wait until worse gets here, because “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet,” as the title of the BTO(Bachman Turner Overdrive) song goes. I know, I know, it’s hard to believe, especially with all of the utterly hellish chaos going on everywhere, but please believe, & this is not hyperbolic pessimism, WE HAVE NOT SEEN ANYTHING YET, compared to what’s coming. Speculate all of this out just one year, ONE year, to the summer of 2024, right before the November election , only a few months left to go, & what does your own reasoning tell you? Now, speculate out 5 years, to 2028, if you dare. Spooky, isn’t it? Sure, it’s great to be optimistic, but you know who always beats out the perpetual optimist? The pragmatist, & that little fucker sits on the shoulder of yours truly, day & night, reminding me of where the facts point, right to a dystopian nightmare hell on Earth, full of poverty, addiction, depression, looting, crime waves like you cannot imagine, maybe even as far as a real pandemic, one that is analogous to a real-life Walking Dead. The head throbs, the head throbs, the cancer has gone terminal, & is now in hospice, just waiting to take its figuratively final breath. Until next time dear readers, the end of America as we once knew it is nigh, prepare accordingly. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎣

“The end of the world that you grew up is nigh, prepare accordingly.” Fish F Fish🎏

Duds in a Row

A red-pill dropping friend of mine, one of my only friends left, recently said to me, “Can’t change a dud, can’t fix a dud, doesn’t matter who it is, a dud’s a dud,” & he was right. He has an unusual knack for accuracy, & although he wasn’t directing that phrase at me, per se, he’s right, duds are duds. Some people come out attractive, people like them, they have a talent that they hone, with encouragement, & support, from friends & family, & then some come out the opposite. Some of us just get our asses kicked and/or ignored, especially kids from broken homes, like yours truly. It boils down to good parenting really, & responsible family planning, rather than a bunch of fuckabouts, used-car salesmen men, women with baby rabies, getting hammered, in the same place, then whoops, there’s a kid, how did that happen? Duh. What the fuck are people thinking anymore? Seriously, I wonder what the percentage is, of us who got here unplanned, does anyone know? After going what I went through, & now in my mid-40s, holy hell, SO many random kids were conceived via random drunken sex, it’s ridiculous. Often when that happens, especially nowadays, the real dad doesn’t stick around, of course, & now there’s a nation of fatherless kids with single moms that think it’s trendy to have a kid that’s “queer.” Such a backwards-ass fucked-up world we’ve turned this all into; I mean, come on, talk about ruining a society in record time, we’ve done it, & I’m still shaking my fucking head.

Empowered single women, so independent & powerful, right?….& fathers not needed, just sperm donors, or at least, that’s the ridiculous notion that was fostered long enough to create an entire generation that is few & far between when the real dad actually sticks around. Who’d wanna deal with a twat like that, minus the simp army? Plenty of simps, but all the girls want Chad, so these single moms get desperate, delusional desperate, so desperately delusional, in fact, it’s downright mental, scrambling around for a Chad on Tinder to play insta-dad, actively deluding themselves into believing it’s all just like it was before Pookie left his behbeh with her, then dipped. No worries though, he left behbeh Pookie, as a reminder of her stupidity, which works out great for the kid later on in life, I’m sure. Every time she looks at that kid, she sees Pookie, & how do you think that disgust projects toward the kid, particularly in the way she “raises” him. Tragic. You can thank “hook-up culture” for that, & body count doesn’t matter, right? It’s all degenerate filthy behavior. Great environments for kids you slutbag single moms. Ugh. Maybe try keeping your legs closed? Just a thought. You know how babies are made, yes? You knew what you were doing, yes?…so don’t act like it’s a “man’s fault.” Enough with that bullshit, not to mention with the advent of online dating, you slags just pick out men like an All-You-Can-Eat buffet, ugh, it’s fucking disgusting. I threw my hat on the rack a few years back & decided it’s just not worth it to pick it up again. Why would I? Who wants to compete with countless other dudes saying the same bullshit to the same girl that you are? Who wants to share, in such a manner. Don’t fool yourself, she’s heard it all by this age if she’s still single & childless, & if she IS still single & childless, it’s because she’s batshit crazy. Men, listen up; YOU CANNOT WIN. Virtue is dead, & so is the sanctity of pussy as a whole. It’s dead, dead & gone, & women killed it. Do NOT forget that fact, that WOMEN killed it, not men, so if you’ve been blaming yourself, and/or thinking it’s you, take a deep breath, exhale, & listen to what I am about to tell you…it’s NOT you, it’s not them, it’s what the powers-that-be have done, to divide everyone, even the sexes, how about them apples?

Yep, what better way to destroy the nuclear family than to not only divide men & women, but to do it while simultaneously, & overtly, promoting homosexuality as a good thing, do you not see how this all fits into a larger depopulation agenda? It’s “trendy” to have a “queer” kid now, did you read where I wrote that earlier? TRENDY, to have a son that’s a fag, or a daughter that says she’s a boy, let’s abide the notions of a CHILD, makes sense right? WRONG, no, it makes ZERO sense, but since everything is backwards here in this hell Clownworld timeline we’re all in, apparently, it makes perfect sense. Considering that most of the global populous is in a state of hypno-psychosis, & the television programs them to believe whatever they’re told, most of the aforementioned global populous, are actually not only agreeing with this ridiculous queer theory bullshit, they are celebrating it alongside these mental patients who are living it in real time, topping it all off by including children. Pedo-duds, pedo-duds everywhere, & everyone of them wearing shirts that say, “I love pedo-duds,” proverbially of course, as I’m sure you get that I was being facetious there, right? Yep, beautifully “brave & stunning” rainbows, & that’s gonna show these straight white supreme pizzas what’s what, isn’t it? Derp, but regardless of how abysmally ridiculous all of that sounds, most people go along with it, if you can believe it. Yes, it’s truly shameful to see how unbelievably fickle & naive the human race has become, as a whole. Obey, consume, watch tv, work, repeat, & you all follow along. Follow in line like duds, duds in a row. Good band name, yes? (Announcer voice) “Please welcome to the stage, all the way from Bumfuck, in the middle of Nowhere, let’s make some noise for Duds in a Row,” then 4 people clap, but I digress. Wait a second Mr. Fancy Pants, what makes me so special? How am I not a dud? Do duds know they’re duds? Am I a dud, jumping off that figurative cliff in real time, like most dud lemmings?

Duh, of course I am, does it sound like I know how to do anything else other than spew drivel like this, much less act like a man for fuck’s sake? Hell no, I’m useless, as much of a dud as much as anyone else, worse so even, if I may be so humble about my utter unworthiness. I wasted my life on drugs, only to snap out of it 2 decades too late & realize how much I fucked-off my life. I have no skills, other than this, if this is even considerable as a merit-worthy skill, no kids, no job, nowhere to live that I can call my own, nothing. I have nothing, NOTHING, other than my own buzz, reminding me that I’m still alive, but why? What am I “living” for? I’m not dying for anything, but what I living for? Nothing, except my cat, my art, & myself. What’s that worth? My cat is a gem, he needs to explanation. My art stinks apparently, since no one has the balls to hire me, and/or just realizes my suckitude at writing, while I stay oblivious, I don’t know. As far as living for myself, pffffttt…I’m nothing, less than zero, & each day I wake up, wake back up here, here in Clownworld, & I cannot wait to get tired enough to go back to sleep, as if that’s a healthy way to live. It isn’t, & I know, but damnit, I got nothing left. Tried to get a job, & I got one, a decent one, relatively, & I made it a month before I got fired. Yes, it’s my fault, as is everything else, I get it, MY fault, all on me, I got it, so to my conscience I ask, “Please stop reminding me every ½ second of this fact.” Geez, I fucking get it, but yet my brain just won’t shut up. “Loser, failure, wasted talent, without skills, a dud, a DUD,” I get it damn you. Gah, this fucking voice in my head, like it’s not even my own. “Loser, loser, addict, dud, waste, no one cares, loser, dud, failure,” over & over & over, OKAY, I GET IT. Dang, no one is harder on me than myself, NO ONE, not even close, & I wonder where this harsh drill sergeant in my head could’ve manifest from? Maybe due to all of my parents being regimented military types? People who like and/or need discipline, to be told what to do, respect the hierarchy, abide the chain of command, to be yelled at, always yelling, everyone yelling, usually at me, until I yell back, & then it becomes cyclical, everyone always yelling, my whole life, YELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLING, gah, how about just shut the fuck up?…but np, no quiet for me. everyone wants to yell, yell at me, & I don’t know why, so I don’t want to be around anyone anymore. Nope, I just want to write, & paint, & that’s all, that’s all for the dud of duds, yours truly.

Is this how it goes? Is this how it was before? Have I been here before? Have I done this already? Am I cursed to be repeating this, whatever this is, until something changes? Maybe I’ve killed myself before, & I have to keep coming back & repeating this until I hold on until the actual end? How the fuck should I know? I know that when I go to sleep, I have dreams where I am somewhere else, somewhere I’ve never been, but somehow know better than anywhere I’ve ever been in real life. There are people there, people I know, people I love & vice versa, but I’ve never met these people here, in the “real world.” My mind there in that space is even different, & I have mo memories of this world, or this life, as if this, THIS is the dream. I don’t know, maybe it is, maybe it’s something I can’t understand yet, or maybe it’s nothing, & when you die, no matter how or why or when, it’s just black, a void of nothing, until you wake back up again in some new body, all just a fresh slate, no relation to the last incarnation, just universal time doing its thing, all of it unrandomly random, organized chaos, & perhaps the Universe likes it that way…just random. Planned randomness, or maybe it’s like music, that organized vibrational geometry that when heard by our own ears, can sound as beautiful as heaven sometimes. The language of music, as well as music theory, should be taught to every child as a 2nd language of sorts, but of course, it isn’t. Kids are so deprived of all they could be learning, most of them just plopped in front of a tv, and/or a tablet, some kind of screen that isn’t a canvas, is my point. No no no, we need them to shut up & obey, not explore & learn for themselves & ask questions & such. How dar I suggest that kids exploit their preciously feeling time to better themselves in a real way, rather than polluting them with broadcasts on a screen that each them nothing except how to celebrate rainbows & queerness. Like I said, this is a backwards timeline, a hell, hell to me anyway, & I’d wager I’m not alone in feeling this way.

Well, I had no plan to write what I wrote, but I’m glad I did, because this concept of “duds,” seems systemic, doesn’t it? I’m not into eugenics, per se, because the ones that are the “eugenicists,” scumfucks like Billl Gates, are the ones that “pick & choose,” so to speak, & that doesn’t jive with me. However, in the bigger picture, I understand why they want to impose a eugenic manner of breeding into this world. From their perspective, it’s two very different worlds, the duds & the not-duds. THEIR world, the one they perceive as not-duds, is made of of pedigreed, centuries-long bloodlines, while most of us, the “duds,” came about via the haphazard manners I detailed earlier most of the time, are mostly unplanned, have no inclinations toward a “pedigree” or something similar, just as random as it gets, when two dummies delude themselves into believing they’re in love, after meeting for one night, & then whoops, out you come 9 ¾ months later. Obviously, not everyone, but for many, you got here “by accident.” Nope, there was no real planning, your dad was just too lazy to pull out when your mom told him, “Just do it, it’ll be okay.” Uh oh, you got snuck chump, by listening to her & not listening to your own gut instinct. Of course, once your kid gets here, things change, & maybe, just maybe, your kid won’t be a dud, like you. Most duds, unfortunately for the kids, don’t know they’re duds, & so their kids become duds, since apples don’t fall from their respective trees, as the saying goes.

Anyway, I’ve had enough of this article. Duds are duds, & some of us don’t realize it ever, most in fact, but a few of us get it. Yep, we know, we’re duds, we come from duds, from a town called Dudville, born to be duds, & when our firecrackers never explode into a starburst of light & color, only then do we realize, we were always duds, & all that time believing your fireworks will light up the sky, was in the most naive form of vanity one can imagine. just a sad display of narcissism, but like I said, at least some of us get it, albeit late in life, but nonetheless, yep, I suppose now I get it. Is what it is, right Fishheads? Until next time dear readers, in a world of duds, the one who lights up the sky wins. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“In a world of duds, light up the sky.” Fish F Fish🎏

“One without purpose, is a dud, so what makes your fire crack?” Fish F Fish🎏

Someone Has To Say Something

Click HERE to watch video ☝🏻

Take a guess at the demographic of the attacker versus the victim. Yet more BLACK ON WHITE crime, that you’d never hear about, if it weren’t for The Gateway Pundit, & random people like me side-reporting about it. What’s with the violence amongst blacks? Sheesh, & if I say something about it, point it out, with video proof, somehow I’m REEEEEEEEE-cist. Well, fuck that & fuck you if you think I’m a racist. There’s some serious problems going on with the black community, all the flash mob robberies, all this open shoplifting, the public violent outbursts, it’s 99% BLACK people doing it. FACTS, not feelings, fuck your feelings, I’m sick of seeing videos like this. What about the feelings on the other side? Since we’re all about feelings, what about HER feelings? Did you watch the video? Not only did he knock her out, he KEPT GOING, & would’ve probably killed her, given the chance. Where’s the outrage? Where’s ANYONE, other than me, with the balls to call BLACKS out for this violence? When will it end? When the divide & conquer is complete, & we’re all in the middle of an instigated race war, is that when it ends?

Yes, “instigated,” by the controlled-narrative fake news mass media, pushing this division with all this “blame white people for everything” nonsense. Did you see the latest Disney cartoon, for kids? “Slavery built this country,” I believe was the mantra, let’s get that indoctrinated into the next generation, shall we? Brilliant idea you race-baiting elitist overlord scumfucks. It’s ALL intentional, but, one cannot keep ignoring these violent acts being committed almost solely by black people. Either they’re compliant & smart enough to be playing along with the “divide & conquer agenda,” or just primal animals that can’t control themselves, it’s one or the other, now which do you think it is? Do a Youtube search if you don’t believe me. Any videos pop up with mobs of Whites, or Mexicans, or Asians, or Pakistanis robbing places, or causing mass fights, usually amongst themselves? Let me know if you find any, I’ll wait, because I’ve already looked. Why do they behave this way?…& what’s with the twerking on cop cars insanity? That bizarre peacocking act is another odd public display solely owned by the blacks. Why? What’s the deal with their culture? Why aren’t other blacks denouncing this madness publicly? Oh wait, maybe because they’re so eager to “get rich or die tryin’,” they focus solely on themselves as individuals, disregarding this wild pack-animal behavior being committed by other blacks? Could be, right? I’m not black, so I don’t know, but if I were black, these continuous incidents being recorded on film would be exceptionally more troubling to me, as a black man, than they are from this vantage point, as a white man. Need some extended video proof? Okay, the FisH™ abides.


Hmmmm, only people of color, yes?

…& again, where are any non-blacks? Still looking…

Like I said, ONE demographic, & these are just a few of these flash mob robbery videos. Want to see the fights too? How about the twerking on the cop cars? Let’s play, “Find the white people, or anyone else who isn’t black,” shall we?


…that’s one…

…that’s two…& now three…what do these all have in common? Do your own eyes deceive you, or is it your own fear? Why? It’s the TRUTH, have some fucking courage to admit THE TRUTH when you see it for yourself for fuck’s sake. Geez, it’s so mental how scared so many of you are. IT’S THE TRUTH, what is there to be afraid of?

Oh & let’s not forget the twerking on the cop cars…

How much video evidence do I need for fuck’s sake? Yes, I’m dropping a lot of “for fuck’s sakes,” because this behavior is bloody revolting. There’s NONE of this on video amongst ANY other race. Why? Why is that? Anyone? Anyone going to step up & give an answer? Or are you too petrified behind that white wall of forged shame? Fuck that, this lilly white fish doesn’t have that problem, on here, and/or in real life, ask anyone who knows me personally. Like a one-man war, when I don’t even want to fight, I just want the black community to address this on-going issue within themselves. Maybe take personal responsibility for their own culture, instead of blame, blame, blame it all on white people. “Systematic racism,” they say? Right, go to Africa if you wanna see real racism. The blacks there HATE American blacks, because they bitch & complain so much, when they have it so good here, better than ANY other country in the world. The USA has given more to black people than they’ll ever admit, which is not only disappointing, it’s just sad. Talk about “blinded by freedom,” crying “racism” all the time, in Africa, BLACKS HATE OTHER BLACKS, how is that not MORE racist than the made-up racism they cry about here? Imagine, another black guy hating you because you’re not the same shade of dark as he, that’s how it is in Africa. How do you think they all got sold into slavery? Who sold them into slavery? Know the answer? I do, IT WAS OTHER BLACKS, & the slave trade there goes on TO THIS VERY DAY. I think last I saw there was maybe 3 million slaves, mostly blacks & Arabs with blacks, but there’s also other races mixed in there. Still, mostly a black thing, still going on, & where are those forlorn cries of oppression about the modern-day black slave trade? (crickets)

Incidentally, in that first article, in case you just watched that horrifying attack video, did you happen to read why that 6 foot 6, 270 pound 17-year-old black kid attacked that teacher? She took away his Nintendo Switch, which he was apparently playing in the middle of class. Derp. I “derp” that because I guarantee you there’s people out there who would justify this, in the name of NOT being called the dreaded “R-word.” I don’t have that problem, because I report TRUTH, & the TRUTH is this kind of animalistic violence is singular to the black community alone, & if it isn’t addressed, it’s just going to get worse & worse, until one day we all wake up to a full-scale hot civil race war. Again, all by design, but the blacks aren’t catching on to that part of the equation, & keep acting out accordingly. Come on now black people. I know there’s plenty of good blacks out there, I’m friends with several, despite my REEEEEEEE-cist white ass calling them out on their bullshit. I openly talk with them, just like I am now, about these things, & they tell me straight up, in the words of Chris Rock himself, “There’s black people, & then there’s niggas, & the niggas got to go.” HE said that, not me. Of course, at the time, he could swing it, & drop red pills with the funny-funnies, but now, nope, he’s as quiet publicly as everyone else about it. Here’s the clip by the way, just because it’s funny, as well as true.

One can only hope this intentional destruction of America stops, but it won’t. I told you, they want to burn it all down, & it seems like most people are so complacent, that nothing the few of us do who are aware can stop it. All these “random” incidents lately, are most certainly NOT random. OVER 100 food-processing plants don’t just catch fire in a year. THREE oil refinery explosions in ONE day at facilities owned by the same company, is NOT random. This singularly black crime spree isn’t random either, as these black people are clearly organizing before they go rob places 20-30 heads deep. Of course, I don’t think anyone is encouraging them other than themselves, & they’re playing right along into the big trap. Stop feeding the Beast black people, the elites don’t care what race you are, we’re ALL just cattle to them, & eventually cattle ALL get slaughtered together. Maybe quit helping them herd the herd, & get some self-awareness as a community, so we can fight THEM united together, instead of each other until there’s none of us left, giving said so-called elites exactly what they want. These words all fall on deaf ears though unfortunately, I know. I have no delusions about how little traffic I get, but you know what? I keep writing anyway, because that’s what true warriors for truth do in a world of lies & deception. FIGHT, fight for truth, against THEM, not with each other. Anyway, I’m gonna wrap this up, I think you get the point dear reader, yes? Until next time, watch your asses out there. One never knows when this cancer of crime will spread into their world. That is all. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.🐡

“Watch your asses out there.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Have some courage, cowardice is the real slavery .” ~Fish F Fish🎏

Mob Truth

Oh boy, this one might ruffle some feathers. Is anyone, other than me, going to address this issue of mobs of specifically BLACK FOLKS committing assaults(usually on white people), robbing stores in groups, causing fights at airports, grocery stores, even at Disneyworld for fuck’s sake, or am I going to pioneer this delicate topic alone? Yes? Just me? No one else has the balls? No? No one else? Okay then. Yes, okay sounds good, here I go then, ALONE, speaking TRUTH to power, as it were. Truth is TRUTH, & I could care less about you getting butthurt over me posting THE TRUTH, & what is this “truth” I speak of? Here’s the TRUTH; it’s ALWAYS mobs of BLACKS creating this mayhem, YES, IT’S ALWAYS MOBS OF BLACKS, I’ll say it loudly, but not proudly, because it’s disgraceful, & an embarrassing reflection on American society as a whole, so fuck you if it bothers you because it’s TRUE. You know it, I know it, even THEY know it. Hell, if I was black, I’d be more boisterous about this continuing problem. It’s only going to get worse too. Let’s link a series of videos below, for reference, as I’m SURE someone out there will proclaim, “It’s not always black people,” & sure, as always there are anomalies, but let’s not be daft, everyone knows who is primarily responsible for this primal behavior, & NO, it has NOTHING to do with the notion of “systematic racism.” Take that buzzphrase & shove it up your ass on the way out if anything I’m saying hurts your feewings. Make sure the closing door hits you hard on you dumpy rump on the way out too. Ok, are we ready Mr. Producer? Yes? Yes. Good.


What do ALL of these videos have in common? The instigators are BLACK. It’s right there, all been filmed, countless times, but for some fucking reason, me simply point this out to all of you is REEEEEEEEEEEEE-cist. Why? Because I’m white? If I was black, & I said all this, it would be okay then? Okay then, I now identify as a black man, that better? What? I can NOT identify as a black man now? But you all said I can be who I truly “feel” I am inside, & I “feel” like a black man, especially when I see my swinging schlong in the mirror. What, no? No, I can’t identify as a big-cocked blacky? Awe, bummer. Well, I thought we were all allowed to identify as whatever we wanted, but no, white people aren’t allowed to jump into that game, unless you’re gay and/or trans maybe?…but fuck if I know, you all seem to make up rules as you go. Nope, no participation trophies for the straight whitey, we’re just the focal point of all the blame going around. It’s apparently MY fault these ratchet knuckleheads start fights in public places all the time, attack white people with no consequences, rob stores in groups as to avoid arrest & get dat free shit yo, ALL of this being committed by blacks, but yet, it’s all MY fault because I’m white. Absolute nonsensical logic, yet the American culture aa a whole is supposed to accept this crap, or be crucified on the alter of oppression & “systematic racism.” Derp…(Smack Noise)

Go ahead & get the cross & nails ready then black folks, because you’ll have to crucify me to get me to shut the fuck up about writing the TRUTH, rather than feed your false narratives of racisms, & misogynisms, & oppressionisms, fuck you & your -isms, how about that? I was never invited to your identity politics parties, nor would I EVER want to go, so I’m crashing them all now, with my factually-fortified wordsmithery, & what are you gonna do about it? Cry? Whine? Bitch? Call me a name? Hate me? You monkey muppets are feeding right into the “divide & conquer” agenda, which you’re probably too dumb to even comprehend, but nonetheless, YOU feed it by abiding this “race theory” bullshit. It’s almost as bad as this Foucaultian notion of “queer theory.” Take the pseudo-psychological NON-science gibberish, find a tall building, the tallest building in your city, take a deep breath, then jump to your freedom. You want out of the “enslavement,” the REAL enslavement, then you’re going to have to kill yourself, because the fact of the matter is that you’re ALL slaves. Debt slaves to a monetary system that keeps you in chains. EVERYONE, not just you blacks, even though you’ve deluded yourselves into believing otherwise.

I wasn’t here during slavery, none of my family was here, so the idea of “reparations” is a pathetically sad joke from my PoV, yet GROWN ADULTS are considering it. Sure thing, let’s pay everyone who has ever been enslaved ever. Do my Greek & Italian ancestors who were enslaved by the Moors(who were predominantly blacks), entitle me to my own “reparations” you stupid fucks? NO, because that would be ludicrous, but here we are, blacks DEMANDING said “reparations,” at the behest of cleverly nefarious white people who just want to profit from the “plight of the blacks.” Oy vey, just fuck off already, seriously, just FUCK RIGHT OFF. So OVER this manufactured “civil rights” agenda, which if you really wanna push me, how about you ask race-pimps like Al Sharpton what the “civil rights” movement has done for his bank account, that scandalous scumbag, how about you ask him how much money he’s made off his own people via race-baiting? No, not gonna ask? Scared of the answer? Of course, because it’s a FACT, & FACTS are like kryptonite to you race-hustling activists. Maybe activate your brain to try basic critical-thinking before you come out here blaming white people for all your strifes. I know, I know though, personal responsibility, also like kryptonite, but if you ever miraculously took on the concept of “personal responsibility” as a unified group, maybe the blacks would finally get somewhere on their own.

On that note, I’m out of here, & back to working on my short story, which is coming along fabulously. I just happened to see yet another incident involving yet another “black mob,” so I had to write about it, with some video links to illustrate my well-worded points about race & such. Too many idiots have already fallen into the trap, the Hegelian trap, divided only to be conquered. Instructed to hate another group, only for your own group to be taken over by the shadowy 3rd party that got you to hate the first group in the first place. Duh, but I’m just a straight white male, my singular pronoun being GFY, as in go fuck yourself. Not playing their game, because you know who wins in THEIR game? THEY do, not you, but what I say falls on wax-filled crusty deafened ears, shoutout to RC. RC was a retarded black kid that rode the same bus I did in middle school. Oh yes, Fish rode the black bus, for several years in fact, so before you digitally castrate me as a racist, I’d wager I have WAYYYYYYY more experience being amongst the blacks than most of you, how bout them apples? Maybe then, just maybe, I might have a clue or three as to what I’m talking about in this article. Anyway, RC had the crust, this waxy greenish-yellow crust in his ears, & it never got cleaned, it was so gross, poor kid. He would randomly yell & do weird retard stuff, I wonder what ever happened to RC as an adult. Probably dead now, retards don’t live to old age too often do they? I don’t know, have you ever seen an elderly retard? I haven’t, come to think of it, hmmmm…regardless, that’s gonna do it for this article. Take what you want, or take nothing, doesn’t matter to me, I’m just the hand that writes the words, these wordsmithed words of a white wanderer’s wisdom.

Until next time, dear readers, remember, if your’e white, it’s OKAY to be white. Enough of this white fright, be strong, honor yourself, fuck anyone else who condescends your whiteness. You are who you are, be proud, don’t be a corny bitch. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.🐡

“It’s okay to be white, so be strong, stay proud, & never be a corny bitch.” ~Fish F Fish🎏